Res 34-10RESOLUTION NO.34-10 A RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF DELRAY BZ::ACH TO APPROVE AND ADOPT THE 2009 REVISED PALM BEACH COUNTY UNIFIED LOCAL MITIGATION STRATEGY PLAN; PROVIDING AN EFFECTI'ijE DATE AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, Palm Beach County is susceptible to a variety of natural and man-made disasters; and WHEREAS, the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000, was enacted to establish a national disaster hazard mitigation program to reduce the loss of life and property, human suffering, economic disruption, and disaster assistance costs resulting from disasters, and to assist state, local and Indian tribal governments in implementing effective hazard mitigation measures to ensure the continuation of critical services and facilities after a natural disaster; and WHEREAS, the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000, as a condition for qualif~ring far and receiving future federal mitigation assistance funding, requires such governments to have Federal Emergency Management Agency {FEMA} approved hazard mitigation plans in place that identify the natural hazards that could impact their jurisdictions, identify actions and activities to mitigate the effects of those hazards, and establish a coordinated process to implement plans; and WHE~:EAS, recently, Palm Beach County's Local .Mitigation Strategy {LMS}, in coordination with governmental and non-governmental stakeholders having an interest in reducing the impact of natural disasters, and with input from the private sector and other members of the public, developed and revised the Palm Beach County Unified Local Mitigation Strategy; and WHEREAS, in order to promote the development of a countywide Unified Local Mitigation Strategy, the City of Delray Beach entered into an Interlocal Agreement with Palm Beach County on July 26, 2000; and WHEREAS, the 2009 revised Unified Local. Mitigation Plan has been approved by the Florida Division of Emergency Management and FEMA and was adapted by the Board of County Commissioners on January 12, 2010; and WHEII:EAS, the LMS Steering Committee recommends the formal adoption of the 2009 Revised Unified LMS Plan, including planned future enhancements and modifications described therein, by the County and all 38 participating municipalities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City of Delray Beach hereby approves and adopts the 200 Revised Unified Local Mitigation Strategy Plan in its entirety, as revised by the LMS and approved by the Palm Beach County Board of County Commssioners, the Florida Division of Emergency Management and the Federal Emergency Management Agency including future revisions or modifications reviewed and approved by the Local ', Mitigation Steering Committee. Section 2. Except as modified herein, the Interlocal Agreement between the Board of County Commissioners, Palm Beach County, Florida, and City of Delray Leach dated July 2fi, 2000, shall remain in full force and effect. Section 3. The CitS~ of Delray Beach authorizes the appropriate City Officials to pursue available funding opportunities for implementation of proposed mitigation initiatives described in the Plan, and upon receipt of such funding or other necessary resources, seek to implement the actions in accordance with the mitigation strategies set out by the plan. Section 4, The City of Delray Beach will continue to support and participate in the LMS planning and implementation process as required by FEMA, the Florida Division of Emergency Management, and the Palm Beach County LMS Steering Committee. Section 5. The City of Delray Beach directs the City Clerk to transmit an original of the executed Resolution to the Palm Beach County Division of Emergency Management, attention LMS Coordinator, for filing in the Office of the Clerk & Comptxoller. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on the Gt'' day of JULY, 2010. MAY ATTEST: ~. ~.`_ City Clerk Res No. 34-10 Page 1 of ]. MEMOl~~A~TDUM TO; Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Richard C. Hasko, P.E., Enviranmenta.l Services Director THROUGH: David T. Harden, City Manager DATE: June 24, 2010 SUBJECT; AGENDA ITEM 8.A..._- REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING OF JULY b 2010 RESOLUTION N0.34-10/LOCAL MITIGATION STRATEGY (LMS~ PLAN ITEM BEFORE C{~MMISSION This item is a request from Palm Beach County that the City pass a resolution approving and adapting the 2009 Palm Beach County Local Mitigation Strategy Plan {LMS) in artier to ensure the City's elegibility for FEMA Disaster Assistance. RECOMMENDATION Approve a Resolution Na. 34-10, http:l/miweb0011Agendas/Bluesheet.aspx?ItemID=3424&MeetinglD=263 717/2010 RESOLUTION NO.34-10 A RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE QTY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE QTY OF DELS:AY BEACH TO APPROVE AND ADOPT THE 2009 REVISED PALM BEACH COUNTY LJI~IIFIED LOCAL MITIGATION STRATEGY PLAN; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. VJI~ RE AS, Palm Beach County is susceptible to a variety of naturl and man maces disasters; and VVI-AREAS, the Disaster Nfitigation Act of 2000, was enacted to establish a national disaster 11az~ard rrriti~tion program to reduce the lass of life and properly, hurr~n suffering, economic disruption, and disaster assistance costs resulting from disasters, and to assist state, local and Indian tribal gove~ts in impierr~errting effective hazard mitigation measures to ensure the continuation of critical services and facilities after a nah~al disaster; and WHEREAS, the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2(}00, as a condition for qualif;;ring for and receiving f~ukure federal rniti~tion assistance hording, requires such governments to have Federal E me..t~exuy Managerrx'nt A~g~r~y {FEMA) approved ha~~rd mitigation plans in place that identify the natural hazax~ that could impact their jurisdictions, identify actions and activities to rrritigate the effects of those hazards, and establish a coordinated process to implement plans; and WHEREAS, recently, Palm Beach Caunt~s Local Mitigation Strategy (LN)S), in coordination with govemrru~ttal and non gavemmental stalcehale~rs havng an intterest in reducing the impact of nahrrai disasters, and with input from the private sector and other members of the public, developed and revised the Palm Beach CoimtyUnified Local Nfitigation Strategy, and V'JF~REAS, in order to promote the development of a countywide Unified Local IVfitigatian Starategy, the City of Delray Beach entered into an Interlacal P~;reerr~.nt with Palm Beach County on July 26, 2000; and V'V1~REAS, the 2009 reuised Unified Laca1 Mitigation P]an has been approved by the Florida Division of Emergency Manage~nt and FEMA anal was adapted by the Berard of County Commissioners on January 12, 2010; and W3gEREAS, the L1~r1S StE~ering Committee recomrr~ends the formal adoption of the 2[l09 Revised Unified L~~ Plan, including pl~3nned fiuhu~e ec~lcements and rriadificatians described therein, by the County and all 38 participating rrnrnicipalities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY T'I~ CITY COIGrMSSION OF T"I~ CITY OF DEL~PAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City of Delray Beach hereby approves and adopts the 21109 Revised Unified Laval lVfitig~tian Strategy Plan. in its entirety, as revised by the LMS and approved by the Palm Beach. County Board of County Com~aners, the Florida Division of Emergency Ititlanagemc.~nt and the Federal. Err~rgency IVtanagt ~-~;ency including fuh~re revisions or modifications revievred and approved by the L,acal Ivfitig~tion Steering Camrnittee. Section 2. Except as modified herein, the Interlocal ~enr~ent behn the Board of County Commissioners, Palm $each County, Florida, and City of Delray Beach dated July 26, 2000, sl~~l mrnain in full force and effect. ectaan 3. The City of Delray Beach authorizes the appropriate City Officials to pursue availarble fx.ulding oppo~ties far impiementatian of proposed mitig~tian initiatives described in the Plan, and upon mceipt of such f~.~~c~ng ar other necessary resources, seek to implement the motions in ~cor{3ance with the rrutigatian sixategies set out by the plan. Section 4. The City of Delray Beach will continue to support and participate in the LMS pl~~r-ning and impierrrentation process as required by FEMA, the Florida Division of Emergency Man~agerr~ent, and the Palm Beach County LNG Steering Committee. Section 5. The City of Delray Be~h erects the City Clerk to transmit an arig~nal of the executed Resolution to the Palm Beach County Division of Emergency I~lanal,ement, attention L,NIS Coordinator, for filing in the Office of the Clerk & Comptroller. PASSED AND ADOPTED in rf~ular session on the day of , 2010, ATTEST: City Clerk 2 MAYOR Res No. 34-10 From. Jodie Muenz [mailto:jmuenz@pbcgov.org] Sent: Wednesday, June 16, 2010 8:14 AM To: Ma Thornton (mo_thornton@msn.com}; Iharrelle@belleglade-fl.cam; ngasparri@mybaca.us; rwall@wpb.org; brinytownclerk@yahaa.com; Harden, David; mhullvog@bellsouth.net; dsugerman@ci.hjghland-beach.fl.us; bsearls@hypoluxa.org; rogerh@jupiter,fl.us; chiefsmithlcs@beHsouth.net; mdavjs@lakeparkflorida.gov; jkroll@lakeworth.org; dthatcher@lantana.org; frspence@bellsauth.net; Istumpf@manalapan.org; salbury@townofmangoniapark.com; jboodheshwar@townofpalmbeach.com; pbergel@pbgfl.com; cgangwer@pbstownhall.org; blowe@villageofpalmsprings.org; rjones@rivierabch.com; calston@southbaycity.com; rtaylor@southpalmbeach.com; jknight@village-npb.org; glenridgetownof@bellsouth.net; pwebster@RoyalPalmBeach.com; ameriano@juno-beach,fl.us Subject: LMS Municipal Approval Goad morning, The 2010 Palm Beach County Local Mitigation Plan Strategy Pian (LMS) has been approved by the Florida Division of Emergency Management, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners. At this time, we are requesting the LMS Plan approval from each municipality located within the jurisdiction of Palm Beach County. Each municipality must approve the LMS Plan, as well as participate on the Palm Beach County Mitigation Working Group to qualify for FEMA Disaster Assistance. FEMA prioritizes disaster assistance recipients based on the approval of this plan. Municipalities that fail to approve the plan risk not receiving funding from FEMA if a disaster strikes. Far your convenience, the LM5 Plan is available on our website far your review: http://www. pbc~ov.orb/publicsafetylemer~encvmana~ement I have also attached an example of a resolution. Please send me your approved resolution once it is approved. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. My contact information is below. Thank you, Jodie H. Muenz Special Projects Coordinator Palm Beach County Division of Emergency Management 561f 712-64$1 561J 712-6449 jmuenz@pbc~ov.ore Under Florida IoW, a-mail addresses are public records. If you da not want your a-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this affce by phone or in writing.