08-26-53SpMtg1,64 AU,qUST 26· 1953 A Special Meeting of the City Council of t~e City of i)elray Beach to discuss t. he i~roposed Budget for the year 1953-1954, was held at 7:30 ?.M. in the City Manager's Office, with "'ayor ~ern in the Chair, and City Mana~er £lobert Lovelace, and the following Councilmen present: John N. Kabler, W. A. Jacobs, and ,~rs. Alma K. Woehle, a quorum beir~g present. Mr. John Breze, President, and Mr. Doyle Morgan, Executive Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, aupeared before the Council ~/ith reference to their request for aopropriation for the ensuing year. Mr. Breze filed a schedule of proposed advertising which they felt would be beneficial to the City ss a w:~ole, amo~nting to ~15, 000. 00, and explained each item in detail. Mayor kern ad- vised 5ir. Breze and )ir. :Morgan that the Council would give their request consideration. The budget for each Department was then considered., and the following corrections or changes were a~?roved~ such changes to be made and .~ublic hearing held for any objections beI'ore its final adoption on September 14th: Increase Deduct C ' Fire Chief's Salary (or~ectxon) ~288.00 Secretary - Police Dept. " 96.00 One Radio - Fire Dept. 448.00 Library - Salaries 300.00 Boat Club 200.00 Jr. Chamber of Com.~erce 100.00 One Seasonal Patrolman for Beach area 1,004.00 City Manager's Salary 600.00 Contingency Fund ~3,036.00 Mrs. Woehle suggested that some member of the City Council attend meetings of the various Committees and organizations which the City helps to support, in order to learn how they function and operate, and after discussion the Clerk was instructed to ~urnish each Councilman with a list of such Committees so his choice can be indicated, and the Mayor will be able to make a~poin%ments ac- co rdingly. Councilman Kabler stressed the advisability of designating one laborer in the Park Dept. to certain territory for which it shall be his responsibility to keep in condition, especially the City Park and Parkway along East Atlantic Avenue east of the Waterway. City Manager Lovelace explained that it had not been possible to do this with the limited force during the past year, that. when men had been needed on other work, they had. to be used there. How- ever, the 1953-1954 budget provides for three additional laborers in the Park Department· wkich will make it possible to keep the Parks and Parkways in good condition at all times. Also with more management in the Public Works Department, as provided in the pro- posed budget, it will be ~ossible to obtain better performance in this Department. As there was no more busLuess to come before this meeting· the meeting ad jo:~ned. City Clerk AP?ROVED: Mayor