12-17-53SpMtg December 17th, 1953
A special meeting of the ~City Co~nci] of the City of Delray
Beach was held in the Civic Center Bu~.lding at 1:30 P.~. with
~layor R. J. Holland in the Chair, and Acting City Attorney Harry
T. Ne~,ett, City Manager Robert Lovelace snd the following Councf 1-
men present: John N. K~bler, J. I.~. Saunders ~nd Nirs. Alma ~oehle.
The meeting was c~lled te order by ~ayor Holland - it was a
special meet!.ng with the Golf Committee to determine the Archi-
tectural Fee to be D~id ~r. Richard Hanna for his plans for the
nsw club house at t he golf course. After a discuss!on in which
~r. Lovelgce brought the Council up to d~te on the situst!on and
i~r. Hanna stated that he w.~s willing to settle for a fee of
l,O00.0C~ ~r. Kebler made a motion to p~y i~ir. Hanna ~a fee of
1,000.00 rot plans already dr,wn which weu]d be a settlement to
date with the provision that the ~1,000.00 apply on the archi-
tecturs.] fee for future plans drown by ~¥ir. Hanna within three
years. The motion was secended by ~lrs. ~"~oehle and carried
~%ir.'Love]~ace then asked that the Council authorize him to
pay all City employees a ~hristmas bonus of one d~y's pay.
N~ir. Kabler made a motion thst all City employees be paid one
day's pay for a Christmas bonus, the motic~n was seconded by ~,~rs.
?~oehl~e and carried unanimously.
The meeting then adjourned.
City Clerk