05-14-51 101 }htY 14TII, !9~1 ,,e~ula, ma,-,tJt,,~ oF t,~, City r'.o~mci. 1 of the City oF Delray '~ ' wns hel~ in t~ Co~mcil Cbam~ers at 7:30 ~ ,,r with :'ia, vor J. L Sa. tinders :[~, t~a Chair~ and ~ity Atlorney John :'!oore, and the follow- lng Councilmen ppasent: Il. J. Hol!and~ John N.. i(abler, m'~,: Walter I petition si_greed by fourteen property owners in the vicinity of" ' " P~]. qtreet, ;'mr]~e :~py~ ~ add Lover's Lane, was rend a.s follows, and ordered Filed: To tb~ Houopa~]_n City co,moil C~ty of Delppy Beach, Florida. ~,e~ tln~ ~de~si~ed owners off ~_~, .pty..l¢opdepiDg on Lovers Lane and in tl'~ ~ea it was platmed to serve, herel~y protest the er, nver,d.o]: of t'is pedestrim~ wn. lk to a street. When thi. s area was originally dirtied into l¥~ilding lotn~ ~'r. Frank Noble, the owner, promised the in- some ~O yoars a~,, .~ . ~lJvidual buyers of lot~ that h~ would provide fop their spe¢ial use a pedestrian walk extending from Palm Sq~m. pe to the Canal ~d named it Lovers ~nne. Lots were purchased ~md residences located an,~ erected accordingly. To convert this pedestrian walk into a street viii gre~lly depreei,te ?resent property w~]ues, not only alon~ the 225 Peet Lovers Lane but also in the c,mtiguous area, with ~.o eounter-bsl~ncJn.7 benefit. ~m sug.zested conversion will not solve the problem of the dead-end street oP Hn.p~ne Why at Atlantic Avenue. There ~411 ne~d to he a turning space Fop ve"icles on ;~i~rJ.ne ~ay al or neap Atlantic Avenue. Certn~nly not ~t Lovep¢ nsne, 300 Peet to the ~outh. South .:mst First Stpe~t p~lns D~pallel with lovers ~,ane~ aleut 25~ Peet to the south. With the dead-end ~t Atlantic Avenue the vehicular tP~PPic on Narine Way will be decidedly less than in the past. ThereFore there is n,~ legitimate need whatever PoP in- creasing the Facilities oP ~ast-~est vet~Jculap traFFic in this ~loek. (qi~ed by 14 property ovneps) No request was Piled Pop the opening oP this "Lane", but upon motion oP Co~meilman llolland~ seconded by Com~ci~man l{oth~ and unanimously carried~ the Council agP~d to deny any such applica- tion iP P~led in the Future A p~tition si~ea by s ev~n property o~mers in ~lock 117, re- questing the op~ning oP th~ ~lley Punni~g north and south through this Bloek~ was read~ as Follows: WE~ the undersi~ned property o~mers Iivin~ and residing in ~lock llT~ oP the City oP l~elray Beach~ Flopid~ or owning property within the bo~dapJ, e~ oP saifl llloek~ do hereby petition the City Co,moil oP the ~ity oP DelPny Be~ch~ Flopida~ to take the necessary steps and actions to ~p~lg at}out the complete rebuild~g and ~ying oP the alley p~ning north and ~outh through the center oP said 1 Block 117, from Atlantic Avenue so~thward t~ S.E. First Street; and we desire to have said al_Icy properly rocked, water-boluqd and oiled, according to City Plains and Specifications for the construction of city streets. (SJ~ed by T property owners) Approximately 75~ oC the ?roperty owners who would be as- sensed CoP this improvement had signed the petition~ and it was reCer~ed to a Committee consisting off Councilmen Kabler~ Hollnnd and Roth ~or investJgation~ an(~ to obtain an estimate oC the cost~ who were asked to, make t~oir recommendation to the Council at a later meeting. ~Irs. M~x ~foehle, representing the Business m~d Professional Women's Club, ad~ressed the Council with reference to a possible location in th~s City for the 2alto Beach Jr. Co].].~ge. She ex- :~:lained th:~t the College, which has been operat~.g ~'t }iorr~son F~eld in I~est Palm Beach, must move in the very hoar future, and needs forty a, cr~ of land to build school buildings and dormittor- ies~ and to t~ke care of its expansion program~ for w~ ch they plan to spend aro~d ~T50, O00.O0. She asked the CouncJ 1 to sub- mit a 7-opositJon ~o them for locating in Delray Beach, if land is available. The Co,ell ¢tiscussed this proposition, after which a motion was made by CouncJ~lman Kabler that Co~mcilmen Roth,&Saunders appointed as a Committee to try and secure the amour o~ acreage needed~ near Lake Ida~ which ~alm Beach County owns at ~Js time. The motio~ was sec(.nded by Councilman Holland, ~d upon ca. Il oC roll carried ananimously. An agreemant prepored by the ~lo~dda I~ast Coast Railway between the Trustees oC the Railway Co. ~nd the City off Delray ~eoch, pertaining to the inst~llation oC a storm sewer i~ipe line across the riz~d~t-oC-wny ~md ~mder the r:,ilroad tracks at N.C. 1st qtrc~t, in connection ~.th the Gtorm ~ewer Dr:~inage ?roject under constr~ctJon, was presented by the City Attorney, ~o advised that the agreement w~s acceptable, in his opinion~ ~,~th the ex- ception oC Section 7, which he felt was unreasonable CoP this type oC constrnctJon. After consideration, a motion was made by Councilman Kabler~ seconded by Councilm~ llollant~, that the following Resolution be adopted, approving said agre(~ment, as amended by striking out Section T as recom~aended by the City Attorney~ and authori~.ng its execntio~ by the Mayor and City Clerk on beh~lf of the City oC ~)elr:~y Beach. Upon call oC roll the motion card, ed unnnJmously. RRSgLUTIO~' NO. 798 The following list of policies reconruended by the Tax Assessor, with reference t- the operation of the Tax Assessor's off?ice, was read as follows: "Kay 9, 1951 TO - TqM CTTY CO:~NC~L The Tax Department respectfully submits the Following list o~ ~7olicies, supplement~l to the Etandard R~te Echedu~es for this munJcipaliW, approved hy the City Co,ell at a special meeting held }.iay 2nd, 1951~ which are designed for the .~urpose oF assess- merit and taxation of both ~I]2AL ASaP PE~SONAL property located within the estah]iChed bo~mdaries of the City o~ Delray Beach, Florida~ flor tho Year 1951. 1. Any b~ilding over twenty (20) years o~ ~ge upon berg remodeled shall he allowed a d~preciat]_o, discount of ten (10) percent For each of t}~n ten (10) year¢ following the year oF re~i~odeling. 2. The height for Flat ~ooff buJ. ldings will })e t;,ken from the g~und to the top o¢ tho roof. 3. The ~,eight Cot Ga]~]e ~ooff l~uildings w] 11 be t~ken ffrom the g~.und to th~ :'~e~m roo~ heJ.~ht. 4. Th~ h~i.~t cC ~1 one-story commercial ]~uild~gs shall be ]rased on tho st~ndard Pig~.~c of 12 feet whenever act~lal ]'~c~t is tmknown, ]~ut actunl hoight shall ~o d~termined by measurement dur~.ng ye~,r or complete, on to ef'~ect a fair and true assessme~t. Tot,~1 Lnnd ant! Iml,rove,;ent w~',,ues are to toe assessed to nearost ~:1.00. f~.gl,!P~ ,.~cm~t ]s.~d sJ, pl]. !)e assessed at exact 6. A mdt p~ice ot ~ pep c~tb4, c toot shall akq~ly to all l~rge 7. 2~,]] comra~micatS~ns are to be answered, m~d requested infor- ti or f,p to any t .... -im3ep tn wbmn s~,ch infl,,rm;~tJon is ,'l]pectly pc- ;~hepe act,mi'cash vcque is Piled on !qusine.ss Person:~l Property qetapns, assessn~mt shall be n~¢ae o~ PiPty (50) percm~t there- oP. Where no 'b~t. urn is ?JleJ~ InT, e~dupe shall be in conPormity with ,~ection 83 of tlm .. " ,~t.y of Delray Eeach Charter. 10. Personal Property R~turns Prom l'l~sif!ences~ 2p;,Ptment ;Iot~es and IIotels~ iP acceptar, le, ape to be assessed o~2 their entirety. r~o l)eel, i., a '~lAon is received from su, ch taxpa.yeps~ Personal Prop- erty assessment shall be ten (10) percent of the assessed valua- lion of ~ho building tmle~, suelq figure appears ~ be tmpeasonably 1. ow~ in which case l]roced~re shall be in conformity with Section 83 of the City ChaPter. ...... , .~,,,u,: Regardless of ;my return which may be filed by any taxpayer, the valuation ct any itam or iten~s ct proper- ty shown in the ret~n shall in no case prevent tine City sessop oP Taxas Ppo:n determining ~d assessing the ~11 cash value a. ecopding to his inPopmation ami best judgment, or Prom determining and entering upon the return ct the ta. xpa~ep an~ item op items ct personal property which the City assessor Taxes na2 Pind has been omitted thepePmm, subject ~o the re- strict, ions and limitations menti,,nea and ccn tainea in Sectiens 83, 84 awl 85 oP the City Charter. 12. New buildings~ incomplete as of the first of the year and not usable, are not to be assessed. IP usable and tenanted, thou~ not completed, assessment shall be made on the portion which is both usable an,] ten. ted. 13. I~.an a new sub-division is platted~ it is to be assessed, on an acreage basis m~til sixty (60) percent of the land is sold~ ana shall, th~ughottt such period, onl. y apply to the owner of the tmsold portion of the sub-,~ivi~ion ~til such time as 60~, of the land has !)-eh sold. Any and ~11 Lots sold from the date of Pipst Lot Sale ape to he asqessed on Front Footage Basis IF front Poor unit value has be;m established. 14. Use oP Tax 2eeords by the Public shall comply ~th the follow- lng: 1. Secure permission Prom the Assessor's or. ce. 2. Ascertain that the time and place of use will not in any way ineonvenienc~ th~ Tax OfFice nor any Departmental work in the City ttall. 3. Any assessment c, rds, complete Block or Section Folders or parts tlnereof, a-e to be removed from the Assessment Files ONLY by the Tax Assessor or Assessor's as~[stants. 4. No Tax 2ecord nor Assessment Card shall be removed from tl~o Tax office without complete knowledge a~d expres --: ed consent of the Assessor's office. /S/ ',~. ~. Worthing No. 6, referring to a m'~it ppi. ce of 50¢ per cubic foot for larg- er and better constructed re.~idences, was referred to t])e Taxation Committee of the i~rop~rty Owners Protective A~:~ocJ. ation for c,msider- ation and recommendat~m~ back to the Cmmcil. AFt. er (tisc~s,:iop by the Comlcil, the Folio;al.rig two paragr;:phs were amended to read a,: follows: No. 12 - "On or ~bout December 31st of each year tr~e Building Inspactor shall inspect all construction in progress in the City o~ Belr;,y Beach, and rake a permanent record as to tine extent of com~ pletion, ami should a.y dispute arJ se resulting as to the d.).gpee co,npl~tion, such dispute slmll l~e settlea at the discretion off the City Co,mci 1". Item ~:o. 4, Faragraph No. ld - "No tax record or assessment card shall he remov,',a Sro., the Tax ~fSice except for use by the City Council in t~ae City llall and except assessment cards wbJ ell are re- moved fro,, t~'~a Ass~,ssor's office by the Assessor, on official duty." Upon motion -~ Co~cilman i~ahle~-, seconded by Councilman Ilol- lan¢l. ~a umanimously cap~'iea, the gore?trig list of policies mftted ~y the Tax Assessor were a/q:roverl, as alqove The following Ord,.nonce was then "fought uI) Fop second and Fin- al ro~i..g allfl same was rera in full: ORDINANCE NO. ~-121 AN 0TID~NANC~ 0F TN~ CT~' C0r;NCTL 0F TIlE CITY 0F DELRW B~ACH, W~0qlD?., CR~7. TTNG T;~ 0~ICE OF DIRECTOR 0~ ~VTLIfiN DEFrWqE, 0UTLINIY~ DUTIES fin~' AU?~r:P,I'~' OF TUv DIr~"!CTOrl, PliOl~!I~G FOP DECLA~I'TIOYS OF Z}~RG?~CIEY AND PRO~DING FOR ~, ...~..v, ~ ~0LATIONS OF TUB 0~INANC[~, F0~ VI0~kTYONq OF FEDE~IAL AN~ STATE Nr. Max Woehle, f~m the a udience, c~it~cized the ~ord~g the Ordinance. 2he asked that the words "Civilian DeFense" be chang- ed to "~ivil DeFense" to conform to Or2inances passed by other cipslities. Mrs. Wobble also asked t~at 2ection 2, Paragrsph a, Be amended to include a Public ~alt]q Officer ,:,f the City of l)elray Beach, a.s sh~ elaimrtrl he would ~e an important person in the ease of an emer- gency, in eap5.ng fop tlne sick~ wounded or dead. Tho amendm~mt of qect, ion 5 to read as follo%'s was also requested: "Local emergencies ex~sting in %he City of De]~ay Bosch shall be declared ]~y t~',e ?rayor, City CO!lrlcjl, Cil.y Ha.nager, or in case t~e abseuce oF -the above t~ree authorities, by the 9irector Civil Dete~se". man ~fabler, that tl~e foregoing OrJinance ~(o. q-l~l ]~e passed a~t adopterS, wi_tl~ the fallo~.ng amend~ents: 1. Word "Civilian" be ch~ngod to"Civil" wherever it appears 2. The appointment of an ';xee.~t,j. ve Committee be amended to include lhe Public llealth ~FPicec of the City of Delray Beach. 3. ~marg,mciea shall be declared by the )layor, City City 5~anager, or in ca~e of the abser~ce of these t.!~ree authorities~ by tb:~ 9i.~-ector of CivJl Defense. The motion was seconded by Councilman l{olland~ and upon call of roll cam-i~d unanimously.Tbs follo~.ng Ordinance was adopted as amended: AN OE'~IN~NC~ OF T~'~ CITY COUNCIL OF Tii'2 CITY OF DELRAY P, EACII, FLOEIDP,, C~ATIY~ Ttl~ OFFICE OF DIR!~CTOR OF CIUL DEFI~'SE, OUTLINING ~{E L, UTIZS AND AUT}~0EI~ OF T~{E DIIH'~]CTOI'{, ?'.':O~DING FOR DECLAR'~ONS OF E>~qRG~NCIES AND P~iOVIDING FO~ lqOLJ. TIONS OF F~!~ERAL _%YD STATE REGULATIONS WHEREAS, there is an existing and increasing possibility of the oecuranee of disaster or emergency of ~mprecedented size and distr~etiveness resulting f~m enemy attach, sabotage, or other ~ostile action, or frown natur;~l cause, an~ in order to insure that preparations oF th~s City ~11 he adequate to deal ~th such dis- asters or emergencies, and generally to provide for the ~mmon de- fense and lives and property of the ~?eople of the City, it Is ne- cessary t~.t ~he office of Director of Civil Defense Be created, NOW, TUEREFORE, ~ IT 0~AINED BY T~ ~ COUNCIL OF T~ CITY OF DELR~Y BEAC~, SECTION 1: That the office of Director or Civil Defense is hereby created by the Cit~, Council. The D~reetor of such office shall be appointed by the ayor, and the appoint- merit shall be approved by the City Council. He shall serve at the pleasure of the City Cotme~l. SECTION 2: The duties and authority of the Director of Civil Defense shall be as follows: a. He shall he authorized to appoint an Executive Con~ittee, wT~'~ch shall include th~ City ~anager, Chief of ?oliee, Chief of the Fire Depart~nt, and a local representative of the Palm Beach County Ameriem~ }led Cross First 3id Committee, and the Public I~ea].tb 0f~ice~- of !he City of Pelray Beach, and shall also include such other- in,~ividuals as the 9irector shall de~i.gnate. b. lie shall have such authority as implied a~d sot Forth by F~deral or ~tgte laws or diPect~ves. He is instr~cted to cooperate with the Co~mty ?irector of Civil Defense :~n tiaa protection of m~incorporated ter~itory lying a0jo~'e~t to tl.e City. d. Ilo shall, ~y himself, or tosefher ~th ~is Zxecutive Board, he the ruling %o~'y over s!l ~i~_l Defense For tl~is City. e. ][~ shall set up such organization as he deems necessary, or is d~rocted By the State or F,~deral auth,,rilies to set up, For the proper defense of the City, and sh~ll set up and main- t,~n an orgcniza~ional chart in t]~a ~iv~l Defense o~ffice. Ilo shall have the a~thor~ty to mak~ al! nypo~tments, and Ids ap2ointees shall serve at ~H.s f. Ue shall bold a ro,D~lar month~y me,~ting of his Execrative Co,rmitteo, at such date as ~a shsll set and t~,e City shall ~e notiffied of th r~ ti.me and plac~ of !~olftins such meeti~gs. All such meetinss s~all ha opeu ~o t}~r. 7.~fl'>ljc. ~e is also anth.,rized o ........ ,- "ostion fil,~, in w~ich suggestions for Civil Dofenqe l;y tho pL0:lie, or shall ~e tiled.. The !)iroctor a~,~ 'ds qxeeutive '.~oard shall act on al_l..su*~.~tionso:.~., at each r?gular nte,.t~.a, whi ch "',' · rm i,~ .!n!.o. 'Sac~ susse~iior~ s!nall t~r. eii,%or O.i. smissed, filed f~it.~lpo c:-~:$:~Jorrtion, or mit into effect. a.t a~l ti,~es, wi*,hin t!~e City li,Mts off ~ elrvy Bench, Flor- i. ..~ shn~l ~pond ~uc!~ City monoy for CivJl i~ofle~tse os ai~2reved s*;~mJt ~nmr~ t<~ th,~ ?~ty Caunc~l at tiaa ~ropor hu,lget time. j. tie shall m~.mit i,r. thp City Cr,uncil, ir, very brief form, a mm~thly report of ~l. 1 nmq-sacret defense meas~tres a~.i pro- cod~wes in curr, o~t operation. Buc}~ report sl~ull be i:~,lo av:~il.a!',le t,o tho press. k. lip ~he!]. s.%.,~t to all local, newspapers such directives, educational 5~lffor~!n, iioN Oll~l r~ports as he (looms necessgry to ;,roperly od~cot, e ;~,d Jllffopm thoo"°nPrr~l pul~l, ic on ~1;11 Dofe~ise a,n~ the necessary precautians to bo tel;on. 1. lie shall, he a,~!.borized to cr,~duct stlch registrption ns he dooms necossary of all persons ;raj materivl that exists ~CTION 3: The Bireetor sh~,ll use such insignia. ,~ i~ design~ ted by gt:~t~ and Federal Civil .llefensa aufl~orities. less an emergency has be.m (l,~elared, no 5dontifJcati~:n, insJgnia, equipmnnt or sup21i~s shall I've issuad to any onr, who has not completed t,h~ minimtm~ course of tppinJng Po;' that activity as prescribed th~ Co~.mty~ ~,ai, e or Feder;'.l ofP~ce. qECTTON 4: Upon the d,mlaration of ;m e.~ergency in the sup- ro~mdirg area. the City ~;anas.r s~.d ?,irect(r of Civil Defense are nutborized 'to telze suc!~ me~;sures as they deem necessar'y to cooper, to fuIly in !~qn.qj~g ~'e~ief to tho affected SECTTON 5: Local emer,,senc]es exi~t].ng in the City of Delray Beach shall be declared hy the ~ayor, City Commil, City Hanager, or In case of the absence oC the foregoing, by the Director of Civil Defense. S~CT~ON 6: Any per-on who shall use Civil Defense insignia without authority, a~d any person ~d~o shall viol~t,e any of the provisions of U~is 0rdin~nce or any ,:.,~ the /rovisions of Federal and 9!.,re laws, re~lations or directives so as to ~mdanger tho c,qm,on defer-se, public paace~ health and safety of this City, shall upon conviction thereof be .[umished by a fine of ~ot exceeding ~100.00 or by imprisonment in the City jail for not exce~dina thirty day~ or by both such fine m~d i.m,.,risonment~ in the discre- tion of th~ Ym~i.cipnl Judge. PAq.q.~D on sac,md and finnl read~ on tills the 14th day of A.D. 1951. : /S/ L.J.Saunders - Mayor ATTEgT: /s/ smith City Clerk (Seal.) 1st Reading - :lpril 23~ 1951 2nd Reading - },lay Passed an~ Adopted -}Iay la~ 1951. The following Ordinance was then hrousht up for second a,d final read]~.,g, and sam~ was re;',d in full: AN 0II'~T}:..~.};C~ 0F T~['~ CTTY COUNCIL 0F TIIE CY~' OF DELPCY BEACq~ FLORIDA, PROVIDING TH).T NO WALL O*~ , F~>~CE Eli, 2~_,L'" BE ~iECTED, NOR hedge grown, BE ALLO~4ED Tf~ ATTAIN A N~qIGNT ABO~ T;~EE FETT, U!TI{IN TI{:~ FRO~T SET-BAG[ AII~ OF LOT LOCATED IN fury ~:UqYYE2::; DISTr;ICT FII0?fT- ING ON ATL%YTIC AVE]rUE 02 T~ FEDE~.tL HIGH- WAY IN ~IP CITY OF DELR%Y BEACH, ~OEIDA. Ohjeet~ons to the passage of thJs Ordinance were requested by the >iayor. q~vera], owners ~,f resj. dantial, or 1)usiness ,,roperty along, the ?eder~ UJghway. apper'r~O to ~q'otost this CrCJnanc~ fe,~ling it was diserJminatinZ az~,inst a few, and would destroy the bea,~ty of the ontra~tce to tho City. The consm~sus off opinion ser~med to ],e that a~y c~nJ~t'lon ,,:hich const~t~tes a hazard sho~ld be corrected as a "n~dca~ ce", ~),~t ~l! ~eaut~fication in these tw,, bu~in¢~ss sections should nr, t 1,e eliminated. ?~gtar ;, discussion hy the Com~cil ;,nd the audience, a motion was ;npde 1, y Councilman TJn,hler and seeondml 1)y Cotmcilman lloth~ that the f, roposod Ordinance t,e referred hack to the City kt'orney got redp~ft~ng~ with the-provision that any o~stpuction i~ a set-back in l~,;sines~ sections on tho Federal ighway or Atlantic Avenue. ~,~ a,,ted. Upon call of roll tlne ~t~,,'!io~ carried Tlqe following Ordinance was thop l~mught up Fop seco,~d ~,r,d Pinnl pearling: O,[DI: .... C:~,.,,va. G-121A AY 0R~:TN:~x'CT 0Y TUP CTTY Cf~I~qCIL OF TU? CITY OF ~.,~:.J~,u~ B ,' ,, ........ , t',.- ,20. :I G LOT~ 1S to 22, ........ , ','~,,-~..~., ,,(_. ~ ;':LOCi( 89, CIIT OF BrTqT~'~qq ~.~,,,., .'.: .~. the gotlillg ~>Ol~.Pd Of the City of Delray Beach ~,as re- geeped 5ts recommendatiotns to tho City Co.ell o~ said City For the gollowing re-el.a,~igieation r,~ zoning~ and "",', ,~ ..... 0.,. +*,,, ,~ property owners ar~ected by such re.-glassifieation have %emq Adven d~e notice as required by law, ~'O~f m~r~n-p~m. BE IT ORDAINED by the City Co,mcil of tim City of_nelr~v. ,q~ach, Flopid~, a~ Follows: Section 1: That Lots !2 to ~2, inclusive, of Sub-Division of Bloe~ S9'[ Ci}'[y""of Belrr~y Bench, Florida, accopdi~g to the plat there- of on gile :in thn oflPic~, of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and Talin ~o;~ch Cotmty. ~'rlopldr,,' p~:~copJed in Plat ~oak 4, page_ 5.5. auJ tt~,~ ~nma ¢.pe h~pnhy rc~-zon, ed from Ap;'xptmtmt to ?one rnl ~,, .v J.H P,~,5, ilPP ~e~si. Ort on s~c,-)t-~(], ami Fi_n~l p,~rdin~ un the 14th day oF )lay,A.n.1951. L. J..~,:.l,l, leps Nay o~ City C1 ePk 1 ) 1st 2enditlg-J_pPil 23, 1951 2nd R,~ading - }~ay 14, 19.51 t a,.sed an~! adopted.- ?;ay 14, 1951 pa~s:ed and sdoptmt ns vevd. ~po~P -P pu~lJe, ntie:~ oP Notice to the :'ublic calling a h.,~- Jng to be held on this :7:~i.e. Pop object, iot~s to cept:dn proposed City Chart, cF oF the City of :Oelpay Beach. F!opida, a pul)lie heaping ~dll 1,e held , n ppoposed a,non,~ment~ to the City Chnptep. such amend- merits b~jrlg set Pop%h in a hill to be . _. ~,6 TU~ CITY 0P A POLIO' '-'' "' F0~.: TY ?~ ~'' , ...... 1, CO;TNTY, FLO,,I:.,A, WUICH :.O ..~ ""~ .... ~ S~' ~ ~ ............. P~'VTDIN~ FOR ~.~, xf~MT At<" ]L[I'-T~N&NCE C'~ A r~I~LIC ....... :t~ ,~,.~T BOOK F~I{ ~;7Ctt .............. '~ ,,~J_,,,~ ...... l,~ · .... :~k Ar,~:22, C~', OF A CITY ,~:~.~,,", ~,~,. 'u, ~"~ 5;UCIT CITY ~,~,~..~ON~ ~J.ITiT J! PriOVID~(G FOIl T1I'2 ;~.~T~ MTNT /,N'~ ~r~T-~,~M~'~ C~F A ~ e ..... ..... , .............. ~',.,, D~K VO~ :5~ .,ti CITY SPECI~'/NG TT~7 IN~P3/ITTOF AYE', X~kTERIAL TO BE I[~ TIIERE- ,.. ,.,,~ P~¥)VIETNG FOR T]~ ~'~'~rISIr'r~(~ ,'~Y~; ~LIIN- TEN32,JCE OF A LiND ASSEg%ITENT )2P ~R ,... '~NTID7 CITY OF 9EL~IY B'~ACII, PALM BEACH COTu%:TY, .~Or~DA, PRO~DING THAT SUCH ~L~TM StL. tLL B'E i(~T IN TII~'7 CI~' COUNCIL C!IA]IBEFiS, AND ~PQVTDT~rC ~)~i T"~ ~'m~ TO BE LISTED ~ '~'"~ And "~, BILL TO mE ~v~ " ........ o~ T AN ACT TO AMEND STTB-SECrION (2) OF ,~.,C~iON 7 OF ~[APTER 25786, L~,',,~'T ...... OF_ ;~O.,ID~k, ,S~CTM:. ,~= ACTS OF 1949, RECITING TO r,_,, .:,~ 0P TIFf ~I~ ~EL~!Y ..... ~,CII, A ~Y~JICIPAL CO~O- ~ ~ ' O~ '~'P uLO~_,A~ TO ACQUIRE .... 2A ,ION ~ALM B ~:i_:ll COUNTY, ~ 1' 1' ~"~0. ,~a~, ILEAL OD ~ BY Oil TO ~E ~narrTREl} ~Y TlT~q CI~: OF DsLII~Y BEICH, FLORIDA: Such public hearing shall be held at 7:30 TM = .... on Monday, May 14, 1951, in the co~meil Chambers at the City Ilall of the City of Delpay Beach, Florida. /g/ Jolm Moore City Attorney AFFIDAVIT 0F '7 i~LICAT!CN Delray ,Beach, Palm Beach County, Fla. gT:'TE C~ ~T:O~'IgA Before the undersJf?~ed authorJ, ty personally al)peared Merritt. B. lTillJapd wb.o on oath ways [~at he is General Manager of the Delpay B~aeh News. a weekly newspaper ptP,lished at DelFt9" Beach in 2alto ~](ta.~ that the ~t a¢t~ed coov oF advertisemen%, a ~ul~lie 7otice was 'pul~lished in sviJ newspaper in Ute issues of ~4v ~, laS1 AfPi. ant. 'further says t,l~at the snid ]~elrry lleach Yews is a news- papeP ;'riklis}led at ?~elr,y Deanh~ in s~,l 2alto noach County, Florida, ~n~! that th,~ ~aid n~m, spaper ~. l,eret, oFore 1,e,:.. cont]:'_uously p~D, li..sh,~d as~ second c!a~:~:~ m~ 1 mai:top ;~t !.l~c. '7ost office in 5elrr, y ge,~ch, in saS,! rl:u .cac!~ Comity, Ylor'id.~.~ For a por~o,z of o~ yevr next cqdJ:'~ tho C~pst 7~f lie.:alion of ibr? ,-~t~ch~,O copy of advertSs ement; i, Cn"'NFUY' , fiPm r~l~ ..... COr~JOl%~ ,'~..~ al'l~~ ,!i~:CC, l.~!~, t' ',,[~, · .~erritt q. '.i!liard (zeal) The Following f,~o,o~d. .. ~ Ell]. ~;a~ ~!~e~. r~:ad.. %- t.~n Cj~,-,_~ ..'ttor:~ey, . "' ........n .. '" --C TM CP .!PT~ aW 1%!9, ~ ' ,~ mn ~ .......... ..~ ~ l-I ~ ~ nfl ?rocedurc~ Ff,r >;e!ll.n.5 real prop~rt, y, al~o per*.o,]..l pro2elt}, Agte, ,l] ,ct:s~:ion, tho 6ity Attornav was inst) .ted to namt,d tlze proposed nj. Il t~, i.**clude the :uet,~-od of selling qJt}r ClVllea prolmrty, which :i.s now l)a~ng Followed, ~tsmely that a 1)ese biJ shall be reed. al. veal in the amount ,:,f 7Bf~ of the sssessnd val.~mtion for the i;rev~¢~s property t, hen sol. fl to tho highest l~Jd,'er at t!~e City Ua].I steps at a sp~ei.'Piod ti~ne, anJ thpt :~11 sal,~s sbal! t)e su!~jeet to the ap- proval of t~a City Cou~cil. 3. Y ACT P~lOVll~lYg ~R T}fE USTABLIqIDF..~NT AND ~ ¥ ~v,x OF A POLICY P~ ' " : :l,.. B'::-,ClI t,~ .~, ~,O~;I1)A, WIIICIt pon-~ f, . . - ,, , ._t~ S ,AIL CONTATN T'OLICI*t',~ US'~)ER ':O~T CII . ,,En~,',T BOOK F( ~ F;UCII _,.tTY, AN~ q~CCI~TNC TTr~. . 5A~ v,aF ~f,,, f:OYTUNTS T, ,,~u',IN"-' "1 ,uu,.~t., TO ~I~,T; ,) ~iIUON; i~R- Dx,.',~, r0:,.,[,C,! CI~' SP?CI~ING No objeetim~s were filed to this proposed Act. The follok, ing Ra~olutiop vas tile. ~.=rc. ented. RESeLUT!ON ~0. 797 A ~.ES~LUTI ON OF ~t ~' :. C~ COU~C~L OF TI~ CITY ~F DCLRAY ~CU, FLOAIgA. W~{E~C~g: The City Council of the Ciiy of Delray Beach, Flor- ida, ha~ deemed ~t edv~sa~le to amend Su~-Section 2 of o~ctlon 7 of the City Ch~rtep of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, and ~I~;~CAg: The City Co~eil of the City of Delray Bea. ch~ Flor- ida, has de~med it advisable to provide for the est~blishment of a Policy ~ook, a Public 2equest Book, a City Status ~rd, a City ~ress nesk, and for the maintenance o~ a L:md Assessment Map, and WU"?:IUAS, pubIic hearings have been bald after public notice on sa~d proposed Sp~ei~] _Lets, - BE IT ,~, 't~w,,~) ,~. Tt~? CI'~' COTT*rCIL OW T;iF' CITY OF DELIU~Y BEA:~CII, . .'I)~o~ ~tate ~ana, tn~ t~e }Iono~abla B.~Elliott~ That Russell 0 ' ~ ~ _ a~d tbs ll,>norahl~..., goh~ :_:". Bollinger, members of the liouse of Peset~t;,t.~ves, be requasted tn g~ve m~d !_.nd their coopepation in the intpo..~uction ar,,i pa~,ge ,)f the ppoposed Sp~cia. 1 Acts l~epein mentioned wtmn th~, s~m~ ape ppes:ented to them at the 19'51 F]opida L~lntupe. P~_g~D A: AJ~O~T'~D hv the City Council of the City of i)elm,y ~ea. eh, Plopi,l:~, at a rr~gulap me~>tJ.r,g this 14th. day of lia.y, A.D., 1.951.. /S/ J. L. Saundeps Ha.yo~ ATTEST: /g/ Rutl~ 11. Smith City Clo~k Upon mntiop, or' Com'~.c.ilman Eabl..ar, secn;~d~d ]~y Councilman and ~man~m~,u~ly cam'iaJ, tim fo~og~in~ ~losolution ~':o. 797 wns ?assed Upon complai~.t oF Councilman T':nih as to the c~md'it~on of rock is thrown fl-nm tho ~tPoa~t upon tha sidewalk l~y cars parking frc.,':t of the store, the City Attorney wr~ inst.~lcted to notify the owners of this ~coperty that t~e conditicp must be remidied . ,ol~,.nd and qcih were a,ttborized to also work diately Councilman T* 'n · nn correcting this Dr. W. C. ~illiams~ o~er of Huck Lot 140, on East Atlantic Ave., appeared before the Co,oil, requesting that a City water main which crosses the southwest comer of this property at the C~al, ~e moved to allow hid to dredge in ~e Canal back to his property line. tie stated that he naa oDtainea permits U. S. Corps of En- gineers for t~s dredging, and also to construct a bulkhead on his property line, and t~,is water pipe would interfere with his work. The matter was referred to the City Attorney for investigation as to the status of the City with reference to the location of this water main. Dr. ~illiams also asked the Co~cil to reconsider the valua- tion of t~is property for assessment p~poses on the 1951 Tax Roll. He e~aimea that the Cowry naa conde~ea a 2~' strip of land along ltlatie Avenue, and naa been granted a fee simple title by the Co~t. This, in Ms opinion, removed his Atlantic Avmue frontage, and should not ~e assessed as front~g on Atl~tic Ave. He stated that the verdict ia this conurbation suit was rendered by the Court December 7th, 1950. City A*~rney ~oore explained that the assessment bust be nasea on the condition of the property on J~uary 1st, and Dr. ~illiaas was asked to submit a copy of the final decree in this conurbation suit. ~e assessment of this property was held open unal f~er information is received. ~r. H.A. Hubbard, represent~g the Delray Beach Library Asso- ciation addressed the Council with reference to an item of ~a500.00 ~ich was set up in the 19~-1951 budget for the Libra~ Builang ~d. He asked that this amount be t~nea over to the Libra~ this *ime, as they were conducting a drive *o raise tunas Sot pleting and equipping the builang, and buying ~rni~ure and ~ooks. Upon motion of Co~cilm~ Holland, seconded ny Councilm~ Kab- let, and ~imously ear. ed, the Co~cil aumorized the payment of this item of $~500.00 ~ the Library Building ~d. t list of recommended changes in policies, submitted ~y t~ Building Inspector, was read as follows: "~ay 2, 1951 ~embers of the City Coacil Delray Beach, Flo~da ~ent 1 emen: The follo~ng proposed changes are submitted by the Suilang Inspector: 1. (a) That all business ~uilaings in business ~s triers be · limited to a minimum ceiling height of twelve feet from floor to ceiling. (b) That a parapet wall on the street side of any business building shall have an additional height of three feet or match such parapet wall over three feet in height on any existing buildings on adjoining lots. 2. That the required twenty-five foot width of store buildings be removed from the restrictions. B. That all front elevation plans in any business district be approved by the City Council. 4. That adherence to the 7'-6" side yard set-back for open car portes, either frame or canvas, be left to the discretion of the Building Inspector. §. That the 1949 Edition of the Uniform Building Code be used as a basis for our local building code, to replace the 193T Edition under which we have been functioning. Sincerely, /s/ Ralph i. Hudson Building Inspector" "May 14, 1951 Members of City Council Delray Beach, Florida Gent lemen: It has been suggested by the Contractor's Association, that all permits on new construction (building permits, plumbing permits, and electrical permits) be obtained at the time that the building~ permit is issued. This method would not only save time for the contractors, but it w~uld also save time in the filing of thee records in the Building Inspector's office. IF this suggestion is approved by the Council, each individual con- tractor would be responsible For calling this office when }Ks par- ticular phase of the job is ready for inspection. Sincerely, /s/ R. i. Hughson Building Inspector" Mr. Hughson explained that he had recommended a minimum ceiling height of 12' for business buildings in all business districts, as this height is required in some business districts, in order to obtain uniformity, and also from a fire fighting standpoint. AFter discussion of each item, the Council took no action on (a) and (b) of Paragraph 1, feeling they were impractical at the present time. A motion was nde by Councilman Kabler to instruct the 0ity Attorney to draft an Ordinance incorporating the recommendations of the Building Inspector to provide for the approval of all front elevation plans in business districts, by the City Council; to use the 1949 Edition of the Uniform Building Code to replace the 1937 Edition, and to provide that all permits shall be taken out at the time the building permit is issued. The motion was seconded by Councilman Holland, and upon call of roll carried unanimously. The following list of proposed water main extensions, submitted by Paul Nicolls, Supt. of the Water Department, was read: Submitted by Paul Nicolls 5-5-51 6" main extension on NE 2nd Street from alley East of ]~ederal High- way to NE 8th Ave. 511 feet of 6" mechanical joint 10" main estension on South Swinton and First Street from water plant to new well on SE First Street and railroad 1234 feet of 10" Bell and Spigot 10" main extension on North Swinton from Dixie Boulevard to NE 8th SSt. 1247 feet of 10" bell and spigot 10" main extension on NW 2nd Ave. from 1st st. to Second St. 662 feet of 10" Bell and Spigot 6" main extension on NW 16th St. (High Acres S/D Hydrant at 2nd & 4th Avenues 1269 feet of 6" mechanical joJmt All pipe to be cement lined Class 150~ Mr. Nicolls explained the need for these particular extensions, and he was instructed to obtain an estimate of the cost, and submit same to the Finance Committee. Mayor Saunders appointed Dr. E. M. Father and l{ichard T. Hanna as a Committee to compile information, and sources of information pertaining to the fluoridization of City water, and to prepare a written brief on this subject for submission to all local organiza- tions and the newspapers. Upon motion of Councilman Moth, seconded by Councilman Holland, and unanimously carried, this appointment was approved. Upon motion of Councilman Kabler, seconded by Councilman Hoth, and unanimously carried, the City Attorney was instructed to prepare an Ordinance for consideration by the Council, or submit a report on the feasibility of a plan to assess property owners for the cost of water main extensions, especially in new subdivisions. Councilman Holland submitted the following three bids received for a tank to be built for the new Dodge Power Wagon, robe used by the Fire Department: 1. Delray Machine Shop - $896.50 2. Jurney's Blacksmith Shop - $325.00 3. Service Iron ~$orks ,W .Palm Beach - $265.00 Upon motion of Councilman Holland, seconded by Councilman lloth, and unanimously carried, Fire Chief Gregory was authorized to accept the low bid of Service Iron Works, in the amount of $265.00, and to proceed with the construction of the tank. Fire Chief Gregory, advised the Council that it w,:~uld be neces- sary to employ an additional fireman to man a fire truck on the Beach when the Atlantic Avenue bridge is closed. He suggested that a man be hi~ed at this time, to work as an extra ~reman dung the va- cation pe~od, and to Familiarize himself with his duties. After consideration, a motion was made by Co~cilman tiolland, seconded by Co~cilman Moth, and ~imously carried, that Mr. Gregory be authorized to employ ~other fireman whenever the con- dition of the bridge m~es it necessary for a fire truck to be put on the Beach. An appropriation of $40.00 was authorized for ~e p~chase of asphalt tile for the bathroom and kitchen floors in the Firemen's quarters in the City Hall, the ~rk to be done by ~e Firemen them- selves, upon motion of Councilm~ Moth, seconded by Councilm~ Hol- land, and ~animously carried. The Clerk was au~orized to employ the j~itress for half days, instead of 1-1/2 hours each day, at the same rate of pay. ~pon metien of ~o~cilman Moth, seconded by Co~cilm~ Kabler, and ~imously carried, bills to tal~g $45,598.18 were approved for payment, subject to the approval of the Fin~ce Co~ittee. The meet~g then adjou~ed. City Clerk ~ APPROVED: Mayor