03-25-10 ORGANIZATIONALMARCH 25, 2010 DELRAY BEACH CITY COMMISSICJN AI~+TNC.TAL ORGANI2:ATIONAL MEETING (1} Call to {JrderJRoll Call. The annual Organizational Meeting of the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida was called to order by Mayor Nelson S. McDuffie in the Commission Chambers at City Hall at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 25, 2010. Roll call showed: Commissioner Gary Eliopoulos Commissioner Fred B. Fetzer Commissioner Adam Frankel Comnssioner Angeleta E. Gray Mayor Nelson S. "Woodie" McDuffie Absent: None Also present were: David T. Harden, City Manager Brian Shutt, City Attorney Chevelle D. Nubin, City Clerk (2} The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was given. {3) f}ath of Office administered to Newly-Elected City Commission Members. The City Clerk administered the Oath of Office to Commissioner Fred B. Fetzer (Seat #2), and Commissioner Angeleta E. Gray (Seat #4}, (4) Roll Call Newly Sworn-In Commission. The City Clerk called the roll of the Commission after newly-elected City Commission Members were sworn in. Roll call showed: Commissioner Cary Eliopoulos Commissioner Fred B. Fetzer Commissioner Adam Frankel Commissioner Angeleta E. Gray Mayor Nelson S. "C7~oodie" McDuffie Absent: None (5) Selection of Vice-Mayor (far the term March 25, 2010 through March 31, 2011}. Commissioner Eliapoulos moved to appoint Commissioner Frankel as Vice-Mayor of the City of Delray Beach far the term March 25, 2010 through March 31, 2011, seconded by Commissioner Fetzer. Upon roll call the Commission voted as follows: Commissioner Fetzer -Yes; Commissioner Frankel -Yes; Commissioner Gxay- Yes; Mayor McDuffie - Yes; Commissioner Eliopoulos -Yes. Said motion passed with a 5 to 0 vote. (6) Selection of Deputy Vice-Mayor (for the term March 25, 2010 through March 31, 2011). Co:rrimissioner Fetzer moved to appoint Commissioner Gray as Deputy Vice-Mayor of the City of Delray Beach for the term March 2S, 2010 through March 31, 2011, seconded by Commissioner Eliopoulos. Upon roll call, the Commission voted as follows: Commissioner Frankel -Yes; Commissioner Gray -Yes; Mayor McDuffie -Yes; Commissioner Eliopoulos -Yes; Commissioner Fetzer -Yes. Said motion passed with a 5 to 0 vote. (7) Review and Acceptance of regularly scheduled City Commission Meeting dates for the period Apri12010 through 141arch 2011. Carrunissioner Frankel noted that in April. 2011, the second regular meeting for the month (April 19, 2011) will fall an Passover. The City Manager stated staff will make note of that. In addition, it was the consensus of the Commission to change the dates for May 2010 to May 11, 2010, May 18, 2010 and May 2S, 2010 due to some Commission members possibly being absent far May 4, 2010. {8} Establish a date for the 2010 Goal Setting Session. Commission discussed the scheduling of the 2010 Goal Setting Session with Lyle Sumek and asked staff to try to cut costs. Commissioner Fetzer moved to approve the 2010 Goal Setting Date as Tuesday, April 20, 2010, seconded by Carnmissionex Eliopoulas. Upon roll call, the Commission voted as follows. Commissioner Gray -Yes; Mayor McDuffie -Yes; Commissioner Eliopoulos - Yes; Commissioner Fetzer -Yes; Commissionex Frankel -Yes, Said motion passed with a 5 to 0 vote. 2 Annual Organizational Meeting March 25, 2010 {9) Review and Adoption of Rules of Procedure -Delray Beach City Commission {Local Rules). Commissioner Frankel moved to adopt the Rules of Procedure as presented, seconded by Commissioner Gxay. Upon roll call the Corxxmission voted as follows: Mayor McDuffie - Yes; Commissioner Eliopoulos -Yes; Comtuissionex Fetzer -Yes; Comxx~.issionex Frankel - Yes; Commissioner Gxay --Yes. Said motion passed with a 5 to 0 vote. {10} Review and Adoption of Procedures fox Quasi-Judicial Hearings. Commissioner Fetzer moved to adopt the procedures fox Quasi Judicial Hearings, seconded by Cornxni.ssioner Eliopoulos. Upon roll call the Commission voted as follows: Commissioner Eliopoulos -Yes; Comtnissionex Fetzer -Yes; Comxxaissianex Frankel -Yes; Commissioner Gxay- Yes; Mayox McDuffie -Yes. Said motion passed with a 5 to 0 vote. {11) Review of City Commission Liaison Appointments to various Advisory Boaxds and outside agencies. Commission reviewed the assigned liaisons fxom Boaxds and C-utside Agencies and amended the liaison appointments. A copy of the amended assignments is attached as part of the minutes. {12} Consideration of Request from Downtown Development Authority. David T. Harden, City Manager, stated there is a letter and an expanded pxaposal fxom the Downtown Development Authority {DDA). Consionex Fetzer stated this has been a tough issue and he has spoken with representatives of all four groups to get their input. He stated we should nat want to do anything to hurt the success we have had with downtown. He stated there are some structural problems with the orgaiuzation that need to be addressed. IIe discussed the number of votes that each member gets as well as the vote process. He would prefer to see a more equal weighting regarding the number of votes. He stated we have to find a way to reach a compromise. He is concerned that we axe approaching Mrs. Marjorie Ferrer's contract extension date. He discussed certain events that we have coming up and stated that the timing of all of this is very critical and we need to get some decisions made very quickly. He thinks that there should be some changes made in the way the board interacts with Mxs. Ferrer and we need to be fair with her. He went on to discuss the evaluations and results that have been accomplished. He suggested we implement the chambers' plan with the Downtown Marketing Cooperative (DMC} and extend Mrs. Ferrer's contract through the end of the year. In addition, Mr. Fetzer suggested we set out clear goals of what they want as fax as changes, give a period of transition to make those changes and make it fair for Mrs. Ferrer. 3 Annual Qrganizational Meeting March 25, 2010 If they cannot agree on that, go to the plan proposed by the DDA {Plan A) in which they would become responsible for the downtown events. He is very eager to bring this to closure. He stated we need to set a time certain of April 15, 2010 for the groups to solidify the plan. Conunissioner Eliopoulos asked Commissioner Fetzer for clarification regarding his carnrrients. Commissioner Gray stated she agrees that we da not need to jeopard%ze our events. 1-Iawever, she is not in favor of moving them into city hall due to staff and budgeting. She is hoping the groups will came to same type of agreement. She asked Mr. Mike Malone, Delray Beach Chamber of Commerce Executive Director, what would happen to our sponsorships if Mrs. Ferrer is no longer involved. Mr. Harden commented about certain things that should be separated out. Commissioner Frankel stated this is very difficult issue for which you cannot rush to an answer. He has spoken to many representatives for the groups and thanked everyone involved far taking the time to outline their proposals and give their formation. He is not comfortable with the DDA proposal. He stated the outpouring of lave far the DDA from the volunteers cannot go ignored. He prefers the chamber proposal but stated there should be an equal weighting of votes. He discussed the events that are held at C-1d Schaal Square and feels they should be given a vote. Commissioner Eliopoulos stated Delray has been very successful and alot of people have contributed to this success as well as volunteers. He feels this was brought to the Commission although it is not a Commission issue, He respects everyone that came tonight and respects the outpouring of support far Mrs. Ferrer. He stated the Carnrnission is not here regarding firing Mrs. Ferrer. Mr. Eliopoulos discussed a letter Camnzission received regarding the DDA. He stated if you look at the emails they are receiving it appears everyone is meeting almost everyday. He stated he is not happy with the way the proceedings have taken place. He discussed phone calls he is receiving regarding sponsorships, etc. He commented about the mission of the organizations involved. He stated Mrs. Marjorie Ferrer has done a great jab and she is always out there working. He stated we have to be respectful. and listen to the partners who are saying they want change. 1~rlr. Eliopoulos stated he is not in favor of the city hall wave. However, if there is a space, then we should put a time limit on this and he can support it if all of the monies urill not come from the city. He discussed the Executive Director position and the fact that he would like to see everyone be able to move on. He is stated he is listening to the recommendations of the Chamber and the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA). However, for tonight, he is talking about the DDA moving into city hall; and he is fine if it does not cost us anything. 4 Annual C3rganizatianal Meeting March 25, 2010 Lengthy discussion continued between the Commission. It was the consensus of the Commission for Mayor McDuffie to represent the City regarding this issue at the next DMC meeting. {13} Commission Comments. Mr. Brian Shutt did not have any comments. Mr. Harden congratulated Commissioner Fetzer and Commissioner Gray and stated he looks foxward to continuing to work with them. Coznmissianer Fetzer stated he is g]ad the election is over and he is happy to be able to serve Delray Beach again for two more years. Commissioner Eliopoulos congratulated Commissioner Fetzer and Commissioner Gray and stated elections are always tough and he would like to see more voters come out. He is very happy with the outcome. Camrrussioner Gray thanked everyone for their support and stated it is a privilege and honor to serve at this level of government, Commissioner Frankel congratulated Commissioner Fetzer and Commissioner Gray and stated they worked most of last year together and have worked very well and hard. He is very happy to have everyone intact to continue throughout the year. Thanked Commissioner Eliapoulos for nominating him for Vice-Mayox. Mayor McDuffie thanked everyone who came tonight and stated we have talent, good minds and a cooperative spirit in the community to work this out. He stated it will get worked out and they urill not let Delray Beach down. In addition, he thanked everyone for their participation, support, phone calls and letters. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:04 p.m. City Clerk ATT - ....... MAYC-R Annual Ozganizational Meeting March 25, 2010 The undersigned is the City Clerk of the City of Dekay Beach, ~larida, and the inforrnatian provided herein is the minutes of the Annual C-rganizatianal Meeting of the City Carrunission held on March 25, 2414, which x~ninutes were forr~aally approved and adapted by the City Commission on April 6.2414. City Clerk Nt~TE TO READER: If the minutes you have received are not completed as indicated above, this :means they are not the official .minutes of the City Commission. They will become official only after review and approval by the City Commission which may involve amendments, additions or deletions to the minutes as set forth above. ~ Annual Organizational Meeting Maxch 25, 2010