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128 JUNE 27Tli, 1951. A ~pecial meeting of the City Council oF the City oF Delray Beach was held in the City Nanager's office at 7:30 1 .,~,. with Mayor J. L. Saunders in the Chair, ~nd City Nana~er .~obert Love- lace, ~nd the following Councilmen present: ]~. ~i. Jacobs, ~{. J. Holland, John N. habler, and ~falter ,,. i[oth, a :luoc~.tm being pre- sent. City }tanager Lovelace Filed a tab,~lation of bids received on June 25th for furnishing C~.,st Iron water pipe, ~s follows: Item No. 1 Crane Co. Amer. C.I. Penins~lar ~43 lineal feet of Pipe Co. 3upnly 10" Bell and Spigot~ Class 150, cement lined C. I. Pipe ~¢3.10 ncr 1.f. ~3.08 per L.F. ~)3.1137 per L.F. Item No. 2 178~ lineal feet of G" Nech~nical Joint, Class 150, cement lined C.1. , ~pe 1.77 per I~.1' 1.7G per 1.f. 1.78~8 per M~~. Lovelace c, rplaine,~ ~%at z~lthough the bid of the Crane Go~pany was second low, he c.,nsJdePed it tl,e best bid, as tl;ejr prices were firm, ~'.o.B. Delray Bet,eh, and delivery was 7ro,,,ised in ~iu~rust or September~ if contract 'is awarded befn~'e Jm~e 30th, whereas delivery was 'not p~'omised by tl:e othor bidders in from five to nine and [n"ices and Crei.~;ht rates we~'e s~bject to change. 1I~ mended that tire bid of the Crane Co. be ~:ccepted at tl,e prices list- ed above. Afte~-. co~sider,~tion by fl~e Council, a motion was made by Co,mcil- man llolland th~:~t the bid of the Cra, ne Co. to furnish 3~43 lineal Feet of 10" ~ell a~n(l Spigot, Class 150~ cement lined C.1. pipe ~' p3.10 per lineal Foot, t,n(1 17S0 lineal Coot of 6" Nech~,nical. Joi~,t, Class 150, cement l~ned ¢. I. 1}ipe C' ~1.77 per lineal f'oot, be accepted, as rec.',nme~de(l by the City i',anager, in the lot~l amount of ~12. 893. 90. lhe m-ti. on w; s seconded by Councilman Ilol- lan(l, and upon call of roll cart'ieO um, nimo,sly. Att, balation oF the bids received on 3une 25th, for pai 'ting the exterior of' the City hall t:nd ~ool g~ildin~rs, w~,s presented by the Citzz Nanager, as follows: tlagen's l~r. I1. Oavis II~.geman's Pool l.luild~n~ - $522.00 :~ 615.00 .2673.19 City Hall - 771.00 1045.00 The above t~b[~lation sl~.owed lia~o~l's to be the low bid,'e~'~, b~t due to fl~e proposed remodeling of tire City [lall, by the of jail f}.cilities, the Council ;~pee(l tl:at the ;)aintJn.~ of tlis buildin{~ sho~ld be postponed until these alterations ane completed. ~ motion was then made by Councilman kabler, seco~)ded by Vo,m- cilman llolland, th~ t the bid submitted by t,~ren's for p~J,~ti, ng the ~hunicipal t~ool, in the ~,mount of P5g2.00, be aedepted, as the lowest and best bid received. Upon call of roll the motion e:~'ried unanimous ly. Nr. Lovelace then filed a written re('o~:mendation on the p~lr- chase of F~:rts needed for' the r~?~ir ,)f wat~r meters, and s~me w;~s re~,d in f~ll, as follo~Is: "June 27, 1951 To the }~ayor ~n(i ~ity Council City of Delray Be.ch I~elr~y Beach~ Florida Gentlemen: Inasmuch as the meter repair parts ]isted on P~rchase ~der No. S02~ in the amount of ~653.85 a~proximate cost~ are only obtain- able from The ~ieptune )ieter Company; it is requested that your honorable body pass a resolution authorizing the issuance of the s~bject purchase order without competitive bidding. Very trul~ yours~ CITY 0F DEL~AY BLACE /S/ i{OBEiIT LOVELACE City ;-;anager" The following Resolution was then presented: ,qESOLUTION NO. 802 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, APPR0¥IN ~ THE NRITTEN RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE CITY MANAGElt TO PURCHASE WATER METER REPAIR PARTS. ~ BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, as follows: SECTION 1: That the City of Delray Beach, Florida, follow the w~'itten recommendations of the City Manager to the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, under date of June 27th, 1951, in purchasing water meter repair parts in the amount of ~ 653.85 from the Neptune Meter Co., Atlanti Gerogia, as such repair Darts are available only from the Neptune Meter Co. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a Special Meeting of the City Council held this 27th day of June, A.D., 1951. /S/ J. L. Saunders Mayor ATTEST: /s/ Ruth R. Smith City Clerk (Seal) 6/27/ 1 129 Upon motion of Councilman Roth, seconded by Councilman Kab- let, and unanimously carried, the foregoing Resolution No. 802 was passed and adopted as read. City Manager Lovelace then explained the dif£erent methods of replacing N.M. 1st Street, after the completion of the storm drainage ~roject, from N.E. 2nd Avenue east to 280' west of the west line of the Canal, as follows: 1. The street can be restored to its original width and condition by the Contractor, without cost to the City. 2. The present street can be scarified, patched and re- surfaced, providing a new, jointless 24' street, at an additional cost of approximately ~1,500.00. 3. The street can be widened to 30', and resurfaced its entire length at a cost of approximately ~ 2,300.00. If the street were paved from curb to curb between 4th and 5th Avenues, and between 6th and 7th Avenues, this would be an additional cost of about ~715.00. Mr.Lovelace recommended that the Street be widened to a width of 30' from N.E. 2nd Avenue to 7th Avemue, and beyond 7th Ave. it be restored by the Contractor to its original condition and width, without cost to the City. This would reduce the total expense to the City to approximately ~1,800.0¢~, which could be paid from the street maintenance and resurfacing budgeted item, in which there is a balance of over this amount, and that con- tract be awarded to Jack E. Carver, the Contractor installing the storm drains through this street at the present time. A written recommendation was filed by the City Manager, which was read as follows: "qune 27, 1951 To the Mayor and City Council City of Delray Beach Delray Beach, Fla. Gentlemen: Since the contract for the storm sewer project on N.E. 1st Street has been placed with Mr. Jack E. Carver, and since that contract involves a partial resurfaci~g of N.b~. 1st St., and since a complete resurfacing of N.M. 1st St. is now con- templated, the net situation suggests that the street improve~ ments can be made to the best advantage of the City of Delray Beach. by awarding the supplemental contract to Mr. Carver, whose men, equipmer~t and materials are already on the street. Another advantage to having Mr. Carber do it hinges on the fact that he can do it all at once, giving jointless surfaces, where- as two contractors would involve several running joints. It is therefore requested that your honorable body pass a resolutio~c authorizing the City Manager tS enter into a con- tract with Mr. Carver for the additional improvements c~ntem- plated in the supplemental plans and specifications, witjaout securing competitive bids. Very truly yours, CITY OF DEL~kY BF~CH /S/ ROB~RT LOVELACE, City Manager" 6127/51 After discussion by the Council, the following Resolution was presented, and same was read in Full: RESOLUTION NO. 803 A RES©LUTION OF' THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING WRITTEN REC0,~4ENDATIONS OF THF~ CITY TO AWARD CGNTRACT FOR Tile WIDENING AND PAVING OF CERTAIN PORTY0NS OF N. E. 1ST STRE~]T, BETWEEN N. E. 2ND AVENUE, AND N. E. 7TH AVE- NUE, TO JACK E. CARVER. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, as follows: SECTION 1: That the City of Delray Beach, Florida, follow the written recommendations of the City ~iana- get to the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, under date of June 27th, 1951, to award contract for the widen- ing and paving of certain portions of N.E. 1st Street, between N.E. 2nd Avenue and N.E. 7th Avenue, as the center strip of pave- ment which will be replaced in connection with the storm sewer project on N.E. 1st Street, will be replaced By ~lr.Carver, and Hr. Carver is therefore in an advantageous position to perform the rest of the work at a more reasonable cost to the City. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a Special Heeting of the City Coun- cil held this 27th day of June, A.D., 1951. /S/ J. L. Saunqers ~layor ATTEST: /S/ Ruth R. Smith City Clerk (Seal) Upon motion of Councilman Holland, seconded by Councilman Kabler, and. unanimously carried, the foregoing Resolution No. 803 was passed ~nd adopted as read. Councilman Holland reported on the request of the colored Voter's League for the paving of certain streets in the colored section, which had. been referred to him, and recommended that the following four streets be rocked, with Pock which can be obtained from the County rock pit, and that work be started as soon as possible: 1. N.~. lto Avenue from the Community Center south to Atlantic Avenue. 2. N. W. llth Avenue from Atlantic Avenue to 2nd St. 3. N.W. 9th Avenue from 2nd to 3rd Streets 4. N.W. 5th Avenue from 2nd to 3rd Streets. 6/27/~1 1 3 0 After consideration, a motion was made by Councilman Ka~ler, seconded by Councilman Roth, that priority ~e placed on the a~ove four streets as reco~unended by Councilman Holland, for use of County rock in the colored section. Upon call of roll the motion carried unanimously. The meeting then adjourned. City Clerk AP~:'ROVED: Mayor