Res 06-10RESOLUTION NO. 4G-14 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COZ~iMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, URGING THE FLORIDA LEGISLATUII:E TO ADOPT LEGISLATION AUTHORIZING THE USE OF B;ED LIGHT CAMERAS BY LOCAL GOVERNMENTS. WHEREAS, entering an intersection after the light has turned red, or "red light running" is one of the major causes of crashes, deaths, and injuries at signalized intersections; and WHEREAS, numerous studies illustrate that the use of red light cameras to issue traffic citations reduces crashes in signalized intersections; and WHEI~:EAS, the Federal Highway Administration promotes red light cameras as a viable strategy to reduce red light running; and WHEREAS, local governments are responsible for citizen safety generally, and traffic safety and enforcement specifically; and WHER.1v:AS, local government should be able to protect their citizens -using technology and their home rule authority, and use red light cameras at signalized intersections to issue traffic citations; and WHEI~:EAS, local government efforts to install red light cameras at intersections have been stymied by legal determinations that such cameras cannot be used to issue traffic citations; and WHEREAS, despite strong local government support, bills introduced in the legislature to authorize the use of red light cameras for traffic safety by local governments have not been enacted, and WHER.~~AS, as loss of life and injury are occurring each day as a result of red light running, the State Legislature can be encouraged to recognize the urgency and importance of this issue. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, DOES HEREBY: Section 1. Encourage the state legislature to recognize the importance of red light camera enforcement in reducing crashes that result in the loss of life and injury. Section 2. Urge the State Legislature to enact a law allowing local governments to protect their citizens by using red light cameras at signalized intersections to issue traffic citatians and thereby encourage driving safety. Section 3, The City Clerk is hereby directed to provide copies of this resolution to the President of the Florida Senate, the Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives, Florida governor Charlie Crist, the Palm Beach Caunty Legislative Delegation, the Palm Beach County League of Cities, and the Florida League of Cities. PASSED Alti]D ADOPTED this 2"d day of 11rIARCH, 2010. MAYO AT"]~ST: City Clerk RES. NCI. Qb-10 Page 1 of 1 l1~IEMCIRAND~M TO: Mayor and City Con~rnissioners FROM: Douglas E, Srnith, Assistant City Manager THROUGH: David T. Harden, City Manager DATE: February 26, 2410 SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEIYI 8,I, -REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING OF MARCH 2 2010 RESOLUTION N0.06-10 ITEM BEFORE COMMISSION The item before Commission is Resolution 46-14 urging the Florida Legislature to adopt legislation authorizing the use of red light cameras by local governments, BACKGROUND At the February workshop session, staff presented a list of potential state legislative priorities to the Commission. The Conunission directed staff to bring back a recommendation on individual issues for with a City Commission resolution would be appropriate. The attached resolution urging the Florida Legislature to adopt legislation authorizing the use of red light cameras by local governments is one of these resolutions for Comnmission`s consideration. F~ECOMMEND-ATION Recommend approval of Resolution 06-14, http:l/www.mydelraybeach,comlAgendaslBluesheet.aspx?ItemID=3490&MeetingID=234 3/212410 RE SOLUTION NO.06-10 A RESOLUTION OF THE QTY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA,, URGING 'I°HE FLORIDA LEGISLA'T1JRE TO ADOPT LEGISLATION AL~I~IORIZING THE USE OF RED LIGHT CAN[ERAS BY LOCAL GOVERNMENTS. V'~]:~REAS, entering an intersection after the light has tum~'d red, ar "red light n.~r~rung" is one of the major causes of cradles, deaths, and injuries at signalized intersections; and V'JHEREAS, numerous studies illustrate that the use of red light cames~s to issue traffic atatians rtes crashes in signalized intersections; and V'V.HEREAS, the Fe<:legal Highway Acl~;r~inistratian promotes red light catr~ras as a viable strategy to r~:duce red light runnir~ and WHEREAS, local governments are responsible far citizen safety ga:terallY, and traffic safety and enfarct specifically; and VVH REAS, local gaverriznent should be able to Protect tr~eir citizens -using te~lagy and their home rule auitharity, and use red light carr>~as at signalized intersections to issue traffic citations; and WI-IEREAS, local gaverrunent efforts to install red light cameras at inteisectians have been st~~nied by legal deteiminatians that such cameras cannot be used to issue traffic citations; and W1=IEREAS, despite strong local government support, bills infiroduced in the legislal.-ure to authorize the use of red light carnexas far traffic safety by local gavemments have rwt been enacted: and V'-~HEREAS, as lass of life and injury are occurring each day as a result of x~x-I light running; the State Leeislature can be encaur~~ed to recognize the ut~;ency and importance of this issue. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE QTY COZ~~SSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, DOES HEREBY. ~ectian 1. Encouriige the state le~~islature to recogclize the i~rrpartarice of red light camera enfarcerrent in reducerig crashes that result in the lass of life and injury. S~c/~tion 2. Urge the State Legisl~~ture to erect a ]aw allov!~i;ng local govemrnents to protect their citizens by ~ red light cameras at signalized intersections to issue traffic citations and thereby encourage driving safety. Section 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to pmvide copies of this resolution to the President of the Florida Senate, the Speer of the Florida House of Represec~tatives, Florida Governor Charlie Crist, the Palm Beach County Legislative Delegation, the Palm Beach County I,eag~ of Cities, and the Florida Lem of Cities. Pp~SED AND ADOPTED this dayof , 2Q1Q. MAYOR ATTEST: City Clerk RES. IVQ. 06-10