05-06-53SpMtg A Special ~eeting of the City Council, together with the
Tennis Committee, was held inthe Council Chambers at ?:30
with ~.~or L. D. ~ern in the Chair, and City Attorney ~eil
~v~ac~llan, ~it~~ N~an~ger Robert Lovelace, and the following ~oun-
cilmen present: ~. A. Jacobs, John E. Kabler, an~ ~rs. Alma K.
Woehle, a quorum being present.
Nayor Kern stated that the meeting had been c~lled to discuss
the future operation of the Tennis Courts with the Tennis Com-
mittee, who had recommended that the Courts be operated on a twelve
months basis, with a full-time Pro in charge, as there is some
difference of opinion as to whether the present operation is
satisfactory or whether a year-round program would be more advan-
tageous for the City as a whole and for tennis players.
Dr. E. ~i.. Father, Chairman of the Tennis Committee, add-
res~ed the Council, and explained in detail the pOlicies of op-
erating the Tennis Courts in the past, and their re~sons fc~
recommending the change in policy at this time.
Dr. Father stated that under the present arrangement the
tennis program "folds up" when the Fro leaves on the 1st of
and the ~Eourts ~re in charge of only a colored maintenance man.
The Committee feels it would be preferable to have ~certified
Pro supervising the Courts, and an equal opportunity could ~e
offered both adults and children to use the Courts during the
summer months as is offered to those using the Eourts during the
winter season. Free clinics for children could again be offered
on Saturday mornings, and lessons could be arranged to organize
~nd stimulate interest in tennis. Several churches ~re ~nxi~s
to form tennis teams ~nd hold competitions, as summer recreation,
and he also stated that there are lights on some of the 'Courts
for night play.
As to representation on the Tennis Committee, Dr. F~rber was
in favor of increasing the membership if the Council felt it ad-
visable, ~n~ suggested that aTenni~ Association be f~ed of all
members of the Tennis ~lub, and that they hold en election each
year, at a time when the largest number of members are aveilable,
~nd nominate members for this Committee to be submitted to the
City Council for approval.
Dr. Farber also advised that the Committee felt a high-cali-
ber Pro could be found, although none ha8 yet been contacted, who
would be willing to manage the Courts the year-round under the
same terms as the present Pro plus the wages now paid to the col-
ored maintenance man. He would then be responsible for the Courts,
himself. The Committee felt that a semi-retired capable m~n could
be found, who would like to live in Florida the year round.
City ~anagerLovelace stated that the principal in any public
facility is to get the most out of it b~ the most intense use, and
although he was undecided about the success of a summer program,
he felt it should be tried.
Councflm~n Jacobs expressed the opinion that since the c~-
torversy had come up, a summer program should be tried this year;
and he slso f~vored increasing t~e Tennis Oomnn~ttee to five mem-
Afterfurther discussion by the ~ouncil and the Commit%ce,
amotion wasmade by Councilman Kabler, and seconded by mrs.
Woehle, that the Tennis Committee be inc~eased to five members,
additional appointments to be made by the Oouncil st the nex~
meeting. Upon call of roll the motion carried unanimo~ml~.
Councilman ~abier then moved that written policies be es-
tablished on the operation of the Tennis Courts in the future, to
be approved b~ the Cit~ manager. The motion was seconded by
~rs.~'~oehle, and upon call of roll carried un~imously.
It was suggested that Tennis Club members submit names of
persons who are interested in Tennis in the Ctt~, to the
~anager, within the next three days, for consideration as additional
Committee members.
MAY 6TH, 1953
Upon motion of ~6uncilman a'abler, seconded by Councilman
Jacobs, and unanimously carried, the meeting adjourned.
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