04-02-51SpMtg Special Meeting of the City ~Council, together with the Civil
Service Bosr~, was held ~n the City N~anager's office at 7:30
with ~?.ayor J. L. Saunders in the Chair, and City Attorney John l~oore,
~City ~anager Chas. E. Black, and the Following Co~Jncilmen ~resent:
R. J. HollanR, W. A. Jacobs, John N. Kabler, and Waiter A. Roth,
a quorum being present; and John Breze, T. L. Jackson, an~ J. C.
Keen, members of t he ~Civil Service Board present.
~ayor Saunders announced that the meeting had beer called to
discuss the responsibilities and duties of the Civil Service Board
with reference to appoimtment of employees of the City.
City Attorney ~oore explained that the intent of the Civil
Service Act was that the 'Civil Service Board should provide exami-
nations for all salaried employees, except those appointed by the
City Council, an~ that the appointment itself should be under the
Jurisdiction of the ~Civil Service BoarS. He felt, however, that
the Act should be clarified, and suggested that the Civil Service
Board select its own Attorney, to redraft the Civil Service Act with
him, and make recommendstions for amendments to the City Council at
its next meeting. He also stated that a separate Attorney was need-
ed for the Civil Service Board in case of a controversy between the
City and the Board; that the 'City Attorney should not have to be
an arbitrator, nor should he have to prosecute City employees. The
comoensatfon an5 term of office for such an ~ttorney should be set
by the City Council.
Mr. Jackson stated that he understood that the Board would
recommend the eligible persons for aposition, as the result of an
examination, and the City ~_~nager wo:~]d select the one best quail-
fief., in his opinion.
l~.r. Breze contended that the Civil Service Act was not clear
as to how an appointment should be made. He suggested that the
Council and the Civil Service Boar5 establish policies, as emergen-
cies ar~se, and by' the next session of the State Legislature, in
19~3, enough, informat].on would be aceumulate~, to amend the Act as
it should be.
After discossion by the Council an~ tee ~Civil Service Board,
the following amendments to the Civil Service Act were a~roved:
1. ~hat a provision be made in the Civil Service Act which
will provide that the Civil Service ~osr5 may employ an
Attorney, whose compensation is to be fixer by the City Coonci].,
and whose services are to be requirer when, in the discretion of
the Civil Service Boar~, they are needed.
2. Recommendations for positions~ or filling vacancies, shall
be made by the Civil Service ~oard to the City ~anager
without reference to no~nbers, anR the City f¥'.snager ah&fl make the
The 'City Attorney ,~;o_~nted out that the City ~b.~a~ter sets up
only three Departments in the 'City government, the Police Depart-
ment, F~re Department, an~ the Department of Pub!~.c ~orks, other
th~n tho~e des~;n~te~ by Or~a~ee, lie suggested the
of en orflinanc~ to set up ~11 Dep~rtments which are covered by
th~s Civil Ser~z~ce Act, ~nd upon motion cf Counc[lm~n K~bler,
seconded by Co~.mc!lmen Holland, and unanimously carried, the C~ty
Attorney was ~mstructed to prepare such an ord!n.~rce, setting forth
all Departments ~n the City organization whf ch are covered by the
Civil Service Act.
City ~snager B!sck t~n stated, that as a result of the recom-
mer~dation of the Civil Service board, 8nd selection by himself w~th
the gounc~l s~tt~ng ss en advisory committee, he had appointed
Robert D. ~ior%h!ng es Tax Assessor and Col_lector, as of this date.
A motion was m~fle by liar. Breeze of the Civil Service Board,
that th~.s ~po[ntment ss made by the Gf~ manager be conf~rmed and
ratified by the Board. The motion was seconded by ~r. Keen, and
csrrfed unanimously.
~syor Sanders brought up the matter of the complaint of L9cy
Love against the iV. argaret Ann Store, expeci~lly pertaining to p~p-
ers ~nd rubbish blowing over the neighborhood. He suggested that
some action be taken to remedy th~s condition t~oughout the City.
City l~an~ger Bl. sck explaine~ that he had tr~ed to work with
the stores on this m~tter, ~nd recommended that they be req%~ired
to provide adequate covered trash containers, to prevent the blow-
~nf of p~pers and refuse. He also recommended that in the future
business houses be required to prove, de ~n un!oed[ng sp~ce, so that
trucks dr~ving to these stores wi].] not block ~ street or alley.
~fter further discussion, ~ motion was made by Councilman K~b-
!er to sutbor[ze the Plumbing ~nd Senitgry Inspector, together with
the Chief of Police, to conduct an inspection tour of the business
sections of the City, and edv~se mercharts that trash end garbage
must be kei;t in containers, end that two weeks from th~ s~ d~te war-
rants w[!l be issued on unsanitary conditions, garbage, unnecessary
odors, or collections of unsightly papers existing behind corem, er-
cia! buildings; that trash and garbage must be kept ~n containers,
~md the contai~ers kept clean ~nd s~n~.t~ry. Councilm~n Roth ~econ-
dad the motion, whO. ch carried ~.nenimously upon cai! o~ roll.
Newsp~ers were requested to give this matter publicity.
Councilman Jecobs recommended that the Council consider the
~ppointment of ~ bona-fide Sanitary Inspector ss soon as po~.~ible
in the future.
The meeting then ~djourned.
C!ty rolerk