01-09-51 Jf~2':T~TFd'~Y 9'£H~ 1951. Regular meeting of t]~e City Uouncil of the City of Delray Beach ~,~as ~'~e!d in the Council C:~aml0ers at _. _)0 p.m. with ~'.~yor .... ' ~ C~ty Attorney John ]~oore~ City o~aers in ~h~ Chair~ ~anager ~harle~ ~. ~l~c]c~ a~d ~ne fol!o~:~ing Covaci!men ~resent: R.J.Holland~ John ~(. ~[ab!er~ ~ ~ and~ .2~iter 2.Roth~ a ~v_orum~ being ~resen~. C it~ ~ ~.nager Black advi~'~. the Co~il that he h~.d received . ~ ~tOR a request from ~[r George Rhyne 2or per~i~' to display a Brahma Bull on the City parking lot~ opposite the City Hall on S.~].Sth &ve.~ ~;or about one ~eek~ to acquaint people ~,~ith the type of c~ttl~ being i~orted in 'this section It was the consensus of opinion of oh~ Council that this location was too close to the center of ~ To~ but tn~t ~r. Rhyne be a!lo~ed to displav~ his bu!]_ on ~n~ Gladioli Field on &tla~tic Avenue. ~ letter from ~rs. Constance G ~aine~ applying for the position as ~.~anager oJ the ~[~icipal S~.,~i~ing ~oo1~ ~ho would also serve as a Life Guard~ and give swi~ing lessons~ ~:as read as fo!lo~s: January 5~ 1951. ]~r. Charles ]~lack City I,~anaoer Delray Beach V!orida. Dear Sir: I would like to make formal ap~i~lication for the management~ life guarding and teaching of ' ~' swmm,~n~ at the De!ray l~each ~unicipat Pool. During my academic years I swam for the Detroit &thletic Cl~.b~ Duluth Boat Club and the Yo~g ~omen's ov~m~mn~ 2ssociation in Ne~ York. ~y competitive record ~,;as better then avera~e e ~ ' ' ' I did xnmb~t~on swi~ing ~t the Freeport Long Isl~na Yacht Clv~b Regattas and presented swi~m~ing meets sponsored by Leo Carriilo~ president of the Lambs Club. ?Jhen I turned professional z operated and ~a~.gnv at the ~eloourne Beach India!antic Casino~ ~elbourne~ ?lorida~ ¥~ich pool had been closed for five years~ and ~as fortunate enOugh to have it o?erate at a profit the first season. Vy father~ ~ato Mann~ swivelling Coach of the U~iversity o~' ~.Z~c'~igan for over thirty years~ ar~.d o~mer of two Ca~ps~ Chickopi for boys and 2komac for girls~ ~ould be ~laa to ans~.~er any questions re- saraing my abilit~ as lifeguard and teacher. 1/?/Il My experience in the operation and management of a pool has been life long due to my Father. It has always been a practice of his to teaci~ us coaching along with t~e necessary daily improvement of our swin~aing. Having lived with him at his Camps the first when I ~.,~as six years old~ I have had experience in the handling of youngsters individually and in mmlbers. ?~ith his reputation at stake with ray own~ I have been forced to learn and practice all safety factors. He is~ at present~ at Coral Sands Hotel in ?ort Lauderdale~ where his ~[ichigan Team~ twenty-five years Interco!leigate Champions~ is participating in the Swin~ing Forum held each year. He would~ I am sure~ be happy to make a personal call in answer to any questions >fou might have regarding ~_~y qualifications. I will appreciate the consideration of my name. Mrs. Constance Greene Paine. A letter of recommendation in connection with the above application was also read~ as i~ollows: "~'~. L A I~~ S I 1~ G G L E A S 0 N Registered Real Estate Broker REALTOR Eau Gallie~ Florida. January $~ 19~1. City Manager City of Delray Beach~ 71orida. Dear Sir: Mrs. Constance Greene Paine advises me that she is an applicant for a position as swimming teacher at your l, funicipal Pool. Some years ago~ Mrs. t-~aine was teaching at the Indialantic Pool~ at ?Ielbourne~ ?!orida~ and had classes for swimming inst- ruction for children of all ages. She was most successful in her work here being able to gain the confidence of all her pupils~ and to get their full cooperation in taking the instruction. It is a pleasure to me to commend firs. i~aine to you for this work. If any further information is desired~ I will be glad to fur~ish it upon request. Yours very truly~ (Signed) ~-~. Lansing Glea~on. Mr. Black explained that Mrs. David Yates~ the widow of the former Pool Hanager~ would like to be given the op~ort~nity to operate the pool~ and that she had arranged to have a life guard ~here~ who would also give swi~Lming lessons. After discussion bM the Co~cil~ a motion was made by Cou- ncilman Kabler that the foregoing application be filed for future consideration~ and that Hrs. Yates continue as Pool Manager~ with the understanding that she must keep a Life Guard there ~t all times. The motion was seconded by Oouncilman Roth~ and upon call of roll carried unanimously. City ittorney i~{oore was instructed to contact the Estate o2 Billie Turner~ o~ner o? Blocks 26 and 27~ Homewood Subdivision~ with re£erence to purchasing these Blocks~ which adjoin the Golf Course on the west. City ~anager Black was instructed to obtain proposals from several Contractors on the painting of the two water tanks at the ?~ater Plant~ both on painting the tanks at this timer and on a contract basis o~er a period of five or ten years. The following letter fro~ Attorneys Nowlin & Adams~ request- ing a change in zoning restrictions on the West ~$0' of Lots ? and 8~ Block 7%~ on behalf of their client William Priest~ ova~er of this property~ was read: December 2 ]~ 19%0 Honorable City Council DelraM Beach~ Florida Gentlemen: Our client~ William Priest~ has requested that we represent him in a matter concerning the re-~oning of the following described property: The West ,~0 feet of Lots ? and 8~ Block 7~ Delray Beach~ Plorida. It is respectfully requested that the zoning o2 this property be changed from its present "Apartment and Hotel" class to a "General Business" class. It is our belief that the above described property s]aould be rezoned for the following reasons. 1. You will note from the attached sketch that the above described property faces the Post Office in Block which is zoned for general business. Also~ t[~e property facing h~ast in Block 7%~ on N.E. 2nd ~venue~ is zoned for general business. It would~ t~erefore~ seem that being generally surrounded b~ general business property that the above described property no longer benefits 2rom its zoning status as an apartment and hotel zone. 2. Since the construction and operation of the Post 0ffice~ the traffic has greatly increased as to the number of automobiles and persons in the general area. In this connection it should be noted that the Public School is adjacent to the above described property. Because of the increased traffic and congestion on this corner~ it is easily seen that ~n~ property again has lost its value as an apartment and hotel zone. Thus~ again~ any benefit the property had as an apartment and hotel site has ceased to exist. ~, .... ~,'irst Street~ has recently 3. The railroad crossing~ at been opened and tine property in question has recently been assessed for the repaying and widening of ~..:_,.~mrst Street. is an apartment and hotel site~ this widening and paving improvement is of no benefit to the property~ where- as~ if this property were zoned for general business the widening and '~ ~ paw_ns of the street would be a definite bene- fit to the property~ and it is believed that it would en- courage _,_ur~ner business develo~_menos on N.~.~,irst Street; and~ in some measure~ it would relieve our city o_,_' the overcrowded conditions and traf£ic complications and con- gestion which presently exists on iktlantic iw~nue. Thus~ it is seen for the above reasons that this property is better suited for general business than as an apartment and hotel site~ viewed as a farsighted expansion for the city. The progressive growth o , ~eacn seems to demand that this property and other property similarly situated be zoned "General Business" to take care of and expand our business requirements. Respectfully submitted. NO~,'.rLIN & 3~,U~S~ Attorneys By: John H. ~ldams Upon motion of Councilman Kabler~ seconded by Councilman Rot_h, and unanimously carried~ the above request was referred to the Zoning Board for consideration s. nd reco~m'~endation. Proof of publication of Invitation to Bid on Furnis',~ing three traffic !ights~ complete ~,,~ith contro!lers~ was presented by the Clerk~ and spread upon the h~inutes as follows: INIfiTATION TO BID The City of Delray .Beach wil~ receive sealed bids until ~.30 p ..... .',~z~ _uesday January 9th~ 19~1 at the office of the City engineer for the following: 3 each~ 4 way 3-section open wire suspen- sion traffic signal~ ].]agle 43-E or equal. 3 ~acn~ Traffic signal light contro!lers~ future interconnected -.~,~ith flashing night light :~nd radio interference .~filter~ [~agle Ef~ 71~13 or equal. The City of De!ray Beach reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to ~.,~aive for- realities. (Signed) Charles E.~91ack City ~,~anager ~ub 1-~- 51. Delray Beach Journal. Two bids were received in response to the foregoing notice~ and same ~.,zere read in full as follow,s: MC DOi~2~LD ELECTRIC CO?2-Aii~T,,. Ti~TC. R. S. i~[cDonald ~ )~resident Electrical Supplies ~est t~a!m Beach~ Florida January 3 ~ 1951. City of De!ray Beach De!ray Beach~ Florida Att: Charles ~C. Black~ City Y[anager Gentlemen: ~,~e are pleased to quote on your invitation to bid as December ~o~ 1950~ on the fo!lo~ing items: 3 iZach.: ~-way 3-section open wire suspension traffic signal ]]agle ~3-E ~]~186.3~ ea. 3 Each: Traffic signal light controllers~ future interco~ected with flashing night light and radio interference filter ~agle EA71213 ~7~.90 ea. Total of ~id ~1~ ~0.72 The above prices are f.o.b. Delray Beach. Delivery date api:~ro:~imately 60 days from factory~ however~ ~.ze believe that we can deliver part of this order from a stock in Florida. ThankZng you for the invitation to bid~ we remain Yours very truly~ l/.?/fz 9 I',~cD0i?2LD [.:]LECTRiC C0.~ t]~C. BY Raff_Hoody ;,,'Jest Palm Beach Branch (bid :,i: 2) 0RL kI,~0~ 2LORiDA January $~ 19%1 City of Delray Beach Delray Beach~ .florida. AT'~Ei~TION: Mr. Charles iZ. Black City 1,.!anager Gentlemen: Referring to your request of December 28~ 19%0 addressed to Eagls Signal Corporatmon ~mmc~ nas been re~erred to us for handling~ we take pleasure in quoting on the following material: 3 - ~agle :?~3i~ four-way~ three-section~ span wire suspension traffic signals -Each 3 - f.]agle ;/EAT1A13 traffic contro!lers~ future interconnected type~ with flashing night light and radio interference filter-Each )273.90 The prices are subject to acceptance within 30 days from bid opening date of January 9 and are firm for that period. Shipment is estimated at 30 days or less on the signals and 60 days on the controllers. Prices quoted are F.O.B. Davenport~ Iowa ~,~ith freif[ht prepaid and allowed to Delray Eeach~ .~/!orida. Thanking you for the opp~rt~ity of quoting and hoping that this bid will receive your favorable consideration~ we remain Yours very truly~ (Signed) R.E. tfard City Manager Black stated that he had been advised by the MacDonald Electric Co. that them could fttrnish one complete light and control immediately~ and possibly two lights~ and that these are the same type of light as now being used in the City. 2s both bids were identical~ a motion w~.s made b? Council- man ]{abler that the 'bid of the ~acDonald '~tectric Co. of ~.~est ?aim ]Seach be accepted~ in the total amo~t of :31~3Z~0.72: con- omde~zns the earlier delivery date promised. The balance '~oou.z~ in e~cess of the amo~t budgeted for new traffie lzgnts~ the Council instructed the Clerk to charge to the new equipment account~ The motion was seco~tded by Councilman ~]o!land~ az%d upon call of roll carried unanimously. ~ Dez enoe Mrs. Max Joehte: Assistant Director o~ the Civil Program for this City~ appeared before the Council. She e:~plained that ?ir.~.~.M.De~itt is Director of the Program~ but at the present time ~ ~ ~ is ~mable to devote a great amo~t of time toward the organization~ and carrying on of the program. She asked the Council to adopt an Ordinance setting up responsibility o7 the office~ and clarifying the procedure of activities She felt they onould not wait i'or de?init, e instructions from the Counti; Director of Civil Defense: or from some official higher up: as they ~:~ight never 7et such instructions~ but they sho~d have the authority to go ahead ~ader the direction o] ~n~ City Co'~cil~ without t~o much waste of time. Ifter consideration bM the Co~cil~ a joint meeting of the City Co~cil~ together with the Director~ 2ssistant Director: the Executive Co~nit~ee: %~iardens~ and heads of departments of the Civil Defense program: was scheduled to be held at 7:30 p.m. on ?fednesday~ January 17th~ in the City Hal!~ to consider the adopt- ion of an Ordinance to establish policies a~%d detezate responsi- bility for the Civil defense program in the City. lfrs. Z~ochle ~,zas asked to noti:~y the above persons~ and also Col. ].F.Altman~ the recently appointed County Director~ of this meeting. 2ne following Ordinance was then nrousnt up for Second and final reading~ azfd same was read in full: 0~INA?~CZ IlO. G-117 :~'I ORDI~;d,;C~ :'z, CIz_c COUiTCIL 02 T~i~.: CI'i~ O? DZLRAY BzACn~ Li'LORIDA~ R ..... -,~I,~G SECTION 9 0F O~II,iAi~CE G-lO3; ~ ~:d~i~DIi'~G SZCTI0i~ 107 07 0i~- INAifCE G-ii 0F C~PTER III 0~ · ,:~.~ CItY COD]: Ot, C~AfIOz~L LIC~t~S~o ~0_:~ BE IT 0ZDAII'J)ZD by the City Co,~cil of the City of Delray Beach~ 71orida~ as follows: Section 1: That Section 10 of Ordinance G-lO3 be~ and the same is hereby ?epealed. g ' of Section 2: That ~ectmon 10~ Ordinance G-ii of Chapter III of the City Code of on~ City of Delra;7 Beach~ Florida~ be~ and the same is hereby amended to re~d as ~ollo~.rs: "E×press Companies - Each Company~ (Interstate business only) .......... ~ A~.~_=D in regular session on second and final reading on this the 9th day of Janaury~ A.D.i?~I. J. L. Sa'~der s !dayor S ' Ruth R. mmta City Clerk First Reading - December 26~ 19~0 Second 2eading - January 9~ 19~1 ]Passed and adopted - January 7~ 19%1. Upon motion of Co~cilman Roth, seconded by Councilman K ~ and unanimously carried~ the foregoing Ordinance No.O-ll? abl~r~ _~as passed and adopted as read. An amendment to the Auction Sale Ordinance No.G-66 again considered by the Co~cil. Councilman Holland reco]~m]ended that the Ordinance be amended to provide that the hour for hold- ing auction sales be extended to 11 0'clo6k p.m.: with the pro- cision that if a purchaser is not satisfied he can return any article within thirty days~ and his money will be refunded~ also that receipts will be issued on all articles of [,~10.00 or more~ and that signs ¥~ill be posted in the auctioneer's place of bas- iness stating that m~rcnandzse may be returned i? ~msatisfactory~ %~ithin a period of ~hirty days. ~.[r. Arthur A. ICarcus~ operator of the Delray Beach Art Ga!lery~ agreed to these terms~ but objected to p~zntzn~ on such receipts that he would make rsz_mds on articles returned within thirty days~ ~.;]]ich ~ ~ p, ~ ~ .... ~[~ ....u~c~]aser ~e!u were masatisfactory. He did agree to post signs to this effect in his ~lace oJ business~ and he felt this ~,~ould be s,3.z z icient. 2fter further consideration by t~]~ Coumcil~ a motion made bM Cotmcilman Holland that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an Ordinance to amend Ordznance ~o.G-6o:to extend the closing ho~ for auction sales to ilo'clock p.m.~ and to provide for the issuance of a receipt for all articles of (];10.00 or more~ said receipt to state that the purchaser, ii~ not satisfied~ may return any article ~,~ithin ten days and the seller will ref~d his' money~ also that signs will be posted by the auctioneer in his place of business~ stating that money will be refunded to the pur- chaser of any article~ iC returned %,~ithin ten days~ this Ordinance to be passed as an emergency measure at a special meeting to be held on January l?th~ to become effective i~ediately upon its adoption~ as the Co~cil' felt the present ordinance ~fair and discriminatory. The motion was seconded by Councilman Kabler~ and upon call of roll carried unanimously. Upon motion of Co~mncilman Kabler, seconded by Councilman Ho!land~ and ~manimously carried~ bills totali:~g ~- ~_, ~.aance C o~m~ittee. were approved for paMmen~ after approval of the ~ Councilman ~fatter A. Roth was al?ointed by ~(ayor Sam~ders to serve as a member of the Finance Co~nittee during the illness o.f Co,_mci!man Jacobs. Upon motion of Councilman Holland~ and seconded by Cotmcil- man Kabler~ the Co~_ci! a[~proved a tentative [:!an of the Jr. Chamber of Co~erce to construct a place to display their 'Fishing Tournament Trophies~ score boards~ etc.~ in the City l:ark just south of the east building covering t~e septic tanks. City ].~anager Black explained that they would erect show cases on this south wall~ and cover them with an a~ming~ and landscape around spot to make an attractive display. Upon call of roll t.be above motion was carried~ Councilmen Hol!and~ Kabler and oo. unders vet' favorably~ and Co~cilman Roth not voting. City }.~anager Black then advised the Council that the City _ o!oc~s~ room for fOrty-eight pris- could purchase four jail ce~l~ oners~ from the Arnold Construction Co'.~ the present o%,mers: who are demolishing the old Co~ty Jail in ?;est Palm Beach: for ~ 7:oO0.00 delivered~ and wo~d be given one year to pay for the cells ~..;ithout interest. He believed that when the Fire Gtation is moved~ this space will provide jail facilities~ and space ~or this n~ber of cells: and these are of better material and 1/3 or less of the cost of new cells~ and these are of better construction than it will be pos si],~le to get in the future. Mr. Black recomm~- ended that. the four blocks of cells be purchased and stored until space is available~ or at least three blocks if the Coumci! felt t'nat would be sufficient. After consideration by the Cocci! of the space ~,~hich will be available for jail purposes: and of ~n~ f~d which has been set up for jail improvements: amounting to ~.',j%~000.O0~ the City Manager was instructed to make a tentative offer on two of the cell blocks~ for the price specified~ and secure sealed bids Orom other sources on similar equipment. Upon motion of Co~cilman Holland~ seconded by Co~cilman Kabler~ and ~animous!y carried: the City Attorney was instructed to prepare a resolution to be adopted by the Council at the next regular meeting~ to change the time of Regular ~(eetings to the 2nd and 4th Monday. s of each month~ beginning Monday~ January 22nd z9 z. The meeting then adjourned. Ruth R. Smith City Clerk