Res 44-10RESOLUTION NO. 44-10 A RI~.SOl,U'1'ION Ol~ THE CITY COhMISSION O1~ "I'HC CI'1`1' O1~ DL;LRAY BEACH, I~I,C~RIDA, RECOGNI%ING AND C(~MMI:NDING GEOFI'RI:Y A. COOPER 1~OR 'I'HIR1`Y Y1~.~1RS OI~ D1~:DIC~~'I'I?D S1~1Z~'ICI? TO 'I'HI~. 0111' OI' DI~:I.IZAY Bl?ACI I. WHEREAS, Geoffrey Cooper was hired by the City of Delray Beach as a I~ircfightcr on September 15, 19t~0; and on September 15, 2010 reached a milestone in his career, having achieved thirty years of full-time service wide the City; and WHEREAS, Geoff Cooper has served dais community with honor and distinction as a l~ircfightcr, Driver I-.nginecr and twenri~-three years as a Dire I_,icutcnant; and WHEREAS, Geoff has been a dedicated and loyal employee, who served this community through thousands of emergency responses as a Firefighter and F3MT'. A mentor to his peers, he ahvays exhibited acan-do attitude toward his profession, the I~iro-Rescue Department and the. City; and WHEREAS, we arc proud of Geoff and his extensive knowledge of the nature and reyuiremenrs of his job, which he consistently shared with his subordinates and peers. He exemplified care and concern for those in need and the ability to always get the job done. We thank llim for his professionalism, work effort and contributions, but will remember him for his long-term commitment to firefighter safety through his work coordinating the Self Contained Breathing Apparatus program for the entire fire dcparunent for more than twenty years; and WHEREAS, the City of Delray Beach and the Delray Beach Dire-Rescue Department arc honored to have had Lieutenant Geoff Coopcr as a valued tnembcr of the municipal team over the past 30 years and he will be missed by his co-workers and the entire city staff. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section L That the City Commission of the City of llelray Beach hereby recognizes and commends Geoff Cooper for thirty years of dedicated and faithful public service. Section 2. "That the Cir<- Commission hereby congratulates and expresses sincere thanks and appreciation to Geoff Cooper for his many years of service, and wishes him the best of health and happiness in his retirement. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular scssio on this the 7th d of September 20 ] U. ~~ MAYOR ~~'1"17':S'I': ~ ~~ • ~,~, CI'11' C1,1~,Rh Res No. 44-10 RESOLUTION NO. 44-10 A RESOLUTION Oh 'I'HF, CI"I`Y COMMISSION OF THE CI'11' OF llELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, Rh.COGNIZING AND COMMENDING GF.OFI~RI?Y A. COOPI?R FOR THIR'ly YEARS OF DEDICA'T'ED SERVICE 1'O THE CITY OF DI~,I,RAY BEACH. WHEREAS, Geoffrey Cooper was hired by the City of Delray Beach as a Firefighter on September 15, 1980; and on September 15, 2010 reached a milestone in his career, having achieved thirty years of full-time scrnice with the Cit}'; and WHEREAS, Geoff Cooper has served this community with honor and distinction as a Firefighter, Driver F,ngineer and twenty-three years as a Fire Lieutenant; and WHEREAS, Geoff has been a dedicated and loyal employee, who served this community through thousands of emergency responses as a h'irefighter and EMT. r~ mentor to his peers, he always exhibited acan-do attitude toward his profession, the Fire-Rescue Department and the City; and WHEREAS, we arc proud of Geoff and his extensive knowledge of the nature and requirements of his job, which he consistently shared with his subordinates and peers. He exemplified care and concern for those in need and the ability to always get the job done. We thank him for his professionalism, work effort and contributions, but will remember him for his long-term commitment to firefighter safety through his work coordinating the Self Contained Breathing Apparatus program for the entire fire department for more than twenty years; and WHEREAS, the City of Delray Beach and the Delray Beach fire-Rescue Department are honored to have had Lieutenant Geoff Cooper as a valued member of the municipal team over the past 30 years and he will be missed by his co-workers and the entire city staff. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach hereby recognizes and commends Geoff Cooper for thirty years of dedicated and faithful public service. Section 2. That the City Commission hereby congratulates and expresses sincere thanks and appreciation to Geoff Cooper for his many years of service, and wishes him the best of health and happiness in his retirement. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on this the 7th day of September 2010. MAYOR r~'1"1'I ?S'I': CITY CI1Rh Res No. 44-10 PRESENTED TO Geoffrey A. Cooper As a token of our esteem and gratitude for your 30 years of outstanding contributions and distinguished service to The City of Delray Beach Fire-Rescue Department September 15, 2010 3 Res No. 44- I 0