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Res 12-10
RESOLUTION NO. 12-10 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY TO ACQUIRE CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY IN PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, AS DESCRIBED HEREIN, HEREBY INCORPORATING AND ACCEPTING THE CONTRACT STATING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE SALE AND PURCHASE FROM THE SECRETARY OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT, SELLER, AND THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the City of Delray Beach, Florida, wishes to buy certain property located at 1135 E. Lancewaod Place, Delray Beach, Flarida; and WHEREAS, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, hereinafter desires to sell the property hereinafter described; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the City of Delray Beach, Flarida, to purchase said property far affordable housing purposes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the City Can~ussion of the City of Delray Beach, Flarida, as Buyer, hereby agrees to acquire the property described herein from the Seller, far the purchase price of One Hundred Seventy Thousand and 00j100 DaIlars {$170,000.00), said property being described as follows: Lat 70, Block 1, of Sabal Lakes Phase Two, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 70, Page 175 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida Section 2. That the terms and conditions contained in the Contract far Sale and Purchase and Addendum between the City of Delray Beach, Florida, and the Seller as hereinabove named are incorporated herein as Exhibit "A", PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session an the 2 °~ day of March, 20 , ~,~`~ MAYOR 4 City Clerk ~' FAX TO A1V l~l1A1L ADDRESS 1. Enter email address(es) below ~~~n~QfA~+ ° 3. When hand printing, Copy character EXACTLY as below V ° 3. Fax oNLY to your dedicated MongoFAX number below fiis tree serulCe Is for use ~® only by members of RMLS V13 Underline all boxes that contain numbers ^ c~~cici®~®~c~or~~o~~~c~ocioc~~~©o~io®®~ciaoc~o®ocio a: __ goo®o~~~o®a®ooaa®o~~ooo^ __ _ __ ~~ ooaaooooaao~ooooo000000 __ From: (Identifies Sender, Enables Replies, Provides Confirmation, Tracking Number & Exact Replica Archive Copy to Email Sao®~~^ooo~~ooa~~~~iooo^ __. oo®aoa~®ooo®oooooaaoooo^ __ sub~et:c: SABLE LAKES t7FFER 0.,.~ ~..,..~ Notes: Nfg~f, As discussed, please fmd otfier for Sable Ekes foreclosure in the amount of $170,Qt7fl. Gash offer to close on or before 4113t~Ot t~. C}nly contingency is inspection period. Thank you, demote Cohn 5~i1-8~~-349 MongoNet b not responsible for any losses or liabilities arising from the use of this product. By using this product, you adcnowiedge and agree to the Terms pf Serviw posted at v++vJw.MongoNet.net. Protected by U.S. Patents Nos. &,d2d,426; 7,079,275; 7,164,48$; U.S. and international patents pending. ~ 2440-2007 MorxloNet, lnc. Ail rights reserved MongoNetCustomerService: support®mongonetnet -or- 1 (866)482-2229 PMongoFAX' Fax Only ~o:Your IVlongc~FAX Number www.MongoNet.net -11-2010 13 1 ~rom:hll~Jd11E RF~iGTY 5618655943 Ta:18663724445 Pa9~:2{10 P~A1 1 U~ ~ RFeidential CustomeF Report address 7U+C4man.Qadp1 MLS# 83083302 PL1: 1Z42461Z1600107Q0 LiatPrkR '-S 175, • ~ MLSpi H308'i362 9N Ptia GengE PYRE: RE5 Ramp. ' ~ !U'Oru 4530 GEDArcez PB08 Sob Types $ arlp, LPsS195AOD AddrEpt: i1S5 E Lnnt¢reopd Pl .. CIM~ d~iray sieam zIP C~tftE' 33495 - 5264 'ESunty:- Le9a1: Saul takes Ph 021at:70 Wc:i, tat SgEt:i662 WOrdapas 6tspth: `...L;%j.~.. r'riy. ${ttW lVltlon: Sabyi tskCSM02 atVCltlpment: .i~ Motlel Hymn: fimt Exps N ~ ~` r ~ -~~ _ LQf Sure 4~• rBpGs ARK ~ Waterfront: N YYI'RFrOrttapE; GrDErti ' t?e~C1<a: DarMlreQ 3ptKS: POW: N Virwoi routs Snort 8afas N Start Bala Ada: Mttlihp P~Ck Yyitl OHara AcolHd: Liwlnp Rm: 12 x 14 Den: -taaper aRa 12 x 13 LIV 6dRs 1,318 BRr 3 sclEdsan: i2 x fl FamBy Rmz 8ctlsoom 2: Tot 5gFT: 1,798 FB: 2 ainlnp Rlni Flarld0 Rm: Bedroom 9s 68ett Nf& Nas 0 Ulntnp Ar: Ryt1o/eyla Hetlroom 4s Tr BWIU 1993( UtflRyc Psucn: BedtOOm Hs POW 5tses Pct Y Bidpp: UsdtFir#s LasstlLeEEE: M!a68el1omyfhea FlOdri/Bldps s Rae Cassel Decal#s UnitetBitlp: t41n aaya/Leas: Serialsrr ttrsits/Compler, Laaserar~/rn araatxassze: GtlyENd sotl~: FI~7A AlsplkaUdss FaEI 'rasa Taar/Atat: 2aoB1 #4A1G SPEC Alerts N NaAs YJm#itzr / Mbrmp EgO1gz Pons: AT Ci.QSE: FUNatNG Olfi: IEkrt ide axxth sR Ei<swirtk ~'~ as W(>e11DtE ceSt On shcfiskte ~glz On !8n 0!E#Wn: WHftD NQNE Comb Vletirs FrlISZtB UNFilRN15NE0 Poala Ustt Dose: ttroertart NQNE Roam: NONE NdBBs NONE alnlnp: taoaar OTNER equg8 Nclne i,Et Das EittEr: Fsniiatl: Ra'tl': NONE SORzss nlmlttstx NEat: UttiEit 1.001: OTNEft Boxt 5srs fist HW RssOr: UUL NONC Pasxp: specs TaxOGt CI1Y / CG W:tdw/'1'rmts: MN Featai SUbsriz NONE Peryt Dts Ctos al: CDaMs41 aaXS 41 Terms: SP: va:ar az u:ro. an emzxn qan oamr. SeN awned lbprrl¢ht DLO mWiunalreLArnr. --ihaatozresyazzleum~engpvrottlzkMtassaaemisanso~~a~s0nad~~» 09fzt110 11':B3'Pp1 slet.ass tsayorts CoM sxrrcee. art rwsora.o Ros:tsv E:alsargq. use hClp:/ICrn15f1,~ilxChnnge.CpmiS,fJ,t18,415 ~1Searcb/PxintFreviewi7tg.asp 3~] 1J207U MAR-11-2010 13: From:MflNGRDVE REALTY 5£18655943 To:i8663?24445 Paee:3f10 TNIS FORM EN APPROVED l3Y THE FLORIDA A3SO61A7'[ON QF REALTORS° AND THE FLORIDA 1" PARTIES: , _ "`$ellor"}, 2' and THE GI Ft7 .-..,. _.. ... i'B~ry~er'}, 3 hereby agroo that Seller atwl s~ and Boyar ah31t buy the fWlowii tg dtsrc:rihed E9~1 Ptvparty and Per^~atal Property (copar:tivety'Proparty') 4 rxirsirani ro the torero and oat~tkxta of thL~: Contr;t_fcr Sala_and_Pitr~haaa Hrxi Anv riri~-r ^^~ ^~'~---~~ '•rnniwv+tR~ B• (a} I.srlat deccripnon of Ute Reel Property traCft#ed My F'A~M k1ERtrN COUnty. FlCrida: 7* ~,~rx [D iRealistl• 1.424,¢1218 107,(}0 ._ 8• (b} ;;teeet addra~,.s, city, ap, of the PrU~,rly:113& E t~encewdtisi Pl. D~LRAY BEAtrH. FL 33A45 9 {t:} {'ersnnN Properly Ysdudcs exfsting ranga(s}, refrlpertor(sj, d~chvYri<rshar{s}, Ca~tg fan{s}, bi}ht ftxkure(s},and wihdow tread'ttesu{s} ta~ss t D speeNbally Cxduded below. Tt` Cfttuultatitsir3Gltxit3dor+a: .._ _ .- t2" _ t3` rte of PessGnat ArapeRy (arid leased item'~. irony} oxeltadati tug: _... tA" t5" IL Pt3RGHASE FRlCE (l.f.S. rx,rtertcy} :................... . .. . .......... . .................. . ...... 3 „ too ahn.no t{S PAYAfiENT: 1?* (~ C?Optk:d larks 11r B:ICiIIW t;y .. , ..,~t'Esaraw ~4gertt'J M a,fl $R'4rtKtt Of {Ck,Dda atd:jpti to G~efanCa) $_ _ 2.gi7p 00 1$' ~ytrGw.4ytard~eddress: F+tw~~e: 19' ftx} tutditbnal eccuw deposit to tae mesa to Eecrcrrr ttgcnt wiltrki 1 D days after EMadiue t?ato in the oirwunt W... , , .... , $ 15 rmn,pp 2~D* /(/r.) ~ryryan``a__n-'dnp Ur the arrwu,~t of tLoen Amourrt`) aaa Paraproph IY Gek7~+ . . . . . . . . ................................... $ n nh 7f" l~ VYM1R ........................................ ...... ................. .... ........ ... .... ..... .. .. 12 (el &aanao to ctoaw try cash, wire transtar M I..C7CAllY OfWW N umhier's or ol8clal (sank Aheak(s1. audjcct ?_3' totaljuylm9rrtsorproratlans .................................................................. ........... $ tr;~rmanrt JA III, TIME FOR ACCEPTANCE OF OFFER AND COUNTEROFFERS; EFFECTIVE DATE: 25 (e} N this offer Is not exoputed by and dt:liveretl to ell partfas DA FACT OF EXECUTIQN txammunlcated In writing gCtvu9en the pertiea an nr ~ti' before the deposit(sj vuirt, at Buyerb Uption, tae calumet! and this otfCr wiritdrawn. Unless otlter" 27 wfse Stated, the time for acceptance of any Counterofter6 ehali be 2 days from the date the counteroffer Is deGvenBd, 28 (tt} The datg of Gtkttract CEflCCtire Date"} will be the date when the last one of the Boyar and Seller has signed or initialed this offer roc the 29 final oCUnterurler. ff ra,en date !s not othornlae set teeth in thin C:rNrtt'aCt, thou rho "Effective pate' srtan tae the date determinod above is :itr aotaepi:ytCC of this offer or, H applicable, the 5rta1 counteroffer, 3t IV. FtNANC1Nti: 32' to {a} This is 0 c;ach trdTisactiort with no contingencies for furondrtg: 3.3' ~ {bj Tfvo Cattlatx is ccxdQtgertt on t3uyer obtaining wrman Bart ct,rtkrtuniifrit wfiklt corrl'urfts trnCltxwtitirtc3 baz't apprvvfl iur a ~ to pitrdta~t ;i+r tl~ PropaRy f Approvals witttln _ days GI blv>K, ttrast 3{} days} tttte.r C-lfactiva t}ate {"I..aart ~?pn~t faate°} to (GF~C;K C)NI.Y 35" C~NF}, D a ttaoad; t7 art ad~ataWe; or p s or e~statate rate ban, ~t the Login fvr,aurrt {s~+Pa~raph A,{c}} at an lritiai interest role not to ~&' tyxcaed 96, and fur a Nxen of y93cs. t3uyer wE make 6pr~r'sixat witlvra ~ days N titattk, 5 days} otter f3tar:tive fate, 37 t~uYf?R: EtirYet'zs~ vac ratite s~Gp~~ tu: hbtsk+ta~t Approval; rtotlfy t`seller ~ writing of receipt of tomt Apptovai tyr LAtkt Apprwat 'ifs Data; satisfy tarrna of the Lase Atrfxavai; erxf close tf~ toar4. t.oan Ap Rrova1 wt ~, ,sgwrss a txtttdltlon ralatod to rho sale pf tult~ tarsaperty st:~ 33 but tan derrrnrxf Loan Approval t~ ptupot~s of nis aut>ia~ah. Buyer' d,aU ~.y aG ktart . t3trYar at,Nttxrzas the rt iortgagC tarokac{s} mxt +it1 Itxid~(S} t4 dLscitase information ttagatt~r;g ute t,'CrxfiliDits, status, and progress of ban apptCrt+on told toert Apprt:val Fo &akrr, Se6a's attorney, at rt~lt 8st8tfr lita:resee{t~t, and Cios6tg Merit. ~t2 SELt,F.R: If Buyr3r does acct rfarrv~ to Sailer vv,ittCn nCtit73 of Loan Apprcrvrk fay ioatt Approval Datc. SCSar mart' thart3after Cancel this Contract by d8 daihrafir~ wrintm ngtiCe ~`Ss~is GenCdbtion Notitx}°} to Buyer, tnA n~ Iatgr tllart Sevar't (7} Jaya fatitu (4 Clt~xl, Sesar's GariCed{atlat NoticC ittttl 44 nCtify 8ttysr that 8uyar ties tt,rea {3} days to dClvRr t0 Sager wditan rrotk^.it vvafwing this Ftnaneing cvr:tirtggettgt, ~ the Cunirect straA be Certee0ed. +f5 pEFO$Ii'{S} {for purposes ci thl9 Fnaztcing Paragraph iV(b) only}: It 8uy~ has creed reasonable diligenGO btR does not obtain Caen Appr~al 4G by Lttmt Aptxuvai pate, giros tttareafte< etthor patsy elenis to cam, xx9 tftis C:ontraCt, the dapa^k{~ :,ttaA ~ t,att:rrred is Baler. K Buyer dnaVts Lose 47 Approval or waives iltis Futarx:irtg cmi'vtgsrtcy, end ittaCatior the Cataad ckaes rmr ease, ttrect the daposit(;,~ rHttdl bo paid to Seller; prwidad ttpvr- AS suer; ~ itt+s fiLkaa to tit~t is due to t$ SaBett iSAno or refusal is dCSe w SeOar otttenMse ta7a to meat the terms of the Cor,iract, w (i~ t3uyer5 lender 48 fans oo racctvC tkxt approve art appraLgar of the Property h an angrart stirecWrtl to n the rmrts ai the Lean Apprt5val, thWt the deptasu(s) shed be 50 rotrrrnnnd tp t3tysr. 5t• U (r.} Asstartpdon of mcipting mortgage {see rfder for terms}; Or 52• G (C!) tixchoso mangy note and matgago to Seller (see "As Is" Srandtucis B acrd K and ridorG; adde+ida; or speed ciau~.s for terms}. 63' V. TITLE EVIOF.NCE AC least. days (if bhu,k then b days) he[hra C'.In.~ a title itsuronco COn1tY,ln'n8fttwith legi5le copies of tnsnuntents Grtrxf ~; Sd exceptiocro attached Iltereto ("Tina (:nmmtlment~ aril, after Clo;ang, an ovnter a pdicy of title ln£aXanGa (f:ee Standani A fa• tartna) abets tae otate~en by: 55" (CHECK ONLY ONE}: 4rt {1} Self at SeUr:rk expense and delivered to Buyeror Buye's~ ath-,may: or 5G* 0 t2} 8uyar et Buyer's expense. 57' (CHECK HERE7: ^ If an abstract at tlUa is to he frrrnishad instoad of title Yrsur'e~'~e, acrd aktarh p'der for teens, 5H" ut Ca.4.41NQ PATE: This trarrsaClsart shag he dosed and the ding doc7Jmenis dc~vixetr ot~±~~f?'~~tr01q ("Cl~tg'}, urdess 5e nruditied lay other prrr,Ae3Cn5 of trr>r GCrrtruCi. Mn ute t3vark cd aclrerrra weaitrer or other catditiGns u' avennt tx>nssU.,tirtQ "tt'trt~ rna}att e', Ctrxing wig be t3Q exurxled a roasorwt~ta ttrne turd: p rtiutoratiori of ul~lies mid otter s+ assarttEri tra t'2<'>,'trncp, Skid ~ avataUr6ty tk Hazetd, Wtrtd, Flood, ~'~torrteontrtars' Gt * rnStrrenco. (FatKti oartt~'Uuna txattirttue mare than _ d~ (d t>tartk stern t 4 daysi heycxxt ~ bate, dxxt dtha party may Carat! n>is Ccxrtrap. FJ1Wt3Ai~ AsrS-1x rie., 2l0$ D 2~6 F1~ida A,.,octatta: ur ~roi,u+ss' and Ttta s'tattda Bar air fdiptsts FtorArvrr! Page t of G MAR-11-2010 13:~ From:t'tANGROUE REALT'1 5618655943 To:i13663724445 , Paee:4'10 02 VII. RESTR EASEMENTS; tJMITATtt)NS; Salter shall convey nlarkatable title 6ui7JeCt to: rxtmprehetrive plans, zoning, t33 ~trictiort;l, ors end other ractuirematta onpased by governmental authority; raSLk:tivns ~d matttse appaartng an prat or oihrriwisa 64 common to rite sut~ivbtiam, outstanding nil, g2s acrd mnrgral lights of recnrcl wtthaut right Of ontry, tut(rlattad puhtic tAility easements of rrrcard tie rlrarar9d contiguous tq real IrR3party tines and net rruire than t0 teat in width as to tlw rear or front Unes arui 7 112 feet in width as to Use side 66 tines}: tAxeA for year of t11g acrd subvra;tlant yearn; 0nd assurr~d rrxxtgAOes atxi purchase money rtttutga`gna, if any {It additional Iterr+s, ~+ 87~ addendum};provided, that tlurre exists at GosEng rtq violatam at use itxagoing and none prevau uye of the ProPaml for „ ~+` .. txrctxt~ls}. 69 Vitt. OCCUPANCiF fie;lbr shall d+di~ occupancy of F1ty to Btrytlr at time of Clnsirtg unless othenvi,e stated tt~8in. it Pmpclrty Is Mt©ndod 70 t0 be rtlnted ur acixrpied beyond , the (act anr! tcxrrts thereof anti 4~ terrant(a} or ax'arpants shell be di3de5ed purstxtnt to "A,i !~ Standarq 71 F. tf cxat~.rgrarartcy ~ tv qp deYveted txSfore Ctosutg, t3uyar aasuataaa~t risks rat kiss to Prormrt~tra~~ date of ucexapancy,.8tk31.be.~poz~hhle.and.lidbtn ~:t--itC--'r'VPEWNt ~ or ~}tan provis9W rs, driers aced addemda shati oont<oi ati ~t+rd pro. 14 vtgnng of thl;1 Contract in G<x111h"'1 with them. 70` X, ASSlGNAi3tLtTY; {CHECK QNLY ONE}: Buyer U may ass[gn and thereby tae reigned front dny 1urtCt~ tiaGitity undw Nita GattraGt: C3 may 7C:` but net kla released from rc9Eblity under tlvy Contract; or 0 may nqt assign ttda Contract. 71 Xt. Di$CLO$URES: t8 {a} The Prt'apArfy may be tluubject trr unpaid special assessment lien(s) brmosed try a pu15GC body ('Punic body" doaR not irtduda a 79 Condomirritrm ar Homea~mers' A; scciatrc~n}. Sur:h tinrt(s}, If any, whpthar cercified, cnrrtiirmad and n~Hfied. pp~ding, or payaCle in Insfalimerrtr,, 80' as rat Cigstng, shall be paid as ioit;w+s; ~ by Seller rte closing t:t by Buyer qt left bunk, then $allar et Closing}, tf the amount of ary at asSeuament to be paid by $aNar has cwt been finally deterrninvd as of Closing, Seger shad be attnr0ed at Cklsing an aSnaunt egrsal to the 82 lasts esztmsto yr au"sessmerd for the 61tpr»vomgnt by the public tlgd}r. 83 ib) Radon is a nahrrroAy occurring radroaotNe pas that when taactnrnllated in a bUiding in Euffldartt qu:urtities may present health risks to pOr r~ sons who ar:a expuaad tct tt over tirrro. Lr:vels of radrm that excaod federal and state guidelines trstva boon 1trUltd n ~ txtikfings ~ Fl~ida. S5 Add'Akmal intorrltstkxl regarding radcm rx rad4rl tevtrng may ire obtained from your County Punic Health unit. 66 ir} Mold is naturally dCCURtng dnd nray ctwae health ri;.kt; qr dsrrtago to #amperiy. 8 Buyer Is CgrrGartler) ur desires addlttCxlOt iniormatiors A7 regtudtrtg meld, Buyer ~xnrld cgrttaci an appropriate Prtli~csignal. 88 {d} Buyer aaknovlfettges re;xrt(St of the Florida Enar~ly-Efficiency Rating lntormation &oGtxrre raqu(rad by Section ?Iri3.A86, F.S. 89 tat it ttte Rasl Property InNudca pr+a-1978 residantiai hotrshtg, thCn a tead-t~ed ~~nt rk~r is ntandatury. 90 ffl Ii $eiiar is a "foreign peFSatl" a. doiinad by the Foreign Investment in Real Prouuriy TaK Act, itta parting strap gotnpiy with that Art. gl itll BUYF-R SHOULD NOT EXEOtt[E THt9 CONTRACT UNTIL P3UYER HA9 RECIIYF~3 AND EtEAD THE HOMEOWt+IEAS' A350CIA• fl? TIOMICOMMUNITY DISCt_O$URtc. 9'd (h) PROPF~ITY TAX OISCL05URt fatlMMARY: BUYER $IiOULO NU'i' ({ELY ON THE $ELI,ER'S CURRridT F'R{7FERTY TA?tFS AS THE AMOUt~I'f 94 flF PROPERTY TAXEf; TMAT THE BUYER MAY BE t7tt1C,ATFD TO PAY IN THE YEAR :;tlCi:iFQUENT TO PURCHASE. A CHANtst= OF OWNER- 9.5 SHIP flR PROPERTY EMPROVEMENT$ TRIGGERS RFJ4 ;SES$MENTS OF ThtE PROPERTY ftfAT COULD RE$t1LT W HIGHER PROPt:tiTY TAXES. 96 ~ YOU HAYF ANY ttUE$TICNS CONCEI4NING VALUATION, CONTACT ~IH>: tXll,lNlY PROPERTY APPAALSEA'$ t3}'FIf;F FOR INFORMATION. O7 Xtl. MAXIMUM REPAIR CflSTt3: DELETEb gR` Xl11. HOME. WARRANTY: ^ Sal~r O Buyer '3 WA wig pay for a home warranty putt issued by , 95' at a ct>st not m exceed $ .. 100' XIY. INSPEGTit77N PERIOD AND RIGHT TCi CANCEtt (a) Buyer shat! slave ._L days from Effective Data("#nspectlon Perod°) wftlrtn 101 whkir tp have such inspectiarrs of th9 Properly parlonnerf as t3uyar she!! desire and utilities service shah ti9 made svailab/e 6y the i 02 salter dururg the /napectian Period; (1r} t3uyar shall be rasparlsible far prompt payment tqr sugft inspections and r>apalr at damage 103 to and nestor'adon of the Property resulting trarrr such inspectcns ant! this provision ~} shalt survive temtirratia+r of this Contract; 1 t}4 snd {cJ /t Buyer determines, fn 9uyar~ sate discratloo, that the PntpBr#yis /mt accaptak/e to Boyar, t3uyar may cancer this Contract 10#3 by daUver/ng facsirrrite ar wNtler- notrcca of such elactien to Sailer prior #o the expHafion of fire tnapectlon Period. /f Buyer ttr»ely 106 sensate this Contract, the deposit(s) paid shalt be immediately caromed M B++yer #heretrpan, 9tryarerrd Salver ahal16e !'e/used at 107 atl farther obtigetionb under #ht4 COnG'aC6 except as provided In tills Patagnrptr XIY, Unlasa Boyar axamises the right to cancel 108 granted herein, Buyer accepts the Aoperly in its present physical corlditrcn, subfact to any violafton of governmental, building, 11X3 errvfronmental, and safety OOd6rr, rasirictiorrs or requlnarnettts and shah be rarpansibie far any and art tapaltS and Improverrrenta t t 0 requlrad'by Buyer's lender: 111 XV. RIDfiRS; ADDENDA; SPECIAL CIAUSE3: CHECK tllvtre riders which sns appUCabla ANt7 ant attached to and made part of tl115 CvntracC 1 t2" O GONDpMWtUtv~, ^ VA1FtiA rd HQM>:thMNER$' ASSN. O Lf.ACI-EL4SE0 PAIIJT t7 COASTAL. CON$TTiUCTlixv CONTROL uNE t 1,3" O INSULA71f1N },.1EItiDENCE OF TITt~ {SOUTH FLOWDA CAMRACTS} Ct Oihts Cgmpt:~18n5iva Rimer Prcvisials ^ Added 114' .~:tx-lal Ciauso(G): .. _... . 115^ . ..._ fib' __ 11T .. .... ._ 18• ~. .. 119' I7.0` ~., .. .. _ .., 121' _ ._ t22' 123' la4' . 12s 126 XVI. "AS tS" STANDARDS FOR #iF.Ai. ESTATE TRANSACTIONS ("AS IS^ Standarrl6}; Buyer arxi Salter aduyrnMedga rcr~tipt u# a copy 127 0l "A$1$" Standards A ihrqugtt G on thq reverse sido or attaohail, which am Inc(tt'p'arsted as part of true Contract. FRtIldAR AS4S~2x Rev. 2/q& ®2q(Ya Fuxrdo Aoaa'tiotlar vi Arxtrcx~' aril The Rtxina Bev A& t~4yrriy Rt:aeryad Page 2 of b t'IF112-11-2010 13: Fram:Mlf~!(a'f~CTIE RERLTY 5618655943 To: 18663724445 Pa~be:Sj10 12l} THIS 19 tNTENpE4 TO BE A LEGALLY BlNDIN4i CQN7RACT. IF Nt7T Ft1LLY UNDERSTOOQ, 129 SEpI 7HE ADVICE OF AN ATTORNEY PRIOR TO SIGNINt3. 13(7 THIS "AS IS" FC}F4N HAS BEEN APPROvEO E:Y THE FLt]ttIDA A55t3CtATiQM OF REAtTQFaS° ANU THE FLORIpA BAR. 131 Approval does not AAnstitutq an upittiari that any nt the tarmE and Conditi0+'cl ur 8vs CAntract shored bo aacpted by ttte parties in a t 19 psttiGVlar trarLSat:tinn. T@rrns :V+d G9nCfidorts strcnrkl h9 negAtl2ted baCOd Upon U1H rQypsCtfV6lnterBEtE, AHjAAFivAS and b&gsining 133 poSitiofl3 Of dll interrstad parsons, 134 AN A6TERlSK(h FOI .I.QWINQ A uNE P1UidBER IN THE MARc31N INDICA7~S THE UNE CONTAINS A BLANK Tp BE CQhM1PIETEp. ti3r ,.. 1,~Ei (BUYER} (DATE} (;,€t.~.ER# (DATE} X 139' Suy>xa' address for IN~rpc>5as o1 n0tiC~ SAllers' address tar puRxases of Hosea M, 14tJ' .. . , ~.~ _. __ td 1' ~.. ._ stone PtXxMt 14`~ t3Rt71{6RS: tt~ea txOksrs ~irtglUS:6ng ix7apersGr~} brnksrs. i1 any} npneed bslt7w rrre the Anly brokers rirltklcd to c~ttper~tion ~ cr7rvtar7lWn with 143 this GOr11rsCl: 144• N~iI9: MAN~I~OVE F2~ilTY EXCHANGE, INC 2.5°la Rlverstttne Realty _~__ '14b Coaparating Broker, i# any Ust#ng 6rokQr FAFll8Af1 A61G2x Rev. 9108 G 2008 Hyridq Assoctstlan of Rr~rrns~ and Ttx: ROritle Flyr All Rights Flaserved page 3 at 5 NIAR-11-2010 146 ld7 148 l4A t6A I$1 1.57 153 ff4 i ti5 Frdm:f'URNGR~UE REALTY 5618655943 To:1~63T24445 Paae:6~10 I "AS ~" 8TANDARD3 FOR REAL, StgTATE TRANSACTIONS A TITLE INSURANCE: 7ho filly {;wtimitrrttust shad ba lsauod by a Florida ICensed title insurer apresnra,3 to iwsuo Bty9f; upon racordinp rs the dood to Buyer. yn owner's paddy raj Fftte irtsuraltcy Yl the arttamt rat the Itrk~, insurNtg Rtryar's matlaptntil9 Iilia to the Raat Prdperhl. prbject only tv rrmttars txtrrtained in ParDgraph VII sad tttQBe io do dt's^haagad by ~E~ at CX Mora gfn3in(I. Markatakda the 91'mp ba dgtgrrnined accoit9r~ tU ttppfwable Tftk ;t>utdardw addpt- ytf trY authtray cd Tha F7aitdG Bar tsui Rt as:canianoa with L^rrr. $uy9r shall havn R days Nam dxly of reeytvtrtg iha Tate f.`R7Y6tiitrrtctlt tG CSkYnina it, and U t}IIe is fatuld dylev4ive, ratify Seler in writing spas~lyfrtg doteor{S} which candor title unnladta:r4d518. Sailer stroll twee 30 days Aram recyipt of notice to rprtavc the dylyal3, 10$Ing whidt5 Bt(ydf attad, WIIIt81 5 dtfys afl~ axp'ratia7 of illy ;3C} day pwtGd, t18Gvet YVratEr} ft4ltCa to Staler RAt1kY: (/~ QXtarditR~ the tinny far a t'03f>~t• eblq parldd not to cxcoartf 120 days whhin whb~t SdCa' shall use diligent enact to ramous ilttr delecia: ar {2) ttktu9sting a rdfmd at deposil(s} paid which ;~' txt returned to f3r.rYlrr 8 Bttycr fpfl5 l0 sG rrotiy Sgd9r; Btryrx 1 be datslred to ttaYq :aCGeptad the Ulie Its ~ is. 5ellar sti9d, R title IS farad urmarketat>!e, ttsa dtllpenf a}Yarl to eelrtaVt defecttsi wfarln Ih9 tuna nt~~ud of ~r-rllllgent~ff 7ykS ib9 160 tttt 1 fit id3 t 6d 166 t6$ 1 t57 tfi8 169 170 vt t72 173 17d 175 t7a t77 778 t70 IBIS t6t 182 S03 1134 tt~t 186 187 1$8 16,9 190 I91 tg2 1t33 194 tyb 196 197 7 Ef# 199 200 201 202 7fr3 c'Y}$ 2fSS .n3tl 207 206 2150 ;Ltd 211 a,7 2t3 2t4 2f 6 21!3 217 Hare ar°rTi >; rv as yin less than 5 days prior to G oa ~',y, Btryer may rlxt9nd Clodtlg yo a rat Buyer shad hate Ito m 6 days born data of rgr;Wpt to exameto Same rn araardencq with ibis °AS IS° Slartrtard. l3. PURCFik$E MONEY MORTGAGE; 9Et~,1RtTY AGREEMEN7T0 SELLER; A purchase mrurgy mdngago and rrior{gage trots to Seller woad pKnida !ur a 30 day grace period in iha avenl of dcfafSA ~ a first rrxtrtgat~9 a5d a 15 day grace period it a sErpnd ar lesser mtut; shad prdvida for right of prapaynrtxrt Gf wtab or in part wl8xaut prtrtattY: Shall pcrmit aoCaleratdn in avant of transfa: of ttte Real FYafleRy: shall rcquae ~ prdr firxts acrd ttnoumbrancc:~ to ba ltept !n goad standing; shall forrrd rrrcfd'figttons ot, a forum adYArtacs under. prior ntartgagq(s}; shad roqutra Btrytr to rr~fiadt f>~i9r. of Ir~trrartGe vnrdetrtiru} a f,tAnttcltd ntortgagea ClayaB aaVBdtYg #dI irnpfavcntarlla boated an ih9 Real Pn7plrly ilgelfiSt fka and ad p9nla IlIGIUdaGI wilftirr the tarm'exiandod aaverrvjy ertKtdrsomofrts' acrd such other risks and pcriis t~ t`taibr' may raasonatyy rci.Nare, in an amrnrtl Aqu64 to ttuxr tdyht~trrtsurabl9 valu6: and the rrxxxtgaye, rwte end snctMty s{yexmern sited ba ofherwisq to inrm and t~anl9rd required by Stiller, trot Salim ratty any ragtdro elatr59s and cavnta{p+ t:ustatttarity found it ntan- pagrx~, rrtMgaga crates erx3 socurlty agreements getlyrydy Wllzed lYV Kraving4 and IOEd i iFt;futydans rc RlAfa tr' rfadortat LttSirttr located in ttw prirrny wtiCl pct lira t+etd F'raparty ta tricot att. M ParaorlW h'rvperty and IRaa2s tamp aGrrv9yed ar assSgned will, ar sad9r Ys u(tlbn, ba staa2act to the lien of a asuurity ng~ment aY1- detxad by rnCdrt9?d or fiktii flirrtuwtng statam9nts cv coitifraios ~t title, ff a hgllddn mortgage, t#ry Iinai payttrmt vn'a exaaod did pariudiu payrnarda tttaradrt, C. 8t3R1rEY: Buyer. at Btry9r's 9:~er>.x, wiinol tirtm allowed to aNr~cr avirlarX;y W ti8o and to ezarrur,e aattta, meY t>,avo iha R~tl FYGperty st5rvgyed and IXoti- tiod pY a rygiatt'fad E1tr'fr18 survayDf, It ttty aurw>+ disdnses erK't'aacltn'ryrds anth~ Rrral Properly or Utat a7rprnvemcnta kfnAtetl ih~opl erkYOaoh orr s9ttwrk Ilnos, 9asc-nwttn, tardt5 tV others Or vidata any tia4rbliarva, CMtract priariarits or Appdcablc govejtirittxtiat ragt3atirm5, fho tvno oP,aG utxtsGtuta a thhl detect. D. WODD OESTfi{7YING ORGANISMS: t9ECETED E. INGRESS AND EGRfSs: Shcr~ wartertts anti rqp »sernw that thery is ingrtxs,4 arx3 ++grera to ttre Recd F'raparty sitft~EUli far As intundact use as dar.~aed rn P.~itigr~h Vii freretyf and tills id iha Rtnl fhpptyty is Insurastk+ in arxpdaray with °A; IS° Standard A withdul Wuwpiian tar iaGit ~ legal right fd ~,tt9sa F LF.At#E8: 8tdltY shad al IgAal 1Q days b91Gry ~s+rtg, A.diriait to Btry{s Go}Sies of elf writt~ lea9es aril asttYipyt tatters ftorrt rJt tgrrvltt spcoifylt~g the naturn and drxaitrxt of its tCtlarti y VcCUpartcy, igtttAi r9tGti. advw iv~ti font attd RrttartRy dr;p'x~ila pak3 trY tanatit. It .~vedar IS urtallk7 IG dalain 9t1CIt kstt~ fralt each ian~ ern, the soma Atfdrn'mtrort shat bq hartliwlrad trY SeEIErc Ia t3uyar wdtYrl that time ytaTiusl in the farm nt a SrSda's aitx3avlt, cold ellytx may t . or CtXtt2v+l tan- ard to conihm srrrh infansttiun. II ttte terms of the dsases rA(f9r rnattxielly Aarrt aefiar5 tnprtuxxrtatdans. Buyer may 18rttilrtate this CAntract by d9dvyring rrtittan notitxt td Sapar at iWSt b days prior m Gkrsing. Sonar strati, s; Grsasirrg. deriver and asargn au artg~l Igaaos to Btlydf. G. LJENS: Seller shrNl fumlJr to (3uynr at Iona of CilOSing an atadatit 9llx4irtg to the at5a8rtCe, tuttasa otherwise provided fttr herein. of arty financing statyrftrntt. victims at dot ar pdterttiN IiWiar;S wtvmt to S9Wfr Evtd turthct aitestitx) that theta ttava beat ra ilYipfGi4rrttertts tx rfltrafrg td iF>a Real ptopeny tar ~ days diatcy prgee[tuSS Hato Gt Closing. H iha t P,apariy Has heart irnprttvart dr rapaiind wilNn stmt tuna, Sgdar tShaU dcdvG~ releFaYya or vratv+era of Cdrmtrttction dons exarxaed try fill psrt9rN connnctplr, aubcgrrtrss7tdr9, auppiac and nmtatL~dm9n b addiHOn to 3Nkr~ @en aSdevit smtkrr3 (firth iha rlafltea uS all such gen- etYi1 Cardrectolx, Etsbpprtfn>ctfr5, a41j1pGelS and tilpt9rtafman, ftrthvr atfitmdtg that atf q~g~,5 NN unprr7Yatrrenta IX tC{}aY5 which Cdtrid t,Y1rY9 ss a b£tRit+ for a construdkm liyr 1 w a tit tar rtr5magas haV6 t>etln paid ar wtii he paid at tiw t,Yositx} rat #dss fionuad. H. PLACE QF CLOSING: t':fatars0 (Xt held in ttte ctltu9Y Kfietedt ShC Real Froptxty is braitKt at the atfiGe of fife attam9y+ ar other Clatiirtg a{jard ('t„iasing Agattt°} rie6igrtatod by sty Nnrly paying far tGb wtwt.frartray, or, it rw tilts >rt~l5ranae, dastgrtaiyt7 by Seller. L TIME: Gatordar gyyy 9f1e0 be LLmd to rbrttpuiirtg lime periods mratpt periods at iawtt 9fyn six (&1 days, ifl whiah vwarn Salta days, svrx3ays arKi atato or nalWrr td legal ttdldays Ellett tae tnrdtrJad. Nry tKna p9tk3da Provi~d h+ IxStein whidt snail antl orr a Salurr3ay, Sunday, or a Iagai hWiday strap tuttend to 5:00 p.fn. at Uri raxt brmJit98a day. Tama is of the essence in this t:atiraat. d. GLQSING DOCUMENTS: Seger :dk'b rurn'dtt ate deed, bpi a aaa. rgrtiflrkia of 0~, odretnaciidtl drat affdavil, owrro5~x post atfidaviL assrgruna~a at ba3- ea. tenant and rnongag9o oato~ael Ieltyra and cnrtgCUve dlHturrwnis. tiuya st~U turli~h rflertgagp, nuntgage note, sgtofray agraeatalt acrd frmrrcang statematts. K. EXPENSES: OOCtdnpttary 5taritRs on the date! aril reooe~ng ~ comx:tlva inatturrvxtGS siiait tae paid by 3gdex AI! oasts of #3uytStt3 tt~t (wttathgr t5trtah>ed from b°yllaf Qf third f~'1Y1. , tRrt cwt l¢iuf+sd to, ddaurtt9ntarY atprl~7a fold SnianglblR la% On the martey rrtortgagR and arty martgagtt assumed. fYlOngagao titw ~Iroxarrca cwrenlAtler,t with related rasa, and rVCGrdirtg of putdlar;fl rrrdn9y maftgaga, dyed and ttrtart8rq WAt9mCraa shad C5y paid try tirry9r. Un~^ otherwis9 prcnridod hY taw bt ride t4 This Carttraact, dt9rrj9s for rnL7tad GKrairtg sarvksa, title e9attit, and rAaairrg teas ¢rrcNShcnp preparatkzl Gt oKxdng atatcmonl), shad ila paki by the patty rwp0ilaitSly tar ArrtL5tdr47 1159 title aYtdoritro Iii aCCard3riCn ulth Ptirragraph V. L PROBATIONS: CREDITS: Texas, eswassrnenta, tem. int&ysi, vlsurtsnca Ntd ptltef bpd cN (tie PtnptSr'ty 6haq be plnroX:d tttrot5gh the day befOne Cbsitig. t3t7y9r shad nova the dpliat of taking dv~ erl.^tir~ pOdvias of insirarcr+, rt asscmabda, in YAdch eyara prY.llarms shad fao prwEded. Gash at Cbt+rp shall tfi3 inaeasad or dt5cn9aeed as may b9 re~rdred txs+ prorgttara to Ito made through day prier to Closing, nr ~ if ooauperrcy occurs t5gf(re Clawing Advat xxt rent arc! 6ApsitY dapasits wid Ire crecBtad to Eityr~ E~aaw dafruails held by rtlortgafpo will by peditad to Seder Tgx9s Strad bo prorated used on thq torrent y,~ cox with due aAattrdrCe mace for rtL'atimtxrr allowable d(scdwt, ttomgStearl arW otkar ottympti0rq. tt Ctos'utg OrXxazi et a data whyn Iha wrrortt ygar`9 rr~ ago is cwt toted aril rLirrertt y9vt aast>G.ro'rrent is avadabta, tatrag wd ho fxotalyti taased ter SUdt awttttxa 8rW prSwya~S: m11L1ge. If CUtKifrt yoar$ assesa- rrmnt is rat gvadaC4e, tlwn taxos wE>w be prt5rated nn ptidryn:trk taz s tiara are comfrkat9d MtgxavamortU tm iha Real tJropaAy by ,!actuary 1st Of yasr of Ctasing, M4Uati itr~XWtsrlofds Wem r1Gl in Qit .l&Itrary 1 st of fatOr }Qdt; than taY413 yl lad be praatad b99@tt Vpcrt pltor year $ r1dlleQa end at 2ft equdatttc aaw0aa- n~tt t0 be >~reaei tgKm betwearr the paatias: taiCslg whleh, r9get~t shut ua ttmda !o the Gatmty FfaParh Apps&aar for an infonnai ~.s~nwrtt lrtWrty brto eocotatt available 9xernptbrts. A tqx protaibrt bated on art estotrat®shfffi, sd ragtnsi of eal59r ptuty, ba ra~ip>~9d upon rocobt fit arrrtxtt ytsat's talc t5d1. M. (RESERVED - parposety left btartld N. INBPECTIQN AND AEt~fuR: DELETED D, RISK t!F tA93: K, atttr tt~ Eifv'r~++e Crate, ins f+ropaty iS d by iha fir dtfuw' aasudtY {'Casually l.uss°1 hgiCxr3 Gos~ig and cost W restoration (wtaatt incruda the oust of pnmrn0 or rrnnravittg dwnaged trees) ddb not rrxat~d 1.596 of the purchase tom, cast GI resloratirxt alas ba an niafipatlon of Saaor and Crosar~ sr,al proceed pursuers to ttre temm ~ this carmaoL and a rt~tf,Meli~t is rat arrrpt9ted ow of may, restwatlon eocts wm De daanmrod al Cloairg. e lM past of fostoratiott Eacts:ed.9 1.596 of the Ptratta: a f'rica, euyor shall er'ther tar the F+rtipcYty aM 7a. togelhar wit! t the 1.696 a reoah+e a rtdssaf o1 deposdfa] Irteretty rolca5irg t3tryar aril Frtd9r tram all tuntrar tkabgaaons tvu3rr'this trOMrat:l. &tdtxSt sole Wallgatinn with rr pCGt to tr~ tiemage by c.~airaay ar t5th0i rlalu• rN OaCUfTBnCe shall tafhadGFt itr pruNng W tatlloYel. P. CLOSING PROCEDURE: Tire dead shad t)tt reoorddd t,sxxt ide~anaa M frrtd5. if iha tiltt aywd irfauroc adversq mortars pursuant to S9ctbn 627.TAat, F,S., ~ rrrtetuiad. the escrow and clytssru5 pratedwn reGulryd by ttds °AS LS° 8mnddord 4irtdl t5e watYed. Unig58 waivod as soE IGrth above the fnltdY+ing raRlgAR At316.2x Hev. 2100 m 2!X18 Flatus Ayaocias7an at F9kv'rdae' and Ttry Fonda 8er All F§grca R9sarvud Page A of 8 t'1Fif2-11-2010 13:~t t=ram:t'tFiNGf+GVE F~FtLTY 56186559}3 Ta:1866372~t~t45 218 219 274 221 223 ??d ?:?0 2;ttt '131 2A9 233 23x1 235 23G 237 2cu3 2;1A 74~ 241 242 2d:t 244 245 246 247 248 Y4y 250 257 252 2ti3 2~ 255 2Cifi z57 258 25J Zf3U 201 2rG3 ~~ 'ZtlS 2813 287 25E3 2'69 270 27t 272 ar3 aq$ IS" ti7At1DARDS FOA REAL ESTAT6'i'RANSACTtGM$ ({ft}NTINYFA) Page:Tf10 Cloairrp prdrndurd: Ettalt apply (1) all closing pntrea[ts sigil bo taekt bt Rscrovr by th9 Cat+rlnp Apdn1 fur a parsed of not more than 5 days atiRr ~~; t2} N Sdbr's lllg3 Is rendemd unmarkRteblc. througrr rto fault of E!U}ror, t3lryor ~'~. wltnin ttte S day period. notify SWpet 1n wdHnp of the deiact and Segal stxaJl haVR 3Q Uays Irnnt rlatg of rocoipt t>f such not~catian td Coro tttQ Uetacl; (3}'rf $sllrir tats #o tirttay cure tiro detoct, ati deposits and thirty bards sktau, LOort wrtttcn darnarrd by Duyar and watttin 5 days alter derttatad, b9 ratunwd W l~uytx and, strna>ttttrrpotasty with aaara repaymartt, DtryNr shall rotum the ParsorteS Progeny. vacato the Real Nroporty surd n:cartvey the Property to $dgar b5! spacial wananly tkacd aaut bu! oI aa1a; and (A} 1f Rtrygr ftdia to make lithely ittvnarai ftv reiwd, t3uy~3r sttdi take tgla as is, waiving au rights agalnat $RIIer ac to any Inlarverring dafRdt eaarept as rttay UR avaiiablo to t3tEyar by virttra W vktr mntina dUrttatrtad to the rfrred or dui of Gale. O, ESCROW: My GWsirtg Agent or narrow agort (coliattlvsty :4genP} t9ctdwza() w ocputualertt is authoriaad and E~taevaa by acaRPtariC@ of tttttin to deposit tfnua to trald rho subiWl ntattar of the Radrdw unti rho pEaties hsratn agree to its drsbtsaarnortt ~ rauu a Judgnxxtt Ut a txust of CamPetRru psisdtctiptt 3lut& tlylRruvna Ksa rights of the parties, or tupart may deposq lama wqh ttro ckYk of ttrs drerrx coon navvy Jtut'Edkykx r td the dispute. An attanay wArp repraasnts a PAY and tdsb acre aG Agerd may raprasatlt t;udt party yr stxfi ntstart, Upon rwtifyiny aA ptu~ ndrst#xnad of GtrCtt adtWra, eii 6:lhggy On the pmt df Ayertt el wq ropy terttvraalR. gxcopt to iha taxtatt of oacountvtg for arty itRrrir ~ dt4'tvated our of Racrow. K a tit~nyad rani astatR tyrokR , Agatt wtu cwrnply wtrn pmNsinns of rstth• 4?fi. FS., as arrrAndad, A+y ~t between Ouygr and max wnu+~t Agent la msdn a P:~Y t~nnitt Ut aGinp as Agent Ilerauntirx, a n! arty qWf whorcin Agent vttetpioada the 6ubJoct rrcatter at the asamw, Agerrf strap raauwx reasonable attdrrrcytj tec~ turd Gusts tntasreri w0h these orrrotsats to Fan paid from and oW of the CrarUwad funds nr Rgrmakra and oharped and awarded as rx7un oasts in favor o1 the prttvavvt(# Party T1~ Agotri strait rat be itatrta to any Panty ~ pcrsat for ndsdRiivary M &ryRr ar SaT$r W sterna srtkari id the oscrvnr, udass such tNsdRlivery la dUa i4 wgiEUi txssdt of the provlslats of tt3s CG1rUata) or gross nagrx~anae of APa'tt. R. ATTORNEY'S FEt2S; COSTS: t„ arty fitigagon, Indhrding brtYxtr, Rsttott:anarat or vrtalpr'ataliurt, rvisvtg out a thk Corttraat, rho (Xdvaifrcrg ptury M stash IiU~ gallon, wtdch, tar purposes Ot th16 "AS IS" €~nndrtra, ataell IrtdlUd9 Salgt, Eiuyta and fury broker8 ttCtinQ in aprn4y Or ndrrtglattcy rtrtaltaftshlPs aUthdn20d by fihaptor Alb. F.S., iss nmandoU, Shall be oryiikttt to rtxovar from rho nan-prevaigng Party mSSOm.9bla attrmaytt toes, costs Dui RxPer~aa. S, FAILURE OF FERFORMANCE: tf &ryet tails to faerfomt ihtl Conlraul within the tune aPodfrd, )rx~tstfirtp payn>ertt nt au dep~iia. the deposq(s) paid oY t3lryw End tleposlt(sj agrttad to Ise pakl, may tao rtaoaverad ~,d oatainad by and for Ina Ea:caxtt rat Sadar as agincd uaan ik)uidatad dars~tjaF, oonaidsrattorr for ttta a:wcutipn 41 itais tAmracl anti h ~1 aatilarnent of any daims: vrttota!{;gn, 13uyar and .~iryWr &hatl tso rdikavbtl ui aq obligatitxts uMkx ails GrnUaaC or :,ogar at Stagrxk orttton, may ptYgaecl in atluhy to dMarCC Srlltyy ripMs under this Corttraca. n tar any tca&On other titan lafinn r/ Stier to tttaka $Rlwer's t01e ntar- katah~R ahRr dgiparn a:td:1, EiRllar fails, rteOtRCts ar rRt~xra to pertorm ttAa Cam:oct, 6Uyer may sank sl'>~g4 parformarta8 tx erect to rttcarva Ina return of Boyar's depusq(s} vygimtst thereby waivgtp arty acUan inr dgrtktges n:suginy from Setter S . T. CONTRACT NDT RteCOROABLE; PERSONS BOUND: NOTICE; COPIES: Neither rive Carttract nor any notion of it ~r t>,t recorded in any public rec~da. Thin CtstUact sJta9 bind Etrx! irnao tv the benefit of the partlor: rmd ihev srxxossare ~ iniaresr. Wttenevrx rho oamRad pamdts, sirguVtr snap irtchado pkxt acrd ttrte panda than ktduda au. Ndtits and a~vaN rp"ven by to to tiro attorney n broker rc>{arosenitrity arty Party attall hR as ettactivd ds it pivart by or td that testy. AC natirans rrKi~ ire In wrQVig and may he rnitfd by ma4 parscna! ovary Or aleclrorsiU ntadia. A IegiblA fadsimib dr oiadtrrlitit: {at>cAadlrtg "PUP) dopy of irrgr ContraW and attic slgnailues ttorcon snap he c:xtstrtated roc all pUrpdsas as an otipvtal. U. CON1yEYANCEe &alicr shop odrtvey rnarkkat8bie Title to the Rast t'raperty tN 6tzrltaMxy warrertty, intskeais, peraanea reprarxxttatlw's, w fltimagarttt deed as aPC~P~+ta to Ina status of .^,Rgar; cubjodt dNy to matters cnttlauted in Pdroprtalah Yll arxf tttnfa dGtarvv~a aaaepiRd of Boyar. Pareonsi Ifi7pCrty , at the raquort Ot 8uyar, tae lrars3teREKf try an agsukae ba ~ t;aiEt wglt waatattty o! title. st~act orty to such matters Ent maybe otlvttw;9e pravided for trorain. V. OTW€Ft AOREEMENT& Nd prla~ nr prRStutt agn3a'natds or rapraatvttatWrts tltaq be tfrKling uppt Ci1ry& or Sala` tv>i&aa vtdutied qt this Contract. Nn rr+ad- q'idatkan to or'tgtange in Utis tinntradt shall !x valid ar binding a4arn tt+a partip uraass in writing and exeduted by the parsles tnbYtded to be t'pund ttY g, W. SEs1I.ER DISCLOSUREr (i} 1Ttwe are rro feats known to Ss~Nx rrtetdnaly alleetvtp the vdtat W Etre Prapatty whkn era not ttsaUgV dbaavaWO by 0uyar or which ttavR hat boon disdvaetl td t3uyar; ~} Ballot extends mad irtta»ds rte wananry arxf metres cur repnssentatlon of any tyFsa, eitharaxpresc orlrnptiod, as tit the ph}aleat dartU7Non or htstdry of the Property; (3) Salter has rar:aived no wditRrt w verbal notice hdm any govarnmantat entity w agency es to a crrmeRdy uncormeEad building, enrtmmnensa! orsafety coda vtoiadar, (d) Seyla' has no krwwledge of any repairs ar GnprovernmRs ~tda td tho Proporty without atuttpltanCe with gouan+rnantat ragu/adon nvttlch have not boom fisalosed to 8ttyat X. PROPERTY MAINTEtaJiWCE: PROPERTY ACGESS: ABSIdNbAENT OF CONTRACTS AND WARRANTIES: Sober mall maintain rho praPeriY vaa;sudvg, but not limlt~ to iawrti starubtsay, tYtd pool n ttte t4nditkxt adstirg as of EBoetNa Date. ord'utary urger and tear and fa6u31ty t.o~ aaroaplad. Sapar S1Wq, sGron mra^,onatNO atpiic;a, provide utlGrtas FArviGO aril tswoss to the Prgpeny far apprtuast mid vtsperrtorta, inolt~ing a wank-tnros>F~t pt~r rn J, to oonnrrtt that ~I gcxrss tN F+arsoant RnpRriy etas ort tng I~ Prdpgny and mast the F'rap~ty has bean mainiaated as ragtorarU try Ittia 'AS L^a' Standatrl sogor vriq axsitpt si asrJgru+~e repair and irealrrtertt c[anirsrxa and warmntrga la t3uyar at fyosir+g. Y. 1 t'.tdt tD(CttANGE U agher Ballet' nr tauyet vAslt to enter vrto a gkarldrtd exct>ytga (bitllkr svnrElLtnectru with Ckasvtg ar dalgrratt) w4gt rospar:t to Ina Propurty order Soatlon ttY,tt of the vttdrnad Revenue Cade {°i"srchanpo'}~ uw other parry shNt oooptrnin Ut gs reasorteblR rgt,pects to artoctuate tn3 Eav~tortpd.lnelUd- vK# rho axgatrtion of rlCxxtlitarAS; provtdett (t} Ina odirparuliGx~ party tthaB Incur rte Iiabrtity or' gas{inrrse related rn the Fxcnastpa auttl (2h ttre CbE t not ba aerate gent upon, nnr Rxtdttdad or dglayad tm txledt txdtestpa, Z. BUYER WAIVER OF CLAIMS: Boyar waives any clairras apalrrst Sailer &ttd, t0 Nfe 9artatrt permitted by (aw, egatrEat any rt?;ti ostate UaRtvsea r'nrotved to fho nogotiation of the Contract, farany tlelecia w other damage that may axlst at t,foaing of trot Contract and bR st7tiSaqugnt(y aYSCOVarod by the [9ayor ar anyana datm&rq by, dtrough, underoragalrrat the Btry+ar. PAR)BAi't A61&-2x Rau 2ff#t W 2008 FkxWy As90Ciatkn ar RFarrxis• and ttrg der AG Rights RR^„csvad Papa d of ti t'1AR-11-2010 13:5 Prom:tMflhiC~RDUE REF~TY 5618655943 To: 18653?24445 , Paae:8~10 TiI1S fOplt~ HAS ~N APPROVED 8Y THE FLBRIi)A ASSOCIATEON pF REAL74RS° ANO THE FLORIt'1A SAR Ii initialed by all pari(es, the olause below win be incarp0rated into tho FAR/BAR Contract for Sate and Purchase between - - - - ~ (Sdie~j H{1MEOwNCRS' ASSt3CIATI4NlI:OMMUNITY aISC:LOSURE Buyer"s Inltlais - Seller's inikiala: K to be +nade a part of the Contract. ~i a( a--( ;it ~ IF THE DISCLOSURE SUMtiAARY REQUIRED BY CHAPTER J20, FLORIpA STATUTES, HAS NOT SEEN PROVIDED TQ THE PROSPECTIVE PURCHASER BEFORE FXECUTtNti THIS CONTRACT FOR SALE, THlS CONTRACT tti VOIDABLE BY BUYER BY DELaVtSRlNG TO SELJL.Eft OR SELLER'S ACaR_NT OR REPRESENTATIVE WRITTEN NOTICE OF THE BUYER'S INTENTION TO CANCEL WITHIN S DAYS AI'TER RECEIPT OF THE DISCLOSURE SUMMARY OR PRIOR TO CLOSING, WHICHEVER OCCURS FIRST, ANY PURPOR`fE0 WAIVER OF THIS VOiDABILITY RIGiiT HAS NO EPk~EC?: BUYER`S RI{3HT TO VOID THI5 CONTRACT SHALt.. TERtv1lNATE AT CLOSIN{3. BCIYER SHOULD NOT tDCECUTE THIS CONTR{A+CT UNTIL BUYER HAS RECEIVED AND READ THtS DISCLOSURE. Disclosure Stnllrrx~ry For ._ t3 ~~~ ,,;~~~~~G-~ a.~. {Narno of Gommwtitvl 1. AS A tfUYER OF PROPERTY iN THIS CCivtMUNITY, YOU Wlt I., BF OBLIGATED TU BE A MEMBER OF A HOMEOWNERS` ASSOCI- AIION (°ASSOCIATION"}. 2. THERE HAVE BEEN OR WILL FsE RECORDED RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS ("COVENANTS"~ GOVERNINQ THE USE AND OCru- PANCY OF Nh10PERTTES IN THIS COMMUNITY, 3. YOU WILD 8E OBUQATED TO PAY ASSESSMENTS TO THE r~,S~C1AT10N. ASSESS F,N'f$ MAY BE SUBJECT TO PERIODIC CHANGE. fF APPLICABLE, f"HE CURRENT AMOUNT IS $ PFR~~rG. .YOU WILL ALSO RI= 08LI+;ATED TO PAY ANY SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS IMPOSED tiY THE THE ASS~IA ION. SUCH vPEG`IAL ASSESSMENTS MAV BE SUB.IECT TO CI-LANCE. IF APPLICABLE. Ti~IE Cl1RREN ~ AMOUNT IS $ PER ~--~.y. _ 4. YOU MAY 8E OBUQATED TO PAY SPECIAL ASSESSMENT'S TO THE RESPECTIVE MUNICIPALITY, COUNTY, OR SPECIAL DIS TRICT. ALL ASSESSMENTS ARE SUB,11':C1"r0 PERIODIC CMANQE. 6. YOUR FNLURE TO PAY SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS OR ASSESSMENT'S LEVIED RY A MANDATORY HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION COULD RESULT IN A LIEN ON YOUR PROPERTY. 6. THERE MAY LPL AN OBLIGATION TO PAY RENT OR LAND USE FEES FOR RECRFATIONAL OR OTHEp GCIMMONLY USED FAGU.I- TiES AS AN C!$I,J~i, TION OF MEMBERSHIP IN THE HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION. iF APPLICABLE. THE CURRENT AMOUNT i.R- $_.,,, V" PER _--°-` 7. THE CtFVF.LOF'EH MAY MAVE THE RIGHT TO AMEND THE RL-S rRICTIVE COVENANTS WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE AS.SClCIATION M>:MBkD~HIP OR 7Ht APPROVAL OF THE PARCEL OWNERS. & THE STATEMEINTS CONTAINED IN THIS DISCLOSURE FORM ARE ONLY SUMMARY IN NATURE. AND. AS A PROSPECT3VE PURCHASER, YOU SHOULD REFER TQ THE COVENANTS AND THE ASSOCIATION t;OVERNtNt3 DOCUMENTS l3EFORE PUR- CHASING PROPERTY. '9. THF.SF DOCUMENTS ARE EI~TFIER MATTERS OF PURI.IC RECORD AND CAN BE 48TAlNED FROM THE RECORD OFFICE IN THE COUNTY WHERE THE PROPERTY !S LOCATED, OR ARE NOT RECORDED AND CAN BE OQTAINCD FROM THE DEVELOPER. BUYER Date BUYER _. . _ Dafe fOCR-tl Rav. 7tpr, +~ 20Ci6 Fla:lda ana~x,,.vtdgn of R~uacc° ana ttm Flcuirla ear All Rly~nl:u wyunnW Pape _ of ComprahenNAw rtkfw to the FARI9AR Cgntract for bale a+x1 PucMr~a Thia eofRw6re 3o SiaanseC t0 lRjallerd vercCbio - aoaley Aasooiatee FL Prop.j rrro.CtBneact ondaAlt.CAm. MfaR-11-2010 13: From:t~INGRO~ F2~ILTY 561t365S9~}3 To: if~r'~.a''tc~445 Pe~e:9~10 ~~~ .{ ~~.. ~. ~~o~U~ O~k#C~c~~ ,~7 ~. ~ f~ - r ark ~ r < r: a w,. `~ i e ~~,r The following provisions aro made a part of the Cantraa for Sate and Purchase or Residential Sale and PurCha58 CixttraCt between „_ {Seller} and concerning the Property located Eft ~ 135 A Lxncewood F1,17ELRAY Iitir4CH, FL 33x45 i. t3uyer, at Buyer's expense, may have a qualified profess>onat conduct an inspection of the Property for mold Within ~ days from the Effective Date {"Mold inspection Porfad"}. 2. Buyer shall be responstbie far prompt payment far such inspections and ropair o} damage to and restora#Ian of the Property roSUlting from such irrspeCttans. This provision shad survive termination of the Contract. S. 1n the evarrt the mold inspection reveals a significant presence o} mold In the Property, which requires professionals to remove the mold, at a cast whtCh exceeds $_.,, (ftQ-ttUF Buyer mey Canoe! the Contract by delivering written notice of such election na toter tltan a8 hours after Cxgiration of the Maid inspection Period. t# Buyer timely cancels the Contract, the deposits pEtld shall be Immediately returned t0 Buyor and Buyer and Seller shall be relaased from further Obligations under the Corrtr8ct, exoept as provided in Subparagraph 2 above. 4. tf Buyer lolls to conduct the inspection permitted In this Paragraph or having conducting such inspections, tails to timely notify the Seller of Buyer's intent to cancel this Contract or It the mold inspactirxt does not roveal significant prasErtce of meld in the Proporty which requires prafosslonal remediatian to rernovC the maid, at a cost which exceeds the sum spocitied in Paragraph 3 above, Buyers may not terminate this Contract pursuant to (ht9 Addendum. Selier:~ taht~'rw~) Sel18r:_. ~ ..- tsiAnaturel Date:.... {p~F tom? (slynature} ~;print) t3uyer:__ 1 __~... tcprarum( lm+rW t?ata: , Date: , Date=_._,. MIAr:-Y F10V. irtr02 £+2002 Plotld0 Ae6oGttiion Or RSr,uvWit9 All piQhta Raeervat NtF~2-11-2010 13 6 From:MAN~aROVE REALTY 5618655943 To:i8b637Z4445 Pese:10f10 h, tsre~Carjryv~t~Aokleact:,rr-tt~ CptTtractl ~ i E ' A'.. r 4}v '` 7 I ~ Ih ~ ~'. i 'F F i } a ~.~'~ tY p p Tire following provirltkts t:r~, n-~aci~~ p~,yrt of rhr ~- niract for Safe and Purchase or R~dential Sale and Purchase Corrtr~aet between .. ~. (Seller} .~, Buyer concerning thB Property k)C9ted at 1135 E LBnaewood FI, DE~RA'Y $EAGH, FL 33445 CtrineseJt78fective Orywail: During u~re tine Florida waw experbncing t7uilding n'raterial shortages, some homes were buiri or renovated using deiac.Gvd drywall imparted from or manufactured irr China. Detective drywall reportedy ar7litS levels of sulhtr, methane and/or other vplatlle organic cornpcundr3 thnt cause Corrorlon of air conditinnar a;rd refrirterator coils, copper tubing, Clectricol wiring, enrnpurer wiring and other household items a:s weU as create ngxiqu3 odors which rrv3y also pose health ri$k9. t. Seller's Knowledge: l=xcept as Indicated beiaw, Seller has no knowledge o1 rtre presences of Ghinase/detACtive drywau or of any records or repCUicr pertaining to Chineseldefaetlva drywtall affecting the PrgpeRy; {describe an known Chinese defective drywall Information and list ail availHGle documents porCitininp to Chinest:/d6tac:tiue drywall and provide doct~nents, if any, to Buyer before accepting Buyer's offer) ,. , _ 2. ChineselDefective Drywall Inspection: (Clttigk £}ne} G buyer waiver the opportunity to candutr't a risk asSeF,srrtt;nt or inspectign fos lyre presence of Chinesstdefective drywall and accepts Ihg ctn,+wal1 in the Property in its existing CUrKtitiurr, ~ Buyer, at Buyer's expense, may have a horror inspector, ligen~ed contractor or oti'~r' lirr~rrs~td protes.~iorrei {if n~uired by Iav,$ to cwrduct an inspet:tiurt or risk arsessmerrt of the Property for the presence of Chin~etdeiective dtywr39 witt~n T_ ._ days from the Eifec~ive Date {°Dryweli inspection Period"}, Buyer shag be rer'ss~ie frx prompt p3ymerst for such inypet;tioris arxt repair ail d~~ to the Profxiriy resulting from the in5poctions. N the ytspectior t c:r risk assr3ssment reveals the prerenco of Chinesald@fyotnre drywall or reveals damage to the Property resutting from the defective drywall arxt the cost to rerttovelreplapa #hedefective drywrili or damage resulting front the defective drywall excEaeds $ {$5017 if teft bllank}, Buyer may cartcei fire Contract try givhig written nonce to rho Seller witt>irt 3 days trrxn the end of the Dryvat inspection Perkxl and receive a refund of fife deposit. If Bayer faits to raricel timety ~ faii3 to cxmduct ttre inspectiwus permitted in tiffs graph, Bayer may not tem,inate this Contract pre~ruant to this Add~rdcrm. 3. t?rrofesstonal Advice: Buyer &cknowiedpes that atl rAprerentations about Chinusuidefective drywall by Broker are based on Seller rppresenlatons and that Broker has not ~ndurlec:l ens independent investigations ko verify the accuracy rx cexrrpleteness of the information. Buyer egroes to rely solely on Seller, professional insprx:tcrr}; ;tovernmeniai agencies qr any third parties retained by the Buyer regarding any i3aue related to C~hinesaldefecifva drywall. Date S~Iler Date Buyer Date w Seiler Date Buyer CDA- t F,~r179 ~ 20b9 1=kuida Asscx:iation of i~.~tt~s40 All Rights Reserved M~ i`~~~~ ~2~•d343 ~dSJrClai~ ~~~4arch 13, ~~010 ~ .~:.. --~~~ -- ~~P~?mBer~Cl' Pnst `J Pa1mB~dcf~~'~~t Toni ~ 29~ 4 E N~3;533b7~7~ r,~ -'-hOT1t.F;OF i Ubtvi FN ~ - ' ~ A~QUlRE REAL PROPGPt7Y f9`~T ~E ; HEkFBY.( iV-'~!, t~1at Ch ly x S,.ot-Dt?ifay-Etnach;-Hodan,"-h:+s-tla:e=-'. ~1Cait i'~tefn t~( best ;i.(uir rc(,~ho' LI.y iC_F^. f- 'CJ p:t~~b ~.~~ ,r i~: f.' is i ~ j irt. _to:[~ p~ i~~~~: . J flyy.,'CS ~~ 1 ._', .C~ C • YU iVN ~ v.GLRA H ~;l ;7 "f S3o_d-~' T.GFCU<'GF6L~ '",-S19SJ.kl: UFI.:AY ~pRE567'BLt;a;_31~7v~0~ ~~~BAe to ~,c5 ~H t tY 2~~ t n-c' - --sts„coo -_ ~ ~~:~bNL L-:E;i Ph} Lf 7U,r~ 1 ' L~45 0 ~ ~7i~. ~ur(t i~so'of tb~ho ~u s, b~ ~t-~ E?~ ter'nt and ccrrditl~n, 1 t ~afaii. anJ conga (~n fir-v+[h ~ ~F t iEy Cjo V A Rc;;~lut do ~f tl r m~ log of'AI r i, t~ o~ L~ r ~ ~ach;;l.~~nda, au,hoil;in~a 'tnc_~.4,~,~ ~r ~~21 Ln;'w i 1+,(~.~d _{ ~<G+io~ Gr IF. c.~ Zy i.r~rtr ~ On ~C i rBW~s~7 ~2 eC etc. Eo.Fe j r {:v- i ,~ r ~:~z'c ~~'~'~ v^['c a55 tj~(1 _•:~_ ~ ris. ,~nr u~ '! ~',- nP ,:Tis i ,h ,i rr,6o -a! ~~-n,F~it.~?_lty n~Q'~r; ass`-~. ~ ~ s o~~ ~d i1~ ~ U ~ it r,: at ~-:, n! as~~1 fl ~'V i~NIF. L~r ~~ ~h 2 ;;7204 yr ~~'~: tN~a l'~T3e °h*,~r- h2 yd-Scw t-0~visi l Ucf_,iy NFZC.~, :ry i±a ~ Gv'fib'd.3 et .wv '~;c. (,r ray_ B 11 AFL '194:-~ ~ f~Y Cc..GGL~. Y ~Et,C,(~ F~.~{f2~J ~~~ ~+ v U<<4 hyfs `CMS t yy 4~ ~ X (' ~Pi 3.LTnn~.F„un'~e ll:tl l'o~, ~egir4.a; Saturday, March 6, 201b ~ . (561) 820-4343 Thf3 Palm Beach Past ~ PalmBeachPost.com 25E . ' NOTICE OF INTENT70.'.; .': '. ACQUIRE REAL PROPERTY '. NOTICE I5. HEREBY GIYEN,.that the„City 'of.OelraV Beach Florida'_hes:'det~r~ "' mined it o b9 in't}ra bast inteiest of the '-City to purchAsa cArtain real property idr murl~q p_ a~i Purpposes ,more parucu- lerly,described t+s tollows: ;:;;'.! ::i ~. 'r ~.' • TOOWN OF DECRAY N SO FT'OF S. 3b(f:: FT OF. E~ 1/2 OF. BLK 71 $199,OOp . ~ DELRAY SHORES LT 1 BLK,f4 $139,OOp ',; ;' : SABAI: LAKES PH'ti L ; 2 BLK'4,> :, ...... ..5135000. ';.:,`'.'1>is ~.; ~ SABAL LAKES I'H 2~ L7 70 BLK 1 5195,000:.,; .:..... ` 71ib'purciia9e;oftkese unit?;:Is sub~ett fo 'the terms and conditPo'ris of.tlle a praisal arjd contract on file'with the (:Pty Clerk. A Rasolutlon.:of.the.Clty ,..,Gommissl.or_,gf the City:of,DalYfy'', Be'~'ch'.Flo~iJaauthorizirig.'thA p~~' ~::.irfYese_tf'p~operty_and in<orpora4ing the ;:,-.terms ~nd;cohdipons of such pure, ase . ; will; be ign4itleied for edoptiort by,~he i?tiCityy;Corlimisston,at a regul8i~meeiingg' `;'tq,be h'~ld;oli'~7u'ssdey, March 16, 2p10 ;.:' (Or~.i)t~iiny gotttihuation of. suC(L meeSingg '::. vYhlck ($aet..kY ; th'e Comrhissiori):at x,00 p'tn{: n'.thq',LYafrimission Cfiember5`'aE >~ity-Ha11;:.;100 N;W. 1st Avenue, Delray B<la~fi Flo"`(file:: U you have any..ques~ tibhs`orWouid'likefurtherinfdcrriatloh; <ppleas'e call Nigel Roberts~'NeFghb'or=' ~~'-rioo`t( Seryicesr'A;dministrator at (561) 'r.; 443-7280,o(!Wsit the City.'g rJel'hbarz. ~fi'tiod.56tyig85',plvision at Delray BbacM.,, ,:CityHall;~y00; FV1stAvenue,Delray ' Beach',.FG33444, ` CITY OF DELF~ Y;BEACH, FLORIDA ;;'. Chevelle D:;Nu6i(iy CMC.: ,... ,.. `:~: Cittyy Cleik'~:,?; ;:.'i; ; i~ Ri/B:.Th'e' Paim 8'each Post '._ Page 1 of 1 ME~4RANDZJM TO: Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Lula Butler, Director, Community Improvement THROUGH: David Harden, City Manager DATE: March 11, 2014 SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM 10 D -REGULAR COIt~"NIISSION MEETING OF MARCH 16 2010 RESOLUTION NO. 12-10/CONTRACT FOR SALE AND PURCHASEJFIOUSING URBAN DEVELOPMENTJ1135 E LANCEWOOD PLACE ITEM BEFORE COMMISSION Request approval to enter rota a purchase agreement to acquire foreclosed real properties utilizing Neighborhood Stabilization Program {NSP) funds. BACKGROUND On March 26, 2009, the City approved the application far NSP funding through Florida Department of Community Affairs {DCA) for $1,905,005 to acquire, rehab and dispose of bank owned foreclosures. We have now been awarded these funds and the Neighborhood Services Division has identified several viable properties for this program. FUNDING SOURCE Neighborhood Stabilization Program 1 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of a Resolution of the City Con~xtaission to acquire certain real property under the Neighborhood Stabilization Program {NSP) as stated below: Resolution 12-14: That the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, as Buyer, agrees to acquire the property described from the Seller, for the purchase price of Qne Hundred Seventy Thousand and 001100 Dollars {$170,000.00), said property being described as 1135 E. Lancewaod Place, Lot 70, Block 1, of Sabal Lakes Phase Two, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 70, Page 175 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida http:llmiwebQOllAgendas/Bluesheet.aspx?ItemID-3138&MeetinglD=236 311512410 RESOLUTION NO. 12-10 A RESOLUTION OF T'I-~ CITY COILMSSION OF T"I-~ CITY OF DELRAY BEACH FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY TO ACQUIRE CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY IN PALM BEACH COLINT~I, FLORIDA, AS DESCRIBED HEREIN, HEREBY INCOI~:Pt7RATING AND ACCEPTING THE CONTRACT STATING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE SALE AND PURCHASE FRONT THE SEC~ZETARY OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT, SELLER, AND THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA V"JI~REAS, the City of Delray Beach Flarida, wishes to buy certain property located at 1135 E. Lancewoad Place, Delray Beach, Florida; and V'VI-~REAS, the Secretsary of Ham and Urban Develaprt-~ent, hereinafter desires to sell the property hereinafter described,; and WJHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the City of Delray Beech, Florida, to purchase said properly far affardable pausing purpases. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COStirIlVIISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: ~~ctian 1. That the City Comrnissian of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, as Buhr, hereby agrees to acquire the properly described herein from the Seller, for the purchase price of One Hundred Seventy Thausand and 00/10 DalZaxs {$170,00.00}, said propertybeing described as fallaws: Lot 70, Black 1, of Sabal Lakes Phase TVw, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 70, Page 175 of the Public Records of Palm Beach Caunty, Flarida Section 2. That the terrr~5 and canditians car~ained in the Contract far Sale and Putrhase and Addendum bet~n~en the City of Delray Beach, Flarida, and the Seller as hereinabave named are incorporated herein as'Exhibit "A.•'~ PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on the day of .2010. MAYOR Attest: City Clerk FAX T4 ANY EMAIL ADDRESS 7, Enter emai{ address{es} below 'Mc~ngc~FAX' s 2. When hand printing, copy characters EXACTLY as below ° 3. Fax ONLY to your dedicated MongoFAX number below leis free senrlce is for use ®~~~~® only by members of RMLS ~~ v13 Underline ail boxes that contain numbers ^ acic~c~®o~ac~~aoo~aacio©~c~ocio~c~o®®®c~aaoa®oao To: ~~r__.~.~.r...._r........... ..... ............... ..................... ......... ........................... ... .. . goo®~~i~aoao®aoo^®ooooo00 __ ~~ oooo~~oaooooooooo~ooooo 000oooooaoa~~ooa~~iooaoo^ ._ From: (identifies Sender, Enables Replies, Provides Confirmation, Tracking Number & Exact Replica Archive Copy to Emall) ®a~~i®~ooo~~~o^^~~~oooa^ oo®oc~~o®oaoaooa^^o~ooac~^ Subject: ^ SAS~.E LAKES pFFER ~~••s~ Notes: Nl~el, As discussed, please fi7nd offer for Sable Lakes foreclosure in the amount of $17Q,{~OO. Cash offer to close f,~n ar before 411312~1tO. C?nly cQntin~enoy is inspection period. Thank you, damara Cohn 561-86G-3549 MongoNek is not responsible for antr tosses or liabilities arising from the use of this product By using this produck. you adtnowledge and agree to tha Terms of Service pasted at vwvw.NlongoNet.net Protected by U.S, Patents Nos 6,d2d,426; 7,079,275; 7,t6C,688; US. aril international patentspending. ~ 2000-2007 MongoNet Inc.All rights reserved. MongoHetCustomerService: support@mongonet.net -or- 1{866)482-2229 PMongoFAX` Fax C3nly tO:YQUr MangoFAX Number www.fvlangaNet.net MpR-11-010 13 11 Fromii'7ANGR0VE RERLTY Print Add~E # 115 G lmKa+'u!ad.El i, !s k ~N .. ~~ . ~; f ,'!r ,4> Livtng ems 12 x 14 Dens Kltdsmlt 12x9 FemByRmi Oinlnp Rml Fiaetda 8m: o-Alnp Ar: Pagalaala Utll~re Pordss 5618655343 To:18663i24445 Paee~2~10 Page 1 pf ~, it4i8identiai Customer ReE~rt MLS# 83083302 RIDS 124296121t:041474O ListPtice '~¢ 175, M4Sttt 413083342 6k Psktfnisngt! Yype: RES Reap. Atei: 4530 QEDAreY: P648 SabTTpei S Otip.kPs#I95AOD AddreiP: 1135 E tarxeargOd PI City: adray iteaUt ~: Qtlgei 3Y19S -1264 Caanty: Pi»m Seeds Pars~E ,~az9a1216~1aJ00 zantap: and t+eglll Sabel Wkas Ph 42 lat:7Q Olk:l, lnt SgW5E~62 rtatd:,4o: tYepth: 5ilbdlYlaiem SabaltakeBSs1s02 47tYelepments Model Namat Fmrst Expt N iffi size: - t:era~po: WettrfMak N 1N7'8 Carppet; DOSysps Wrklnp5paae: tom: N Vltilsai Tgxt Snort Sates H stxttt Sala aad: Hrdsnp Peak eat:ltl oftora Aaeirtd: t4astar eR: 12 x 1} LIY SaR: 1,3}i# aRr 3 aedraom 2: Tet SaFts 1,798 tB: 2 4ledraom 9: Guest Nrlo: Hae 0 eMraosn 4s Tr asdtp 1993] tiedraont Ss PaW Sixes Pets Y Bklair: Ursit Ar#s Lxtid teaoes Mobllr Nossse 8lxe: Ft0arf(aidp: s Ran i~pe; Desrtarr Uldts161dp: Mln DayssJl~aaea: sarlalMr UsgtSJCamplesa lease TbneslTts atarsd Names GeYerN 4iadisrts HM Applic8tlen iYl Tax Year/Amt: IQOQ1 S9,01G 6pec ASrorb N HOA: Yf~i{tiJ MbrtttpEqulgt Pass: ATCIQSE,WN4ING Dlr: lake ids sxssds m ba~s+iG cast as saber Wke>sst en dvanida xadh an sea DesNtn: Cx WGfrtt NONE Yi s s Ptnsns UNWnf1t$HE~s esvs 47aals UsN Daac: 14roartart NONE Rawssas NONE MdEar NONE Dlninp: Pborss OTHEn EpUlp! none Wt Des Rtstr: NONE 1i0Qln IYmbrNi: Heat: O'i'i3ER C,aob L7THER float 8w Gst IhH+I~ Rawt UtB: tlt1A1E Paraps spsec: Taxes: CI lY t OO VYadarjrrmts; Fill (ee6t3i Subdrt NONE Pend tits Cisxs aC CDOMVtl DQMs 41 itritl5: Sa: VaNy all tMa Mmma Gpti 0ealx, ii0v1 a+lxmd Cooyeiefix mss skxiassd NLit ssm -- nsa aaaareoY and sarasaspati of dsk eMamWtkon h snot w+~sa~taed -- a01»/1O i3:ei PM mntade Oassmrta Cain 6bwEesr ats atssea+snvo noani ~ http:llrmtsfl.mtxchange.cone/S.U,U8.41511~earch/PrintPreviewl~t~,asp 3/11/2t)~i~ l*~tR-Si-201@ 13:11 From:t*IANCaRCiUE REALTY 5618555943 To:1B663T2444S Paee:3~1@ THIS FORM HA8 BEEN APPitdVED BY THE FLORIDA ASSdGIA7tDN QP REALTORS' AND THE FLORIDA BAR PARTIES:. ._.. ..._ "~~?, aid THE ITY OF tJ E ('RM~'}. hett~+ a9~ #tat Satiar shalt sal and [tuyer sh9q ~Y the tatlawatg dr3.~tcr(hti<t Real Properly and Persatal Propatty Icogwr:liuaiy "Property'} txrsnt to iha tarmc and otxx~uo~ ~s os thke Contract far Sala and Purt5e and any riders and addenda ('Gantraat'}: t. DESCRtPTfON: {s} i_~al desoripUOn of the fTaai Property tcsaa#ed in PALM BEACH County, Flar(dx ,~Bx10 tRealistl: i_~42~;~,f~16t'>Oi{l7LlQ . (h} Street addrs~a, dty, zip, of the Praprarty:1135 E Langewaod Pl. pFLRAY BEACH. FL 33A4~" (e} I'ersnnal Property inaluda;, oxisting rangs(a}, ratriptuator(s}, dirhwarherjs), Cailutg fan{s), ggnt fixture(s). and window CreatrttEatt(s} ratk3ss >i{?eC}flaally Cxduded Ge1ow, Utttrvit9ms incftadad aro: _ __ 8 T` £t` g 10 tt` t2" t;3' i4` ItArrts of Personal pmparty Rand laaaaad items, tf any} exdudod are: i5` I1. PURCHASE PRICE {t.t,S. C.urtSrSCy) : . ......................... . ....... . . ..................... . . 3 t1n nnn Go iG PAYMENT: t?` (a) t7~:d i h etrcr~v by --("E Ag~t°} In tr~a emratytt ~ tchodta yWiesi ro ctearsnca} ~.. ~Ot),00 it3' ~+xxWr.~{tettttiaddrgsa: I'tacnro: t#t' (#t Actdltbr~d ~ta~w deposit to be rttarla to Escrow 1lgcnt w,umr _~_ attar EHar~ive Gate Jn thu arnoui4 W....... , .. $- __. 14 nnn.04 2Q' (c} F~kvindnp in ttro arrwisA o{{'Loan ArWUrtt`} nrxp Paragraph IV txrtvw . . .... . ................. . ................ . . $ n nn Y? te1 t3atvtco to ek~a by s~stL was transferor LOCALLY pgAWN ct~vhierg or algclal han4c nnaak(o1, aubjoct ?~' to rs7juatments or prorations . .. . .. . .................. . .................... . . .................. ... & ~ 63.{Iat] ntt 24 ut, TtME FOR ACCEPTANCE OF OFFER AND COUNTEROFFERS; EFFEGTNE DATE; 25 (a) M ttYS offer is not oxoCtJtBd t)y and ddivrxed to all partte5 OR FACT CF E}fEGIlTtON txxttrtuntcated b writing botweon fife parties an ~ 2t3` before __... , the depcsii(sj w;s, at Buyer's Option, twt returned and tftih o~ withdrawn. Unta79 oth~- 27 wise stated, the time }or acceptance of any eaunteroflers steal! be 2 days from the date the counteroffer 7c daliverpd, 2$ (b)'I'he date Of Carttraat (`Effaattue Data") vvti tae the data when tlx: fast one Of tta3 Buyer Setter has SitJJttad or tnttiaied thfa atfEr cr tt~ final aatnitaroliar. tt rush date is Hat otnfvtatsa sat farih in #his (+~Yttfa(:t, theft the "EKeCtive Date` ytt8q ba the date dBtErmirtott aGaYe fOr :3Ct aaaepituacct of this offer at, if apt;t+aabie, the tutat oountaroffer. si Ill FtNANgNti: :ix` u (a} ThE ~ 3 trartsactetxt with na conlirtpenetas for Tuiattdng: ;}3~ d lb} This COrut~ is cOrtf~igent On t3uyer abtairting written loan aorrurulrttent whkk:ttt aonfmts ruxfarxnitirxt ban approval hx a ban to purcttasa ;trt` the PrnpegY {"Loam AppGval~ wtttgn ~ days {rf bbnk, then 3t) clays} otter Effective Date ('t_omt hppproval Data' tar (C~-IEC,tC ONLY 35` OPIE<}: ^ a faaad; O an adptsrat~e; of p e 16carf Or 8citratsWe rate ban. rtt the Luart Arnuurd (See Pa~raph ll.(ap a19n IrtiH.N btara9t rata ntst to 38" exceed 96, rigid fur a farm of yews. Buyer will make ap<aUcstirtrt withit _ days (rf bkutlc, than B days) aftbr E7tar:b+re Date. 37 t3UYER: f~+er sltaq ur,0 rOat;<xtaitle d~panca to: nbAaln Loan Approval, rwtity Seller in writins of recelAt o} Loan Approve! by loan Approval `tH Date; S3b.Sfy torrrtg OT fife loam ApprOVal; and Clue the ban. LOan AAprlrvel wf ritit regtlirea a t:att{fitlan rel9tnd to the rx'tl0 of Otttar prcy~prty 9heq 30 nut be dearrrad Lout Approvsl for ptupac>ea of stls suhnaragraptt. 'shall pay alt brut ~7;ettses. t3iryer atrtharizes ttte mortg5ga braker(s} r$td 40 lertdar(s) to disclose IMorrnarian reQatc9rt(t It:C t.'urtditiatxt, status, ark progress of brut appgcation aid t uert Approval to &. SaUat"~ attorrsoy, At real 93IaVi IiOertsea(s}, and C~oshlg >tgCrtt. 42 Sfit.ll:R: II Buyer does nut dtll(var to SeIID' written Halite of Lean ftpprtn+at by Lean Approvsl Data, StSar tray ihar~Rat catteai this Cartvaat by 43 delNeratg written natiaa (°581I~t3 Cartedla6on Natica°) {o t3u}~r, h+A not rater than 98uan (7} tiaya ptiar to tlaSlttg, Selisr'S Gancalt3tfott Nbliaa3hall 44 rtvti{yy BuYar that Buyer has titres (3} days to dCfivr~r to Seller wtittert rte vrwinp this Frteneirtg Carttir>yettay, Or the COrtUad atraq rte Cantxlled. 45 DtiPOSrriS) {tot' purpc>sos of Msls Ffnanotnp Paragraph 7V{b} only}; If Buyer h~¢ ut reaeonab7e dgigonep twt does nut obtain LOart Ap(roval afl h"v t t~ert Apprwat Oatx, ltd ttter~fter e9ttar P+~t3' elects to csrx:et tt~t rantract, the depoait;s} shall be tetrntted to Buyer. B t3rryer obtavts Loan 47 Approval ~ wa{ves tiffs Frraratirtg cOntcxiency, ernl thcxrattOr the Caitraet ekx3s not txase, than fife depcx;it(s) rhaq 4e paid to Sellars provklad now• 48 suet; rf fife tsr'hae tO Otoae is due to; (q Saper*, faqum or refusal la close or Serer OtharWiae taps to mnct the tertrts of ttre CarrVavK, or (u} Bt>Ner'S lender X19 fsq.s to recctva artd approve t» appratwU Of the PropeRy in On arrat¢tt suificiartt to rtraat the tarrns Of the Loan Approvy, then the deposit(s) aha0 toe 50 rtMranOd t0 Buyer bi~ u (a} AsstrmpNon of existing mortgage (sae rider for terms): or 52' C! (d} t'urchtise rnartay note and matgaga to Seller (see `As Is" Standwda B and K 9md ndorc; addenda: a aperaal clams tsx trams}. 53` V. TITLE EVt~ENCE: At Igegt. days t~ blank, then b days} hetrxa CkI. A Gila inaurAn^,.0 cq»n! with legible COp(e& Of tnstrurttents tLltnrt Cttr 54 exceptions attOCtted lllerat0 {•'fttle t:.ommgmettt'} and, aftor ClpCing, art Owr'~ri3 pdicy of 8tkt in{:Je'Ntte ('Bee Standard A fat'tettms} bs a3t#atnnrt by: 3G` (CHECK ONLY ONq: 4J (1) Seller, at Segi*.r'r, rxpense and del(varod to t9uyer Or Buyer's atttxrtey; Or 5f* C] t~} Buyer at Rtryers expense. 5T` (GREG}{ HERE): ~ If an abstract Of title is to ha furnished instoad of ittie trtstn'&nGe, r5r><t ettxm~h$~er fOr terms, 5ft` Vl. CLOSINfi DATE: This vanasatian sttsi tx~ tfaaad arx} the tlaving darx7ittertta de;ivtxect rarf~t'ac~C4r93r201a }"Cbsuxt'7. tagess b9 nwetitied W O1tX&' pm,~torrs of ttt~ Garrtraat. kt the avnttt ~ extrwtte vtrsr or other Ctbidtt~tY.a « ev~tts txtrtsts~utirtg 'YOtSia rtta)aure`, Ckss6tg vx~ be 6t7 exterir#xf a ttma unNk ¢} rastcxz~i ~ uttiiies aril other ~vfces ua ttg, and tht ava0517i1ity at Ht728td, VYUttf, Flaad, arHamQawners' Gi ` in5tT,~k;O. Ytx+~r OOrtditiarra cxxrtirx ie mcxrr ttters days {[t ~*, tf~rr i d days} tasyrxx! t%Cr,IrKj Date, tlien dthp' pony may CiertOtA Skda CtxdrnCt. FrSFitf3AR A,SIS=2x titnt. 2108 Q5 2aae Rrnirla P~.OCIat~ of Rrautx+s' Bltd Ths Ftetfrli 6+w AU RiahtC RosavEx7 Pape 1 of 6 t'IAR-11-2010 13:12 From:t'It2RDUE RERLTY 5618655943 To:186637244~t5 Pawe:4~1O G2 Vil. RESTRICTit3NS; EASEMENTS3: LtMITAT1t5NS; SeGer snail convey nrarlcstable titb suts)act to: cnmpr~ahensive iarxf use plans, zoning, $3 r4strictierrt, prahibititrna aitd other requirema~is itt~osed by povarnmentai authority; resUlolions and matters appearing on the plat ar atharwLae 64 obntman to ittrr subdivision; outstanding nil, gas and rrsrror'af rights of raernrt wittto0t right of entry, wtplalux3 ptfiEic uttlitY easemrmts 4# raIIOrd fi5 (Inratgd cantiquaua t0 r5fil {rrsrttertY Crtas artd net more than iU ic+at in width as to tt~ rear ar front lines ann 7 112 feet in width a9 !o a~ stria 66 Ifnes): trta:9tx #ot year of CA~Ittg and subserytant ; and assutttecf nrartgages and purth~e money rnortgagea. iP any fg addklonal itercrs, see {37* addsndurn}; provided, that ttrere exists et Casing na vialalion trt the foregoing arvJ none pr>;van tree of the Prapeny for' ,~, 6g Vtlt. CtCCUFANi2Y: 8,nikit snail rimer occuparx:Y of Property to Buyur at time of CkrSing unless othena+~e stated ttsre;n. {f property is IntertdtXl 70 tp be tented tx onrnrpk# beyond C. wing, ing tact drat irertta ittaraof and the te+tant(s} or ontsrpants shall bo disgcsed pursuant to 'AS ii 5C8ra1atp 71 F H nrxo,g~anry ~ W be dowered 4aforn Closing, Buys' assumes a1i risiss nt h3ss to Property trprtt date at ucs:upanoy, Sri31 be responsible rend ttatrle 72 fur maintenance trort'r that date, and ahait be rfe9med to honer accepted t~rcpruiy rn Rs exiGtir~ con$itiart es of t'vne ~ iatdrtg Otxupancy. 7:'t lx. TYPEwRtrrEN OR HANDWRITTEN PROVtt;IDNS: Typewritten or handwritten provisturts, rk#xs and addenda shall oantrul ail Fx'vtiarl pro- m v;~rtr,s of thin Ccmract in c'antlicrt wife them. 7G" X. ASSIGNABILITY: (CHECK {}Nt.Y ONEj: BuY~ U tT+ay assign and thereby Ire released from any #urttt~' liability under flue Contract; d may 7G` a,sfgn but not be released cram G,3bility under five Gmtract; or 0 may not aseigrt ads GtXtirect. rf xl. DISCLOSURES: t8 (rs! The prolsr~ty may be vubjsot to unpaid Spac~l asa~smont lierti~ unposed by a pubGo body fipublic tardy' doss cast Inaude a 79 CpxJomiNum ur Homttowtrers' /tsaaciaGcN'r}. SrKrh Can(s), If arty, whathpr c~ni6ad, cordirmed artd ratified, ponding, or payab~ yt &tstaArrterttr,, 89' as r# Clc:strtg, Ehall t,>C paid as tolicws: ~ by Seller ai closing D by Buyer (if left blank, then Seller at Clrtsine). K tfw amount of any et assar::urrent tp be paid by 5oner tree nut been rrnalty deie.rminvd as of Closing, Bettor anal) hC cturg~sci at ~in9 an amount ecnaal to the 82 last ~timata or assessrtterd for the improvornont by the pudic laxly. 8S (b) l~anon ~ a rfaturaay oott:urrinq radioaothre gas that when aoeurr~Ilated in a twlding in c>taffipeltt quurditie3 may present hrtatm risks W pcr 6d scr>r wh0 tu>3 expuced to ft over limo. L~veis of radran tit excoad faderoi end Stale guidelines stave boon #oultd 6 i tw,7dingS Ut FbrWa. 6S Addirignal fnionnatiun regarding radon or radon tasting rrtay be obtainrxi from your CxH.+nty Public Health rm1t. 86 (c:} Mold is naturally oacurrlrx# acid nlay cause health risks or datttage to property, N 8uycr is rxrnGSrrted or de.~iras additional ysf~matkm R7 rogardvrg mold, Buyer shnrdd rx~ritset an appropriate protcunicrral. ~ (d} BUyt'r acknawtedgsa far:ali}t nt ttte Ftortda EnerrLly-EtftciertCy Plating infoml~•iti0n 6n)i`twre toqulred bY''u84"tWJrt !irr,'f.A9B, F.3. 89 (a) It the fleet Prctpsrty Naudes pre-1978 rrrsidenti2t houslrtg, tnCn a lead-t~asad paint ridpx is tr>andatory, S1Ct (fa N Seller is a "kxiaign pers~t' a*, notined by the Foreign Investment in float Propurky rax Act, ttte partiaS sttali comply vrtih that Act. ;11 (g} BUYER $HCUIU NDT EXECUTE THIS C4NTRAGT UNTIL BUYER HAS RECEIVED AND READ TtIE HOMEOWNERS' At3SOCIA- !]? T{t3NlCOMMUNITY OfSCLp$URE. 8ii (h) PRt;}PERTYTAX DISCLOSURt SttMn+1ARY; BUYER SHOULD N411' t1F.tY ON THE SELLER'S CURFttENr PI1C}PERTY TAXES AS THE AMOUNT 8d OF WHUPERTY TAXEr TIiAT THE BUYER MAY BE QBUCaATFD TO PAY W THE YFAR t~tfCitaFt~UENT TQ PURCHASE. A CHANGF t~ fl4VNFJR• f1,5 3HlP OR PROPERTY tt>rPI~OVEMENTS TRIGGERS REASSI:,`SSMENTS flF THE PROPERTY tI1AT COULD RESt II.T W HIGHER PROPEtTY FAXES. 06 IF YOU HAVE ANY t1UUEaT1Ct+tS OflNCHiNWG VALUATtbN, CAtdl`ACT't'tit C:tk,1NTY PRflPEFitY APPRAISER'S flFflS'.F, r-0fl INF{}RMATKrN, 07 Xil. MAXIMUM REPAIR COSTS: DEl.E'1'Eb Ag" XIII. HOME WARRANTY: CJ S`atlar C1 Buyer 2Y N/A will pay for;! hrKne warranty plan sued by 89* at a COSt rx5t to e:ttX38d $ . _ tt79' XIV, INSPECTION PERIUD AND RIGHT TO CANCEL: {a) Buyer shalt have .,_j,_ days ham Effective Date ('?napecttort i~ricrd'~ within t 9t whtSh to Nava such lnapactions of the Fraparty pertorrned es Buyer shat! desire and utititiea strtvtca shaft be made avattabta by the t 92 Sewer during the Inspection Period; (bj 13uyw ahaJt be rvsportsible tar prompt payment for suoh Inspections and repair of damgge l ft3 to and restoration of the Property reautting tram such inspeCtlarta and this prot+laion (b) snap sttrvtyo tarminatlan of this Car+trsct< t t?4 and (Gj if Buyer determineA In t9tryar's sole discs#on, that the Propertyls net accapiable to Buyer, Btryermst* sand this Contract i96 by datlveNng facsimile or wHttert notice of such alecfiorr to Seller prior to the eT<pinxtirxt of the /nspecilan Pvrfod !f Buyer dmety 196 cancels ihfs Dort#raat. the deposit{sJ pall Shalt bye !mr»ediateiy hstumed to Buyer; thereupon, Buyer and Setlar shat! be t+~eased of t 97 alt furuter ot+ttgatiana under this Contras; except as provided !n tries Paragraph Xll/, Unload Buyor azemiaea the right to aartaet 198 granted herein, Buyer aaaepts the Property in its present physical corXtltlon, subjoc# to arty Ylotation of gotrevnmantat, buUdirrg, 1tx3 envirarrmentat, acrd safety dodos, resfricfians ar requirements and shalt tae respansrbia far any and aN repairs and improverrran#s t t0 ra4ulnrtf'by Buyers tender; tit }tV. RIDfiRS; ADtI1=NDA; SPliC1Al CtAtlSE9; CHECK gwao ndets wnbtt appttcable AND are attached io and mad8 part of ttr~ Cuatn~et: t 12* t7 C~NDOMWIUM D VAtFHA D Ht7MEC7WtVERS' ASSN. Q LEAD-BA'aED PAIN? O tX}ASTAL CONSTRUCTION WNTROL LINE t 1 ~t* O iNMS'~t{Jt//A~TtU{N( ^ EVIDiTtdCE tJF T1Tl.E (SCtttit't Fi t7R1DA CQNTRAGTS} D Uthar tomprafxtnsiva I~ctnr Ptovisicrls D Adderx~ t t ~" i~rrrcia{ iJ~~e(y). .. . t i ;a" "116' t t T` ..__ t 18* _. t ts' t29' 12t* I22' t28' tea' t 2:i i 2& XVt. "AS tS" STANDARD& FOR REAL. ESTATE TRANSACTIONS ("A5 IS" &tandards}: Buyer ann Bolter acknowlodge reoe~t of a catty 127 nt 'AS IS° 3tartdordti A through 1 an the reverse sido or Ottaohait, which era tncprporatod a:. part of Iktis Contract. FAwHnR h51S•2x Rau area m 2000 Fuxida Ap7oCiatkur vt Rwrut~' ~+d Ttta i~ridg Par ai w;~,:s Papo 2 et 6 I'IRR-11-c"~t10 13:13 From:MRF16RQUE REALTY 5618655943 To: 18663724445 Paee:5~10 t2~ THtS 18 INTENDED TO 13H A LEGALLY 6IND1Nt"s CONTRACT. tF NOT F7.)ttY UNDERSTOOD, t29 &EEK THt? ADMCE OF AN ATTQRNEY PRIOR TO SIGNING. t3(1 TH1$ "AS tS" FORnA HAS F3EEN APPRC}vED BY THE FLORIDA ASSOGIATtOPI OF REACT{}RS° AN!] THE FLORIDA BAR. tat Approval da64 nai aortstitutu an opirtiarr that any rti the terms: and conditicxkv or das Gontrect shod txt aact:ptad by the pariie~s in a t:ta parlleular tranaaciicxf. Terms and cond(tians strcn,kt tug ne~aU2ted t~aeod upon the respective interestE, ahjartiv9s and bargaining t33 po~tlatr3 at ell uiterestAti t)ar, 134 A,N AFiTERISK;q FOI J.t~MNCi A UNE NUMBER tN THE MARGtN INDIGAT~ 'fHE LJNE CONTAINS A BLANK T;} BE COMPLETED. ~t3G• __ 13ti (BUYER} tsr iDATEj .~ ;t>ELLCR} ;t7RTEl t3F! (l3UY&Ft) 139' $uyas' address Car tvxposes of tats" {DATE) t&£LtER} tUhTE} Solt~s' address Cor purposes of na6cc ._ t41• - -~' Phaw ~ t42 BROKERS: The brokers GnGud~+sg CoaperaGr~ hrnkerS, i( Any} raarned below ere the nosy brokerw entklod to oc~ttpertvatian fn rcuuu3otlon with t 43 ihtS Contract: taa' Nana: MANGROVE REALTY iXCHANGE, INC 2.5°lo Rlverston8 Realty 14f+ Gaoperating Brokers, it any Llsting Broker FAFt/BA(t A6I&•2x FIAV. 9108 62008 FIVTiGia A8r3oCt8tlon of F~umRS+and 7hp fhxiao t3br It! Rights Rosarv~t Pd4o ~ of 8 MAR-il-2018 13:13 From:MANGROUE REALTY 5618655943 To;1t3663724445 Paae:6~18 146 "A8 I$" 6TAt,~AAD9 POR REAL EC3TATE TRANSACTIONS 1 dl A T1TI.E INSURANCE: Tito 1'itsa (;ptntnf0ngni ahBH tae iaetarxi laY a Ronda licensed title irrstuar atxaaing 10 i«suo BtMer: [Stott recording M too good to $tryar. t 48 an ovmtx"& pntrsay pf titto h~artCe try the amawt pt the pte'cttagd rxit~, insuring Flt ry¢r~ martid titkt to ttre Real Ptpp¢r1y, au~ect Dory to matters rxlruaUred i 49 in i~aragrt#att VtI and those to tao dl:art~erf by ~Rgr at d' b¢tora CI(rs+n[i. MatknlaUle title ~ ba determined aaxorditg tp t~pk:ahie T1tW .^i1Md3rd« acbPt- z b0 cxt by atahrxsy cx 7tte Florid0 ta,d in atxorci2nae wish law. F3try¢r stzaR [lave fi days from date W rec€dt~tg the T"die C.dmmitmau tp ¢rcarrtate it, and ii 011¢ fvs 151 fautd deter:live. notify S¢9er Rm wzithrg spEU~t}drrg dptaot(s} Which render fHie tg5natkat2b~. Selma shall t1~a ~ days from r¢Cd~at pt notice to r9rnavo zho 151 UaktCis, fat3Urg whkyl$uyor anon, Witllaz 5 days aft escpirstton of Old ;ill gay period, tkRver wnttErt no~;e to Spllat sfiher: (1} extondirtg tI~ tinxt for a Cea6otT z 53 able period not to tacCOed 120 days within wtttvtl ghall late difigarrt afton tta romow am¢ defects; or (2} tttgrn3«tirztt a robed pt ti¢postt(a} paid wltkdm t 6d tat to{tuned to GSrryYlr; tl Btrya' tang lp 3u rwtity Seiler, Buyer Shall 4d tk1t77xtd ip hsva froceptaJ the lilk+ as d then Is. Seller «tmeR, N tttto t3 found unmark¢taJ11e, 155 use dRlAsnt effect to WsrBpt detect(s) wNtUn the tKno prrn+'rtkad. It, after rRligent «itFOrt, SbRcr q u+,tatye to ttrraly rnrr¢ct the rJetcctg, Buyer shag either w; Na tta I56 dt~rlCtg, ur r¢ceivo a rotund r1f dt~crait{a1. ttreratry rela.~irsg t:;tyor anti $¢Iler from aft fiA'tttar obligonrns wider this CQttttaot, If Seger Is m prtavtdo Cho Titt¢ 1 fi7 t; ppnntftmatzt and R Ill d~ivcrpd to t3uy¢r lass than 5 cLaya prk7r to C~pdh tg. Buyer may+acttuyd Ctadrry~ t+p teal &rycr 1 [rave eta to b days tree r date rN rwr>r~t 15t$ in flxan~tta ramp to accgrd~lce With ttlia'A61S" Slanttard. I b9 B. PVACftA$E MONEY MORTGA46; SECUAI7Y AGREEMENT TO SEtt.ER: A purchase mmuYy mongagtt and martyt~e note to SaR¢r ci1Nt provide (ar a t 6U 3p day macs period in tiffs ev¢rd of tletaidt tl a first mrxtga<jf+ aruf a i b day grace Period if 2 terond tX td39et mortgage; shdi provide fix right of prEpaymaa 181 In wttala or ct p~ t wiltiouz panalN: shaft permit aGCdt¢rarian in event of trarrrf¢r pr the 1'tcal Pr~terry: shah rptyut8 WI ptfor tkxts anti aYCtrmbrancCS tp be kept 162 in 9pod standng: shag fprbiq trrotiifiCaROng oi, or tutus aarvancoc under, twit rrortgage(a}; shag rgqulyd t3trytar to rnatiztah poRClea of ir~trmnca cordalnlclp A ft33 Standard mpnQagoe Ckstlse Gaveling AR improvottmanta bcaled on Ihg teat Proptvty ir~aPist CYO artrf as pt'tiLn irn:Iugad wllllht the Ycrm'ext¢ndod txfN3rafJa 16d arQdrsamoamts." nrld atactr other risks and ppr~s U3 Seth may radaoneby ret~drd, v, an arnOrani r¢,yual io Urair i srstirrabla valise; and ttmo rnxte, rata 165 anq socrsity aUrtxxrscrtt arras ba oiftarMSn In intro artd tront0nt required by Sfyl¢ ,but SdICr rttny pay r¢gtdta Clau«e« acg! eavr;ta0n c:usltxrrar8y fourXl to rrmn- tfJ6 pagrx~, rrxxtgago rtotea and sactutiy a(treamonts ydndraliy tatRlzatf by savirui« and iptYi Utat+ttatitxta ttr sNrto or rlmionm tidttka located in the Cotmty wttcr{trt Urd i Col t Ffiop¢rry is k+raf ad. Alt petaatEy 1'roperry aM leases [wing Wnvttyed w assigned w1R, at Sr>fl¢r 6 u(.~lion, be sub~¢Ct to the lion of a e¢wrfly agroatn¢nt t1Yl- 108 d¢nbed by tAC+}rCf?d or ficd iirurrwirtp statemaras rx caGfioat¢a p( Utie. tt a hwkwn mongayd. tiro litre[ paymerrl vdR exCCad dmtr pariotfita payments Itt¢reoa. 169 C. $UtiVEY: Buyer, at DUyar G ¢ttpertx, witntn t~ ~tre allowed 1o d¢RWar a,+irisr>ca ut titlo and to ¢xemirta same, mat CaVO tiro R¢~rl f'roptuty sun+ey2d ;vd rxnti- 170 fie! py s r¢gtsterad Firtrfda survoyu: ti tea u~rv¢y d scfnsa« txtcroacixntYrta zx1 the Rant Popetty or [till[ u1 ~~+ro+emartte kleated ihoroort anarpdUh an s¢tbrxk 1 r1 IR1a6, eaxrnrztta, 4'trKfa of oitt¢ra of violate rrr,y rr.Faiiclion^,. Gontracf GOVanat%a gr2ppRcatilc gpv¢ryune',t v. rea~[a:irxta, the 0.'V77a Shag tatXrl4tittAa a tftki d¢fOCt. 172 p, WOOD OESTRDYtNG ORGANISMS; DELE-fED - t 73 E. INGRESS AND EGRESS: SoRtz warrants and n+n rgeenis that there is ingravc erujalraw w tn¢ R¢af f'topotty sraftit~eni for itc intended tree as desntfbed 17d in Fuagraph VII f [stool and Utkt to iho goal FhpptYty to irrstaalmla ur arSCpriJanpir with 'AS tv Standard A wiUtour fuuuaplion fpt look 01 legal right of atxaaas. 175 F, f.EASF$: S¢per shag at teatzf 10 days Upfpre 12t15u1g, ftazrish td euyor apples ai aG vnittan leases and G;tofipal tellers from aacxs tenant spadtyrny the rrattun t l& atad dtsaiton of Cho tcrtantg ptxxapattcy, ralttar rvtca, advtuxaed rent anti sagacity geiwvita ftt,4cf by ttx,ars. It Seller !« ururbt:a Its tlbtain such lettef frtxri aat~t tan- t77 am, the sacra Iniorriwtien shag be fsxrd«hcd by Select to Boyar wtrtfrm that titno p~xiud n the form of a S¢Mers atrclavit, acrd Buyer may tlmereaftor txxmtaW ttttr- f 78 aryl to corrRrrrr tsarh infornmtipn. ii ilia terms of the lea«aa rtlifar tnattRy item Seller's ttapiraRnrmiatitxra, &ry¢r may t¢rmR1a<o ittis C,ontraot by dpRvr3tlnq wT1IltM1 179 notltxa to SBRtx at try+;l b Jaya Per to Cbaing. Shcar sttaq, at CioslnA, rieRv~ arul ag~gn all arig~I leasf~ tp Boyar. t till Q, IJENS: Setter Snail iiuni«h to Buyer at lime at GlaSing an aKrdavil atlttding to the abaeaco, urtfoss atnarwiaa provitldd foc herein, of any GnbnoUtg staterrx.mt, t 8m Maims of tlmm ar Aotgrltiai tlawr;t W lawn to Saga' 2nd tUnnCr alldaiirlg tfz3t tnena na~A+ taem [a itr, jartsv¢ments Cx mtssavs to itw Reef Propady for 99 d'tya Irrvrro- 162 dtatoly prgrsd'e,g data of t;,ips+rsg. 8 file Rqa) Prtapaty ~ [wen impravsart pr r¢pairL~c! wittkrr chat time, Salter anal[ dcRvcr r¢Igodea w waNers t1f oot>rVtsCtion 10:i ions ¢twrxRed by al) g~v+rat canat7eipra, aubcotara~clra, 8uppliac a,td rrratenaRrran in 2ddawxt to Solkuza Rrrn aitldavit senlruj fprth tlx: rtatn~ Ot ail such gern 1f}d ConttaClors, tv.tboonUxiors, atsppRers and mat¢riaNmron, turtnur atfirrrrhg that au ctxugas fpr unprt>vementS or rr$ wtvch ooWd ¢trrve as a bay foe a 166 corr«trmaCNrum lidr i to a dalm for ruamar~oa havo taeerl paid ar wfll #n at tta tlpair,g of tots fitxtkgpt. 186 N, Pt.ACE 9F CLOSING: tXgsinp sh'rIt Uo ndW in the catuUy wttfl the Real Property is kacat¢d at tta Offipp pl the attrnrxiy or ntnae CI0<1ng aydrd (`C:tOSiryT 187 Aaarn'} rl~gnatod by amd {Tarty payfng ter title incuranpy, ur, R rro bite in.~taranea, dccignaltY:t tsy:;eifer. i 88 t TtME: Catondar days shell be txsnd ;n oomptfing turd p¢tiods axtxttat p¢tioctr of ks:r3 Uran six (6} days, rn wttidt Pvcrtt Sattadays. ;~attdays and stale or t~tlar t 89 al legal tallda}tc [smell ba excluded. Arty t perbds provtdod roc tt¢tetn wttitiz snag and On a Saztutiay, Sunday. pr A legs! tloGday sttaR wand to 8:09 p.rn, of Ume 190 nokt lxarJrlAas day, Time is pt the ear;ant8 in this fbrttrapf, 19 C J. CLO$tNG DOCUMENTS: SaRCr clay ituniatl Uta dead. t~l at Sale, clutiRCate pI tikla. carotrucf,on lion aiii[iat~it, o4mrmrn'~ poV+seJ,tiort attKiavit. arvrrarda of ioo:3- m92 ea, tenant and mortfjaxgeo ootpppel l¢Iltsta curd cntt¢iRtve kt~rum0nt3. Buyer fumtFft mortgage. n1(xtl note, setxaiity ~rfaenrortt and fvuartcsmg statamrtts. 1S;} K. EXPENSES; doaurlCntluy scamps on the tltxtf and r13CprGng ~ ccrrrrcdlv8 inatnttrttad,r sltail b¢ paid by SaR¢r. A3 oasts of BVYdr y Bart (tvttettsrr potaKrod f 9~t from ti¢ll¢r or third panyy, . Gttt rxal furwt¢d to, dnct>m¢ntary starly?d fund irttangtbga lax Cr7 ttrc purLtrfW¢ nttrrtait rrtortgege and arty mortgxj¢ aastutldd. tldb a1t}i`:Qagea ttlW inia.,rarlco carta181n1ertt with related few, artd +DCtupialg of purciusa money morkgog¢, deed and ftrtancin0 sit'drxttr:trta attlul be paid by t#t1>3r: 196 tiMcrs othera4sd prpvidod by taw or rkix tp ihlrl Contract, rlmarp¢s fa rclatati Wua6zg sae, tiNa >taarch. and cfpa»•~ teas {ndudRl9 preparatiotr of do 197 s#otamoni), shag bo pakf ny tn¢ party rpSPwzstbta far ftctrlstrirzff ins tiUC CYidonce in sccortfancn wile Paragraph V 108 t_ PRORASiONS; CREDITS: Yaxes~ assesemeMa, ram, hni¢rdat, irtstrtartce and pttt¢r u7 W ttt¢ Ropariy F ba prpfated ttvpt{1h the day bpfgnl Ckasirlp. t99 E'laY+>'' ans11 tx~ the option of takRmp river tadro~ pot:oi¢a of h,surarcat, ii aunallla. in which evara prrntitarns stall bo prtrated. Gast[ at Ctosirrp shall b0 2901 nraeased or dectgas¢tl as rcutty ba r¢ytreed try ptora.td"ra io bn rrtad¢ irxargn tksy prbr to Glosirm, nr ooaupartcy, q d00UparlCy occurs bAfoua Ck>Eirtg Advaruu>r 201 tent arrcf saasortv dapoaits wm be credited to Ekry?r. Eosxow detwails t1Pkf by rnrxtpapea will bo tyedRed to Seller. Thx65 Ea1aU bo prorated [;rased on the drr¢rrt 202 Yr-~'b tau with dire aRia'Nar1Ce ttkme for rtrtaxlrr.~ff s rruarabto C>ftiC9Uiil, ttatrtestea':i atxi ptt>or raxertlptions, R t'~dng 6oatua at a data erode Ilww atrrrara ya>r8 rMh n age re cal ftx¢d and ewrorN yaar'« axpdatnenk is ava?trld> taraea wdR tw prpratad based [Dan atxn assossnmtxlt told tx~ y¢er1C tniliag¢. If oturons yCbrSi as~~~~- 2t}4 rrrent is not avaRat4e. titan texas w9R t58 prorated cur prtoryear~ tax. tf [twos era conmpi¢tad §mtpovixmttulltd on the Rest F'roparfy dy.iarluary tot Of year of Gbstrq. 20.5 tvtfch irnprpvenmer,ts were nr~ in q1 January 1st tai ptfor Y¢aa: than taaugd dt,al tae prorated G82¢U t~On Dom' y¢fa~ nullage and of an frgtsititbto a~wa- 7ttti merit tti ba egtraad t>pW1 betNroott tfle patios; feifirtp wnidr, ~ atraR be made to ohs County larapaty Appr&3ar fa an tnfanretf aoeo~mert[ tpWrrg Yrtd 207 sdatuazt triJatlat5te Hxernptians. A tax prorattort based on of l eat4rtats stwlt. at raquod of ¢i[ts¢r party, bo roatipastgd tree[[ rocawt pf pal r¢rzt yetarm tax 118. 20B M, {At:3ERVED - ptarposety Celt rank} 2u9 hl. tN&PECTION AND AFFAIR: DELETED 2t0 0, RISK OF I.C3.9: if. a7lpr the ERet'~ive t'lata foe Proptxti h: ddmePed by Rya ar outer castseJty ("Cttataalty t.ossry tlnforo t3t>ring ot~ peat cd resiaatipn (wngh 211 olw6 blqutfe !ne cost of pntttin(f or romovirrg ddtraaped tte6g} deea rat oxrasct 1.69G of tea Ritchase Pdoa, rxast tat r~tir:totian shag be an obil~ian of SaDar and 211 fYpgirty alzatl proceed purtaaartt to the tams ~ tnt5 CtNSirdd, and if rR~;;lptaiicat is not cmtaleted a« cst f,~oa:-G, reatoratlon costa wRl be alc~wod at r;2OStnp. 8 Ym3 the pWi a ra.toraUfxm ftxtaeedS I.5'Yo of the Ptat~te^.,d Eticro. C3uy0r shall ¢tttter fate[ Ina F'rc~sttrty a^, t;~ teg¢Utar wish ttze i.ttS4r qr rcoehAS a rofur%f oC degas[[;r~ 2 t d tneroby +akgaing Brryer and fiwRer trptrr all furttusr obigatians tutekr tole Contract. S¢Rarb seta obitg2ttCrn with trvpoOt tp treks tfarrrage by casrritty pr ottrot naty- 215 rat aCCUmerice shell bo the post cr( prurdng W ral170ve1. '11 fj P. GLOSINi3 PR()CFDUAE: The load shall ho racoideu opals d¢araru;a of b,nM,. if tkra thld agdrrt instates advance mpit¢rt+ ptuauartt Ity ;ieclbn 627.7Adt, 217 F.S., l~ aurletxftd. the a3erpw and cinslntf prooCdwo rdqulraq by U>ts "AS i5" Standard attf~i tae watvad. Unkasa waived ao act felt[[ above the followN~t f•ARlAAR ASIS-2x fiav. 2/00 sa 2QU$ Ffaiciu ASapCiatbtl of FtFnamrxr«° and Ttra hiprikfa Bar All Ftignts R¢tarNld Pagrp 4 4f 3 t1fiR-11-2010 13:14 From:tlAt"~Rt7UE REALTY 561;3655943 Ta:1$563724445 Paae:7'10 218 219 7?p 221 ?2'1 223 ~?d ?3.6 226 22T 228 229 2:ttt Gat 2a7 2:t3 23A 2;~,ti 236 237 238 2~A 3a0 '1,41 242 `14:5 244 245 2413 247 248 2a#t 250 251 252 2.53 1;M14 255 2Sti 2s7 258 25!1 2E3U 2Fy1 2&3 p~ .~bti 286 2E37 2F}tS 2ti9 2713 27t 272 era "AS {S'r STANDARtSS FOR REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIOPt$ {CONTINUED) Clasirtg Qrooodurxys Styap apply. {t} a(I dosing prru:aetls r#rall txt treid Ry asCrtaw by the C.:tcxltrrg Agast (ur a period o(nrN more USari 5 ct<iys attar Gfastng; (2} N Seller v !ilia kt tvrxlemd unrrSeAsdtabte, ttraagtt no fault of Btryer. Buyror'. within the 5 stay parts!, rwtiry SuAer in wrttfrrg of the datxt ortid S4Mer ~ trava 30 hays from date of rtatreipt of BtiClt noUflCtttkln (a Cum ttro dates,:[, t3} tl SaIWr fats td timoy ewe !tat dstaat, an ttepoalta and d~mg ttayds shat. utwry written damarsd by t3uyar and within & days attrs detrtatul, be teturnad t0 Buyer acrd. strrNr11An6altsty wRh such rapayrnank, L3tryer Shall natum the Peraonpl Pro[reny. vacara the Rent Wroparty mrd racnryvey the ProQtriy to Saner by sQacial warranty dead mid pll al ysakt« r~ {4} t(t;uyae tails to nyaka tinieiy tietturxi far !!"land, Buyer shall take 1Rky as is, waiving all rights against SEdtor ac to any irRarvarying dafaat artcept my may be avatiobb to Buyer try vtntra W wet tzutUes durHaarett in the tba9q su br3t N cats. Q. ESt"RO+N: fury Gbeing Agent ar rwGtYnr±t {Calte4aivety "Agwtt`} rac~vitlA ftntda ar equkaiertt is authorizer! and agrttt:^r blr:tcoaptariCa Cfth~m to deposit !Herr: promptly, tyrrld lama In pSagw and, rx~Giact to cleararthn, distrrrx Uti. ~ r ur aCCOrdanra vrith tamp and aurrttitiays N ttrtc C.;rHract Faik,re ul Ands to dear strati ntrt esm.wo Buyprg pertorm9rtica. tf in rbubt ar. to Arjetttg dutlag t>< ~ .: as wnTHr Ure provisions of Utl9 CarHnsCr, Agent may, ai Agarrrt S aptlm, tryn- tinuo to !raid tha suby,gt matter of rim attanw txrtt the Qtukiea harato apron to its da^braatttnerrt or real a judgrsrant ui a spurt N cornpnttuit iuicdictk>,t dNil C7HttCtt4na !tip rk~tlta of !tie Qartraa, tN Agarrt rrray depasR snrna witty th0 CIa'k Ut the d1tCWt scut!! traVing jllr19d14%Itar tti ttte dtsptttfl. Art attotrKry urtq tt3j#$SantR a Party rtnrl AI6C etc ~ Aperd rtray ralxeseM stroll party try such rrntton. Upon ntHiying aN padies rrarraernod N such w.ikxy, alt ' on the t~ at Aunt oral tally ~rmhyate, axcaQt to fha tatierrt N tuCauntirtg for arty item, Qrti~u5ay delivered orn M escrow. tt o taya+taed real astata taroker, Agw'a wit orxrsQy with prrrvlsinrm td Chapter a 75. F S., as arnEnded, l+r1y sutl between ©tryar and SdFX wt+tv~tr Agent 4~ nyarur a pang bemuse ut aWiig as Agani tiareundty, a nt arrr suit wttarain Agar,! interpitwds the suajaat matter ttt are csanw, f~ raoervar rexnnabtn atrar+sy+;a teas anci txasln intatrred wRh ttrCSO anyoutis to ba Qeid from :uyd Cut of #ra asr;:ruwad funds t'a' aquivakxrt turd rNtatged and awtirdad as rxatut tkkils in favdr W the ptavalktp party. Ttta Agont sfk7ll ttpt be labts to tYrtt+ party w Q6rsdn tat tteadeiiYery to &.rybY or Statw G$ items su}stacl l0 rho osarrfv, mess suds misdelivery b due to wi8tul txaoatr at 1M t7~+ieJona d If tis t;~utu~t or gross nagGpanao N AQa1t. R. ATt'OFMIEY,S PEES; COST'S: hr arty hligaUon, Inckudrrg ixatrgt, enfm'Ctxturnt M ir+ituptiataUtut, r0 out N this Crxytract, rho pravdling petty k14+ad~r tith gaikxt, wtyrch, lac purposes Ot this "A3 iS` Standard, shalt itralude Selkt , Fstryer er}d any brokers k1 apE3rtay a nanatlCnCy nltattonsNps authgrl2ad by Ctraptw 47b. F.S.. es amandfld, shalt be CNitlatJ to raaaver tram the nmt~QrBvriilkrg Party rflaSanat>Ee aaCmay`a Iaecb Costs arY1 asrparq~. S. FAILt1AE CP PERFORMANCE: H Buyer faits to partgm fhb Canlratq ti+lUvey ttya tky~ rpaCifiad, input$ng paymara nt al dcpovils. trga deposR{s) Qari by C3uyar at,si tlepr~Itt:~ agn+ed to ba t~+d may bo ttbppvatsd acrd retrtirwtl by and to U're account of SflYry as agracd tiyradeted darrtapeR, agnsidWCt«xr (a Its tstrxxttipn Of IhiS Contrat:i mist iti ft~ xitlamant Ot arry ttairn5; wttatou{aan, Buyor and t3tilWr snail bC ralkrrod vi alt obiigstians uKAa` itris CatGtrwt; or uddor, d Sdirx4r nplkJn, may Wtrar~t In equity is arNnrco Seler s rtgMS under tws Contras. It tar ary reason Niter than fadrrrrt rrt Baler to make Saltx's tilts rru'rr• katatua alter dbgmyt allpn, aelbar faits, ilepfaatL at ra(cdeb to Qerfarm thtg CararaCt, B1ry(tt IrkRy Staek at5aaifM, paiormmlce tx Great ffl rat:nt+la the 1jturn OC Buyat's detxrslt{s} wA ihareby wralvhyg Eery saUon fnr damages t»svAbsy Irom SaIlar$ bresch. T. CONTRACT NOT RECOROAeI.E; PERSONS Btx1NO: NO71CE; OOPIE$: NaRtrCr trig CurRrmd nor arrv ncu of h stuyU ae recotdod to arty Qubtia tucwds~ miss Cunlract sttn0 hIM end inurcr to uta tretrofR at the partitx: cud their str~sars ]n iMaresi. YtAlerrevt~ the acrttaxt permits. sinpu4v shalt irychrda Qkral aru! one gerdw slyatl ktc#xIa al. tkslis,~e and delvery t by ar to ltye atttrmey nr broker tolxosanUng any Parry steal by ac aftaactivo ay it given by or ra tryst Pmt1+. fd natirr~, meal be in wrtlkig and may ha n><vda b`/ rna0. personal delivery Cr obcironip ntadia A ttiQthk+ (aoaimllo ar otoottarit; {induding "pdt~ cropy N CantraN and ary slgnsturps treroan arts! be aonslrkrad tar alt ptupaiuas as an ortptnat. U. CONV6YANCE::~ciler sttpl arN1VeY marketable Utle to the Reel t'toQarty try Srattaory warranty, tnastacrtr, Qaaonat raproosxvnUve~, or guerdtank aced, as approprtato to Ula status tsf Spar, CubJect aey to matters cnnlained ky P.vagraQtt VII and thnSe 4lrterwisa aoaepted lay Buyer PerrvN~ Nraporty steal, at the roquott of Buys, bo transtgrred b4' an atktuktta ~ N seta yvttti wmmnty of title, sutr}ect cNy to furcly nyattara mt may tra NhtYwiea prrraidad for tyerein. Y. OTHER A4REEM@NTS: No prLx ar preset!! ag+tia5rr>eryta tx raprnat>rrtaUtxts dkNi pry tarWing !gap r Btryrer or Scikx tvtlasa Rrduded N ihtg CCntract Nn rrwd- 1iCation w ar dyarga hthis Cssntradt styal lx vptd or birWing irprn the pantca untaaa in wrtUng and ex6autad by the Qtutias Iniatxled tb ba bound try R. w. SHLLER D1SCL08UREr {1y Ttyera are rro !soya laroval to SWktr mate~ly a(teat~ig the vt tyre tfiapany wtrkh eta net miry absavabto by Buyer or which have ntx bast diaclused to Bttyflr, (?j 5eJtor eattanda and Jntersds no warranty and rriaket: na r>9presentadon of any type, rrJdrer azprsGC or FmpJiad, d9 to the phystcai CondJdan or hJatory of the Pmparty; (3) 3oAar has racahred no written o- trerb~ rrahco from any govarrtmenfat entity a agency as to a cumamy vrtcorrocted building, erxrJrenmerttaJ sarsaf~ty coda viotadan; (at t3elfar has rro knowledge of any repairs or lmprovarrtartis matte to dnt Proporty wJthatrt canpitanae with gowmrrrantaJ rogutadon which have not boon dJsckasad to t3uyac X. PROPERTY tr1A1NTk'nANCE: PROPF_RfY ACCF~S; ASSiGNMEt+tT OF CONTRACTS AND WARRAWTIt:S: Saner shat meHnta'vr rho Prr+P~1Y. hrduding, but net limited to laWrt, ctwbbory, land Qpul in the t:orydiUon tl~ tm d EftoclMFl Qale, ordinary wgar and tsar and t.escraRy !..ass orraapied. ~venar ahaR, upat ~..anatala r'kriica, ptavlda uUntiaS sar»co aru;J aucress to ttur Prape+ty for apprtusat and Instier:ikura, RyCkx.Ur>n a walk-Uvough Pdor ~ . to aonrvm that all Rams of Patsanai Prtyptvty can ~ rtes Reel PraQany and th"gt ttxr Propt~ty rtes bean rrwintrxtteai aw ro14irW try Utis'AS L~~ ~i. SoOcr wil assiQry ~I esalgrwMa repair traatrnent contranta text wtmrntie;t to Buyer at CJr56ir5r~, Y. Y 431 E3CCiiANCiE tI eikher Soliw nr 9uym wilt to anlar ktito a Nkr-kind exatranga {yittllst sknuRananua witn Ck+sittg ar tktlerratQ Ndih respart tC rtes Property a War Section i !381 N tiro ht[arrtat Ptevenuo Gxie t~F~"}, uur other party sF~n traapGfa/n 6i aA reasonable respects to dtactuatn tn~ FsutrangC. in0ttrd- Ing rtes ezr3adion N daaurxtnts; proved (1) IhC gooptralYtg Qruty span IlNrur rya GatrtSity Ur ttx(5atssa renmCd in the Fxahr~a mxt {1') lire Cbsinp sisan not tXr aaria>garyt upon. racy axtondod Cr daiay+td by, tR,rGh Exdxutgc. Z BUYER WAIVER OF CLAIMS:13vyer waNas any claims against &aNarand, to the tzxtartt perarrt#ad 6y taw, against any rrtat estate Jiaensee invaivad to rho nagotiatiort of the Conoract, far any defects car other damage drat may exist at ClasinQ of the Gxsfraet and ba atrbsortuentJy discotrar'od by rho l3uyar or enyorta elahni»g by. through, uederoragatrrrt the r3ayor: FARIBAR A$IS-$>c f~Y, 2l0a W 2ttp8 Fttskki Asaoda[lon nY FiFatirgp;' and ttNl Flatida Flay Ali Aiphta Rsaatrod Paga $ at 8 -, r .«; s r ~. MAR-ii-2010 13:iS From:htRNCaRGVE REALTY 56186x5943 To: 18663?24445 Paee:8~10 Hor~lEOw~u~as~ assoclanoNtcoMt~uNr;T,r olscu'isuRE Buyer's Inkltils -Seller's initials: N to ba made a part of the Contract. IF THE DISCLOSURE SUMMARY REQUIRED BY CHAPTER 720, FLORIDA S'T`ATUTES, HAS NOT SEEN PROVIDED TO THE PROSPECTIVE PURCHASER BEFORE EXECUTINt3 THIS CONTRACT FOR SALE, THIS CONTRACT t VQIDABLE BY BUYER BY DELIVERING TO SELLER OR SELLER`S AGENT OR REPRESENTATfVE WRITTEN NOTICE OF THE BUYER"S INTENTION TO CANGEi. WITHIN 3 DAYS AFTER RECEIPT OF THE DtSGt.O$URE SUMMARY OR PRIOR TO CLOSING, WHECHEVER OCCURS FTR$T, ANY Pt1RPORTEO WAtYER OF THIS VQ1DA$IL1TY Rt{iHT HAS NO EFFECT: BUYER'S RIC3HT TO VOID THIS CONTRACT SHAI.C TERMINATE AT CLOSING. BUYER SHOULD NOT EXECUTE THtB CONTRACT UNTIL BUYER HAS RECEIVED AND REAP 7Ht8 DISCLOSURE. C'"isclosure 8u+rnr~ry For .... t1~ ~ ~{~C'~-~ _..._ (N~t1o of Commwu#y) i. A5 A ttUYFJ:i OF PROPERTY iN THIS COMMUNITY, YOU Wlt i.. BE OBLIGATED Tt1 BE A MEMBER OF A HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCt• AVON (°A^aSOCIATION''). 2, THERE HnVE BEEN OR WILL BF RECORDED RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS ("COVENANTS"} C,OVERNING THE USE AND flC{;t}- PANCY UE PROPERTIES IN THIS COMMUNITY, y~ 3. YOU W1LL 6E OBLIGATED TO PAY ASSESSML7'#T5 TO THE fyS~ CIATION. ASSESS N'1,rs MAY BE SUBJECT TO PERIODIC CHANGE. IF APPUCAE3LE, I'HE OURRENT AMOUNT iS $ F'FR ~(~• ,YOU WILL ALSO RE OBLIGATED TO PAY ANY SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS IMPOSED k#Y THE THE ASS(A #CJN. SUCH SPECIAL ASSt=SuMENTS MAY BE SUB,lC-OT TO Cl•IANGE. IF r1PPLICABLE, THE CURREN i AMOUNT IS $ PER .e--~, 4. YOU MAY 8E OBLtGATEt3 TO PAY SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS TO THE RESPECTIVE MUNICIPALITY, COUNTY, OR SPECIAL DIS TR1GT. ALL ASSESSMENTS ARE SUBJICI' TO PERIODIC CHANGE. 5. YOUR F1tt[_k,fRE TO #5AY SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS OR ASSESSMENTS LEVIED RY A MANDATORY HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION OOULD RESULT IN A LIEN ON YOUR PROPERTY. 6. THERE MAY I3l AN OBLIGATION TO PAY RENT OR LANIJ USE FEES FOR REOREAT-ONAL OR OTHER COMMONLY USEO FACILh 11E5 AS AN 08i,1G,'14TION OE Ml:MBERSHiP !N THG HOMEOWNERS' AS50CIATION. IF APPLICABLE, THE CURRENT AMOUNT IS $,~, Cy~ PER .....--. 7. THE bF.VF,LflPL-Ft MAY HAVE THE RIGHT TO AMENt] THE RL°5-CRtCT1VE COVENA1fffS WITHOi.fT THE APPROVAL {~= THE AS,90CIATION MEMB[~iSHIP OR THt APPROVAL OF THE PARCEL OWNERS, s. THE STATEMENTS CONTAINED IN 'f?iIS DISCLOSURE FORM ARE ONLY SUMMAf~Y IN NATURE. AND. AS A PROSPECTIVE PURCHASER, YOU SHOULD REFER TO T!-IE COVENANTS AND THE ASSOGIAT#ON GOVERNING DOCUMENTS BEFORE PUR- OHASING PROPERTY. 9. THF.SF i70CUMENTS ARE EffHER MATTERS OF i'UFiIJC RECORD AND CAN BE OBTAINED FROM THE HE,CORO OFFICE IN THE COUrtr'r wHERE THE PROPERTY Is LOCATED. OR ARE NOT RECORU6t~ AND CAN BE OF3TAINED FROM THE DEVELOPER. BUYER Cate BUYER _.. _ Date FOCR-A R+w. 710G ct 29C~ FwrOO Au'wtt~iBlign at:4" 9rxf 1'ta~ a Ap Apnu tgnryd Pam ,~ of Goanan++ FtWyr fi #ho FARBAR Conhaet for bale end PtaCMaa 2'hia 8#tCw~s'e i~ S3ceased LO jRlChsrd Y~rCCbio - Ropl ty AeaOCStIL6s PL Prap. J w~+. Cz'ett6eCC oad4alc, CCm. it Inlt}aled by SII pa#tl&&, the clause below wig be itxptxated into tho FARJBAR Contract for Sale and Purohase between _.. _. (Seller) cn:xx~rna-~I Ins Property describod ~ 3 t I'3 S- ~ tkorxb ply r A y ~ ~~r.~ hlRR-11-2010 13:15 From:t'IRN6ROt~ REALTY 5618655943 To:iB66372QQQ5 Paee:9~10 'z..---+--. ~ vs~ ~ ~4~+ _ ~ e A ~7N E ~4.~'(, . ~. ~~r hha WYI ~ ~ i r ~ ~ ~ i a, ~~ ~ ~ t A }_.. [. ~~b~x `YO C t R ~e..ka.. '~' #~~.J....+~x'i .~~ _a~~.tii~w. .» ~ .. ,5 .... . The following provtstorts ar4 made a part of the Contract for Bale and Purchase or Residential Sale and Purchase Contract between ___ ... {Ballet} and . CITY OF TaFt..itAY BEACIT ,[Buyer} concerning the Proporty located at ~ i3g f! LnncewoodPl, DELRAY RL+ACH, FL 33445 i. Buyer, at Boyar's 9xpense, may Crave a qualified prafessionat conduct an inspection of tt~ Property tot mold within 7 days from the Efteetive Date {"Mold Inspection Poriod"~. 2. Boyar shall be responsible for prompt payment for such inspections and ropair of damage to and restoration of the Property r0sulting from such inspactlons, This provision shall survive termination of the Contract. 3. !n the event the mold inspection reveals a significant presence of mold In the Property, which requires ptofessionafs to eemove the maid, at a tx>st winch exceeds ;~ ... ! e0.'~, Buyer may eartoei the Contract by delivering written rMiGCe of such election no }star than 48 hours after Cxpiration Or the Maid lnSpectien Period. H Buyer timely Cancels the Contract, the deposits paid shall ba immediately resumed t0 Buyer and Boyar and Seller shall t!e released #rom further obligations under the Contract, exoept as provided in subparagraph ~ atxtve. 4. tf Boyar fails to conduct th9 inspection permitted In this Paragraph or having conducting such Inspec#lons, tails to timely notify the Seller of Buyer's intent to Cartcei this Contract pr If the ttrcid inspection dqe& net reveal signlftCant pro52nCe of mold in the Property whit requires professlanal remadiation to removo the mold, et a Cost which exceeds the sum specified in Paragraph 3 above, 8uyer3 may not terminate this Contract pursuant to this Addendum. 5eiler:~, _. j DatB:...e (n~nrdwo} (pdM} Selier:_ . / tsipnalurei ii~t} Buyer: ! _ _ _ . _ l4~1f>iture) ~ lpriM} Buyer:... .. t _. ... .- tc~gnatu~v) IDr1M3 Date: Date: Dete:~._,_ MtRG•t pOV. telOF i9 2ti02 !°icAda /u;a0clation of Rratruaytp Aq AIgM~ Rl:acnt~! MAR-11-2010 13:16 From:t'IANGRDUE RERLTY 5618655943 To:1r~63724445 Paee:10~10 , ~~~~GnnS~'~iNa r v, r y~r . ,I + p s. +y'af~~1'i~~ ~t~ r f Tl,e following provisions are made parr of If,e Contract for Sale acid Purchase or fiesidential Sale and Purchase Cornract between and THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH _ (seuer~ (buyer} ConCeming the Properly kx:aled at t 135 E Lancewood PI, OELRAY BEACH, FL 33448 Chlnese/DeteCtlve Drywall: During rite time Florida wa, experiencing building rrralerial shortages, some homes were bust or renovated using detertive drywall imported from Or manufactured G+ China. Detective drywall reportedly emits IavElIS of suitor, methane 2nd/or other volatile organic compound3 That cause Corrosion of air conditioner and refrigerator coils, Copper tubing, clcctricol wiring, c~rnputer wiring and other household items as well as create noxious odors which rc~ly also pose health risks. f .Seller's Knowledge: Except as Indicated below, Seller has no knowledge of the presence of Chinese/detective drywall or of any records or reports pertaining to Chinese/defective drywall affecting the Property: (describe all lutowlt ChinesFJdefective drywall Information and list all available documents pertaining to Chinege/dafective drywall and provide documents, it any, to Buyer before accepting Buyer's oiler) 2 Chingse/Defectlve Drywall Inspection: (CIrEx~t One) 0 Buyer waives the opportunity to Conduct a risk assessment or Inspection for the presence qt Chinesfl/defeCtNe diyWall and accepts the drywall in the Property In its existing Condition. ® buyer, at buyer's expense, may have a home inspector, licensed contractor or other licensed protestional (ii required by law) to conduct en inspet,Kiun or risk assessment of the Property for the presence of Cttinese/defectiva drywBA within ?_ ._ days from the Effective Uate ("Drywall Inspection Period"), Buyer shall he respor~ible for prompt payment for such inslx~Ctions and repair all gamages to the Pr011ririy resulting from the inspootions. K the inspection w risk assessment reveals the presence of Chlnesa/dafur;tive drywall or reveals damage to the Property resuting from the defective drywrill and the cost to rerrtove/replace the defective drywall or damage resulting from the defective drywall exCetrds $ ($500 if left blank}, Buyer may cancel the Cantr2Cl by giving written rrotlCa to the Seller within 3 days tram I he end of the Drywall Enspection Perirx! and receive a refund of tiro deposit. ff Buyer fail9 to carre:el timely or tail, to ca~duCl the Inspections permitted in this paragraph, Buyer may not temtlnate this Contract purrrttant to this Addendum. 3. 1+rofe55fonal Advice: Buyer acknowlerfpes that all representations about Chinrlse/defective drywall by Broker are based on Seller representations and that Broker has not oonducled Nny independent inve„Mlgations to verify the accureoy pr completeness of the information, Buyer egree.~ to rely solely on Seller, professional inspectors, governmental agencies Or any third parties retained by the Buyer regarding any issue related to Chinese/defedlve drywall. Date Seller Date Date Seller Buyer D21e Buyer CDA- I 6/09 ®2009 Florida Asscx:iation of Reattors°' All Rights Reserved inn, Kimberly From: Wynn, Kimberly Sent: Monday, March 08, 2010 10:47 AM To: Mesidart, Ferline Subject: RE: Addresses far Ad You are quick! I was actually in the process of composing an e-mail. Please see below far the Resolution Nas. assigned for each property which will have to be entered into MuniAgenda separately. From: Mesidort, Ferline Sent: Monday, March 08, 2010 10:42 AM To: Wynn, Kimberly Subject: Addresses for Ad Per your request, 216 SE 1~t Avenue 33444 • TOWN OF DELRAY h150 FT OF S 300 FT OF E 1/2 OF BLK 71 2187 Darson 1Nay 33445 DELRAY SHORES LT 1 BLK 4 3740 Lancewaod Place 33445 • SABAL LAKES PH 1 LT 2 BLK 4 1135 E. Lancewood Place 33445 SABAL LAKES PH 2 LT 70 BLK 1 Let me know if you need anything else0 Ferline F. Mesidart, C.D. Specialist City of Delray Beach Neighborhood Services 100 NW 1st Avenue Delray Beach, FL 33444 Office: {561) 243-7236 Fax: {561 ~ 243-7221 "Small deeds done are 6e#fer #han grea# deeds planned. " Pe#er Marshall $199,900 {Resolution No. g9.1q) $139,000 {Resolution No. 1q-1qj $135,000 (Resolution Na.11.1q) $195,000 {Resolution No. 12-1q~ i THIS FORM HAS SEEN APPROVE[) SY THE FLQRIOA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS° AND THE FLeYRIt'fA SQH PARTIES:. _. _ _ _... .___-- ("Seller"), and THE CITV f3F QEL EAC ~ _ .. _ ("r~,yar"), hereby agrco that Salter stuill ywil and [ruyar shah buy the foliawi+tg dascrihed Real Property and Pa satai Property (cailkxwtivniy 'Property') pursuant to the forms and xittditians of this Ganiraet for Salc and Purchase and any rirlars and addERda ("Contract"); I. CtESCRiPTItJN: (2•) t_egal description of the Red Prc;perty Irx:atad In PALM BEACN County. Flanda: T.k?~ Id.. t~eali t : .2,42~6'f 216001DTQ,Q .._-- -.-- (b) Stmet address, city, zip, of the Property: 1135E .,anpewaod Pl. D~~ AY $6AOH, FL 33445 (cy 4'ersnnnl Propany indutlcc cxL~ting range(s), rrttrir~aratot'(s}, diShwl;rher{A), ;.waiting fan{s), lis~ht fpcture{s}, and window treahllHtt(9} nnlw7sa speclffnalty axciudad kelaw, Clthl;rttems includ~t arc: ..-. ._ .._,-- 9 t0 tt" t2• 13' t~" (tams of personal Progeny (ahd leased items, if awry? excluded are: t,~i* II. PURCHASE PRICE (t),S. currency} : . . ........ . .. . . . . . . . ........................ . . . . .... . . . ... S 1 m f[d0.00 16 PAYMENT: t7• 19' tN` 20' ?t` 12 23' ~q 25 26' 27 223 29 :tt1 3i 9?' 33" ;14• 35` :l~t• 37 'iH $g 4t1 4t *12 d3 A4 *t5 4G d7 4f3 n~ `~ 51' ~2• 58' S4 uJ~ Sty" 57* 5H' 59 ~q ~1` fa} f~upoart r~iu in e:+crow by~_ ___( Escrow Aesnt") in tFxa grrxrunt of tchctks ;itd~jy4i to clearance} $ 2.OO,q,00 E:sc:~ow Ayerrt9 address: F'hcu tEr: ... _. !t~} Addi[rJrtal e:a:ruw tteposit to ba rriada tp Fsr.:rpw A;ictt[ within ~j},__ days after ENarfiva Gate in the aiiiour7l ul. , ... , , , , , $ 15 hnn,pq {c} Finsnc~ttg ai tho arrrount of ['Loan Amount"} sr~ Psr"graph IV U9IUv+ .. . .. . . . . ................................. $T n hn (a} Eiak'tnoo to ekrrEi ay cash, wire transfer pr l,IrCALLY DNAWN caahier's or odlelal bank rneck(e}, rubject to :xliuYtrnarity rx proratl9n6,~~ ............................................................... ............. ~ ia~x non nn nt, TIME FOR ACCEPTANCE OF DFFER ANp COUNTEROFFERS; EFFECTIVE: DATE; (a) H fYds offer is net axaGUted by a+td deliverp[t to all patties OR FACT f,~F E}CECUTION cnmmunfratad in writing bcriveen the parties 4n nr before _, ,the deposit(s) wit), at BuYar~ option, he rt3tttnted and this offer withdrawn, Unless other. wise stated, the timU for sCO~pfanCe of any Counteroffers shall he 2 days frown the date the counteroffer is deliv6r~d, tb) 't'he data of Gantract ("Effccttve Data'") wig ba the data when thn last one of the Buyer and Shier has slpned or initialed [his offer Ur the finaf aountervtler. tt sr+ch data is not othCnNtGa sat forth kr this C;4ntraat, then the "Effective Dale" shall be the date determined above for act~ptutco of this offer or, N applicable, the fins! oaunteroffer. IU l^fNANCING: cd (a) lltis is 8 cav^h transaction with no contlr>f}enoies fqr tinaneing; ^ roJ'mly Canuaat is sr7xdingent an Buyer abtairdng written loan Carnrrtitrrtt3ttt 4Ntlelt conrums ruttiCrwlilirtQ ban approvHl par a ban to purdtt~ the Ptt>pErty ("Loan Approval's within _ days ('rf blank, than 3(} days) sitter Effective Date ("Loan Approval Data") for (GHEC'~K GNLY nNF}: u a fixed; O art atljuytable; +x 9 a fixed or arfjtrstabta rate ban, in Etta Loam Arrrouit (°it~fr Paragraph IL{c}} at ar+ initgl interest rasa not to exceed 4"0, and fur a term of yeas:. 8vyar will stake 9pp~xition within _ days: (if f~arrk, then 5 day9) of ter Ettrtr:tive Pate, Bt1YF~f: f?~ryar shat use roa~rtable diligence tor: rsbtatn Lean Approval; rwtify Seller in writing of receipt of Loan Approval try Wan Apprcrval pate; sa~fy tcmt, of the Loan Approval; and cbsa the fawn. Lean Appravel which rFquirss a cnndltlon re4~tnd in [tie note of other prtrpr3rty shall ruat be daemrxl Lrkvt Appoval for put~as of Ibis suhparagr2ph, E'uyer shall pay all ban axpeu9as, kiuYx atAhatzes the marigago broker(s) artd lendr~js) to disclose information ragatdirtr3 uie svnditions, status, end progress of bN1 Application atd Loot Afrprfival to Saflnr, Batters attorney, teal estate 1it;^er>,srlA(5), and Gbstng Agern. SELLER: if Buyer does not dsliver to Seller written notice of Login Appmvai by I.aan Appttrral DetC, Seer truay thereafter aarrcri this GonVact by delivering written notice ("Seller's Genediation tYotice") to &ayer, but not later than revert (7}days prior to 4doshig, Seibr's Gancallatlort tdati(:C gall rrgtity buyer that Buyr3r has [hope (3) days to daivUr to SaGer written nratictz waamird tltts Financing C~tinyetts,y, ar the Gtxrtrac# sha8 he r,ancelleef. DEPOSff (S) (for purposes of this Fnancing Parkrgraph iV(fs) Doty): !f f3tty€r t4?g rho ra~t~tnabte dirgCr,x twi does not obtain Lnan Approval by L[iart Approval Oats, and thereafter edhtcr party elects Eo esrx:et this Contract, the depo:~t(s} shall be returned to Efuyer, ft Biry9r obtains Loch Approval or waivr~ this Financing cantirtryrrtcy, and `i'ferCaftOr the Gantr9ct does rxrt c~tsa, than tite deposit(s) ,hall t>F! paid to Seller, provider[ how- ever if tl~ failure to ciostr is ctus to; ~} Seller'a f3furo or reftrsal la close or Soler olttanvlse fortis to mrx:t ihr3 tenrts of the Cafttr9si, ar (i~ 8uyer5 lender faits tp recci+ra and approve art appraisal of thg property in an 4maunt sufficient to ntiest tttrr tarrrts of the Loan Approval, thou the dapa9il(s}shay tx+ r£urmr:d to Buyer. u (c} Asstrmptian aF exiting mortgage (see ridAr for [amts}; or CI (d) Purchase money note and mortgage to Salter' (9G•es "As Is" Stanctvds B azrd K and rrdera; addenda; tx specie[ claus9s for tsmts). V. TITLE EVIDENCE: At leant -_ da}y' (il blank, then ~ days) behsrrr Ciasirx,} a title insuran;.o cprnmitrnent wilt[ I9gibte Gr?p195 of instruments li9incf Er5 exCeptians attached lltatelo ("'I itis Commitment'} arid, aftor Clo,^.irtg, sit owner's pdicy of titkt {nsr.yance (:;ve St3rxiard A fa' t9nn9) 91ta1 l 6e obtained hy: (CkECK ONLY ONE): 41 (!) :feller, at Seller:, r;xpat:~a aril deiivervd to Ltuyer or Buye,r's attnrrtey; or. r3 {2} t3uynr at Ciuyar's expense. (CHECK Ht.RE): O If srrt abstract of tlHa is !a ha irxnlshed instead of tttlo insurance, anti attach ider for farms, Vt. CLi7SiNG DATE: 7rtis trastsaelscan shEdl tiw closed and the closing documents tleliv[~td nriC~/7010 ("Ciosirx~'~, urdttss muditied by oMttar prrx,ttsarts of ttt~ Gattraot. in the event of extrrxne w~yather Or othCr canditia>a tx avanta t.'cxrstihttlnA 'Ynrrg m;})QUre", Cior:irig wfi b0 e.*ctarxfed a raasnn.~:te tlrrie untf: (} rrwtoraiiat of uUlitia9 wrd outer seMces essential to f;ln;,inc3, eutd (7 flvA39ttility Crt Hazard, Wmd, Food, ar iiamec,~met,' inuLp'$r1CC. !<auCh a7ndili{xts cuntinue more than day , (if bk',ntk, thaw[ i4 days) heynnd C%gslrxl CtatB, then edt~r party t"tay GYlrit'el th's Ccxrtraot. FAR/OAFt ASIS-2x Rev. 2l(}B ~ 2rNle R[)rlda ASnoClatlorl al F?k~1.ir,Y{S' and The FIflrIHa 0nr lUI gigtrts F{CGiC~vbr1 Page 1 of S Fit VII. RESTfiICTI©NS; EASEMENTS; LIMITATtt?N&: S911er shNl convey merketabl@ title subjegt to: r:nmprghensive land use plans, zgning, 63 rCa:irictiarr:,, prollittitlans end a#har requiremrxtts ht~ra5ed try povwrnmwntal authority; rrjsUiatiun5 and matters nppearfnp on rho plat br otherwise fih common tq the Sutidiviyion; outstanding rkl, g<'1s and nnncrai rights of recctrri withat.R right of gnlry; urlulelted pubffc ofility easernonts of r6cord 65 (ionat9d contiguou@ to rani property tines and not more than 1[J terrt in wldrh as tt, the rear qr (rant lines an,i 7 1/2 feet in width as tv the pie 66 Imes); taxAS far year of Cloning and subsarluent yearn; and assumed nwrtg@qes and purnhase matey rncxtgages, if any {if additional Iten'is, sew fo7" addendum}; provided, filet thrrra exists at Closing nq uiglaiion of thw (nrerdnitrg and Wane prevent use of the Property fa n_ 69 Vtll, OCCUPANCY: $et9or shall d~tivsr gccupaney ctt Property tq &rycr at tune of Closing unless otha+rdye stated herein. it Pmprarly Is Intendod 70 to be r>snted ur occnpled t?sygnd Closirtcl, tits {act and temts mereoi and the tertard{a} or txrupants shall ba disclor~d pursuant to "A; IS' Standarct 71 F. if rx;rt+panay is to bo de9vered hefom tigsing, Buyei aasurnes eIl risks of loss to Progeny from Gale of occupancy, stlall be r~pon;ible Arid liablw 72 for matntenanae fYgm that datra, and 5rrall bw tiaemed to P~rq accepted f~ropwny in u'5 existing condition t~9 of timw ai iakiny pccupancy. 7? IX, TYPEWRITTEN OR HANDWRITTEN PROVISIONS: ?ypwwritlen qr handwritton pravi5iuns, riders and addenda shall gantrul rill printed pro- 74 visions of this Contract in CluilliCi with them. 75* X, ASSIGNABILITY; (CHECK ONLY ONE}; Buyer u may assign and thereby ire released from any further liability under this Contract; f:U may 7G` a~ign but oak L>E# released from liability under tlti5 Contract; ar m may not assign ttos Contract. lI XI. DISCLOSURES: /8 (a} The Proinarly may be ::ubja^.t to unpaid specie! assessmcxtt Iisn(s} irr4aosrx7 by a pubSC body ("public body" does riot indude a 7g Cgtdaminarrn ar Hcmegwners' A;.s~iatian). Such riwr~s}, if arty, wnGthor certified, contirm~i and retitled, pondinl~, or paypbl$ in Installrrtente,, 80* as of Cigging, shall 4o paid as fgliaws: ~ by S@Iler at closing ^ by Buyer pf left blank, then Seller at Closing}, K the amount al Fu>y 81 HsSesSment In be paid by Soifer has nut ~3Fti1 finally detsrmin~ as of Closing, Sailer shall ho crk'srged at Gbsing an amount sgrral to the 82 test esttritata or assr?s~nerl2 for the Improvemgnt by the putr!'rc: trody. 83 (b) i lantern >,S a naturally oacurting radioactive gas rtV3t when E1CC:urnulal@d in a tsuilding in suffiaertt qusrttities may present health risks to pcr 8~l sans who ~~ BxpusFxt to it guar limo- Levels of ration that exceed texterzai and stator gufdelirtes tlmre tx:gn favrtri ire holdings kt Florida. f35 Additkrnal infarrltation regarding radon rrr radon touting may be dlrteinrxl frrrns your County Public Health unit. 86 (L') Mold Is naturadiy oecUrriny Fuld rrray cause health riyic„ ar damage to prgp@rty. If f3uycr w cUncemed w dr1.SlrpS addltigr'~rl information fi7 regarding maid, Buyer should rghtagt an apprapriaie protaccianat t3t3 (d} Buyer fldsnowledges re~.:eipt nt tt16 Florida Energy-E~icfenc+! Rating lnformatlrrn BrUGiture ret3uired by 5ectbn 5:`,,9.996, F.S, 89 {e} If ills Real Prc,perty Inr,Iud~es pro-1J7S raskiwntial haVSing, thcn a lead-tamed paint rider is mar~aigry fit) {(! If Seller is a "fcxrtign parser" as nc:ined by the Foreign Investment in Real Prtaporty 1'ax Act, t11e partiAS shall r~mpfy with that Aqt, t11 (g} BUYER SNQULt7 Nt?T EXECUTE THIS CQNTRAGT UN71L FIUYER HAS RECEIVED AND READ TttE HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIA- t3? TIONJCOMMUNITY DISCLOSURE. '33 (h} PROPERTY TAX RISCLOSURt Sk7MMARY: BUYER $I~EQULD NUT f1Ft.YON THE SELLER'S CUFfR~1T PWt7PERTY TAXES AS THE AMOUN"f 9d QF PFitJF'ERTY TAXEfi TI TAT THE BUYEf9 41AY BE OF3[.tt,ATED 70 pAY IN THE YEAR :;k1fiE;FQUENT TO PURCHASE, A CHAN(',F C)F OWNER- 9S SHIP CR PROPERTY tMF'll(7VEMENTS 7R1QQ,ERS REA::t,FSSMENI-S OF 1NE PROPEFCfY kHA7 COULD RESt)I-T IN HIGWER RRONEI~TY TAXES. 9ti IF YOU 1•IAVF ANY {kIES"fl~?N5 CONCEI~NINO VALUATIOr~i, CQNTACT l Ht t:t)lM1!`rY PROPERTY APPRAISER'S OFFI(:F FOR INFORMATION. ~7 XII. MAXIMUM REpAfR COSTS'. DELETED QF.i" XIII, HOME tNAE?RANTY: ^ Swllwr O Buyer ~ N/A will pay for a hnmg Warranty plan issued by , _, 9a" at a cost not tct axrasd $ -„_ 140' XIY, INSPEGTIbN PEflIQp ANDD KtiGHT TO CANCEL: (a) Buyer shalt have ,,~„_ days Irom t:ffect(ve L1ate {`7nspect(nn Per(ad) within 101 which to have such inspeotions of the Property p@r(ormed as Buyer she(! desire turd utilities service shall b@ made avaitatrie by the t02 Seiler dur(ng the lnspocf+on PArit7d; {bJ EuyerahalJ be respor197b1e for prompt payment for such inspections and r@pd(r of damage I0:1 t@ and r9sforat/o» of tf7e Prupenty rC9u1t(ng fft7m such inspecfk7ns end this prOV(sion {b} she!( survly9 t@+7t1(nation U(thi9 Cantrsct; t ()4 and {cJ if Buyer determines, in Buyerx so!@ discro6on, that th@ Pnaperty is not acceptable to 8uyrrr, buy@r may cancel rh(s rontract 1 U5 by delivering facsim(le or written not(ce of @uch electJern to S@ller pr(csr to the rxp(ration Crf the (nspeci(gn Period. It Buyer dmety 106 cancels this Contract, thg deptasit{s) paid she(! be immediately returned t© Buyer; thereupon, Buyer' and Seller shaft be ttg(eased o/ 107 ati (urther r?bGgatians under this Contract, ®xcept as provid@d in this Paragraph XIV Un(esrt 8try@r oxer>r(ses the right to cancel 108 grsrrted h@rein, Buyer acoepta the Prop@ny;n (ts present phys(cs! condlHnn, snbjacf to any v(aetian of gavemmanta(, 6uftdr»g: 1 t7J environm@ntat, and eatery codes, restr(ctionS 8r reQuirBm@nt9 and shall ba recpons(bf@ fpr arty and ail repairs and improvemertta 11Q repuirad't>yBuyer'slender. I I i XV. RiDER$; ADDENDA; SPI=CIAL CLAUSES: CHECK thin riders which are applicable AND ere attaclred to and madrl part of this Contract: 112* D OOt~OMINIUM L7 Vt11t=HA ~ HOMtC}WNERS' ASSN. O LEAD-BASF PAINT' Q COASTAL CONSTRUCT-ION CQNTROt_ LINE t i 3' O INSULATT(?N ©EVIOENQE QF 11TLE (SQilT1-i FLORIDA CCJNTRAGTS} G Other C;.grnptettertsiva Rider Pravss+orx o Addeutda 114` Sper:lal Clause(a}: _ ._, .,., ..._ .__. 115* 11 fi" 117' _ 1 !~" .. ..--- 119' 1?.t)* _._..._. _._ 121` 122" 123' ,,.,,, 124' . 12v" _. 126 XVI. °AS 15" STANDARDS FOR ftF.Ab ESTATE TRANSACTIONS ("AS IS" 5tandarda): Buyer and Sr+llei' :arkno+ngcdge receipt of a copy 127 of °AS IS" Standard, A [hroughL on thq rAVarSe side or attaCrred, which arEa Inrarporatgd as part Of tl'u3 Contract. FANIHAR A56S~2x R6V. 2J0$ ~ 2t70© f-k5rid~ AG ;O~:k'Sik7ti U( i'Ita6rr~r~" anti Thp Aatids BSI' A11 F1lytrly H88Bryed PegO 2 O! 3 129 THIS IS INTENDEp TQ BE A LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACT. IF NOT FULLY UNDERSTOOD, 1a9 SEEK THE ADVICE OF AN ATTOflNEY PwIOF1 TO SIGNING. 13U THIS "AS IS" FORM HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS• AND n-It? FLORIDA BAR. 131 Apprvval dues not constitute an piniar~ that any ni the terms and conditions irr this Contract should be accepted by lY,e partial in a 1:12 partli:ular transactictrr. Terms s conditions straukl ha n9rtotf2ted baeod upon Irie respective interests, bhjrrtives and berc,7r3inirrg 133 po,itions u( all inten;sted parsons, 134 AN 6TERISK(*) F I I,O G A E NUMDER IN THE MApc;IN INDICATES THE LINE CONTAINS A BLANK TO BE COMPLETED. ~1:iti {BUYEF) t? ~~ ~, '~ ID T~ ~ (SELLCR) ~_ (DATEI -. 15r ~~ ._ _.... 1:iA (OUYER) (DA E) (6ELLER) (DATE} 139' BuyCrc' add~ss for purpnces of noo~~ce_ 9 D iU !af .(, l~ 1 ~~phuq~ Sellers' address tar purposes of notice ___ ~- .. _ 14I• _ _ Prune _ Phan 142 BROKERS: I'he brokers (inCludirrg cooperating hrnkers, if any) rk'+med below are the nniy brokers entRled t0 CUR1per19atian in rgnnertl0n with 143 thN ConlraeC 1aa• Name: MANGROVE REALTY EXCHANGE, INC 2.5% Riverstone Realty ~ , _ 14.h Cooperating Brokers, if any Listing Broker ~~~,)~ ~~1-GtzCG~ ~ ' ~ty.{Cx~ Approved as to form and legal suffj~ienc~>~ ,City Attorney /~ f l U FAA/BAn AEIS•2x Rev. 7r08 Py 2008 Ftvrirla Assoclatlon of Revma8• and Thu Flurid~ tier All Flights RoservarJ Pago 3 of 5 146 "AS IS" $TANDARD3 FOR REAL ESTATE TRAN"SAGT{ONS 747 A, TITLE tNSURANCE:'llta 1'ilib Comrnitmgni Chaff be ir~txxl by a Florida IicgnS2d title insu~'er af~epktg to iasuo Buyer, opal rocordinp nt the deed tp 6trye, 148 an Invrtar's pnliry ref iitb irtvurarK;e Yt the arnaitnr pf the pta'eha5d plied, insurtnp Rtrydr's mallactaala title to the Real Property; subject poly lu matters contained 149 in Paragraph VII and chose to Uc di .rJktrgdd by Sra'ler al m berora CLrsirtrt. Marketable tide shell dct dAfarrttindd acca'dhty lq appGcakrla'fltkr ;tandNrds adopt- 160 exi by authnrlry ni i'he Florida B+;sr and in apcnrdans«> with taw. fluyer shall havtr fi days frrxn dat4 qt roceivinp Cha Ttta C?mmitmOnC la exarrrine it, and if title is I51 frnntd cldtective, notify Satter in writirtt} sptirXtyitig defegt(s} Wttigh rnndar tBifl unrnorkalt,blb, Seller shall hav9 30 days from rtit:eipl of relics in removo the i5y delevls, falling whigh t3uyer sha11, will'un 5 days after expiration of ihd :i0 day Patipd, dewier writtcrt nalica to Boller althw: (1) gxtent5ny the time far a reasan- 153 able pariatl rat to c7tG40d 120 days within wltigh Soper 3hEAll use diligent Aftgrt itr remove: tltd ddlecls; w t2J rirgxrr~ting a refund of deposit(s) paki which shall' 154 Y+c: returned Ip Qr.rypr H Buyer tails lu sa notary Selk~r, Buyw shall be daerned ko havq acdaptcd the Iiltd as It then Is, Seller shall, it title iS fotxui unmarkeiak)te, 155 use diSAartt r~iat to Cgrrdgt defect(s) wRltln th9 tirra prnvldVd. It, after dillpartl rtfprt, Sclkx iS turatare to timely nnm3dt the dcfeetq, $uyer shall Olthnr waive the 15fi dated,. qr rdeeivq a refund of dcpacit{S}, thereby rolr><tislnr0 Buyor artd Seller rtom aN further ottltgatinn; under this Cgniragt. Ii $e6~r is to prt)vidr. iho Title t.ri7 Cp+tnralmertt and h ks dpltve,'cd to L-layer Iflss that 5 ciaYq prior to ClaBirrg, Buyer may Flxtwtd Cit>`.~ny qo Vtat t3vyer shall have up to S day3 hunt dale of rar:aipt tb$ in exxnmir~p ramG in dgWrdanCA with this "AS iS" Slarxtard. 158 8. Pt1RCtiA,SE MONEY MORTGAQ6; SECURITY At3REEMEN770 gELLER; A purchase rtltxtay rnortgagc and rttprigaye {iptq to $pller shall prpvK~ iqr a 184 30 day greed period to the evrttl of dgfauft it a first rnrntyaryr attd a 15 day grace pefind H A tttrorxi Qi krd~r mortgapa; shall ~rrovjde tw right qi prepayment 181 In wftale or in part vrltttuut pnnallY; Shall pr.nnit agcrileKatipn bt bvpnt of transfer of the Kcal Prrt)tprry; shall rt:quire all prior tigrrs arut ~rCUmbtanCCS lu tre kept t tit in gcxtd stattding; shall igrbld moditigptlon9 af, or future aduances ttttddr, prior rttongaga{&}; shall rcxlulre Buyer to maintain pgfidigs Of ir~Urar>Ga tbntalning a 1 ti3 atandanl mortyayetd Clause covertniy all improvomarits located art Ihw Fie; Properly against ike arm all pr?ri~ incluik+d within the term "extended crnryrt{r a t fro pr><Igrserrani," Evx9 atKh other risks and pq:il; aS ;caller may rpttCbnabN rnpuira, in an arnnlntl equal io their highest irtsurabla value; and the ntpnyaye, rata 165 and sosrrlty ,~jreemcrn vltd7l qe otherwlsn {t ir}rrrt and cDntgnt regtrirad by SrYk+r, !Rn Spiicr cosy only requlrb CiauCeF and covag0y c:ustanat'iy fgtmd in mnn- iQ9 pagr+s, mcxtgag4 ngtEry attd scr:unfy agrremcrns ydrtarally utilized by savings and Igtp r inalitutiexts w scalp pr natiatot ttwtks located In the CrStatty wlxt Urn fife 1F77 t4~ t'+nRertY Is Incased. All Pcrsprwl P; aperty arm lapses hoktp conveyed or as&Igt16d wUl, at ^x:llt;rg a>f+Uan, he $ubJeCt fo ette Tien rtf a 65t:urity ayraa'ri£'nt Cvi• 188 dented by rap(uL'b3d or fled linaiwing statemgnig of CcitiflGaldS ql title, i(a hal~rin rrartgayb, tttd linel payment vriil pxoccd q,a periodic; paymtrnifi Ihereortt. 188 t:. SURVEY: Buyer, at l3ktydr'6 expenx, wilnin little anowbd l0 deliver auidartgd ul title and tq examinq lama, rtyV haw: itw Rbal Property surveyed artd ani- 174 flod by a registtirod F1nrMa surveys'. If ItrL survey dis:Jn6Ett ertaoa:tuttr;rds on thq Raid Property w Ihtt uttpmvemenis laratad thcrcmt q,xxc4)t:h on sothaak t r1 IgtaG, eastsnattt, kxrds of ottmrt+ of Nalale any rrrrtrigliorr:, Cgntr#lgl advCrtanis pr appiicadlc ggvertunt:nt.d regtEVinns, the s.2mo shall qcn rstitutc a tttkt dptE'd. 1 r'2 D. W04D DESTRDYIN6 ORGANI3M$; DELETED ' t 7;i E. INGRESS AND EGRB53: Bettor warrants and rrYirt380nts that there is ingrtuss and +~res , t>7 the Real f'roparty sirffk`ir+nt iw its intandbd use as dearrtih9d t 74 in Paragraph VII t'rdrtttf and iltl#t iq the Ro:d P,ppbriy is insurat)la in arxorctartcb with °A519" ftandard A wiUwul bxgaptron ter lagk pf IBgal right M txczss. 175 F LEA3E$: Seller Malt at least 10 days t~dtgrd hosing, famish to Btryor espies of aft written IbaFers and a.;tcx+Rdl letters from each tanartt spaplyuiy the natum 176 and duration of the t4~tanl b occupancy, rental rates, advartu'ed rent and security deposHS isaid by tenant. If Sp11ar is unal)1a Id r?krlain such }otter from each tHn• 177 ant, the Same Infgrntaligtl shaA ba t7Jmi^,Ited by Seiler tp Boyar within that timq pU~r(txJ in ttla fwm of a ^v:llcr's affidavit, 8nd Buyer may thargaRer ggri[aal ten- 178 and to conllrm uMh infwnratign. 0 ills terms pf khe Ieasa , differ materially from Sellers rciprnF:r«tlatktns. Btryor may terminate this CaMract by r,IbGvdring nrittan 170 ttatlea tq $eilar at Itaa,i 'a days prior in C!flCirk,1_ Sclicr sttdtl, at Gtastrtq, deliver and aggryrr all origirtsl laafie~ to 6uyw. 1 AO Ci. LIENS: Senor Shaii carol h to euy(rr at lime of Ckt5ing art atflcdiril a4E+;:Iing to tttq absence, ur9rlss glh9rw6,o provid+~d fur lu2in, of any ["ir+.hnpitr~} ;tatgrrx+nt, 181 uietims of I{an nr I)fl+entiN Iiaiard krtgwn to 9alktr and further alldilitx,J that there have horn na impruvbrnents nr r9palrg In lttc Real Properly for 90 days irrane- 182 dialnly pr'gaetlirig data Of Closing. n thtt Real Prupgrty hag been impmvrtd or repail~d willlift that time, fx~ler snpll deliver rel~dds pr watvors of rArk;tNCtlUrt 140 liens dxepuled b1` alt gerlnral conttxtpra, auboontrartnrs, suppticl : mtU ntalerialmon in addition to ShcarSlien affidavrl salting tprth the ttatndd ul all lush gdrl- 184 erpl dontraciwF, r+,rlrontr.:clrns, auppUers and mstarialmen, further aifirmir~ that aA nt~tges ipr iarpnuvoments or rt'ip#ira which cputd Serve as a ba4is for a 1 t3G consirirdk4t li@rl ar a ctatm for [tttmar~ w' havb ISt~n paid w obit bn paid at itrq Clust.~7 of this C.ctniriot. 186 H. PiACE OF CLOSING; tXnRing v~~l bo ttdW in the county wnet~in iho Fteui t'roperty Ys Itxatdd tt the othgd ql the attorney m other olq~ing agdr,l ("t:,tcsing t87 Agmtt'} dpstctnatcd by tnq party paying for Iitlp insurangb, ar, it na kitte InSllrangp, dcaiprtaldd by ;;alter. 188 I. TIME: G~thrtdar page sttaD be tt+x~l in rgmpueng tirltb periods exrspt periods IN IG:;3 than six (81 days, In which evattt Saturdays, Sundays and state or nBlign- 18A al legal ttdldays t3tatl be cytclrXi4d. Arty lima p6rbda provided k-X frdrbin wtudt Shea end qn a SatUrrk+y, ~.,'urtday, pr A legs) holiday snail pwend to s06 p.irt, ul the 190 next blaslneb+3 day, Turiq is ryf the assencra in this CortiraGt, I£31 J. CLOSING DOCUMENTS: Selcr r~ fumistt the deed, tdll of salsa, twrtiflgalt; ai title, agrt3tftkyipn I'xtn affir4tvtit, Cmt1a's pa5a89cvprt aftdavtt, assE4tnmpnts IN kw;- 19? ea, lartani anti man8agee pGtpppol fritters and ccxraGtive tn:,trWtterne, t3tlyer shall iurrdFh mortgage, ntprlyage note, stlrsrrCy apreematt and 8rc€,rtcang siaremml6. t 93 K. EXPF-AtSE$: t7ocumantary stamps rxr fhb dried and rvggfding of comtrllvw instruments ,trail be paid by 3allrx: All polls of Boyar's loan (whettxtr obtained i;%7A from 6dllpr or tttirci party}, inckrdttg, but twit broiled to, d:tcumentary stantp3 and'sntangibirr tax on the purgt'~ae money monpaga and arty manyage assumed, 1yb tttgllgageo title inPrranco pommilirrertl with related tees, and rgcordirtg of purcttaaa motley rnalgar~s, deed artd tttanring 6tatpments snail fse paid by t3uyer. 198 Untc. ~ othbr,~vise provided try law or rider tq IhiB C;ontraet, rhargps for rdattad closing sarvlces, tltt9 agardt, and atdsing tees Gncluding prpparati~t of dosing 197 statcntont}, yttalt bq pakf by th@ party rC:,pgltSigtt; for ftsrttstttrtp the title ovidarK;e in ecsordaraa with Paragfaplt V. 14fi L PRDRA7l4N3; CREDITS;'lazes, assatasmertka, rant, inldrdst, instt•~tce and r.,ther pxpanse3 ql life Proprxty Chatl by prorated ihrqugh the day bofore C(osirtg. t88 f3ttypr Snell have tltb option of taking dVgr rutista~ pgli(ads of Insuranr;r+, 'rf assuntalald, in which evsnt prttrt',w,nrts ehall bo prprttled. Gash at C,tgNrxj shall tap 200 iix~easeti pr decreased ac ntay bq required qY pr~aiiarta to by rtk~de Through t~Y prkx tp Glosit'tp, nr r~txtpartcy, if atx~upartcy ogcttts hafgro Ctor„irtg. A, tom ux 241 rent attd fiAGi,6lty deposits will bC credited to 8r.typr, E.aow dbih~ils hold by mtsrfgagea will b4 Credited to Boller. l~xga ;1taN be praratbd kxtsed on the c.+,rmnt 202 yeal'b tax vdlh due a"3rnvrtnCe made fw mnxtmurrl a9owablq discpurlt, tatnrt5ida' I aitd outer gxetitptions, tt Ciasirty o0gtus at a date whdn the current yaAr'a mib- 'Xt,4 agb iri rat feed and cumsrtt yciu'y a Hogsrndnt is avaltabta, taxes will i~ prgrGlatt based upon atK'h asses.,"mCra and Prtw year's mtllag€+. if r.,um~rrt yoart„ assess- 204 ment is not avaUaC~ld, llwn taxtx^, vUdl be prorated nn prioryear's tax. It there era complpfed Imfxovcrrwntq pn iYte Rent Fropany bY.7arttrary t st of }r£tar of Ctpslrtp, 20S which imprpvements wam rcpt in existe:tcp qn ~anuttry t st of prkyr spar, then tasr6'd alts! be prorated ktarttsrt upon pilot yyar $ rniilage and at an equitable arsgJd- ;><.tk; meet to be agreed t.tppn between thq parties; failing width, request shah t~ made to the i",dce'ity Propaty Appraiser for an Irtfarrnal acsosemcnt 4nkuRd ktta 207 acayurn availgbld dxdrnptiotts, A tart proration based qp ati esttmata shah, 81 request of ailPtdr party, bo readJustgtt upon roccipt pf ikarertt year$ tilt bll. 208 M. PRESERVED - ptnposely left blank} 20:1 N. tNSPECTtON AND REPAIR: DELETED G1U O. RISK OF 4039: k, allot It1e Effective t~atq, tnq Property is' damaged by flrc+ qr ocher stsuNty {'Casualty Loss' ktrrfr7ra t"losing and putt ut restwatim (vvh'r; h 211 stall utq the cost of enrolee or temovirty ribrni~ trgpC~ dose twit rxrgetf 1.85E of ttte PUrghase Price, rgFt ql rdslwtition mall be art otlbgation of Seller artd 219 pgs+rtg sttaG proceed pursuant to ttx+ terms of this cnrmact, artct 'rf rgGlp%lion is not cnmplgted as IN Ciayirg, restwatbn eostr+ wiN he ~crowr*,i at Closing. K ~i;3 the cxxvi M restoraticrct dxceeds 1.5+55 of the t34Dpne.;ra Frice, Boyar Shall either take the PrttpCrly av 4, tagelher wish the 1.fi~n or receive a rgturtd of depasft;s7 214 Ineretay rclpSirig 6iJyer artd C,allpr from all tuttttbr pttEgations under leis Cattrad. Sellerkt ede otlllgatkin with ret4'rgct to bbd tiarrtage fly Ca9{ratty pr other rtatu- 21 fi rat ot~umertce 5flall ho tttri cast ul pruning qr removal. 1t€5 P. CLOSINA PROCEbURE: The doed siv9~l bq recorded upon clearance of frmd5. If the tiNq ayyrd insuros adverts matters pca:,eranl Iu Section 827.7341, 217 F.4., pq arriendcd, the 63Crgw and rinrJng prnccduro required by ihts "AS IS" Standard sttatl be +ti~atvad. tinlgsa waived as set larch above the following FARlBAR ASI$•2: Rev, 2K1tI ~ 2Cn78 FMriuu.4yryociatgn of RFru'n~" and Thn Florida Bar Ab Rights Rasern:d Page 4 of 5 21a "AS 1S" JSTANpARDS FOR REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS (pONSlNUED) clOSJng proaerluros ;.nnp apply: (f } aI( dosing pmr;earls :Mall ba h4ld in escrow by tMg Caar"ing A{torrr l4r a period of not more than 5 dJys atier Ctoslny; (7} tf Seller's ty+a is rermerad unmark4tatde, ihrtaurjti no fault of Buyer, $l1YCr' sPkNl, wilhsn ttte 5 day period. ncti(y nailer in writing of th9 Clbtcr[ grad Seller stta.'I haV4 30 days from rt3t@ tat ruaipt pf 9UCh notiflcatiran to Caro th4 da(ec`t; (8} ~ S411ar faNS to tim4y Curr: the defoct, ail d9p4aits and CI4Sirt3 lands shall, untan written drnnund by 13uy4r and within 5 days ulcer damartri, tag returned tU Boyar and, sfmulianaously witlt auclr repayment, f3uyHr stlall r4twn thxt Parsonai properly. vacato the Raal Nroparty lead rec:onvey tna Property to SrsElr}r lay special warranty deaxl and pill 41 salei and (h) it AUyer tads lU mltka Uately danaand for rPfurxd, Eilayur sirtdl take tltla 2s is, waiving ta11 rights agadut Sider as to ar~y intervening dafeci except ra^. may tae availabl414 Buyer by virn,ay r,rl war inntins Cunla6ted in the ~~ or bill of seta. Q. ESCROW: Any G'baing Agc"rti ar HS[:r4W agent (CUllatllv~y °Agent") reCtliva'tt'I fiukl9 ur equfvalartt is autlaoriztxl anti ialtrer:s hY aecaptanC4 of them to deposit loam pnomptty, tyUld sartto in 4+srxuw pod, ;,t,d, jal;t to clelsronr:a, Ckabursc 111arn in acCardarua w11n tams and CUndiliotts of thlt C`fiMract. Fallur0 UI funds to Clear shall nal exmrse i3uy4ry parfamtanCO. Ii in t~5t a . to ngerR's dud4S or liabilttkas under tt ~ provisiortg Uf lhi9 Goniract, Al't9nt may, :xi Ag4r+1 ~ option, ccan- tinua to hc,id the ::ubjUC! rrialter of thtr esortw iaatil tit4 parties ha4to agrtE+ to its diabursernent ar +artll A judgmCrtt Uf a t~.at 41 competent jtarisdictip~+ sf+all CN+It7rNne its4 rkjktlS al the parties, Ur Agent may dapasit sraatra with the cork UE floe circud rnurl having jra~uliUrr of the dispute. An attorney vAto represtsnts a party anti also actw aN Agrtnt may r4pr4sent such party in such attlUn. Upon nptifying all parties r,SanCErflbd at Duch aCliun, all Eiattllfty t><t the part OF Agent l+haR lellly terminale, @xcept tra Ih4 extcni of aix:4urding tar any itarYiv pt>rvioutly delivemd out of escrow. d a iiWnsed reef 4state broker, Agntt wp! comply with prnNgiranK of Chaptor d7ti, F.S., as arr+ir.-d, Aaty Suit Gctwe^,.n Buyer and Seikx vAaualtr Agent L made d party bca~us: ui acting a5 Ag4nl ttettarxadtr, cu ur any r;uil wherein Agent intarplaarJs ih4 5ubjeCt matter cat ltd Cscrsaw, A~tt chill rGCUVtY reasanabta attprn4}+'^. lei anti costs tncurrttrt wdlt ttaesc aralUuralS to tae paid 6om and t+.d of tlao CSUruwed funds rn' equivalent m'id Charged and awarded as c:a1rt rxtsls in favor 4f the ptevaping party. Tho Agent chap f5bt bo liabts to arty partynr person for rrdsdetivery to Buyer or S4pat uE items sub(aCt to the e~rrrw, unless such misd9irvery is duo tU wilHut breach of the ixzivi<~ions of This GonuaCl or gross naglir~rnre of Agoni. R, ATTORNEY'S FEES; C03T6; In ruay ptigatE4n, EflCluding lxUGr;t+, ertfarcananl nr intertxUtatiura, arising cut of thC*: Crarttr'tct, the pr4veiling party in 5rrrh liti- galion, wMCh, tor' purposes of this "AS IS° Brandied, sttafl Include 8e1ICr, Etliyw and any brokers aCtir~; in aganCV 4r nanagCnCY relalionsttips alrlhOrized try chapter a7>a. E.S., es arnenrted, a;tta(i taC antiliad l4 recover tmm the non-preva8ing patty rHABran.4bk! attcrnay'8 fees, casts and axpensCr, 5. FAILURE OF PERF{SpMANCE; Jt Buyer faits to p9ri4rm thin GUnlrr;r;t within flee tirtv3 epedficd, irx,•tulting ppyrrrent nt ail dct:~ita. Ih4 deposa(a) harp ny l3uynr and depovil(a) Gyrt~d to he paid, may tea ruxovereU and retained by artd fa Ifle account at ,^,nligr As agitxd ,err lil#aidated damaga6, oonsidr~ati4n tar the exrxution Uf ibis Contract arxf in full scltl4itaent of any claims; whacupwt, C3uyer and GeIWr ShNI ba rclkavr, d 41 all obiigatlana ;a,(ier this t:an[ravl; Or;.+allru, al Soll4r's dpt~7n, may prYaa.~act in equtry is entarco Snitryy tights under ihi6 Cornrad. JI r4r arty rpaS4n 81har titan ftilnn3 GI Salter to malts Seller's tide ntBr- ketatuaafter diligent titUrl, Seller falls, rl9greCls orr4fusas to pertonn ttJSS Cornract BlaYar may soak slxa,~fic paiormaitCe w elect to ractaMa IltE+iLlurn of Buyer`s Uapusit(s} wilhan th4rebY waiving ratty action for damages resulting Irom S4EIers bre;Zr3t. T. CONTRAt~7 NOT RECr}ROABI.E; PERS4N3 l3pVND; NOT9Cf?; i;4PtES: Naftfxar U'as Contract naratw notice of it ah411 be recorded In any puhpc +4Ctx4S. This 4vnlract shay birxJ and inur414 the tat:rgtft 0f the parties rarxJ Ih4N succoSSUrs kt interest. Wflanavcr rho a4m4xl permlis, sinquly~ 8la,~IE btclucb plural and one g4nda' shdp induda all. NUtiUe and datlvary sgvtxa taY 4r tU the et#amey nr broker re{aro;,r:+ntiny any Parry sh~l lye as Cff4Gtiv4 cri i{given lay ar to that parry. M nrairrs natal tae in wrttlrtg and may tag n1'x1e try map, personal daliwary 4r dCClratip media. A 1egltNa tA4similo or' aIgUGUnic (including "pelt"} copy at this C4nlraul and cry slgraatures horcan Shop he Conslrkxad for pll purp4lte`u as an ar~traal. U. GONVEYANCE:,u~llar ~aA 4onvey marketable tide to the Raat Property Uy statutory warranty, truste4's, personal reproarntadve3, 4r guardian's dc+rxi, :ls Appropriate tU 1he status of Sassr; eubjcct only to matters rnnlAined in P4ru9raph VII and ttuase 4ttterw~+a oc`Capled by Buys) Paraonal PropCaty atlall, el the r4quast of Buyer, b4 trartaferrt+d try an ataskakate bill of sale will) wannrtiy pI Hite, suk~act CrtM t4 each ntattkr9 as may be othtatwis4 provid4d E4r herein. V. OTWER AgREgMENT5: Na prbr or prrraent ayry6rnents or reprasgntAtloru eltiall lea tairxilltg tappn Buyer ar Seller Unlr;tia3 Gtciudeol in ttd5 Contract. Nn irrCd- JfiCAtia1 to a~ cttranga in tttis Ctantrao! chap ba valid 4r binding ufrnn tlw? pnrti~ unless in writing and executed bit ttae purdas intended to t>$ t~tmd lay II~ W. SELLER 61SCLp3UREr (t) 'Thera are no fAda latown t4 s4eper materlaliy att4ctd,g the valr+G rN flee Frop4rty which era rtat rttadilY Ctsasvabka by Buyer ar wMUh t1Av8 not $CCn disCfused to Boyar; (2) Bettor eztands end intends no warranty EMad makes no represenfeGon al anp type, either express or impli4d, as to the phyakaf Condition or history of tht! Property; (3) 34t14r has received tip written or v4rDal notrco from any govammentaJ entity or agency as to a cumemty wacorroCted building, envlronmentaf or safety coda viofatlarr; fell Seflcr tras no knowledge of any repairs or Improvements made to then Propony wifttout compUartcB with govemmerrtal regulation which have riot tarxrtt disclosed to Boyar. X. PROPERTY MAINTEtiANCE; PROPF.~iTY ACCESS; A931GNR~NT OF CONTRACTS ANO WARRANTEES: Seller shall maintain th4 Pr4party, incllxlltaQ, left) nOf limited to lawn, shrutab4ry, text pool in ttta r.4ndition Cxlsti,lr~ as of Ett4Ctiva ))ate, ordinary w4ur and tear arrrd ('.astvatty Loaf ertC:4pted. `;t311er stk'alf, upon rea:.anablp r~alic:4, provide udiitirae srxvicc aftl7 alx:4ss in ttta Prcgafrty for apprluard ~~ InspaClipnti, kacturia~j u work-Through prlar rn Clraairrl, is ai,rdkrn that ;all it4rr13 4f Personal Property can at ttta FSlwl Prapeny and th,'lt the Prop4rty has beat mainEarned as rWUkad 4ay this `AS IS' ;tsndard. SeJ~r wig assign rJl asrJgnable repair a+kJ lrarrlrrtettt eantrsrts antl war+antiaa Io Boyar at C~nt;trxd, Y. 1031 EXCtilWGE: II eithar:~catlarnr Ruyar wi .h t4 enter into a Ilke-iGnd exCtaang4 (bflltar simuttarlsssus wp'h Clasir~ ar drrrtNrad} with rospani iq trra Prap4r ly udder Eectian 10"11 of ttre Int4mr~ Ravenuo Code ("~xrahpitpr:"), uia other party S112J1 txaoparatn kt ail rr?rtsortable reSp2Cl5 to effraCtuata uai, FxdtangC, in4kad- lng floe FlxaatAion o1 daUlynenls; praNdad (t}the Coapc:r;aliny party shall Inrur m liafrlly a+ expense relatod to ttvr Ex4harxac and {2) ttra Cbseag sha11 not taC 4cs itirxteni upon, oar 4xtended w oaluyed by, SUCK ExohangC. 2. BUYER WAIVER OF CLAINtS: Buyer walvas any ctairns against SeNerand, fo the extent permitted by taw, agafnat dny rt'sl4Stafr3licensee fnvoNed fn rho nngotietion at the Contract, for arty defects or prher damage that may exist at Closing o/ tfxt Contract and h4 sutas4quatrrtly disCOVetiad lay the Sayer or anyone claiming Ay, ttrnaugt+, under ar agalnat the Buyer. 2f3 790 221 9.27. 223 77d ~2G 226 22? 1a$ 229 2,iCl 131 237 233 234 K Vita 236 237 2:srt 2~g 2att ld1 za2 2+t;i ~4d 2a5 248 247 2ati lay 2G0 ti5t 252 25,9 2h4 2~5 2fitt 2a7 256 25:1 Z60 2G1 2f~' 2Ei3 7~ ~1i5 286 287 2CtS 269 2711 17t 272 '~/3 >:AR/t3AR ASIS-2x Rev. ?100 cb 2008 Fbrrpa Association 4t Rh"aT4n"' and flora Florida Bar Alt Righte Resi~vrad Page S 415 ~. i• HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCWT'iQN/GOMMUNITY dISGLOSURE Buyer"s initiala -Seller's initials; It to bs made a pert of tl7e Coniravt. IP THE DISCLOSURE SUMMARY REQUIRED BY GHApTER 720, FLOR11)A STATUTES, MAS NOT BEEN PROVIDE[3 Tp THE PROSPECTIVE PURCHASER BEFbAE EXECUTING THIS GONTRAG7 FOR SALE, THIS CGNTRAGT t$ VOIDABLE BY BUYER BY C)ELIV6RING TO SELLER OR SELLER'S ACaENT OR REPR<?SENTATIVE WRITTEN NQTIGE Of THE BUYER'S INTENTION TO CANCEL WITHIN S DAYS AFTER RECEIPT OF THE DISCLOSURE SUMMARY OR PRIOR TO CLOSING, WHICHEVER OCCURS FIRST, ANY PURPOFITED WAIVER Ot= THIS VOIDABILITY RIGHT HAS NO EFFECT. BUYER`S RIGHT TO VOID THIS CONTRACT SHAt.L TERMINATE AT Ct.OSiNQ. i3UYER SHOULD NOT EXECUTE THIS CONTRAC~T,~U~N1~r1L 1~UYER HAS RECEIV#=D ANI3 REAP THiS t71SCLQSURtW. Oisclosure 8u+~trnury For .___~~~_ '~~.•~ _....._ {N,'YYtO t7f CplTtmunify} .. _.~ 1. Ad A t1UYER OF PROPERTY EN 7HI5 CQMMUNII'Y, YOU WII. i., BF OBLIGATED) TU BE A MEMBER CF A HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCI• Al IUN ("ASSOCIATION"}, 2. THERE HAVE BEEN OR WILL BF RECORDED RESTRICTIVE C(7VENANT; ("CCJVFNAN7S"} GOVERNING THE USE AND OC(;U- PANCY QF PHOPERIIES W THIS COMMUNITY, 3. YC)lJ WILL BE OBLIGATED TO PAY ASSESuMFN"I"S TO THE A,$,S~CIATIQN. ASSESSMF•'N f; MAY 8E SUBJECT TO PERIODIC CHANGE. IF APPLICABLr, 1"HE CURRENT AMOUNT IS $ /C(~~ PFR~„~Q~: - ,YOU WILL AL:;CJ RF OBLIGP;fED TO PAY ANY SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS IMPOSED fiY THE THE ASS.~1GiA-f14N. SU{)H SPECIAL AS'S'E=55MENT$ MAY BE SUBJECT 'rU CI-IANGG IF APPLICABLE, THE CtJRRFN I AMOUNT !S ~ (;•-"' PER ~-1. 4. YOU MAY BE 06LIOA7ED TO PAY SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS Tt7 THE RESPECTIVE MUNICIPALITY, C;OtJNTY, OR SPECIAL DIS TRICT. ALL ASSESSMENTS ARE SIJBJFC'I"fC PERIODIC CHANGE. 5. YOUR FAILURE TO J7AY SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS OR ASSESSMENTS LJ=VIED RY A MANDATORY HOME4WIVERS' ASSOCIATION C.UIJLD RESULT !N A LIEN r3N YOUR PROPERTY. 6. THERE MAY I_tL AN OBLIGATION TO PAY RENT OR I„ANL7 U'a'E FEES FOR RECREAT1t~NAL Oft UTHEFi COMMCINLY USED FACILI- TIES AS AN (eta TION Of MtMI3ERSHlP IN THC NUMEt}WNERS' ASSOOIATICN. IF APPLiCADLE, T'HE CURRENT AMOUNT IS $.._, t'"'' PLR .-~--- 7, THE CIFVFLC)i'Li-i MAY HAVE THE RIGHT 70 AMEND THE RL5 fRICTIVE COVENAt~ W(MOUT THE APFRC}VAL t~F THE AISw'Y?CIATI•~vN MEMBERSHIP Oft THt APPROVAL C.'F THE PARCEL OWNERS, S. THE STATEMENTS CONTAINED IN THIS DISCLOSURI: FORM ARE ONLY ;,UMMANY IN NALURE. AND. AS A PRf?SPEGTIVE PURCHASER, YOll SHOULD REFER T4 THE COVENANTS ANC? TKE ASSOCIATION Cat7VCRNING DOCUMENTS BEFORE PUR- CHASING @RC7t'F_-R fY. 9. THFSF [~GUMENTS ARE EITHER MATTERS OF PUF3I_IC REGARD AND CAN BE OBTAINED FRGM THE RFCORR OFFICE IN T}-iE COUNTY WHERE THE PHUPERTY is LOCAlLD, C1R ARE NOT RECORi7kLJ AND CAN BE 013TAIN[D FROM THE DEVELOPER. BUYER -_ Cate BUYER ._. ....._. Date rDC.f2-0 Rav. 7/fKi ~ 20CUi Florltla Aa;xr;itafion of Fi&+UCCis° and TMs FlorirJa Rar nll tll~ht~ Rwerva~ Paste _ of Comprahar,aiva Ri~yr to the FIaWBAR Cgntradt for Safe and Pu~tv~A - Thie ac#Cware 3a 2icanoad to !Richard vecabio - JRQa2ty Aeaoalatee FL Prop.,? aww.ezartsaaCioRdaak,com, Ii initialed by au pantiles, the clause below will bra incorporated into ih© FAR/BAR Contract for Sale and Purchase betwH,en --- ... _ -- .._ (Seller j J ~ Y ~^ a ~ J$ Gq G . ~RuY~l ra~rerrunr the P~ ribod .~ t~ ~_F ~,_„r! ' _{~aLtD A "_~ _ +~~Q t~..._.._ ?~ ~ tt tis q a C u ~, r~~~~, ~~ t. 1 k Crr,. ~I ~+t.-L'. Iwo Snxr~4a. .. , ~._. i ~ ,~- - >~_ ~; ~ .-.. The following provisions orb made a part of the Ggntratt for Sale and Purchase or »esidential Sala and Purchase Contract between .,__ ._ __-{Ballet} and ~_ ^.. CITY OF i3F,t.rtAY BEACH _ ___ .(Buyer} concar+ling the Prgpgrty located at ~ ! 35 t3 i.,tincewa4ct F1, DELkAY Idt?ACH, FL 33d45 1.8uyer, a! Buyer's oxpense, may have a puaiified prot$ssional conduct an inspection of the Property for mold within 7 days from the Effectlvo Date {"Moto Inspectbn Poribd"}. 2. Buyer shaA be responsible far prompt payment for such inspections and ropair of damage to and restoratfvn of the Property rosutting from such inspections. This provision Shall sulvfve termination of the Gontract. 3. In the avant the mold Inspection reveals a signlficant presence of mold In the Property, which requires professionals tv remove the mold, at a cost which exceeds $_._.~ 1Ap.Ot?, Buyer may cancai the Contract by delivering written notice of such aleotign no later than 4$ hours after expiration of the Mold Inspection Period. $ Buyer timely cancels the Contract, the deposits paid shall be immediately returned tq Buyer and Buyer and Seller Shall be released from further obligations under the Contract, except as provided in subparagraph 2 above. 4. If Buyer fails to conduct the inspection permitted In this Paragraph or ttaving conducting such inspections, fails to timely notify the salter of Boyar's intent to cancel this Contract yr It the mold i~xspaction does not reveal significant presende of mold in the Property which rsqulres professional remediabon to remove the mold, at a cost which exceeds the sum specified in I~aragraph 3 abovo, Buyers may not terminate this Contract pursuant to this Addendum. Seller.__.. ... _ (Gky+l;tturC} tsigrmiorej laata:. ~~} 1Prmf) buyer: ! _ _ ~. -- (9•9?10turBt ~Iprinll Islynahrn;} {pl9nlj Date: Date:~~ MlAri•t R4Y_ 10!02 8P 2002 FI4rlda AF54CItitiOrt 01 REnLrVri~@ All riightr; geacNOU ~~ r r. i.::~,.+~la.'~ ' ~ ~.~ ._ R ..._ ~,. .. , s ~~~ _,a~; ~ , saws. _ +_ :,~, lira fallowing provislpns are made par! pt ih~t Contract for $alo and Purchase or R+)sidentiai Sale and Purchase Contract belween (Seller) and THE CITY (]F GEL#tAY BEACH __ _ _ (Buyer} concerning the Property k)c:ated at 1135 E Lancewood Pl, GELftAY BEACH, FL 33445 Chinese/E7etectlve ©rywall: During the rime Florida was expertonaing building ri ldtdrial shortages, some homes were built or renpvated using dsiecliv~t clrywall ynported from or manufactured is, Chtna, DeteCttvB drywall reportedly emiG~; levels of srdtur, methane and/Or Other vplatile Organic compounds that cause corroulort Of air conditioner 8r`rd refrigerator coi15, Copper tubing, Oloctrical wiring, anrr~rauter wiring and oilier Itousehold items ors well a:~ create ngxious odors whigh rrray ctl8o pose health risks. Seller's Knowledge: PxCr3pt as Indicated belgw, Seller has no knpwtedge of the presence of Chinese/detectives drywall pr q# any records or reprxts pertainirx~ tp Chinesetdefectnre ctrywali effecting the Property: {describe all known Ghines~,trtetr~c:tnre drywall intomkation and list alI avei(at~le d~uments pertaining to Ghinr^~eJC1E,#active drywall and provide documents, if rtny, to Buyer before accepting Boyar's offer} _ 2. Ghineseldertective Drywall tr>speetton: {Ghex,`k fine) G Buyer waives the oppDrtunity to cortduCt a risk a;~se ,Sment Or irrsp~tign for tltt~ presence p# ~hine5atdefectiva drywall and accepts the drywall in the Properly in Its existing C,Gr,tlitirxt, ~ Buyer, at Buyer's expense, may have a hGrnn inspactgr, liperlsed COntraGtor pr Gtiler' licensed professional {if required 4y law} to conduct an intil~ctiGn or risk dsseSSmeM of the Properly test the presence of Chinesaide#ective drywall wittrin ?_.._ days frgm the Effective Date {"Dr{werU Inspection Perigd"}, Buyer shall be res#x)nsitaly inr prompt payment fpr such inspections and raper aD damages to the Prgl:rhrtY resulting from the inspoctigns. H the Inspecliorl ur risk aSSPssment reveals the pre;enco of Chineaelriet~ratlvd drywall 4r revepie darnaa~{e to the Properly resulting from the defective drywall and the Cpst to rArnovelreplaaethe defecttve drywFilt pr dermage resulting frgm the defective drywall E:x[~er,~~ $ (~5q4 it lyfl blank), Buyer may cancel the CnntraGl t.,y diving written nptice to flip Seller within 3 days cram l lid ynd of the Drywall Inspection Perirxi and rer;eive a reilind of tl7e deposit, H Buyer iAila Iq rrrncal timely or fail; to conduct the inspections permitted in this paragraph, Buyer may not terminate this Contract pursuant to this Ackjendum. 3. F~rofessional Advice: Buyer sckrlowleidges that all representations abput Chirtusdldefective drywall by Broker are based on Seller representations and that Broker has not aondurlesi my independent inve:,tlgafions to verify the accuracy ar completeness of the information. Buyer aagrr~~as to rely solely on Seller, professional inspe:e:lnrs: governmental agengies or any third parties retained by the Buyer regarding any i3sue rdlated to Chinese/da#eciive drywall. Date -__._.. ~~ Seller Data Buyer C7ate Setter Dale ~ Buyer C;DA- t u148 ~ 2049 Flgrida As3cx;iation of FfP.attgrs~' All Rights Reserved