Res 36-10RESOLUTION NO. 36-10 A RESOLUTION OF THE CI'I"~' COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ES I'ABLISHING A BUDGET I~OR THE STOI~IWIITER U'1"ILITY SYSTEM; ESTABLISHING RATES FOR S'1"ORI~IWATER i~1ANAGEMENT ASSESSMENTS FOR EACH PARCEL WITHIN THE BENEFITTED ARIA, O'I"HER THr1N NON-ASSESSED PROPI~1t'I`Y; PROVIDING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING; PROVIDING FOR THE CER'I'IFICA PION AND ADOI'"PION OF THE STORMWAT'EK ASSL-'SSMENT ROLL IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 56 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF DELRr~Y BEACH, FLORIDA; AND PROVIDING AN h,FFE C"I'IVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, did, on July 10, 1990, adopt Ordinance No. 21-90, which provides for the creation and establishment of a City-wide Stormwater Management System; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach did, on April 27, 1993, adopt Ordinance No. 35-93 which amended Chapter 56 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach to provide for the method of establishing and collecting Stormwater Management Assessments; and WHEREAS, the statutory authority for the creation and implementation of Ordinance No. 21-90, as amended, is predicated on Article VIII, Section 2(b) of the Florida Constitution; Chapter 166, Florida Statutes, as amended and supplemented; Section 403.0893, Florida Statutes, as amended and supplemented; Chapter 197, Florida Statutes, as amended and supplemented; the City Charter of the City of Delray Beach, Florida; and other applicable provisions of law; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach has found that owners, tenants and occupants of property within the geographical boundaries of the City will derive a special benefit from the effective management of Stormwater and other surface water and from the operation, maintenance and expansion of the Stormwater management system; and WHEREAS, Chapter 56 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach establishes that the rate for Stormwater management assessments for each parcel within the benefited area, other than with respect to non-assessed property, shall be established each year by resolution of the City Commission; and WHEREAS, Chapter 56 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach provides that such rate resolution shall not be adopted prior to the establishment of an operational budget for the system or prior to conducting a rate hearing as required by applicable law; and WHEREAS, Chapter 56 of the Code of Ordinances of the Ciry of Delray Beach provides that such budget shall include, but not be limited to, a capital element, a debt service element and an Operation and Maintenance element and further requires that the rate hearing and rate resolution shall clearly establish what portion of the stormwater management assessment reflects the capital element, the debt service element, if any, and the Operation and Maintenance clement; and WHEREAS, a budget of operation for the year ending September 30, 2011, is set forth in Exhibit "i~" and is established in conformity with the requirements of Ordinance No. 21- 90, as amended, and Chapter 56 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach; and WHEREAS, billing and collection of the stormwater management assessment shall be accomplished utilizing the uniform method of collection; and WHEREAS, a rate for stormwater management assessments for the various classes of property (other than non-assessed property) within the benefited area shall be calculated as provided in Chapter 56 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Delray Beach, and as further set forth in Exhibit `B" to this resolution; and WHEREAS, a public hearing on this resolution setting the rates and adopting the budget and for the purposes of adopting and certifying a stormwater assessment roll was duly noticed; and WH1?REAS, the City, upon adoption of the budget and rates, shall review the stormwater assessment roll to determine its conformity with the proposed rate resolution and, if, upon the completion of such review the City shall be satisfied that the stormwater Management Assessment Roll has been prepared in conformity with the proposed rate resolution, it shall adopt said resolution and ratify and confirm the stormwater Management Assessment Roll and certify that the stormwater Management Assessment Roll is correct and proper and is to be used in collecting the stormwater management assessments. "Thereafter, the City Commission, if no objections are made by persons affected by the assessment roll at the public hearing or if objections having been made are deemed insufficient by the City Commission, shall thereupon adopt the assessments as shown by the Assessment Roll; and WHEREr~S, the owner of each parcel within the benefited area for which a stormwater assessment is levied shall thereafter be responsible for payment therefore. 2 RES. NO. 36-10 NOW, '1'HEREFOKE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the City Commission does hereby adopt the aforementioned preamble in its entirety. Section 2. 'T'hat the City Commission does hereby adopt, after public hearing, the budget as established in I?xhibit "r1" hereto which is incorporated herein. Section 3. That the City Commission does hereby adopt, after public hearing, the rates as set forth in Exhibit "B" hereto which is incorporated herein. Section 4. That the City Commission hereby adopts and certifies the Stormwater Management Assessment Roll. Section 5. 'hhis resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED AND ADOP'T'ED in regular session on this the 20`'' day of July, 2010. Al"I'I SST: MAY O City Clerk 3 RES. NO. 3C-10 Exhibit "A" FY 2010-1 l FUND 448 STORMWATER UTILITY FUND Dept 54 Sturn»vater Utility Div 11 :~clminislration 12-10 REGULAR SALARIES/WAGES $ 212,110 15-20 CAR ALLOWANCE 3,080 21-10 EMPLOYER FICA 15,530 22-]0 GEN'L EMP RETIREMENT 33,770 22-30 ICMA CONTRIBUTIONS 2,260 23-10 LIFE INSURANCE 540 23-20 DISABILITY INSURANCE 1,010 23-30 HEALTH INSURANCE 21,170 24-10 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 6,500 25-10 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 200 25-20 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROG. 110 * PERSONAL SERVICES 296,280 31-30 ENGINEERING/ARCHITECT 28,220 31-90 OTHER PROFESS SERVICES 20,330 32-10 AUDIT/ACCOUNTING FEES 2,010 40-10 TRAVEL & TRAINING 1,470 41-10 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 660 41-15 PORTABLE PHONE/MDD 800 42-10 POSTAGE 420 43-10 ELECTRICITY 2,880 43-50 STORMWATER CHARGES 1,470 44-30 EQUIPMENT RENTAL/LEASE 2,240 44-45 VEHICLE RENTAL-GARAGE 1,870 45-10 GENERAL LIABILITY 17,360 46-20 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 1,380 46-30 VEHICLE MAINT-GARAGE 1,100 46-90 OTHER REPAIR/MAINT COST 23,400 47-20 REPRODUCTION CHARGES 2,000 47-90 OTHER PRINTING COSTS 30 49-22 SHARE OF ADMIN EXP 130,000 51-10 STATIONERY/PAPER/FORMS 1,270 51-90 OTHER OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,870 52-10 FUEL/CUBE VEHICLES 500 52-20 GEN'L OPER SUPPLIES 3,120 52-22 UNIFORM/LINEN SERVICE 370 54-10 BOOKS & PUBLICATIONS 160 54-IS SUBSCRIPTIONS 550 54-20 MEMBERSHIPS 1,080 54-30 TRAINING/EDUCATION COSTS 1,630 * OPERATING EXPENSES 248,190 64-1 1 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 1,200 64-12 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 3,330 CAPITAL OUTLAY 4,530 91-O1 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND 116,000 TRANSFERS 99-O1 PROJECT RESERVE * NON OPERATING 116,000 ** STORMWATER ADMINISTRATION $ 665,000 Exhibit "A" FY 2010-1 l FUND 448 STORMWATER UTILITY FUND Dept 54 Stormwater Utility Div 16 MAINTENANCE 12-10 REGULAR SALARIES/WAGES 14-10 OVERTIME 13-10 OTHER PAY 21-10 EMPLOYER FICA 22-10 GEN'L EMP RETIREMENT 22-30 ICMA CONTRIBUTIONS 23-10 LIFE INSURANCE 23-20 DISABILITY INSURANCE 23-30 HEALTH INSURANCE 24-10 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 25-10 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 25-20 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROG. * PERSONAL SERVICES 31-20 MEDICAL 34-70 PHOTO/MICROFILM SERVICES 34-78 REPAIR & UPKEEP CANALS 34-90 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE 40-10 TRAVEL & TRAINING 41-15 PORTABLE PHONE/MDD 43-10 ELECTRICITY 43-25 IRRIGATION WATER 43-50 STORMWATER CHARGES 44-10 LAND RENTAL/LEASE 44-30 EQUIPMENT RENTAL/LEASE 44-45 VEHICLE MAINT-GARAGE 45-10 GENERAL LIABILITY 46-20 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 46-30 VEHICLE MAINT-GARAGE 46-90 OTHER REPAIR/MAINT COST 47-10 PRINTING/BINDING SERVICES 49-16 COMML DRIVERS LIC RENEWAL 51-10 STATIONERY/PAPER/FORMS 51-90 OTHER OFFICE SUPPLIES 52-10 FUEL/CUBE VEHICLES 52-20 GEN'L OPER SUPPLIES 52-22 UNIFORMS/LINEN SERVICE 52-24 BUILDING MATERIALS 52-26 GARDENING SUPPLIES 52-27 EQUIPMENT <$ I ,000 53-20 REPAIRS-DRAINAGE 54-20 MEMBERSHIPS 54-30 TRAINING/EDUCATION COSTS * OPERATING EXPENSES 64-25 HEAVY EQUIPMENT * CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 190,670 10,000 300 14,040 30,350 480 900 33,410 19,440 280 150 300,020 280 100 9,420 46,100 990 2,520 9,140 7,200 2,240 800 71,020 20,820 1,430 70,650 130,030 180 50 400 20,000 7,000 2,400 700 10,000 12,870 1 I ,200 100 480 438,120 ** STORM WATER SYSTEM MAINTENANCE $ 738,140 Exhibit "A" FY 2010-1 l FUND 448 STORMWATER UTILITY FUND Dept 54 Stormwater Utility Div bl CAPITAL 63-15 DOWNTOWN PARKING LOTS $ 106,300 63-90 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 50,000 65-41 SWALE RECONSTRUCTION 75,000 65-95 SW 2ND ST BEAUTIFICATION 150,000 68-18 STORM WATER PUMP ST REHAB 225,000 68-56 BLOCK 19&20 ALLEY IMPROV 71,000 68-65 AUBURN AVE IMPROVEMENTS 200,000 68-67 BAY ST PUMP STA IMPRV 172,500 68-68 ZEDER AV 30,000 68-69 PALM TRAIL DRAINAGE 30,000 99-O1 PROJECT RESERVE 48,310 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,158,110 ** CAPITAL $ ],]58,1]0 FUND 448 STORMWATER UTILITY FUND Dept 71 Debt Service Div 11 Debt Service 71-16 STORMWATER NOTE 71-25 2007 UTILITY TAX BONDS PRINCIPAL 72-16 STORMWATERNQTE-INTEREST 72-25 2007 UTILITY TAX BONDS INTEREST * DEBT SERVICE ** DEBT SERVICE 34,120 I ,020 20,150 49,830 105,120 $ 105,120 *** STORMWATER UTILITY FUND $ 2,666,370 Page 1 of 1 MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: David T. Harden, City Manager DATE: July 12, 2010 SUBJECT: AGH:\DA ITEM 10.B. -REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING OF JULY 20, 2010 RESOLUTION N0.36-10 ITEM BEFORE COMMISSION In accordance with Chapter 56, "Stormwater", of the City Code, Resolution No. 36-10 establishes the budget for the stormwater utility system, establishes the rates for FY 2011 stormwater management assessments, and certifies and adopts the stormwater management assessment roll. Prior to consideration, a public hearing is required. BACKGROUND The assessment is proposed at the rate of $5.33 per month per Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU), for a total annual assessment of $63.96 per ERU. This is the same as the current year assessment. Property owners within the Lake Worth Drainage District are given a 25% discount. A separate 25% discount is given to owners of property served by private drainage systems. The proposed budget for the stormwater utility fund is incorporated in Resolution No. 36-10 as Exhibit "A". The rate structure with condominium factors is attached to the resolution as Exhibit "B". The assessment roll will be available for review in the Commission Chambers at the July 20th meeting. RECOMMENDATION Recommend approval of Resolution No. 36-10. http://miweb001 /CouncilAgenda/Bluesheet.aspx?ItemID=3505&MeetingID=265 7/26/2010 Exhibit "A" FY 2010-11 FUND 448 STORMWATER UTILITY FUND Dept 54 Stormwater Utility Div l l Administration 12-10 REGULAR SALARIES/WAGES $ 212,110 15-20 CAR ALLOWANCE 3,080 21-10 EMPLOYER FICA 15,530 22-10 GEN'L EMP RE'T'IREMENT 33,770 22-30 ICMA CONTRIBUTIONS 2,260 23-10 LIFE INSURANCE 540 23-20 DISABILITY INSURANCE 1,010 23-30 HEALTH INSURANCE 21,170 24-10 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 6,500 25-10 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 200 25-20 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROG. 1 10 * PERSONAL SERVICES 296,280 31-30 ENGINEERING/ARCHITECT 28,220 3 ] -90 OTHER PROFESS SERVICES 20,330 32-10 AUDIT/ACCOUNTING FEES 2,010 40-10 TRAVEL & TRAINING 1,470 41-10 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 660 41-15 PORTABLE PHONE/MDD 800 42-10 POSTAGE 420 43-1U ELECTRICITY 2880 43-50 STORMWA'TER CHARGES 1,470 44-30 EQUIPMENT RENTAL/LEASE 2,240 44-45 VEHICLE RENTAL-GARAGE 1,870 45-10 GENERAL LIABILITY 17,360 46-20 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 1,380 46-30 VEHICLE MAINT-GARAGE 1,100 46-90 OTHER REPAIR/MAINT COST 23,400 47-20 REPRODUCTION CHARGES 2,000 47-90 OTHER PRINTING COSTS 30 49-22 SHARE OF ADMIN EXP 130,000 51-10 STATIONERY/PAPF,R/FORMS 1,270 51-90 OTHER OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,870 52-10 FUEL/LUBE VEHICLES 500 52-20 GEN'L OPER SUPPLIES 3,120 52-22 UNIFORM/LINEN SERVICE 370 54-10 BOOKS & PUBLICATIONS 160 54-15 SUBSCRIPTIONS 550 54-20 MEMBERSHIPS 1,080 54-30 TRAINING/EDUCATION COSTS 1,630 * OPERATING EXPENSES 248,190 64-1 1 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 1,200 64-12 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 3,330 CAPITAL OUTLAY 4,530 91-O1 'TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND 1 16,000 TRANSFERS 99-01 PROJECT RESERVE * NON OPERATING 1 l 6,000 ** STORMWATER ADMINISTRATION $ 665,000 Exhibit "A" FY 2010-11 FUND 448 STORMWATER UTILITY FUND Dept 54 Stormwater Utility Div l6 MAINTENANCE 12-10 REGULAR SALARIES/WAGES 14-10 OVERTIME 13-10 OTHER PAY 21-10 EMPLOYER FICA 22-IO GEN'L EMP RETIREMENT 22-30 ICMA CONTRIBUTIONS 23-10 LIFE INSURANCE 23-20 DISABILITY INSURANCE 23-30 HEALTH INSURANCE 24-10 WORKF,RS' COMPENSATION 25-10 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 25-20 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROG. * PERSONAL SERVICES 31-20 MEDICAL 34-70 PHOTO/MICROFILM SERVICES 34-78 REPAIR & UPKEEP CANALS 34-90 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICE 40-10 TRAVEL & TRAINING 41-15 PORTABLE PHONE/MDD 43-]0 ELECTRICITY 43-25 IRRIGATION WATER 43-50 STORMWATER CHARGES 44-10 LAND RENTAL/LEASE 44-30 EQUIPMENT RI?NTAL/LEASE 44-45 VEHICLE MAINT-GARAGE 45-10 GENERAL LIABILITY 46-20 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 46-30 VEHICLE MAINT-GARAGE 46-90 OTHER REPAIR/MAINT COST 47-10 PRINTING/BINDING SERVICES 49-16 COMML DRIVERS LIC RENEWAL 51-]0 STATIONERY/PAPER/FORMS 51-90 OTHER OFFICE SUPPLIES 52-10 FUEULUBE VEHICLES 52-20 GEN'L OPER SUPPLIES 52-22 UNIFORMS/LINEN SERVICE 52-24 BUILDING MATERIALS 52-26 GARDENING SUPPLIES 52-27 EQUIPMENT <$1,000 53-20 REPAIRS-DRAINAGE 54-20 MEMBERSHIPS 54-30 TRAINING/EDUCATION COSTS * OPERATING F.XPF.NSES 64-25 HEAVY EQUIPMENT * CAPITAL OUTLAY $ 190,670 10,000 300 14,040 30,350 480 900 33,410 19,440 280 150 300,020 280 100 9,420 46,100 990 2,520 9,140 7,200 2,240 800 71,020 20, 820 1,430 70,650 130,030 180 50 400 20,000 7,000 2,400 700 10,000 ] 2,870 11,200 100 480 438,120 ** S'I'ORMWATER SYSTEM MAINTENANCE $ 738,140 Exhibit "A" FY 2010-ll FUND 448 STORMWATER UTILITY FUND Dept 54 Stormwater Utility Div 61 CAPI"I'AL 63-15 DOWNTOWN PARKING LOTS $ 106,300 63-90 OTHER IMPROVEMENTS 50,000 65-41 SWALE RECONSTRUCTION 75,000 65-95 SW 2ND ST BEAUTIFICATION 150,000 68-18 STORM WATER PUMP ST REHAB 225,000 68-56 BLOCK 19&20 ALLEY IMPROV 71,000 68-65 AUBURN AVE IMPROVEMENTS 200,000 68-67 BAY ST PUMP STA IMPRV 172,500 68-68 ZEDER AV 30,000 68-69 PALM TRAIL DRAINAGE 30,000 99-01 PROJECT RESERVE 48,310 * CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,158,110 ** CAPITAL $ 1,158,110 FUND 448 STORMWATER UTILITY FUND Dept 7l Debt Service Div 11 Debt Service 71-16 STORM WATER NOTE 34,120 71-25 2007 UTILITY TAX BONDS PRINCIPAL 1,020 72-16 STORMWATERNOTE-INTEREST 20,150 72-25 2007 UTILITY TAX BONDS INTEREST 49,830 * DEBT SERVICE 105,120 ** DEBT SERVICE $ 105,120 *** STORMWATER UTILITY FUND $ 2,666,370