01-24-50 JA~JAR¥ 24TH, 1950. Regular meeting of the City Council of the ~it~ of Delray Beach was held in the Council Uhambers at 7:30 p. m. with ~ay or John ~. Kabler in the Uhair, and ~City Attorney John Noore, City ~anager Chas. E. Black, and the following Councilmen'.present: R. J. Holland, $¥. A. Jacobs, ~¥alter A. Roth and J. L. Saunders, a quor~um being present. ~ayor Kabler announced that the Council meeting agenda would be closed on the Friday preceding the next meeting, and asked that all matters to be considered at that meeting be in by Friday after- noon. This v~ll allow members of the Council time to familiarize themselves with matters which will be brought up at the next meeting. A letter from the Bon Air Hotel, with reference to the connec- tion of tvo street Iights on S. E. 2nd Ave. which are not now in use, was read as follows: "January 8, 19~0 ~r. C. E. Black. City ~ana get Delray Beach, Florida Dear R~r. Black: There are two street lighting standards on S. E. 2nd Avenue, both located near the dining room of this hotel, which are at the present time capped - that is, they are not used for lighting at this time. Would you please recommend the proper place or department to which I can apply, in order that I can have these standards put in use during the time that the hotel is open, December 15 - ~ay lst? It would add so much to the attractiveness of this Street. Thanking you once ag~ n for your past and future cooperation, Cordially yours, (Signed) Arthur E. Parrish AEP/p ~a na ge r" City ~anager Black explained that these lights had been turned off during the war and had not been connected since. He recommended that the south light be connected permanently, which he believed ~0uld take care of pedestrian traffic in this Block. A motion was made by Councilman Saunders that the Florida Power & Light Co. be instructed to have this one light connected immediately. The motion was seconded by Councilman Roth, and upon call of roll carried unanimously. Upon motion of Councilman Holland, seconded by Councilman Roth, and unanimously carried, action on a request filed by Alex Goldstein of West Palm Beach, for a gratis Veteran's license to peddle paint in the colored section, was deferred, until a policy is established on the granting of such licenses to non-residents. A letter from Dr. Arne L. Suominen, regarding the keeping of chickens within the City limits, was read as follows: "January 19, 19~0 Nay or John N. Kabler and ~embers of the City ~Council Delray Beach, Florida Gentlemen: Your attention~is respectfully requested to the need of an Ordinance prohibiting farm animals, such as hens, roosters, etc. and their raising within the City limits. I live at ~th Ave. S. E. and ~th St. S. E. (Just opposite the Woman's Club) and I agree with my neighbors that roosters crowing at 2 a. m. and throughout the early morning hours, certainly can be a most irritating nuisance and a danger to good health. A Chicken coop certainly does not belong inside the City limits of a progressive City like Delray Beach where real estate values should go up instead of down. If there already exists an Ordinance prohibiting hens and roosters within the .$ity limits, it should be enforced. If there is no such Ordinance the City Council certainly should do some- thing to remedy this condition. Respectfully yours, (Signed) Dr. Arne Lo Suominen" City Attorney ~Y~oore advised the Council that there is no Ordinance prohibiting the keeping of chickens, although there is an Ordinance to the effect that live stock of any kind shall not become a nuisance in the City. Councilman Jacobs then moved that a policy be adopted that crowing roosters be monsidered a nuisance, but he was not in favor of denying a man the right to keep chickens on his property as long as they did not become a nuisance. The motion was seconded by Councilman Holland, and upon call of roll carried unanimously. It was recommended by ~.~y or Kabler that policies established by the Council be kept in a Policy Book on the ~Council Table, which could be referred to as such questions came up. After further discussion, an unofficial meeting of the Council, City Nanager, City Attorney and City Clerk was scheduled to be held on Thursday, February 2nd, to work on establishing a book of existing policies, to be kept on the Council table for reference. The following letter from the Property Owners Protective Association was read: "January 18, 19~0. ,The Honorable John Kabler, ~ayor ~'iembers of the City Council. Dear Sirs: Inasmuch as a new Post Office is to be erected in the near future, and as there are not sufficient street lights in that vicinity, the Board of Directors of the Property Owners ?ro- tective Association urge the Council to make plans for erecting such lights on N. E. 1st Avenue and N. E. 1st Street. 0~r Board has received many complaints from property owners that the street signs on street corners, especially on the Ocean Boulevard and the northern end of Swlnton Avenue, are in need of replacement. With the growth of Delray the Board feels that proper marking of all streets will be a help to our tourists and visitors and we hope that the Council will take action in this matter as soon as possible. Sincerely yours, (Signed) B. C. Butler frh Pres ident." CC Delray Beach Journal Delray Beach News POPA City ~anager Black stated that street signs are in the process of being repainted at the present time, and some new signs are being made. As there is no street light on the corner of N. E. 1st St. and 1st Avenue, action on this matter was deferred until the completion of the new Post Office building on that corner. ~.~iss Betsy Bond, develooer of Kenmont Subdivision, lying north of the City limits, between the Federal Highway and the 'Oanal, appeared before the Council with reference to bringing this Subdivision within the City limits. She asked that water be furnished in the Subdivision, but that the property be left on the Tax Roll on an acreage basis until ?~% of the lots had been sold. She explained that she was paving streets through her property, at a cost of approximately ~ 3,~00.00, which would be turned over to the Cit~. City ~4anager Black stated that there are some properties north of the present City limits and south of Kenmont Subdivision, which should be annexed first. This would have to be done either in small portions, or approved at a special freeholders election. ~r. Black estimated the cost of extending water lines would 'e o approximately $ 5,~00.00, which would be sufficient 6" mains to furnish fire protection. Small laterals for individual services would be in addition, as'they were required. He stated that funds were set up to take cars of building expansion in the City and outlying parts, and there will be some funds available this year which can be used for expansion work. k?ayor Kabler then outlined three policies which should be established before an a~nexation of this type, as follows: 1. Using present capital set aside for water improvements within the ,City for extension of water lines to an annexed area. ~2. A policy in regard to taxation in bringing in new property. 3. Specifications of roads in any new property taken in the City limits. (Streets in Kenmont Subdivision are 20' in width. ~4inimum Street width required within City is 22'). Upon motion of Councilman Roth, seconded by Souncilman Jacobs, action was deferred on the request of ,'~iss Bond until after the policy meeting to be held on February 2nd, when the establishment of these policies will be considered. An estimate of the cost of repaying N. E. 1st Street from the railroad west to N. E. 1st Avenue, was filed by the City ~anager, in the total amount of $ 4,053.00, set up as follows: 50' paving with curbing on both sides, and sidewalk on the south side, from 1st Avenue to 2nd Avenue - $ 2~' paving from r~ lroad to 2nd Avenue, which would consist of widening the rock, complete grading, and surfacing with tv.,o, coats of oil - Th~ question of laying a sidewalk on the south side of the Block between 1st and 2nd Avenues, on private property, was dis- cussed, and the ~itN ~.;anager was instructed to contact the owner of this property with reference to obtaining the land needed for the sidewalk, before further action was taken. The following petition, requesting the extension of the City limits north of West Atlantic Ave., to include certain land in Section 1~, was read as follows: ~~ TC .~ CI~~ COUh~CIL CF T~ CI~ OF DELRA¥ BEACH, FLORIDA We, the undersigned, respectfully petition the $ity of Delray Beach, Florida, to annex into the co~orate City limits the land covered by the following ~proximate description: That portion of Section 18 bounded on the north by a line thirty-three feet north of the east-west center line of Section Eighteen, Township forty-six south, Range forty-three east, and on the west by the west right-of-way line of the Hillsboro Canal (~), on the south by the present City limits of ~.est Atlantic Avenue. We realize that the only benefits to be obtained at the present time will be Fire Protection, Police Protection and city Zoning. .(Si. cD, d) J. W. Eowlin The following Ordinance was then presented by the City Attorney, and same was read in full: AN ORDINANCE 0F THE CI~ COU~IL OF T!~ CITY 0F DELRAY BEACH, PAL:~ BEACH COUP, ~ORIDA, DECLARING I~ I~ENTION T0 ANi~ TO THE CI~ OF DE~AY BEACH THE FOLLO%~ NO DESCRIB~ TRACT OR P.~C~ 0F ~D LOCATED IN PAL~ BEACH OOU~, FLORIDA, AiO LYI!~ CONTIGUOUS T0 ~ CITY OF ~ ~-~. FOR A POI~ OF BEGIN!~ING D~RAY BEAC~, ~' ~=' START AT A POI~ W~RE THE NORTH BOUNDARY LIA~ OF THE CITY LINITS 0F THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA (AT %%~ST ATLAI~IC AVE~UJE IN SAID C I~) I>~ERSECTS THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY Lii~ 0F T~ HILLSBOROUGH CA~L (E. ~ CA~L); TI~CE RU~'ING NORTi~RLY A~ NORTHEAST~LY ALOI~G T~ I~ST RIGHT- OF-WAY LI!%~ OF SAID HILLSBOROUGH CAI'~AL T0 A POIi~ ~, ~ ~ ~,T SECTIOM 18, TOWh~HIP 46 SOUTH, RA~:OE 43 EAST; T~NCE R~N~I~G NORTHEAS~RLY ALONG SAID ~ST P~IGHT-OF-WAY LI~ OF ~w~_~ HILLSBOROUGH CA~AL T0 A POI~ LOCATED THIRTY-THeE FEET NORTH 0F THE SAID ~ST AND WEST CE~R LI~ OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP ~6 SOUTH, RA~GE ~3 EAST: T~NCE RUN EAS~RLY ~GNG A LI~ ~ ~ ~ ~I~Z-~EE F~T NORTH 0F AND P~EL TO T~ EAST A~ WEST CE;~TER LI~ OF SECTION l~, TO~$~- onIP~' ~o~ ..... ~, RAP~C~E ~3 EAST, TO THE Cr~ LI~!TS OF ~'~_E CITY OF DELRAY B~ACH, FLORID~ WHICH iS T~ WEST RIG~-OF-WAY LI~ 0F T~ SEABOARD AIRLI~ R~LWAY; T~EE RU~ING ~RLY A~ SOUTH~S~RLY ALONG A LI~ FORM~ BY T~ ~0U~AR~ LI~ OF THE CI~ LIMITS OF TP~ CITY OF DELRAY ~A~H TO T~ POI~ BEGiN~ING; PROVIDING THAT SAID TRACT OR PARC~ Si~LL BE ~NNE~ TO T~E~ ~CI~ 0F DE~AY BEACH ~T~ ~H~'~ EXPIRA- TiON OF FIFTEE?~ DAYS FRO~ THE FINAL PASSAGE OF ~IS ORDI~YANUE; A~*D FURT~R PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE ~mKS AFTER ITS S~LL BE PUBLIS~D FOR T~O CONSECUTIVE FI ~.~AL PASSAGE. ~r. Charles Vitsopoulos, an owner of property included in this area, opposed the annexation of his land, claiming he had personal reasons for preferring to remian outside of the City limits. He stated that other owners of property which would be' included, were opposed to the annexation also. He offered the City the use of an Amusement Hall which he is building, one night a week free of charge, for whatever purpose they wished to use it. It was explained by the City Attorne~? that an objector may . file a petition in the Circuit Court within fifteen days after the final passage of this Ordinance, .if he is opposed to having his land taken into the City. He also explained that the property would not be on the Tax Roll until 19~l, would be taxed only for operating mi~llage, and would receive Police protection, Fire pro- tection, garbage pick-up, and other services from the City. A motion was then made by Councilman Jacobs that the Ordinance be placed on first reading. The motion was seconded by Councilman Saunders, and upon call of roll carried unanimously. ~y or Kabler ~recon~uended the appointment of a Golf Cormmission, as follows: Eike L. Blank, F. G. Lang, Jr., Joe Rose, C. J. Nanson, and R. C. r~cFadden, and upon motion of Councilman Roth, seconded by Councilman Holland, unanimously carried, these appointments were approved. A resolution giving the Golf Commission authority to operate the Golf Course, was brought up by the City Attorney, but upon advice of Nayor Kabler that two members of the %¥omen's Golf Associa- tion vould be appointed, to sit with the Golf Commission at all times, which should be included in this resolution, action was deferred until these appointments are made. The following Resolution was then presented by the City Attorney, and same was read in full: nESOLU?ION 744 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIlE CiTY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, EXPRESSING m~E_ ~ THANKS OF T~ ~v~.~ FO[{ THE OUTSTAYING SERVICES REI~ERED BY W. E. ~.%~LCOX DURING HIS TEN YEARS SERVICE AS ?~UNICIPAL Ji~DGE. WHEREAS, Judge W. E. ','Tilcox has faithfully served as 5~unicipal Judge for a period of ten years, and has efficiently discharged his duties during that length of time, and WS.~EREA$, during the time that he served as ~unicipal Judge, he has rendered outstanding service in that capacity to the City of Delray Beach, and W~REA$, wholly by operation of law, Judge Wilcox is no longer able to serve as ~unicipal Judge, ~.[OW, T~REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, as follows: That this City express its thanks to Judge Wilcox for the efficient service, the equitable disposition of justice, and for the faithful performance of his duties ~ahich he has rendered to the City and to its residents. Passed in regular session on this the 2~th day of January, A. D., 19~0. (Signed) John N. Kabler I~lay o r ATTEST: ($ig~ed) Ruth [~. Smith City Clerk Upon motion of Councilman Saunders, seconded by Councilman Roth, and unanimously carried, the foregoing Resolution No. 7!14 was passed and adopted as read. A new ~unicipal Street Lighting Agreement with the Florida Power & Light Co., ...~hereby the City will lea~e poles at ~ 2.00 per pole per year, where they must be set es~eclally for the installation of lights where existing poles are not available, was presented b~.~ the City ~anaher for approval of the Council. He explained that this was a ten year contrac:, and could be renewed for five year periods upon proper notice. A motion was made by Councilman Holland, seconded by Council- man Saunders, that the ,~ayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute this agreement on behalf of the City, and upon call of r~.~ the mo~ion carried unanimously. A Standard Large Power Agreement, covering Golf Course Irrigation pumping, whereby, in consideration of our not pump- ing water during the hours when their peak load is in effect, the rate on the first step is dropped from 3~ to 2~ per kwh, was pre~ented by the City ~,lanager, and upon motion of Council- man Roth, seconded by Councilman Holland, unanimously carried, the ~,~ayor and City Clerk were authorized to execute this agree- ment on behalf of the City of Delray Beach. The following Resolution was then presented by the City Attorney,. and same was read in full: 1/2~/~0 This Resolution was repealed by Resolution RESOLU?iON NO. '74-~ A RESOLUTI0~ OF THE CI~ COU~fCIL OF THE CITY 0F DELRAY BEACH PROVIDIMG FOR T~ ISSUANCE CF $ ~2,000.00 OF SPECIAL TAX REVENUE CERTIFICATES, 0F THE UI~' OF DELRAY B~CH, FLORIDA, PAYABBE. SOLELY FRO~ T~ REVEN~S DERIVED FRO~4 CIGARETTE EXCISE TAX LEVIED BY SAID CITY, A~, IF ~CESSARY, FRO~4 THE FRANCHISE TAX ON UTILITIES LEVIED BY SAID CI~, FOR Ti~ PURPOSE 0F DEFRAYING THE COST OF REPAIRS, I~4PROV~E~S A~O EXTENSIO~ T0 THE CITY 0F DE~AY BEACH ~'IUNIOIPAL GOLF COURSE, A!O PROVIDING FOR THE S~E, SECURITY PAid.IT ~EREOF. W!~REAS, The City of Delray Beach, Florida, now owns and operates a munlc~a$ facility known as the City of Delray Beach N~i6ipal Golf Course, and WH~EAS, said Golf Co~se has been greatly inadequate to take care of the needs and demands of the public made upon such Golf Course, and there was great need for making repairs, i,prove- ments and extensions to said Golf Course; ~70W, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida: Section l: It is hereby ascertained, datelined and declared: (a) That the City of Delray Beach. Florida, (hereinafter called the "City") now owns, operates and maint~ ns a municipal golf course, (hereinafter called "Golf Course"), and has for several years last past owned, operated and maintained said Golf Course. (b) That there is no indebtedness at the present time against said Golf Course. (e)That, according to the provisions of the City Charter of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, (the same being Chapter 2~786, Special Acts of 19~9, Florida Legislature), the City is authorized to construct Golf Co~se improvements, and to defray the cost and expenses of such improvements, by the issuance of special tax revenue certificates, and That the City is expressly authorized to pledge all or any part of the revenue derived and/or to be derived from the levy of an excise tax on cigarettes, or other tobacco products, and to pledge all or any part of the revenue derived and/or to be derived from the levy of any franchise tax, toward the pa~ent of the principal and interest on such special tax revenue certificates; and pass all ordinances and resolutions necessary to accomplish such pledge, and notwithstanding any other law, general or special, now or hereafter enacted, the City shall not have the right to repeal or rescind any ordinance or resolution imposing taxes pledged to the payme~nt of interest on any of the special tax revenue certificates issued hereunder, and any such taxes shall automatically continue in force, until there shall be a sufficient sum of money on hand to pay the principal and interest on all such outstanding certificates for which such taxes were pledged. Notwithstanding any other law, general or special, now or here- after enacted, the City shall not have the right to reduce any of the rates or amounts of such municipal taxes pledged to the payment of principal or interest of Certificates or grant examp- tions from the payment of such taxes, (except to the extent, wl~n~n the l~itations and in the manner that might be reserved in the resolutions authorizing such certificates) as long as any certificates issued hereunder are outstanding and funds sufficient for pa)~ment of the principal and interest thereof are not on hand. Provided, however, that when all tax revenue certificates issued under the authority of this Act have been paid off, or when a sufficient amount of money to pay the principal thereof, together with interest thereon, to maturity, has been accumulated and is secured to the use of the revenue certificate holders, then, and in either event, the taxes so levied may cease and determine. That the net revenue derived by said City from the levy of an excise tax on cigarettes is as follows From November 1, 1948. to and including September 30, 1949 $ 16,749.00 From November l, 1949 to and including November 30, 19~9~~' (purmuant to Ordinance No. G-84, enacted by virtue of Chapter 26,320, Florida Laws of 1949 4,852.32 From December l, 1949 tc and including December 31, 1949 (oursuant to said Ordinance No. 0-.84)' ~,101.9~ That the net revenue derived by said City from the levy of a franchise tax on utilities is as follows: Fromfiscal year October l, 1947. to and includi, ng September 30, 1948 - - - :~Pz~om fiscal year October l, 1948, to and including September 30, 19~9 11,996.39 That the revenue derived by the City from the levy of a franchise tax on utilities and the revenue derived by the City from the levy of an excise tax on cigarettes have not been pledged, either ~n whole or in part by the 'City, on the payment of any out- standing bonds or obligations of said City, That the estimated net revenue from each of the said excise and/or franchise taxes in each fiscal year heresfter is in excess of the remount to become due in such fiscal year for the principal and interest on the revenue certifica~.es hereinafter provided for. (d) That said revenue certificates hereinafter provided for shall be payable solely out of the revenues derived by levy of an excise tax on cigarettes, and if necessary, from the levy of a franchise tax on utilities. (e) That it was necessary and advisable, in order to meet the increased need and demand of said Golf Course, to make repairs, improvements and extensions thereto, consisting of the following: (1) Installing a watering system and pllmp sprinklers. (2) Reconstruction of Club House. (3) Grading and planting of fairways and greens. Laying' out, and installing of additional holes, fairways, traps and greens. Section 2: For th .~e purpose of financing the costs of repair- ing, improving and extending said Golf Course, there shall be issued negotiable Special Tax Revenue Certificates of said 'City, (hereinafter called "Certificates"), in the aggre.gate orincipal~ amount of FOR~-~v ~W0 ~,~0USA~O DCLLA~S (~$42,00o.0o), whzch Certificates shall be dated June l~, 19~0, and shall be in the denomina- tion of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) each, numbered I to ~2, inclusively, and shall bear interest until paid at the rate of three ~ ~ per cent (3~) per ann,urn, interest payable December l~, 19~0, and semi-armually thereafter, on the 15th day of June, and the l~th day of December of each ~ea~ ~, and shall be payable as to both in- terest and principal in lawful money of the United States of America, at the office of the City Clerk of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, in the City Hall of said..City, and shall mature serially in numerical order on June l~th of each year, as follows: YEAR A~OU i',~T $ 4,ooo.co ooo. oo -. ,,..ooo oo ooo oo .,ooo oo i957 ooo oe i9 8 ¢,o0o co !9~9 ~, 000. O0 1960 6,000.00 · Said ~certificates shall be callable for redemption on or after June 15, 1953, prior to maturity at the option of said ,Uity in the inverse numerical order of issuance. Section. 3: The Certificates shall be signed by the ~ayor of said ~ity, and attested by the City Clerk, and shall have impressed thereon the corporate seal of said City. Interest falling due on the certificates on and prior to the maturity thereof shall be represented by appropriate interest coupons to be attached to the certificates, which coupons shall be signed ~vith the facsimile signature of said ~ayor and City Clerk. Section ~: The Certificates and the coupons to be thereto attached, and the endorsement to appear on the back thereof, shall be in substantially the following form: (Form of Certificate) UNITED STATES OF Ak~ERiCA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY CF PAL~ BEACH CI2~£ OF DELRAY BEACH spECIAL TAX RE~qENL~ CERTIFICATE Number $ 1,000.00 The City of Delray Beach in Palm Beach County, Florida, for value received, hereby promises to pay~ to bearer, solely from the revenue hereinafter specified, the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) on the 15th day of june, 19 , and to pay, solely from said revenues, interest on said sum Until paid, at the rate of three per cent (3~,~) per annu~, oayable December 15, 1950, and semi-annually thereafter on the 15~h days of June and December of each year, with interest due on and prior to the maturity thereof, payable only upon presentation and surrender of the annexed interest coupons as they severally become due. Both principal hereof and interest hereon are payable in lawful money of the United States of America at the office of the City Clerk of the City of Delray Beach, in Delray Beach, Florida. That only Certificates numbered 13 to ~2 inclusive, are call- able for redemption on or after June 15, 1953, and prior to maturity at the option of the City, in inverse numerical order of issuance on any interest pal~nent da.~e, at the price of par and accrued in- terest thereon to the date so fixed for redemption. This Certificate is one of an issue of $ ~2,000.00 of like tenor and effect, except as to maturity, and redemption, issued pursuant to the Constitution and Laws of Florida, and a resolution adopted by the City Council of said 'City on January 24, 19~0, for the purpose of paying the cost of repairing, improving and extend- ing the Golf Course facilities of said City. This Certificate and the issue of which it is a part, are payable solely, as to both principal and interest, from the revenue derived by the City from the levy of an excise tax on cigarettes sold in said City, and in the event the revenue derived therefrom is insufficient to pay either the principal or interest or both, then, from the revenue derived by the City from the levy of a franchise tax on utilities. Each successive holder of this Certificate and of the coupons hereto attached is conclusively presumed to forego and renounce his equitities in favor of subsequent holders for valye, without notice, and to agree that this Certlfic~te~and each of the coupons hereto attached may be negotiated by delivery by any person having possession thereof, howsoever such possession may have been acquired, and that any holder who shall have taken this Certificate or any of the coupons from any person for valise, and without notice thereby has acquired absolute title thereto, free from any defense en- forceable against any prior holder and free from all equities and claims of ownership of any such prior holder. The 'City of Delray Beach shall not be affected by any notice to the contrary. It is hereby certified and recited that all acts, conditions an~ things required by the Constitution and Laws of Florida, and by the Charter of the City to happen, exist and be performed pre- cedent to and in the issuance of this .Certificate, have happened, exist and have been performed as so required. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Delray Beach has caused this Certificate to be executed by its ~ayor, and attested by its Uity Clerk, with the corporate seal of said City hereunto affixe~, and has caused the interest coupons hereto attached to be executed by its Nayor and City Clerk by their facsimili signatures, all as of this l~th day of June, A. D., 19~0. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk 1/24/ 0 (Form of Coupon) $ i .oo On the l~th day of , the ~City of Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, will pay to bearer, solely out of the revenues specified in the attached certificate,unless said Certificate shall have been properly called for redemption, the sum of Fifteen Dollars ($1~.00) in lawful money of the United States of America at the office of the City Clerk of the City of Delray Beach, in Delray Beach, Florida, being interest due that day on its Special Tax Revenue Certificates, dated June l~, 19~0, and numbered .. Numb e r ~,layor ATTEST: city-'Cier~ (Form of Validation ~ertificate) Validated and confirmed by decree of the ~ircuit ~ourt of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, rendered on the day of Ao D., 19~0. Clerk of the .Circuit Court Palm Beach County, Florida. ~ection ~: The City hereby covenants and agrees with each successive holder of the Special Tax Revenue Certificates herein authorized and the coupons thereto attached, that it will pay into a special fund, which is' hereby created,, and designated "Special Tax Revenue Certificates Sinking Fund , amounts of money sufficient to provide for the payment of the interest on and the principal of said Certificates. Section 6: That, while any of the Special Tax Revenue Certificates issued hereunder shall be out- standing, the CSty covenants and agrees not to issue any other obligations payable from the revenues derived from the levy of an excise tax on cigarettes, or derived from the levy of a franchise tax on utilities which will have priority over or equality with the Certificates herein authorized.~' Section 7: That no taxes shall ever be levied and no moneys shall ever be taken or diverted from any funds of the City for the payment of the principal of and interest on the Special Tax Revenue Certificates issued hereunder, except as hereinbefore provided. Section 8: That the Certificates herein authorized shall be hereafter sold at either pu~lic or private sale for such.orice or prices as the e~*~. ~ouncll shall determine, and such sale shall be com~irmed by motion to be passed by the City Council. ~ C~ty, Section ~: That, as Attorney for the ~ ~ John ~oore, is hereby authorized and directed to take appropriate proceedings in the Circuit CoUrt of the Fifteenth Judicial .Circuit of Florida, in and for Palm Beach ~County, for the validation of said Sertificates, and the ~ayor and City Clerk are authorized to sign any pleadings in such proceedings for and in behalf of the Commission of the City of Delray Beach. Section lC: That if any section, paragraph, clause, or pro- vision of this resolution shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the invalidity or un- enforceab' ' ~ ~ · l~t~ of such section, paragraph, clause or orovision shall not affect any of the remaining provisions of this resolution. Section I!: ~ resolution oassed and adopted this 2~th day of January, a. D , ~,~. (Sigmed) John M. Kabler ~ayor ATTEST: (Signed) Ruth R. Smith City C~e rk After discussion by the Council, a motion was made by Councilman Roth, seconded by Councilman Saunders, that the fore- going Resolution No. 745 be passed and adopted, and the City Attorney instructed to proceed with validation proceedings. Upon call of roll the motion carried, Councilmen Holland, Jacons, Kabler, Roth and Saunders voting in favor of the motion. The follov~ ng appointments to the Youth Recreation Committee were recommended by ~ayor Kabler: Y~rs. John I. Thieme, Miriam Brown, L. C. Hand, ~.~.rs. E. B. Bichols and ?~arshall Hamilton, and upon motion of Councilman Saunders, second, ed by Councilman Roth, ~unaniraously carried, the foregoing appoint- ments were approved; Eayor Kabler announced that he had received an invitation from the ~nambe~ of Co~erce for all Councilmen to be present at the opening of the new 8th Street Bridge, on February 1st at ~ p. m. Councilman Holland recommended that liability insurance on Ci*~ automobile equipment be increased, as he felt that the present coverage was too low for the chances involved, and the City ~anager was asked to obtatn rates on higher insurance coverage before the next regular meeting. As there will apparently be an overage on cigarette tax receipts this year, under the new State Law, Councilman Sa~nders recommended that funds received over the budget estimate, be put into the Revolving Improvermnt Fund and used for the improvement of streets and sidewalks. Oouncilman Holland suggested that the cleaning of vacant lots be included in such a program, and the cost assessed ag~ust the property. No action was taken on these suggestions at this meeting. A Subdivision plat of Hofman's 8th Avenue Addition, lying west if' N. E. 8th Avenue, between ~th and ?th Streets, was presented by the City ~anager for approval of the Council. He explained that only a ~0' Street right-of-way was shown instead of ~0', but that the plat had been approved by the Zoning Board. Upon motion of Councilman Roth, seconded by Councilman Holland, unanimously carried, the plat was approved as submitted. A plat of a new Subdivision to be knov~n as Plumosa Park, lying north of N. E. 13th Court, from N. E. 2nd Avenue east to the railroad, A. G. Pruyser, owner, was submitted for tentative approval by the City ?~.~anager. ~r. Black explained that ~r. Pruyser would llke to eliminate the present "C" zoning along the railroad property, in order to make the zoning uniform along the east side of the Subdivision. After consideration by the Council, a motion was made by Councilman Saunders that the plat be tentatively approved, subject to approval of the Zoning Board on the rezoning of the east section along the railroad, as requested. The motion was seconded by Councilman Roth, and upon call of roll carried unanimously. The meeting then adjourned. Cit[~ ~Cle rk APP ROVED: ~a yor