07-27-53 JULY 27T1~, 1953 itegular meeting of the City Council of the City of l~elray Beach was held in the Council ~hambers at 7:30 P.L. with F. ayor L. ~. Kern in the Chair, and City Atiorney Nell L. City Nanager i{obert Lovelace, and the following Co,mcilmen pre- sent: ~. A. Jacobs, and Nrs. Alm~,. t~. l{oehle, a quorum bei~g present. Upon motion of Councilman dacob~, seconded by Nfs. I.foeble, anti ~manimously c~r~'ied, minutes o~ meeting held 3,~ly 13th were a~proved as written. A report ~rom the ZonJ. n~ ~nd Planning Board on matters which the Co,mcil had referred to it fop cousideration and recommen- dation, was presented as follows: "July 24, 1953 Nembers of the City Council Delray Beach, Florida Gentl caen: The Zoning m~d Planning Board met on July 16th to consider three items re~erred to us by the City Council~ and we make the ~ollowing recommendations: 1. ~hat the req.~est of Lt. ~enry ~. B~unho~ for pe~-mission to construct a home on t]~e northeast corner o~ Laing St. and ll~,rmon Court, with a front set-back oP 36' from the cea(er line of I,aing Street, rather th~m 35' From l~is front property line us required~ be gr~nted, as the ~ovrd feels the~-e will be no hardship caused to ~djoining property owners; that it will not reduce the area ~ich might be required ~or a thoroqghfare in the future; and it will be in conformity with the Front set- backs of other properties on this Street. 2. ~ith re~erence to the proposed remodeling o~ property located on the northwest corner o~ ~. Atl~ntic ,~ve. and N.~. 5th ave., whereby Nr. Joseph Sante proposed to eliminate t]qo Gas Station sad convert the entire ~roperty into tl~ree store spaces, we feel the~'e is no violation of regulations, ~s no bear- lng walls will be changed, nor floor space increased; but that tl~e property will be greatly improved in appearance, theroCore no action is necessary by the Zoning and Planning ~ioard. 3. The request of Nr. Chas. Wenderoth, Sr. for permission to sell liquor at 310 So. Federal Highway, was considered~ and it is reco~ended that the Liq,~or ~oning Ordinance be ~mend- ed to allow the sale cC liquor in the four blocks north and blocks south of East Atlantic Avenue on the Federal tiighway, lle believe that a high-class restaurant, serving food an(} alcoholic beverages ~uld draw a clientele which wo,~ld be a benefit to the City. We also recommend that ~e Council make a study o~ the 'business area of ~e City, and establish an over-all plan which will define the locations For t}~is type of business. Very truly yours, DELiiAY BgACh ZONING & BY: Kenneth Jacobson Chairman" zk motion was m~,de by Nfs. ~4oehle that the recommendation the Zoning l{oard~ pertaining to the request cC ?ir. il. ~. Brun- hoff that he be gr~nted a variance in front set-back in construe- tion of a building on the northeast corner of Laing St. and Harmon Court, be accepted. The motion was seconded by blt. Ja- cobs, and carried unanimously. A motion was then made by Nfs. '~roeble~ and seconded by Council- man Jacobs, to accept the decision of the Zoning Board t~at no JL:=Y 27Tll, 1953 regulations would be violated by Nr. Joseph S~ nte in convert- lng the ~as Station and existing buildings on the northwest cor- ner of 2. Atlantic Ave. and 5th Ave. i~uto three store sp~ces, as he ?r,-)posed. Upon c~11 off roll tl,e motion carried unanimnusly. With re~erence to the extension o~ i~e liquor zone on the So. Federal tlighway, as req~ested by Nowlin and Adams, Attorneys for Ch~,rles k'enderoth, Sr., o~er of Lots 16-20, Blk. 112, City Nanager Lovelace suggested that if the Council intends to make an over-~ll study of the area in ~ich liq~or establishments shall be located in the fut~e, as recommended by the Zoning and Plan- ning iioard, the liquor ordinance be amended to include only the east 1/2 of Block 112 at t~:is time. Nfs. (~;,?c.r~;i:, [.apham then addressed the Council, objecting to the extension of the liq,~or zone on the Federal Ilighway. ~he Felt th;.~t is sh,)uld not have been refer,-ed to the Zoning and Planning Bo~rd, as it did not constitute a change of zoning, and that the Council should not be ~uided by their recommendation. She protested beconase of the proximity of the i{esidence "A" zone on S.~. 7th z~ve., only 1/2 block ea. st of ti:Cs location. NP. Cliff Baker also protested the requested extension of the liquor zone. He feared such a business would bring "undesirables" to the City; would also create a dangerous traffic hqzard along tl~e highway. A petition, signed by ~if'teen owners o~ ~roperty in that vi- cinity was then ~iled, and re~d as Follows: T0: T~E NAYOr~ NENBEtiS OF TIiE 0I~'i CO?NCIL OF Tllb: CITY OF D~;I.iG[Y BEACIf~ (}E;~ T [.LNEN: The undersigned do respeeLF~lly petition your honorable body to deny any request by anyone, at any time, or By yo~r oun vol~t]on, to ex%end the liquor area as nou set up uithin the city limits, soqth on south Federal hi.ghuay a dlstanee or rout or more blocks. lee ask this Because ue are convinced the establisl~ment oF any hat, p~okage skore, or restaurant serving liqt.tor~ uill create a nuisance to the taxpayers and residents in tL~s ~eneral area, which is sllrrounded by residence "A" and t'B" zones. It is o~w belief that the best interests of !he City of Delray Beach as a whole~ will be served if our re~iuest is granted. Dated at Delr~,y Beach, florida - July 27, 1953. Signed: (By fifteen property owners). Nfs. Lapham added that her protest was based primarily on the lack of necessity for additional places where liquor and package goods co~ld be sold, and objected to the extension of the li&~nr zone in either direction. Attorney John Il. Adams representing Nr. Wenderoth addressed the Council~ and explained ~at his client was only asking that his property be included in the apes wherein liquor might be sold; and that the Council itself would l~ter apb)rove or d~sapDrove any applicant For license to serve or sell liquor, lie stated that the oroperty is located on the tiighway wl~ic] is zoned for b~siness, that the building is alrendy there and it is adaptable For a res- taurant and bar~ with minor intorior alteratJ,,ns~ and t}mt :it will req ~:ire a subst;~ntial Financial investment by the operaior, in- surin~g ;~ sound operation. He claimed that the nPotestors ~lready live ne~,r the lligt~way, and their nearest neizhbors are b~siness places. ?,r. Adams requested the Council to approve the recom- mendation of the Zoning and Planning Board and extend t}.e liq~or zone to include his client's property. Nfs. ~oehle Felt that the ~r'oposed lsy-o~t of tl,e b,~ilding JULY 27Ti{, 1953 should be s~bmitted, and also that a liquor license sho {ld be cleared by the State beverage Oep~rtment before any action is taken by the Council. Co~ncilman Jacobs was opposed .to this type of business in that part of the City. He felt that opening up four blocks from Atlantic ~venue for liqt~or b~rs was too great a distance at the present time. Mr. Mike Blank, and Nr. John Hadden, property owners on SE 7th Avenue also urged t}~e Council to deny the request for ~n extension of the li¢~uor z~,ne, claiming it would be detrimental to their investments, and to their homes. A motion was then made by }irs. ~doehle that the matter be tabled until the next meetin.~, for further consideration, lhe motion was seconded by Councilma,~ 0acobs, with the amendment that it be tv. bled nntil the 2nd meeting in September. This was considered unreasonable by ~'~rs. ~{oehle, and she withdr§w. Mr. Jacobs then changed his amendment to the 2nd meetJn~ in zkugust, to which Nfs. Woel~le vgreed, nnd upon ca].] of roll the motion carried unanimously. Total estim~,te of W. J. Snow, Contractor, on the construction of side-walk on the north side of N.W. Znd Street, From 5th Ave. to 8th Ave. in the ,mo,~nt of ~$2,033.65 was filed by the City L~,nager,who advised tl-~t the imnrovement hvd been co, pleted and was satisfactory, he recom[~ended that p~,yment be made. Upon motion of Mrs. Woehle, seconded by Councilman J~,cobs, and ,manimously car~ied, the above statement was ap~roved for payment as recommended. The City }lan~,.ger's re~ort and Assessment itoll as to the cost of the N~{ 2nd Street Sidewalk ].m?~ovement was then presented and read as follows: Construction of 5' concrete sidewalks along the north side of N.!~'. 2nd 5treet, from 5th -~,venue to 8th Avenue, logether with seven 9' concrete driveways. Assess- Assess- Description Front merit f.r merit for & Owner Foot sidewalk drive/w TOTAL BLOCK ~ W.50' of S.135' & 10.3' on 8th Ave. 60.3' 119.34 119.34 C.B.& Clara liearst 611 N~' 2nd St., City E. 50' of W.109' of S.135' 50' 9S.95 2S.58 127.53 L.S.& L.P. Johnson I:'.0.~ox 222, Bovnton i~ch,X~la. W.50' of ~.150' of S.135' 50' 98.95 9S.95 Sephus ~. Can. pbell Gert. Del., Delray ,Je;~ch E.82' orS. 135' 82' 162.28 162.28 I.Irving & Ann Moss 513 ~.{.Clematis ~t.,W.P.B. BLOCK 10 W.50' of S.135' 50' 98.95 95.95 Willie l;~ranklin i~.0.t~ox 1312, City E.50' of :i.100' of $.135' 50' 9~4.95 28.58 127.53 Llise YJils on ~,. O. ~Sox 1713,City JULY 271'~, 1953 L.~;O' o£ !¢.160' of :5.135' 60' 11g.74 '3n.58 147.22 C.B.& Cl:,ra heapst 611 X~ 2nd St.,City ~. 50' ;,f ~.1'7' ,,f S.135' 50' 9q.95 9S.95 Ozie 1:. Yo~mgblood i'.O.~ox 8~1, City E.87' oF S.135' a7' 17~.17 (2) 57.1~ 229.33 L.I ~ ~,~nie L.Youngblood i'.u.50x 1063, City BI~OCk 1S ~;.50' ,)f ~.150' 50' 9~.95 9~.93 Iienry & iiazel Clem 519 i'?.; 2nd St. belray 3eacl~l"la. k.50' of ~¢.100' of S.150' SD' 98.95 9~.95 Anthony liolliday ~'.0. ~tox 312,City ~.50' of ~'~.150' of ~.150' 50' f~.95 '~$.58 127.53 E.5O' ,,f ~.200' of ~.150' 50' 9S.95 9~.95 5a,:uel ,-~ ~,ll~e E.Groovep ' ~ City W.37.2' oF L.87.2' of 5.150' ~ o, ~ 72~ 3~ fy . . ,',-20~~ C~ E.59' of S .... 150~ ,~ Blk. 50' 9~ ~) 9~.95 I-ien~y k l~azel Clem 519 ' ~' .~ ', 2nd ~ t., City 926.5' 1,833.59 3200.06 ~2,032.65 "'"'" ~ 033 Upon motion of Councilman, .lat:obs, sec.:.nded by ,~ps. and ~ma~imm~sly cappJed, l.l~e f,)Pp~,)Jn~ Ass(~ssr~en! ~ml] was ~ ,, .blie hear'in~ fop object~(,,~s to ~e cot,ted, and o~,del'ed filed, ~. , held on Nom~ay, muy~st 2.ttl,~ al 7:30 ,-,}:~,lical. Jor, FOP a pemiil, to ccmstmmt a ..~,' acl~ition r,n tl~e nopt} side ()f t]~ Napgtpet ;,.nn ~ope~ loe;.ted on the nor. tl~ CoPHeP c,f SE 3pd Ave. and 1st Stpe(,t, wi~l:o~t cop,Flying' with fPO~lt set-back pe~,~lulio,~s, was Filed. City ?ianagep Lovelace explained tirol the existi,?; b~Jld- in,~ which is sq,tare ill shape, wa:~ b~.~ilt s{~mpelv on lots fpont l'r,,z,,f is dia~onal. (l)ein~.:, tile east line of S::, 3rd ,~ve.) Thpnu.gh a~ em,or, tI~e S1~ corne~- of tl~e b.~ilding is set-b~.ck only 5''~'' fpom tlie y2popeptv line, i~ste;::d of tl~e req ~ir'ed 10' and the N.!f. corner is on tl~e p~'opepty line. ]{inn a Lovett of }2iami, owners: of tJ~e '~'(~per'ty are now a('lkin~ ~epmissio~ to ~n ad(lJtion, wl~ich would set back 5' on the ,~ ~ COlqler~ ou 1¢,') ~1(] jO~ ill 5t ~]"OlJl tkze exislJllm..:, b~ildin~,=, and wl~JcL wo~lld to,ich tt~e ppopepty line o~: t,t~e ];.U. copnep, Np. Lovelaee pecom?ended that tle peq~test be peffept.e~t tt~ seconded by Councilman Jacobs~ and unanimo~s!y ca-,, m'ied ~ the above peq~mst rOI" devi;,tion fpor~: set-b~,e~,, le,~l, pemenl, s was pefem'ed to tl:e LZOIlillg and i-'l;.,~dng ;;oar'd Fop p~eonm,endation. ~t letter from ~Ltt, oprley liappy !'. Newett, pepi'pspnti~lg James T. BransPield, owner of land in block 1(3.t on East. ,~ve., was re~.d t~s follows: JI~Uv~Y 27T11, 1953 "J.~ly 24, 1953 UonorabIe ~:ayor andCity Council l)elray Bec:ch, FIorida i~e: Block 164, l)elr~y iici:ch, Flor'ida Gentlemen: On behalf ~)f my client, J~mes T. Jr~.~qsf~eld, the o,~q~er the west 150 feet of tl~e south l~alf of Block 164, l}elr~y Be~ch, I.~lori(l~, according to recorded plat the~eof, I raq~est you to ado~:t a Pes~:.lution v~catin~ a~d ab[~ld~.ni~g that certain ciPcu- l~r t~rn;~round desi.~nated "Palmetto ;'ark" in Block 164, as pears on the original ~'iap of the ~fo~in oF [~i~]ton, ~,s recorded in Y~lat Book 1, page 3, p~]blic reco~ds of i"alm Beach Florida. The 5iap of the l~own of I.iv~t.~n was orJ~inally filed For record in Da. de County J~[ly 29, 1S96, b~' ~. S. Linton and ~lodel Land Company. ,kt that tithe, ~il]J. am S. Li~lo~. only owned an undivided one-half int~'~Pest in the ;~bove ?rope~ty, which in- terest ~eas subject to a mortg;,'~e held by 5;,rah G. Gle~son and k~i[liam Ii. Gleason, her h,~sbaud. This mortg~,ge was subse- quently ~'oreclosed, and these p~rties re-platted the property, wl~ich plat is designated "Plat of t~ractional i~:ast ~ialf of Sec. 16, Tp. 46S. of ~. 43E." T}~is re-plat was Filed 27, 1899, and is now recorded in Ulat Book 1, pag~~ 25 of the records of Palm Beach Co'~nty. This re-plat elimin;.tes the tu~naround'' shown on the plat of {he To,~ of ].i~]t~,n. 1 sub- mit l~erewit]~ photost~t copies of e~ch plat upon which I have o~tli~ed Block 164 in red crayon. Because of the fact ~illiam S. Linton did not hi, ye clear title to the property when he dedicated it upon the original 51~p of Li]'~ton, it is questionable whether the dedication had any validity. Ilowever, ~,side from tl~is fact, the subsequent re-plat, in subst~.nce, efI'ectq~lly revoked, v~.cated and annul- led the plat o~ Linton as it ~f~ects this property, and the "turnaround" was never accepted by use for the benefit of the public. ~he block has since been conveyed by small p~rcels, so ~at several ~ople are now interested. ~kll such convey- ances have ignored the "turnaround", and it must be considered ~s being abandoned if it ever e~isted. The reason ~or raising the question is because it apparent- ly exists of rec~)rd, al'id might be c,)nsidered a cloud, it is therefore reqaested that the Co~%ncil enact a resol~atio~ confirm- ing the fz~ct tlu. t the "turnaround" h~s been abandoned. ~(espectfully yo~rs, /S/ Harry T. Newett" City ~lanageP Lovelace stated t~at )ir. i~ransf'ield is now selling the property, ca~sing a possible clo~d on the title, and on one old Plat of the Town of LJnton the Circle does show. ~ie reconmended that the Council :~Oopt a ~[esolution to abandon tlc circle, as req~ested. The followin~ ,[esolution w~s then presented: iiLSOLUI~ION NO. 906 A ~(LS~LUI~ION ~1" ~I~ CITY CO~NCIL OF TIlE CITY OF DEL~h~Y BE~C}~, FLu~iIDA, ¥~aCATING AND ON1NG A ]~[T ut,~ Di~DICATIUN OF "P~,5~TTO P~[K" AS SHu~IN ON ~IAP 01: ~i'0%~N OF LIN'rUN, i(ECO~DS~I) IN I'LAT B(;OK 1, PAG~ 3, P,~I BEACII COUNTY, ILO~iIDA PUBLIC Wt~:~S, on July 29, 1896, a plat was Filed entitled. of the Town of Linton", as now recorded in Plat Book 1, page 3, Pain] Beach County, ~lorida records, wherein, among other parks and ~'oads, a turnaround, drive oF road was maFl~ed tbereo~ and 1 t3 JULY "~ .~. th, 1953 and designated "P.nlmetto t'ark" being partly in Block 164 thence- of, was dedicated to the perpetu.1 use of the ~)ublic; and ]l}li:~lt~{S, said turnaround, drive or road was never accepted a~. used by the public, ~,nd on October 27, 1899, said property was re-platted by S~P~.h (;. Gle~son and otho~~ o~,n_rs' e of lands, upon a nl[~t entitled "Plat of l'ract~onal Last ilalf of Section 16, ~l'ownship 4(; South of ~,n~e 43 Last" as now recorded in ~'l~.~t Sook 1, p~.,ge 25, I~alm ;~each Cotmty, tlorida records, wherein s~id lurnaro ~nd, drive ,~p road was not incl~ded or dicated to the use of the [~:~lic; and I{IiEI{t~,~S, 3ames I'. l{r~,nsf'ield, the ~resent owner of the 150 feet of tl,e South. I{alf of ~lock 164, according to Pl~,t of Town of Linton and said pl~,t of kractional ~ast t~alf of Section 16, h~s requested the City Council of the City of Delray l{each, Florida to confirm by res~)lution that the City of Delray Beach, Florida claims no interest in said t~rnaround, d~'ive ,.r road as a public l"oad or right-ofpway, and to ab~,ndon and v:cate tnt(rest tlm~ ~.? , ~ :.- ,.f record to be held in the nublic by virtue of the aF~res~ id de~]Jcstion contained in the flat of the To~n of Lint. on; and WHE,~AS, the City of belrav lleach, Florida has never clsim- ed any interest in said tu~'naround, di'ive or road designated [~s "Palmetto l'ark" ou said }iap of Linton as a ~,~blic road or of-way, and is willing to w;,cate ~nd ab;;ndon the same. N~3I;, TIIL,iLFO, tL, BE IT ,ti...t;~VI..I by the City Co,~ncil of the City of ~elray Beach, Florida that such ~art of the turnaround, drive or road marked and desi_.~nated "Palmetto i'ark" on the of the Town of Linton ss recorded in t:lat ltook 1, P~,ge 3 of the public records of ]'alm Beach County, Florida, as Js included in the ~4est 150 fe(~t of ~e South tlalf of ~lock 164, City of I)elrny Bec, ch, Flo. id~,, [;lat of the FractJnnz, 1 L~.st I',a]f of Section 16, ownsh~p 46 South of ll~,~e 43 Last, racorded in !'lat B,~ok 1, page25, Palm }~ea(',}~ County ~ecords, be and the same is hereby vacateO a~d abar~doned. PAS'{[3~ in l[e~ular Ses~i,m on this the 2Tth day of July, A.~. 1953. }Iayor ATTLST: ,ruth ,t. City Clerk (Seal) Upon motion of Coancilman Jacobs, seconded by }irs. 'foeble, and unanJm,~usly carried, the fore~oinff ,~esolution No. 906 was adopted as read. A letter from ~tiorney Harry T. Newett, on behalf of client, }~r. }i. P. Cur~'igan, with reference to the transfer of a liq.[or license,, was read as follows: "J~]ly 27, 1953 }lonorable }myor and City Council t)elray Besch, Florida ,[e: Apnlication of Gentlemen: Un beh;~lf of my client, }]r. )iichael }~.Corrigun, ~v},o operates the "Sail Inn" at 657 Sth Ftreet, N.L., Delrsy Beach, Plorida applicatiqn is he~eby made to nmend Section 17, Chantep VIII of the (Jrdinances of Delray ~teach to permit sale of alcoholic beverages for consimption on the nremises at said location. In November of last year, Lt. Cor~'~igan First applied to the Council, requesting at theft tin~ to be permitted to open a package store there. The Council favorably considered t)~i~ application, and a~lthorized iss~ance of s~ch license. JULY 27Tli· 1953 ?ir. Corrigan 12~en entered into a lease wJtl~ tie owner the property, and discovered that the qaota of liquor licenses in the City of Delray de,ch, as authorized by the ~tate Bever- age Department, had been Cilled. Mr. Corrigan then ap,lied to the Council Fop a beer and wine permit, for consumption on the premises. I wish to ~oint out that such a license (ti at is, beer and wine for consumption on the premises) had been issued tn a ppevious applicant, and would have required no change in ordinance. Lt. Cot i,gan's ~pplic~tion for beer ~nd wine license was favorably considered, and he is now operating under it. i{ecently, Nr. Co. ri.gan aw~iled himself of the opport~nity of purchasing (oP agre~ing to purcl~mse) tlc lJq,mr license bit. Shattuck. Tills is one of the quota licenses authorized by the State Beverage Oep~Ptment, and is for consumption on the premises. ~s Lt. Com'ig~n now h;~s a beer and wine bar operat- ing at the location, he is only ~equesting that be be permit- ted to exercise tie:Cull privileges oF tl~e license and sell other drinks on the ,~emises. Ail applicatim~s Imve beton in good C;~J'tb, and h~,ve been req~ired as cJrc ,rust,rices have cb, n~ged. As pointed otlt November, Sth Street lmm become a main artery, is a new ness district, and it w(mld a~'neur there is no objection to the application. ~(espectC ~lly Yours, /S/liarry ~i. Newett" City Nanager Lovelace stated that he felt t]~e City Council would be oblig~ ted t,, Jssae a license For a Liq'mr i~ckage store to ~'a-. Corrigan ~t t~:is location, as it was aye?roved a Few re'ruths ago, but iF the Council intends to make a st~dy oF the extension of the liquor zone in the City, as suggested by t}~e Zonin~g anq ]:'l~m~ing ~toard, he believed this application ~'~ould be withheld :mtil t]mt study has been made. ~ir. Cored. gan ~,d, iressed the C(,uncil, and e~plained that he has ~n (,ppor. tan]ty to p~rch~se an existin~ liq ~or bar license (Cop consqmption on the p~emJses), and he would like to use in its entirety at the "Sail Inn" ii, r on N.i=. 8th St., wl~ich is n,~w zoned Cot liquor pack~ge sto~'e only. Mr. Newett c~m~ended that tl~e character oC ~' e business now opera, ting as ~ beer a~d YJne 3ac wn~ld not be changed by t}~e ret, oval of the limitation on tl~e sale ,~C liquor. NPs. Woehle was op,~osed to ~akJn,: any ch~nge Jn the restrictions until tl;e Comcil ha~; m~de a st~(ly oF the of tke liq~mr znne J. ll the bj~y~ aS ~'ecom~,ended by ti e 7onJ~ff · 1.~nnin?: i/ovrd. /;fter f trtler disc,tssion Co~mcilma'~ Jncobs moved that City ~ttorney be instr;tcted to ;,Pepare an ;~me~,(h~ent t- the Li(l~mr oPdinauce tr, ;~ll,)w tlie sale ,)C l:i,~toP, for c nsum,-,tion on the ~,re~ise~ on ~; =. 3tl~ Stre¢,t betwe, n 5t}~ ~,(t 7th ~ve- ll~les. 'ii,ere Wa~ ~,~ Second t..O t} iS ll;Ot.~911. Ugon motion (~f' Lrs. ~/(.ohl~,, seconde4 by ,",P. .J;.cobs, and ~ma~imously car~'ie(~, [he .,.:tter w~,s [.abided m~!il the next meet- City Nana.-er L~)velace then o~tlined a -ropose([ street oil- '}{{~ Dl'OErld]l~ ani~ s~b~,~jtte,I a list of streets in the w~rst dition and w[~ich silo ild be s~,al-co~,te,l bc['o~e tl:e ~t(~rm sea, son if possible, lie sti:te,] th~ t two ro~(1 cm~tPacto~'s ]'md of Cereal to do tLe work ~ww~ witl, ?~y..ent (!~le .lmm a~',,proximately 1st .... bout 1000,000 sq ~;~r'e y.~'.l~ .)f sCrec, t c,~uld be se~,l-co; ted for ?lO~OOi?.O0, a;~d J~clude(l in t~e n(:..~t ;),,d;;et if tl:e a;:pPoves. The Council di,~ not deJ*inilely ap~ove ~f' .:kinz imy~'over,~enis to be included iii tile b~d:fet Fop tl.e ~(.x't f'isc~:l year', b.~t ul:,on on se;,1-eoi~i:]~:,; a~'~r,)xJi.i, te]y lOnO.O00 sq mr'e )'~,~'~ts Of ~;it, y City Manager Lovelace stated that he did not approve of private operation of a Club House, and although the Golf rouse is costing the City ap~roxi~tely ~10,000.00 a year he felt it was a good investment. If a Revenue Certificate Issue is anticipated to provide the additional funds needed to build a Fire Station and to make extensions or repairs to the Seawall at the Park ~d M~icipal Docks, ~ amo~t of ~35,000.00 for the Golf Co~se Club House ~uld be included. The Golf Com- mittee feel they c~ get plans and specifications prepared for a buildin~ within ~45,000.00, and Constrators will start work with the ~10,000.00 allocated in the current ~dget, with the balance payable when proceeds f~m ~levenue Certificates is a- vailable. No action was taken at this time. Upon motion of Mrs. Woehle, seconded by ~'ir. Jacobs, and ~animously car~ed, first and final estimate f~om the ger~ce Irong Co. for erecting a fence at the north Water T~k property, in the total amo~t of~1,42~.50, was approved for payment. The meeting then adjourned. City Clerk APPROVED ' Mayor