08-10-53 Regular meetin.~ of t~;,e City Cotmcil of the City of 9elray
Beach was held in the ~ounci! Cham~rs at 7:30 P.M. with Mayor
L. ~. I(~rn in the Chair, an~] City Attorney Neil ,J. ~,cMillan,
City Manager i{obe~-t Lovelace, and the Following Councilmen pre-
sent, W. A. Jacobs, and >Irs. Alma ~. Woehle, a quorum being pre-
Upon motion of Councilman Jacobs, sec~.nded by )irs. ~foehle,
and unanimously carried, minutes of meet~g of July 27th were
approved as written.
A renort from the Zon~ an~ ~lannin.?; l)oard wi.ih reference
to a request for a vnriance i~ zoni~g req.~irements, was read as
"Au~st 5, 1953
llembers of the Cii.y Council
9elray Beach, Florida
Cent].eme~!. & Mrs. Woehle:
The Zoning ~,nd ] lannin?; l;oard met on July 3Otb to co~sider
t]?e request ~.le,l t~y ;finn ~ Lovett, Inc. of Miami, to build an
ad,~ition on the north side of the Margaret Ann !;tore, located on
'" '~ ~thout co m-
the nort'~east corner o~ ~-,.?. 3rd Ave. ~ 1st
plyinz with front set-back req.~rements, w?4ch request was re-
Ferred to this Board For recommendation.
As the existing st,,re bu:~lding, through an error, was con-
structed with a front set-back of only 5'2" on the southwest
co~-~ner, and toucbin'~ t~,e p~perty line on the ~ortbwest corner;
and also considering the Fact that c ~
~,.,~. 3rd Ave. can never be
wid~med and become a tho~ughfare ]~ecause of the location oF
the First National Bank on the corner oF East Atlantic Ave.,
the Board recommends that a 5' set-back be approved, provid~g
the northwest corner o~ the proposed a~ 'itio,: be required to
maintain at least the same set-back F~m the center o~ the
street as the B~k building.
Very truly yours,
/S/ Kenneth Jsc.bs,~n
Cl sirm~"
City Manager Lovelsce aJvised t at upon ~rther c~eck~g
it ~as Found that the nresm~t building is set back 10' at the
corner and 5' at the N.~W. corner, and the set-back at the ~.W.
corner oF t~.e pre, nosed additio~ will be 5' more than the 1st
National Bank Buildinz on the corner oF bt. Atlantic Ave. and
S.E. 3rd Ave., leavin~ suffFicient r/~ For widening of this
street in the Future. Nr~ reco,usended th. at I~it be granted
a~ requested.
Upon motio~ of Mrs. Woehla, s~condcd By Councilman ~acobs,
and unanimously cam-ted, the above recommendation ~as apj~roved.
City Manager Lovelace then submitted cobbies oF his pro-
posed ~udget For the ensui~g yea~', as required by the Ci$~y Clm. r-
ter, stating that copies ~ere available For the Press a~M. For
the various a~encies c,,ncerned, ~d hea~ings ~11 be sc~eduled
to be held at a later ~ate.
T~O letters From the Southern Bell Telephone ~ Telegraph
Co. regarding the installation oF public te].epho~e bo,,ths at
diFFerent locations in the City, ~ere subm tted By the City
Manager For ~sideratian, as
AUr, UT;T 10th, 1953
"August 10, 1953
Hrs. [lohert Lovelace
City ~[an a,ger
Delray Beach, Florida
I_~e~r i.~.,. Lovelace:
ThS. s lettar is to confirm our conversation off Au~st 5~
1953~ co~eernin,[ the inst~llations o$ coin telephones in Outdoor
Booths at the following locations; Delray Beach Casino~ W.
Atlantic Avenue ~ N.W. 14th Avenue; City Park at ;]. Atlantic
Avenue and Bridge; in f~nt of City llall m~d in ~ront of the
Teen Club on S.];. 4th Avenue.
Would you please confim these locations by si~ing ~e
authorization Below and return the original copy to this of $ice~
Thank yo~ For your cooperation in ti-is matter.
Yours very t~mly~
This is to authorize the inst~,llation of outt~oor booths at the
above mentioned locations.
Cit~ Manager
Delray Beach, Florida"
"August 10, 1953
Mr. ttobert Lovelace
City Manager
Delray Beach, Florida
])ear ~ip. Lovelace:
We have received inquiries from the general public con,cern-
ins the absence of public telephone facilities on the public
beach. As a result of these inquiries, the telephone comPany
has made a survey of the entire beach area with the thought o£
providing outdoor telephone service both to the public ant] as
emergency telepho~.es for the city life~l~rds.
In order to give the best possible coverage it was decided
that t~-~e outdoor booths should be placed on the east side of
Ocean Boulevard at three points. These locations are as follows:
N. 0ceanBoulevard at Lain~ ~treet; S. Ocean Boulevard at fqassau
~treet; and, [~. 0ream Bo~levard at Casuarina Street. These lo-
cations wer,~ c~.~osen because of their accessability to Telephone
n~d J'ower Company facilities and also because of their conven-
ience to the lifeguards and genera. 1 ~)ublic.
These stations, if installed, will be ~:laced in outdoor Tele-
phone Booths ]:ainted red and witte on the outside and blue on the
inside. The booths will be anch<.red to a concrete slab 40" X 40"
x 4" thick. A li.ght m~d fan will be provided in each booth for
the comfort and convenience of the users. ~k coa~nission of 15~ will
be paid to the City of l}elra, y Beach on ali. receipts t;~ken in on
these stati.ns. In order to provide the necessary clearance over
Ocean Boulewtrd for the Telephone Company and Power Comp~ny lines
it will be necessary to set a short !:ole at the Laing Street ~d
Nassau Street locations.
We would appreciate it ve~ much if the city wo~ld grmat us
permission to provide this much needed public service. Thank you
For your cooperation and consideration in this matter.
Yours very truly,
/S/ E. D. ~(ickett, ~.[anager"
AUCUST lOth, 1953
Commilman Jacobs moved that the ':~roposed installation of
public telephone booths at the following locations be apl)roved:
1. Delr~y Beach Casino
2. N. Atlantic Ave. at N.W. 14th Ave.
3~.. City ]-'ark - E. Atlantic Ave. at the [{ridge
4. In front of the City Hall bldg. on S.~. 5th Ave.
5. In fm:,nt of the Civic Center Bld. g. on S.E. 4th Ave.
The motion was seconded by Hrs. R~oehle, and upon call of
roll carried unanimously.
With reference to the proposed locations of three booths on
the Beach, east of Ocean Blvd., it was the consensus of opinion -
of the Council that they would not be objectionable if wires
were laid underground, r,qther than erecting poles as suggested.
City Attorney ~XlacHillan advised that the telephone !~y
stations would be a convenience for the !~u]~lic, and it would
be an ~advantage to have them on the Beach in case of need For
help, a~,~, that the revenue to the City ~,ould be merely incidental.
A motion was then made by 5irs. ]foehle that the three in-
st~.llations can be nmde by tunnelling under-g~)und rather than
uainf polwa. The motion was seconded by Cotmcilmm~ Jacobs, mid
carried uuanimously.
Tabulation of ~ids received at no-n on August 6th, on seal-
con. ting approximately 100,000 square yards of City streets ac-
cording to specifications were opened by the City Manager in the
presence of the City Clerk and ?lt. J. 0. Hurray, representing
Troup Bros. of Miami, was filed as follows:
Belcher 0il Co. - ~'i[1025 p,e,r sq.yd.
Troup Br~ s. - 0947 " "
Rubin Coast. Co.- .0866 " " "
Mr. Lovelace explained that the work would be started as
soon as pos.qible, during the off-season; and also that seal-
coating is most effective if put on in hot weather, lie stated
that $ 10,000.00 is set up in the proposed budget for the coming
year, and Contr~:ctors are willing to do the work ~mw and wait
until about November 1st for payment.
After ~liscussion, a motion was made by ~'irs. Woehle that the
Council obligate itself in the amount of ~10,000.00 for seal-
coat~.ng 100,000 square yards of City streets, to be payable out
of next year's b,~lget, and that contract be awarded to the Ruble
Const. Co. of ~fest Palm Beach, for the work at ~ .0866 per square
yard, as this was the lowest and best bid received, ihe motion
was seconded by Councilman ~acobs, and carried mmnimously.
Proof of '~ublication of notice ca/?ing a public hearing to
receive objections to the paving of alley tlnmugh Dlock 117, was
filed by the Clerk as follows:
All persons who may be interested in t]~e property affected
by the Assessment Roll as set forth below are hereby notified
that the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, has
examined and approved said. Assessmont ~ioll, and that the City
Council will sit in the Cotmcil Chambers in the City Hall at
7:30 P.~I. on August 10, 1953, for the ~mrpose of hearing ob-
jections to said Assessment Roll, as appears in minutes of
July 13th Council meetin~.
l)elray Beach Ne~s
Delray Beach, ~alm Beach County, Florida
Before the undersigned authority personally appeared G.
Noore Lap}mm who on oath says that she is editor-general manager
of the Delray Beach News, a weekly newspaper published at Delray
Beach in ~';alm Beach Co~mty, Florida; that the attached copy of
advertisement, being a public notice in the matter of Assessment
AUGUST 10th, 1953
Roll was published in said newspaper in the issues of July 23
a~,({ ,qO, 1953.
Affiant further says that the said Delray Beach News is a
newspaper pubIished at Belray Beadh, in said Palm Beach Co:mty,
Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been con-
tinuously published in said Palm Beach County, D~lorida, each Fri-
day and has been et~tered a.s secor)d class mail matter at the post
office in Delray Beach, in said ~alm Beach County, Florida, Fop
a period of one y~ar next preceding tl~e first p~blica~ion .,f the
attache,~ copy of a,]vertisement; and affiant Further says that she
has neither ~mid nor nro];~ised any persoll, firm or corporation
any di~:comlt, p(~bate, commission or refund Fop tire ?~?ose of se-
curing t~is a.';vertisement fop ',u]~lication in tile s~aid newspaper.
Hea~ing wa~ then held ~ o3-,j,~etions to the above iml~rove-
ment were asl¢ed gor by tha >[ayor. None were received, and the
follow, nE Ordinance w~s ~res~mted ~,~ First
AN 02'~INANC'.~ OF T~i:< CI~' ('()U};CIL OF TtIE
PAVING (~ ALL'~' ',{U"XING NCiiTII AF~" 5-;{~UT!I
BT,OCE 117, TO A WIIITi1 OF ~IXTE?' F~?T (16').
Upon motion of ~lrs. Woehle, seconded by Councilman ~acobs,
and unanimously carried, the Fore,ming Or,:inance was placed on
first reading.
The rerouting of traf?ic on Federal Iiighway No. 1 was then
~rou%ht up For discussion.
City Ha.nager Lovelace outli~ed the plan of the State i[oad
Board in conjunction witl~ the County Commission ~o provide
lanes of traffic through this city By using two '3tre(~ts, one
south-hound and the other north-]~otmd. The Board of County
missioners had asked the City Council ~ designate the ])ixie High-
way (Btl~ Ave.) as the south-hound hrvnch of Route ~1, and the
Federal Highway (6th Ave.) as the north-hound branch, f. lr. Love-
lace stated that it is alarmed to be~n work south of 10th
and widen 5th Ave. to 50' through Delray Beac~ to the north
limits of the City of Boynton Beach. The road will be completely
paved, and curbs, ~tte~s and storm sewers installed; and side-
walks constructed along both sides, at no expense to the City.
~ayor Kern then asked For oomments from the a~ience.
~[~. O. D. Priest, Jr., addr(~s~'ed the Council, presenth~g two
petitions as follows:
1. Si~ed by 24 property o~mers on 5th Ave. protesting
switching of traffic on the grounds that it is a residential
street, and t~eir homes would be jeopardized.
2. Signed by 68 property o~mers on 6th Ave. (Federal di~-
way ~/1) protesting they have esta.blished their businesses on the
Hi,~way and made s;~bstantial investments there, heliev~]g this
was to be the ma:in Ili~way. They felt that ad(;itio~m.1 rift-of-
way would be dedicated t~, widen 6th Ave. and pr.,vide a Four-lane
l{i~usy without dividing l[oute ~1.
Mrs. Georgia Lapham File,] three photographs t~ken by the
Delray Beach News, showing ample room, she claimed, for one ad-
ditional lm~e of traffic on either side of the '~resent ma.alway,
without (~sturbing any buildings.
Severvl business men ~o operate their bus~esses on U.S.
Hi~way No. 1 aqdressed the Council, ur~;Jng the Co~cil to dis-
approve the de~i~]ntion of 6t~ Ave. as a o~e-way street, north-
bo~md, and 5th Eve. as a one-way stre(~t, so,th-horn]d, in view
of tb~ fact that 90~ of ~heir }rosiness is ,]e]~ved from south-
~ound traffic.
AUGUST loth, 1~5~
}Ir. James Boherty, of ~)oberty-Onyder ~[otors, Inc., located
at 510 B;. Federal ~Iighway, asked the Co~mcil to delay any action
on this matter For thirty days, in order to try to obtain addi-
tional ri~J~ts-oF-way to ~den the present Federal flighway to
~11 ]anes.
5fayor kern, and ~.~rs. ~.;oehle were in favor of approving the
recommendation of the State l~oad DeI~rtment, desig~;-~ting 5th Ave.
an~? 6th Ave. as one-way streets, south-hotrod and north-bound re-
spectively, so that the project mi~t proceed.
Councilm~ Jacobs, however, felt that it would be ~fair to
vote on tl~is important issue without a ~ull Council. fie also
felt that t'qe 30 - 40 citizen,s prese~ at this meet]rig were not
a fair representation o~ the entire };opulation.
Mayor kern then announced that as soon as Councilmen tlolland
and i(~.bler were back in town he would call a. special me~ting of -
the Com~cil~ ta~] notify the Press o~ the time and place of such
meot:ing, r{o furthar ~ction was to.l~en on the matter ~t tl'~s time.
City ~'ianager Lovelace presented a sketch of a ;,ro nosed
plan submitted by the Florida Powder ~ Light Co.to replace 43
obsolete ;¥~te Way lights on E. Atlantic Ave., between o.W. 2nd
Ave. and the Federnl llighway, with 26 10,000 lmnen street li~ts~
to be mounted on 8 foot brackets, 28 feet a~ove t;.e pavement.
~lr. Lovelace explained that nDre effective li~ting would be pro-
vided, and at a cost of al~out ~300.00 less per year. ill,ere
would }~e no cost to tl~e City for ins~.allation of the improved
li ~htin :~ system.
Councilman Jacobs suggested tl~at the replacement of White
Way lights ]~e exte~ed to include 5;.:~]. 5th Ave. also, and City
>ia~qger Lovelace agreed to request the Florida Power ~ LiL~t Co.
to submit a supplemental offer to replace these lights.
A motio~ was then made by Mrs. ~.¢o,~hle, and seconded by Co~-
cilman ~acohs, to approve this modernization of street light~g
program on Atlantic Ave. Upon call of roll the motion carried
~animo us 1 y.
Application for a qiccnse t- sell ~e~r and. Wine at 126
Federal Highway, C. S. Atkins, applicant, operating as the Del-
ray Delicatessen, was prese~ed by t'~e City 5ianager who stated,
that l'lr. Atkins had been approved by the Police Department, and
he recommended that license be granted.
Upon motion of }irs. Woehle~ seconded Dy ~4r. Jacobs, and
~animously carried, license was approved as requested above.
City i'ianager Lovelace then advised of the resi~ation of
Mrs. Clark Wooer as a member of the Tm~:~is Con~ittee, as she
was moving from the City, and upon motion of ~.[rs.~{oehle, second-
ed by ~[r. Jacobs, and unanimously carried, the resignation of
~Irs. ;;'ormer was accepted, with appreciation for her services on
this Committee.
Mr. Lovelnce informed the Council that the Te~nis Com-
mittee had recommended the appointment o~ Attorney John
to replace Mrs. Wormer, and Councilman Jacobs moved that ~lr.
~Ioore he named to fill this vncancy. '~he motion was seco~ed
by ~'~rs. Woehle, and carried mlanimously.
Upon motion of Co~mcilman Jp, co~s, seconded by )irs. ~'o~le,
hills totaling ~) 81,315.05 were app~ved for payment, subject
to agproval of the Finance Con~ittee.
~stJmate No. 5, ]Ioward L. Cromer contract for Water Plant
Improvements, in the amo~t of ~ 5,220.00 wa.~ stO)mitted Dy the
City )lanager for approval, having been approved by him and by ~e
Consultzng ]~ngxneers, and upon ~notion of ~rs. Woehle, se~nded Dy
Co~cilm~acohs, ~md ~imously ca .Pied, payment was approve~.
~stimate No. 1, llo~ard L. Crom.~r contract for inst;lling wat-
er mains at fail,ad crossings, in the a.~o~t of ~3,050.00, was pre-
sented for a~provol,h2ving been approved by the Consulting ~rigineer
and t}~e City 5ianager, and upon motion of }Irs .~%oehle~ seconded by
Councilman Jacobs, and ~animously car~4ed,?ayment was approved.
The me,~ting then a. djourned.
A'~PROV~]]): City Clerk