06-22-53 JUNE 22ND, 1953 Regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Delray Beach was held in the Council Chambers at 7:30 P.M. with Mayor L.D. Kern tn the Chair, and Acting City Attorney Harry Newett, Clty Manager Robert Lovelace, and the following Councilmen present: W. A. Jacobs, R. J. Holland, John N. Kabler, and Hrs. Alma £. Woehle, a quorum being present. Upon motion of Countilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman Kab- let, and unanimously carried, minutes of the meeting held June 9th were approved as written. Mr. Ralph Hughson, Bullding Inspector, presented application for a permit to construct a "Porter Paint Store" on the southwest corner of the N. Federal Highway at 7th St. The building will be 25' by 100', and will comply with all requirements of the Build- ing Code and Zoning ordinance, according to plans on file in his office, Mr. Hughson stated. Upon motion of Mrs. Woehle seconded by Councilman Eabler, and unanimously carried, permit was approved as requested, upon final approval of the Building Inspector. The following resolution establishing new right-of-way lines on the south and east sides of the Seacrest Hotel property was read as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 902 A RESOLUTION APPROVING SURVEY OF OCEAN LOT 16 AND THE SOUTH 100 FEET OF OCEAN LOT 15, DELRAY BFACH, FLORIDA: ESTABLISHING SOUTHERN AND EASTERN RIGHT-OF-WAY LINES FO R SAID PRO- PERTY: AUTHORIZING CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT DE~DS FOH TIGItT-OF-WAY; TO EXPEND FUNDS FOR IMPROVEMENTS THEREON AND FOR SETTLEMENT OF DAMAGES; AND AUTHORI~NG MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE DEEDS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. WHEREAS, question has heretofore existed as to the western b~undary of the following described property located in Delray Beach, Florida, to wit: Ocean Lot 16 and the south 100 feet of Ocean Lot 15; and W~EREAS, the City Council and the o~ners of said property have amicably reached an agreement settling all questions of right-of- way on the eastern and southern boundaries of said property, and have established a line designating the southern and eastern bound- aries, which is marked in red on the attached survey and is made a part hereof, in the following manner: A. The property line on the south side of the Scott property will be a line ~0 feet from the center line of Atlantic AV~ ue. B. The line for the east side of the property will be that line which is proposed on the Brockway plat of the pro- perty dated April, 1953. C. The return or rounded corner at the Southeast corner of the property~Awill be as close to a thirty degree ret~ as can ee effected without encroaching upon t~ existing property. D. The Scotts will quit-claim to the City and County all lands lying outside these lines so established. E. The City and County will quit-claim to the Scotts all lands lying inside these property lines so established. F. The City will install, at its expense, a new sidewalk along Atlantic Avenue frontage of the property only. 119 JUNE 22ND, 1953 G. The City will remove all coconut palms in the way of the proposed new sidewal~, and these palms will become the. City's to use for its own purposes. The City will pay the Scotts $1,000., representing dama- ges to the existing wall on the south side of the property, being the cost of removing and rebuilding that wall along the new property line on Atlantic ~venue. I. The City will plant Adonidia Palms in the planting strip along Atlantic Avenue, between the sidewalk and curb, uniform with such planting on the rest of East Atlantic Avenue o J. Nothing is to be done at this time with the wall on the east side of the Hotel, nor to the sidewalk° NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEDi BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, that said ri/Bt of way line as proposed and drawn on said survey be, and the same is hereby ap- proved, and the City Ha~ger is hereby authorized to expend funds for installation of sidewalk along Atlantic Avenue and to pay the owners of said property the sum of $1,000.00 for damages for the cost of removing and rebuilding the wall along the new property line alQng Atlantic Avenue; and the ~ayor and City Clerk of Delray Beach are hereby authorized and empowered to execute quit-claim deeds in accordance with sub-paragraph "E" hereof. APPROVED this 22nd day of June, 1953. /s/ ,,. ~yor ATTEST: Clty Clerk A motion was ~ade by Councilman Eabler and seconded by Woehle that the foregoing Hesolution No. 902 be passed and adopted. Upon call of roll the motion carried unanimously. 'A communication from the Negro Civic League, w~h reference to obtaining ocean bathing facilities for colored citizens, was read by the City Hanager as follows: #The Negro Civic League June 17, 1953 The City Councl 1 City of Delray Beach, Fla. Honorable Members of the City Council: At a special meeting of the League, in connection w~th other civic, fraternal and reli§ious organizations, a serious discussion con- cerning the availability of swimming facilities for Negroes here, urith especial emphasis on the ocem~ beach, resulted in the forma- tion of a special committee to make contact with the City officials concerning this problem. Hence, this letter. We note that the City of Delray Beach has, among other things, a swimming pool and a public beach on the Atlantic Ocean, to which we out here do not have access to, the support of ~ai~ is shared by all in the form of taxation. We strongly feel that we are entitled to and should have similar facilities. Some three years ago, 1950, to be exact, after a discussion with some members of the Council concernin~ the above, this body was informed that the Council would make contact with other neighboring mayors and legislative groups and the Board of County Commission- ers concerning the possibility of securing a beach for the Negroes JUNE 22, 1953 in this area of the county, since those in the northern area had one, toward which the Council would allocate $5,000.00 each year. Since that time little else has been done, as far as we know, except the continuation of the annual allocation, which ww are very grateful to acknowledge was raised to $8,114.00 in the last budget. The summ~is here again, a~d the situation has not improved; in- deed, it has worsened. There is still no place where Negroes may legally go in swimming in this area. Some of the youths have been and still are going in Lake Ida, but this is discour- aged because of protestations from the property owners there. The mine is true for the beach area just south of here - near - Boca Hatch. We feel thatour stewardship here Justifies the addit/on of a beach to our recreational life; we further feel that our pa- tience has been of such that action, in addition to the yearly allocation, should be taken by the City. Our civic responsi- bilities which we attempt to shoulder with the same exactness as others justifies some immediate and favorable consideration. Upon these and other considerations, we ask the Council to con- sider whatever steps necessary to provide a beach for Negroes here. Respectfully submitted, The Comittee on Community Improve- ment. (Signed) O.F.Youngblood, Chairman Frank Hears Lee Monroe Mrs. Frances Bright L. L. Youngblood C.J. Freeman Leroy Baine C. Spericer Pompey,Secy." Lens Brenner It was explained by Councilman Kabler that a fund has been set up for the purchase of land for this purpose, and it was an- ticipated that help could be expected from adjacent Cities, and from the County, in purchasing and establishing a colored bath- ing beach in south Palm Beach County, but to date they have been unsucces sf~l. Mr. Ben ~. Sundy, County Commissioner f~om this District, was also present, and he pledged the support of the Board of County Com- missioners in the project. After further discussion, the matter was referred to the City Manager, to work with Mr. Sundy and the County Commission in trying to locate a tgact of ocean frontage of at least 400' - 500' which would be suitable for a negro bathing beach, and to report his findings to the Council in the next few weeks. A letter from the Delray Beach Taxi Co.', Mrs. T. H. Moody, operator, for a certificate of public convenience and necessity to operate one additional taxi-cab, was read, and upon motion of Councilman Hollmd, seconded by Councilman Kabler, and unani- mously carried, the Clerk was instructed to advertise such ap- plication, calling a hearing to be held at 7:30 P.M. on Monday, July 13th, for objections. A letter from Mr. King S. Cone, Secretary of the Delray Beach Little League Ball Club, with reference to some financial assis- tance in the form of the City's absorbing the cost of lighting the Little League Ball Field for the remainder of the seasem, was read as follows: "June 17th, 1953 The Honorable Mayor and City Council Delray Beach, Fla. Gent lemen: Little League finances will be terribly strained this year in completing the present baseball field and proposed play ground on the south end of the block, little will be left for current operation and maintainance expenses. JUNE 22nd, 1953 Should you feel that our project is worthy of favorable consid- eration and a way can be found to absorb out light bill ye have every reason to believe that all objectives can be roached. Please accept our most sincere thanks for your past and Future cooperation. Very truly yours, Delray Beach Little League /S/ King o. Cone, Secy." City Hanager Lovelace advised that this cost would be ap- proximately $300.00 For the rest of the season, and as it vas the consensus of opinlon of the Council that this lsa very worthy cause, a mot/on was made by Councilman Kabler that the above re- quest be granted. The motion vas seconded by Councilman Holland, and upon call of roll carrled unanimously. A report of the City Attorney w/th regard to the"tightening" of house moving regulations, as requested by the Council, was pre- sented and read as follows: "June 18, 1953 City Counct 1 City of Delray Beach, Fla. In re: House )iovlng Gentlemen: Pursuant to your request concerning house moving regulations of the City of Delray Beach, please be advised that the City is op- erating under tthe Southern Standard Building Code. Sect/on 302.3 of the Code provides that no bulldtng shall be moved from one flre d/strict into another, unless 1ts type ls of the construc- t/on permitted in the district into which it is moved. This would seem to insure that buildings moved into a ney district would have to comply with building' specifications in that district. Section 2204.3 of said Southern Bullding Code provides that the building official may refuse a permit if in his oplnton the moving of the building will cause serious 1n jury to persons or property. It further provides that if the bullding to be moved has deter- /orated more than Fifty perce~t of 1ts value by fire or other element, the permit shall not be issued. This would appear to leave it to the discretion of the City Building Inspector on the granting of a permit. The general rule as to zoning is that permits cannot be refused purely on ascetic reasons. Hoverer, under the above quoted sec- tlons as stated heretofore, the Bulldlng Inpsector has consider- able discretion in granting a permit. It would therefore be my recommmdatton to the Council that they instruct the Building Inspector to carefully welgh all applica- tions for permlts involving the moving of buildings to meet the above requirements, and reach a reasonable conclusion in each in- d/v/dual case. It would be possible to draft an o~dtnance requiring each permit to be approved by the City Council. However, it wo~d appear that the City Buildlng Inspector may determine these matters without consuming the time of the City Council. Very truly yours, /S/ Netl E. HacMtllan City Attorney" City Hanager Lovelace concurred with the above report, Further stating that a person denied a permit under the provisions of the BuRlding Code, and the discretion of the Building Inspector, would have the right then to a~eal to the City Council. Upon motion of Councilman Kabler, seconded by ~irs. Woehle, and unanimously carried, the suggested policies in granting a permit to move a building From one section of the City to another, be adopted JUNE 22nd, I953 and entered in the Policy Book. I survey of vacant lots which constitute nuisances under the provisions of Ordinance No. 6-147, prepared by Fire Chief Gregory, was Filed and read as Follows: Ord. 6-147 O~ner Lot ~ Blk. # & Sec. ¥tol. ~ & Sarah Fleming ~0' OSCeola 13 " I & 3 Box 1975, City John Knox 90 Bryant Ave. White Plains, NY 17 103 2 & 3 H.G. & Celestine Pottier Atlantic Pines Box 145, DeerFleld Bch. 13 Sub. 2 2 & 3 Janice HoFFman & W. C. Oreer Carver Mem. Pk. Box 456,Boynton Beach 26 "A" 2 & 3 Oeo. & Bess Haggart Fargo, N.D. 11 Southways 2 & 3 Ethel Kyryaco s 107 SE 1st Ave.,Oity N53' of 3 78 2&3 Mrs. H. B o Conver s e 1 Oak St.,Hyannis,Hass 7,8,9 121 2 & 3 The Folloving resolution was then introduced: RESOLUTION NO. 903 D~CLARINO CERTAIN VACANT LOTS TO CON- STITUTE A NU~SANCE~ IN VIOLATION OF ORDINANCE NO. 0-147 o WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 0-147 of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, declares all lands in the City not kept Free From debris, vegetation (including trees) or other matter, which may become a danger in time of hurricane, and From weeds exceed/rig a height 18 inches, and From filth and trash, constitute a nuisance; and WHEREAS, pursuant to said Ordinance, the Chief of the Fi~e Department of Delray Beach, Florida, has made a survey report, in writing, to the City Hanager, describing certain lots or parcels of land in said City wherein conditions such as specified in Sections 1, 2 snd 3 of said Ordinance exist; and WHEREAS,- the City Council of Delray Beach, Florida, affter consideration of said survey report, is of the opinion that a prima Facie case showing the following lands constitute a nui- sance within the provisions of Sections 1, 2 and 3 of said dlnance 0~147, has been made. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the existence of a nuisance be, and the same is hereby declared, upon the Follow- ing described lots or parcels of land For violation of the pro- visions of said Ordinance G-147, as specified after each descrip- tion, and the City Clerk of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, is directed to Furnish the owners of each parcel of land, as heeein- after set Forth, a notice in accordance wit~ Section 5 of said Ordinance, and that the City Council will sit on the 13th day of July, 1953, at 7:30 P.~. at the City Hall in Delray Beach, Flor- ida, For the purpose of allowing said owners to show cause, any they can, vhy said nuisance should not be abated. (Here appear list of above described lots) PASSED AND ADOPTED this 22nd day of June, A.D., 1953. ATTEST: /St/ L.D.Kern (SEAL) /S/ Ruth R. Smith-City Clerk Mayor JUNE 22, 1953 Upon motion of Councilman Kabler, seconded by Councilman Jacobs, and unanimously carried, the foregoing Rewolution No. 903 was adopted, hearing for objections to the clear/ng of these cer- tain lots, to be held at 7:30 P.M. on Monday, July 13th, 1953. A letter from the International City Manager's Association, with reference to its annual convention to be held in Los Angeles, California, September 20th - 24th, 1953, was read by Hr. Lovelace. He explained that his expenses would be about $350.00, but he felt it to be ~orthwhile for the City as well as for himself. The next convention, in 1954, will be held in St. Petersburg, Florida, Mr. Lovelace advised, which ~111 even up the cost of h/s attend- ing. Upon motion of Councilman Kabler, seconded by Mrs. Woehle, and unanimously carried, the City Manager was authorized to at- tend the annual convention of the City Manager's Association, as outlined above, and his expenses of approximately $~50.00 were approved. The following Ordinance was then brought up for second and final reading, and same was read in full: ORDINANCE NO. G-166 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING SUB-SECTIONS a and b of SECTION 3 OF CHAPTER XII OF THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACM, AS AMENDED, PERTAINING TO THE EXAMINATIONS FOR PLUMBING CERTIFI- CATES. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That sub-sections a and b of Section 3 of Chap- ter xTl-'b'F-Lrl~-City Code of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, as amended, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 3: Each applicant for a certificate shall be exam- ined by the Plumbing Commission as to his knowledge and ability as a Plumber and his familiarity with the plumbing code of Del- ray Beach; provided, however, that such applicant shall have had at least five (5) years of plumbing experience before taking such examination, and further provided that such applicant for certifi- cate shall furnish to the Plumbing Commission three letters of recommendation as to his character and to his ability in the field of plumbing work. Each applicant for a certificate shall be given a written test, which shsll be completed within a reasonable time, and which questions are to be compiled and graded by the Plumbing Commission. Each applicant for a certificate shall be given an oral exam- ination by the Plumbing Commission. The plumbing Inspector shall report the grade received on the written examination by the applicant for a cert~ficate to the Cit~ Council and the Plumbing Commission shall make its recommendations to the City Council, such recommendations to be based on said oral and written examinations. The City Council shall have the final decision as to the granting of either of said classes of certifi- cates to the applicants therefor. The complete record of their written exam/nation and the re- sult of the said oral examination given shall be kept on file un- ti1 three (3) years after the date of such examination. The examinations for certificates will be held monthly, upon the third Monday evening, whenever such examination is requested by an applicant, provided such application is on file with the Plumbing Inspector for at least fifteen (15) days previous to said examination." JUNE 22nd, 1953 SECTION 2: That all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed, PASSED in Regular Session on second and final resding on this the 22nd day of June, A.D., 1953. /SI R. D. Kern May o ATTEST: /s/ Cit~ 'el erk (Seal) 1st Reading: ~ay 25, 1953 2nd Read~g; J~e 22, 1953 PASS~ & ~OPTED: J~e 22, 1953. A motion was ~de by Co~cilm~ Kabler and se~nded by Co~cilman Holl~d that the foregoing Ordin~ce No.G-166 be pas- sed ~d adopted as read. Upon call of roll the motion carried ~animous ly. The following Ordin~ce was presented for second ~d final reading, and read in full: O~INANCE NO. ~-167 AN O~INANCE OF TH~; CI~ ~UNCIL OF THE CI~ OF DE~Y B~CH, P~ BEACH CO~, ~O~DA, ~N~ING OF DEL~Y BEACH T~ ~LLOWIN~ DESCRIED T~CT OR PARCEL OF L~D LOCATED IN PA~ B~CH CO~, ~O~DA, A~ LYING CONTIGUOUS TO ~E CITY OF DE~AY BEACH, TO WIT: A~ OF S~CREST PA~, ACCO~ING TO T~ P~T T~REOF RE~~ IN P~T ~OK 24, PAGE 33 OF T~ P~LIC ~C~DS OF P~H B~CH COUN~ ~ORIDA, SA~ ~BDI~SION BEING A ~-P~T OF ~AT P~T OF T~ P~T OF NORTH~DGE ~BDIVISION LYING ~ST OF T~ CENTER LINE OF NOH~DGE ROAD ~D EAST OF ~AT PART OF SAID P~T ~ED "NOT INCL~ED", ACCO~ING TO ~E P~T THEREOF ON ~LE IN THE O~CE OF T~ CL~ OF T~ CIItCUIT COURT IN ~D FOR P~M BEACH COUNt, FLORIDA, HE~ED IN P~T BOOK 23, PAGE 168; BEING ~SO DESC~B~ AS THAT PART OF THE SOUTH THRU-QUARTERS (S 3/4) OF T~ SOUTH~ST QUAH- (SE ) OF SOfT.SST (SW ) OF S CT ON 4 (LYING WEST OF THE RIGHT OF WAY OF THE FLO~DA ~ST COAST ~ILWAY), TOE~NSHIP 46 ~OUTH, ~NGE 43 ~ST, A~ PRO~DING SAID P~PER~ SHALL NOT BE S~JECT DEBT,NESS OF CITY OF D~Y BEACH, FLO~DA. WHER~S, the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, ~s dete~ined to annex to the City a tract of land as more particu- larly described in Section 1 hereof, and WHER~S, NORTHI~DGE, INC., a Flo~da corporation and CON~, INCB~O~T~, a Florida ~oration, are the sole fee simple title owners of the property desc~bed duly consented and given permission to the a~exation of s~d property by ~e City of Delray Beach, and WHEREAS, the City of Delray Beach, Flo~da, is au~orized by virtue of Chapter 27,510, S~ecial laws of Florida, Acts of 1951, to a~ex the said lands; NOW, T~ BE IT Ot~AINED BY the City Co~cil of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, as follows: Section 1: T~t the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Palm Bedch' Co~ty, Florida, hereby annexes to s~d City the roi- lo, rig described tract or parcel of land. located in Palm Beach JUNE 22ND, 1953 County, Florida, and lying contiguous to said City, to wit: ALL OF SEAC~tEST PARK according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 24, page 33 of the public records of Palm Beach County, Florida, siad sub- division being a Re-plat of that part of the Plat of NORTHRIDGE SU2DI¥ISION lying east o£ the center line of Northridge Road and east of that part of said plat marked "Not included", according to the plat thereof on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, record- ed in Plat Book 23, page 168; being also described as that part of the South Three-Quarters (s 3/4) of the Southeast Quarter (SE¼) of the Southwest Quarter (SW¼) of Section 4 (Lying west of the right of way of the Florida East Coast Railway), Township 46 South, Range 43 East. Section 2: That the boundaries of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, are hereby redefined so as to include therein the above described tract of land, and said lands are hereby declared to be in the corporate limits of said City of Delray Beach, Florida. Section 3: The property hereinabove described snd herein annexed to the-City of Delray Beach, Florida, shall not be sub- ject to taxation or the payment of taxes for the Petiring of any existing bonded indebtedness of the City of Delray Beach, Florida. Section 4: That, if any word, phrase, clause, sentence or part o--/e-/~rdinance shall be declared illegal by a court of competent jurisdiction, such record of illegality shall in not way affect the remaining portion. PASSED in regular session on the second and final reading on this the 22nd day of June A.D., 1953. /s/ '~ayor ATTEST: /s/S th Smith C~ty Clerk' (SEAL) 1st Reading - June 9, 1953 2nd Reading - June 22, 1953 Passed and Adopted: June 22nd, 1953. Upon motion of Hfs. Woehle, seconded by Councilman aabler, and unanimously carried, the forego/ng Ordinance No. G-167 was passed and adopted as read. An Ordinance to zone Seacrest Park as a Residence "B~ Dis- trict was then presented as an emergency measure, and read in f~ll as follows: EHERGENCY ORDINANCE NO. G-168 E~ERGFMCY 0HDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, PLACING ALL OF SEACREST PAI~K ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF ~IECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 24, PAGE 33 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALH BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, SAIl) SUBDIVISION BEING A RE-PLAT OF THAT PART OF THE PLAT OF NORTHtL~D~E SUBDIVISION LYING EAST OF THE CENTER LINE OF NORTHRIDGE ROAD AND EAST OF THAT PART OF SAID PLAT HARKED "NOT INCLUDED", ACCORDING TO 'rite PLAT TI~REOF ON FILE IN THE OFVICE OF THE CLERK OF THE CI;iCUIT COURT IN AND FOR PALI4 BE~CH COUNTY, FLORIDA, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 23, PAGE 168; BEING ALSO DESCRIBED AS THAT PART OF THE SOUTH THREE-QUARTERS OF THE WOUTHEA~T ~UARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST WUARTER OF SEC~ION 4 (LYING WEST OF THE RIGHT OF WAY OF THE FLORIDA EAST COAST RAIIMAY), TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST. JUNE 22~:d, 1953 WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the City of Delray Beach, Florida, in that the hereinafter described property has not here- to fore been zoned, and WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary For the preservation of the public health, safety, property and welfare, that said property be zoned. NOW, TIIEREFOHE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: That the Following described property in the City of De'Iba'~ B~a'ch, Flor~lda, is hereby placed in Residence "B" Dis- trict as defined in Chapter XX of the City Code of the city of Delray Beach, Florida, to wit: ALL of SE~.CREST PAI~{ according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 24, page 33 of the public records of Palm Beach County, Florida, said subdivision being a Re,plat of that part of the Plat of NOHTHRIDGE SUBDIVISION lying east of the center line of Northridge Road and east of that part of said ~lat marked "Not Included", according to the plat thereof on File in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, re- Corded in Plat Book 23, page 168; being also described as that part of the South Three-Quarters (S.3/4) of ~he- Southeast Quarter (SE¼) of hhe Southwest Quarter (SE¼) of Section 4 (Lying west of the right-of-way of the Flor- ida East Coast Railway), Township 46 South, Hange 43 East. SECTION 2: This is an emergency ordinance and shall take effect upon its passage on first and Final reading. PASSED in regular session on first and final reading on this 22nd day of June, 1953. fa/ ,.. May Or ATTEST: /S/ Ruth R. Smit,h city Clerk (Seal) PASSED AND ADOPTED: June 22nd, 1953 Upon motion of Councilman kabler, seconded by Mrs. Woehle, and unanimously carried, the foregoing Emergency Ordinance No. G-168 was passed and adopted as read. A motion was then made by Councilman Xabler that staggered setbacks of 35' - 30' and 25' in Seacrest Park be allowed, as already established in the section developed, to follow through the portion of the Subdivision now undeveloped, which procedure had been approved by the City Attorney. The motion was second- ed by ~lrs. Woehle, and upon call of roll carried unanimously. An Ordinance to zone lots adjoining the Municipal Golf Course, known as Golf View Estates, as a Residence "A" zone, was brought up as an emergency measure, and read as follows: (EMERGENCY) OHDINANCE NO. G-169 EMERGENCY 0PJgINANCE OF T}~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, PLACING LOTS 1 TIIROUGH 2~, INCLUSIVE, IN GOLFVIEW ESTATES IN RESIDENCE "A" DISTRICT. WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the City of Delray Beach, Florida, in that the hereinafter described property has not here- tofore been zoned, and. WH ~REAS, it is deemed necessary for the preservation o£ the JUNE 22nd, 1953 public health, safety, property and welfare, that said property be zoned. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE, CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELIL%Y BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That the following described property in the City of Delray Beach, Florida, is hereby placed in Residence "A" Dis- trict as defined in Chapter XX of the City Code of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, to wit: Lots 1 through 23, inclusive, all in 60LFVIEW ESTATES, Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, according to plat thereof on file in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Flor- ida, as in Plat Book 24, page 50. SECTION 2. This is an emergency ordinance and shall take effect upon its passage on first and final reading. PASSED in regular session on first and final reading on this the 22nd day of Juen, 1953. /s/ Mayor ATTEST: /S/ Ruth R. Smith City Clerk (S~L) PASSED AND ADOPTED: June 22nd, 1953. Upon motion of Councilman Holland, seconded by Councilman Kabler, and unanimously carried, the foregoing Emergency 0rdi- nance No. G-169 was passed and adopted as read. The meeting then adjourned. City Clerk APPROVED: Mayo~