01-12-53 JANUARY 12TH, 1953 Regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Delray Beach was held in the Council Chambers at 7:30 P.~¥~. with ~'~ayor L. D. Kern in the Chair, and City Attorney ~e!l E. i¥~ac~v~'llan, City ~ian~ger Robert Lovelace, and the following Councilmen pre- sent; R. J. Holland, ?~. A. Jacobs, John N. ~abler, and ~rs. Alma K. Woehle, a quorum being present. Upon motion of ~ouncil~an Holland, seconded by Councilman Jacobs, and unanimo~sly carrie~, minutes of meetings held Decem- ber 22nd, 1952 and January 5th, 1953, were approved as written. ~r. Louis ". Conover, representing the Beach Taxpayers' ~.ea- gue addressed the ~ouncil with reference to t~e ?roposed resurfac- ing of Gleason Street. He stated that he had been informed that the Co~tr~ctor was ready to start work on this street immediately and that it might be torn up for a period of 7~ days. If true, he filed a protest for all prop erty owners on Glea~on Street who are trying to rent their properties for the season. ~Oity ~anager Lovelace then explained that there are ei~ht different streets involved in this resurfacing project, all of which will be completed within ?~ days, the work to be done one street at a time in s~ccession. He had not been informed by the Contractor that he intended to start work on Gleason Street im- mediately, but he agreed to determine the following morning the proposed schedule, and ask that ~leason Street be placed near the last of the streets to be improved, and also request that traffic be maintained at all times, while work is in progress. He felt sure that this would be agreeable to the ~ontractor. Hearing was then held to receive objections, if any, to the cleari~g of certain lots submitted to the Council on December 22nd, which were declared to be nuisances. ~r. Clarence E. Strong, representing lVlrs. ~lar~ F. Greenblat, owner of Lot 16, Block 6, Osceola Park, appeared before the Coun- cil with reference to request that this lot be cleared. He ex- plained that ~Irs. Greenblat is incompetent and has no income; that the next door neighbor has put his rubbish on this lot, and the balance is palmettos which have been burned over leaving only sand underneath. He claimed that the value of the lot is only ~100.00 which does not warrant the expense of clearing. ~ity ~anager Lovelace agreed to have this lot rechecked, and if the objection is only a pile of sand it will not be necessary to clear it. He a~vised ~r. Strong that he would notify him of the result of such recheck. The following resolution was then oresented and read in full: RESOLUTION NO. ~8 A R~SOLUTION REQ[TIRING 0~NERS 0Y CERTAIN DES- CRIBED lANDS TO ABATE NUISANCES THERE0~ OR BE ASSESSED COST THERE0~' ~'0f~ ABATEI~EN2 ~¥ THE Ci'I~. WHEREAS, the City Council did, in regular session held on December 22nd, 1952, enact a resolution declaring the existence of a nuisance upon certain lots or parcels of. land for violation of the provisions of 0rdinsnce No. G-l~.7; and WHEREAS, pursuant to said resolution, the City Clerk of the City of Delray Beech, Florida, did furnish eash of the owners of the lands therein declared nuisances with notice that the City Council would sit on January 12th, 19~3, at 7:30 P.[¥~. at the City Hall in Delray ~,each, f'lorida, for the purpose of '~llowing said owners to show cause, if any, why said nuisance described in said resolution should not be abated; and WHEREAS, oursuant to said resolution, the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, t?lorids, did on January 12th, 1953, at 7:30 O'clock P.f~i. at the City Hall in Delray Beach, Florida, hold the hearing provided for in such notice, and did consider such reasons and facts as were oresented by the owners of said lands, and such other material and pertinent evidence as was adduced be- fore it. JANUARY 12TH, 19~3 N0~,'~, THERE~'0EE, BE iT RE~.~CLVED that the existence of s nuisance, for the reasons herc. ina£ter set forth, be and the same is hereby adjudged upon the follow-;.ng lands in the oity of belray F ' it: Beach, lorlda, to w 0rd.G-147 0wne r Addre s s De s crip ti on -~:- Se cti on Violatf on Fred S.fvicDuffte P,O.Box 6~ Lot 19,Blk.? Delra~v Beach 0sceola Park 1 & 3 J.T. & Lucille " ~ Lot 20,Blk.7 i~ic[~iurrain 0sceola Park 1 & 3 ~.Scott Pearsol Sheraton Plaze Lots 1 & 2,~l.k.~ Hotel 0sceola Park 1 & 5 Daytona Beach ~.P.Gardner P.O.~ox 121 Lots 28,29 & 50 Delray Beach Block 9,0sceola Park 1 &: J.W. Forest & RFD #1 Lot 7, Anne S. ~axwell Tonawanda,N.Y. Osceola Park 1 & i~ary !..& Ruth " '" Lot 8,Blk.l~ [~axwell 0sceola Park 1 Fred 0.& Ingborg 123 SE ~th A,,e. Lots 11 & 12 l~elson Delray Beach Blk.~, 0sceola Park 1 & John L.Galli P.O.Box ~9~ Lots 21 & 22 Delray Beach Blk 8, Osceola Park 1 & 3 O.A.Seestedt 708 NE 1st Ct. Lots 28 & 29 Delray Beach,Fla. Seestedt-Stevens Sub. 2 Mary F.~ Jekab ~20 Ingraham Bldg. Lot 16,Blk.6 Greenblat Miami,Fla. 0sceola Park 1 & Beckie James General Delivery Lot 17,Blk.6 Delray Beach, Fla. 0sceola Park 1 & 3 ~elvin B.& Edit~ 5~0 Van Buren Dr. Lot 1,Blk.9 Denend RFD #~ 0sceola Park 1 & 5 Hunti ngt on, N.Y. i~irs.N.L.Bostwich P.0.Oox 16~ Lot 22,~1k.6 · F Jacksonville, la. Osceola Pk. 1 & Arthur & Louise 9~ Reservoir Ave. Lot 10,Blk.ll~ 1 & E.[~cCaig River ~dge,N.J. Elaine Ayoub >% Alex Simon Lots P.0.Box 3~ Delray ~,~anor 2 Delray Beach,Fla. Frederick W.~ichol % N.Y.University Lot ~, 0cesn Breeze 6 Washington Sq.N. Estates I & 5 New York 3, N.Y. -~:- (~iat. ure of Nu. is,~nce .o/,~c~_.~,d: .~ r'eans there are trees, debris, or vegitation, which, by reason of height, proximity to neighbor- ing struct~res or physical condition are hurricane hazards; "2" means there are weeds exceeding 12 inches in height, and which e~ther exhale obnoxious odors or constit~te a likely so%u-se of dis- ease or physical distress to h~3man beings; "5" ~esns there trash or filth which is likely to be detrimental to the health and safety of the inhabitants of the City.) AND, DE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, furnish each of the owners of the lands hereinabove listed and described, with a copy of this resolution by registered mail, return receipt requested. 4 JANUARI 12TH, 1953 AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that each of said owners be and they are hereby notified that they are required to abate the nuisance hereinabove adjudged and specified within thirty (30) days from the receipt of a copy of this resolution; other~-~ wise, in default thereof, the City of Delray Beach, Florida, will enter upon said lands and abate the said nuisance herein- above specified and will levy the cost of such work as an assess- ment against the property hereinabove described. APPROVED this 12th day of Janua~-, A.D., 1953. /S/ Lpwell D. Kern Mayor ATTEST: /S/ Ruth R. Smith city Clerk ( SEAL ) A motion was made by Councilman ~abler and seconded by Councilman Holland that the foregoing Resolution No. 888 be adopted. Upon call of roll the motion carried, the vote being as follows: ~Councilman Holland - Yes Councilman Kabler --- Yes .Councilwoman ~oehle - Passed 'Councilman Jacobs - Passed ~ayor Kern - Yes Application for license to operate a Liquor Package Store at 657 N.E. 8th Street, filed by Michael Patrick Corrigan on November 24th, 1952, was again presented for. consideration, by the City ~ianager. As the Liquor Zoning Ordinance had been amended to allow the sale of Liquor on i'~.E. 8th St. between 5th Ave. and 7th Ave., a motion was made by Councilman Holland and seconded by Council- man Kabler, that this application be'approved. Upon call of roll the motion carried unanimously. Application for a building permit to construct a "Howard Johnson" Restaurant on the northeast corner of the N.Federal Highway and 1st Street was presented by City Manager Lovelace, who stated that all requirements were in order with the excep- tion of the ceiling height, which the plans show to be 9'6" in- stead of the required 12' although clans are the same as used for Howard Johnson b~.~ildings in other Cities. As this would be a deviation from zoning restrictions, a motion was made by Councilman Holland that the plans be submitted to the Zoning and Planning Board for recommendation. The motion was seconded by Councilwoman ~oehle, and upon call of roll, carried unanimously. Application for permit to construct a store building on Lot l~, Block 107, filed by nobert ~. Fleming, was presented .by the Building Inspector who advised that all requirements of the Building Code and on'~ng Ordinance would be complied with Upon motion of Councilman ~'abler, seconded by Councilman Jacobs, and unanimously carried, plans were approved as sub- mitted and on file in the Building Department. City i~anager Lovelace advised that Item No. 7 on the agenda had been deleted as property owners would build their own s~.de- walks at the proposed locations on the N. Federal Highway. A letter from ~r. Warren G. Grimes, requesting that the W. 170' of the ~. 1/£ of lm.~ck Lot 16~, except the ~. ll0' thereof, be rezoned from a Residence "A" zone to an Apartment zone, was read as follows: JAN~A}{Y 12TH, 1953 #January 12th, City of Delray Beach Delray Beach, Florida Gentlemen: I herewith petition your Honorable Body for the change fn zoning of the following described property from residence "A" to ~Apartment". Ail of the ~est 1~0' of the North h~lf of Block 1~, except the North Il0' thereof, Delray Beach, Florida~ according to the Plat thereof o~ f~le the Office of the Clerk of th~ 0ircuit Court in and for P~lm Beach County, Florida, recorded !~ Plat Book 18, ~ge 47. I intend to use th~s property for a~ off-street P~rkfng for the Gloria ~part~ents on ~ndre~s Avenue, ~d my plans c~ll for the planting of ~rubbery ~roun~ the Parking Araa so that it ~ill not be visible to the surrounding residential property o~n- ers. There ~s no way to get to this property ~t the present time from any public hi,way except by going o~er property whi~ fro~ts on either Andr~s, Lo~r~ or Se~breez~ Avenues. Respectfull~ yours, /S/ ~¥arren G.Grimes Upon motion of Councilman Holland, seconded by Oounc[lmsn Kabler, and unanimously carried, the above request was referred to~e Zoning and Planning Board for recommendation. A proposed plat of several blocks in the northwest section, prepared by ~. J. Seymour, developer, comprisimg the sres between N.W. 2nd Ave. and ~t~ Ave., to N.W. 10th Ave., was presented by the City Manager for tentative approval of the Council. ~r. Lovelace explained thst all lots would be 8000 sq.ft. or more, and the development would create a quiet residential sec- tion with neighborhood streets. 'Certain dedicated rights-of-wsy ~ould hsve to be abandoned, and slternative rights-of-way accept- ed, but ~ 1 dead-e~d streets had been eliminated. Lots om the south side of the proposed plat are planned to be 300' deep,part of which will provide abuffer zone adjoining the colored section. The annexstion of two trscts of land would be involved, and por- tions of a tract of City owned l~n~ known as the esst 1/2 of Lot ~, Section ~, might be utilized for streets, however the re- maining portions could be developed as s continuation of s mar~'sy to extemd the buffer ares. [~r. Lovelace also sdvised the Council thst the Pl~nming ation, and the Zoning and ~lanning Board hsd gone over the pro- posed ~lat thoroughly, end had approved it as submitted. He asked the tentative approval of t~e Council. After consideration, amotion was made by .Councilwoman ~;oehle and seconded by Oouncilmsn Kabler, that the plat be approved tentatively, and upon call of roll the motion carried unanimously. Reco~endation of the Zoning and Planning ~oard with r efer- ence to the rezoning of the west one-half of mlock 82 was read as follows: 'At the meeting held on Jsnuary 7th with membera of the Citizens Planning Association, ~r. C. H.Ha~ond, Chairman of the Land Use Co~ittee asked the Zoning and Planning Board to reco~end thst action be postponed on ~y re- quests for extending business zones, or creating new business zmnes, until the comprehensive City plan being prepared, is completed, but after careful consideration of the fact that this land, the west one-half of mlock ~]2, sd joins a businsss distrlct on the east and on the south, and of its proximity to the railroad, this 5ogrd reco~ends that the request to rezone this land to a Limited Business zone be granted.". JANUARY 12TH, 1953 Councilman Holland moved that the above recommendation of the Zoning Board be accepted. The motion was seconded by Councilman Kabler, ~nd upon call of roll carried, ~ayor ~ern, a~d Co~ncilmen Holland, ~acobs and, Kabler voting in favor of the mo- tion, and ~rs. ~oehle voting against it. ~'~'~rs. ~oehle explain- ed that she would not vote against the wishes of the Planning Association who had asked that all requests for rezoning be de- ferred until the comprehensive City Plan, being prepared, is comple ted. Request of the zoning and Planning Doard that the east one- half of Block 7~, which lies directly west of the west one-half of Olock 82, also be rezoned to a Limited Business District, was read as follows: "The Zoning Board also oetitions the ~ounc~l to rezone the east one-half of block 74, w~ich lies directly west of Olock 82, from an Aoartment zone to a Limited Business zone, in order that the change of zoning will be in the alley rather than in the center of the Otreet." After consideration by the Council it was agreed that though the change in zoning should be in the alley through the block rather than in the center of the Street, the need is not at hand for the rezoning of the east side of this Street, which is b~ilt up with small homes. A motion was then made by Councilman Holland and seconded by Councilwoman ~oehle that the above request of the Lonfng Board be denied, until such time as property owners in th~s block request it. Upon call of roll the motion carried unanimously. The following Ordinance was then brought up for first read- ing, and same was read in full: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CiTY COUNCIL 0i~ THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, PLACING WEST HAL~- OF BLOCK 82 (LOTS 1 - 12, INCLUSIVE), CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, IN "LIi~ITED B~SINmSS DtSTB'iCT." Upon motion of ~ouncilman Holland, seconded by Councilman Kabler, and unanimously carried, t he foregoing Ordinance was plac- ed on first reading. The following Ordinance was then presented for second and final reading, 8nd same was read in full: 0RDI NCE G-l 4 AN ORDINANCE 07 i~HE CITY 'EOUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, r~LORIDA, PLACING LOTS 7 AND ~, ~LOCK 7~, iN A GENERAL BUSINESS DISTRICT. BE IT 0RDAI~FD BY T-Wi5~, CITY 'COU~CIL 0F THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, as follows: Section 1: That the following descr~ibed propert~ in the ~.City ~ De'l~ay Beach, Florida, is hereby placed in a 'General Business District', as defined by Chapter XX of the City Code of the City of Delray beach, Florida, to wit: Lots 7 and 8, Block 7~, according to plat thereof on file in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit ~Court in and for Palm Beach ~Gounty, ~'lor~da. Section 2: The City Building inspector shall, upon the ef- fective date of this Ordinance, make the necessary change in col- oring on the 0fficis! Zoning I¥iap of the City of tPelrayBeach,Flo- rida, to conform with this Ordinance. PASSED in Regular Session on second ~nd ginal reading on this the 12th daN of January, 19~3. ATTEST: /S/ Lowell D. Kern /s/ Ruth R. Smith mayor City Clerk · ? I2T , 19 3 1st Reading - December 2~?nd, 1952. 2nd Reading - January 12th, 19~3 Passed and Adopted - January 12th, 19~3 Upon motion of Oouncilman r~ab!er, seconded by Councilman ~ he foregoing Ordinance No. Holland, and unanimously carried, ~ G-I~ was passed and adopted as read. The following Ordinance w~s then presented for second and final reading, sad read in full: AN OhDINANOL CF THE CITY C0~NCIL 0~' THE CITY 07~ Df~LRAY BEACh, FLOHIDA, PLACING LOTS 16 AND 17, BLOCK 97 IN 'GENE~iAL BgSINESS DIST~ICT. ' BE IT ORDAINED BY T~E CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY ~EACH, .~S ~DLLOWS: Section 1: That the following described ~[operty in the 'City of Delra~ ~each, Florida, is hereby placed in General Business District as defined by Chapter XX of the City ~ode of the 'City of Delray Beach, Florida, to wit: Lots 16 and 17, Block 97, City of Delray Beach, Florida, according to plat thereof on file in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach 'County, Florida. Section 2: The City Building Inspector shall, upon the effec- tive date of this ordinance, make the necessary change in color- ing on the Official Zoning ~]ap of the City of De].ray Beach, Florida, to conform with this ordinance. PASSED in Regular Session on second and final reading this the 12th day of ~anuary, /S/ Lowell D. Kern May or aTTEST: s ith "City Clerk ( S~, ~L ) 1st Reading: December 2£nd, 19~2 2nd Reading: January 12, 19~3 PASSED AND ADOPTED: January 12, 19~3. Upon motion of Councilman ~acobs, seconded by Councilman l(ab- let, and unanimously carried, the foregoing Ordinance No. G-97 passed and adopted as read. An Ordinance to rezone Block 3, aouthridge Subdivision, Plat No. 1, was presented for second arid final reading, and read in .full as follows: 0RDIN~NCE NO. G-l~6 AN ORDINANCE OF ThE CITY COUNCIL OF T.~ CITY OF DELR~Y BEACH, FLORIDA, PLACING ALL 0F THAT 'CERTAIN PROPERTY iN BLOCK 3, PLiiT N0. 1 OF SOUTHRiDGE SUBDIVISION IN ~MANUFACTURING AND INDUSTRIAL" DISTRICT. BE IT ORDAIn!ED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BE.&CH, AS FOIJ~OWS: JANUARY 12TH, 1953 Section 1. That ~he following described orooerty in the City of Delray Beach, ~lorida, is hereby place~ i~ "~anufactur- ing and Industrial District" as defined by Chapter XX of the City Code of the City of Delray ~each, F]~orida, to wit: Ail of Block three (3) of Plat 1, $outhridge, a Subdivision of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, according to the ~lat thereof on file in the Office of the 'Clerk of the Circ~it Court in ~nd for Palm Beach County, Florida, as in Pl~t ~ook 13, page Section 2. The City Build~ng Inspector shall, upon the effec- tive date of this Ordinance, maXe the necessary change in coloring on the 0fficisl Zoning i~ap of the ~ity of Delray Oeach, ~-'lorida, to conform with this Ordinance. PASSED in negular Session on second and final reading on this the 12th day of January, 19~3. /.S/ Lowell D. Kern ~ay o r ATTEST: /S/. Ruth R. Smith City Clerk (Seal) let Reading: December 22, 19~2 2nd Reading: January 12, 19~3 Passed and .Adopted: January 12, 19~3 A motion was then made by Councilman Jacobs and seconded by Councilman Kabler that the foregoing Ordinsnce No. G-l~6 be oassed and adopted as read. Upon call of roll the motion carried unani- mous ly. An Ordinance to amend the Taxi-Cab Ordinance was then brought up for second and final reading, and read in full as follows: ORDINANCE NO. G-157 AN 0RDINA~CE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRA¥ BEACH, FLORIDA, A~ENDING CHAPTER X OF THE CITY CODE OF DEI.RAY BEAC~, FLORIDA, RELATING TO T~ REGULATION OF TAXI CABS AND OTHER ~0TOR~_~'~"S.~.~ , BY PROVIDING FOR CERTIF? iC~TES OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY RE- QUIREMENTS; AND PROVIDING ?ENALTY ARiD SEVERA- BILITY SECTIONS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF T~ CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SE'CTION 1: That Section ~, Chapter X of the City (~ode of the 'City of Delr~ Beach, Florida, be and the same is here- by amended to read as follows: "SECTION ~: CertiFicate of Publ.~ c Convenience and Necessity Required: No person shall operate or permit taxicab owned or controlled by him to be operated as a vehicle for hire upon the streets of the City of Delray Beach, b~lorfda, without having first obtained a certificate of public conven- lence and necessity from the 'City Council." SECTION 2: That Chapter X of the 'City Code of the Cit~ of Delray Beach, Florida, be and the same is hereby amended by the addition of the following numbered Sections: "SECTION ~: _Application for Certificate: An application for a certificate shall be filed with the City &oun- cil upon forms provided by the City of Delray Beach, Florida; and said application shall be verified under oath and shall JANUARY 12TH, !9~3 be verified under oath amd shal] furnish the following informa- tion: (a) The name and address of the a~plicant. (b) 'lhe financial stat~s of the applicant, including the amounts of all unpaid judgments against the a.vpIicant and the nature of the transaction or acts giving rise to said judgments. (c) The e×perience of the applicar t in the transportation of ~assengers. (d) Any facts which the applicant believes tend to prove that public convenience and necessity require the gr~nt- ing of a certificate. (e) ~he number of ven:~cles to be operated or controlled by the applicant or-d the location of ~oposed deoots and terminals. (f)i'he color scheme or insignia to be used to designate the vehicle or vehicles of t~ae applicant. (g) Ouch further information as the City .Council of the ~ity of Delray Beach, Florida, may require. SE,dTION 7: PUBLIC HEARING: Upon the filing of an application the City Council shall fix a time and place for a 'public hearing thereon. Notice of such hearing shall be given to t he applicant ~nd to all persons to whom certificates of ~ub- lic convenience and necessity have been theretofore issued. Due notice shall ~lso be given the general public by publication of a notice of such public hearing at least one time in some news- paper published in the City of De!ray Beach, Florida. SECTION 8: ISSUANCE OF CERTIFIC.~TES: If the City Council fimds that further taxicab service in the City of Delray Deach, Florida, is required by the ~ublic convenience and necessity and that the applicant is fit, willing, and able to perform s~ch public transportation and to conform to the pro- visions of this ordinance and the rules promulgated by the City Council, then the 'City Council shall issue ~ certificate stating the name and address of the applicant, the number of vehicles authorized under said. certificate and the date of iss~nce; otherwise, the application shall be denied. In making the above findings, the City Council s~ll take into consideration the number of taxicabs already in operation, whether existing transportation is adequate to meet the public meed, the probable effect of increased services on local traffic conditions, and the character, experience, a:ud responsibility of the applicant. SECTION .9: TRANSFER OF CERTIFICATES: No certificate of public convenience and necessity may be sold, assigned, mortgaged or otherwise transferred without the consent of the City Council. SECTION i0: SUSPENSION AND REVOCATION OF CERTIFICATES: A certificate issued under the provisions of this ordinance may be revoked or suspended by the ~'City Council if the holder thereof has (a) violated any of the provisions of this ordinance, (b) discontinued operations of all taxicabs owned o~ controlled by said holder for more than t~.irty days, (c) has violated any ordinances of the 'City of Delray Beach, or the laws of the United States, or the State of Florida, the violations of which reflect unfavorably on the fitness of the holder to offer public trens?ortation. Prior to sus~.ension or revocstlon, the holder shall be given notice of the proposed action to be taken and shall have an op- portunity to be heard. SE,CTION 11: EXISTING BUSIneSSES: Those persons, firms or corporations presently operating and doing business and duly licensed heretofore under this Chapter, shall be entitled to cer- tificates of pu!~lic convenience and necessity for their business a.nd the number of vehicles presently licensed by the City. JAi~U~RY 12TH, 1953 SECTION 12: P~N~_TtEs: Any person violating any provision of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine not exceeding ~100.00 or imprisonment not exceeding 30 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the ~;'~unicipal Court. SECTION 13: SEVERA~iLITY: Each of the provisions of this ordinance are severable, and if any provision shall be declared to be invalid, the remaining provisions shall not be affected, but shall remain in full force and effect." PASSED in regular session on the second and final re~ding on this the 12th da5, of January, A.D., 1953. _/S/ Lowell ~. Kern ~ayor ATTEST: /S/ Ruth. R. Smith City Clerk ( SEAL ) 1st Reading: December 2~, 1952 2nd Reading: January 1£, 1953 Passed and adopted: January 12, 1953 Upon motion of fJouncilmam Kabler, seconded by Councilman Holland, and unanimously carried, the foregoing Ordinance No. G-l~7 was passed and adopted. Upon motion of Councilma~ Holland, seconded by Councilman ~abler, and unanimously carried, Mayor Kern, Councilwoman Woehle, and Councilman Jacobs were appointed to serve as members of the Finance Committee for the current year. City i~ianager Lovelace advised the Council that the term of Mr. King S. ~Cone as a member of the Zoning and Planning Board, had expired on January 1st, and that ~ir. Cone was willing to serve for another term. A motion was then made by Councilman Holland and seconded by Councilman Jacobs that ~¥~r. King S. 'Cone be reappointed to serve on the Zoning sad Planning Board for a three year term. Upln call of roll the motion carried unar~mous- ly. An agreement with the Florida East Coast Railway Co., oro- viding for a crossing at aooroximately. N.~.n' 15th Street, was pre- sented by the 'City Manager and read in full as follows: THIS AGREE~,iENT, Made in duplicate this 12th day of January, A.D., 1953, by and between SCOTT i~i. LOFTIN and JOHE W. i~ARTIN, as Trustees of the property' of ~'lorida East .Coast Railway Com- pany, and not individually, hereinafter called Trustees, and CITY 0F DELRAY BEACH, a Flort~da municipal corporation (Address: Delray Beach, Florida), hereinafter called the Second Party. W I T E E S S E T H: That the said Trustees, for and in consideration of the covenants and agreements herein contained to be performed and kept by the Second ~°arty, do hereby give and license unto the said Second Party the right and privilege to use as a crossing for public street crossing purposes only, that part of the right of way and property of said Railway in the City of Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, ~'lorida, at the location described as follows: A parcel of land with uniform width of 70.0 feet north- erly and southerly extending easterly and westerly across the right of way and tracks of the Railw.~y at Lake Avenue in Delrsy Beach, Florida, with longitudinal center line located 3132 feet more or less southwesterly from the h~ilway's i~iile Post No. 315 from Jacksonville, Florida, said right of way of t~e Rai2way having a total width of 100.0 feet at this location, being ~0.0 feet in w~dth on each side of the center line of the Ra~lway's northbound ~aln track Ail as shown colored yello~ u~on blueprint of p~rt of the Railway's plan V3-S19b, d~ted Januar~ 12, 19~3, sttached hereto and made a part hereof. T0 HAVE Ai~D T0 USE the said rights, privileges ~nd licenses solely unto the Second Party until terminated as hereinafter pro- vided. In consideration of the ri~:hts, privileges and licenses her~- by given by the Trustees unto the Sec:~nd Party, the Second rarty coven,nts and agrees with the Trustees as follows: 1. '~'h~t said crossing sh~ll be used for public street cross- ing purposes only across the Railwav's right of w~y ond tracks, ~nd no pipe, wire, rail or other line or struct~e shall be plac- ed ~n or on said right of way or crossing without the pr~vlous consent in wrlting of said Rsilw~y Tr~stees. 2. Second Party, ~t its expense, sh~!l furnish materS,I_ ~nd labor for, ~nd shall construct ond mnintal n the port~ons of said crossing extendi, ng from the limits of the rlght of of the Railway on each side of its existing tracks ~o the ~I' ties tn said tracks ,nd sholl furnish ,nd place the requ5red rock and asphalt m~teri,ls in the portlons of said crossing over the ties and between the rails in said existing and any future tr~cks of the R~ilw~y. a. R~ilway, at Second rarty's expense, sh~ll furnish material and labor for, ~nd shall lnstall and m~in- tain the now ties, ~rack rails and other track materials requir- ed in said existing or future tracks. Oecond ~art7, at its ex- pense, shall maintain said crossing excepting the portions there- of located over the ties ~nd between the r~ils in said existing or future tracks, w~cD portions of crossing shall be maintained by and at the expense of the Rsilway. all work in connectlon with such construction and maintenance by Second tarry shall be performed under the supervision of sn authorized representative of the Railway tn ~ manner ,nd with materials subject to approv~ i. 3. Second ~art~' ~grees to relieve the Railway from ~ssess- ments or~..sing out of the existence of s~ d crossing. ~. Second ~arty, at ~ts expense, will inst?ll and maintain any necess,ry drainage fecilities required on account of the loc~- tion and existence of said crossing, such installatlon, the ade- quacy thereof for the drainage required and the maintenance there- of are to be subject at all tlmes to the approval of the Railw~y's ~uthorized representnt:ive. J. Second ~,rt~.~ sh~2l not t,ke any action tBot will prevent or tend to prevent the operation of trains over s~id crossing. $. 2'he 'orovisions snd stipulations of th~s ~greement 8re part of the consideretion of the licensing of the ~bove privil- eges ~nd crossing, ,nd in the event the Second Part~ shal2 f~51 to comply with ~ny of the covensnts and conditions, then this license shnll be void and said described crossing shall terminate, withf ull r~ght on the part of the Trustees and ~milway to enter and repossess the same if they shall elect to do so. 7. Second Part~ hereby grants unto ~lorida East .~o~st R~ilway .:Company and its Trustees ~11 necessary permits for the installa- tion, construction, erection, repot and maintenance of any of the facilities, work or fixtures mentioned or contemplated in and by this ,greement, and Florido E~st Co~st Roilw~y ¢omp~ or its Trus- tees sh~l'l give Second Psrt7 forty-eight (4$) hours' notice of intention to perform any such ~nst~llation, construction, re~ir, JA~UAR~ 12TH, 19%3 erection and maintenance. 8. This agreement is terminable by the Trustees, or their successors or the assigns of the Trusteesh.~.p Estate, at their option, upon the discharge of the Trustees as such, any f~xed period of t~me or any other th~ng herein tc the contrary not- withstanding, and in the absence of such cancellation, all rights of said Trustees hereunder shall inure to the be~efit of their successars or the a~signs of the Trusteeship Estate. 9. Sec~nd ~art~ agrees to bear all cost of the necessary pole and wire line changes and to make arrangements d~rect with t~e ~'~estern Union Telegraph 0ompany for such changes in ~ts line. 10. ~econd ~arty agrees to pay, upon the execution ~nd delivery of this agreement to it, the ~ull amount of documen- tary stamp taxes now or hereafter required to be affixed to this instrument under the laws of the ~nited States of America, State of ~'lorida, or both. IN WITNESS ~HEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be duly executed in duplicate, each the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered SCOTT M. LOFTIN and JOHN ~ M~RTi~ as Trustees of the property of in the presence of: Florida East Coast Railway ~ompany. ( SE~ /S/ L. l,i. Jones By /S/ Scott i~. Lofttn A~s to Trustees Trustees CITY 0F DELR~Y BEACH, a Florida municipal corporation (SEAl) By~/S/ Lowell D. Kern I~ayor /S~ Robert Lovel~ce /S/ Ralph A. Hughson As to Second ~arty Attest: /S/. Ruth R. Smith C[~ ~lerk ( SEAL ) APP ROVED: /S/ Neal Ma cMille_n~ City Attorney ~r. Lovelace explained that this agreement was the same ss had been executed for the ~.E. 1st Street and O.E. 4th Street crossings and recommended its spproval. '~"he following Hesolu- tio~ was then read: RESOLUTION NO. Upon motiom of Councilman ~sbler, duly seconded, the fol- lowing reso!utio~ was unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, in the ooinion of this City' Council of the City of Delray Besch, a florida municipal corporation, it is deemed ad- visable and necessar~ for the City of Delray~ Oeach to obtain from the Trustees of Florida East Coast Railway ~ompany the right and privilege to use the public street crossing p~rposes only that part of the right of way and property of said Florida Esst Coast Railway Company in the City of Delray Oeach, P~lm Beach County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: JANUA?.Y 12TH, 1953 A parcel of land with uniform width of 70.0 feet northerly and southerly extending easterly and westerly' across the right of way and trac~s of the Railway at Lake Avenue in Delray ~each, Florida, with longitudi- ~~t~'~'~ine iocsted 313~ feet more or less 'south- westerly from the Railway's 5lile Post No. 315 from Oscksonville, Florida, said r~.ght of way of the Railway having a total width of 100.0 feet at this location, being ~0.0 feet ID width on each side of the center line of the Railwdy's northbound main track. Ail as shown colored yellow upon blueprint of part of the Railway's plan V3-S19b, dated January 12, 1953 attached to said 8greement and made ~ part thereof; v. ~ said Trustees have submitted form of contract AND, WHeReAS, between them and the C~ty of Delr~ Seach covering public street crossing on s~id property st the location ~b~ described. N0~, T~REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY the ~City Council of the City of Delra~ Beach, ~ Florida municipal corporation, as follows: 1. Th8t the City of Delray Be~ch, a h~]orida municiodl cor- potations, acting by and through its 5~ayor 8nd City Clerk, does hereby agree to snd enters into an agreement with Scott ~;.Loftin ~nd John ~ ~rtin as Trustees of the property of ~']or~da East · 9 Coast Railwa)Company, wherein and whereby the City of Delrsy Be8ch, ~lorida, is given the right and privilsge to use for pub- lic street crossing purposes only that part of the right of way and propert~ of said FloridaEast Coast Railwa~ Company in ~h~ City of Delrsy Be~ch, st the location aforesaid, upon the condi- tions snd te~s all as set forth and contained in proposed con- tract, copy' of which is on file with the City Council of the City of Delrsy Be~ch, and. by reference thereto made ~ part hereof. 2. That Lowell D. Kern, as M~yor of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, with the attestation of I~uth R. Smit~, ss City Clerk, be snd they are each authorized ~nd d~ected to execute s~id agree- ment for snd on behalf of the City' of Delr~y Beach, Florida, and to submit the same for execration by the Trustees of Florida East Co~st R~!lw~y Company. 3. That this resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. STATE 0F FL0?~ID&, ) COUN~ 0F PAL~J: [~ACH, ) CI~ OF DELR4F BEACH.) I, Ruth R. Smith, City Clerk of the City of Delray Beach, a Florids municipal corporation, do hereby certify that the fore- going is a true and correct copy of the resolution a~opted by the ~it) Council in session the 12th d8y of January, A.D., 1953, ss the same appears of record in the public records of said City of Celray Beach, Florida, in my offici8i custody. /S/ huth R. Smith City Clerk Upon motion of Councilman Kabter, seconded by Councilman Holland, an~ unanimously carrie~, the foregoing Resolution No..~9 was adopted, as read. A report from the Electrical Examining Bosrd was read, as follows: JANUARY 12TH, 19~ A motion was made by Councilman i~abler that the reco~nends- tion of the Examining Board be accepteS, and that license be de- nied Mr. Wysomg. The .~otion was seconded by ~ouncilwoman W~oehle, and u~on call of roll ca,"rie~ unanimot~sly. Bills totalins $ 12~,359.91 were a~proved for payment ~fter approval of the FinanceCommittee, u~on mot~n of ~ouncilman Holland, seconded by Councilman Ksbler, an5 unanimously carried. i~ir. Charles H. Bsumbach, owner of £~roperty on Gleason Street, _ and several other property owners in ti~.s area, appeared before the ~Council to also protest t he improvement of Oleason Street at the beginning of t~e tourist season, lhey threatened to file an injunction to stop such const~uction if it was planned to begin work immediately. City i,~anager Lovelace again explained that he :had not been advised by the Contractor that he intended to start work on Gleason Street, an5 assured i~r. Baumbach that he would get spe- cific information the next morning, h~.s program, and approximate- ly when he planned to start work, an5 how long it would take to complete each street. He again stated that he would request the Contractor to put Gleason Street last on the list, in order not to interfere with the renting season, and tc maintain traffic at all times ss much as possible. '~'he meeting then adjourned. CitN Cl~rk APPROVED: ~ayor