Res 13-10RESOLUTION NO. I3-10 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY TO ACQUIRE CER"PAIN REAL PROPERTY 1N PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS DESCRIBED HEREIN, HEREBY INCORPORATING AND ACCEPTING THE CON7"IZACT STATING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE SALE AND PURCHASE FROM HSBC BANK USA, SELLER, AND THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the City of Delray Beach, Florida, wishes to buy certain property located at 61fi SW 9`n Street, Delray Beach, Florida; and l~'HEREAS, HSBC Bank USA, hereinafter desires to sell the property hereinafter described; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, to purchase said property for affordable housing purposes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE 1T ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1, That the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, as Buyer, hereby agrees to acquire the property described herein from the Seller, for the purchase price of Ninety Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($90,000.00}, said property being described as follows: The East 45 feet of Lat 80 and the West 15 feet of Lot 81, Plat of Delray, an addition to Delray Beach, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 12, Page 59, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida e tion 2. That the terms and conditions contained in the Contract for Sale and Purchase and Addendum between the City of Delray Beach, Florida, and the Se11er as hereinabove named are incorporated herein as Exhibit "A". ~,c,,,~ , PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on the ~ ""day of , 2010. MAYOR City Clerk MI:iR-11-2@1O 130 From:MANGROI~ REALTY 5618655943 To:1~63724445 , Pase:4~9 fit 6:t 64 65 G6 tiT' TiBi GA 70 T1 EXHIBIT "A" VII. RES ; EA&EMEKTS; UMITATIt}NS: Sotbr ~>aG c'arrvey marketable title sut>iOCt ta: ourrtprefrerrsive plans, xCrrEcxj, restrwOCxts, n& er>d ottKa r+a~irart'renta enposad tr;r gavemmcmtal aUt{7ority; rashtct~rns and mattcxxs oppaaritg o plat nr othetwfsC c~nytton ttl the subdivision; outstattd'uag all, ga3 and minr+r~ ri0hts of record without right of entry; unplatlad pules wGty eaa&tkNata of rrrtxx'd tloCatad txxttigamus to real property firms and rrot more than t0 foot in width as to the rrrar or front Idtes end 7 tit feet Sn width as to the she Urx~); taxes Cor year of Gbsinq and subsoquertt yaara; and aam,med rrr~tgages and purctrasa ~ mortgages. If arty ~ atklitional !tarns, sea addendum}; pmv+dad, that there cXsb,ta at Cktairtg nn violation of tiro ta>agoktg artd nuns plavant ttse of the Property fa'o.,. PuS). Vll1. OCCUPANt"Y: Seiler shall dmGvar ooCttpanoy of Property to Buyer at tyrra of Clasirgj unless ottxerwi~ stated franain, K Popaty 33 intended to hw r»nled oracCUpted beyond Ctossrg, ttx~ fact and forms itrereof ern! the tr,rt{s) or oCCUpont3 sftall ba di~~tosed pursuant tb'AS IS" Stcu~lard F II rxxuparwy is to lea dr~imarad beforo Gaslr>g, Buyer assumes aG risks of hkn t0 Pro t frcxn data of bCCUpancy, uusib~,aca~t.fiatY9. mB ~v of-tin -73--FX-TYPEWRt'Ft°HN-pR MAidDwFtITTEN-RROVtBtaN ypewr Cn or at dten pnw6cians, Nders and addenda It contra ail printed pro- 74 vizitpr>,9 OI this Qcrrttracd in Corr>~Ct with a'raRt. (5' X, ASSIt"irNABILJTY; {CHECK QNLY ONE): Buyer ^ may assign and (hereby ba taieased from any further Uahai#y under tftis Contrrtot; 0 rttay i6` assign but rux bo rde~'u^ed from liability rx7der this Contract; or' ~ rntly rtat assign this C,sxttraCt. TT XI, RISCLt?$URES: 78 {a1 Ttte P+uporty may be sub~ICt tea unpaid spodat assessment Gen{s} ttryosoq by a public lxxty {"CwbGC body" clops rat inotuie a 79 C~domh~um or tkxneowrters'. Asssx:laation). Such Den(s), ff arty. wlretharcertttl0d, oonfimacd grad ratified,Pending. 4r payable ~ atatalrrrtertts, 80' as of t„k>sirrg, snail b0 Pald as fallOtiva: eL by Selle- at closing d by $uyer t+t left blank, then sally at Closing). tr the artscxmt of any 01 asao~lment to be Pant by ^aellar has rxtt t7~n fntalty determined as of {.wing, Seller arwn be charged at Gbsing an amount a to the ft2 fast rvtimate or asse~trm6rtt for the irnproveir~ttt by rho puUic body. 83 {b) Raduri is a rtattgalty oCCruttng radioaCliva gas that when arxumulated in a buitdhrg in stlnCleltt quarrtiiips may present hCaflh ti3k3 to par- B4 sons who ore oxposad to ft over time. LaveE of radon that exc~ad frkisrat artd stato gtAdalinaa htrve been frnuxt in tauildings fit Fkrrida. 8fi Addftitsnel Ittfomtaticm regarding radon or radon testing may ba obtaa,od Runt your C;cwniy Fhahlic Health unit. 86 {C} MOfd is naturally esrarrring artd may cause haalt}r risks or damage to property. fi Buyer is ranCemed or doartxr adcttional 6'rfarmatiott 87 t~rding rr>old, Buyer sttptild Ct'X11aCt an appropriate prtatassional. 8$ {d) Buyer ardcnowtedges rocolpl of the fiorida Energy-EffiCloncy Ra6t~ 6ifonraatirxt Brochure regrdnad by Secdat 553.fi08. RS. E3R {e) IF tlto Real PrCrperry Includes pre-18T8 rCaident~rl housing, turn a lead-based palm rider is rt'~alatory. 90 (ry n Seller is a "trxoif}n pera+rr+' as deftrted by the PnrAign Irrvesinrcxtt ~ Reel Property Tax Art, t~ p r>ttpG ca»ply wAts that Ard. 9t {g) $UYER SH4Ut.D NOT FJ(ECt1TE THIS CONTRACT UNTIL BUYER tiA3 RECEIVED AND READ THE LiOMEOWNERS' ASSt?CtA- 92 TIDN/COMMUNITY DISCLOSURE 93 Qt) PROPEfi'fY TAX Dlsci_vsURE SUMMARY: f3t1vFR SHOUID NQT RELY QN THE SEUrR'S CURRENT PRQPER71' TAXES A5 IIiE At+tC3tlNT 41 C}F PROPEFZIY TAXES THAT 'I HE FSUYER MAYBE QBUGAT~ Tt7 PAY IN THE YEAR SUBSEQUENT TO f~tlI4CFIA.SF A CtiANQE QP OWNER- y5 .1HIP OR PROPERTY tN~fCQVEMEN t'S TRIGGERS REASSESSMENT3Of CHE PRDPERTY 7HAT COt1tA RESULTtN HIC,tiER PROPERTY TAXES. 90 P YQU I•WVE ANY t~UES"Ttt1f+IS CONCERNlNr3 VALtJAft4N, GtiNTACT THE COUNTY PROPER IY APPRAISER'S OFFICE POR INFQRtvtAtlON. gT XII. MAXIMUM REPAIR COSTS: DELETED 08' Xql. HOME WARRANTY: d SC'dCr' R Butter ^st N/A wGI pay fora h4rnc warrmtly plan issuast hY ..-.. 9A' at a cost teat to Cxcovd $ 700' X1V. tNSPECTK}N PERIOD AND RIGHT TO CANCEL (&) Buyer she!! have `~ days from Effective Date ("InsQactlon Period) widrin 707 which to frays such IrtspaGtiona et the Property performed es Buyer sftalt desire slid uti~tic-.a service shah be made avalfable by the 102 Setter during the inspection Period; (b) Buyer shalt be respansibte far prompt payment for such inspecpons and rlepair of damage 703 to and restoration of fhe Property resurtirrg from such inspections and this provision (b) shaft sur'viva terminaGOn of ttds Car+trsat; t Oa and (c) it Buyer determines, to Btryer s sofa discretion, that the Property is not accoptaWe to Buyer, Bayer may cancef Ntis Contract tp5 by delivering facsimile or written not/ce of such etectiort to Salter prior M fire e>gxratfan of the tnspeMtorr Period. ff Buyer Umety 7{y6 Gal1Ce15 this Contract, the deposit(s) paid shat! bra imrriediatnly returned to Bayer; thereupon, 9vyer artd SeNer strait be reteaaed ar 707 aft further obligatmns under' this CantracL except as pmvidad M this Paragraph XIK finless Buyer exarotaes the right to cancer S08 granted herein. Brryrrr accepts the Property In its present physical condition, subject to &»y vlolatton of povtv'nmerrtel, twudfnq, 109 ertylronrrrerrtei, and safety codas. restrictions ar requ/remenfs arrd shaft be respansfble for arty and elf rapaire and improvemetlts 110 required by Boyar's tender: 717 XY RIDERS; ADDENDA; SPECIAL CLAUSES: CHECK the^r. ddsrs whidt era aPpGOable AND ors att~hett to anal made part rrt #t>~ CottfreCh 712` 0 GpNDOMINIU 0 VA/R-lA ®NC}MECtWNERS' ASSN. U i.EAD-BASED PAIIVY O t~C)ASTAt. CON5TRt1GTIQN CONTROL. UNE t 73' ~ INSUI.ATi4N L1EViDC-f~tGE OF TITLE (5OttM RARIpA GONTRAGTS} 4- Otter Corrtprahgr~ire FTC' Pruuisiau u Addanr3e tta' SpacielClaus~a{s}. ,. . _ ,,. 77e` .,... t t 7* ,_... _ ._ 718" ~, -~ 720' ._. ..._ 727' ._ t 1?' t23' _. ' .a. ,.. 72A' 7 err 126 XVI. "A$ l$" STANOAflDS FOR REAL ESTATE TRAN3ACTlONS {"AS IS" Standartls): Buyer and Sonw aWratowladge receipt of a coPY i 2T of 'A.5 IS' Stttndards A through Z ~ Ute reverse stria or attaahetl, wMdt era incorporated as parr of this Contract. fAR/DAR fi.575-?x Rev. 2108 ®2008 Fiorkla Assoriati+an of Ftrxn~~ vnd Toe Rwida Bar A14 iiiphds RBaeMtd Ptplo x of 6 Res No. 73-70 MF"~R-i1-2010 13: From:MANGROUE REFTL7Y 5618655943 70:18663724445 Paae:S'9 EXHIBIT "A° t?E3 THlB !8 INTENDED TO E3E A LEGALLY 6CNDfNG GQNTRACT. IF NOT FULLY UNOF.RSTOOD, 129 8EEK THE Aawct=_ O>• AN ATTORNEY PRIOR TO st(lNING. 130 i HI'u" 'AS IS" FARM HAS KEEN APPROVED BY THE FLORIDA ASSU(:wTlON OF REALTQR5° ANU THE FLORtt]A EiAR. 131 ~ does rxn tx}netitute an trpirrw•on that e~ly of tha terrr~ anti ta~ndrtior>v in Ulis QtmtrArt ehauld be accoptod by #~e perlies in a 1:i2 p2rtiautar tren;:r~c:tiDn. Terms end txtt~tfotrx 3hDUld Ire ne0oiiated bawd upon the rtr9poctittre interests, crtgnrdivos acrd tmrgeiting 133 po;3itipn3 of e1I ihter~t8d perS4n6, 134 AN AS'TE`Fi15lt~") FOI.I AWING A LtNt NUMt3ER W THP MARGIN Ii~CATFS THE UNE Gf}WfAtNS A BLANK TQ dt CQMPLETEt}. 1:37' ._ ~. 1~$ {Rt1YF,~t} (DATE) {$FU-ER} {t3ATE} 139' Buyers' sddrerss fcx purposes M rKttioe Sellers' Address far purpose of notae 140' ....__ .. ... 141' __ Phone Fhur~ 142 BROKERS:1'hA brrskers fintduding cooperating brt:ker8, If any) namDO below err: the Doty tx~ers entldod co rompenstrtkm In c~npctlan with 1e13 ttvs CCrntracl: 144' Name: MANGRt7VE REALTY EXCHANGE, INC 3~0 _ 14fi GooperatinQ f3mkers, ii any Listing 8raker FAfI!fiAA AGt'3°ix F1av. ?JD8 ~ 2dD8 F'IGxtS1{~ A9socatllon of RGAtR7RS' and Tha Florida i3ar Ap Ftiyt,lry ttsved Pupo ~ of B Res No. 13-10 MAR-11-2010 13 #1 From:MANGROVE REALTY 18655943 EXHIBIT "A" 56 Pase:6~9 lad ~ °AS IS° STANDARDS FOR REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS fill A. TITLE INSURANCE; The Tdle CommpmtYrl aYlap be issued by a Florida I'ICerlsed title UlStcrx ~r rodrlg to Issue Btryer, upon recording of the deed to &tya~, 140 an lnvrrer's policy of tllle Irtetxanco h rho Olrrounl ul the purchase prtrA, insutnp 8uym's rWrkalable title to the Rt1al Pr00arly. subioct forty to rnftllera contained 14tJ in Pvn011aph VII aril ltwse to be discharged by Seller al Of balUru C7adng. Marketable title shalt be dalarmined accord'n1g to applioable Tllle Stand:uda ad(>pt- 1G0 ad by uullwriry oP Thn Rnrlda &4r and m acoorda~X,e with law. Duyor shall haw; 5 days from data ul receiving rho Titlo Cnmmitms.>,11 to examira it, wad II title is 151 10utld defective, ngtify stlltx In uurfthg 5pedfying ck:fact{a) whk:h render title tmnt2rkalable. Seller shall have 30 days from recept of nptiCr lu removo tho Ifi2 ddfoct^.. f0ltiny wfdt,~h Buyer shall, wthin 5 days afterr OxpualiGvl ul the 30 day pallod, delivor wdtton n01i0e lu Self either: (1) eoctanding the time for o rOtrJOn- 153 able pakxf not to erorlaA 1?.0 ddy8 witllh whigl Seiler shall use dlllpant effort t0 romow the I#ifec;ls; ur (Zj tequostinp a refl.rnd pf drpopit(s) paid wtncA'a shell 154 txy 2tumod to Buyer. If Eluyer falls to eP Mlify Seller, 8uyrn 5hfd1 be eleerned to !lave acCapted the flee err It Iraen Ia. Biller atlap, p Ut10 Is found unnlarfwtahln, 1 fiB i6p 160 161 16% t~ 164 165 1dd 107 llib 169 170 171 179 173 174 175 176 177 178 170 1BU 181 102 1P3 184 1Bfi 106 78i 188 1B9 190 191 192 180 tg4 19G 196 tp7 1yy 199 200 201 202 203 20d 205 206 207 20B 10y 210 ~„ 719 ::1:f X14 215 ato 217 Cur nnelment and It Is dalMBrad to Buyor Iw51ha15 days prior to GrxJny, Buyer may arwd CbSing eo vlat l3uyru shall have up ro G days f117m dale W receipt to exalroirnl Same ilr atxxtrlance wlih thl9'AS IS' StarrlarJ. B. PURCHASE MONEY MORTGAGE; SECURITY AGREEMENT TO SELLER: A pttrchaso money nxwrlyeye and martgapa rota 1n Seller shall prvvida lp a 30 day graco pltriaJ in Iha avr~rd of defauh ff 0 fleet mortgage and a 15 Ifey Oraco podOd if a aal:und or lesser momla(7rr, 5hep provide for right of prapeyrment in while q h1 p&l wiUrout penalty; shall permit occdoraliun in event of transfer 01 th9 Rr,,,sl Propony, afaA rayWro all gibe Ila1s turd ertrumbr3n0os to b0 kp)I N gopd 9lending: shall torttid modttiratbns of, or future adverlc~ under, prier mortg.~r. cis); shall rrqui+e Citryer to malntaln polhiea or tristvance caitainu~ a slarvfartf morgagec daua0 Oovedng ail impraxunanls loratod on thu Rri21 Property against Na and All perils includod within uw term "exlendad CoYerBge andrxsatlents" y1d suds Olller risks and pfrll5 as Sauer may rr7SOnabty requee, in en antnunt seater to tltev idgltrwt lnsurabte vaNa: and Ute matgape, rears and st:curlry aprnnment CJyaa be othcrwi5g ii r Ioml and carmeltt ragliirerl by Sella, but SCGOr may only requiro dauaos and pOVeraga cwtomvJy f0urkl in mart- gagtae, mlast0agc note and 5egtrily agrettmonTs gerterdlly uluizod by Savirlyy to W loan instilullnrt5 nr crate a national bents bpalbd In Uw county wherta)n the Real Property is ktrated, AU Poisoner Plt)pOrry ford looses being rgrneyAd a essiprlai will, al Seoarb option, b9 6l4teG1 IO the lien 01 D saarity agreement tlvl danced by rsao0rtiryd pr filed ftnyx;iray alalernents or certlpeate6 of idle. If a baI410n nlurlgage, the final payment w11 excood rho pUkXlio payments thereon. C. 8UR11EY: Buyer, at [3lryarg e:~ense, within tirrw apowtxl to doltver evldelue Ot UIIC and to exardne e,arne, dray tlavo Ulo ROaI Properly storeyed qnd certf- find by a roplstrrad Florida Curveyor. p th(: survey disdoaos ranrmaty'rmerrts nn the Rttal Properly or that Improvemenle loa9ted thoraon crgr0adl on sethack Iliac, ancanlard5, ltrldc of plhf)rS a VlOlale any restdrtion8. COtrtrttct cOV(Ylanla Or applicable goverrxnemal re0ulatirns, the Syne ;tl'lall wrlslllulo a fete dafeot. 0. WOOD DESTROYING ORGANISMS: DELEfEb E. INGRESS AND EGRESS: Seller worants ontl represents that than re inOresr aruJ cgras5 to Ilre Recd Property ctrlikisrlt lrx ire htendod use v7 tlesallted in Pemr~raph VII hertap( arxf litre to the Real Pr7per}y is irlslanblc in aotrordance wlih "A,i ~" Starztard n without au:epliun fur leak of b9a r1gh101 a0o9Ea. F, LEASE8: SCpw shall al least '10 days balprt, f~osing, !unfelt l0 8rryer copies d all wrltlsrt leases mid e;ltoppd Igler9 Irum each tenant sPa'aMnA the natttro 8nd duratlm Of the toraant'a OCCISJar1(ry. renltd rates, ndvanrxl IF1nt and Rl1ClAlty dfytaklily paid by itx13m1, M Seller 16 unablo l0 obtain MMh latter Inxn eectl ten- ;W,the same ir>fortnatiut slwu be lurnlstrod by Seller 1O Buys Within shpt time period irl the farm of a ;idler's altid3vft, and Baler play ltlerealler CIXIk7mt ten- arll lu confirm such Infprmatidn If rho ir:rns Of Ilse limes dpfot malerlally from Shcak rppm6Brllaliglx k3uyor rrroy tOmlirtate this CAntract by daliverhtg written notlrza to Seller at 1o15t 6 days prig to G'Iosing. Sailer rJlan, at Closing, drtivar 2nd asaicpt all original Itaaaiat to FJuyor. G. DENS: Super shall furNsh l0 Boyar ai tirxa Of C;105bxf an cdfidovit attestlrtg to the ebserua. rtrde,E othenvisc providod iq Itprfipl, of any firtarxinp statameM, claims tN Ilan tx lzttentlal Ilalprs krl0YVr1 lu Seller and furhar atlBMing that there ha'v(: uee:l rao improvements or rrrnairS to Iha Roof Property for g0 days Irtvrlo• dwtgy prgp~ding tlate d l,losing, If 1118 f1ea1 P1opeAy lies been anprovCd Or raptured within that Irma, ;,9a9r 9txall depvor n~lcasa; q wWwtra of canstrudbn Tana executed by ell garltaral contraclgs, cubt:aluadors, suppllrtrs artd rnaler4alrlcrl h addpion t0 Sepery lien affWnvrt sotthg trmh IF1e names of d suds gen- eral txxdractors, Eulfoomraotars, suppll2r8 old rnaterialmon, hlntMir alfxminp that NI dtarye5 fur trnprovemonts rx repaln: which Clh7kf corvo tG a basl9 IIX a construction 4Jn or a claim fa darta~65 haw been paid q' will rxf paid at the Gnslrq M thin Contract. H. PLACE OF t,L,OSING: Claslnp sM'dl be held in tho courtly whereh the Real PrtlpaHy is IoCatocl m rho offioo of lha allurraey or Othor dosing egad! (Cbsing Apont") deskanaletl aY rho party payhly for fete incuranca, nr, a no tilt irlswaltce, deyiyrialed by Bettor. I. TIME: (:,'11Drad71' days shall tx used in tnmptnlnp time pprio~ accept pfrlods OI less than six (6} days, M which crept SaMtiays. $yrldirya acrd state or natlm- F9 ter,'el tldl~ys Stlao I>0 excluded. Nyy flora perKlda provided for harsh YrfYd1 shell end on a Saturday, Sunday, or a beat ho9day Shat extend to 5:00 p.m pf Itlg rc>a tz~trlacs day. lime Is of tyro OSteraCe in this Cbntrad. J. C1.O81NG DOCUMENTS: 6t;'per shell ftnllsh fief deed, tan of solo, certificate pt Mlle, corslruction lien ~da/4, owrlert poccarcion affbavu, assi0nments d luea• es, lerlstlt and nartpagae estoppel lottOrS and COrreClive ¢13trtmlertts BI ryer shed ft1rT1I5h mdtllage. n rorlyaye rwte, scuxlry ~raernerlt land Gnencirtg stato[rgnt& K. E7tPEN$ES: Dwurrontary Stamps On the deed and rtx:prdnq of rwrroctivc In^tnrmaMS shat be paid by 3e0er. All Go5t6 or Bogert; loan (whctlter oblalrred tram :;eUer or itdrd party), hldlrrlira(t, but riot limlood tp. ducwt antlary stamps and IntarnllGe tats on the purchax mprrey mortgage and arty motgage tl8alancd, mtxtgagae tldo irrauarx:e cpmmprmertl with rCl2lbd leas, turd reoordlnp W purohase money matgago. deed arxf thrutclnp stalertxrtts shad b9 paid by Buya: UrtIOGS OthOrvn66 pfOVlded by IoW Or drYr rd imi-9 COniraCt, dlafgOb (q related cbsing 6BMCtffi, rata 6a&qh, and Oloaing fce0 (IraGUCnn9 preparation of tlosing smtall~rq, yllslll lie pad aY the parry resftnnclrle for Ilrrlishing flip fete elitlerlce in rlcoordanco with ParaOraph V. L. PROBATIONS; Cf+EDIT3: Taxcrr, ael~orol nerds, rent, Intorest, IncurarlrKi and othtr c:~at;,~ 01 It16 Property shat be ptOratOd through the day befor0 g0.nht0. Dllymr Mao haVa th0 oPigrl Uf 12kfny OVer CxISt1m8 poodeS Of In61.4ariCC, p:Ly:llrrla~k/, h W1ioh erefd prxrlpana rJk'IH l~ nrrrtde~d• ~'$,ll aI g WIaI he Irlueased tx deprQaSpd a3 may be rEquited by Ibmrhlh nLC to be made through day prier t0 Closing. tr merx IpanCY. it UgXrpanry occurs hofpE CItrJing, Advdrlcra rent erld sarxrlN de0oeits will bo anditod t0 Buyer. Escrow deposlm hWd by mortgagco vile be gedile6 lu SeBer. Taxes shall hn lrnratad based on rho cursed ygry: tax with dlw allowance mf1d0 for mfnarnum eu0wabk+ dict~tt tnl, ttortteslead and other exsrrlpllona. H Clodrlg occtas at a date when uio current yearh nrY- aye Is twt faed end corset year's:9Eeescrrlalt L^ 1111apabld Iexea vriu be proralod txltrid upon &ICtI assossrraont arld prkx yemb rrduege. tl taurstt yeert: tycaB86- mtatt is rxr avanade,lTaen lazes v~ bb prrxaled un prior yoarY tax. If there tug Oompbipd improvements on the Real Property by January 1 N Of year d Geeing, Mtaidl Improvements were rot In axiFtgnCe ail January 1St Of I'~Riq yatu, Then texas shrill txa Ilmraled baeed report prior yrm''a mileage and et an equpahlo atstac5- ntent to be agrosd l$tmn between the partios; Itdluty wldGl, request shall ba made to the County Praprnty Appraiser for an Inforrla acsessrlerat ttlf6ng into aocatml mad00q 0rcerrplions. A tax prxallon bead on an ~stimatc strap, Ed rtxArral of sillier party, ba ra3t11t ,oaf upon riade(pi of ounont yrary fox ou• M. (RESERVED - purpaxy left blank) N. INSPECTION AND REPAIR: DEtJal'Eq 0. RISK OF LOSS: 16 after th0 Elfeulive Dale, the Propmly la rtartviQ9d by fire or otter casufrlty (-(:asually Loss before Goslnp arW pest t# rgatOratlon (wtdch nrlao lralude the pest of prtpring or remOVayg damapod mar:) erase awl exceed 1.596 of flip PleCitaSe Rice. cost of restoration strap ere err oWiyalitm at scow end l:'r0afrly shall proceed pttrsuarlt to Ihn tams of tllb Contract, frrrJ it resloraton a not complataf ere M domrq, estoration costa will Oa eec*owad e1 Goslrlp. p ttlD 0051 Of reatIXatlOn mroeeds 1.596 N IItE PtRdlaae F}ice, Buyer Strap ephar farm II1B Prapaly ere ~, loUothrx Mlptl iflC 1.596 OI rppenAe a 2fitrld Of drtposit(s) iheraby ralaas'rip 9uyer and Sella from oa tlRther obogatrorls u,da Ihi6 Contract. Silber Sole Obuyaliul vviyl respect to tree darlaga by rnerxdry err oUxr natty rd f%:ewrenCa dra0 bo U1p c05t Of prlWtlg tx 2moval. l' CLOSING PROCEDURE: Thn d6ed dial bo records! upon dearartce of lands. H the tiur+agent insuros advorco nwuers pwauartl to .`,ectlon 627.7041, I:$„ 8S erraertdod, Tha ecernw and doing proeOdure reyulred by flits "A,> I,^,' Standard eh,all bo waived. UNesa waived as sal forth above the fglowing FAIi/0AR ASIu-2x Rev, 2N8 ~1 LK108 Florida Assoclatbn of RFamac" end The Florkla Bur All Hlyhta Reserved Papa 4 0} 6 To:18663724445 Res Na.13-10 MAR-11-2010 13: Pram:MAN6ROUE REALTY 5618655943 To:18663724445 Pame:7~9 EXHIBIT "A" ~r8 "AS 1$" STANDARDS FOR REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS (CON7INUSP] 21A ckatdrq prtttrard.aoo chap apply: (1j all closktg pnxOmds r2taal by held in oscraw by the Clasirx, Agent for a pstrlod of ntN mare than G days afttu Cbgrrrg: S3'r'U it S211er's tills la rraadpred unmarkatab~, ihrtytrglr talk hull at Suyer, Duysrr quell, within lM: G day pcriad, rrptiiy t~tipr to w,ilirp of the defeat acrd SmU2r etrep 221 have 80 days iron dote of rt~ipl or such notifrcation to rxJra the dated; (3} it Soler laity !a limply Cure the defect. all depdghR end atastng hxrds shag, ttpori ''c25'. wriden datnand by Btryar aced within G days after de:r~&rtd, be returned to Buyer a»d, ttimW4anetat~ty with cosh rppayrnrwtl, Buyer shall roams the Personal 223 Prcrpo»y. vacate the Rest Praparry aFaq rpaar>wy lhu Property to Sgiktr hY spartal warranty daod and W4 of salt:; runt (4) if Buyer frills to make ihnply tkmartd ~'La ftkr rafurut, 6tryer chap take tHlp a2 ls, wah4ng nU rights against Sn~ar as to any lntt»venirng defect except » may qe avalMWe Ill fiuyar try vtrtup Of war- 225 ranrlr~a conrauted in rho dead ar bill of sate. 1~ O. £SCRtsW: Any Ckasing Agent or escrow agrrtt (GOlt3t, ivply'ltgtud•) rtrranfng funds a equMsleM is twttaorized and eprmga hV acneptanae of Ihmn to dopoal l+':g 23C 28t ;?3i' 123 23& 236 237 ?38 238 Batt 24t 242 gas 14a 24S 245 24Y 248 249 260 ~X,t 2G2 253 284 1b;} 256 ~:!? 258 259 28(I 261 26'2 '~ 2R4 ?-G. 266 287 28!3 26U 210 2?1 2?2 2?~ onus tp ttatu the subject mettmr' dt ihp asrxaw urttif itte panics hprdla agree to tic disbursttritaat rr ursli a jurlgmant d a court of ctarrgaClpM jsgrsdidltan shall ~~famina lira rl a ras td the parfitxS« t r lsgont rrtay Gtepvstt ytn'tW with the Gak at iha rlrt:us ocxut htivirtg jurisdrcxim of tip cHC,putp~ N t nltornexy wtro ropnaanrvP m party and seta t~.4s as Agent may rppraspnt t~sxh party in olrctt aCtiort, tlpcut notityying ea parties cmcamed Of suoh :rdiart, ~ tiaf>tlity on ttg psmt vI Agont stutil I uty tertrin2ssa, except it,4 iha etd9nt of aCZOUntktg k% shy sarrta previa,sty ddlverpd CnA of pspraw. ff a icensed «xti o;tate brt4cpr; Ageru wis cdrrrpy wMh tXtirvrxp~ at ~ar 4?5, FS., es w'rrtgd. Arty t`trlt betwctxt $uyCr sand Berner wt>areirr Agr;rtt is made a party lopcaus2 of acting as Agar! txrrp,Xa~x, tv trt any asst wftt:teirt Agmrrt iruia'pirratiq the t~Aypot mmux of thq a~qw. Astpttt l rtttxivsr Itfa5071.ahlp aurm~2yg tEres acrd Doers incurrod tyith tttpga arrruurtta to be paid from text aUl Ot {np pJtafsnYpC# ftaxls Cr pgWYptpt"it idrtd acrd awarckai a& C+lurl otr,•ta in Icrvar of itio prgvailtng party The tai 2nt sttaA hot bo Ilahia t0 ony patty tx ~n to rrisdetA+eN to Auygr ar Setbr of ht»as supjpG^t W trot estxow, trsass such moray N r,X,2 fo wmtful brut of tiro praviGian4 01 trio (iarrtrat:t or grass na~igatr".a of Ar3grti. R. ATTdRNEY'$ FEEt3; GO&T8: in any Stigatiaa, sxsudi»a t1r#Attt, orforcartertt or eltprfMatatiort, rlis~tg out of this Contras, ilia pravall'mp parry to a.ld't 6U~ gallon, wtddr, lot' purposes of tl~s'AS F3" St2ndard, arras irtdudc Sdk'r. 8tryar ru'd any brokers acting in aeoncY nr nm2r~mnCy rotetit+nshtpa rauthtvizod br Cktaptry' airs. FS., as amtmttod. shoe uoprttittad to racavtr from ttat mn-prpu~n3 pity rcasanabto tutvrnpy~} rasa. wets end trrgsansas. S. FAtC.tIEtE OF PERtY?Rn4Atr3GE: tt 81y~' fats to pedatrn this Cdntraet wMttin the lttna Spaeitled. irxiut8rtg payment of aB dmpostts. tl'w dppasitta) Ltekf by Buyer acrd dmptastt{qj ~j+6dd fa tea pakt. mzy bD nruuvarsd scot retained by and fa ttw amamt at meter ate agrocd upon 6gtklated danmgas, sxanaidpretitxrlor thrr gktl~r,rtian of this Gkrttract orxi in foil ~'eit~rrmrtt of any cleans; witerar4xxt, Boyar and Seers rdt<31l be rctkvud qt sit at2iypticxra wrctat this Cwtirad: or t')mllsr; at Spi{er~ option, may pr4cead to vt(ttity to en€orca Scyra , dt#ns touter ttta for~r~t, ff for 8ny rgstsCn tritrer tf>$ra fasurc of Seca to mdoa 9elt~'s tills nur- ketatate attprdillg2ntyhort; ;,ptiyr f, rtogkroto or rtaiusas to patiurnt !tits Contract, Cisryar may s2akt~prA6o pptfotrrtt; tx clod t4 rt~ntq thm ratssrt a1 Btryt3la dapdas{~ wNtuut btarptry walrirrg arN aatbn fa dartreges rosuh6rg hart SaSre"a areac#r. T. CONTRACT NOT tftECdRDABLE: PERSONB BOUND; N4TIC;E;COPIES: Netttta tttis Contt'act rurrany ndiCe of it Bri~i be rtttrordod at orty pubes rptXXdy, This Cmtrnct r,aaaii tbntf anti kx,m to the panels of ttte pt 2nd then st~cessorx in irN9rar+t. Yvh2rtatekr the rnrddxt partnltr;, r>~ulsu Hlaatl yrdutte pkaal and env garx7ar rtFrati ass;%tdp six Noilae clod dgAvgry t3 by a to the atiarruy ar adult rottrpaerrting any periy strell tam as effacdva as If gtvpn try ar to tlwt fly Ali rtatkea rrs,st ba kt wrftlttg 2nd ttraY b2 marls by m'~, per~anat di~vpry ar etts;trprai0 rr>ettia A car Nactrorab (atcttx.Gng •pd>') espy at tttya Cor>sro# card gray afgruatures ttarEakn ytrae btr c:ortsklered for ~ purposes »s art origctat. ' U. CCaNYETANCE: Saepr Wta!i aarrvpy+ nterfcetab~ ittle to $tm Beat PAtp9riy Gy statutory wanartty, tlttWBpt}, t7vrattrat r+rprpaprttatiysb. a guers0azrffi dgatf, approprlmte to the asatrra # ^apiMtt sub}cct Doty to mattare oarttaned in Paragraph Va and those atttanvlari aataaptod by Buyer. t?ts :anstl Property tom, at ttw iptprat2 Cf Buyer. ba traru^fcn'ed by an absotuly tali at swim with warranty oftnks, gtit>]rtrt orgy irk srrah medlars as may ~ otherwise prot+dtau for herein, Y. OTHER AGREEMENTS: t44 ptkar ar presets agreernartts ar mpmspntatgns Wrest rte binding upon t3uytr ~ Spemr' unlmss trtOludmd in ttti4 Ganhacx. No dxtd- ifit~tion to ar arrange In thtre CpNrapt snail be va5d er bnttihtg t4+trt the parrs taVess in writYtg and axmaRad hY the taartipa interdptt to pe hotutd by it< W. BELI.ER OISCtA$URE: (t) Ttteie ors no faGta known to Seller materially affactBtg the vttkte of the f5zkpsaty whirrs dro root romd4y abpervabip by Boyar or wtaiair Itaw cwt bsten disclosed to 8rryrtr; {~ SetJOr extends and krrpnds no warYartty acrd makes rw r'el^aresgrttgttort eta»y tyFae, e+ arpebas Or imptiod, as fa the phyrrtcal awrdit±an or trtstory o! rho f4ppsvty; {~ Sellerhas recatrad no writta» or trarbal nr~cta frorrr any gotrarrtmerrfffi txr#ty t9r agency es to a ourrontry unctrrtectad twllrtktg, antgronmp»tal or calory cork violation: {aJ Sorter has rro rtawttrlerige of arty r+s~rdra or tmprover»ards raaade fa ftte Fnoperty w@trout compttartoa with govorttmarttal regulation avtticft have trot teen drsclos~t to etryrsr. X. PROPERTY MAINTENANCE: PROPERTY ACC>=39; ASSIGNMENT pF GpNTAACTB ANO WAftf`NNTtE$: teaser srwtlt tnatrKain ttxs ~rop~, trtctut#tg. but Mkt Wtdted (a fawn, srutrbtaery, and pad to tlxt t:andirtdt 9uistir'ry as of elfoCtiw Ito, orgirtpry wear Frfxt ipso and Gasuaity toss excepted. £tmeot shat, rrpru, teagrrrsa1a12 rratioa, prrMda utGftlq canoes sour bY:efY+a to ttte Property to appraisal and tnsper:iirxta, Inep>t5r50 a wNk-tttrpur,)tt pr«ar t4 ro Contum drat 2A iltym of Pcraotxal Propgty any rxa lhp Fkittl ficpaprty and that the Property has harm m2tntamad ss requirod by tttkt '1tS tS' Starxdaro. Soika' writ sratriyrt ae astdgrtabla ropalr and irp~alrtrptt! caniraua end werr[tntica so Bttycr at Ckxa~t[t. Y. t oar DiCHANtiE: K rathcv SeASr q EAryar wish to wtta inro a Imrq-kina wcghsrrrga {pr7-mr aitnuitaneous wlfh Gosh)) or dmtarrad) watt rpsparat to thg Ptol~tty tsrdor Soctlan 1tY¢t of IIYb ertarnal Rrsvetnue Code ('fxGtangp', arts dher party sttali cooperate ~ eq rtragnrtatala narij'xM.'tq Ill rdlpquara the Eraxtiwx3a, inckx! dry Uto etxpf:Vli(xt of documanls: protAdod (r) the cnapnratirgr petty stt9p Irrur na liability or t~pEYr^,p rakatt4l lu Uaa Exttvuaya and {2) the Ciosirrp sttffi rtat het tpnlingent upm, raor slottorttterl tx dsL]v2!1 by, rxK9i t~(ClKittgb. 2: BtiYER WAIVER pF CLAIMS: Buyerwaives arty claims apal»at Sallararrd, to the extpntpermitts~by law, agairtatanyrmmtastata fuam»99eirtvotved Gr tiro rtagOtialiurt of the Cranhact, for any defxta or outer damage that may exist m ClaJng of [ire r;prarract and be swssequantty discovered by dart Boyar a anyano alalmtng by, through, uragler or against the 8tryer. FARR3AR AStB-2x Rrav. amx a ~8 Flatda Axtoci3tian at H[nuurt:s~ amt Ttra Fkarida Bar All Rtphis Reserved Pago 6 of 6 Ras Na. 43-t0 MAR-il-2010 13: From:MANCa~t1E REALTY 5618655943 Ta:16663724~145 Psse:B~9 ExHiatT .~" J h _ T ! m t J ~/ -'C ~~ r t,1~ ~r ,c TV '~ ~ ~ r 5 . ~' t S~{ ~i ,r ~ `' ~~. L k~J rm~'a,a..~~'.-..i. w~..v= zit _.., . i ' - }r?:: p The folknroing pravisKNts are made part of the Qantract far Sale rind Pwc~tase ar t~idantial 5x16 and Purohase t;,or>traat ctxtCarning the Property bCat4d at 61e gw 9 gT, DEI.AGtY BEACH, Fl 33444 Chinese/Ctetactiurs Drywall: Dt+ring the tyrte Florida Was experiencing 1?uiiding material stwrtages, some homes were Y~tiilt or renaYflted using defective drywall imported from ar ntant,ifbr;turiid ~ China Detective drywall roportedly emits levels of sulfur, rnethan9 and/or ether votatde CrgBniC CtirnpoUrtds that Cause corrosion of air conditioner artd ref(r~alar roils, copper tubing, electrical wiring, Con>AutGrr wirsng and outer hpra<vyhald items as well as create noxious odor which may also pose health risks. S. Seller's l(nowiedge: Except as indicated below, Seller has na knowledge of the presence of Chirtosoldefactive drywall ar of arty records or rcpprt , pgRaining to Chineseldefci€:tive drywall affecting the Property: {dercrfbe all knoHm t,~titie&8tdefective drywall irtformatian ~~ list all avai~bie CbCUment; portainfng to Chineseldeiective dryweil »nd provide daCUments, a any, to Buyer beitue aCCeptinyt Buyer's atferj _., . 2 Chinese/Oef4rCtive Drywall lnspeotien: {Check One) Q Buye- waives the oppariunity fo Conduct a risk assessment or in5pEx:tiwt for the presence at Chinesa/dAfectiva drywaii and accepts the drywall In the Property itt its existing c~nditlon. tZl Buyer, a# Buyer's exuera~str, uray have a home ins~Ctar, IiCOnsed Cantrfl.Ctgr cr other Iit~nsBd GrUf9;siorx~sl {d required kry laws to oondtaCt an inspection cx rtsk assassrrtent c)f the Property for the preserve of Chtnes2Jdefective drywall within r Clays ftom the Etterlive Date ('Drywall tnspeCtian Perfod"~. t3uyer shall be respansdate for prompt payment for such in;3pactions acrd repair ad damages tct ttra Property resulting irprn the itxspeC#lons. ff the Enspectian or rbk assessment revaEits try presence of Chinasedd~ective drywall or reveai3 damage to trie Property rt~ui6rtg tram the detejctive drywall and the Cast to rert~vet,~pk'rce the defective drywall ar dzuna~ resulting irartt the deieottve drywplt exe9ed3 lG..._.._.,. „,._ [ tt left btartiq, Buyer may c;r~ncxi the Contract lay gi»rry writtc+rt ncattce to the Seller within 3 days from the end of the bryweli Inspection Period and receive a refund at the depv~.~t. If Buyer fait*3 to Cancel timely or felt. to CortduCt the Inspections permitted in this parr~grapft, Buyer may not terminate this Ctxttrnrtt pursuant to this Addendum. 3. Prote9aianal Advice: Buyer acknawlsdc~sS Chet all representations akGout Chine~se/defectivc drywall by Broker are based on Seiler represontatibrs, and that &otter has nCst Cartducted arty Independent irnestigattans to verify the accuracy or cart~iieteness of the ~donnatian. Buyer agrees to rely soiefy on Seller, professicrnai Inspectors, govemmHntAt egenC~35 yr any third perklee retained by tt~: Buyer regarding any issue related to Gttine56Jdefectivellrywall. rxiie Self Data E3syer Dale Setter Dare Dwyer CDA-t 510x3 4:t 2009 Fbrida /'+sspciat+an of FtoaJtorse AH Rigtrts E3eserved ResNa. t3-1~ MAR-11-2010 13 3 Frnm:MAFiCaROVE REALTY 5618655943 To:18663724445 Paee:9~9 EXHIBIT "A" ;~?`K~ M =K ii `~OC'~'.~ ~ ~n e ~ F. t Mi'"~ ,[. ~~s'' [ ae ': C'ftl rl~,,Adcitc4um'f4 ~4ti2tract„i ~ _ ~ `s ~ ~~t p~~~~ .~....,<i,.~~.,.._~~~wt~~.L:.....~....,...~....___..., ,...~~r .. The following provisions are made a part of the Contract for Sale and Purchase ar Residential Sale and Purchase Contract between . „_,_ _ - {Seller) and concorning the Property located at 61G SW 9 ST, DELtiAY BEACH, FZ 33445 9. i3uyer, at Buyer's expense, may have a qualified professional conduct an inspection of the Property for mold within T days from the Effective Crate ("Mold inspection Period"). fee Buyer shall ba respansiblES for prarmpt payment for such inspections and repair of damage t0 and rostcxation pt the Property resulting from such inspections. i'ttis provision shad survive termination of the Gantract. 9. In the event the motif IRSpoction reveals a sigritlcant presence of mold in the Proporty, which requires professionals to romovo tho mold, at a cost which exceeds $ t~i•nti, Buyer may cano~ei the Contract by delivering written notice of such election no inter than 4$ hours after expiration of the Mpid Inspection Period. it Buyer timoty cancols Nte Contract, the deposits paid shall be imtnedietely returned to Buyer and Buyer and Srtllbr shall be released from turthor obtigatians under the Contract, except as provided in subparagraph ~ above. 4. If Buyer fails to conduct rho inspection permitted ~ this Paragraph or having conducting Such Inspoctlo»s, tails to timely notify the Seller of Buyer's irnont #o cancel this Contract or if tfoe mold inspection does not reveal significant presence of mold in the Properly which requires professional remedietton to remoue the mold, at a cyst which exceeds the sum specified in Paragraph 3 above, Buyers may not terminate this Contract pursuant to this Addendum. Seller. ! Date: (xiphauro) farina Soilor _-.... ! (elgnaturn) l~~t1 Date: Boyar: ! _ Date: ,~ (stgnatvro} (prinq Buyer. 1 _ _ Date:,,_,., {stpnatui8} tpdntj MUIGt ttaM. 10/~ ®20Q2 FlOtkiq Aeepgitrtldt 4i R~.LSnrtn~ /SII Rights Rekrprvpd Res No. 13.10 Page 1 of 1 ~ZEMORAND-ITM TO; Mayor and City Commissioners FROM; Lula Butler, Director, Community Improvement THROUGH: David Harden, City Manager .DATE: April 1, 2010 SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM 10.A. -REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING OF APRIL G, 2010 .RESOLUTION NO. 13-10/CONTRACT FOR SALE AND PURCHASE/HSBC BANK USA1616 S.W.9TH.STREET ITEM BEFORE COMMISSION Request approval to enter into a purchase agreement to acquire foreclosed real properly utilizing Neighborhood Stabilization Program {NSP} hands. BACKGROUND On March 26, 2009, the City approved appling far NSP funding through Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA} for $1,905,005 to acquire, rehab and dispose of bank owned foreclosures, The City and CRA entered into an Interlatal Agreement for $400,000 of CRA funds to acquire, rehab and dispose of bank owned foreclosures located within the CRA District. The Neighborhood Services Division has identified several viable properties for this program. FUNDING SOURCE Neighborhood Stabilization Program 1 REC0112MENDATION Staff recommends approval of Resolution No. 13-10 to acquire certain real property located at 616 SW 9th Street under the Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP}. The City Commission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, as Buyer, agrees to acquire the property described below from the Seller, far the purchase price of Ninety Thousand and 00/100 Dollars {$90,000.00}, said property being described as follows; The East 45 feet of Lot 80 and the West 15 feet of Lot 81, Plat of Delray Manor, an addition to Delray Beach, according to the Plat thereof, as retarded in Plat Baak 12, Page 59, Public Retards of Palm Beath County, Fiarida. http:/lmiweb001/AgendaslBluesheet.aspx?ItemID=3199&MeetingID=254 419/2010 RESOLUTION NO. 13-10 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY TO ACQUIRE CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY IN PALM BEACH COUNTY, FZORIDA, AS DESCRIBED HEREIN, HEREBY INCORPORATING AND ACCEPTING THE CONTRACT STATING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE SALE AND PURCHASE FROM HSBC BANK, USA, SELLER, AND THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the City of Delray Beach, Florida, wishes to buy certain property located at b1G SW 9"' Street, Delray Beach, Florida; and WHEREAS, HSBC Bank USA, hereinafter desires to sell the property hereinafter described; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, to purchase said property for affordable housing purposes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, as Buyer, hereby agrees to acquire the property described herein from the Seller, for the purchase price of Ninety Thousand and 00/100 Dollars 090,000.00), said property being described as follows: The East 45 feet of Lot 80 and the West 15 feet of I.ot 81, Flat of Dekay, an addition to Delray Beach, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in 1'tat Book 12, Page 59, Public Records of Palm. Beach County, Florida Section 2. That the terms and conditions contained in the Contract for Sate and Purchase and Addendum between the City of Delray Beach, Florida, and the Seller as hereinabove named are incorporated herein as Exhibit "A". PASSED AND .ADOPTED in regular session on the day of , 2010, Attest: MAYOR City Clerk FAX TO ANY EflIIAIL ADDRESS 1. Enter email addresses} below e 2. When hand prlntlnq, copy characters EXACTLY as below M {}n g ~ SAX a 3. Fax oN lY to your dedicated MongoFAX n u tuber below a ~l •• i~ This bee service is !or use ~® only by members of RMI.S v13 Underline alI boxes that contain number; ^ aaoo®oao®®o©oa®a®a~oociaoc~®a®®®®c~o~~®acio To: ----------~--- ........................... .................. .......................................... __ _ _ _. coo®a©®®c~~o®~ooo~oo~aoo^ oo~iooooo0oooooa~~oaoooo ooo~~iooooooooooaooaac~oa^ From: (Identifies Sender, Enalales Replies, Provides Confirmation, Tracking liiumber & Exact Replica Archive Copy to Email} a®~®®®aooooooaaoooooao^ ._ oo®~ooo®ooo®aoo^^ooo~ooo Subject ^ 6X6 SW 9 STJ Detray Mat18r OFFER ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~.. ~ S ~.~ D Flotes: Nigel, 1,,,~'"r'"' iA, 4,/ As discussed, please find offer for Delray Manor forecjosure in the amount of $9t},Q{34, Cash offer to close on yr before ~113J2t)~4, Only contingency is inspection period, Thank you, damara Cohn 561.866-3549 MongoNet is not responsible for any Fosses or i'~bilities arisbsg from the use of this product 8Y us'aig this product you acknowledge and agree #o the Ierrra of at www.MongoNetnet Protetted by U.S. Patents Nos 6A24,426; 7,679,275; ],16A,48B; U.S. and in#amational pabentr pend'asg. O 2000.2D67 MongoNet ksc. Afl rights reserved. MongoNet Customer Service: suppart~mongonetnet -or- ! (866) 482-2224 Fax Only ta:Your MongoFAX Number ~ Ma~ngoFAx' h~R-11-2010 13e19 Fram:MRhtLiROUE REG~TY S61~SS943 To:18663724445 RaeldenWel WSwmei Report Mgnwl i'It+40j-' OILBet f?138f70-0 DLD: 12~14624120400A0t U4tPe4001 ~#144,900 NtOY: 03r8Ci01 Stt Awe rYRO: A65 R01~ F. •rON 94]0 G{OArONi PO~G erb TnrP 4 OAp, LPIfi00,000 AddrOrE: 616 SW 9 ST CIrI^. DWry OrarA IN CalO: ))rrr~2iS6 COfNltr: Prex ~ PrR~i I3'i~96ZDt10000ND1 ionlnp= NIA leyyl tlelkxrMONOR ApDT80Ei/tATC1!r FT OR tOr QOd Wts FT hr lOT yt, 6.GdbIrdDN O[OrY NO00r OcvHo~a~D haae+ltaa0: fr00t6tPt N sa ~ wnDrs as w~TMroxet N X POTNiOO ODiC! 0 POds vitOUl TpW7 &e7uT Orb: N OMR srlr A~ iNddq Pxd: YWO Dffin AOaD4: lirNTO Rxq t3e1~ OOn: IIrOtN'fAs tta it tN 6prt r,i}T MI 3 NMMa N>f l0 FOEIOr Oele OAdtOMM J! 70I6pft1 tI]4 YC. 2 DOlfnp OAE ibdNN ^Otf OOfimtx b 6wt NtIN NH 0 Drdxp An PMb/601e De0w0eN e: rr DxiN: t9by New t100tT: IOTChf DOOpgTx OI ODpI ~ PqD.' Y ONlwrt INIle TN1/ trxA ttr~l NOINIeN00r06fa0: ~ ~ 1Od01/01d yt rO0 lLrNrM: Oai~NFi tiMbJCamOlptt W040011NNYJYn band Nrnret OOwneYgOOBOOf A Ard ~Y[aTfAOtt. eT45 OOTCArmO 1 i01UR INR~ NICYOOLS [rNwewu WPreD Hw; jIIt140 -mf i ROWIIK rgprDs tAeielDS F{Oww OTNea ~+w xOxe toe b0: tr 1M ASRE nTt~, POe10Ck ROrV! NO PFTO, OTNlR Ootan NmWTh: MYO tYOeIO iwl~ 6iHEA aert On W4NNf anr4 0!ttiEO itdN 6swc 66tt0:rM7~ N ~~ QTYI W WMw1Tra0m f~bdv: Pu.d Ob QOOOC CODMt ODNt id Y~ 6f: rYVET U3C ATTAGfr4 A5 m T08S1eYRN0{k0EP1M5t#'^00 tkIMrflQti PR<X+DOf101 TNI~ M.6 DOCtiIINT wrt ODTA1IEDEI'D18111D74iUDNAPf40N r4Y { Nr,n u,r~ flrlrrJC IAtxIWW~r.Ti~ PxOPiRIY MJ+Pp1eCLDdWtE t THE rEfLEfl 4frA MIT I M,G M Vµ1L4l~IELN 1'xlgplAUMDMOeDA retk7lP pDc inwfla OeNi00P0 NYTNtvx,xll'L IN! Nf01tlNN%1H OONTHNtp 0:9CWL41.WAISe,NOAPE$TA%PO,QAttrrr. NpTrO(, N~grFr1:WXTDI/E ACCG/MrDNI. MTE1N'7e0flr1eRl9~ DONOUCI rtW INCl1 OF,tYrTiOATrJNN/4 ilEP DYMpreGrlrMt A PTpPE~TyDIN`eD CaPleeMr mfa Owf~.I,wO. exp. ....TMrrww'r..tarOwntic~'rttNN FlbsrOex neerp7MNrd- Q3+IT110 Te:Or PY NMOtri OrxrYOMr rawYNMwrrrxn OrrOTrrrArNl Yt Paec.2~9 .f ~~,*C 1 t}~ http://rmlcfl.mixchangc,camlP'ubtGetView~x,asp 3121.~22U10 MRR-11-2010 13:19 From:f~tJGRDUE RERLTY 56155943 To: 18663724445 Pame:3'9 PAFiT1E5: t`t;aest'}, and THE ~iT~~tSEI. .. _ I'8ttysr"}, trerehy ~gra9 itfat Seger' thaq Sall artd $uyar >tt~tt tarry the falbvvtrtg d6sarrbed Fit F'reapart)r acrd Persantll PrpPorty {odles:tivety "Praptxty"} pttts~ant to the #erms attd rx5tditlonc of tttis Crxdract far Sate and Pur~tuiRO aced £~r riders acrd atieiexrda {'Gtantr~t'}: 1. DF.SCRIPTit~fl: (a} l~sd ~aarr{ytiort of iho Roai Rropany itaa$tod h PAt,AA BEACH C;rxrnty, Flwtda: .. P10~2434$2412CfJCti8Q1 . •... fir) Street addrt~s. dty. zap. of the Pro~ty:~6 SW 9 ST. QELtZAY BEACH. Ft._33445 .. {c} Petstannl Property irtdudq C>artrrtg reng~sl. erdrigeratof(s}, dts#rxt~hcr{s}, t~ifitt~ tan(9}, tight fixture(s), and windOvr irttattTwttt{s} wil~#s r~N'~Iy oxaluded below. t?ittrv Itarrrg tnckaded nrtr: ._ .. _ ~* t• f3" 4 th tt• 12• t~+ t4• Items at Pargonai Property {and teased Ittxre9, it ar+y) e:erkrded aro: t;S' H, PURCHASE PRICE (13.5. curtpne:~.... , . • ......... . . . ................. . ........... • ....... Ste}, 1 G RAYMENT: i?' (~ OoF,riait twltt .~ ttsrxow aY „•~(°Escrow Agars h riw rpnoun of (chock. autrjwt to oeearenoe) S - 2•d~•~ i tt' Eaawr Aytnrib address Ptxnrrt: _ 151' (b) Addiuonai a,rnv« deposit to be rrredn fn Ft;ormv Agorrt wilrwr -, jQ_ days otter Ettartiva tk+te Ur the anxmnt oi......... , $ 7 non nn 20• (o) PonanrarW 6r pre amount of ("loan Amourrt'~ sea paragreph N below ........... . . . ............................. S n rm 2t` (d1 Odxrr .................................. ................................... ..................... 3 22 (e) Batenrrr to o-aao by txr;m, wire trensier a 1G1GAl.~y PRAWN oasMa'a err + benlt ahsck(s), sUbjt+rA 23• to adlucurmrrts tx Wurutiate ........... ................ . ............................ S-.. ._81.i>p0.(10. ...... 2A III. TIME FOR ACCEPTANCE tTF QFFER AND GOUfvTERpFFERS; tiFFEC7tVE DA7f:: 2b (e~ K thts otter is not executed by and dCiiuored to ~ parties C7ia PACT C7F E7CECtlTK>N cgnrntsvcatdti m rYrtt6ig between the pnrtbs on or 2&` before ~.~, pro rtepostt(s) ydil, at 8tryor"s optiat, 4e rattsrrart arxf ttda offer wundrawn. Uatess ather- 2! wise stated, the tlrnri for acceptance of any otwntcrottars shop be 2 days from ins date the oounterrsffar is dWh+eued 2$ (1y} Ttte dam of Contract ('C-tieciira t)ate~ wil) be the data wt~n the i~t aia pf rho t3uyer seat der tree t#gned flr wed UUS ot~' a• ttte 2t? final OOpnteroH~ It such date I3 not Gthfxveisa set t4ritr in this {`.anhact, ttten the 'Eitoctitw Date' ;it186C tie U~ date dettBrrNned above fpr ;tf} accepterxx of this Otter flt, (f appGra, the fitk3t fXir9ltCfattOf, 31 N FlNANCiNt3: 32* O (a} Thq iQ a czrstt trartsscikxr with no ctxttlrtger'ir,~3 for flttant; 33* U tp} Thig Contract b carmngent e~'t 8ttyer otigirdng written Iasrt cxutysaHatard wtrbh r~ittfirms urrde~rvrtiting loam apyrovsi for a Bart to putt~C ~" y {~.o~ +~~ ~ trays Cy tN~ ttt6tt 8Q days} sitar' 6tieCtive t?sto r"'f.oan Apprtwal Dated ttx {CttEi~t C)NCY 3ti' f)t*~}: O a itxed; t1 ter ttt~trstabls; flr 0 a feted t>r ttcfustabla rate Itlyr, h the ~ Artrcxxrt {fiae Paratlraptt 0.(c}} et en hYUa1 ittt~t,ata rte to riff" %, m>d Eor a term of yaarr:. Buyer n~i rttalte atXrstzttfon wfttyn ~ days (~ bmrds. itgn b days} slier £ileciioe Qate• 37 BtlYt~k l3tryar>rhal use redttaerr~ie tfl: abtairs 1.oeut Appravdi; rtarlBy Bailer in «sftirrd otrroarpt qd Loan Approver by Lacut Apt ;aft Data; ttatlBty tEtri19 pf the t.,48t1 ~: and (tare !tie laedL (.[stn ~ wltiCh n~yttirca a txxtWtion related td the taco of ottrer property 39 not ba dearr>Att loan Approval far purptxxrs tN ttav sxrh~a~aph. t3uysr shall payol ~. Buyer' at#rnrtzes the matgape brokor(s) and tandpr(a} to tllsciasa irsfOtrnstion ~ Ore txxx3Bons, status. and p;tt{irr~ of ban app6cailon artp Watt Anptrwal to Seger, SWiera attorney, a t r9at estate ir>drnae(s), arx! Gy'rae4rg ~b 42 SELt.F.fC p Buyer does rte dd'nrgr to Seger written notice of t.oan Apprrivai W lra+va Approval i?ate, 5e{Ise' may thOrsa(ter oerroel titEt Cmtratx by att asiirertrtg writtesr natter C:,dierS Garr~tatlors tv~tae"} w a3uyer, ewt Trot tatev rrtarr seven (~ dap+a poor to t~gWn~g. Seliefs c~tart~tlryiton Notice ~ d4 rgdty ~ first Buyer tms ptiaa (3) days to tieGver to Seger wdtten rtogae wstafrrg tt>is tg icy, or the Contract streg be earreted. AG L33EPQ81T(S} (far purposes a! thEs Plnendng Poragteph IY(b} extly); h Buyer has used mavnruttrle dgiparroe but does rtul obtain Low Approval 4E, by t.oan Approval Date. acrd ttrerw~tar either party eiecxa to canoei this Corttruti. the dapor,It(s} shoo be mttsnod to Buyer: a Buyer obtrenc t.oan a7 Approval Ot'4w,tivEW pac F(rtixtcatg tmnthpenry, and fhgteafter the COrrtrOCt dose cwt doss, there the eiaposd(s) shag be paid tp St;oor; provided how. 4f4 awm:11 rho tugure to dose is due to: () Segerk failure err refr~tl to cira or Sauer otherwise tags fo mast the !arms d ttro Ctntract, ex {r~ Btryerg fonder 4H t~7s to -eoeNe and apptWO on appraisal flf Ore Propeaty h an amain! sufficicrrt to tweet iha terrtrsat pre ltttrt Apprvral, draft the dttptaek(s) shat be 5p rettsrred ro 13trya. 57 • W (r,) Assumptbn tN exlsting rrgrtgage (see rider for Marts); ix 52" l] (d} PurcJtaae money note and mcxtyuys to Seger i1~e 'As is' StendarcK B and K and ridpra; adtierrda; cu special douses for team(, ai" a TITLE EYlOENC£: At tooat ~ days $ Gunk, pirtr+ s days} baron Ck»sirtg o OtIC irgruatea ctmottittnsett wgh terpibte txtpins eft ~tttuttents fisted as Ci4 exoeptiorte ailedred thereto t'Tgie Ctxnmitrcxint"} cad. otter Ctn. an awncrk policy of tlps 4t (coo Standard A for terms) t bo ahtsyrred by; 55' {CHECK flN1.Y tN'J~; m (1) SdIEx, et Sdbr's s~,er~sa end delivered to Buyer or Brryarks attorney; ar 5f7' U (2} BrNear at F.ttryars oxporrso. G7' (CHECK HP•REj: Gt It en abstract of tide is to ha turniahed instead W pile itu,'tsatice, and afro ~~ar for tom. 5ft" Vt. Ct.09ittN3 DATE; Ttas traarwactlar stt~ rte teased and rho tdostxj duCts'trettis tit:Et+r:rtxt nn ~~~~11~-q(53120.9,U_, .._.- C'Ci~fl?. tam fig ~ rxxiiged by amer provlelona of itr'r Consaat. tt the aver>< at ex titieattrca' or t~rrtx pxgaOn3 w averuy txsmtisrfurp 'Yart`.e muse'. G#arinp w9 tto fid ratttrrdnd a fgasrxs2t>h this r>~: R roettxtaion of uir'Itib9 and racuvksss essantisi to ~, and (t} ava'M3lr-rY of hazard, W+nd, t4aod, rxHorneovagra' at' irpurdtrr,'e. x CttiCYt taoex'Jitkxzr attntirr{1e rnors theft _.._ days [~ t>~tYc, Ct~r i4 ~} tra}xxrd Date, dtd's dthor'party may termer pYs C,a;trxt. FnweAfa A6is-art ti4v. ar!a'i es acM7e 6 ns~u~ac„ of f~uoa9" arxs Toe r'kuiae t All wfyr,tw t~uuw,ryd P,ige t vt is MRR-11-2010 13:20 Fram:t'~tGROllE RERt_TY 5618655943 Ta:18663724i445 Pe9e:419 g2 VII, RESTRICTIONS; EASEMENTS; UMiTA17DN$: Saior shall Garrey marketable 11t1e sutakxx to: oorrtpreharryive land use plans, zoning, 6's restriclrtuty, pmhltdHons end other r~u;rertter~hs imposed by govammarltal autltority; nsstnctians artd manors appearing on fire pta,t tx othehvixr 84 cxammat to the su6ditrisian; outststding Op, gas and Mingml rights of record without rigid of enhy; unplatted public uriGly eas&tterrla at rAttxxd 65 ~oea-ed cztntlYgr>ous to real proporty Ines end nut more Than 10 foot in width as to the rsatr rar bent I and T 1/2 feet in wbth as to the side G6 Iirx:u); toxe3 for year ai CbsinO and subsoquelri years; and wtsttmad mortgages artd purchase rrttxtey mortgages, tl my Af 8ddiiianal Rams, sire G7• addatduin); provider[, that there c:dsts al CWsirtg rua vuyatlat of th0 forogobtg ertd nuns pretreM ttsa of thn Propsxty far_.,, 6$' pt~aaae{S}. G9 VI IL OCCUPANCY; Seger shall delivAr aocuparay of Property to Buy+ar et time ~ Olttsing urdBC,S alherwiye stated tteraln. fi Pmpmty is ~ltettdad 70 to ha mnied Or orxupiAd tteyrOrtd Ohtsing, rt,e facx and tarns thes'e0I arxt ttts tartar[[{s} ~ OOCt~tuttr, sI56tI) be diaGloaed ptu~tant t0'A'S IS" $tOrYlBtd 71 F II urxupattay L9 to lea dWruArad Mora Casing, Buyer ssssurru~c aii risks of ka".a to Property irsxn tiara ottxxxrpartcy. stte~ tae rasponse'bks attd iat`ra 72 for maintonanCe from dart data, and sttal be loomed to tztve asra;tted Property In tta 9~d3littg cortdaton as r>t tirtre of teidrg occupanoK 73 IX. TYPEWRft'TEFt OR HANDWRITTEN PROVISIONS: Typewrltton a handwritten prn+ri3iori.9, riders end addenda cattrW all printed pr0- 74 vicians of ih~ Cuntr~ in crtnlliot with theta, 7s• X. ASSIQNABItJTY: {CHtiICK ONLY QNE}: t3uyer t3 may assign and thereby be raieaaad from arty further sahiwry under this Contract; fl may T6' asslflrt but ttrtrt btr rol&'tsed frorn tab>tity [order this Gotmact; a' 0 [trey riot assign thla Cnmraot. 7T XI. DttiCL{33URES: 78 (a} The Pnaparly roar be subject to unpaid spoGal aysaytunern sen{s) It1>Dosod by a P ~dY Ppu-alo body' door rtot Irtatiarie a 7g Gondgmlrtium or t-ipmeowners` Aasnr~atkxt). Such lion(s), fiarlK wtretttar certeled. oortfirmcd prxl risGfittdd. pandYlg, a' Payable to irtatasrttertt9, 80' as of Gkrsirtg, snail be Paid as t0110w3: ®by Seller at Casing fl by Buyer (;t left btank, then Seiler at Ciasinp). tl the errtotnt of arty 81 e::acr:ament to be pakt by ;,eller has rat heart lineuy determined ae of Cbsirgi, Serer stwdl be cttatged at Ceasing an amount to the 82 tray[ estimate or assar'.t:mant for the Vnprovgmertt by the public body. 83 (b} Redurr Is a natutalty occtrrktg rtldioaclive gas that vtilett arrurnuiated ht a building to st>nlclettt #fi,antitbas may present hcahh rtskg to per- 84 sans wha aro orlposad W ft aver time. Leuel~ of radar that exceed frtderat and sLtto gutdeliri~t have bean irxand in tauildingc in Fiaide. 85 Addrlartal knfomtaucvt re0erding radon or radar testlrtg may be obtairad from your Gtnurty R Health unit. 86 (c} Mold is naluratly naratrring arut may carxie tteeittr news tx damage to property. fi Buyer is rtont:emed ar der9roa adcGtanei irdormatkxt S7 rsgerrtvt0 tmld, Buyor Should CUttir~ an ap(XOprfate PnyftXtsionai. 88 {d} Buyer ar.Iaawiedgas rr„e(pl of Cite FlttrKra Er~tgy-EtfY.i~rry flame ~kamratitm BfOChure retnilrad by Seaia1553.CISt6. t=S. ti.4 {s) d ttte Rawl Property stciuu~las prr}-1978 rCSadetttis'N housing, qtr a tead•baaed paint rider is rrlandatary. ~ {0 K Seta' is a 9rxpi0n pe~stxl' as defined by Hte FnreiQn Irtvestrrtatt tt Red Property Tax Art, the partisa ottas tottlply wit): that ACt. $1 {g) BUYER SHOULD NOT EXECUTE THIS COPITRACT UNTLL BUYER FtA3 RECEIVED AND READ THE HOMEOWNERS' ASSOGUt- 92 TIONfCOMMt.P#iTY OISGt OSURE. 03 (h} PROPE1t'iY TAX DISCLOSURE SUMMARY: tktYFFi ,",tFtODUS NOT RELY OP1 THE SELtFR'S CURRENT PROPERTY TAXES A8 THE AMOUNT ti4 OF PROPERTY TAXES THAT'It1E ['A.1YER MAY 8E OBtK1,4TED TO PAY IN THE YEAR SUBSEQUENT TO pvIiCHA",F A CHANGE OF QWNER- ti'3 :iHIP OR PROPERTY IMPROVEMEN tY~' TRIGGERS RF.ASSES$MENTSOFTHE PROPERTYTHATCOUTARESULT qV HIGHER PROPERTY TAXES. 9G IF YOU HAVE ANY CriJESTION3 CONCERNING VALUATION, C(NJTACT Tli£ COVNTY PROPEN IY APPRAISER'S OFFICE xOR INFOF4MAiIUN. R7 %II. MA%IMUM REPAIR CO6TS: D6LETGD 08` XIII. HOME WARRANTY: fl Sailor O Buyer !31 ruA wit pay for s hares warranty plan tsrxrad ray _ frA' at A Coal Pdl W oxaaod $ 100' XIV. INSPECTION PERIOD AND R)GHT TO CANCEL• (sl} Buyer attar[ have „-_j_ days from ENertive Date ("trrsperftal l~aNod°) wftrun 101 tHrich tp have such fttspec#tana of ~ I'rvAerh' performed as Buyer shalt destte arm uthittes servira €haN DA Made avaffatrle by ttre 102 saner durfng the fnspertian Partod; {tr) t3tryer shat! be resporrstWe far prompt payment far sorb trsgpect#txla and nspstr atdamege 103 to 8ttd restarattan of tf W Property reaW#trrg [nom tauah ttIffipe!Gtiatl6 and NJS protdaiarr jtt) [than aurvtra terrnlnatiQn Gt Ztds Gatrhaat t04 and (c) tf BuyerdetemlNlea, Gt &ryer's sole diacretian, [bertha Propertyts txst arxstatabte to Bayer, Buyarmaycartaat thts Cantraet IOra by delivE~ting farsrmrte tar Wttt#en rraNae of such efecttatJ fD SeX~ prkrr tQ ttte axpiratian of the tnapert&xI AYttar/ tf Buyer dmety 106 carlcets tht9 Gantract. the dBPost#ls} paid shah De tmmedtatety re#a+med M Buret; thereupon, Buysu' and Seller atlatt be rekesed of 10T an furtf>Qr ottngattaras under this ConCr~t, except es provtdod rn thts Paragraph XtY. Ltntees Btryvr axoncMes the Nght fa abrrcer f0$ granted fter+sfn. Boyar aaaepts the Property to Fts present phystast Gwndltton, ttrrh/eot to s»y vfotatton of pav#nranerrtal, bulkJlnO, 109 errvtrunmerrtat attd safety otodes. restdrtlone or requirements and aflarl tre raapon;tltUa for any and all ropWra and improvements i 10 requtr:Ad Dy $yrer`x fender. 111 %Y. RIDERS; ADDEtVDA; gPECtAI. CLAUSES; CHECK [hoar[ ridtx'3 whidt are applicable AND are attaoltad to and made part III this Corlbract: 112• D CANDOMINIUI+~ C~ VA/FHA a HOMEOWNERS' ASSN. u LEAD-BASED PAINT Q COASTAL. GOI~TRUCTION CONTROL LWE 113' L1 INSULATION LJ EVIDENCE (7F TITLE {SOUTH FLORit)A OONTRAC'tS) U Olttat Camttratuuttive Rider Roviaipts L1 174' Sp6De1 CtausYt{R): .. .. 1105' ..._ _. ._ 1rr _,_ _ . 118' _ ... II9' 120" , 12r _ 1??• ...~ 123' 124' t25' t2S XVI. "A3 IS" STANDARDS FOR REAL ESTATE TRAt48ACr1ON5 {°AS IS" Standards): Buyer and Sasvr aaWwwledge rec:aipt of A copy 12T at 'A:i I .' SrAnderda A through Z on the rarverae aide or attached, which are Ytcarparated ~ prat ttf this Contract. I"ARleAH A',4S-?x Rev. 2106 O 2pQa Florkta Aacnrfat~n pt F~~v, acct wrct Tt,s Ptgitb E3ar Ap At~ds Fteaaved t?~o 2 of a MAR-11-2818 13:28 t=rom:MpNGRE~JE REALTY 5618655943 Tn:186b3724445 Pase:5~9 19D THIS 15 iNTENDEO TO HE A t.Ef3AU.Y t3iNDFNO CONTRACT. IF NOT Flit.LY t1NOERSTOOO, 129 SEEK THE ADVICE OF AN ATTORNEY PRIOR Tt3 SIt3NINt3. i3o rHlS `A9 ts° FORM HAS BEEN At~t~pVEp 8Y THE FIORIt)A ASSfl{:t+4T1ON bF REALTORS"AND THE Ft.OFtIf7A LaAR. 131 Approval does not cxx~stitute en opinion that day of itm farms turd condiaot~ in the Cs~lrart should be acccptad ray the pertle:c In a 132 particular tren~at:tirm. Temps and Cpndltloits ehouki ha negotiated lxscod upcut the respectlvve ~iterests, r>tsjnctitios mixi tmrgair>irg 133 ppsitlons of efl ~itera~ted persons. 13d AN AS'TERIStit`} FC1t.1.OWiNG A L3Nt: NUMCiER IN THE AAAFtgIN INQiCATES THE LJNE C{MV'fAfNS A Ett.MiK TQ Est CtN+APtJETET}. t35' 138IBtJYEFt) (DATq „- {SFt.tGRJ {QATF.j 13$ {fttiv~s} tOATEI (.'SFt1.FAl (t?Aita 139' Buyers' eckiraxa fnr puriso{,,eo of ramie Seiiars' atidr for ~,rposos of ratite 141` __.... Phone Ph:xro 142 BROKERS: Tha bmkert {~ndudi~ cooperasnp tinkers. If any} named lxlow ure ttw only hrok9ts entitfod t4 ctxnpeet4aikxr N cmruactlon with 1A3 :fii,, Cormact: 144• Netrxt: MANGRbVE REAt.TY' EXCHANGE, INC 3°l0 _, ~_ 14Fi Coaperatinp Brokgrc, ii any I.Fating Brokat FAr~3RR Aura-2:c Rmc ?tb8 ~ 2~ts Fhxkle l~sacinUai at RcruTC~' rmd 'rhe Florida tsar AM ~t+y~da Ruatuved th~pa 3 of 6 MAR-11-2818 13:21 From:MANGROUE REALTY 5618655943 To:18663724445 Pa$e:6~9 146 td9 146 i49 16fI 151 152 f53 154 1Pr5 i56 tti7 158 iAA t50 SR r t ft% t5i 164 165 lily t07 t68 16g 170 i7t 1?7 t73 174 t75 176 1Tr 176 170 tt3tf 16t i62 1fi3 lBa iBS 11i6 i6r 186 169 190 tg1 192 !93 19a 19u 196 t~Y 196 199 200 201 202 203 2t~ 206 297 2t7ft 210 711 719 21:f zta 276 2t0 217 "AS IS" STANi}AHb$ F"OR RERC ES7ATE TRAfiSAC~IQN& A. TtiLE INSURtWCE: The T'tBe Gartrtlprra~rri 9rrap Lv3 issued by a Ronda pcertspd title Insurgr to ~ t3t5rar, taper of ttxi deed to Buyer. art uwner~ policy of title irretxartcs iii th0 ati'rOtxrt at the putl:hasa prN~t, etettdtig t3tycr S rT~rkttit~te title to the Beat Protlbrtn cubjoct arty to rt~ttbra aoni~nad yr t'{smpraph yl arltt ttwse to tie d3scttafged btr Seiitr ~ ix' bgt;xt: C~OIr~. tNatirett~ thle shah ba dstan>uted atxadtnp to app Tips Staridarda adotrt- ett tn+ ourttxxity ~ Ths Rttdtfe bar in ac:oaidsrx.~a wpb taw, Boyar strap hive 5 days tru» daW ut ret~itrtrtg the Titib Ctxrrnitmertt to Wfatttittc iL fraf it iple is kaurrJ dcdectiuis, rxsBty ;it'1ler in writtig Spacttyin9 tlrstact{a} wfi(ah t6rxter title tuittiSVkaSeStie. Sr.per sitar harm 3(} days from taasiR of rrphOV to tErrnva iha ducts. fang wru:h Buyer strati, wllh;n S days moor axpiratKxr ut U1a ~ daY pxrbd, deliver w natttae to Satter eiBier: { i) extanttnq the kptro tar o roatatn- tttsig perhx! rttttt to exCead 12p day8 wittBn wttigi StaNr amp tea dllk~arit apart to remove rise dgtfrcta; err ~} tequosting a rafr.tnd of deposit(o) pad wHdi ptsall ~ returrw~t(fG Buyer. it r3uytir fails to eta rvkdh Sepcr, t3iytx Shalt qa tteetned to have eaiepted ttxa title aJ It then pi. Star atiafl, B tiila i6 faiAid unmarkotdika, u4c+ di5gefit aBtxt to aorret;t dtitrxt{s~ vviriin tllp tines presided, M aria tidlggnl sited, tsdla ~ UiaGte to Ckttely rxarrert Ura dafRCta, Btryet shall Citllor waive the defeats, a racotvg g raltsid at dnlx,slr{Sa, Iherttry rotauaing Buyer end 5dia front ap tatna ahlipntirns raroder tree Conirsct. M v8>k8f is to provide ties Tiller Ctantr nitmsnt aW h Is dWA4lred to Boyar ~ thtin 5 dsya prior to Citt#Jnq. lkayar may oxttu'b Cloeirrg so that 8tyrr snail Have up tb G dayc from data tp ivcaipt #a exaln~tr) £,amg;n etxvnJ:uica with tMs'AS iS" StarriarrJ. 8. p11t~Ct1A5E MONEY MORTGAGE; 3Et'.t1RITY AGREEMENT 70 SELLER: A ptrahaca maioy niuriytrye mid mortgage trace to Seger snap preside I'a g 30 tldy grace ppdocl in the rxr~tt at defauh a< a tirel matgago and a 15 day graco poriod B a:wuurul or lessor rnortgr7ga; Mee prarMido to right al properymertt In wtrds Sr M part wi8roui penally; shell Ixxmit accdoration In event of transfer n1 tics Rawl Prapony; shplt rattvha all prior Mons oral 6nr:umbrenae:i to i>o ~i to goad standing; shill forbid mrxtificationc of, or lulure advances irxfar, prier mprtgago(s); shah requ'trr Player to rtntrxaln popdeM1 of tr+peaanc0 canioirtnrg a alafkfarYl rrrortgagoc daua4 O4vedng eA lnproiesmatl,; IriG9tatl Ar5 the RtW1 t'tupgrty against f7A and aNr p9nis atciudod within rw term'e>~IerKtad Covarapa grKlarSatrretil5' and taar~t other risks and perfl8 erg Seger may rCa7anft)ry ratprae, in wt amnUm acxra- W Utah tdgtw.^t aisuratate vg4ae; srrd ttw mmt}sp9, nolo and sttattdry agmrsmsnt Shag t7e othOrwr„9 br term and eattbril rgey rirert by Sella, txrt fi4ea may oNy retplro clpua118 >~ OOvetage wstanwiiy tawX! Ga mat• gagtsi„ mart{inpe riaop and security agretxnents 9arierauy utpizcd Say stn+irrgs er xi tarn insiiiutlnns or State a national taartl~ toc8lgtt m Uw cotnlY wttadn IMi Heal #'rapt:tty La iticated. A8 Pgreond PrapcrtY rrtd igases being cor'rrayed a ea~ignati wth, err 3aAmss t;pBfxt. ba StRilpCt;fl the sett Of 0 serenity E+graerrtettl oil t~nced ny riarXtt*~d a' rued Bna+is;irrii snatsrnsnis err conlik+.ates ai title. d a baiban nxxtgapa, Uw fmai payrnant wpt axeoad Uro pc*Sadta pbyrnartiis ihwaors. C. BtJRVEY: Buyer. at Citryorh expense, VAthUi turn dtUwtltt to dogvar avlderlag at titMt turd to examine aerate, ttlay tsrvc ttr0 Real Property stavbywdand etXti- tied by a roglsterAd t~rorida Curtiti.9ror: it the atxvey ds ahcmaater>arits an Ux; i~usJ Prutarsdy a itwtt Irryarovamenre acated ttiarocri enpa~oh an setback Cues, ef~gn~'4s, twsrJs of attiers err Waiate airy resttiaB~7. Carttrat:t oovraxtni;t a appticabte gowrnmana repulartic. tiro t:mne ~>pp txxnditute a rite dafbet. D. WOpt? t?ESTR4YiNt3 ORGArrtgMB: DELETED E. iNGRF.SS ANO EGRESS: 5o8a wanants acrd represents tt>ai tram is ingrps and Cgrewy to 9w ftesi Property fi~kknt to ire tirterxiod urn 4! tfnsaibed in Partlgraptt VII huret:t ar+d title to the Real PrapeatY ~ inctt'ataC in fxx;ordasica with "A'J t, ;t,r~ h witliovt et,ceeptips hx ~t ~ bgat right at &009Qe. F. LEa1SE&: S'C91ar anl~ at least 10 days tiatcxa Cdasirgp, furaisli to ctrpies a ~ vnL7 at in33da mid astoaipd afters tram eat3i tenant sp~Mn9 the nature acid dtuattati iii rho tOnanria oax~ttnuy. rtsrtat rates, ;tG,rarxxtd npnt acv} sacutty dppwata PWd by tonarU, p Seller is tut6~bio to obtain mxxYr iMKu lrorrl oath tan- arx, thra xsme titkxrriatiori ~r1aa tae turrdsrrod by Salter to 6trytr within UWt tiriie parkrd in ttie tam of as :wt4x s at6davit, art euypr Wray tirerastter COrttaN trri- aru tta carBBUmm such Intarmatian h the trxrraii itt Ina teroaes dptar rnatartppy tram Sctiars ratiratpe,itgtions, Btryar teary tarcrpnate this CAntrtict by de6vgrinp wBttan rotica to Baiter at toast 5 day.: aWr to ~ Goiter shag, at q, drAvar and iretli~ji al ariginsi I to Buyer. Ct. 4tENS: Soper shall tumistt to Buyer at limn of CbsMxJ art aiSdvvit pttb3tlrxJ to the &ssttnca, rrrde,S athgrwtso provided fa txtrairr, ut try fsiarrdr~ atatanent. tlairtis of pen nr fnterittal Iiort4re ktiatvli to Srdpix and iurttxr attaRlinq that lilac ewe t}eQ4i rro improvemaBs a rsfiara to p'rv ilw.il ProptXty fa 4ttf dtrys Yitr[rD• dietary preexlxlting dais of Cbspig. Il the final PrapanY tae beat arYUaa+od a ratkprod vriWn that time, HAifar BhNI illative roka~ rx walvara of CatlCtrtlellali pang eataullted by ap ggnaral Odttractaa, sutar:unuactora, sttppilas axt malanamen in oddpian t0 S6gartr pen elfrcfavR settptg Cann #ne names of d sudt pest oral cariractors, subtxantr9otars, suppllara arW rnateriaUnan. hinMr aarmm,0 thtit d; tlxvgi • fur tmprovemarrs a rnpairr whiGti could aava (m b aerie for a oalctruepai rim w a claim far datnspgs have bocci gild err' wpl thr paid ffi rho {Saslrrg nt this tbnUnct. H. PLACE OF GLASINC: Ctaslnp shat; k1e herd in rho county wtrerein the Howl Propany;s bcaitvd at rho offroe al cry ullaney a arbor dosing ngtsru Q'Ctosinrj ApartY? tfaStijnatod by rho party ayp>g fix title ir>strsrcg, nr, x no fitb irr„urmiay, dryiyratlad by Sonar: f. TIME: Codorrdar' dye mtssll lru used irr camputlnp little periotir except AgrWU"s of toss 7rert six (~ datni, tit wt6oh avert Sanp'c~a, t3urx7aya acrd stair a awlan• d repel holidays stielt be excluded. N1y Ben psritida pnHided for tiereh which atrsli end on a Saturday; Suradey. a a ttrgal trn9dpy Shall eaciertd l0 5~0 part a<tea rote hrnst'tesa dPjr. 'l'ima is of tiro C3ierroe in this Cantraet. J. C W $INt3 t3tl7CUM6NT;5: 6eRer 8hep CtrNSh ties tiaest, tai of esb, txnpfacatp Of tlpg, aars6tiatiort psn affrdpidt, aivtter'S possess afpttpvlt, ag3gnmeob d leas- es, leriarrt trld rrttxtpag6e eStoppd iattaG erid Ourrecpva 6istrtrrnerxs. t~rrysr Shop ttmlSli ntbrtyttge, rirpttgeya rri~e, sccurity+ aprpemem arW finanakip casimnaua. K. E)a'ENSt~: t}cx:urrntrlary stxttpa txt the ~ rtx:adptEi et oorrocthaa Ur.^tnunarits shell be pefd by lieper. All caate ref Btayor"s kacst ivAxttlipr d rrKani Leper a turd pariyJ, ttcbrdinq, but mt Iimf6cd ter, duaurrerrrtary stamps and rrtangeye L1tx ai ttxa ixarcJn.'Ki ntdrsey n+ortgrige acid arty rrattgagg arfStsnod, rruxtgsgee Brio irxvumr^.9 CamrMtmem with rparga rUSa, and rr3eordlr~- ~ puronsse money matgtige. deetl avxJ t6aricing statemarxs snap tae paid UY &rya'. Urita7s ottipnrrie6 provkfed by law a rkfer to thla C4Mraet, charges fur ndtrtad dosing seriAcas, mta egBtM, star dostrig tpoo vtJnp txaperatbn ~ dttsirsg stataiieriti. eiwiU tie paid bt+ ilia parry resfxtrtdr.~ for farniMvng rho tea evidence at ecacrdar>cs with Pare(rapti Y. L PRORATtOtiS; CREOtTt3: Texas, pe'ayeirtrants, tent. frltar~t, iraUrBnCe ~,d oUicr rxpOti;,~ d the Property be prt»ed through the daY b0f~Q1:ip8C1g. C~yar Mss nave tea option r~ tbrsilg over exJstYig tiopdea of k+su:~a. p a,+y^~iYiiptyg, n wtriott avetrt prattitans txi ttrlratact• Ca>ri of t:7oaing sttW ire intxeased ur ere may be rett;dred tiY pmmtt W be made ttlrotrgh day pile to ClasNp, cx ecatroariClt p oootgrrxy aacua iaotorp Gy091rxJ. Advarra rent oral serxxlty defaa#tS wpI ba aceRpct to t3uYer. Fscraw deposits t>Qkt try matgapoo wet bra a Sill tad lu tifs~, 'fasces etiap ors isrrs~stad t3aeed at ilia astern tax tMtti ttutr aBtxvartce made to ttiaxittum apOvvaGle diatxxW, r>anrestaid acrd other pxcrilptions. tf t~osfng ocxxxa at a date v+4lert rho otsrortt yamb mU- agrr is rest cited and tenant years acse^.~itait L avapa4te. taxes wig be faaratad tzuari uppn suds asxsstrtortt tvid prig yltsrll rnptage. a arrnatu ypaCh aaeeea- ment m rxn avapabte, Uxxi taxci vdl pe p~crwed Wi t Year is tax. M rsere ate aam~Otad imprd+rs on rile t~ssi lrrapartyr try JarujaAr tat o- f~ a . wtvtXt nipravetttertts were ern in erdsiance on Janamy ist at prior yore Itran taxes stia9 na prtuated txead r4aori prior ynsr's rrppagu arxJ et rri egWtebla aeSasp- niard to be agmed irpnn tiatwgart fire poalioo: tap5tg vrttktr, regtaest snap tae trtatte b Ura for,riy PraPorty Appraiagr Kr en Initxtrid asaasstrtaru tatting lira aoaaunt mnstrittto oxenptiorta. A tali praratkn trariad err an astinmo rlxp. W ryuusat of elrtler partyf E~ matiJttatari r;45on nBCeipt of otrrort yoab tax Wp. M. {RE$BRVEO - purposery tall blaYik) N. INSiaEOTtOM AAIG REPAtk: DEtEYED 8. RLStt tSK IAS9: ti, aha the Epgapve Gate, the Proporty bs damaged by fire a otlwr cawtety ('Castretty t.oas'- betoN Cbsptq grid 04at W reelvraBon (wtMph teas •rrduds the cost ~ pntptq err rGrnaVa1~# darnapad' rbaa rest exceed 1.576 at tho PtRtdtase Price. Last a rostamion strap tre an atrlgtdkxr al SoWx prof t~Odrtg N1ap proceed pirsuartt to tttri tMma d this Caitract, br rtl i( rmilarapon k not carrytlataf as at Goedrtq, roslaratbn twxvt wig oa rexaawed el CtosYtg. M rho CASE of testaatbn exaaede 1.59K ra IMr Punlitige Price, Buy~pr shag apher Calm tin Property ere i& Itrgoltia' with 1ho 1.546 or rtl0etlre a reCurid Of dspositisi thereby rslaaSrrq and Scpor irotn ell hrlner ablipettons tndsr' thla Centred. ShcoYc rile aGpgnlh,fi wpb respect to trpa dartwga tiY CeauMlyor atlior' tgtu- rat orxurrgrl0tr dcdl bo 9to o00t err prtetlriq a renxsvad. P. CLOSING PROCEDURE: Tee dead ahaJt bo racadal upon Wasrarice ei /reds. K the titki agent it,^1aGG advcrso nipt~rg talratateil to SecBon 627.7E141, F.6., 44 arrrerietod, the asarlm acid dcang proaadua ruyulrtld lay this 'A,R k;• Stsndard sfsall bo waive4 t1rrASS wdiv4Kf cis set faith sbirJe ins faa9wh9 fFlFVQAR AS13-2rt Retr. 2ttitl ~ :.'OOS h'lurtda, IusvOC6a[bn at RFM1n0.4* and Ina Fkrkia Ber tut Rigtds fla:relved Papa ~ of 8 MflR-11-2010 13:22 From:t~HJE ftERLTY 56155943 TO: 18663724445 Pase:7r9 ?t3 21A 820 221 P22 223 .~a 225 22b 227 2~H ~:"J 230 231 2d~' '63.'S 7.3a 23G 2$Ei 23T 233 239 ?dt} tat 2d2 2a3 "la4 245 2a6 7et7 248 2Ar3 260 9.Gi 2G2 253 tea ~~ 256 2fiT rya 2a9 2t3U 26t 262 1trS 2ts^ 7.6G 266 267 268 260 270 271 272 278 "AS IS" STAFtDARD$ FQi>1 REAL. tSTAT6 TFtANSAC7101iS (CD1tTitYtiF,pr} glOSinp p+taoedurca shau apPtl+: ttj nl cbsirq procAtda xhall bn rreki +n ooaow by the Closing Agent tot a parbd ai rat mrx9 ittiart ti days attar t;'bsrny; Gtl it Seller's tRb IA rendered +mmadtetobfo, through rK? lault vt Buyer, 8uyttr sdt21, withn rho G day period, rtptidy fiettat ht wttOttg of th0 dtdact anrt 981dr dial h2ve 30 dayfl tram data of rt>Cplpt d suet r rxtlificatbn to cure the defecA;13}'A Sailor ioika to kinteflr cure t~ tlAAeat. Ali dA{xts8o AtW alasing tundA anal, t~Wi written domard by t§ry9r entl within G dry, after decreed, be returned to Buyer 2nd, fi+t'tuftancou;sty wiUt SadeYt repuyrrattti, Buyer at~i ttattAn ttte P9fs4tiil Propony, vacate me treat Ptoporty :aed reaonvay ttw Pt9plxty to Seger M Spacial warranty aa«i arW tJiM OE aaiei (¢J # Btryar falls to rrtaWt ttmey tletztvd ltUr rafwtd, 8tryar shall take Illb as Is, waiving nU Aghta artainal Ballet as to any Intervening detect ext;epl as m2y he 2ral34ta 10 Bttyor av vUttte of N'ar nttttfrsa reMt2ined in the decd ar pill of saw. 0. ESCROW: Any Gadn9 or escrow agarrt (rAll2Glively "ngurn'j rtxaiaing funds or equh+alaM is aumarizad and Apraaa by Acneptanae trt thorn to dopc~it Thom pmnptiy, hNd Gerf+e in esanw anti, se~iec! lv eWarartce, dtsbursa sham in 2440rd'M7eo wiUt farms cmd oondikiOrls GI gtls Contract. Paiute d trrnrls M (After sdlta0 rtat etxcuso 6ttyor a peAOtmatge. K h ty0uht as to ApAnl'a dettieg cr iiabititf~ urdCr the txo~niiorte eft this Contract, Agtatt may, At Agra+t ~ optiat, oar lime to tn;at Ufa au6jact matter of rho esriovr urAB the pmica ttoreta agree to Its dlsiwrsontent nr trrUll 2 i~ of a Gaut ~ COrrlpGtt/M prdadklion stmll detemtlrtA the dptnte a} the genies, Or Ai3cnt may dvpo~.at semte with the dark trf the clmaAt odurt having jwtisdaion of the dk~vta• Ai t atlorrtey who raprnvwvs a party and etso acla rs Agent may reprg,5anl suet party to t>ueh anion, Uptut rallying M panlan ctxtGaned of ntoh aolion, ae liatal'rly an rho part d AQeM stat0 dtAy tartrrhato, s+tr~tpt 10 l~ ederA of ttocoun8ng flu arty ilrrna pravbu9iy dAIMArad atA of esoraw, H a lcamod toad oAiatc txadeer. Agent wYl campy with prt7vi;irptS ev Chapter 475. F.S., as arttrnriad• My serif hetwoOn t3uyva and Seller wflereitt ApeM ~ rttade a ptuly because U adirg as Agent ttrrtblyd6r, t- Yt any trait wherein Apart Imarpleads the ty+t+)eci mtuid~ d the u:kvOw. Agertl shah tecc>Utr roasmulMe atlrxrwty's tees and aostc hwtcd wish Iha:Mt errtt>tAlts to tw geld ircm nett ntA of Ctre esuvuwrxt funds or Ogahtelent and Chergad and awanied as arurl aturta in favor of tho ptovailhg parry. The /fit 9ttt si1eG nDt bo liable N arty party or perm for misdafMsry to FA.ryer or Sc9k:r of darns sut~jxi la Itrr erstxow, w Aesa Arnh mladtttvary k+ d+a t0 wUIrW txeaett o1 tlto proNiripn6 d lrw fiaNratx a gross rteplipara M !~,}rrtt. R. ATFORNEY'$ FEEB; COSTS: In tuty 1tigAAan, Nk~uding GMaCh, onfoncactuni o+ intArprtAAtiwt, ariahg auk of this CcrnrACt ttvt pravalurq Pant h cuch iG gtttion. whktt, for purposes of ttYS 'AS I9' St2ndaRl, anal indudtt Salor, Buyer 6atd arty hroitere actir~ h ttpanay rr nttn2genGY rateidptisttips AutlFwrizad by C',ttapter a7t$, F.$ , as LVrgnUDd. St13f) W tRiattrd to raaavar 6om tea/ ftrlrl-pravAtkrxy party tGp9aryabta a1lQaYYey'e teva, aoata std 87Q79rIDea. S, FAI4URE OF FERFORtaANGE; I( Btyar fans m panann this Contract with3t the ifma ;salad, bttrieretirtg payment of ai dapaahs, dw etepcsir(s) paid W Cuter and depo:tit(i~ abrEt+d to be paAd, nmy bo reavvdred acrd retched try ofd for the arxtamt of $gl~r ea agrood upon 4q+Idat~ tlanwyes, correideratbn tar rtta axAGrAiOrs tff tree Corttraet and h fur x;!ttlarrumk ~ arty claims; Mtlahxgxsn, C2try9'' stud Satlat sAtal ho rcRoverd Ot Al OWiyWkaw erttder ttda Centred: or Sager, at SeAlecyr option. mat fxoG9ed N equity to atAanro Sdinrh riglea eQaka Ufa CiOrAract. K for any reason Other khan taawe et Setwt to mataa Salet'is Iil~, nur- tretabta altardttplaN etdnrt, :+everta~, rtegdoctA or rotusaa to parkmttt this Ca-rtraci, BrtyAt may sa~akatto pzrfGtntartca ar tNOtd t0 tnoaivo khe ralurt a t3tty~arls daprr;,A{rri wArtewt ttnrrasuy vrriving erg atxbn tot damages roseAtdttg trnn Suiuryr DreatAi. T. t;,{)ltiRAGT NQT R6CQfaDA6k.E; PERSQN8 BOUND; Nt}SkCr:; t~PIES; Netct~ tlris t~ttvxt nnranY notiG6 of it ertsa pe rr in arty pupib reUwda, Tuts Cmtrats r;fiail hind ertcs inuto to oxi txxtgtt Oi 1he pandas A!d tttak stlccessaA in o'Nar~t. vvrWrteatx the ooetfmd poetato, otrtgatttr trtdude idtusi And one gtniper atal t±tt#tde all, Noi>e~ and dAlvaq+gNran by or to the attarnoy a lxotWr rrtxrraertting any patty sttnl ba aA Alteettin Aa Ct QArAn by or to that petty. AA rtvtictss rrttst be do wrttatg std rrvty tx3 rtnttd9 ba' trial, pc^.anad d+idrery ar +~'w trtttYa tttadda, A tatAtrr~A et oleGtroAio {dndta~rrg'ttdrl ~pY of tttio CoMroot Ard arty oignateaca htveV:+ arreyl br tAxtskieretl fw dt purpa5~ as an o~inal. U. CONVEYANCE: $~r' Fthatt oottwy tllmtEtAtya tidA w thH A~ Prpcry by CJltutgy wmrmtty, tnJGt4et}, paaotnti ttrpttlaetttad"aR9. ar guet~atth dived, >!a tSrpraprleto fa tt1H Ria1U6 d faller, subjoat Ohy to mad[At$ acyil&ii iNd iti t'rur~raph VII artd ttkSaa atII56M141e11 eoaeptad Uy gtAyCG PeflO(NI Properly 6ttWl, rN tip rAquast t# Buyer. be bv>rforrcd by an atk~+Ia big d ride wdth warranty ~ mk3, p ihlrM',1 ~Y to such matters A9 may t~ otlvYa+'+Sa ptoJXtad for Hmeire, Y. OTtIER AGREEM~tTS No t>dar Gt pret~attt agrAematta or m~,m.~n tar ~~a ba tairxtirtp rat BVytt- or Soler tAtl98S btCktdetf to tltis Conhara. No rsvtd- if~etbrt to or change to rtdA t:4+ci+1~ coal bo w6d or 6mdinp uGan lkMr faeat~ cAieaa in wrdting and at:AaAtd sty rho panie6 tntendad to be tarnAtd W lk k+u 3ELt.@t DIBCLOStlRE: (let Tome era rto facts krtonn t0 Sdter itmtrMAUy atlAtxirtg the vifuo Ot ttie PAOpet#y which rue rte toady W a wtiKfi lvlw trot been disclosed to &tytji; (2,d Setfarextarttla andtntenda+a waMlvttyarxt makestsorApruarstaftat alaayn'Aa. at~kprnas~lrttpilat~ as fo the physical aanditron aw hisfary al the Aroparty; {3} SaJtar het racAtvwt na wrldan err irorbat eotiae from eny Qavarrrrrurttatantity or agerxxy as to a oanentfy rmcorrt:cted btJlfdktp, anWrotNrterrtaf otAafety coda vioJadWU tat S48or' hoA no iwwwiadpa atettyt+opairs or tmpmvmrrte made to tba t~Foperiy wJ#rout c»tryjftarrca wrth gavemrnonta! regufatyon iafilclr haw trot been d~etoaed to &tryw X. PROPEJtCY tMAlNTENAFtCE; PROPERTY ACGESS~, ASSttiNMENT OF t".OAfiRAGTt3 AND WAAttANTtE6: Saner atxM nttah the t~lepetttt bat rpl tt,rvtad to lawn, ahrubbary, and pod at the Gar+dirdan +1p as o! ef(a:tdw [rata. cadinpry wear Artd tray acrd LiaeuaUy toss ezoeptod. f,e/ar Atud, rKinn ra2eariahig nolWO, provide eRAillp sorvteo Aid aC+B la rive Property for apprAls~A Aral tnt;E)Atdinrre, tn+~ixSr1Q a wAaatttrau4h gnat to Ctasinp, to eXxAfrm ate 3a Aarro of Paroond Property aW at thr t'taitl treoprrly and that the PrapArty has freer MainiAtngd aG ropsirod try>his'A9 t3' t~atdmG_ BaAat wi q~ri al attagrtabb topple and tteaimattt GGfitraCts and warrtattias t0 Buyer ai t'l+xdit(t. Y. 1031 EXCNANOE: K aAhar 3ehnr err E4ryar wish to omcr info a loco-k1~1 atrW~gngn [etlUwr ti^twltatwous with ~asktg a datorted} vfikt taapacT b Ifast Property tAdor Sanbn 1t}:i1 GI' the eUerraa Reverxre CAde t'l'.wcrtarigery, ttq other pang shall caoparata in as ro~nriehkt nucrecar tp Ntledtaie the tyaiwiyo, hteNxt bltf ale O,reW IW++ al documeMe; psoNdod (1) the cnntMraslr~ tKH1y sties incur rw Ao4iity or Oxpesr~Ae ralotrrt la Uta Eu,Aruign acrd ¢} the tSoainp atta6 scot ba eonlingent ttparr, nor adatdari ar da122Yed by. feKtt F.xclauiga. Z. BUYER WAVER QF CtAIMS; 8uyw t+trafwa any clattna apainat Satlor'and, to the audenf pArrnittad by taw, agndrtst arty rat ostato loernas ktrrohrod in iha rtogOtrotivtt of the Contract, tdr any datactA ar arbor damages fttAt mAy wrist at Cdrt .trig of trio Cortrraot artp Oe ur09oQue+rty dlst:tavaod Dy tM Bayer or anyono e;faintinp by: rrtrvupft, unakM' or agaTnat pre Buyer. I:AAR3AR A^.~i-2k f4av 2!{SFt 4! 5K109 Flarda Asaacmtian of fiGttOFkq' a+ad Tt+r taardda Bar AN R~it4 tiaAerved Page S of 9 MAR-11-2018 13:2@ From:MAN REALTY 5618555943 To:it3663724445 Paee:6~9 ` tr .c The tollawing pravi~aian.~ are made part at N~ Contrast tar Save and Purchase or Resldenti3( 531e pnd Purchase Contrast tretween and THE CITY OF DEU2AY BEACM ,_ {$etlert (Buyer} concerning the Property bc3t8d at file Sw t1 ST, OEl.tiAY BEAGM, FL 3:t444 , _ t~inese/Detective [}rywaM: During the terse Flp~ia wos tecparlencEng puikllrtg rnslerial sttstrt$Aes, sorrte homBS were btrih ar rrurovated using detectNe drywall impor#ed from or nuanuft~ctured h China DeteCtlve drywall roportediy emits levels of sut(ur. rnetflane er~itar other volatile organic txarnpoands that cease t~typsitin of atr conditicxaer and refr+g8rator call, copper tatting, elec;tricai wlnng, cornpuror widrrg and other IttarJ,vnht)Id hems as wee as create noxious adore wl>ictt may also pow ht~ith risks. i. Seller's Knowledge: Etccept r~s irxiicattxf below, Baiter has no knawiedge of the presence of Chinesetdefective drywall or o(eny records pr report, pertfrining to Chtnese/rkifec:liva drywi~l affecting the Property: (describe all known t;'rrlrrese/defeative dr}'wau information end list All avatlsble doW menb portair~ to Chinese/defeotfve drywa0 rind Provide documents, K any, #0 Buyer before accepting Buyer's offer) . », 2 ChlttasetDefeotivre Drywall insiteotianr {Check One} ~ Buyef waives the opportunity to conduct a risk assessment or ins{?Ex:titxr for the presence of Chirtes8td9fective drywa~ and taccepts the drywall In the Property in its existing condition. ~ Buyer, at Buyer's exE]erz5e, rttay have a home inspector, I!C>3r>ved contractor 4r other' licensed Kxttfessional (ff regaled by law) to conduct an inSp©ctidn or risk assesarrt~t of the Property fsr the presence ax Chlteseldetectnre drywap witttin T Days from the EI(yrtive bete {•DrywalE Inspeotion Petiod'ry. Buyer shall be respottsla~ for prttrnpt peyntertt for such inSpect(ons ,and rapers' all damages ttr ttre Property tesultltg ftorn th9 NispeGlatS. N the ltspectlGn dr nsk asseasrrtent reveres the presence of Chineaa3tdetective drywrAli or reveals damage to the Prop>~ty rEt3uitetg (rrXn thri defective drywaN and the cost to remavelra3place~he dtfective drywall or dart ta3e resuttltg from the defective drywall exareds $~...._._..y._ ($60t} tt left blanlQ, Buyer mny cenaei the Contrscl try yivirsr,~ wrttt+etr natioe to the $elier wtthin 3 days from ttto ertti of the t3rywail InspCCtipn Period and receive a reflu>Id of ttre depoElt. If Buyer fAib to Gartcel tirttely ar tells to orxtduct the inspectkans permuted in this pprt~graph, Buyer retry trot terminate thlA CantrArt parsuent to this Addendum. 3. Profe3ei+snsi Advtce: Buyer acknawtadcdes that ail represerrtatisns atasut Chine~..e/defective drywall lay Brsker are based on Seller reprOSOntatkans and that t3roker has atUt corada.rcted arty independent Ittvestigatlon8 to verity the 3oCtueGY or completenar~rs of #hr; infunnattan. t3uyer agrees to rely solely on Suer. professlan~ tr>~actors, governrnArttel agerXaes w arty third parties retained by ttre Bayer regarding any nAiated to Guneaa?'dafeCt(ve drywall. t7Alg Seller ~ Dote Buyer Date &eller [}Ara Buyer Ct3A-1 5/03 ~ 2Ut}9 Florida AS:wGletion of Ae~tltors~' All Rights Reserved MAR-11-2010 13:23 Fram:MANGROVE REALTY 5618655943 To: 18663724445 Paee:9~9 J4.., ' .c...: v ~ ti. r The following provisions are made a part of the Contract for Sale and Purchase or fiesidential Sale and Purchase Contract between ,._••____ _,. ._ (Seller)end - CITY OF DHI.KAY DEACN Buyer) concerning the Property located at ,61G SW 9 ST, DELRAY BEACH, FI.33445 Buyer, at Buyer's expense, may havo a qualified professional conduct an inspectlon of the Property for mold within days from the Effective Date ("Mold Inspection Period"). 2. Buyer shall be responsible for prattpt payment for such inspections and repair of damage to and rostoretion of the Property rCSUlting from SUCK InSpeCtiOns. This provislpn Shall SuNIVO termination Ot the ContraCl. 3. In the event the mold Inspection reveals a significant presence of mold in the Proporiy, which requires professionals to romovo the mold, at a cost which exceeds $ 10(I.OU, euyor may cancel the Contract by delivering written notice of such election no later than 48 hours after expiration of the Mold Inspection Period. It Buyer timely canc0ls the Contract, the deposits paid shell be Immediately roturned to Buyer and Suyer and Sollor shall be released from turthor obligations under the Contract, except es provided In subparagraph 2 above. 4:. If Buyer tails to conduct tho Inspection permitted in this Paragraph or having conducting such Inspoctlons, tails to timely notify the Seller of Buyer's intent to cancel this Contract or K the mold inspection does not reveal significant presence of mold In the Property which requires professional remediation to remove the mold, at a cost which exceeds the sum specified in Paragraph 3 above, Buyers may not terminate this Contract pursuant to this Addendum. Seller. / Date: (upnaturo) (o:lnn Sollor _.... / Date: (ulprwture) romp) Buyer. / Date' ,_ talpnaiuro) (yrinq Buyer. / Date: (upnatun) (prlnij MIAGt Pev. 10102 ®2002 FlDrlda AaeOOIp:iOn OI RGUianadf All RfAh10 Reserved a. s x z~v.., ~: ~. rr~ ~ai~,~~~~~Po~t i Fa~~~ea~~i~ostr~~~n ~~~~'~~ ~ -";0,. 01 01' ruuccurir~lE tiy(~ riR[=REAL F~OPeGfY ',J~;' h die V:::: r t4..,c ~ ~ .{ h , v~-r ~ ,Isfai_ a .sic c i'1 r s~ n t ~ :~J i ~'~'P '0 !I f „~U 75 niC G Jt1 Rl j_L ~ -r~ jG ~ ~~5f: L ip~~r, t5,~[ F ~~91~ '-Ri ,pJ - ~~Y~C~i: R L~SEC4 11..iLE_ /4~.F =~ ~ ~4t i 51 3U ulp ~3Ht"Rur f i g of tFe i ~ ni is ~bJ t t i'~ ~tfiu~.f im u~.c r Itt on :of hq~ }q~, ti2ut cn hl ~~ft +f a ii~y ~ ~~ I ~kulu < n ci 1h ~ y ~ ~nu1 i ~~"c,({ tF ~~; i E Ce- ! pooh Fi 'Ja;_ 4~fi.^i i U -~~:r>~ick IIsc-4f~`}. ,..~e;i~~ r v "i~ a~lGiN irrns,aia oi~v~~ o~s r r`,pu t~ase.i4iC~,_ cp. .aiV cr,tdi ;.Ut;c~ or '1°_r~lcr`~oq~rn-;.. 0 nn r«,a,Ji, ri ^. M.bp h, i~ic~. ~'n gal i of ~ i, h h i '. ~~i5s ~i +t~'~. P. ~.. )no_ c-,;;-~ r "~a'rc r. - tiny H~ ~~V f 'r.:.t ~ ~~ Jc. ^ - ~ rld~ }~~Gr 3ny`~~^ tU~ ri~ ply ~ ~; .rtRi r[wgi? ~l_ ~~ J Ji .~l. ~h ~ ~~ i ~i~ y~i i~od r r$ u list ~4r ,rr 1 1~•i'1 ~ tr i` i ~ {rr~i s tJ~ cJ _fibo l cd [?7vi es K ef./ ~ t dsaa ~ Iv hall 'On ~~ r ~~'f~C.E D;;JUdi~3 Crl,C 'i ~~.LCR~ ~.~:.'. a Wynn, Kimberly From: Wynn, Kimberly Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 2:36 PM To: Mesidort, Ferline Subject: RE: Resaiu#ian # request Not a problem. Please don't I~esitate to call me if there is a problem with the process, I will either help or direct you to the right personal From: Mesidort, Fertine Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 2:27 PM To: Wynn, Kimberly Subject: RE: Resolution # request Yes, it's for the purchaselsale of mare properties. We're preparing it to appear on the April 6th meeting. Again, sorry far any misunderstanding re: the process ;~ Ferline F. Mesidort, C.D. Specialist Bity of Delray Beach Neighborhood Services 100 NW 1 st Avenue Delray Beach, FL 33444 Office: {561 } 243-7236 Fax: (561} 243-?221 "Srrtall deeds done are better than great deeds planned. " Peter Marshal! From: Wynn, Kimberly Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 2:01 PM To: Mesidort, Ferline Cc: Roberts, Nigel Subject: RE: Resolution # request Is this for the sale/purchase of more properties? Also, what is the tentative meeting date? From: Mesidort, Ferline Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2010 1:57 PM To: Wynn, Kimberly Cc: Roberts, Nigel Subject: Resolution # requesfi Please provide me with Resolution numbers for the following locations. Thank you. 616 SW 9th Street (Res Na. 13.10} * DELRAY MANOR ADD TO DELRAY E 45 FT OF LOT 80 & W 15 FT OF LOT 81 $104,900 5286 NW 5th Court (Res No. 14-10} i « PINE TRAIL SEC 4 LT 22 {LESS ELY 41.7 '` =:~ Ferline F. Mesidort, C.D. Specialist City of Delray Beach Neighborhood Servr'ces 100 NW 1st Avenue Delray Beach, FL 33444 Qf~cea {561 } 243-7230 Fax: {561) 243-7221 "'Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned." Peter Marshall FT} BLK $130,000 To: Ferline Mesidort, Community Development Specialist CC: Milena Walinski, Assistant Finance Director File From: Kimberly Wynn, Executive Assistant/Agenda Coordinator ~~~ Date: 4/26/2010 Re: Addendum to the Contract of Sales/616 S.W. 9`h Street Attached please find one (1) original fully executed Addendum to the Contract of Sales for the property located at 616 S.W. 9`h Street. This item was approved at the April 13, 2010 Special Workshop Meeting; Item SP.2. A copy will be maintained on file in the Clerk's office and a copy sent to Milena Walinski, Assistant Finance Director. Call me at 243-7059 if you have any questions. Thanks KW/kw Attachments RPR-07-2010 10:44 From:MRNGROVE RERLTY 5618655943 To:18663724445 Pase:2~3 THIS FORM HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE FLORIDA ASSOCIATION pF RFJILTOR3° AND THE FLORIDA BAR 1' PARTIES; ("Seller'), l• art;,( CITY OF DELRAY BEACH ("B~NPf'1, ;i herekry agree tY;&l Seller shall sell marl fjuyer shall terry 1hfl tnll:mrinq rlflsrriharl Rfl81 PrpperN and ParsOrral Property (Cgllactiusly "Prpperry") 4 purSUUnt to Iho loons and conditions of this Contract for Sale and Purchase and any riders and acJdenda ("ConlraR"): 5 I. OE$CRIPTION: G' fa) Legal description of the Real Propoity located in PALM BEACH County, Florida; 7• Pl012434620120000801 __________._.... .... !1• (h) Street addres, city., zip, of the Property _616,_SVV 9TH ST, DELRAY BEACH, FL 33445 B (c) Personal Property Includes existing rrngfl(sj, rflfrigerator(s), dishwasharjs), Caiiirx,J fan(s), II9h1 fixture(s), artd window Utiaullent(s) urV~:s t0 specifrcaly excluded below. 11' (hher hams iixlurierl are: _~_,-.... _..---.- 13' hams nt F`ersnnal Property (and laaead items, If any) excluded arc: __.... --.------ J4 1 ~' II. PURCHASE PRICE (U.::. cunerruy):.. , , , „, . ............. . ......... ......... . ....... . ... . . ~ 99.000.00 16 PAYMENT: <~'4t~'~"' 1 //7r..~- ~~ v/aY1, 9{~~Z.~~I. 17" irV Clcpeeft MkJ In escrow by f E~:ruw Aywd^I ur Urs m rd ul (ci+auks sut~aW to u'Iearyrx:el $ 2.000.00 16' Escrow Ayent ; aUilrtr;8: Phone; - -°--- 19' fb) Additional escrow deposit to be made to Cserew Agent within duy.: ullyr Ellyclivy Uale qi the fynpanl ul.......... $ 7 nnfl nA 70' (n} Fn'r:VrniOy in 11~H %urgrrud UI ("I umi Arnrxrnl'~ yae ParatlraGh IV belOW ........................................... $ D.00 2;. ,_ (r) BalanCA In r~nSA rr1' Calh, wirq trArKtflr M I.QC;AI I Y I~HAWN ear,,hi9r'E Or pifiCjal b2nk Gttc'ck(s), :AIbJCCt .......................... $ ao,ooo.no_ Ti" fi adi~ustmenta or prcxations .......... , . .............. .................. . 24 III. TIME FOR ACCEPTANCE OF OFFER AND COUNTEROFFERS; EFFECTIVE DATE: 25 (a) h this otter is not executed by and delivered to all parties OR FACT OF IXECUiION communicated in wrltinp between the partir' nn nr 26" belore , thr dflpnsit(s) will, at 5rryflr's option, be rgfurned and this nttflr wRhrlmwn. Unless other- 27 wise stated, the time fvr acceptance of any counteroffers sfiall be 2 days from the date the cotmteroffer is delivered. 28 (b}The dale Of Ccir7lraCl ("Effective Uale") will be Rie dale when the last one of fire buyer and Sailer has signed or irritialed this otter or itm 20 final countcrotfcr. Ii such date is not otherwise sat forth in this Cattract, then the "Effective Dale" shall be the date determined above for 30 acceptaltce of this offer' or, if applicable, ilia final counteroffer. 37 7V. FINANCINt3: 32' ~ (a) This is a cash transaction with no r;orrtingenciestor financing; 33' ^ (b) Thls Contract is contingent on Buyer obtaining written loan Commitment which confirms underwritirrg ban approval for a loon to purchase 34' the Fmparty ("I-o•nn Apprcrval") vvithcr _ days (It blank, then 30 days) after Effertlvg Date ("Loan Approval Date') for (CHECK ONLY 3v ONE); O a fixed: ^ an adjustable; or ^ a tDeed a adjustable rate ban, in the Loan Amami (See Paragraph II.(c}) at an irVtial brtac.°t rate not to 'i5' exceed %, and for a tarrrr of yflars. f3rryflr vv~ make nppliratinn within _ days (rf hlartlc, than 5 clays) attar Fftecrtve Date. 37 6UYER: buyer shall use reasonable diligence to: obtain Loan Approval; notify Seller In writlnp of receipt of Loan Approval by Loan Approval 38 Date; satisfy terrrrs of the Lomr Approval; aril close ttte loan. Loan Aptxrnral whim requims a condition related to the sale oT other pmrtflrty shall 39 awl be deemed Loan Approval to puiposes of this subparagraph, Buyer sltal pay all loan expenses, Buyer authorizes the iltortyaya broker(s) ar~d 4U leader(s) to disclose irdonttaliun reyard'erg the c.U'wxliUars, status, and progress of ladrr applic;aliun antJ Luan Approval to Seller, Seller9 attorney, A 7 real estate licensee(s), and Clwiny Agent. 4L SELLER: If Buyer does riot deliver IU Seller written rx)tiC:e Vt Loan Approval by Luan ApprUVal Uate, yeller nwy ttierealler e:anCx•1 Utiy (:Vrdrod try 43 deGveriny written notice ("Seller`; Cancellation Notice') to Boyar, but riot later than seven (7) days piia to Closirx~. Ballet's Cartcelkatiat Notice shag 44 notify Buyer that Buyer hti three (3) d3yJ t0 deliver to Sella written notice waiving this Financing contingency, or the Contract shall be cancCUCd. 45 DEPO$IT(3) (tor purposes of this Financing Paragraph IV(b) only): if Buyer has used reasonable dligence but does not obtain Loan Approve! a6 br Loan Approval Date, and thereafter either party elects to cancel finis Contrna. the deposit(s) shall be returned to Buyer H Buyer obtains Loan 47 Apprnvaf Or wnivrx': ihi, Fimnrang cnnfingrnry, arnllhr.,rGaftcrtht: CanhrrC! doCS not doss, thrn the dcpn,it(r,) rtrall hn, paid to Srllrx; pmvidrxt hcrw ~E1 ever, B the failure to close Is due to: (~ Seller's falhlre cr refusal to cbse or Seller othervvise falls to meet the terms of the Ganvart, or pq Dr ryer5lender 49 fails to receive and approve an appraisal of the Pmprrty in an amount sidficirnt to mart thr terms of the Loan Approval, then the depwit(s) shall hfl s0 ~1" 52' 53' r~ ~' :,C J7' 50' 59 ti0 61' returned to fttryer. U (c) Assurnptlorr of existing rnortpage (see brier for temts); a U (d) Purchase money note and mortgage to Seller (see 'As Is" :standards 8 and K and riders; addenda; or specrdl clauses for terms). V. TITLE EVIDENCE: Al leas(` days (if Ularac, tl'iert d days) Ueiae Cksirty a line IrisurartCa aanrniut,Ent with legible wp~s of instrurnenls listed as exception; attachecJ theroto (" I itle Commammt")and, attar Closing, an ownsr's pofcy of trite insurance (see b`tandard A for farms) Chall be obtained by: (CHECK ONLY ONE): 0 (1) Ballot', at Seller's expense and delivered to Buyer or Buyer's allornay; or U (2) Buyr r at Buyer's expense. (CHECK HER<:~: ~] If an abetract of title i ; to lx fumNhod instead of fitly, insurancC, and a?tgG ~ r terms. V1. ClA51NG DATE: Thig 1r8r~nCtinn shall be cbse[t arxJ the rkxslnr~ dOCUmentS delivered On _ 5/13/2070 ("C~,~nO"), Unless modlhed by other provisions of this Convect. In the event of extreme weather a other conditions a events constltuting 'Yorce maJeure", Ciosing wBi be exterrtJed a reascxrat~le tune urdi; (r) resWratiar ul utilities mrd other services essential to Closing, and (ii) ava8atrlity ul Harzvd, Wind, FkxxJ, a Haneuwrrers' insurance. tf such Corrdltl0rr,", continuo r^^"^ ,,..,.. ,,.,,T ,;r w.,..~ •r.,-", t d ri ,.sal hrvmrvl l~h.:n~n R to mnn n;fnnr bolo may nanm a,~ Contmct. FARBAR ASIS-2x Rav. 2/06 ~ 2p( RPR-07-2010 10:45 From:MRNGROUE RERLTY 5618655943 To:18663724445 Pase:3~3 82 V11. RESTRICTIONS; EASEMENTS; LIMITATIONS: Seller shall convoy marketable rifle su4jecl to: comprehensive land unn plans, zoning, 63 resuiClions, prnhihitlong and othor requirCmontG imposed ~y povarnmantal alrthority: restrictions and nlelldrs appearing on me plat or otherwlsc 8a Wrtrmon to the Subdlvlsion; outstanrlinr~ oil, hiss and mineral rights of r@COrd withcrtt right pf entry; trnplattcrJ pU41ic dlilily easements of record 65 (located cOntlguous to real property lines 0nd not more than 1U teat v, width as to the rear or front lines and 7 1!2 fact in winch as to the side GG lines): taxos for year' of Closing and subsequent years; and assumed nlUrlgapes and purchase money mortgages. 'rf any (f additional items, see GOT Addendum); provided, that there exists at Closing no violation of the tnn3g0ing and none prevCnt us0 of the IPbbr~per ly((for G9 VIII. OCCUPANCY: Seller shall deliver occupancy of Property t0 Buyer al lirriu OT Dosing unless othBrwisA stated herein. If PropCrty is intended 70 to be ranted or occupied boyond Closing, the fact arxf twins thereof and rho tonant(s) or ou:upartts shall ba d;sr;lased pr.trsuant to °AS IS" Stanclo,d 7t F If ucxxipancy is to be delivornd hahxe Closing, F3uyp assumes all risks of lass Tn Property from datC of occupancy, shell be raspansiblA and liable 72 for mairttenance from that date, and shall be deemed to navo at.capted Property in ds existing condklon ac Ot limo of tat<ing oooupartcy. 73 IX. TYPEWRITTEN OR HANDWRITTEN PROVISIONS: 'typewritten rx hancHaritten provisions, riders and addenda shall control all printed pro- 74 visions Of this Coituact in rnnlliCi wRh them. ls• x. ASSIGNABILITY: (CHECK ONLY ONq: 8uyxr u may assign and thereby be released from any hlnher Iiablllty under this Contract; O may 16' assign but not be relaa.,ed from liability under this Contract; or 0 may nix assign This Contract. 77 XI, DISCLOSURES: 78 (a) The Property may be av4Jocl to unpaid special :assrssment lien(s) imposod by a public body ('public holly" does not indude a 7t) COndondnium or Homeownel's' As£OOiation}, Suolt lien(s), it any, whether cerdRed, confirmod and ratified, pending, w payable in installments, 80' as of CIO~ng, shall be paid es follow.,; tl1 by Seller at Clo3ing CI by Buyer (if left blank, then Seller at Closing). If the amount of any 81 assessment to 4C paid by Seller Yuri not keen finatry determined as of Closing, Seller shall be charged at Closing an artxaunt oqual to the 82 last esGnwte w assessment for the imprOvcrttent by the public body. 83 (b) Radon is a naturaly occurring radioactivr., gas that when accumulated in a building In suRirignt quantities may prevent h0alth ri:>ku to per- Ba suns who ate exposed to it over lime, Lrwals of radon that exceed fodaral and stale guidelines Nava hewn round in buildings in FlCrida. 85 Additional information rogarding radon or radon tCStirrg moy be obtained from ycxv County Pubt'~c Health unit. ar> (c) Mold is naturally occuning and may cause heakh risks or damage Ic property. If Btryer Is cnnrerned or de~res additronal infornwttan tl7 regarding moM, ©uyer should contact an apprOpriule prulessinnal. 88 f~ Buyer ackncwdxdgea rerelpt of rho Fbrida Energy-Efficiency Plating Iniormatlon Bret^hum roquirtad by Seclien 553.886, F.S. tly (e) K the Real Proporty includes pre-19'18 rrsidenti2l hOU:Jng, thou alead-based paint rider is mandatnry- 9C ill It Seller is a 'Yornign pemnn" as daftnad by 11 re I-oroign Investment in Rant Property Tau Acl, the partir"u ;:hall comply with that Act. 9t (fl) BUYER SHOULD NOT FJCECU7E THiS CONTRACT UNTIL BUYER HAS RECEIVED AND READ TWE HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIA- 82 TION/COMMUNITY p13CLOSURE. 93 (h) PROPERTY TAX UiSCLUSURE SUMMARY: BUYER SHOULD NOT RELY ON il-IF ~;FLL.ER'S CURRENT PROPERTY TAXES A5 THE AMOUVt 94 OF PROPERTY TAXES THAT THE BUYER MAY BE UtiUGATCD TO PAY NJ THE YEAR SUBSEQUENT TO F~t.IRCHA.SE. A GFIANGE OF OWNER- y5 SHUN Ulf PROPERTY IMPROVEMENTS TRIGGERS REASS'EStiMFNTS OF THE PROPERTY THAT COULD RESULT IN HICiHtf; PROPERTY TAXES. 9pi IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTION ; CONGF_RNING VALUAT~N, CONTACTTHE COUNrv PRUPrRTY APPRAISER'S OFFICE FOA INFORMATION, 97 XII. MAXIMUM REPAIR COSTS: DELETED 98' XIII. HOME WARRANTY: o Seller ^ Buyer 3 N/A will pay for a homy warranty plan Issued by g8' ar a cr~sl not to ixcrx:d $ 1(H]• xtv INSPECTION PERIOD AND RIGHT TO CANCEL (aJ sayer shall have .._ 7 ,_ days tram Effective Date ("inspection Period") wlihin t U1 which to have such inspections of the Property perforrrtvd as Buyer shalt desire and utilities service she!! be mado available by the 102 Seller during the Inspection Period; (b) Buyer shall be responsrb/e fpr prompt payment Tor such inspections doll repair of damage t G3 to end restoration of the Properly resulting from such inspectiens and th/s provlslon (b) shall survive termination o/this Contract; 104 and (c) if Buyer determines, in Buyer's sole discretion, that the Property is not acceptable to Buyer, Buyer may cancel this Contract 11?.5 by delivering facsimile ar written notice of such election to Seller prior to the expiration of the lnspacdon Penod. H Buyer timely ~ 0ti cancels this Contract, the deposit(s) paid shat! be immediately returned to Buyer, thereupon, Buyer and Setter shat! be released of 107 an further obligations under this CorMrect, except as provided in this Paragraph XIV. Unless Buyer exercises the right to cancel 108 granted herein, Buyer accepts the Property in ifs present physical condition, sub)ect to any violation of governmental, building, 109 environmental, and safety codes, rostrictions or requirements and shall be responsible fur any and all repairs and improvements I t 0 requlled by wryer s lender. 111 xV. RIDERS; ADDENDA; SPECIAL CLAUSES: CHECK those riders which are applir'jblC AND are attached to end made part of this Contract; 1 t 2' f] CONpOMINIUfv~ ^ VA/PHA W HOMEOWNERS' ASSN. ^ LEAD-BASED PAINT' U CUA6TAI_ CONSTRIJCTION CONTROL UNE 113" D INSUIJ~TION LJ F.viDENCE OF TITI~__((SOUTH ORIDA CON RAC,TS) U t~tn9r Crnnprehaiaivr:; Rider Provisions U Addenda 11a• Special Clause(s); l'.hN r,~RC"r C;bNTI N L~?~ U~pN % f ,___ its' i1G' Ilr 118• i18" 12U' t21• 1l'G" 123' .... - 1~~' 125' 12fi XVI. "AS IS" STANDARDS FOR REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS ("AS IS" Standards): Buyer and Seller ecknowledga receipt of a copy 127 ut •AS IS" Standardsa A thmugh Z on the rcvo+:,H side or altaCtied, which are Inr..nrpnrated as pan of this Contract. ('AR/CiAR A.SIS-7x Rev. 2/06 tD 2006 Florida Assoaatlon of Renucn5" and 7ha Flrzirla Ear All Rij;nts RfivHrvtllf Psge 2 v15 .• •. OLD R liP11131.1C ~,,:~,,~,;~ ,,.~..~,,~~>, ,,,,.,, ~:r PO Box 796456 Dallas,TX 75379 Corporate (972) 407-7100 Fax ADDENDUM TO CONTRACT OF SALE This addendum ("Addendum") is to be made a part of the Contract of Sale (the "Contract of Sale") dated April 02. 2010 between Litton Loan Servicin4 (the "Seller") and City of Delrav Beach (the "Purchaser(s)") for the property located at 616 Southwest 9th Street Delrav Beach, FL 33444 (the "Property") 1. Buyer(s) and Seller both recognize this addendum as part of the Contract of Sale. In the event any provisions of this addendum conflict in whole or in part with the terms of the contract of sale or any prior addendum or amendment thereto (collectively, the "contract"), the provisions of this addendum shall control and supersedes the Contract of Sale. 2. This Contract is subject to acquisition of the Property by Seller. If Seller has not obtained the recorded foreclosure deed on or before the scheduled closing date, Seller, has the sole discretion to either extend the contract or terminate the contract and return all earnest money to Buyer upon termination. If Seller elects to extend the contract, Seller shall have 30 days to resolve the outstanding deed issue. If Seller does not obtain recorded foreclosure deed within the 30 day period, either Buyer or Seller has the option to immediately terminate the contract, with no further obligation, and all earnest money will be returned to Buyer. Buyer agrees to hold Seller harmless from all liabilities, losses, costs, charges, expenses and damages of any type whatsoever, including reasonable attorney's fees, sustained by Buyer by reason of or arising out of the redemption of the property and/or the owner taking possession of the Property and obtaining the recorded foreclosure deed. This Contract is subject to approval and acceptance by Seller's mortgage insurance company and beneficiary, if any. Final acceptance of the contract of sale is subject to Seller's committee approval. 5. Title to the property shall be conveyed by either Special Warranty Deed or Quit Claim Deed, or an equivalent thereof, with covenants against the acts of the grantor. If the title of the property is currently held as leasehold interest, Seller will not transfer into a fee simple interest. CORPORATE DISCLOSURES Seller acquired the Property either as a result of foreclosure proceedings or by acceptance of a deed in lieu of foreclosure or otherwise and that the total purchase price set forth in the Contract may reflect deferred maintenance. Accordingly, Seller is not familiar with the condition of the Property, other than as may by disclosed in the Inspection Report (as hereinafter defined), if any, that has been prepared for the Property. Buyer(s) acknowledges that there has been no representation(s) by Seller, or any other person acting as Seller's representative and/or Buyer(s)' representative regarding the condition of the Property, any of the appliances or structural components that may be contained therein, its fitness for general or specific use, or any other matter affecting the Property. If an inspection report has been obtained by or on behalf of Seller or Seller's representative (the "Inspection Report"), such Inspection Report may be provided to Buyer(s) for Buyer(s)' information only and shall not be deemed a part of the Contract of Sale. If the Inspection Report has been provided to Buyer(s), no representation or warranty is made as to the accuracy and completeness of such report. Neither Seller nor any person acting as Seller's representative has occupied the Property and neither warrants or represents that the Property or any alterations or additions which may have been made to the Property conform to local building codes, zoning requirements or any other applicable laws, rules or regulations. Buyer(s) acknowledges that Buyer(s) has had the opportunity to inspect, examine and make a complete review of the Property prior to the close of escrow of the Contract. Buyer(s) will rely solely on Buyer(s)' inspection and review to evaluate the condition of the Property. Buyer(s) hereby acknowledges that seller shall not be providing Buyer(s) with a Real Estate Transfer Disclosure Statement and/or a Certificate of Occupancy with respect to the Property. Buyer(s) hereby waives any requirement that Seller furnish Buyer(s) with any such disclosure statement and/or a Certificate of Occupancy and hereby releases Seller from any and all liability resulting from the non-delivery of such disclosure statement and/or a Certificate of Occupancy. Buyer(s) acknowledges that it is Buyer(s)' sole responsibility to obtain inspection reports by qualified professionals on the appliances, structural components, and alterations or additions to the Property and to determine the presence of any toxic or hazardous substances on the Property, including, but not limited to, mold, radon, asbestos and lead paint, that would make it uninhabitable or dangerous to the health of the occupants or otherwise not in compliance with law, or any other factors regarding the condition of the Property about which Buyer(s) may be concerned. PROPERTY SHALL BE CONVEYED IN "AS-IS" CONDITION AT TIME OF CLOSING. In the event electrical, plumbing, water and/or heating services are shut down for property preservation or other purposes, Seller will NOT reactivate these systems prior to closing. Buyer(s) understands, acknowledges, and agrees that neither seller nor any person acting as seller's representative is making any warranties or representations, either expressed or implied, as to the condition of the property. The property is being conveyed to Buyer(s) in its "as is, where is" condition and "with all faults." It is the right and responsibility of the Buyer(s) to inspect the property and Buyer(s) must satisfy himself/herself as to the condition of the property. SELLER WILL NOT PERMIT ANY REPAIRS PRIOR TO CLOSING, Seller, Seller's agents and Buyer(s)' agents and Buyer(s) shall execute a LEAD BASE PAINT Disclosure Addendum to Contract of Sale form to be provided by Seller's representative. Buyer(s) shall also execute at closing a Waiver and Release Regarding Property Condition and Buyer(s) hereby acknowledges receipt of a copy thereof. If Buyer fails to inspect the Property, such failure shall not under any circumstances alter, change or impair the understanding and agreement made between the Seller and Buyer as set forth herein. Buyer(s) initials: _ Date: Seller(s) initials: _ Addendum Report Order /Loan # 4106 :~QLD REPl1BLlC~;,, ~:;.,.,..,,.;,.,;:~,.,,rv,;,. PO Box 796456 Dallas,TX 75379 Corporate (972) 407-7100 Fax 7. Sale Price is: $ 99,000 with $ 2,000 earnest money. Earnest money funds shall be deposited with Sellers' closing agent or title company in anon-interest bearing account within two (2) business days after the execution of the Contract by both parties. If earnest money is not deposited in the Seller's account by 9:00 am on the third (3rd) business day, the contract shall be rendered null and void. In a Buyer directed state, earnest money funds shall be deposited and held by the Seller's Closing Agent 8. This transaction shall be closed through a title company or attorney. The seller shall have the sole discretion to select the escrow/closing services as well as the settlement locations. Both Seller and Buyer(s) agree to pay their respective title/escrow/closing costs per local customary practice. In the cases of a Buyer directed state, the Buyer has the option of using the seller's title company. IF THE BUYER CHOOSES TO USE THE SELLER'S TITLE COMPANY, SELLER WILL PAY FOR THE OWNERS TITLE POLICY. IN A BUYER DIRECTED STATE, IF BUYER ELECTS TO USE HIS/HER OWN TITLE/CLOSING AGENT, THE TITLE POLICY COST WILL BEAT THE EXPENSE OF THE BUYER AND ANY SELLER CONCESSIONS SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THIS EXPENSE. WITH THE EXCEPTION OF CALIFORNIA. IN CALIFORNIA THE BUYER'S CHOICE ACT WILL CONTROL April 28,2010 9. This transaction shall be scheduled to close on or before Aaril 22. 2010 . TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. In the event this sale/escrow does not close by the scheduled closing date, through no fault of the Seller, the contract is null and void. In the event this sale/escrow does not close by the scheduled closing date, through no fault of the Seller, the Buyer(s) agree to pay toward seller's carrying costs the greater of $100.00 per day or 1/10th of 1 % of the purchase price per calendar day. The total of the said sum shall be credited to Seller on the actual date of closing. If the closing is delayed beyond the original scheduled closing date, then Seller reserves the right to further extend, or cancel this contract, and consider it null and void with no further obligation. 10. This contract is a Cash Transaction: YES_ or NO_ If yes, for a cash transaction, verification of funds to close is to be provided with this addendum to contract of sale, and the earnest money is non-refundable. Should Buyer seek financing, contract will be voided unless an Amendment or Addendum is approved by Seller. OTHER PROVISIONS: BUYER TO PROVIDE PREQUALIFICATION LETTER WITH THIS ADDENDUM. . 11. The subject asset may have been built prior to 1978. The "Disclosure of Information on Lead Based Paint and Lead Based Paint Hazards" must be included as part of this contract. By signing this addendum the Buyer(s) acknowledge that he/she have received a copy of the EPA manual "Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home." 12. Seller will not provide financing as a contingency of the contract. If cash item 13 & 14 N/A. 13. This contract is a Mortgage Financing Transaction YES_ or NO_ If yes, the Buyer(s) are to apply for mortgage financing within 3 business days of the seller's execution of contract. Buyer is to furnish the seller a copy of binding written loan commitment from Buyer's lender within 21 days from seller's execution of the contract. Loan approval requirements are to be completed within 10 days for written loan commitment. Seller agrees to pay up to but not exceed ~ to be applied toward Buyer's normal and customary closing costs. CONTRIBUTIONS TOWARD BUYER'S CLOSING COSTS IS AT SELLER SOLE DISCRETION. IF THE BUYER CHOOSES TO USE THE SELLER'S TITLE COMPANY, SELLER WILL PAY FOR THE OWNERS TITLE POLICY. IN A BUYER DIRECTED STATE, IF BUYER ELECTS TO USE HIS/HER OWN TITLE/CLOSING AGENT, THE TITLE POLICY COST WILL BEAT THE EXPENSE OF THE BUYER AND ANY SELLER CONCESSIONS SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THIS EXPENSE WITH THE EXCEPTION OF CALIFORNIA. IN CALIFORNIA THE BUYER'S CHOICE ACT WILL CONTROL. In the event Buyer(s) fees and expenses are less than the amount stated above, Buyer will NOT receive a credit for the balance, nor shall any such excess be applied to other costs incurred by Buyer(s) regarding this transaction. Seller agrees to pay up to but not to exceed $ 0 toward any contract repairs or any lender required repairs. Seller will pay up to but not exceed $ 0 for any home warranty plans. 14. Seller will pay up to but not exceed $ 0 for termite remediation. (For California Assets -termite remediation is defined as only Section 1 repairs) 15. Seller is not hereby conveying any personal property other than as provided in the Contract of Sale and makes no representations or warranties regarding same. Seller shall not provide a Bill of sale for any personal property located on the premises. 16. Buyer(s) agrees to indemnify Seller and Seller's representatives and fully protect, defend and hold Seller and Seller's representatives harmless from and against any and all claims, liens, losses, damages, liabilities, costs, injuries, attorney's fees and expenses of every kind and nature that may be made against Seller or the Property for any liens on the Property, any damage to the Property and/or injury to Buyer(s) or any other persons that may arise from Inspections, repairs, replacements. Buyer shall indemnify and fully protect, defend and hold Seller its servicers, representatives, agents, attorneys and employees harmless from any and all claims, costs, liens loss, damages, attorney's fees and expenses of every kind and nature, resulting from or arising out of any inspection, repairs, replacements or any other work performed in or upon the premises by Buyer or its agents, employees, contractors or assigns. In the event any repairs are made at the premises, or any work or material are added to the premises, or the value of the premises is enhanced in any way, then in the event this transaction does not close, all material added to the premises shall become the sole and exclusive property of the Seller, and Seller shall have no liability to Buyer or any third party for any such material or work completed. Buyer(s) initials: Date: Seller(s) initials: Date: Addendum Report Order /Loan # 41061086 Page 2 of 4 roorr_s~or ,~~. at.~ RH rut;t.tc.,,,,,,:,,,,,,,,;,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,;. PO Box 796456 Dallas,TX 75379 Corporate (972) 407-7100 Fax 17. All prorations, including but not limited to, prorations of any and all taxes, fees, utilities, homeowners or condominium association assessments and dues and any and all other charges against the Property as reflected on the settlement statement executed by the Seller are final. No adjustments or payments will be made by Seller post closing. Special assessments will be pro-rated up to closing date regardless if said assessments are due in full or in future installments. Any special assessments levied and payable in installments shall be prorated to date of closing and shall be assumed and paid by Buyer from closing date forward. In no instance shall the Seller be responsible for the payment of any assessment pending but not levied as of the date of closing. 18. The Buyer(s) shall not assign its rights under any part of the Contract without Seller's prior written consent. 19. Buyer(s) shall install new locks on the Property immediately after closing, and Buyer(s) shall hold Seller and Seller's representatives harmless from and indemnify Seller and Seller's representatives against any and all damages, claims, liens, losses, liabilities, costs, injuries, attorneys fees and expenses of every kind and nature that may be made against Seller as a result of Buyer(s) failure to install new locks on the Property. 20. Seller does not agree to provide building permits. It is Buyer(s)' responsibility to confirm building and safety compliance on the property during the inspection period. 21. ALL INSPECTIONS and remediation from inspections (including but not limited to roof, septic, well, termite, and/or survey) are to be Buyer(s)' expense unless specifically negotiated under other provisions. 22. Buyer shall take title subject to all existing municipal code and/or ordinance violations, and any lawsuits pending for enforcement thereof. 23. If Buyer(s) raises any objections to the quality of Seller's title, and title insurance is available from a reputable title insurance company at regular rates containing affirmative coverage for the title objections, then the contract shall remain in full force and Buyer(s) shall perform pursuant to the terms set forth herein. If affirmative coverage is not obtainable, Seller shall have a minimum of thirty (30) days from the earlier of the closing date or the date upon which Seller receives a copy of a title insurance commitment or a title report within which to resolve title exceptions or defects or other title issues which in any way impede or impair Seller's ability to convey title as required herein. If within such thirty (30) day period, Seller determines that it is unable or unwilling to resolve such matters then the Buyer(s) (a) may take title in its then state, thereby waiving any title objections, or (b) terminate the contract and receive a refund of any deposit as Buyer(s) sole and exclusive remedy. Alternatively, in such circumstances, Seller may terminate the contract and refund Buyer(s) deposit, such refund being Buyer's exclusive remedy for such termination. In the event Seller fails to resolve such issues within the aforesaid thirty (30) day period, it shall be presumed that Seller has determined that it is unable or unwilling to resolve such issues. 24. Occupancy of the Property shall NOT be permitted prior to closing and funding, unless specifically agreed to by Seller in writing and only when Seller's requirements are met and Buyer(s) signs Seller's Occupancy Agreement. 25. If the Property is located in a post foreclosure redemption period, then Buyer has been advised and understands that the Property is foreclosed property and is in a redemption period. Buyer(s) is advised that the present record owner of the Property or its successor in interest has the right to redeem and/or take possession of the Property at any time prior to the expiration of this redemption period, and that Seller's obligations under this Contract will terminate immediately upon the redemption or the owner taking possession of the Property. Buyer agrees to hold Seller harmless from all liabilities, losses, costs, charges, expenses and damages of any character whatsoever, including reasonable attorney's fees, sustained by Buyer by reason of or arising out of the redemption or the owner taking possession of the Property. 26. If the Property is located in a post foreclosure ratification/confirmation/ committee period, Buyer(s) acknowledges settlement will not occur until such ratification/confirmation/committee order has been granted by the courts. In the event ratification/confirmation/committee is not granted by the courts, this contract is terminated and Seller will refund Buyer's deposit, such refund being Buyer's exclusive remedy for such termination. 27. Seller's insurance is not transferable and will be cancelled at the time of closing. Seller cannot endorse existing insurance policies to Buyer(s). Any proceeds from insurance companies for destruction or damage through no fault of the Seller or the Buyer(s) shall be retained by the Seller. 28. Seller will not provide Buyer(s) or Buyer(s) Lender a survey. If required by the Buyer(s) Lender, cost of survey to be at the expense of the Buyer(s). 29. Buyer acknowledges that Seller may have received offers prior to or may receive offers after receipt of this offer. Buyer acknowledges that the Seller may consider all offers regarding purchase, regardless of the date of receipt of the offer and that Seller may accept or reject any offer at its sole discretion. Seller's acceptance of this offer is evidenced solely by Seller's signature herein and no prior oral discussions or representations, if any, by Seller or its agents, shall be binding against Seller unless set forth in writing in this Counterproposal. 30. The Contract shall not be deemed accepted by Seller until Seller's signature is affixed hereon and a fully executed original counterpart or facsimile of the Contract has been delivered to Buyer(s). Buyer(s) initials: Date: Seller(s) initials: Date: Addendum Report Order /Loan # 41061086 Page 3 of 4 rpOfr_5701 ;•q.LD REPLJBLi:C..,.,.,~;.,,.,,,...,~~:,,.,, PO Box 796456 Dallas,TX 75379 Corporate (972) 407-7100 Fax 31. Buyer expressly waives the (i)remedy of specific performance, in the event of Seller's default, under this Agreement; (ii) Buyer agrees to forgo to record or file a lis pendens or a notice of pendency of action or similar notice against all or any portion of the Property; (iii) Buyer waives the right to invoke any other equitable remedy that may be available, that, if invoked, would prevent the Seller from conveying the Property to a third party buyer; (iv) Buyer waives any claims or losses relating to environmental conditions affecting the property, including but not limited fo, mold, lead paint, fuel, oil, allergens or any other toxic substances of any kind; and (v) Buyer waives any claim or losses arising from encroachments, easements and/or shortages which would have been disclosed or revealed to the Buyer by a survey or inspection of the Property or by a search of the public records. In the event that the Buyer, files a claim in direct contradiction to the waivers agreed to above, or contemplated here, Buyer shall reimburse Seller for all reasonable attorney fees and costs incurred by Seller in defending such action, if Seller prevails. 32. The total commission earned will be consistent with the Listing Agreement. In no event shall any real estate broker commissions be deemed earned and payable until: 1). the closing of the purchase and sale is consummated; 2).title passes to Buyer; and 3). Seller receives the proceeds of the sale. 33. Buyer and Seller agree that Seller is not obligated to complete the sale of subject property if the sale results in proceeds of less than $1 to Seller per the Settlement Statement. In this event, the contract shall be terminated and the earnest money returned to Buyer. The return of the earnest money shall be Buyer's sole remedy. 34. The Seller DOES NOT agree to Arbitrate or Mediate any disputes or issues that arise pursuant to the contract herein. 35. Any other provision of the Contract notwithstanding, the undersigned, Buyer and Seller, agree that the earnest money shall be non-refundable to Buyer for any reason other than Seller(s) failure to convey title to the Property under the terms of the Contract, and/or Buyer termination prior to the expiration of any inspection period or failure to obtain a loan .Upon Buyer(s) default, the Title Company shall pay the earnest money to Seller within three (3) business days. Title Company is authorized to rely on written notice from Seller and need not obtain any consent or authorization from Buyer before paying the earnest money to Seller. 36. OTHER PROVISIONS Initial close date to be 15 days from when contract is sinned and returned to Seller. Extensions can be oranted WITNESS WITNESS BUYER: Pr D~ BUYER: Print Name: Date: SELLER: WITNESS ~ By:_ C~ Name:, Approved as to for and Title:_ legal sufficiency: 6y: City Attorney Buyer(s) initials:^ `1 '~ M" ' Date: Seller(s) initials: Addendum Report Order /Loan # 41061086 Date: Page 4 of 4 CONTRACT COVER FORM rpOfr_5701 ot.n RFrust.ic ~„.,.,~..r,,.,~~,,,,.,,.,,w„,.r PO Box 796456 Dallas,TX 75379 Corporate (972) 407-7100 Fax Date: Sales Representative REO# Loan # Closing Date Owner Occupant (_) or Investor (_) Purchase Price $ All Cash to Seller or financing Earnest Money $ Closing Costs $ Repairs Neg $ Property Address: Street: 616 SW 9th Street City/State, Zip: n~;~~, Raarh FT '~'~[F1E1~ County: Palm Beach - Complete Name(s) in which title is to be taken: CitX of Delray Beach LISTING BROKER INFORMATION Listing Agent Name: Company Address: Street: City/State/Zi Phone No. (no 800 numbers): (_)_ Fax No. (_) SELLING BROKER INFORMATION Selling Agent Name: Company Address: Street: Phone No. (no 800 numbers): Company: Company: City/State/Zip: ) _ Fax No. (_) BUYER'S ATTORNEY (if applicable) Name: David Scfimidt~ _':~ Company: Simon and Schmidt Company Address: Street: 140 NW 4th A~~Pntla, 41,it-P A City/State/Zip: Delray Beac FL 33483 Phone No. (no 800 numbers): ~) 278-2601 Fax No. (~)1 h5-C~R6 FINANCING LENDER INFORMATION Contact Name: Company: Company Address: Street: City/State/Zip: Phone No. (no 800 numbers): Fax No. (_) CLOSING AGENT INFORMATION Contact Name: Company Address: Street: Phone No. (no 800 numbers): Company: City/State/Zi Fax No. (_) Work Authorizations Still Needed: YES ( ) NONE NEEDED ( ) $$ Amount Purpose Contractor Include a complete ordering packet for each job needed and place on top of this contract packet before sending. rpOfr_5701 ~O/-n• ,.I~:. Terrill Pyburn, Assistant City Attorney ' F.~rt: Kimberly Wynn, Executive AssistantlAgenda Coordinator ~O. Date: ~3I~910 (~, I2lo ~ C fl Re: Addendum to the Contract of Sales/616 S.W. 9th Street Attached is one (1) original Addendum to the Contract for Sale for the property located at 616 S.W. 9th Street. This item was approved at the April 13, 2010 Special Workshop Meeting; SP.2. Please approve for legal sufficiency and return to the Clerk's office for further processing. Please call me at 243-7059 if you have any questions. Thanks KW/kw Attachments Cl T Y ~~ ~`RfC L~' E"~A R T'll??~"N RECE11/E® APB 2 3 2010 CITY ATTORNEY City of Delray Beach Neighborhood Services Division MEMORANDUM TO: Nelson S. McDuffie, Mayor THRU: P. Nigel Roberts, Neighborhood Services Administrator FROM: Ferline F. Mesidort, C.D. Specialist DATE: April 21, 2010 r~' ~.. - ~~ '! _. ., SUBJECT: Request for Signature Attached are the Purchase and Sales Contract addendum pages for the acquisition of 616 SW Stn Street between the City of Delray Beach and the Litton Loan Servicing. City Commission approved the addendum on 4/13/2010 and the following pages had not been submitted to staff as required documents. Please sign and return to the Neighborhood Services Division for submittal to lender. If you have any questions, please contact Nigel Roberts at ext. 7282. Thank you.