11-21-51SpMtg November 21,1951
A special meeting of the City Council of the ~ity of Delray
Beach was held in the City Manager's office at 10:00 A.M. with Mayor
Walter A. Roth in the Chair, and City Attorney Neil E. MacMillan, City
Manager Robert Lovelace, and the following Councilmen present.' W.A.Jacobs,
John N. Kabler, Lud W. C. Musgrave, a quorum being present.
Mr. T. B. Thames and Col. A. L. Fabens, representing the Little
Theatre appeared before the Council with reference to the iastallation
of gas heaters in the Civic Cinter Building. Mr. Thames explained that
the building was often uncomofrtably cold, and t~at last year thay had
ueed several oil heaters as a make-shift, which was not too satisfactory
causing a bad odor and also creating a fire hazard. He had obtained a
total estimate of cost of $340.00 for gas heaters and asked the City to
share in this expense, as he felt that other organizations using the
building would also benefit from the heaters. He pointed out that the
Little Theatre had spent a great deal of money on new equipment, a 20
page program, etc. to provide a worth-while entertainment for this
City, and thy were also attracting people from surrounding towns, and
they needed a little help from the City on the heating problem.
City Manager Lovelace stated that the Youth Center had advised
him that they did not need heat, and as the Little Theatre only uses the
building on twenty nights a year, he did not think an expenditure of that
amount would be warranted; that he would rather spend that amount of money
to heat the City Hall Building which is Ised every day.
After further consideration, Mr. Thames offered to pay 1/3 of the
cost, or $ 115.O0, if the City Council would authorize the payment of the
balance of $230.00 and upon motion of Councilman Kabler, seconded by
Councilman musgrave, and unanimously carried, an appropriation of
$230.00 for gas heaters in the Civic Center building was ~proved, with
the provision that gas be metered and charged to each use~ as used.
Certification of the results of the Primary Election held on
November 20th, as filed by the Election Board was read as follows:
Delray Beach, Florida
J the 61erk and Inspectors of today's Primary Election
certi the following results~'.
Absentee MACHINE NO. 56B53 MACHINE NO. 56354 TOTAL
For two-year Term.
John M. Henderson 3 149 178 330
R. J. Hollamd 5 287 363 655
W/A. Jacobs 1 209 268 4?8
John N. Kabler 1 258 300 558
George W. Talbot,Jr. 4 156 192 352
John A. Thayer 3 153 175 331
November 21,1951
Absentee MACHINE NO. 56353 MACHINE NO. 56354 TOTAL
For the Unexpired
O~e-Year T~rm
O. D. Priest, Jr. 2 191 244 43~
Upon motion of Councilman Musgrave, seconded by Councilman JaCobs,
and unanimously carried, the foregoing certification was approved, and
R. J. Holland, W.~ A. Jacobs and John N. Kabler were declared candidates for
two year terms and O. D. Priest, Jr. for a term of one year, for the
General Election to be held on December 4th, 1951.
First estimate from Community Builders, Inc. on the new Jail
construction was presented by the City Manager, in the amount of
$ 1422.4?;together with a statement in the amount of $ 511.20 for materials
and labor on construction of stairway, which was not inclided in the contract.
Payment of estimate to contractor was approved, but payment for
additional construction, not under contract was delayed ~ntil the next
regular meeting of the Council.
The meeting then adjourned.
City Clerk