04-27-536~ecl~i:fer: with Pefer~nc~ tc t~e ~e~t~t!f~c~t~oi': cf E~t. At!artfc TO: The City Plar:,r:.~n~ . ~ .... ..:. The 5EAL'TIF !.S AT!ON We h~r<::by ................ submit ou~' report nn t:be be~f~r~e~Vlo~ imi?rovemer%, o~ A la~.t,~ Avsn~:e. This pare~.:u]_ar pre,out we~ undertel.:en beo~:.:se oS the v{t~] *~cC ~.r At. lc~f!,~ A-ra~ to f"n~ ~'~ty' po~ the w~den- 'n6, the t~]l_, st~fel_y. ~ ~na ......very ~.~rutif~]... Noy~l P~lms were ~ mos+ v~!u~]e ~C~vert~.~emc~t ~o the Ufty es a lovely snd desirable place to l~ve, thereby, !mpre~!.n6 r:ote~t~a] re:~idonts ~rJ se.~p~] v!~i. tor~, w~t:h their cnnsoqueof economic v~lue. The :Come, tree h~s done much work ~n ~ttem~t]ng t~. find ~n ~deou~te rentaceme~t cf the ha]ms, e~rdet~-{n6 the strip between the w~lk ~nd " *oo n~rrow to oermlt ~ r~nl{~cemont of W~ Ce ~ S~ r~ Cn~ ~ P~,r~l P~l~ w~ co~'~red, but +"'~s w~ en:,~d not desirable However, ~ olam, the ADON/DIA, w~s e~]led to oup ~ttent~on and ~fter ~aeh study end research we recommend that ADCPIDIA ?'qlV~ be planted fn the stp[o, on both sfde~ of AtlantiC_ Avenue between~, the b~ _a~e ~d S~]tn, Street. e~ue ~een t_ee, _ Th~s P~im is ~ very har~y, grscof~l, ._ _ g ~ w~t~ clusters of red ~er'ries. . it grows_ +~.... ~ ~e~eht of 2~', ~nd only requires 8 sm~!t~ root qres . It ~s e v'e.=~ · clown tree, ~nd when ~.nrooer]y. .ol~nted,- fertile, zed ~nd w~tered, is !mperv~ ous to hurricanes. We h~ve ~een ~ssured t~t ~ t~me these trees will eomoare most f~vor~bly wnth the Roye] Pglm. At grepent, they ~re bc~mg planted on ~ortb Avenue in P~lm Be~eh. A picture J.s attached end two spoclmens may be seen ~ the A. G. Prgyser yard on Swinton Avenue. Lo. h~s. beer~ h~hlv_o ~ recommended_ by b'r. H~rry b~n~w~y,. Hort~oulCurist of F~irch~ld Gardens ~nd ~ ]otter of endorsement erom ~fm !~ ~tt~ched. Our inve~i.~f~or~sb. ~ ........ ~ndic~t~ that thew~ moy be onnv~ one nursery able to suooly them, (= ~ ~v:iam~ FI~ ) .~ ~on~ta O~rdens, 2190 W. }{?th Street, , .. ,$].~ O0 n-~ tree in the n~mb~r ~nd ~ze remu{red A q~et~t~on oF" < Assurance w~s g~ven t.h~t the sm~ller tree wo~l].t gr..ew ].~" the 'First S~vee tree s~cce~s of the development ~d of t~e!r growth deoemds ~mor the c~re ~p move. ag, tr~-]~nt[ng, (they shoul.~ be tr~rsported ~n covewed., v~'e) nl~mt~ng.. ., fertJ1~zing and w~'terln~,_._ _ we further ~e-. serving 91] of the ~rec~'~t[on~ that wou]~ ~n~b]e him to g~qr~toe +R~ n~.~n~ deve]oDmo~t, r. rovided of course, fbi. they were '~rnoe~lv ~nd cont~n,~o~]sly w.~t~-ed qnd fertilized wtt~ the f~rt[l~zer that r~ C C'~m~ ~d3. It ~.~ exnected that s!xt~ (60) trees will 'be required. The ex~ct APRIL 2'[T~, 1953 number may be ascertained after the city marks off the parking spaces. The trees should be placed at the head of each space. Respectfully submitted, The Beautification Committee City Planning Assn. BY /S/ Alice ~. Snyder Chairman" ~trs. Alice C. Snyder, Chairman of this Committee addressed the Council, stating that they would prefer Royal Palm trees, but found it is not possible to plant them in the 30" space; but that these trees will grow'in that space and not disturb the sidewalks and curbs. The Garden Club will also recommend that the Adonidia Palm tree be planted. Councilman Jacobs commented that this is the right time of the year to plant the trees, and he felt the price quoted was fair, but he urged the Council to also consider the planting of arow of noyal Palms at some later date, inside the sidewalks, on private land. After discussion, a motion was made by Councilman tiabler that the plan outlined by the Oeautification Committee of the City Planning Associate_on to plant Adonidia Palm trees on East Atlantic Avenue be accepted, and that the City ~ianager be asked to report on its feasi- bility and estimated cost at the next regular meeting. The motion was seconded by iV~rs. Woehle, and upon call of roll carried unanimously. City i¥,anager Lovelace presented application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and ~ecessity to operate one Taxi-Cab in the col- ored section, filed by Eorman Townsend, ll8 N.W. 6th Avenue, and re- commended, that the application be accepted and a hearing advertised for objections. Upon motion of Councilman Kabler, seconded by Councilman Jacobs, and unanimously carried, the application was filed and hearing called for the next regular meeting to be held on i~iay llth. An Ordinance to rezone Lots 13 - 20, Delray ~¥~anor Subdivision, was brought up for 2nd and final reading, and same was read in full: ORDINAECE EO. G-lb3 AE ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, PLACING LOTS 13 to 20, INCLUSIVE, DELRAY ~NOR, IE RESIDF~NCE "C" DISTRICT. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY C0'ONCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACh, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section l: That the following described property in the City of Delray Beach, 'Florida, is hereby placed in ~RESIDENCE 'C' DISTRICT" as defined by Chapter XX of the City Code of the City of Delray Beaah, Florida, to wit: "Lots thirteen (13) to twenty (20) Inclusive, Delray ~anor, an Addition to the City of Delray Beach, Flor- ida, according to plat thereof on file in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit ~ourt, Palm Beach Eounty, Florida, as in Plat Book 12, page 59." Section 2: The City Building Inspector shall, upon the effective date of this ordinance, make the necessary change in coloring on the Official Zoning ~ap of the 'City of Delray beach, Florida, to conform with this ordinance. PASSED in Regular Session on second and final reading on this the 28th day of April, 1953. /S~ .....L..D. Kern ~ayor ATTEST: /$/ Ru.th.~. Smith (SEAL) City Clerk 1st Reading: April 13, 1953 -2nd Headin~ :April 28, 1953 - Passed & Adop- ted:April 28, 1953 APRIL 27TH, 1953 Councilman Kabler moved that the Ordinance be adopted on 2nd and final reading. There was no second to the motion, and it was withdrawn by ~ir. Kabler. The City Attorney was asked to study this matter and ad- vise on further procedure, in view of the l¥1ay 1st zoning change dead-line. The following Ordinance was then brought up for Jnd and fin- al reading, and same was read in full: ORDINANCE NO. G-161 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, PLACING THAT AREA LYING BETWEEN N.W. 2ND AVENUE ON T~E EAST, AND STATE ROAD NO. 9, (LESS THE EAST 135 FEET) ON THE WEST, AND N. W. 2ND STREET ON THE SOUTH AND N.~. 4TH STREET ON THE NORTH LESS THE S. 150' THEREOF IN "RESIDENCE B DISTRICT". BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section l: That the following described property in the City ~f Delray Beach, Florida, is hereby placed in "RESIDENCE B DISTRICT" as defined by ~hapter XX of the City Code of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, to wit: ALL that area lying between N.W. 2nd Avenue on the east and State Road No. 9 (Less the East 135 feet) on the West, and N.W. 2nd Street on the South and N.W. ~th Street on the North, (Less the South 150 feet) Delray Beach, Florida, according to the plat thereof on file in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida. Section 2: The City Building Inspector shall, upon the effec- tive date of th~s ordinance, make the necessary change in coloring on the Official Zoning ~iap of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, to conform with this ordinance. PASSED in Regular Session on second and final reading on this the 27th day of April, 1953. /S/.. L.. D. Kern I~ or ATTEST: rS/.. Ruth ,.R. Smith City Clerk ( SE~m ) 1st Reading: April 13, 1953 2nd Reading: April 27, 1953 PASSED & ADOPTED: April 27, 1953 A motion was made by Councilman Jacobs, and seconded by Coun- cilman Kabler, that the foregoing Ordinance No. G-161 be Dassed and adopted as read, and upon call of roll the motion carried, the vote being as follows: Mayor Kern - Yes .Councilman Jacobs - Yes " Kabler - Yes Councilwoman Woehle - No An Ordinance to extend the liquor zone on the north side of East Atlantic Avenue was then presented and read in full as follows: APRIL TTH, 195B ORDINANCE NO. G-162 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, A~ENDING SECTION 17, AS AMENDED, OF CHAPTER VIII OF THE CITY CODE 0F DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, BY AUTHORIZING SALE OF INTOXI~AT- ING LIQUORS ON THE NORTH SIDE OF ATLANTIC AVENUE EXTENDED FROM OCEAN BOULEVARD WEST A DISTANCE OF 350 FEET. BE IT 0~DAIEED BY THE ~CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEASH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: That Section 17, Chapter VIII of the City Code of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, as amended, be and the same is hereby amended as follows: "SECTION 17: No intoxicating liquors shall be sold in that portion of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, lying east of the right-of-way of the Seaboard Air Line Railway, as the same is now located in the City of Delray Beach, Florida, except in that port- ion of said territory described as follows, to wit: BEGINNING at a point on the E~st boundary of the right-of- way of the Seaborad Air Line Railway 173 feet North of the center line of Atlantic Avenue for a point of beginning; thence running East parallel to and 173 feet North of the center line of Atlantic Avenue to the ~ast boundary of Swinton Avenue; thence running North along the East boundary of Swinton Avenue to a point 283 feet North of the center line of Atlantic Avenue: thence renning East parallel to and 283 feet from the center line of Atlantic Avenue to the West boundary of the right-of-way of the Flozd~a Intracoastal Canal; thence running South along the West boundary of the right-of- way of the Florida Intracoastal Canal to a point 283 feet South of the center line of Atlantic Avenue; thence running West parallel to and 283 feet from the center line of Atlantic Avenue to the East boundary of Swinton Avenue; thence running North along the East boundary of Swinton Avenue to a point 173 feet South of the center line of Atlantic Avenue; thence running West parallel to and 173 feet from the center line of Atlantic Avenue to the East boundary of the right-of-way of the Seaborad Air Line Railway, as the ssEe is now located in the City of Delray Beach, Florida; thence running North along the East Boundary of said right-of-way of the Seaboard Air Line Railway to the point of beginning; And also, except that portionof the City ofDelray Oeach, Flor- ida, which is: Bounded on the North by. a line 333 feet from and parallel to the center line of Atlantic Avenue; on the East by the West boun- dary of 0ceau Boulevard; on the South by a line parallel to and 333 feet South of the center line of Atlantic Avenue, and on the West, as to property lying North of Atlantic Avenue, by a line 350 feet from and parallel to the West boundaryof Cce~ Boulevard, and, as to property lying ~outh of AtlanticAvenue, by a line 100 feet from and parallel to the West boundary of Ocean Boulevard. And also, except that portion of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, described as follows, to wit: The North 395 feet of the North 1395 feet of Section Fl, Town- ship 46 South, Range 43 East, lying East of the West right-of-way line of State Road #1~0 (the Ocean Boulevard); Providing, however, that the foregoing shall not apply to any actual bona-fide nation- ally organized and recognized Civic, Benevolent or Fraternal organi- zation. And also, except that intoxicating liquors in packages for con- sumption off the premises may be sold in that portion of the City of Delray Beach, which is: Bounded on the ~est by the East boundary of N.E. 5th Avenue A~RIL 27, 1953 (otherwise known as Old Dixie Highway); on the North by a line 125 feet from and parallel to the North boundary o£ N.E. 8th Street; on the East by the West boundary of N.E. 7th Avenue; and on the South by a line 100 feet from and parallel to the South boundary of N.E. 8th Street." Section 2: That all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. PASSED in Regular Session on second and final reading on this the 27th day of April, A.D., 1953. /S/ L. D. Kern l~ay or ATTEST: /_S/ Ruth ~x. Smith ~City Clerk ( SEAL ) 1st Reading: April 13, 1953 2nd Reading: April 27, 1953 Passed & Adopted: April 2?, 1953 Upon motion of Nirs. ,¥oehle, seconded by .Councilman ~abler, and unanimously carried, the foregoing Ordinance No. G-162 was passed and adopted as read. The application for license to sell liquor at Le Domaine Res- taurant, located at 1133 East Atlantic Avenue, filed with the Coun- cil on March 23rd, by Donald Furslow, owner, was then presented for consideration. City ~,~anager Lovelsce advised that five letters had been re- ceived with reference to the granting of this license, four of which objected and one which approved. A motion was made by Councilman Kabler, and seconded by ~Coun- cilman Jacobs, that liquor license be granted to ~r. Donald Puts- low, operating as LeDomaine Restaurant, at 1133 East Atlantic Ave. Upon call of roll the motion carried unanimously. A public bearing'was then held on the proposed twelve-month operation of the Tennis Courts, as recommended by the Tennis Com- mittee. Dr. E. l~. Farber, Chairman of the Tennis Committee, addressed the Council. He stated that after studying the Courts, their main- tenance, and program, the Committee felt that Delrsy Beach is now ready for a twelve months program, and had made this recommenda- tion to the City l%~ans~ger. This decision had been reached after studying year-round programs in other Towns in this area, which have been highly successful. In three different years, Dr. Farber explained, summer programs have been carried out, with free clinics for children on Saturdays, group lessons arranged, and Tournaments held, under volunteer leaders, which lessons arranged, and Tournaments held, under volunteer leaders, which were always successful. He also pointed out that the Golf Committee has a year-round ~¥~anager and Pro, and the ~'iuniclpal 2ool is on a twelve months operation, and the Tennis Committee felt that tennis should be provided ~lso, under a well-qualified full-tlme ~¢~anager, for those who wish to play during t~e Summer months. There would be no additional cost to the City, as the Manager selected would be responsible for the maintenance of the ~ourts, and the salary now paid to the caretaker would be paid to him, in addition to his fees for lessons, and the concessions. He felt that a capable man could be employed, who would be acceptable to winter visitors as well as local players. Mr. Paul Koontz, representing a delegation of citizens who are in opposition to renlacing ]~]r. ~awthorne Bissell and his wife with a year-round manager and ~ro, f~led a petit-~ on containing over 1CO names, and asked the Council to reconsider the proposed twelve months program, and provide summer supervision in another way. ~r. Koontz stated that in their opinion summer seather is too hot to play tennis during the day, and that a summer program APHIL 27TH, 1953 would be impractical. He contended that Dr. Farber and the Tennis Committee have not considered the wishes of the tennis players in making this recommendation. Several letters were also filed on behalf of ~r. and ~rs. Bissell, lauding the excellent work they have done at the Tennis Courts during the past five years, and urging the Oouncil to continue the present method of operating the 'Courts, and retain the Bissells during the six months winter season. Mr. Dick Blum presented a history of tennis in this City, from 19~? when the Courts were turned over to the City, to the present time, showing that ~ir. Bissell and his wife have consistently in- creased play on the Courts; and that now better tennis facilities are provided here than in any other comparable East ~oast Town. He stated that the demand for tennis during the summer is low as the heat is not good for the health of children; there..fore there is no need for a year-round Pro and an organdzed summer program. Mr. Koontz then praised the work of Dr. Farber as Chairman of the Tennis Committee in the past, and stated that he and his delegation were only' fighting a year-round tennis program, feel- inF it would be a bad move; and asked that this proposal be re- scinded. If Dr. Father does not understand the wishes of the tennis players, and will not try to learn their wishes, l¥ir. Koontz asked that a new Tennis Committee be appointed which will repre- sent the players. He also asked that the Bissells be given surance that they will be here next season, and offered to cooperate in securing a competent supervisor for the Courts for the summer months. It was also suggested that a woman be appointed on the Ter~nis Committee, and closer cooperation with Tennis players be achieved. Dr. Farber explained that the Tennis .~ourts originated as a summer Club, although tourists did play during the winter season. Therefore, he was confident that year-round operation would be advantageous, under the supervision of a well-qualifled ~anager and Pro. ~p. E. J. Davis, advised the Council that Nit. Bissell was an accomplished musician, had organized a fine m~le chorus, and had contributed to the cultural welfare of the City, and urged the Council to retain the Bissells on the present arrangement. Mr. ~. C. Allen filed a letter to the Council, requesti~ that the Tennis Courts continue to operate as in the past, and that the Bissells be retained, as he felt they bring players to the City, and have created a hospitable club-like atmosphere at the Courts, which are definite assets to the City. Nh-. Bissell then addressed the .Council, emphasizing the pleas- ant relations he had had with Dr. FaPber, the Chairman of the Ten- nis Committee, and recommending that the present operation of the Tennis Courts be continued, as he believed the City was not ready for a year-round program. }~ayor Kern requested that the matter be delayed for afew days, so that the best decision for the City as a whole could be made, and upon motion of Councilman ~abler, seconded by Councilman Jacobs, and unanimously carried, it was laid on the table for further con- sideration. City ~anager Lovelace advised the 'Council that the five-year lease with the South Florida Fladiolus Festival and Fair Associa- tion had expired on April £1st, and they had the right to renew said lease for s term of five more years on the same conditions. However, ~r. Lovelace recommended that a provision be made in the lease whereby Carnivals or Oircuses would be allowed to use this land, as they are not acceptable in other locations, and this is the customary Carnival Ground. He suggested that a Circus or Car- nival be required to reimburse the Gladioli Committee for 8ny ex- penses incurred, and to post a bond to assure the Committee that the land and buildings will be left in an acceptable condition. ~r. Lawson, President of the Gladioli Committee ~pressed the willingness of the Committee to allow the grounds to be used for Uircuses or Carnivals if the time did not conflict with the Gladi- oli Fair dates, but requested that any use of the land be subject to the aDproval of his Committee, as improvements have been made on the Grounds at their expense, which they must protect. After further discussion, a motion was made by 'Eouncilman Kabler, and seconded by Councilwoman ~oehle. that OItv 5~anager Lovelace and ~r. R. C. Lawson draw up a lea§e accep~atle ~o APRIL 27TH, 1953 both parties for approval of the Council at the next regular meet- ing. Upon call of roll the motion carried unanimously. A report from the Plumbing Inspector with reference t o a re- cent examination given, was~ read as follows: "April 27, 1953 City ~a nager lWembers of City 'Council Dear Sirs: NIt. John H. Miller of Fort ~auderdale, took the ex- amination given by the Plumber's Examining Board of Delray Beach on Saturday, April 18, 1953. His grades are as follows: Oral Written~ Draw lng No~ An average of 75% is considered a passing grade. Very truly yours, /S/ Ralph A. Hughson Plumbing Inspector." Upon motion of Councilman Kabler, seconded by Councilman Jacobs, and unanimously carried license was denied, as ~lr. Miller did not receive a passing grade. Upon recommendation of the City Manager a motion was made by Councilman Jacobs and seconded by Councilman Kabler, that Mr. J.C. Keen be reappointed to serve as a member of the Civil Service Board for a term of four years. Upon call of roll the motion carried unanimously. A preliminary drawing of a subdivision of part of ~uck Lot 141, located east of the Atlantic Ave. bridge, submitted by Mr. John Stall, owner, was presented by the City i~anager who advised that the plat provided adequate streets, sidewalks, parking areas, and the size of lots and setebacks would meet all requirements. The plat had been approved by the Planning Association, and he re- commended that it be tentatively approved by ~he Council. Upon motion of Councilman J~cobs, seconded by 'Councilman Kabler, and unanimously carried, the plat was tentatively approved, and the ~syor and City Clerk were authorized to execute the form- al plat of same when presented. A preliminary drawing of a proposed subdivision of ~lock 6, located between ~.N. 1st and 2nd Streets and ?th and 8th Ave- nues, submitted by Mr. Mike L. Blank,owner, was presented by the City ~anager, who stated that the size of lots ~nd width of dedicated streets were in order, and he recommended tentative approval. Upon motion of Councilman ~abler, seconded by ~Irs. Woehle, and unanimously carried, the plat was tentatively approved, and the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized to execute the formal plat when submitted. A preliminmry plat of lots adjoining the ~lunicipal Golf Course, fronting on the east side of Homewood Ooulevard, which will be offered for sale, was presented by the City ~anager for approval of the Council. ~r. Lovelace explained that there would be J2 lots, all 150' x 135' except two which are located at Tee #9, and the two corners. He recommended approval of the plat as sub- mitted. Upon motion of Councilwoman ~oehle, seconded by Councilman APRIL 27TH, 1953 Kabler, and unanimously carried, the l~'~ayor and City 'Clerk were authorized to execute the formal plat of these Golf ~Gourse lots when submitted. ,City iWanager Lovelace presented an application for license to sell beer and wine in packages at Gerri & Gent Groceries, 126 S.W. 5th Ave., William Gent, applicant, and as his Police record had been checked end found clear, he recommended approval of said license. Upon motion of ~ouncilman Kabler, seconded by Councilman Jacobs, and unanimously carried, license to sell beer and wine was approved es requested. An application to erect a sign, filed by Geo. B. Courtney, et Zay's Drive-In Restaurant, located at the ~.E. corner of the ~. Federal Highway and 2nd Street, was presented by l¥~r. Lovelace, who stated that ~r. Courtney requested permission to erect the sign out to the property line, as by setting back as required, the sign could not be seen by traffic on the Federal highway. He recommended that the request be referred to the Zoning and Plan- ning Board for consideration of this variance in set-back regula- tions. A motion was made by ~,lrs. Woehle end seconded by Councilman K, bler, that the above request be referred tothe Zoning and Plan- ning Doard for ~onsideration of a special permit, a~ upon call of roll the motion carried unanimously. City N~anager Lovelace then advised the Council that because of the increase of work in the Tax Department caused by the b,~lld- lng boom and the active real estate market, an additional Clerk~ Typist is needed, and asked authorization of the Council to ob- tain applications for this position. Upon motio~, of Oouncilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman Habler, and unanimously carried, the employment of an additional ,Clerk-Typist for the Tax Dep~rtment was approved. With reference to the employment of a City Engineer, ~ir. Love- lace explained to the Council that it would be difficult to find a qualified man with the necessar>, training and experience under the rank of Assistant Director, as set up in the Civil Service classification. He asked the Council to approve the raising of the classification for "City Engineer' to that of Director, at a higher rate of pay, and upon motion of ~ouncilman Kabler, seconded by ~rs. ~'~oehle and unanimously carried, this change of classifica- tion was approved. A survey of lots which are in violation of Ordinance No. G-147 and need to be cleared, as prepared by t~e Fire ~Lief, was present- ed by the City ~anager. The list was read in full and the follow- ing Hesolution was presented; declaring said lots to constitute nuisances, and cal~ing a hearing for objections: RESOLUTION NO. 898 RESOLUTION DECLARING CERTAIN LANDS IN THE CITY 0F DELRAN BEA~CH, FLORIDA, TO CONSTITUTE A NUI- SANCE IN VIOLATION OF ORDINANCE G-147. ~HEREAS, ordinance No. G-147 of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, declares all lands in the City not kept free from debris, vegetation (includ'~ng trees) or other matter, which may become a danger in time of hurricane, and from weeds exceeding a height of l~ inches, and from filth and trash, constitute e nuisance; and WHEREAS, pursuant to said Ordinance, the Chief of the Fire Department of Delray Beach, Florida, has made asurvey report, in writing, to the City )~anager, describing certain lots or parcels of land in said City wherein conditions such as specified in Sec- tions l, 2 and 3 of said ordinance exist; and WHEREAS, the City Council of Delray Beach, Florida, after con- sideration of said survey report, is of the opinion that aprima A?RIL £7 H, 1953 facie case showing the following lands constitute a nuisance within the provisions of Sections l, 2 and 3 of said ordinance G-14?, has been made. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the existence of a nui- sance be, and the same is hereby declared, upon the following described lots or parcels of land for violation of the provisions of said Ordinance G-147, as specified after each description, and the City Clerk of the ~ity of Delray Beach, Florida, is di- rected to furnish the owners of each parcel of land, as herein- after set forth, a notice in accordance with Section 5 of sa~.d Ordinance, and that the City 'Council will sit on the llth day of ~ay, 19~3, at 7:30 o'clock P.~i. at the City Hall in Delray Beach, Florida, for the purpose of allowing said owners to show cause, if any they can, why said nuisance should not be abated. Ord.G-14? Owner Lot No. Blk. No. & Sec.Viol. Howell ~". Babcock, 5'i.D. Hotel Statler 6 Del Ida ~$01 ?th Ave. 1 New York, N.Y. Allan A. Wells Box 474, City 16 103 2 & 3 ~C.F. & Ethel AY1. Dodge Box 1104, City 8 81 2 & 3 Mrs. Thcs. F. Rice 35 NE 5th Ave. ,~ity ~ & 6 121 1 & 3 Frederick C & Ester ~ud- diman ~ 1st l~atI1 Bk., Vista Hollywood, Fla. 1 Del Mar 3 Morgan D. Lenke 321 Cleveland St. Brooklyn, N.Y. 21 125 2 & 3 Wilmina Harvel 216 Dixie Blvd. ,City 3 & 4 81 I & 3 Robt. & Jeanne ~¥~.~;ly % Plastridge Agcy,~¢ity 5 81 I & 3 Henry L. & Audean Gordon Osceola Box 1501, City 1 6' 2 & 3 Walter G.& ~ary R.Sill W 18' of % Sill Paper Co. 12, 14 & Seestedt- 51 i~adison Ave.,NYC E 13' of 15 Stevens 2 & 3 J.W. & Lucy P.Barrow 308 S.Ill. Ave. W10' of Seestedt- Carbondale,Ill. 16 & 17 Stevens 2 & 3 Dorothy M.Staver ll4 Bay Way Ave. E36' of Seestedt- Long Island,N.Y. 13 Stevens 2 & 3 Rose N~iro Spicer nd. 0sceola Pk. Westport, Conn. 18 7 2 & 3 Katheryn T.Wynmalen N 100' 233 Highland Ave. of E!~ 63 2 & 3 Ridgewood,N.J. James 'l~.Bransfield W150' of 16~ 2 & 3 6123 N.Richmond,~Chi. Ill. S~ Mrs .J.W.Moore 7 A lO1 NE 1st St.,City Pine ~idge Hts. I APRIL 27TH, 1953 APPROVED this 27th day of April, 1953 ~.S/ L. D. Kern ATTEST: /.S/ Ruth R. Smith ~City Clerk ( SE AL ) Upon motion of ~Councilman Aabler, seconded by Councilman Jacobs, and unanimously carried, the foregoing Hesolution No. 898 was adopted. City Manager Lovelace advised the Council that the contract for the Cemetery extension had been completed satisfactorily, and asked authorization to make the final payment in the amount of 347 Upon motion of Mrs.Woehle, seconded by Councilman Kabler, and unanimously carried, payment of $1,3~7.27 to ~'. J. Snow, as final ~ayment on contract for Cemetery extension work,was authorized. 'City Attorney ~"acMillan advised that the hearing called for objections to the adoption of Ordinance to rezone Lots 13 - 20, Delray Manor Subdivision, to be held on this date, might be post- poned and considered at an adjourned session of this meeting, before May 1st, and a motion was made by ~ouncilman ~abler, and seconded by Mayor ~[ern, that this meeting be adjourned to l0 o'clock a.l~i, on 'lhursds~, April 30th. Roll call was taken on the foregoing motion, the vote being: Mayor Kern - Yes Councilman Kabler - Yes Councilman Jacobs - No Councilwoman ~'oehle - No After further discussion on the above adjournment, l~lr. Jac- obs and ~rs. ~'oehle left the meeting. In view of the failure of passage of a motion to adjourn, N~ayor Kern recessed the meeting until l0 o'clock A.M. on Tuesday, April 28th, 1953. City ~lerk APPROVED: Mayor