JULY 13, 1953
Regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Delray Beach
was held in the Council Chambers at 7:30 P.M. with 5Iayor L.D. Kern in
the Chair, and City Attorney Neil E. ~Iac~iillan, City ~!anager Robert
Lovelace, and the following Councilmen present: ii. j. Holland, ~. A.
Jacobs, John N. Kabler, and 5Irs. Alma K. Woehle, a quorum being pre-
Upon motion of Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman Kabler,
and unanimously carried, minutes of meeting held on June 22nd were
approved as written.
A resolution of the Jr. Chamber of Commerce, with reference to
the maintenance of steps leading to the beach, was read by the City
~'~anager, as follows:
W[I'~:~EAS, It is commonly cor~ceded that Delray Beach's greatest
asset and tourist attraction, is its one mile of public beach, and.
WHEREAS, The public Safety Committee of the Delray Beach Jun-
ion Chamber of Commerce, upon investigation, found that the STEPS
leading down to the beach present a physical hazard to those persons
using them, as a result of an apparent lack of maintenance, which has
lead to their present condition of containing termite infestation,
rotten, loose and splintered wood, lost or loose ]mild rails 81td ex-
posed rusty nails.
THERefORE, BE IT R~LVED: That the Delray Bemch Junior Chamber
of Commerce go on record as requesting that the City of Delray Beach
immediately take action to replace and/or repair all steps leading
on to the public beach, making certain to use treated lumber, which
after cnnstruction shall be p~inted.
IT IS ~IRTtIE~q R~C0.~L~NDED, that rubber step treads be installed
and that provision for continuous maintenance of steps and step
t~eads he nrovided.
/S/ R. N. Ban ting, President
Mr. Lovelace advised the Council that all steps on the public
beach have been put in good and. safe condition, and will be painted
after the storm season is over.
The following letter from Mr. H. P. ~cKean, tendering }]is resig-
nation as Director of the City Planning Association, was read:
"July 9, 1953
City Planning Association
Mr. Kenneth Jacobson, Chairman
Mrs. Max ~.~'oehle
~[r. William ~urton
Mr. William Mizelle
Dear Committee Members:
Due %o the fact that I am now actively engaged in the real estate
business as a broker-salesman, it is necessary that I resign my
position as Director of the City Planning Association.
I do this with much reluctance as the work has been of great interest
to me and the associations most agreeable.
Thanking you for your kindness and cooperation, I remain
/S/ II. 2.'McKean"
Councilman Kabler moved th,nt 5lt. -~[cKean's resignation asDirector
of the City Planning Association be accepted reluctantly, with the
provision that he will be available for consultation when needed. The
JLrLY 13, 1 953
motion was seconded by Nfs. Woehle, and carried unanimously. The
City Manager was asked to thank Mr. McKean, on behalf of the Council,
for his two years of service as active Director of this Association.
Action on replacing Mr. McKean was deferred until the new or-
ganization of the Planning Association is completed, which is now
being Drepared by the City Attorney.
Request For transfer of license to sell Beer and Wine at the
East Coast Gardens, 27 N.W. 5th Ave., From William Becket to Garfield
C. Jones, ant] Garfield C. Jones, Jr. was presented by the City Manager,
who stated that the applicants are property owners, and. of good repu-
tation, and he recommended approval of the transfer.
Upon motion of Councilman Kabler, seconded by Councilman iiolland,
and unanimously carried, transfer of license was approved as recom-
mended above.
A report of the activities of the Civil Defense office was Fil-
ed by Mr. John J. Clark, ~irector, and read as follows:
"July 13, 19§3
I have been in constant con, tact with people who are actively
participating in the Civil Defense effort.
Ilave maintaine~ our office every Friday For the past eight (8)
weeks with the help of a volunteer group.
We have brought our records up to date, classified workers and
planned training, etc.
Have received and answered ali communications.
I would like permis.~ion to spend about ~10.00 For supplies to be
used in First Aid training.
Respectfully submitted,
/S/ John J. Clark, Director"
Upon motion of Councilman Holland, seconded by Mrs. Woehle, and
unanimously carried, the above report was accepted and approved.
City Manager Lovelace then re,nd a letter Fro,~ Smith & Gillespie,
Consulting Engineers on current Water System Improvements, with re-
Ference to necessary additional work on Well No. 5:
"June 25, 1953
Mr. Robert A. Lovelace
City Mar~~ ger
Delray Beach,Fla.
Dear Mr. Lovelace:
We have Libby and Freeman's letter of June 24, 1953, proposing
to perform additional work on Well No. 5.
The work now completed on Well No. 5 in accordance with speci-
Fications has been accomplished at a cost of something le{s than
$5,000.00. This has accomplished a well which will produce between
650 and 700 gpm. It is possible that additional development might
Further improve this yield some. IF this well is left in its pre-
sent condition, an expenditure of approximately $5,000.00 will be
required to drill another well at another location which would be
designed to produce 1,000 gpm. °uch new well would of course require
an additional pump, controls, pipe line, etc.
It is believed that the work proposed to be done by the addition
. of 15 Feet of ].2-inch screen will permit Well No. 5 to produce 1,000
gpm or more. Under the contractor's proposal, the cost of this work
will not exceed $2,800.00 over the cost already incurred For work now
The rates quoted by the contractor are reasonable for this tyI~
of work and we w-uld be plemsed to have the City a~thorize t]~ pr~ce-
Yours very truly,
/S/ Wylie W. Gillespie"
JULY 13th, 1953
Mr. Lovelace further explained that there is a hard layer of
rock at a 55' - 60' level at this location, which is impenetrable to
water, but by adding a 15' screen above that layer of rock, indica-
tions are that the well will produce 1,O00 gpm or more. He recommended
the extension of contract with Libby & Freeman to modify Well No. 5
by installing this additional screen at a cost not to exceed $2,800.00,
and asked the authorization of the Council to i)roceed.
The following Resolution was then presented:
J[rLY 13th, 1953
Three Standard Large Power Agreements with the Florida Power and
Light Company for service to three new wells, Nos. 3, 4 and 5, were
submitted by the City }Ianager for approval. They are standard five
year renewable contracts, with the special "~'P", or Municipal Water
Plant rate, Mr. Lovelace stated, and have been approved by the City
,Attorney. He recommended approval by the Council.
Upon motion of Councilman Kabler, seconded by Mrs. Woehle, and
~manimously carried, the above Agreements were approved, and the ~iayor
and City Clerk were authorized to execute same on behalf of the City
of Delray Beach.
Application for permit to remodel property located on the north-
west corner of ~. Atla?~tic Ave. and N.E. 5th Ave., filed by Joseph
Sante, was presented by the City Manager. It was explained that
Santo proposes to eliminate the Gas Station on this corner, and create
three store spaces, by erecting walls under the existing roof, and
closing in between the existing columns. This will cause a slight
variation of set-backs on the east side of the building, although
the building itself will be greatly improved in appearance. ~Ir. Love-
lace recommended that the request be referred to the Zoning and Plan-
ning Board for consideration of the deviation on the side set-back.
Councilman Kabler moved that the application £or remode:i~g the
Sante Building be referred to the Zoning and Planning ]]card, as recom-
mended. The motion was seconded by ~rs. ~'oehle, and tu~animously car-
Roquest of ~Ir. IIenry E. Brunho££ ~or permission to construct a
home on the N.~. corner of Laing Street and l~armon Court, w:ithout
complying with front set-back requirement, was .,.)resented to the Council,
as follows:
"July 9, 1953
~Ir. R. A. Lovelace
City 5~anager
Delray Beach, Florida
Dear Sir:
}irs. Brunhoff and I would like to build on lot, N.E. Corner of
Harmon Court and Laing Street.
If we observe the normal setback requirements, we would lose
advent, age of the best view and the best breeze afforded by that lot.
Accordingly, we would like to move the front line of our house to a
point 36 feet North of the center line of Laing Street. This is 10
feet farther North th~n the property owner on the East and about 13
feet farther back than the neighbor on the ~'est and equal to or slight-
ly more than the setback of the neighbor on the South side. To show
this more clearly, I }mve made a little sketch and submit blueprints
thereof herewith.
l~'e trust that you e~n recommend this to Council and that the Zoning
Board will giv,? us prompt action in allowing us to build our proposed
building in the above position.
Cor,]~.~ 1 ].y yours,
/S/ lIenry ~. I~runhoff'
Mr. Lovelace stated that 5lt. ~r~mhoff proposed to set back far-
ther than adjoining buildings, '~ut l~ss t~en the distance required,
in order not to be cut off from a view of the ocean, and also ocean
breezes, lle reco~uuended that the rrquest be referred to the Zoning
and Planning ~o~rd for constderati,m.
Upon motion of Councilman Kabler, seconded by Co~lnc.i lman Jacobs,
and tmanimously carried, the above request was referred to the Zoning
and Planning Board for recommendation.
Proof of l)ublication of Notice of Public Itearing to be held on
tl~is date for objections to the granting of one additional Certifi-
cate of Public Convenience and Nece.~sity to the Delray Beach Taxi
Company, Mrs. Theodore Pl. ,~ioody, owner, was filed by the Clerk.
Public Hearing was held, and objections were edited for by the
Mayor, but none were pre.~ented.
JULY 13th, 1953
A motion was then made by Mrs. ]qoehle, and seconded by )ir. tiolland,
that Certificate of Public Convenience and ;~ecessity for one addition-
al taxi-cab be granted tn the Delray Beach Taxi Co. Upon call of roll
the motion carried unanimously.
Public Hearing was then held to receive objecti~.ns to the clear-
ing of certain lots which were declared by the Council on J~e 22nd
to constitute nuisances. No objections were filed by property owners,
and the follo~ng resolution was presenied:
WHEREAS, the City Council ~d, in regular session held on
J~me 22, 1953, e~ce a resolution declaring the existence of a nui-
sance upon certain lots or parcels of land For violation of the
provisions of Ordinance G-147; and
WHeReAS, pursuant ~ said resolution, the City Clerk of the
City of Delray Beach, Florida, did ~rnish each of the owners of
the lands therein declared nuisances with notice %hat the City Coun-
cil would sit on July 13, 1953 at 7:30 o'clock P.M. at ~e City Hall
in Delray Beach, Florida, For the purpose of allo~ng said owners
to show cause, if any, why said nuisance described in said resolution
should not ~e a%ated; and
WHEREAS, p~suan% to said resolution, the City Council of the
City of Delray Beach, Florida, did on July 13, 1953 at 7:30 o'clock
n.}{. at the City Hall in Delray Beach, Florida, ~old the hea~
provided For in such notice, ~¢] did consider such reasons ar~ facts
as were pres,~nted by the own2rs of said l~nds, and such other mater-
ial and pertinent evidence as was adduced ~efore it.
NOW, THER~I{E, BE IT }t~SOLVED that the existence of a nuisance,
for the reasons hereinafter set forth, ~e and the sa~ is hereby ad-
judged upon the following lands in the City of Delray Beach, Florida,
to wit:
Ord. G-147
Sec. Violated.
(*See naive
O~er Lot No. Blk. No. below)
~ ~elestine Portier
Box 145 Atl.Pine s
Deerfield Beach, Fla. 13 Sub. 2 2 & 3
Janice Ho?fman ~ Carver i~em. Pk.
W. C. Greer "A" 2 ~ 3
Box 456,Boynton Bch. Fla. 26
Geo. ~: Bess Hag~art
Fargo, N.D. 11 Southways 2 & 3
Ethel Kyryacos
107 SE 1st Ave. N53' of
DelPay Beach, Fla. 3 78 2 & 3
Mrs .H.B. Converse
1 Oak St.
~ya~mJ.s,Mass. 7,8,9 121 2 & 3
* (Nature of Nuis~ce Specified: "1" means there are trees, debris,
or vegetation, which, ])y reason of heist, proximity to neigh~ring
struct~es or physical condition are hurricsne ~zards; "2" ~,ns there
ape weeds exceeding 18 inches in height, and which either exhale
noxious odors or constitute a likely source of disease or physical
distress to hi,an beings; "3" means there is trash or filth which is
likely to be detrimental to the health and safety of the inhabitants
of the City.)
AND, ~E IT ~7~{T][ER RES{-~LVED that the City Clerk of the City of
JULY 13th, 1953
Delrmy Beach, Florida, furnish each oC the owners of the lands herein-
above listed and de~.crihed with a ~opy oC this resolution hy registered
mail~ retu~n receipt requested..
A~D, Bq IT ~TII;qTI RES{~L~D that each of said owners be m~d they
are l~ereBy notified thnt they ape requ:ired to ~Bate the nuis~ce here-
ina]~ove adjudged and specified within thirty (30) days From the re-
ceipt off a copy of this res,~lution~ otherwise, in deffault ~ereof,
the City of Delray Beach, Florida, xdll enter upon said lands and
abate the said nuiss~ce hepeinabove speci~ed a[~l will le~ the cost
off such work as an assessment a,~ninst the p~operty hereina~ove de-
APPII0~ thSs 13th day of July, A.D., 1953.
/s/ ,.
Ci%~ Clerk
Upon motion oF Coime~l~ }[oll~d, sec~.nded b~ Councilm~
le~, 8nd Ilna~i~l,,~sly c~ied~ ~he ~o~e~oi~ Tle~-ol~%ion ~(o. 004
psssed and ~dop%ed ~s
Fin~l. esti,na%e in %he amoun% of ~1,43S.10 on co~% oF gavin~ the
~lle~ %h~ou~h ~loek 117, su~%ted ~ Jack E. Ca~ve~, Con%~ac%o~,
w~s p~esen%ed fo~ apgmoval h~ %he Ci%~ N~na~e~, who advised
~mp~ovemen% has ~e~n sa%isfacto~ily completed, and lie Pecommended
Upon mo%ion of M~s. ~oehle, se~nded by Councilm~ Holland, and
~m~nimously c~m~ed, paymen% in ~he amoun% of ~1,43S.10 was au%ho~ize4~
as ~ecommended.
The eit~ Manager's ~epo~% and Assessmen% Roll on %he ~ad~ and
p~v~ of %he 511e~ ~hF,~h Block 117, was pPesen%ed ~Jid PeBd ~s fol-
Description Owne~ Abu%%in~ Assessmen% To%al
Foo%a~e ~em foo% Assessmen%
Lot 3 J.H. Fleming 112.8' $2.217 :~2~.08
Akin 17, Ohio
Alley Between
Lots 3 } 4 City of Delray Beach 16' " 35.49
Lot 4 ~ N. Lester B.} Mary J.Miller 72.4' " 160.51
29."' Lot 5 220 S.E.6th St.
Ft. Lauderd~le, Fla.
S.14' Lot 5 Thomas F. Eice 50.4' " 111.74
& N.36.~' 21 S.~. 6th Ave.
Lot 6 Delray Beach, Fla.
S. 6.8' oF Merle ~.Dearstyne 50' " 110.85
Lot. 6 & Ali 308 North Park St.
Lot 7 Streator, Ill.
Lots 8 ~ 9 Emil A.& Veronica L.Gerner 86.4' " 191.55
131~ S.Federnl Hwy.
Delray Beach, Fla.
Lot l0 Vincent Giordano 43.2' " 95.77
32 ~.E. 7th Ave.
Delray Beach, Fla.
Lot 11 " " 43.2' " 95.77
JULY 13th, 1953
Lot 12 & N. Nfs. Emilie Blank 64.8' $2.217 143.66
21.6' Lot 13 59 S.Federal Hwy.
Delray Beach, Fla.
S.21.6' Lot 13 Leona B.& lf.H.l)avis 64.8' " 143.66
& Ali Lot 14 59 S.Federal Ilwy.
Delray Beach, Fla.
W.50' Lot 15 J.L.Croft & Paul Sanderson 120.8' " 267.81
E. Atlantic Ave.
Delray Beach, Fla.
Lots 17 & 18 Fla. Coastal Theatres,Inc. 120.8' " 267.81
P. 0. Box 1290
Jacksonville, Fla.
Lot 19 }ierle 5i.Dearstyne 60.4' " 133.90
308 N.Park St.
Streator, Ill.
Lot 20 " " 60.4t " 133.90
Lot 21 Vincent giordano 60.4' " 133.90
32 S.E. 7th Ave.
Delr~ny Beach, Fla.
Lot 22 " " 60.4' " 133.90
Lot 23 5Irs. Emilie Blank 60.4' " 133.90
59 S.Federal Hwy.
Delray Beach, Fla.
Lot 24 " " 60.4' " 133.90
Upon motion of Councilman Kahler, seconded by Councilman tlolland
and unanimously carried, the above Assessment Roll was accepted, and
public hearing for objections was sched,~led to be held. on august 10th,
Upon motion of Councilman Holland, seconded by Councilman Kab-
let, and unanimously carried, final payment on installation of Al-
titude Vmlve mt the north water tank, in the amount of ~1,456.20,
to Howard Lee Cromer, Contractor, was authorized, having been ap-
proved by the Consulting Engineers and the City }Ianager.
A report of the Electrical Mxamining ~oard with reference to an
examination recently held, was read as follows:
"July 10, 1953
City Counci 1
Cit,- }Im.nager
Dear Sirs:
~r. John Eggleton of Ft. Lauderdale took tJ~e ~aster Electrical
~xamination on June 20th and received a passing mark o~ 80~.
The Electrical Board recon~nends that a ~laster's Electrical Li-
cense ~e issued to him.
/S/ R. A. Hughson
Electrical Inspector."
Upon motion of Councilman Kabler, seconded by Councilman Holland,
and unanimously carried, Electrical Contractor's license was approved
for },Ir. John Eggleton of Ft. Lauderdale, as recommended by the Examin-
ing Board.
JULY 13th, 1953
An application Cot a beer and wine license £iled by the Sherman
William Post No. 188, American Legion, located at the southwest
corner oC N.W. 2nd gt. and 8th Ave., Adolphus Lang~ Post Commander
and applic,nt~ was prosent~d Cot approval.
City Manager Lovelace advised that a Club license can be issued
in any location~ not ~thin 300' oC a school or cht~ch~ and that
all requirements ~uld be complied with. tlr recommended approval
oC liconse.
A motion was then made by Co~cilman llo!land~ and seconded by
co~mcJlman Kabler~ that beer and wine license be granted to the above
applicant. Upon call oC ~11 the motion carried unanimously.
A letter Crom the City Attorney~ with reCerence to iss~mnce
a corrected Tax Deed~ was then read:
,,July 9~ 1953
Mr. [lobert Lovelace
City Manager
Delrny Beach~ Fla.
Dear >I~,. Lovelace:
0n May 26, 194~, the City of I)elray Beach issued a Tax Leed to 0.]).
Priest, Jr., covering Lots 15 ~nd 16~ Block 19.
In the description in the deed, the f~ct that the Block was located
in the City of Delray Bee. ah, was omitted, and therefore, in that
respect the doscriDtion is d~fective.
It is my reco~endatiom thst the City Co~cil authorize the execution
of a correction deed or a aj~it-claim deed to ~Ir. Priest on th-is
property correcting the description.
Very truly yours,
/S/ Neil E. M~cMillan"
Upon motion oF Co~cilman ~olland~ seconded by Councilm~ K~bler,
a~d unanimously carried~ the execution oF a corrected deed to ~ir.
Pri~t cove~i~g Lots 15 ~ 16~ Block 19, was aut~m ri zed.
A letter Crom tho City Attorney pertaining to authorizing the
issuance of a ~.~t-Cl~im deed to A~e~ ~[unningss to the E~.- oF the
S~ of Lot 1~ le~s the N. 100', oC gection 20, upon f~ayment in Cull
oC all outstanding City liens against the ?roperty, was read as
Co llows:
"July 7, 1953
Hr. ~obert Lovelace
City H~na get
Delray Beach, Fla.
In re: E.~: oC S~ oC Lot 1, less North 100 C~,et
of gcc. 20, Twp. 46 S., R~mge 43
Dear Mr. Lovelace:
Agnes Munnings received a 5iur~hy deed to the above described
property on October 24, 1946. At that stone time this property was
being Coreclosed by the City of Delrmy Beach Cot certain ~paid
taxes rand assess~nts. On J~e 19~ 1947, a Special Mast(~r's Deed
was issued to the City oC Delray Beach.
gince that time A.~nes Munnings has h.~on pmy~g to the City of
Delray Beach on the tax assessment w]~ich was tho basis oC the Core-
closure hy the City of Delr~y Beach. I am advised that t]~ere is
an approximate balance oC ~440.77.
IIer attorney has req~.;estnd that in c~nsideration of the complete
payment off t}~ose t~x assessments t'~t s~,e be given a q~dt-claim
deed from the City for the ~roperty, ~d in vi ow off the ci~rc~m~stnnces~
I rncommend thru shine.
Very tn~ly
,/S/ N~J. 1 E. ~nc~i!].an, Cily Attorney~
JUTX 13th, 1953
Upon motion of Colmcilman l[olla.ne~, secc. nded hy Cotmcilman Kah-
let, and u~animously carried, the Council aut!torized a quit-Claim
~eed ~rom the City to A,gnes ~,~unnings, upon the terms outlined above.
Plans and a tentative sketch of a proposed Cabana Club to be
constructed on Lot B, Blue Seas Subdivision on N. Ocean ~lvd.were
submitted by the City ~[anager, for }Ir. Charles I{~ge, owner and
Mr. Lovel~ce advised that the struct~res would be permanent~
an(] that the plans met all requirements o~ the Building Code and
the Zoning Ordinance. }lc recommended al,proval of the application.
Upon motion of Cmmeilman Kahl~, seconded hy Co~mcilman [Iolland,
and unanimously carried~ p~rm't was approved as requested, s~ject
to final approval of the City Manager, and in compliance ~th all ~.
existing ordinances.
The following c.~municatinn from Nowlin ,% Adams, Attorneys,
for their client }Ir. Charles Wenderoth, gr., requesting the extne-
sion of the liquor zo,~e to include Lots 16 - 20, Block 112, on the
~. Federal ~igbway, was presented hy the City n~zger, ~d read
in full:
"July 7, 1953
TO: ~e IIonorahle City Council
Delray Beach, Flo~da
Gent lemen:
Charles Wenderoth, Sr., by and through his ~dersigned at~,orneys,
Nowlin ~ Ad~ms, respectfully petitions the ][onorable City Council
to consider and effect the extension of the legal liquor area to
Lots 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 of "Subdivision of Block 112, Delray
Heights" in Delray Beach, Flo~da, according to the plat thereof
recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Palm
Beach Co~ty, Florida, in Plat Book 1, ppge 130.
Said petitioner is the fee simple title holder of a]l of the above
described property except Lot 20 ~ich he is presently purchasing
~mder contract (which is unimproved).
Be advZqed that t~e I)etiti,-,ner would like to cnnvert ~e above de-
scribed property, which In the past has be~n the site of the Delray
Furnit~e Company store, into a first-class restaurant, ~cktail
lounge and package store. Be f~ther advised t]mt the State li-
cense for such an operation is available to your petitioner
the area in question is c,~nsidersbly more than 300 feet from any
school or church site located in the City of Delrny Beach ~d that
no comn~rnble f~cility or business site is available or penait-
ted i.n the southerly section of our municipality.
The property referred to is located on the west side of U.S. 1
in the center of the fox,nth block, south of the Atlantic Argue
intersection. This ,,)otition does nat contemplate a matter of
re-zoning since the zoning of the p~perty per, ts the requested
You~ p~omp% ~nsidePation w~ll ~e ~e~%l~ app~ecia%ed.
Respec%full~ s ubmit%ed,
A%%omne~s fo~ Chs~les Wende~o%h,S~.
/S/ John ]{. Adams"
A motion w~s made h~ Co,meilm~ Ks~leP, and seconded ~
Woehle, %ha% %he De%~t~on %e ~efe~ed %o %he Zonin~ and Pl~nin~
JULY 13th, 1953
Board for consideration a~,.d reco~vmlendation as to the extension of
the area in which liquor may be sold. Upon call. of roll the motion
carried ~m~imnusly.
A preliminary drawing of "Bonni::crest' Subdivision, lying be-
twec-n N.M. 14th and 16th Streots from N. S;~nton Aw~nue e~,st t,. N.E.
2nd Ave., submitted by Jerome ~d Grace W. Poptm~ developeps~
was l:~resented by tho City >ia. nager For tentative approval.
Mr. Lovelmce stated that all streets would be adeq~te, the
size of lots w(-~ld m,~t requirements, ~nd the drawing hod been ap-
proved by t'~e Plnnning As.o iatJon. IIe r.~co,mnended its apf~val.
Upon motion of CouncJlmm~ I<abler, seconded by Lrs. Woehle, z~nd
unanimously c~,rried, the plm~ w~s tentn~ively ai~,~ved, subject
to filing of formal plat in ~eeordnnce with the drawings s~t~ed.
A t~l~tio, of ~ids rece~vnd at 12 o'clock noon, on July 9th,
f~r the foncing of the ~;ort~ W~t~r T~k site, which bids were open-
ed. by the City Manager in the '?r~senee of the City Clerk, Mrs. Mvrg~,ret
Bart, ane~ ~fr. W. J. Johnston of the Cyclone Fence Co. of Mi~i, was
filed ~y lhe City }Innnger as follows:
wi th wi th o ut wi th wi th o ut
Top Rsil TOp Rail To~ Rail To~
Anchor Post ~rod.,Miami $1619.00 $1479.00 $1507.00 $136T.00
Service Iron~ W.Pnlm Beach 1437.00 1293.00 1344.00 1200.00
Crown Fence oo.,~'iami 1692.12 1559.1r 1585.46 1452.50
Cyclone Fence, Miami 1542.12 1409.16 1435.46 1302.50
Mr. Lovelace recommended that Chain-Link fence of heavy construc-
tion, with a top rail, he used, and that contract be awarded to ~e
~ervice Iron Co. of West "rolm Bench, Flo~da, the low bidder, in
the amount of $1,437.00.
Upon motion of Councilman llolland, seconded by ~4rs. Woohle, and
~mnnimously carried, contract was awarded to the Service Iron Co.
in the total ~moun~ or ~{~1,437.00, ~s recommended by the City Manager.
Upon motion of Councilman Uollmnd, seconded by Councilman Kahler,
and tmanim(~usly car~ed, bills totaling $101, 834 .14 were approved
for payment, subject to approval of the Finance Co~mittee.
A motion was then made ~y Co~mcilman Kabler that a policy be
established by the Council whereby notices and invitation to attend,
shall h~ given to all members of the press so req~sting, and
ins in Delray Beach, of all me~tings of the Zoning m~d Pl~n~g
Board, the Tennis Co~itt~e, the Golf Committee, ~d the 21~ni_ng
Association, mhd that these g~-~ps bn notified of the adoption of
this ,olicy. The motion was seconded hy Couneilm~ ~oll~nd,
upon call of roll car~ed un~mi,m.usly.
With reference to the p~ehase of ocean f~ntage for ~lored
bathing beach, City Man,get Lovelace reported that he had obtnined
only one offer, Cot 300' of ocean frontage ~hich is aw, ilable for
$100,000.00 plus 5~ interest over a period of ten years. He advised
that the County ~11 not contribute towards the purchase of land for
this purpose, but will contribute towards the maintenance of such
a beach when estnblished. )ir. Lovel;,ce felt that the burd~m of
acq~iring the land would fall on this City, but asked the Co;mcil
to ~ut}~orize him to negotiate with the adjoining Towns, and solici
their aid in acquiring a pu]~lic beach for the ~outh end of Palm
~each County for colored people.
After dise,msion by the Co,mcil a motion was made by Councilm~
Kahler and seconded by Co~mcJ. lman i{olland, that the City Manger
be authorized to proceed ~th negotiations with the To~ o~ lloynton
Beach; Boca R~ton, an4 possibly Lake Worth, and to report back to
the Council ~t a later meetirg. Upon call of all the n~otion car-
ried ~animously.
The meeting then adjourned.
AP"?.OV~D: City Clock
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