01-17-51SpMtg JAI'~YUARY I?TH ~ 19%1.
A Special meeting of the City Council of the City of
Delray Beach was held in the Council Chambers at 7:30 p.m. with
Mayor J.L.Saunders in the Chair~ and City Attorney John Moore~
City ~anager Charles E. Black~ and the following Councilmen
present: R.J.Holland~ Jo~m ~. Kab!er~ ~d ?~alter ~. Roth~ a quor~
being present.
A letter from Marshall M.De~itt~ resigning as Director of
Civil Defense in this City~ was read as follows:
1tlO North Swinton Avenue
Delray Beach~ Florida
January 1~ 19~1.
Hon. Mayor and City Co~cil
Delray Beach
It is wit'a regret that I find it impossible for me
to continue as Chairman of the local Civil Defense Organization.
With the location of my place of business near Boca Raton~ and
since at times I cannot be reached even by telephone~ I feel
that for such a responsible position in om~ co~m~unity life another
person shoed head our Civil Defense.
I~ therefore~ tender my resignantion with complete
confidence in the organization and its perso~el and with
appreciation to them for their ~tiring efforts in setting up
an efficient Civil Defense group in Delray )Deach.
Respectfully yours ~
Marshall De~.~itt.
Mayor Saunders expressed regret that Mr; De~fitt felt he
would not be able to continue to head the Civil Defense program~
and recommended the appointment of John R. Tallentire to replace
Upon motion of Councilman Roth~ seconded by Councilman
Holland, and unanimously carried~ the above appointment of ~.
Tallentire as Director of Civil Defense was approved.
The adoption of an Ordinance to set u~ activities~ establish
po!icies~ and delegate responsibility for carrying out the Civil
Defense program, was discussed by the Council, and a com~ittee
consisting of Mr.M.M.DeWitt, ~irs. Max ~oehle~ and Mr. Tallentire
was appointed by the Mayor to work with the City Attorney in
1/l?/fl 14
drafting such an Ordinance for consideration by the Cauncil.
An Emergency Ordinance to amend Ordinance No.G-66~ pertaining
to auction sales~ was presented by the City Attorney~ and read in
full as follows:
ORDIN~':C~ G-66~ P~RT~!I~I~G TO
Mr. J.B.Smith~ a local jeweler~ addressed the Council~ re-
questing that the following clause be included in this Ordinance
"In case the auctioneer shall state the ~alue of any article sold
for more than ~10.00~ such stated value shall be e~idenced in
~iting on the receipt delivered to the purchaser~ as herein pro-
vided." This~ he belie~ed~ would protect the purchaser from being
misled as to the true ~alue of merchandise purchased.
Several merchants in the audience questioned the authority
of the Co~cil to adopt this Ordinance as an emergency meas~e~
as the Charter states that an emergency Ordinance may be passed
only Sor the preservation oi' public peace~ property~ health or
safety~ or for the daily operation of a ~icipal department.
City ~ttorney Moore explained that this proposed Ordinance
would amend the present Ordinance~ and provide for the i~ediate
preservation of the public safety by requiring that a receipt be
given by an auctioneer for all articles sold for {}10.00 or more~
and also by providing that merchandise which is ~satisfactory
may be returned within ten da~s~ by the purchaser~ and his money
will be ref~ded.
There were other complaints from the audience that extending
the hour of closing auction sales to 11 o'clock p.m. could not
be considered an emergency~ and to pass this Ordinance as an emer-
gency meas~e would not be in conformity with the City Charter.
Mr. !I.D.Ada~s~ also from the audienee~ stated that ir this
Ordinance were passed as an emergency amendment~ he would like
to go on record as opposing it.
Hr. Jo~ Breeze~ representing the Merchants Division of the
Chamber of Co~erce~ advised that they were opposed~ as a group~
%o this type of auction being carried on in Delray Beach~ but
not including the sales of real estate or automobiles.
Mr. Arthur A. Marcus~ operator of the Deltas Beach Art
Gallery~ then addressed the Co~cil an'd the audience~ and explained
that he intended to operate his business legitimately~ that it would
not be possible for an auctioneer to stay in business ~der this
Ordinance and not operate legitimately. He stated that this kind
of business was his profession~ and that by operating evenings
other merchants benefited during the day~ although he carried
no merchandise which would be in competition with local merchants.
He also agreed to the addition of a clause as sulgested~by
Smith~ to require a tag on all articles sold for ~!}10.00 or more~
stating the value of the article.
~,~en %uestioned as to his opinion~ Councilman Roth stated
that he was in favor of the amendment to the present 0rdinance~
out that he would not vote for it as an emergency measure~ feel-
ing it would be against Charter provisions.
City Attorney Hoore then advised that there might be a ques-
tion as to an emergency existing if contested in Court~ although
this amendment was intended as a protection for the pub!ic~ also
that a ~/~ vote of all members of the Council was required to
adopt an emergency 0rdinance~ in other words all members of the
Council present must vote in favor of its adoption.
Mayor Saunders expressed the opinion that it is ¥~ong to
discriminate against one person by making him close his business
at 6 o'clock~ and that if the present Ordinance is wrong it should
be changed without making this man wait 40 or ~ days for an Ord-
inance to become effective~ which will practically put him out of
Mr. Narcus then asked the Council to reduce the time required
for an Ordinance to become effective~ if they 2elt it should not
be passed as an emergency measure~ considering the length of time
he had already been waiting. City Attorney ~oore advised !~im~ how-
ever~ that the Charter speci(~ically provides that an Ordinance
must be read twice~ with at least ten days between readings~ and
will not become e2fective until thirty days after the ~'inal reading.
A motion was made b Councilman Roth~ and seconded by Coun-
cilman Kabler~ that the foregoing 0rdinance~ as amended to include
the clause suggested bM Hr. J.B.Smith~ be placed on first reading.
Upon call o£ roll the motion carried unanimously.
A petition~ signed by eight property owners on N. Federal
Highway~ was read as follows:
"City Council -
We the undersigned being the land o~mers of the first block
north of Atlantic Avenue on Federal Highway~ engaged in rental
business (Apt.) feel that our property has been seriously damaged
by the N0 ~{ING. Therefore we wish the Council to consider making
the area af2ected 10 I,,~!I~TE P~ING to allow parking for prospect-
ive tenants. This would answer our problem as we have parking
['acilities of each rental unit in the rear or side."
A~ter discussion~ the Council agreed to allow ten minute
parking on the ~{.Federal Hig~,~ay~ from the alley north of Atlantic
Avenue to N.l.lst Street~ to relieve this condition.
.g representative of 01in Hills~ Photographers~ with head-
quarters in Tennessee~ appeared before the Council. He complained
that his Company was asked to pay a license fee of ~}%0.00 per year
plus a fee o~} ~!}[0.00 for each solicitor~ whereas a local photo-
grapher was only req~lired to pay a fee of ~]~;20.00. He claimed
they were working under Interstate Co_~!m~erce laws~ and that there
could be no discrimination between local and itinerary photo-
graphers. He cuoted license fees charged b~? other cities in 'this
State~ which were not especially out of line ~.~it'n oar Ordinance~
and no action was taken on the complaint.
Mayor Sanders advised the Council that t~e l~ro~ert,y O~,mers
Yrotective Association had sug~-;ested that they appoint three
~Jor ~.~ , ~
committees in their organization~ to ~ ~- ~ith the Council~ if the
Council desired~ one General oo~nittee to work with the Fact ~,ind-
ing Co~m~ittee~ a Tax Valuation Committee to work ~,~ith the ~]qual-
ization Board~ and a Zoning Co~ittee to work with the Zoning
Board. They wanted no o~ficia! st~nding~ but ~ould work with and
help the Council Com~,~ittees in any way possible.
~lfter consideration~ a motion was made by Co~cilman ~Aabler
that the appointment of such Co~mnittees by the )~roperty O~ers
t-~rotective ~%ssociation be approved~ for the purpose of making
reco~endations only~ ~.~ith no official authority. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Ho!land~ and upon call of roll carried
A letter from M '. James M.Cromer, Chairman of the Co~m~ittee
of Realtors appointed to study and make reco~m~endations as to land
values for the 1951 T~ Ro!l~ was read as follows:
Delray Beach~ 2!orida
January 16~ 19~1.
Honorable Mayor and Co~cil
of the City of Delray Beach~
In December of 1950~ you appointed a Co~ittee of
Realtors~ consisting of James M.Cromer~ Ben Adams,~ Clif['ord
:~. Baker~ '~.P.Carpenter~ Jr.~ and Robert ~. Gracey~ to
advise tT~e Co~cil as to Land Tax Assessments. The Committee
has prepared f. or the Council a map showing recommended assessed
values based on the customary percentage to actual value. It is
our understanding that the Cit]~ Tax Assessor will apply depth
and corner factors where necessary.
The overall picture has been changed but little; however~
~.~e believe the recommended assessed Values are more equitable
and reflect the increased and decreased values in the various
sections of the CitM.
If the Co~cil would like to discuss the recommended
assessments with the Co~ittee~ we shall be glad to meet
with the Co~cil for this purpose.
Re spec tfully ~
James M. Cromer~ Chairman
City Manager Black stated that assessed values and sales
figures had been compared by this Committee~ and put on a map~
which was now ready for review and approval b'~ the Council. He
also asked that any changes in cubic footage values be made as
soon as possible~ in order to have the Tax Roll completed in
time for the Equalization Board hearing in March.
The Council agreed to meet at 2 o'clock on P~daM~ January
21st~ to go over this map and make any necessary changes~ before
approval at the next regular meeting.
The meeting then adjourned to the next regular meeting to
be held at 7:30 p.m. on Honday~ January 22nd~ 19~1.
Ruth R, mira
City Clerk