08-13-51 8 AUOUST 13, 1951 llegular meeting of the City Council of tile City of l)elray Beach was held in the Cotmcil Uhambers at 7:30 ]{oth in the Chair, and City Attorney John ].ioor~, City )iarmger .~obert Lovelace, John N. Kahler, and L'.C. !u~grave, a q~orum heiug present. Hinutes nf meetings of the Council held July 9th, 13th and 23rd were presented for ap,~roval. Cotmcilman Jacobs asked t;m.t the following corrections be made in the monutes of the July 23rd meeting~ 1. Pa:ge 1, Paragraph 2, should read as follows: "~otuacilman Holland moved, that W. C. Husgrave be appointed to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Jack L. Satu~ders--" 2.Page 3, Paragraph 6, the word "angels" should be changed to "angles". 3. Page 3, Paragr,q~Dh 10, should, state that Councilman Jacobs voted against the increase in license fee for tmspayed female dogs, but was in favor o{ such ordinance with that excer, t ion. A letter from }lr. V. L. Black, Vice-President of the Little Theatre, with reference to leasing the Civic Center ~uilding for five nights a month, from ~Yovember through April, was read as fol- 1 ow s: "August 7, 1951 City of Delray Beach Delray Beach, Fla. Gentlemen: Attention: Hr. Lovelace Following our brief conversation of yesterday, relative to the pos- sible use of the Civic Center building for presentation of plays by the Little Theatre of Delray during the season 1951-1952, a meetJ~g of the ~oard o£ Directors was held for further discussion, iiather thmn present to you a ~ist of detailed questions it seems better to summarize the situation in a few paragranhs. ~ill the City of Delray Beach contract with the Little 'fheatre for the use of the above b~ilding for five nights d,arJng the ~;ird week of each month, commencing November, 1951 and continuing through April 1952, with the excerption of the month of December when we x~uld pre- fer the seco~.d week. The specific dates are as follows: November, 1951 18th through 22nd December, 1951 9th " 13th January, 1952 13th " 17th Februs, ry, 1952 17th " 21st Hatch, 1952, 16th " 20th April, 1952 13th " 17th For rental of the above dates the Little Theatre will pay to the city, in advance if desired, the sum of two hundred and Fifty (~250.00) dollars plus a seasonal charge of twenty-five dollars (~25.00) for permanent use of the room now used for ~)roperties stooge. This will represent a total rental of two hundred seventy five (~275.00:) dollars. It is understood and agreed that the Little Theatre will have per- mission to use the building for r~_~hearsal and erection of stage sets at any other ti. me the building is not being used for regular purposes, or otherwise gai.~fully rented by the city. When used for rehearsal and set building there will be no rental charge to the Little Theatre. In view of the circt~nstances which I described to you I will greatly ar, preciate your nrompt consideration and early reply. Very truly yours, /S/ V. L. Black, Vice President" City Manager Lovelace expla~ed that they were offering the same rental as they oaid last year, althou~ they were asking use of the building for two ~ore nih~ts a week; but there would be no conflict with the Youth Recreation P~ogram, and he reco~ended that lease be ap,roved. Upon motion of Coun~ilm~ Holland, se~nded by Councilman ' Kabler, and ~animously carried~ the City Ma~ger's re~o~endation to lease the Civic Center building to the Little Theatre, as outlined in their let[er above, for a total rental of ~275.00, was app~ved. The following Ordinate was then brought up fop final read, g, and same wns read in full: ~ ORDINANCE OF TB;~ CITY COUNCIL OF TH~C CITY OF DE~Y BEACH, ~Oi~IDA~ RCGULAT~G SO LICITOt:{S, PEDDLERS, I~WK~tS~ ITINERANT ME[tCI-~NTS (.~l~ TIb~NSIENT V~BTI~RS OF MEI{CHAND]SE IN THE CI~ OF DEL~W BEACH~ ~ORIDA~ DECLAimING IT TO BE A NUIS~ICE FOK THOSE b~GAGIYG IN SUCH PURSUITS TO GO IN OR ~ON P!II. VAT~ ]{~SII)~]NCES WITHOUT IIAV~NG BE~]N REQUESTED 01{ ~It~REOF, AND REPEALING ALL O~{'~)IN~CES IN ~NFLICT HEit~IT~. BE IT OI~DAIN~) by the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Flo~da, as Follows: Section 1: That the practice off going in and upon private sidences in the City of Delray Beach, Florida, by solicitors, ped- dlers, hawkers, itinerant merchant~ or transient vendors of merchan- dise not ,.~aving been requested or invited so to do by the o~er or o~ers, occupant or occupants of said p~ivate residences for the p~pose of soliciting orders for the sale of g~ods, wares and mer- ch~dise and/or disposing of and/or peddling or hawk~g the same is declared to be a nuisance and punishable as such nuis~ce as a ~isde~ea~om. Section 2: That any ,epson violating the pro~sions of this Ordinance shall upon conviction thereof be Fined not ~re than One H~dred Dollars ($100.00) or imprisoned not more than thirty (30) days, or both Fined and imDrisoned in the discretion of ~e Co~t. Section 3: That the p~visions of this Ordin~ce shall not apply to the sale, or soliciting of orders for the sale of milk, dairy products, vegetables, poultry, eggs and other farm and garden produce so ~ar as the sale of the commodities n~ed herein is no~ authorized by law. Section 4.: That all ordinances or Darts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. PASSim, and adopted on second'and final reading this day of A.D. 1951 ATq¥~ST: Hayor Uity Clerk 9 Councilman Jacobs stated that while he was in favor of tile Ordinance, as long as the Town is small, he did not believe that local bona-fide citizens should be denied the ~-ight to earn their living. He suggested that an amendment be ~de to the Ordi~nce to except lo~al bona-fide residents. Councilman ~iusgrave also favored such an ame~ment to prote~t local citizens. The City Attorney, however, advised that a discrimination could not be made ~etween people livJng in Town and out of "l'o~n. He also stated that there would be dan~er in amending t~s Ordinance ~hieh has ~een passed on by the Supreme 6ourt. t'{epresentptives fro~ the Fuller B~sh Co;~ The glect~plux Corp. and the Collier ~'ublish~g Co.~ addressed the Council, all claiming that the passage of the ~rdin~ee would ~ffe~t local merchants as well as itinerant merchants. They claimed that their solicitors are local p~ple, who would be prohibited f~m continuing in busi- ness by the ~assage of the Ord~e. They also contended that a firm could not solicit a dry ele~g accost, l~e insurance, or a news boy could not sell p~ers on the street, or solicit subscrip- tions to local newspapers. City Attorney )ioore agreed that local merchants, soliciting business f~m house-to-house, without invitation, ~ld come under the Ordinance as well as out of Town solicitors, but he believed the Ordinance was in. tended to gove~ persons selling merchan~se and wares, rather than a service such as dry cleaning or instance. Attorney G.T.B~berg, Jr. of Palm Beach, suggested that all peddlers be required to re~ster ~th the Police Department, who ~11 then have a record of ~at they are selling, how many salesmen are working, and how long they ~ill be in To;re. i~hey will be ~ven an identification card by ~e Police Department to s[~ow that they have re~stered. In t~Ks way he felt such bus~esses ~uld be controlled reasonably, rather t~an curtailed ~tirely. After further consideration, a motion was ~de by Councilm~ ~I~grave, that the nassage of t~s Ordinance be held in abeyance~ to allow time for checking wiih other ~uncipalities who have had exper- ience with the Ordinance. The motion w~sseconded by Councilm~ }{ol- land, and upon call of roll carried ~anim~usly. The ~ollo~ng Ordinar~ce was then brought up for second and ~inal reading: AN O'~[DIN~J~C'~] OF '~?~{~ CITY COU~'CIL OF 'i'i~?~ CI~ OF DELHAY BE2c/~{~ FLO}~IDA~ A>[EbY~)]~G SECTIONS ONM (1) AND FIVM (5) OF OR~)INf~CE NO. G-121~ P~RTAINiNG TO CIVIL ])~FE~,~SE I~ S~II~ CI~. A motion was ~de by Councilman ~.~grave and seco~.ed by Ooun- cilmam ~[olland~ that the foregoing Ordinance be ~ssed and adopted as read. Co~cilmmn Kahler objected to the p~,ssage of the above ordinance to amend the existing Civil ])eFense Ordinance~ as he Celt the origi- nal Ordinance ~¢hich was based on State and Federal laws~ was suCfi- cient~ if a new Director is ap~'~ointed.. He did not believe it to be imperative that the I~iayor must be the i~irector of the Civil Defense Orogr~m~ and felt that this Or~]inance would tend to make the Civil Defense ~rogram inactive. Councilman Fiusgrave then ~thdrew his motion~ and Co~cilman Jacobs moved that the Ordinance be held in abeyance For one we~ and that the ~[ayor recommend the a,~pointment of a iJirector For the exist- ing Civil !~eCense orgmnization~ to be approved by the City Council. The motion was seconded by Councilman Kabler, but did not carry upon roll call, Councilmen Jacobs and Kabler voting in favor of the motion, and Councilmen Holland, Mus,~rave and iloth voting against it. A motion was th. en made by Councilman Holl~d that the passage of the Foregoing Ordinance be held in abeyance ~til the next ular meeting of ~e Go~cil, an¢~ that Col. Alton, the Co~ty Director of Civil Defense, be asked to clarify the recently passed law as to our ~ght to Federal Aid in p~chasing equipment if we ap,oint a, Director and continue o~ p~gr~ ~der the original Ordinance. The motion was seconded by Councilman 5lusgrave, and upon call of roll car~ed, Councilmen llolland, Kabler, 5iusgrave and l{oth voting in favor of the motion, a~ Councilm~ Jacobs not voting. The Followin¢ letter From Mfs.Dorothy ~. Stollenwerck was then pead: "August 9, l~l City Council of Del pay Beach Gent 1 m~en: I have requested a building pemit to build an ext~ded roof over my driveway at 10 NE llth Street s~nd was informed that application would be made through your ~up. About two weeks ago I received a letter from the zoning board ~at my application had bgen t~ned down. I had upon my application hoped been present at the time said application was reviewed. I to have feel that I should have been notified that the zoning board was considering my application so that I would have been able to ex- press the purposes o~ my request. Please be so ~ind as to ~ve me the opDort~ity of present~g my case to the zoning board in a fair and just manner. Very truly yours, /S/Dorothy ~;. Stoll~mwerck" City ~[anager Lovelace explained that ,~*rs. Stollenwerck's appli- cation For a permit, w~ch would be in violation of s~e yard set- back re~lations, bad been referred ~ the Zoning Board without coming through the Co~cil, in error, and reco~ended that it be referred back to the Zoning Board, and that >Irs. Stollenwerck be noticed of the date of hearing. Upon motion of Co~mcilman Ksbler, seconded by Councilman Holl~d, and ~animously carried., this request was referred to the Zoning Board, as recommended by the City ~is, nager. The Following OrOin~ce w~'~s then b~ught up For first reading, a~ same was read. in Full by the City Attorney: AN OI:{DINANCM OF Tft:~] CITY ~UNCIL OF TI~] CITY OF BEACtt, FLOreal)A, A~ES?D]NG SEC-?~lt~NS ~ 2 and 6 OF Ci~PTER XIV OF TIlE CITY CODE OF TH~ CITY OF Dt~I~AY BEAC~,FLOI{IDA, PERTA]:NING TO ISSUANCI~ ~F DOG LIC;:]NSES: 'I~;~ F~bJ TO BE PAil) FOR SUCH LICeNSe]S, AND C;~]i{T. IN COi'DITI~,~:S ?AYSf~NT OF FIFTY C:~NTS f'i,]l~ IfffY, 0[~ FI~kCTION 'i'li~;ilEOF, TO T}[~ CITY BY TIff: ()ifN~Jl OF A~ k~fI~kL IHI~OUNDED. Upon motion of Councilman i(ollan~, seconded })y Councilman kablc~~ and unanimously carried, the for~o~n~ Ordinm~ce was nlaced on First r e ad in g. An ordinance to clarify the hours d~ing which liquor may be sold within the City, was Dresented by the City Attorney, and same was read in full as follows: AN O~)INANCE OF TH[~ CITY CO~CIL OF Tii~ CIYY OF ~)t~LI~'~Y B%SCIt, FLD~.[IDA~ AH~NDI::G SEC~()~:S 10 ~5].) 11~ OF CHAPTER VIII~ OF TI{~ CITY C03E OF THl~ CITY OF DELtLkY BEACtl, ~%OR- IDA~ ]'~{RTA]?I~G ~ '~q~] ]H,U~{S OF SEi~I,I~:G~ S~]IiViC~] ~21{ CON- SU~.?TI()~., ON AN]~ OFF T~i',] ?rl~]Y]S~qS ~]~] 5OLD, OF ANY AL- COH~LIC B~]V~]]hqG?] COVTA. INIUG OV~I{ 1~ ALCOHOL BY ~.G{IGI4T. A motion was ~de by Councilman ~(abler and seconded by Co~ncil- man Holland that the foregoi~g Ordinance be placed on ~st read~g~ and unon call o~ roll the motion carried ~animously. An Ordinance to amend Section 1 o~ Ordinance No. 332, which pro- vides flor the posting o~ a bond to sec'~_~e payment o$ personal pro- perty taxes, was j:;resented by City Attorney )ioore, and read in ~ull as $ollows: AN Ot{DINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF T~{]] CIqT OF DEL~.Y BEACH, FLO~iII)A~ AiV;]~]NG SECTION 1 OF ORi)IN~'CE 332, P~{~VIDING F~l{ THE ~'OSTI;TG OF A B(~VD TC SlJC~E OF PERSONAL !-~OP~qI~qW TAX BY 2.1;L P~]i~O~S, I~K)IS Ol{ COt;- POIbVrIONS AP;~LYI?;G FOF~ A CITY LICE;~:S.% UNDE:x ~] ~0~7 ~AS ]I;~Y;N IN BUSI}.ESS CO¢,TINUOUSI,Y ~X)It A i>i..:i~I(}D OF T~q~gLV~q 510NTttS P:30~l TO T~:.i.~ ISSU.¢.NCE t~F SUC:~ L1Ci~SE Upon motion of Councilman [abler, seconded by Councilman Hus- grave, and ~animously earffied, the foregoing Ordinance was r)laced on first reading. An anplication for ~ilding -ermit, ~led by J. C. h'i[liamson, to ~nstruct a s~re building on Lots 33 and 34, Block 36, was pre- sented by the Building Inspector, who explained, t~t plans conformed with ali requirements, except that }'tr. ~/ill~amson plms tofact the building ~th brick at a later date, and should be Peq ~ipod to set back an extra 4" to allow for this. tte also stated t~t it was plan- ned to le~[ve the cement blocks bare on tl~e f~nt of the ~ilding, and recommended that he be required to stucco the front of ~e in.g at the time it is built. After consideration, a mo~.ion was male by Co~cilman Holland, and seconded by Councilm~ Jacobs, that application be a.p,mved ~5th the provision that building is set back 20'4", and ~e front is stuecoed when built. Upon call of roll the motion carried ~.nimously. The Clerk then presented proof of '-mblieation of Notice to the Public, calling for objectio~n.s to the installation of storm d. raJ~s on Sea Spray Avenue, which proof was spread ~,~pon ~e minutes as rollm s: No objections were filed to the nroposed construction work, where- ~i~on the followin~g i{e~lution w~s intro~ced: ~d~:SOLU~I(.N NO 811 A IlESOLUTION OF T~.~ CITY COU~CIL of CITY OF D:~L~Y ~AC]t, FLO~IDA, lNG T}~ CITg M/CfA~E[{ T~ PI[OCE.:I) WITi~ INSTALLATION OF ST()HM I'~[~INS ON AV .... U~, FIl(~~ N(~T]I OCE~~, B0,~L~.V~,d) INT~COASTAL WATE[IWAY, T(:G~Ti{ER WITii SEV~f NECEqSA~Y CATCtl ~" SUCt{ qT0lhM'~R~~ ~ WIlE~IEAS, the City Co~cil o$ tbeCitv of Delray Beach, Florida, did on the 13th day of July, 1951, determine the necessity to make certain public improvements by the installation of storm sewers, and necessary catch; basins, on Sea Spray Avenue, and WIIEREAS, the l{esoluiion Oroviding therefor has been duly publish- ed ~s required By the City Charter, together with a notice that ob- jections to said improvement would be beard on this date, and WIU]~{!]7}S, no objections have been made to such proposed imp~ve- N(~, ~:~.,~:.,(.[~, B~~] I~ ~.',~cr, r~rmn.~,:.,..=.~, by the City ~ouncil of the City of ~elrmy Beach, Florida, t~lat the City Hanager be, an0 he is hereby instr,~cted to -~-oceed with the installation of storm drains, accord- lng to plans s~'.5 specifications he-etofore Filed with the City Mana- ger, and kept open For the inspection of the ~u~,,~ ir~ de~lar Session on this the 13th day 1951. /S/ Walter ~. Mayo r ATTEST: /S/ 'uth [~. Smith City Clerk (Seal) Upon motion of Councilman;. ;{clitoral, seconded by Councilman i, abler, and ~animously calcified, ~e Fore~oing ~esolution }~o. 811 was passed and adopted as read. A sc~edule of apnroximate asaessments against property affected, as prepared by the City ~ngi~er, was also File6, which sh. owed the comparative cost to nroperty owners according to the benefits they will derive from the im.~ement. Proof of nublication of }fotice to t~e ~'uBlic, callin,~I fo~~ objec- tions to the installation of a stor~ sewer drain on the west end Nassau Street was t~ en ~resented, ~nd read as Follows: No objections we~e fi le(~ to t, hfs proposed i:~l?~'ove~lent, City ~2~.~e~ Levels. ce recombinant]ed that work on the ~)l~t:,~ect be held ab y me, as there j.s a ,os~ibility oC dr~,'~nz.__'~ff t:~is ~re~ in a dif- ferent ~,~t~d c~esper way, hy ac&~,iri~,ff easements across t~e lots lyi~,g between ~.~assau a.n~ ~;hulso~ :qtreets, Upon motion oF Co~u~cilmar~ ;(~bler, seconded ])y Councilman J~cobs~ and unanimously carolled, the above recom~,endation of ?be ~:ity ]'ianager was accented, the nroject to be held in ~]~ey:~nce tem,'~orarily. %fith reference to the ~avir~g of ,;.¥,.. 6th Ave. between Atlantic Ave. and 1st 5treat, 5~r. Lovelace renorted that 75~o of property own- ecs who would he assessed for the paving were in favor of it. ~e outlined two alteruative nropositions, as follows: 1. llock the '~resent road at its nresent grade, at an ~,~ste cost of ~:1.3$ Der front foot, or a total cost of ~1,606.00. 2. ~{aise the road level to %¥~e existi~g gr,,de of ~tlantic Ave. a, d 1st street, at an a,~nroximate~ cost of ,~%;1.94 per f~n% foot, or a total nest of ~,344.50. Mr. Lovelsce stated th. st the .c~eaper im~rovement would probably involve hi~her mai~tenance costs to the City in the :l~bure, as would still flood, and wash out. After discussion by the Council, a m-tion was made by Co~cilm~ Holland that actio~ be delayed until the next regular meeting, in t}]e meautime each Councilman personally inspect the 0r'esent con- dition of the Street. ]]~e motion was seconded by (3o~u'~ci. lma~': habler, and cacciad ~animous]y. Mrs. Lots Rritt, representing the ~.~onts Club, ~!p}'~ear~d before the Co~.mcil with reference to t~e cor~dition of the Cemetery. ~he asPed the City to ~)ut the Cemetery in ~od coudition, ~:nd then ap- poi~t a committee of citizeps to look after it, and also to plan for its expansion, as the present Cemetery is almost Filled at this t im e. She referred to a~ ,?lot plan w~.].c~, }h~. 0gren had made sever~l years afro for the development of l~nd directly south of the Ceme- temy, w~,~ch mizht ]~e revived a~]d ~sed. Councilman Holland then m,~ved that the ',lat prepared by ~.ir.0gren be invesii.gated., an~ that a co~,mittee be ap;)ointeO to work with him on the ,~o~sibility: ~ of using, t~.is ~,lat. For the extel, sion. of the Ceme- tery, and s~ked that the Committee re,:oPt back to the City Council at tl~e next re..~ula~~ meeti~g. The motion was second(led by Co~uxcilm~ ?us,rrave, and upon csll of roll carried m'~.animously. Mr. Jacobs ex~lair~ed to t~e Co mcil that tl~e City had acquired two ten ac~e tracts of lan~ south of the Ce,'~et~ry, ~ith the inten- tion of extandinff the Cemetery. tie s ~"Tested tbs. t oue ten-acre tract Be used to fill the ]~i~her tr'act, which would p~mvide good high ground, and ths. t lots be sold there witt~ a provision For per- petual maintan~nce. Upon ~otio,: of Councilman Jacobs, second, ed by Councilms~ and ~animous!y car~-ied, bills totaling :;~ 60, 662.45 were approved For -ayment, su~,ject to a,'~prov~l o~ the Fiance Co:-mittee. In accordance with the ~rovisions of the City C]mrter, a pre- liminarv budget For the fiscal year 1951-1952, prepared by the City Manger, was s~'mitted. A meet-ing of t~e Council was sc]~edaled to study the :~ro~osed budget in detail, ~d a public hearing will be held on August 27t, h, the next regular meeting of the Council. Mayor ~',oth then recommended the ap,~oi~tment of Councilm~n Holland a~ Vice-}{a.yor, to serve until 'f'~ecembeP 31st of t]~is year, and upon motion oF Councilman Jacobs, secoy)ded by Councilm~ ka*,lep, and unanimously caPpied, the recommendation of the ~'layor was aD'qPoved. The ~eeting then adj,)urned. 'City Clerk ~layor