11-15-51SpMtg November 15,1951
A special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Delray
Be~ch was held in the Clth Manager's office at lO:O0 A.M. with Mayor
'J~lter A. Roth in the Chair, and City Manager Lovelace ~nd the following
Councilmen present: R.J.Hollsnd, W.A.Jacobs, and W. C. Musgrave, a
quorum being present.
A letter from Mrs. Mary Smallwood asking the City to open the
alley running north and south through Block 76, was read as follows:
City Council
Have called up City Manager several times, to s~e if could h~ve
the alley cleaned out from 308 N. E. lat. to South to alley back
of Cooks Store.
Is it a private alley, old trees trucks etc which makes plenty of
roaches, scorpions and several snakes been killed.
I'll admit I have left some cocoa nut frowns lay this summer.
Would like to have this brought up before Council.
Mrs. Mary Smallwood
308 N. E. 1st. St.
City Manager Lovelace e~)lained that the alley would be of no use
to anyone in particular, that a hedge hsd grown up in the alley, and a
platform of the Seminole FurnSure $o. was built across the alley.
However, the City can not ask property owners to clean up their lots
if public alleys are not kept cleared.
Councilnmn Musgrave also suggested that the alleys, both runuing
east and west, and no~th and south, through Block 92, be cleared and
opened for use of the public.
Upon motion of Councilman Jacobs, seconded by Councilman Musgrave,
and unanimously carried, the Council ~greed that a~l alleys in the
business section should be cleared and the City Manager was instructed
to furnish an estimate of the cost of opening those in Blocks 76 and
92 at the present time.
Mr. Lovelace informed the Council of a offer received from Richard
W~rd, o~ner of Lots 8-10 inc., Block 87, to purchase Lot 7, adjoining his
property on the North, which is owned by the City.
As this is a small lot, of less than 5000 square feet area, which
is required for a building lot, a motion was made by Councilman Holland
seconded by Councilman Musgrave, and unanimously carried, that Mr. W~rd
be informed of this square footage requirement, and if he still wants to
buy it as an addition to his o~n property, a value will be established
and it will be offered for sale.
A final plat of Blue Seas Subdivision was presented by Robert
P. Swetman, one of the developers, for approval of the Council.
City Manager Lovelace stated that water mains would be installed
as required by the City, and streets on the north and west would be
November 15,1951
dedicated as required, and paved to a width of 22'. Utility easements
would also be dedicated. He recommended its acceptance.
A motion was made by Councilman Holland that the foregoing
plat of Blue Seas Subdivision be approved as recommended by the
City Manager. The motion was seconded by Councilman Jacobs, and
upon call of roll carried unanimously.
A letter from the Palm Beach County Resources Development Board
was then read as follows:
To The City Council
of Delray Beach,
The nominating committee of the Palm Beach County Resources Dev-
elopment Board has named Mr. Fred B. McNeese of Delray Beach to
succeed Mr. H. A. Hubbard, whose term has expired, as Director of
the Board from this district, subject to approval of the Delray
Beach City Council.
In c~se the Council should prefer to name some other person
they, og course, have the right to do so, but whatever action is
taken, the Resources Development Board would appreciate your passing
on the matter at your nemt meeting, with due notice thereof being
sent to the P. B. County Resources Development BoArd, P 0 Box 107,
West Palm Beach, promptly thereafter.
Yours sery truly,
C. W. Garner, Chairman,
Nominating Committee, RDB.
Upon motion of Councilman Musgrave, seconded by Councilman Jacobs
and unanimously carried, the appointment of Mr. Fred B. McNeece as
director of the Board from th~s district was approved.
City Manager Lovel~ce advised the Council of an offer received
from Alexander Grenier, representing the property owners affected,
to rock S. E. 9th. Street from 1st Ave. to 4th Ave. if the City
would first clear the street, and stated that he would get such an
agreement from Mr. Grenier.
With reference to the construction of a sidewalk on N.W. 2nd. St.
from 5th Ave. west to 8th Ave., Mr. Lovelace presented an estimate of
cost as follows:
Concrete 4' sidewalk -- Approx. $ 18OO.00
" 5' " " 1950.00
Black-top 4' " " 800.00
" 5' " " 1000.00
November 15,1951
He explained that a regular sidewalk on private property would
have to be assessed against the property.
Councilman, Holland suggested rocking a temporary walk on City
property at City expense, and it was decided that the City Manager should
survey the situation and get the reaction of the property owners in this
The meeting then adjourned.
City Clerk