12-14-53232 December 14th, 1953 Regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Delrsy Beach was held in the Council Chambers et ?:30 P.~. with Mayor R. J. Holland in the Chair, and Acting City Attorney Harry Newett, City ~lanager Robert Lovelace, and the following Council- men present: John N. Kabler, J. L. S~unders, and ~irs. Alma K. Woehle, s quorum being present. MOTION Ninutes of November 9th, 23rd, and December let approved Kabler and Woehle, Unanimous. Public Requests - none. Architect's Fees on Golf Club House. ~r. Lovelace - Original bill for $1,000.00 for settlement of ~ccount on Club House services. 0rigin~l Club House which was too expensive and we can not build. Prooosed Club House now is $45,000.00 and terms of ~greem~ent for t~is building would be: a. A total fee of $2800.00 b. $1,000.00 retainer payable now c. $1,000.00 payable upon completion of plans and specifications d. Balaoce of $800,00 ~ due upon completion of the building. The above proposal was submitted by the Golf Committee and Richard Hanna. It embodies complete architectural services for the proposed new clubhouse which would supercede the old agreement and cancelthe original set of plans. The $2800.00 fee would include both set of plans and complete architsctural services to the final execution of the contract. Nr. Lovelace - This is establishing a $2800.00 fee. Scrapping the old program for the new Club House at $4~,000.00. Retainer fee payable now. Would ~ean a total ~rchitectural fee for both sets of plans of $~300.00. Figure of $~,000.00 was agreed on as the cost of a Club House. Sale of lots wasto account for $£2,000.00 of the $4~,000.00 plus the amount set ~p in the budget. I am instructed to process an issue of Revenue Certificates to include $~,000.00 for the construction of a Club ~iouse plus $10,000.00 we h~ve at hand. ~rs. Woehle - Are they re~dy to start work? If not there might be more retainer fees later on. Mr. Hanna - Preliminary concessions have been made for the new work. They have been tentatfvely approved by the Golf Committee. ~r. Lovelace - We are ready to go on a Revenue Certificate issue. Have been trying to do it ourselves without a fiscal agent and have not worked it out as yet. ~r. Ho~lsnd - Think this fee should be paid if it is to be used on the final project. ~r?. Woehle - Shouldn't the plans be Orought up £or us to see? ~r. Hanna - ~e have an active group of golfers in this Town who are interested in a Club Rouse. They feel it should be a Country Club as well as a Golf Club. A building suitable for dances, parties, civic functions, etc. That g~oup feels it should be large enough to ~ccomodate that purpose. Now boiled down to what they can get by with in the ne×t few years, but ~rranged so that it can be expanded and enlarged. Snack Bar with a smaller kitchen rather than a Restaurant with a large kitchen. Facilities for food preparation. Condensed in all ways except the main Lounge. Screened porch which can be opened to acco~.odate a pretty big crowd. Specifications have not been drawn. Realized the cost would be too high on original plans. Tnir~ it it is at all possible for the City to finance the larger building it would be more economical in the long run to go ahea~ with the larger building. Decemb~,r l~th, 1953 ~rs. Woehle - Think an agreement should be reached as to whether it should be only a Club House or s Community Recreation Center and Country Club. ~lr. Lovelace - Golf Course is now close to self-supporting for operational purposes. ~Vir. ~abler - Wouldn't it be better to settle with the Architect on what is rightfully due him and then cons!der what is really needed and wanted? Isn't it follish to continue to draw before the money is ~vailable to construct the building? Mr. Lc~elaee - Think that a Club House is as much as we can do for the next five - ten years. Think $~5,000.00 is the limit. Th!pk this 2n.d set of plans is as good as you c~n get. This is gotten down to a simple function~.l building and is still good looking. I don't see how we can Set any more Club House for that mo~ley. Mr. Kabler - Think we should let it ride until the next Council comes in, to decide what is wanted and can be ~.nanced. ~r. Hanna - I ~ill draw new plans if necessary and apply this fee on f~t~re Architectural fees. I have prep,red preliminary drawings on this particular Club House, whioh were accepted by the Golf Committee verbally. ! don't feel I can start over ~6~in and draw new plans if asked to and spp]_y this p~yment on the fee. ~r. Ho!]~nd - P~y him for wh~t he h~s al ready done and wait l~ntll It i~ decided Just what is ~nted. Mr. Hanna - OK. P~y ~l,000.00 now for the work ~lready done. ~1,000.00 paid tonf6ht can be applied to either set of plans used. Settlement on programs to date. Mr. Kabler - Set In special session with Golf ~ommittee ~n the next day or two. Mr. Saunders - Feel the Council should see the plans. Think it is the duty of the Council to passon the plans even though approved by the Golf Committee. ~{r. Love]ace - Ail you agreed to was to recognize Mr. Hanna ~s the Architect 8nd to pay him ~ $500.00 ret_~iner fee. MOTION K~b!~r and Saunders. Think we should get with the Golf Committee. Unanimous. Notify ~.r. Hanna of the meeting. ~.r. Holland - If ~nyone Is ~_nterested in the purchase of ocean front property we will hear you now. No one w,nted to be heard. Proof of publication of application for Certificate of Pub]lc Convenience and Necessity. Shedrick Fashaw. Hearing Held - No protests. Mr. Lovelace - Think any objectors should be present and present their case. Fasbaw - My business warrants another Cab. Can not take care of it ~ith one Cab. No objections filed. No objections from Police Depart- ment. Letter on file before the application came in was read by the City Y, anager.. ~0TION Mrs. Woeh].e and ~r. kabler. License be granted. Unanimous. The Planning Board returned reports on the following propositions submitted to it: a. On the Reuben f~]ack request £or a variance in establishing a grocery store in a North West residential district (E. W. 2nd Street - N. W. 10th Avenue) on grounds of hardship - that It be denied. Reasons: spot zoning; adequate business districts exist now; hardship precedent could pockmark the city; b. On theAtgs Corporation petition for a variance allowing a golf driving range Just east of the bridge and N. of Atlantic December 14th, 1953 Avenue - that it be den~ied. A copy of the recommendations in full follows: "December i2, 1953 The Honorable ~V[ayor and City Council Delray Beach, Florida. Gentlemen: The Planning ~oard met Friday evening, December llth, and took action on the matters referred to us as follows: 1. Golf Oourse Driving Range to be located on the North side of Atlantic Avenue, east of the Bridge. Discussion: It was noted that the property affected is zoned Limited Business for the first 150 ft. North of Atla-ntic Avenue, thence Apartments to Lo~ry St., and that .~uch an operation would require extremely bright which would oroJect into floodlights at n~ght, Residence A zone to the detriment of that domiciliary d om~ i ne. Action: It is the recommendation of the Board by unanimous vote that permission for the proposed golf range be denied.. 2. Special Permit for Reuben Niack to operate a Grocery Store in a Residential area Zone. Discussion: This operation would be a non-conforr~ing use of the property under consideration, setting dp a precedent for many future similar cases. It would in effect require spot zooming which violates the basic principles of intelligent city planning· Action: The Board unanimously voted to recommend that this oetition be denied. Sincerely, /S/ Robert F. Blake II Chairm~n~ MOTION Mrs. Woehle and Mr. Kabler. Sustain the findings of the City Planning Board on Reuben Mack. Unanimous Motion Mr. Kabler ~nd Mrs. Woehle. Recom~endation on Alg~ ~orporation be accepted. Unanimous. Gulf Stream Hospital Association - temporary offices. Mr. Lovelace - The City Attorney was instructed to draw up an agreement to serve the Cities interest. Mr. Newett - Under present Ordinances this should have been referred to the Planning Board. it is ~ distinct var_~,oce. Require him to set up deed restrictions to remove this building at a certain time. Council should only have denied this request or referred it to the Planning Board. Council should only have denied his request or referred it to the Planning Board. Does not require a written notice of hearing· ~r. Allen - In that event if it is the unanimous opinion of the Council I will withdraw the petition· It is requested that those with responsibility of issuing and approving building permits do everything Oossible to expedite the granting of a building permit which conforms in all respects. ~r. ?;. C. Burton, Chairman of the .Community Chest Drive, seeks permission to lodge a large "con%munity chest" in the street on Atl~ntic ~venue, the last week in January or thereabouts. The idea is the chest, amply lit and safeguarded, would be installed at an intersection l0 blocks away from the bank - symbolizing a $10,000.00 goal. As each $1,000 came in, the chest would be moved ~ block closer to the bank; finally going into the bank with the full quota. ~r. Lovelace- Soudds like a traffic hazard, but experience with such things has been reasonably good. Community Cfve activity involved mu~t be considered. ~r. Saunders - Would there be any liability on the part of the City? ~r. Lovelace - Yes, there might be. 235 December 14th, MOTION Mr. Kabler sod Mr. Saunders - Approved as suggested subject to the contingent s~pport of the City Manager.and the ?olice Department. Mr. Robert Totterdsle submits that the absolute ban on trailers precludes one use of them which ought to be permitted. He sketched an amendment which would allow trailers as of~ices for subdivision developments. Arguments: a. The developer now has to build money.wasted when the development is complete, which is hard to move, uneconomic; and often involves considerable argument in f'tn~lly getting rid of the eyesore; b. The lot on which the shack is located is withheld from s~le or development, while clients ofteu want THaT one - whereas a trailer could be readily ~oved. c. Developments of subdividers and often widespread (e.g.- Totterdale - N. W. section a~d extreme S. E.) So that the same shack can't be used for two or more sub~iv!sio~a - where a trailer could. d. The amendment could preclude any use except as an office. Ordinance prohibits Trailers in Town for more ~han one hour or two. Where trailers are only for offices for developers of subdivision they be allowed. Attorney feels that ~his can be better handled by allowing variance for that purpose only' rather than to amend the Ordinance. Refer it to the Zoning Board for consideration of such a variance. BuD we have no Zoning Appeals Board as the Planning Board has asked the Council to act as a zoning appeals boa rd. ~r. Lovelace- Could the old Zoning Board be reappointed as Board of Appeals temporarily? Mr. Newett - Council does constitute a Board of Ad. Justment. Petitions must be referred to the Zoning Uommission according to the Zoning 0rd~nsnce and then back to the Council. MOTION ~r. Kabler and ~r. Saunders - Refer to the present Plan~,~g Board for recomme,~atton. Onsnimous. Tennis Committee - ~Appointment of ~rs. ~artha Severson to replace ~rs. Clark Wormer. ~0TION Mrs. Woehle and Mr. Ss~nders. Approve appointmeDt and write letter of appreciation for services, Unanimous. Beer and wine licenses on beach. - Letter sent out by Beach Tax-Payers League asking p~stponeme~t of any action until after January 1st. MOTION Defer until first meeting in January. Mr. Kabler and [~r'S. Woehle. Unanimous. Proposed Ordinance to create Zoning Board of Appeals was read: ORDINANCE 0-184 AN 0RDiN~NCE AI~.ENDING SECTION 11 OF CHAPTER X× OF TEE CITY CODE BY PROVIDING FOR ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTNENT; PROVIDING MANNER OF APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS: DEFINING POWERS AND DUTIES and ADDING SECTION 1~ OF SAID CHAP- TER X~ BY PROVIDING ~IETHOD FOR CHANGES AND A~Eh~DMENTS TO BOUNDARIES OF REG~LATIONS ~ND REPEALING SECTION OF SAID CHAPTER XX AND ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWI TH. Referendum 0r~inance also read by 'City ~anager: ORDINANCE NO. G-18~ AN 0RDIN~NCE REPEAl, lNG ORDINANCE NO. ~6~, ~I.SO KNOWN AS SECTION 1~ OF CHAPTER XX OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH. December 14th, 1953 MOTION Ordinance cresting Board of Appeals be placed on first read- ing. Mr. Kabler & Mrs. Woehle. Unanimous. MOTION Referendum Ordinance be placed on first reading. 90 days to hold election. ;,~r. Kab]er and l~irs. Woehle. Onanimous. Beer and wire applications on E. Atlantic Ave. Howard application dela2ed from last meeting for further consid- eration, pending passage of amendment to Liquor 0rdinsnce. Morbil Corp. application for same premises. Neither applicant present. Action deferred until first meeting in January when liquor amend- merit will be considered. Rezoning request - Ale×ander Grenier. Mr. Love!ace - Refer to Planning Board. Asking change from Industri~ zone to residential zone - Lots 1, 2, 3, 16, 17, ~nd !8, Block 6. 0sceola Park at railroad. MOTION Mr. Kabler and Mr. Saunders - Refer petition, to Planning ~-6-~for recom~nendation. Unanimous. Telephone Company Application for permit to build Booster Station on Coaxial Cable. Plans and sketches filed. Cables under- grour~.d. Apartment zone. Hecommend it be referred to the Zoning Board. MOTION Refer to present Planning Board. ~r. Ksbler and ~r. SaU'nd~rs. Unanimous. Bids on Garbage Packer. $8,500.00 budgeted.. 16 yard Packer and truck. Copy tabulation of bids received. 12 o'clock noon on December 11, 1953. Mr. Loyal. ace - Recormr~en. ds acceptance of low bid - Faircloth - $7800.00. Ail met the specifications. ~'ord bid includes $800.00 of extra equipment we did not ask for. ~mo appeal rear axle which is not needed. Have to accept the low bid or readvertise. Wallace of Ford - Ail Air brakes at cost of $530.00 and two speed axle. From over-all economy feature, I believe these factors are important. Mr. Holland - Don't qwesticn that but we did not ask for those two features and would have to ~dvertise again. Mr. Saunders - Don't think it would be fair to readvertise on this. Think we should accept the low bid at this time. Wallace ~lready has submitted ~ bid. Mr..Wallace - Local service is also a point to be considered. Mr. Lovelace - A lighter trucR is an experiment but we believe it will work. They are not fast soeed operators or used for long hauls. Specifications were considered adequate. ~V~OTION Mr. Saunders and ~ir. Kabler - Reject all bids and readver- rise for ].~5~ trucks to include ~ir brakes and two spped rear axle. New specifications. Unanimous. (Ask G,r Wood Co. to hold a body). Bids on Tractor for Public Works Department. CON~PANY MAKE Price .w/_front & loader Growers E~uip. Co. FORD $2250 Ft. Lauderdale De~r co, Boynton FERGUSON $2365 0shorn Eq. Co. FERGUSON $2690 Ft. Lauderdale o · ~,325.00 budgeted. Growers Equipment of Ft Lauderdale is low b~.dder. Recommend their bid be ~ccepted. -~ro Saunders. - Dual wheels are necessary. Growers Equip. representative -Wew ill m~pply 600 × 16 tires on 237 Dece:uber !4th, 1953 front. NOTION Mr. Kabler end Mrs. Woehle - Low bid be ~ccepted noon recommendation of City ~,.eneger. Unenimou~. First ~nd final estimate on Cromer cont~ect - N. Eo ~th St. improvements. Work i~ completed, tested, ~ud approved by Smith & Gille~pie. Recommend payment. iwOTI0~ Mr. K~blcr ~nd Mrs. Woehle. Unanimous. Weter line ~cross C~al - Murphy Construction co. Fin~l estimate. Work complete and ~proved by Smith & Gillespie - $4,697.84. Recommend payment. MOTION Mr. K~bler ~nd ~r~. Woehle. Un~imous. Tax unit v~lues for Seagate Extension Subdivision: BLOCK ZONED VALUATION PROPOSED 5 Hotel - Apartment Lots 35, and 38 to ~5 inclusive $60.00 ff Tr_~ -ple× Aoartments ) I Lots I to ~ inclusive ) 5 " 28 to 34 " ) $~5.00 ff " 36 & 37 " ) Residence- (W~ter-Front) 5 Lots i to 22 inclusive $50.00 ff Residence - (Inside Lots) I Lots I to 16 inclusive ) 2 " 1 to 5 " ) .3 " 1 to ll " ) $25.00 fr " 1 to 9 "  " 23 to 27 " Mr. Love!ace - ReCommend these valuations be established for sssessment purposes. NOTION Recommended valuations be ~ccepted as outlined. Mr. K~bler ~nd ~r~. '.W oehle. Unanimous. Form of final notice for delinquent occupational licenses: "City of Delray Beach Delray Beach, Florida December 9th, 1953 You are hereby notified that your Occupational License for the City of Delray Beach is and has been delinquent since November 15th, 1953, and t2~at the penalty of 10% for delayed payment has been assessed against this license. The City Council has ordered that this be the final notice for payment of all license fees, ~nd that w~rrants be issued January let, 195~, against all per~ons, firms or corporations en- gaged in any business or profession or occupation within the City of Delrmy Beach, ~lortda, who have not obtained a 1953-195~ Occupational License. We quote, for your information, from Ordinance No. G-11: SECTION l: No person, firm or corporation shall engage in or manage any business, pro£ession or occupation mentioned ~n this Ordinance, unless a City license sh~ll have been orocured from the City Tax Collector of the City of Delray Beach. One license shall be i~sued to each person, firm, or Corporation upon receipt of the ~ount specified within the Ordinance, and shall be signed in the name of the ~City of Delray Beach, Florida, by the Tax Collector and sh~ll h~ve the City Seal thereon. SECTION 270: Any person or persons and the members of any firm or corporation violating Section i of this Ordinance shall, December l~th, 1953 ~oon conviction, be punished by a fine not exceeding TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS, or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding ninety days, or by both such fine and imprisonment for each offense, and further providing that, unless the said license shall have been procured from the City Tax Collector ~of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, within forty-five days from the day the same becomes due, there shall be an additional penalty of ten (10) percent of '~he amount of the occupational license fee. '" T~4 C'~ilector" Recommend this form be adopted. MOTION Mr. Kabler and Mrs. Woehle. Form be approved and adopted and used in the future until revised. Unanimous. Vouchers exceeding $500.00. Auditor selected 1~ vouchers over $500.00. Mr. Lovelace - We buy several times du~ng the month, but the total purchase for the month amount to over $500.00. The auditor has singled out 15 vouchers covering expenditures in the £iscal year ending last Sept. 30 which, according to a strict interpretabion of the $500 rule, call for your approval. They may be categorized as follows: A - 3 vouchers in favor of the Hector Supply Co. of Wes~ P~m Beach covering golf course seed and fertilizer. These vouchers cover several ~ndividual~invoices of less than $~00 each plus, in each case, one invoice of over $500, namely a $600 individual invoice for 50 bags of rye seed ~ $12 a bag. ~ B - One voucher covering the digging of the new irrigation well at the golf course. This was done at an $8 /foot price (an 8" well, pipe an~ all) and preliminary information fro~ the g2olo~ical services and our own experience indicated that less than b0' of depthw oul8 be needed. In f~ct 85' turned out to be necessary with a total b~ll of ~658.75. C. One in favor of Southern Electric covering several individual invoices, each less than $500, but totalling $595.45. D. One in favor of l~ike Blank covering trees and muck for the golf course. Three individual invoices total $959 - at unit prices of $25/tree and $2/yard for muck. E. One in favor of A1 Semosh who, on off days from the Fire Dept. last May, reconditioned and painted the bandshell, the ump houses, and park equipment. Materials used and hours worked 180) totaled $678. F. Seven in favor of various Water Dept. sunoliers all covering individual purchases, of less than $500~nd all dealing with stuff the unit prices of which one way below $~00 but Which, in the qunatities needed run their respective totals to $~26.9~, $2]10.00, $11~.00,'$2150.00, $1247.40, $1287.08, and $740.13. G. One in favor of a Water Dept. supplier - the Mueller Co. - in the amount of $~71.46 coMering ~hree items, one of which alone ran $500.60. On the $~00 ~.tem, we were Just badly mis- taken as to what it would cost. It was a 12' tap, and Judging from prices of smaller taps (we've never used a l~~ one before) - we guessed at a $3~0 cost. The ~ueller Co. is a ~a'tional organization. Through all these, recurring patterns how, with the single exception of the l~# tap, and perhaps the golf course well, where original estimatss were off. The patterns are these - small ~ndividual units and unit prices in quantities which run the total cost over $~00. Or - another~ pattern, combinations of invoices throughout a month, none of which spprcaches $~00 but which, bil~ed at one time give a single invoice in excess of $500. Or, another pattern, standard items of supply, bought and kept in stock and used from stock. To my mind, the $~00 rule does not intend to cover these. If Paul Nicolls needs 1000 feet of pipe @Sl~/ft ($~10) - we can't wait for a ~ouncil Meeting to get it. If the Golf Course needs 50 bags of rye seed ~$12 ~$600~ - the crews can't stand by idle while processing is done. The proper controls here are budgetary - not procedural. 239 December l~th, The $500 rule Should co~er major purchaS~s'of major equipment or property'- contracts, trucks, tractors, parcels of land, machinery etc which, alone and in single units, total $500 or more' '' · This interpretation we have followed relig- iously, except t hat the well and the 12' tap above, could possibly be included within the rule, and you have the explanation on them. The Pinsnce Committee, the budget, and the audit are sufficient controls on the other type purchases. Mr. Dunn-Rankin - For our satisfaction we would like the Council to approve these, so that we can know that we have made the exceptions and they have been accepted. Think it should be done be resolution. RESOLUTION NO. 917 A RESOLUTION OF THE CI-~Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DEI R~Y BEACH, FLORID.4, AUTHORiZING PAYmeNT OF l~ VOUCHERS EX'CEE]~ING THE &MOUNT OF $~00.00. BF. IT REBOLVED BY T?~ CITI C0ONCIL OF THE CITY OF DETR~Y BEACH, FLORIDA, as follows: It is hereby authorize~ that the following vouchers exceeding $~00.00, referred to by Frederic Dunn-Hankin in his audit report, be approved for payment: Number of Vouchers Favor Of Covering 3 Hector Supply Co. Seed &'~'~rti]izer Golf Course ~ I C.B. M~×son Irrigation Well Golf Course 1 Sou. Electric Misc. Invoices 1 Mike Blank Trees & Muck Gol~ Course 1 A1 Semosh Painting Bsndshel!, Pump Houses Park EquipmeDt 7 Various Water Misc. Invoices Dept. Supplier~ 1 Mueller Co. Water Dept. Put-hsd, e, PASSED AND ADOPTED by the 'C~tF Council of the City of Delr~y Bea~ Florida th~s ll~th day of December, A.D , ~ayor ATTEST: MOTION Mr. K~bler and l~r. Ssunders. Resolution approving the~c 15 b~.ils as outline~ and recommended to be approved by the City f~:snager. U~a~ i~ous. Bill~ totaling ~62,908.68. MOTION Approved subject to Finance Co~ittee approval. Mrs. Woehle ~rJd ~r. Kabler. Ad Journed. (The above minutes are entered ~ust ss the rough transcription was prepared by ~,rs. Huth R. Smith, former City Clerk) C~.ty C]_erk APPROVED: