03-20-51SpMtg MARCH 20TH, 1951.
Special meeting of the City Council of the ~City of Delray Beach
was held in the Council Chambers at 7:30 P.M. with Mayor J. L. Saun-
ders in the ~hair, and City Attorney John Moore, City Manager Chas.
E. Black, and the following Councilmen present: John N. Kabler,
and Walter A. Roth, a quorum being present.
A letter from the Delray Beach Property 0wrers Protective Asso-
ciation, with reference to a request from the Advertising Committee
of the Chamber of Commerce for an appropriation to finance a summer
advertising campaign, was read as follows:
"March 19, 1951
The $ity Council,
Delray Beach, Fla.
Gentlemen: RE: Advertising Appropriations
The Property Owners Protective Association wishes to go on
record again as vigorously opposed to further appropriation of
city funds this year for Chamber of Commerce advertising in general,
and Summer advertising in particular.
It is our understanding that money was made available to the
Chamber of Commerce for advertising throughout this year, including
the Summer, and we protest against the diversion of additional city
funds to this project.
The urgent need for civic improvements such as street repaying,
storm and sanitary sewer extension, a sewage disposal plant, con-
tinued beach beautification, mosquito control, parking and recrea-
tional facilities, should preclude the expenditure of taxpayers'
money after budget ~equirements, for other purposes.
After Completion of the new Atlantic Avenue bridge, after
greater progress has been made in such improvements as noted above,
and when better facilities are available for evening entertainment
(including a good motion picture theatre), Summer advertising might
be of value. Today it could react t o our detriment through dis-
appointed tourists.
We urge again that no fuether city funds be diverted from the
principal objectives of municipal services and civic improvements.
/S/ Robert Fulton Blake, II
Pres ident"
Mr. Edw. A. Schellenberg, representing the Chamber of Commerce
Committee was present. He explained that in his opinion it was
necessary to advertise to bring in the right class of people, other-
wise accommodations will be filled with undesirable tourists.
Mr. John Thieme, President of the Chamber of Comn~rce, also
felt that it is important to make an effort to bring people here
the year round, for the benefit of property owners, me~chants, and
the City as a whole.
Many citizens were present, and expressed their opinions for
or against a summer advertising program.
Councilman ~abler then stated that he would vote against an
appropriation at this time, as he thought the 'Chamber of Commerce
should come to the Council for funds only once a year, at the time
the budget is being made up for the coming year, and that their
advertising programs should be planned ahead. At this time of the
year there are no excess funds for any purposes that have not been
The Council was reminded that if the Chamber of Commerce had
been granted the amount they asked for last year, when the current
budget was being made up, they would not have had to come back now.
As the consensus of opinion of the Council was that appropria-
tions could be made only at the time the budget is adopted, no
action was taken on this request.
The following letter from the Golf Course Commission was then
"Niarch 16, 1951
Hon. Jack Saunders, ~ayor
Delray Beach, Florida
Dear ~r. Saunders:
The Golf Course Commission has secured the employment of Mr. C.C.
Kelley as Greenskeeper at the Delray Beach Country Club and he began
work ~arch 15, 1951. We have also accepted the resignation of
Mr. Ralph Stewart as Pro Greenskeeper, whom the city has been paying
$200.00 a month.
We have agreed to pay Mr. Kelley $300.00 per month as Greenskeeper
and have secured the year round services of a Pro at the Country 'Club
with no salary from the city only the concessions.
In making this change you will note that we have effected a $100.00
per month saving to the city that Mr. Kelley is replacing Mr. Deese,
whose salary was $50.O0aweek.
We therefore would like to recommend to the City Council, through you,
that the salary of $300.00 per month be authorized to Mr. Kelley.
Very truly yours,
/S/ Joe Rose, Chairman
Golf Course Commission'
City ~.nager Black explained that Mr. Allen Stewart would be
Pro and Club House ~anager, under this arrangement, without salary.
He would give lessons, and have the profit from concessions; and he
had agreed to accommodate groups who wanted to use the Club House
at night.
After consideration by the Council, a motion was made by Coun-
cilman Kabler, seconded by Councilman ~oth, that a:~salary of $300.00
per month for a Greenskeeper at the Golf Club be approved, as sub-
mitred by the Golf Committee. Upon call of roll the motion carried
unanimous ly.
City Manager Black presented a letter fromthe Corps of En-
gineers of the U. S. Army, pertaining to a submarine water main ac-
ross the Intracoastal Waterway, which was read as follows:
'March 19, 1951
C~ty of Delray Beach
Delray Beach, Florida
ATTENTION: ,City Engineer
Reference is made to a permit u~sued to the city of Delray Beach
under date of 3 November 1933, authorizing the placing of a sub-
marine water main in and across the Federal project channel of the
Intracoastal Waterway, Jacksonville to Miami, at Atlantic Avenue,
~)elary Beach.
This office is informed by the State Road Department of Flor-
ida that work will be commenced in the immediate future in connec-
tion with a proposed new bridge at the above-mentioned site, the
initial work being dredging at the easterly side of the channel
extending both northward and southward about 50 feet from the center
line of the bridge.
Following the dredging above described the Corps of Engineers
will dredge an approach channel extending both northward and south-
ward about ll00 feet.
Examination of the plan accompanying the above-mentioned permit
reveals that it will be necessary that the water main be removed or
realigned prior to the dredging in order to prevent damage to the
pipe. It is therefore suggested that the matter receive prompt con-
sideration by you.
Sincerely yours,
Chief, 0perat~.ons Division"
Mr. Black explained that the Corps of Engineers were asking
that the pipe be moved as it will interfere with their dredging,
rather than with the construction of the bridge. He stated that the
Beach could be supplied with water from a 12' pipe line which c~osses
from 7th Street to Seagate, while this water line was being moved.
Upon motion of Councilman Roth, seconded by .Councilman Kabler,
and unanimously carried, the City Attorney was instructed to determine
whether the moving of the water main would be done at County or
~City expense, and if it would be a City expense the City Manager be
authorized to obtain engineering information to proceed with the
relaying of this line.
With reference to the establishment of an assessment rate for
land fronting on Ocean Blvd. in an Apartment and H6tel District, a
motion was made by Councilman Kabler, seconded by Councilman Hoth,
that a rate of $110.O0 per front foot be set, business property to
remain at $175.00 per front foot as previously established. Upon
call of roll the motion carried unanimously.
The Council instructed the City Attorney to check titles given
to Palm Beach County by Dr. W. C. Williams, and James W. Galloway,
for land needed for additional R/W for widening Atlantic Avenue in
connection with the c'onstruction of the new bridge, before the final
assessment of their property for the 1951 Tax Roll.
Upon motion of Councilman Kabler, seconded by Councilman Roth,
and unanimously carried, April 23rd was~ set as the final date for
filing protests by property owners who appeared before the Board
of ~qualizatlon, on adjusted valuation figures.
City ~anager Black advised the Council that no front foot rate
had been established for three blocks on West Atlantic Avenue west
of 5th Ave., and upon motion of Councilman Kabler, seconded by
Councilman Roth, and unanimously carried, the following rates were
set for these three blocks:
Blocks 20 and 21 - $20.00 per foot ' 12 and 13 - 15.00 " "
" ~ and 5 - 10.00 " "
and west to City
An application for transfer of license to sell beer and wine,
filed by Lovett's Grocery, from 310 E. Atlantic Avenue to their new
location, 114 N.E. 2nd Avenue, was filed. As this location is within
300' of a public school, City Attorney Moore suggested that the
liquor zoning ordinance be amended to shorten the distance from a
school in which beer and wine may be s old in packages.
After consideration, a motion was made by Councilman Kabler,
that the Ordinance be amended to exempt grocery stores, selling beer
and wine in packages only, from complying with the restriction with-
in 300' from a school. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hoth,
and upon call of roll carried unanimously, and the City Att~ney was
instructed to prepare such amendment to the Liquor Ordinance for
passage by the Council.
~City Manager Black presented a tentative plat of Blocks L and M
of John B. Reid's Village, for approval.
As the sketch met all requirements, a motion was made by 'Coun-
cilman Kabler, seconded by Councilman ~oth, and unanimously carried,
that it be tentatively approved, with the provision that a circular
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turn at the west end of ~assau Street be provided.
The City Manager was instructed to advise the Beach Tax Payer's
League,by letter, that a Fire Truck and man will be stationed on
the Beach while the Atlantic Avenue bridge is closed, and also to
negotiate with Mr. Fred Scott for space in the Seacrest Hotel Garage
for this truck and a bunk for a fireman, on motion of Councilman
Kabler, seconded by Councilman Roth, and unanimously carried.
The meeting then adjourned.
City ~Clerk