02-14-50 FEBRUARY 14TH, 1950.
Regular meeting of t~e City Council of the City of DelraY
Beach was held in the Council ~Chambers at 7:30 p. m. with Mayor
John N. Kabler in the Chair, and City Attorney John Moore, City
Manager Chas. E. Black, and the following Councilmen present:
R. J. Holland, W. A. Jacobs, Walter A. Roth, and J. L. Saunders,
a quorum being present.
The minutes of the meetings of January 10th, 24th, and February
2nd, were approved as written, with the following corrections -
On Page 2 of the minutes of February 2nd, paragraph pertaining to
remarks of Councilman Jacobs regarding the clearing of lot in Muck
Lot 164, owned by John ~. Bransfield, was stricken at the request
of Mr. Jacobs, and also the paragraph with reference to $~r. Jacobs
statement concerning the east boundary llne of the Seacrest Hotel
property, on Page I of this meeting.
Mr. J. W. Ramsey appeared before the Council, asking the endorse-
ment of the Council to a plan to improve the road leading from the
Range Line Road (Highway No. 7) through the Everglades for one and
one-half miles to the Canal; and the building of an Air Boat landing.
He explained that it was proposed to provide parking space for fifty
cars on Lake Worth Drainage District right-of-way, and that ~the
Drainage District Board had approved the project.
After consideration, a motion was made by Councilman Holland,
seconded by Councilman Roth, that the City Nanager be instructe~
to write a letter to the Board of' the Lake Worth Drainage District,
endorsing the project, feeling it would be a benefit to the public
to open up a hunting and fishing area as outlined by Nr. Ramsey.
Upon call of roll the motion carried unanimously.
Before the Ordinance pertaining to the anUexation of a certain
area of land north of West Atlantic Ave. and west of the SeaBoard
Railroad, was brought up for second reading, which Ordinance was
placed on first reading on January 24th, a letter from Attorney
C. Shelby Dale of Ft. Lauderdale, was read as follows:
"Febru~ary 14, 1950.
Hon. City Commissioners
City Hall
Delray Beach, Florida
I represent fou~ persons who own lands within the tract west
of Delray Beach which the City Conmr~iSsion is now proposing to in-
corporate within the City limits of Delray Beach. These land owners
are Mr. Charles Vitsopoulos, Mr. C. C. Townes, Loule Daniels and
Annie Stewart.
The four land owners named above each object to the inclusion
of their lands within the City limits of Delray Beach and have
authorized me to make known their objections to you gentlemen before
final passage of the ordinance which attempts to include their lands
within the City limits.
Each of the above named land owners has also authorized me to file
suit in the Circuit Court 'to exclude their lands from the City of
Delray Beach if the annexation ordinance is passed upon final reading.
(Signed) C. Shelby Dale
C. SHELBY DALE, Attorney for
Mr. Charles Vitsopoulos
Mr. C. C. Townes
Loule Ds~ iels
CSD :bw Annie Stewart"
Mr. Dale also appeared before the Comncil on behalf of his
clients, stating that the land was all unimproved with the exception
of a small tract owned by Mr. Vitsopoulos, who has no need for City
facilities; and that they were all opposed to an additional tax
burden. As stated in his letter, he had been instructed by his clients
to file suit in the Circuit Court to exclude the land of his clients,
upon passage of the Ordinance on final reading by the City Council.
Mr. C. C. Townes, one of the property owners opposing the annexa-
tion, addredded the Council, and explained that this land, with the
exception of approximately two acres owned by Mr. Vitso~oulos, and
one other°tract of possibly two acres, is all agricultural land and
has no commercial value. He further stated that it is even poor
agricultural land because of the lack of drainage; and because of
the depth of the muck covering it. it is impractical for any use.
He claimed that he v~uld ask for a decision by the higher Courts,
as his land would have no value to the City of Delray Beach, and re-
commended that the Ordinance be amended to take in only that area
which could be used for commercial or industrial purposes, excluding
the twenty-two or more acres which is purely muck land. He also com-
plained of the added burden of City taxes this annexation would cause.
City Attorney ~oore then recommended that the second reading of
the Ordinance be deferred at this time, in view of the opposition of
these property owners. He felt that they could file a petition on
an exclusion suit which the Circuit Court might grant; also, in his
opinion, the Court might not uphold the City concerning that property
which is definitely of a rural nature.
Mr. John Breze, owner of property on West Atlantic Avenue, lying
west of the tract being considered for annexation, then addressed
the Council, stating that people beyond this section are interested in
coming into the. City, providing proper protection and zoning restric-
tions are furnished by the City. He stressed the fact that the Golf
Course, which has recently been extended and improved, at considerable
expense to the City, will not maintain its present status without
the protection of zoning. He contended that the Court would con-
sider this angle if properly handled in a ease of an exclusion suit.
He further stated that in his opinion the land under discussion
could be filled and in a few years time valuable property developed
After further consideration, a motion was made by Councilman
Jacobs, that the second reading of the Ordinance to annex that
portion of Section 18 bounded on the north by a line 33' north of
the east-west centerline of Section 18, Township ~6 South, Range ~3
East, and on the west by the west right-of-way line of the Hillsboro
Canal, and on the south by the present City limits on West Atlantic
Avenue, be postponed until the next meeting of the Council, with the
possibility of an amendment, upon recommendation of the City Attorney.
The motion was seconded by Counci~an Roth, and upon call of roll
carried unanimously.
City Manager Black advised the Council of aproposition to
place a telescope in the~pavillion on the Beach. The machine would
be coin operated, whereby a dime would be inserted and a person could
look through the telescope for a certain length of time. The money
would be collected by the owner of the machine, and the City would
receive 25% of the revenue.
Upon motion of Councilman Roth, seconded by Councilman Saunders,
unanimously carried, the request for placing this telescope in the
pavillion was denied, as the City acts only as custodian for the
Beach and does not have the right to commercialize the pavillion in
this way.
The followtng petition, signed by four property owners, re-
questing the installation of a street light in the third block on
North Swinton Avenue, was read:
"January 20, 1950.
Members of the City Council
Delray Beach, Florida.
There is a definite need for an extra street light in the
third block on North Swinton Avenue. This block is very long and
there has been considerable comment on our need for an extra light
or two.
We, the undersigned, would appreciate it, if you can find it
possible to help us.
Yours truly,
(Signed) M. E. Buerk, M. D. and
Maisie E. Buerk
319 N. Swinton Ave.
(Signed) Johnny Winkler and
Anne Winkler
312 N. Swinton Ave.
(Signed) W. H. Thetford
311 N. Swinton Ave.
(Signed) J. R. McFee
308 N. Swinton Ave.
2/14/ 0
City Manager Black explained that this block is lighted the
same as other blocks. There are lights on the street corners, but
none in the center of the Blocks, although the first four blocks
from Atlantic Ave. are about 600' long, and from there the Blocks are
It was the consensus of opinion of the Council that lights
should be provided at all street corners before any lights are in-
stalled in the center of a Block, as there are many locations in
the City as badly in need of more lighting facilities as in this
particular location. It was also Suggested that larger bulbs be
used to give a stronger light on the corners, which might improve
this condition.
Upon motion of Councilman Saunders, seconded by Councilman
Holland, unanimously carried, action was deferred until the next
Council meeting, for further investigation, and ~ecommendation.
With reference to a proposed agreement with the owners of the
Seacrest Hotel, pertai ntng to the east boundary line of this property,
City Manager Black presented a map showing the position of the Hotel
building, and the Brockway line, showing that the Brockway line
comes across the corner of the main part of the Hotel building J~st
east of the front steps, and at the back of the building at about
its intersection with the sunporch.
Mr. Fred B. Scott, part owner of this property, addressed the
Council, stating that they were willing to establish the Brockway
line as their east boundary line when the building is razed, but
in the meantime they would like to build a new wall on the east side
of their property on a line mutually agreeable. Mr. Scott also
asked that provision be made for them to replace the building as it
is, east of this BrockWay line, if partially damaged by a storm
before it becomes necessary to raze the entire building.
City Manager Black called the attention of the Council to the
fact that the present Zoning Ordinance provides that a non-conforming
building can be replaced up to 25%. If remodeled or replaced over
that percentage, set-back restrictions must be adhered to.
Mayor Kabler recommended that the action taken by the previous
Council on December 8th, 1949, in approving an agreement for the
establishment of a new temporary boundary line, be approved, and a
provision added to allow the present building to be replaCed if
damaged by storm or other disaster, up to a certain percentage,
whereupon the following motion was made by Councilman Saunders and
seconded by Councilman Roth: That the City of Delray Beach will
accept a deed from the owners of the South 100' of Ocean Beach Lot 15,
less the W. ll0' of the N. 50' thereof, and Lot 16, conveying to the
City that portion of said lots lying southerly and easterly from a
radius starting 25' westerly from the southeast corner of the Seacrest
Hotel sunporch and swung in a southerly and southwesterly direction
until it intersects the exisit~ wall on this property, thence running
northerly along a line formed by the projection of the east wall of
the sunporch on the Seacrest Hotel to a point where said projected
line intersects the Brockway line; and that the 'Uity will release
that portion of Ocean Beach Lots 15 and 16 as described above, lying
west of said described line, to the owners of said lots; and that
the City will further grant a 5' easement to the owners of said
lots lying east of said line with the provision~ that the owners
of said lots may erect and construct a wall on or within said 5'
easement; and that the City will deed the property lying west of
said line as aforesaid, solely upon the condition that a contract
be entered into by and between the City and the owners of that
portion of Ocean Beach Lots 15 and 16 as described above, providing
that in the event 25% or more of the east side of the Seacrest
Hotel is destroyed by storm, fire, or for any other reason, the
Brockw~ line shal i be accepted as the east property line of this
portion of Ocean Beach Lots 15 and 16, and set-backs as required by
Municipal Ordinances in effect at that time will be observed by the
owners, their successors, or assigns. Upon call of roll the motion
carried unanimously. (Motion was dictated by the City Attorney)
Recommendations of the Zoning Board pertaining to requests for
changes in zoning regulations, were read as follows:
"14 February 1950
Honorable Mayor and Members
of the City Council
City of Delray Beach
Your Zoning and Planning Board met at 10:00 A. M., February 14,
1950, with the following members present: Chairman Kenneth Jacobson,
King S. Cone, J. K~ MacNab and Garlar~i Thayer.
The request of property owners on S. W. 5th Avenue to extend
Business Distri~ #l to S. W. 3rd Avenue was considered. After ~con-
sideration by the Board, and the approval of the property owners
present, and the signers of the petition, we recommend that this
request be granted, that the Business District #l be extended on
S. W. 5th Avenue to S. W. 3rd Street.
Mr. E. H. Scott, owner of Lots 14, 15 and 16, Williamson-
Deibel Subdivision, request for a set-back of 25' instead of 35'
set-back for dwelling to be erected on Lot 16 was considered.
We recommend that this request be granted, as the 25' set-back
would conform with the set-back of other buildings in this Block,
that 'the desired type of building could not be erected on a lot of
100' depth with a 35' front set-back, and the street being $0' wide,
future widening would not be probable.
Very truly yours,
Kenneth R. Jacobson
After consideration by the Council, a motion was made by
Councilman Saunders, seconded by Councilman Holland, that the fore-
going recommendations of the Zoning Board be approved, and the ~ity
Attorney instructed to prepare Ordinances to effect these changes.
Upon call of roll the motion carried unanimously.
City Manager Black then read the minutes of the meeting of
the Zoning Board held January 31st, with reference to the rezoning
of Block ~0 from an Apartment District to either a Business or
Residence "C" District, as follows:
"31 January 1950
The Public Hearing called by the Zoning Board for~ January 31,
1950, at 10:00 A. M. was opened by Chairman Kenneth Jacobson with
the following members present: Garland Thayer and King Cone, a
quorum being present.
The purpose of the meeting was to consider the request of Mr.
C. W. Garner to rezone Block 80 from Apartment House to Residence "C".
Of the thirty-five surrounding property owners notified four
were present and one was represented.
After comments from the audience and consideration of the
Board: ~r. Thayer made a motion that Block 80 be rezoned to
Residence "C". Mr. Cone seconded the motion and it was passed
unanimous ly.
There being Do new business Mr. Jacobson asked for old business.
The request of Mr. C. W. Garner to rezone Block 13, Del Ida Park
from apartment house to Business or Residence "C" was dropped until
such time. as the request is presented by a property owner of that
Block and a $ 15.00 deposit for mailing out notices for a public
The request of property owners on S. W. 5th Avenue for extend-
ing the Business Zone to S. W. 3rd Street was deferred until
February 14, for public hearing, to enable the petitioners to bring
in their $ 15.00 deposit.
Mr. Cone made a motion that it be requested that all petitions
and request for the Zoning Board be checked and in order before being
passed to them for action. Mr. Thayer seconded the motion and it
was passed by unanimous consent.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned.
...... ~e cre tary~
~hairman~ ....
2/1 5o
Councilman Jacobs urged that before approving this recommenda-
tion a restriction on the size of building to be allowed in a
Residence "C" zone be established, and moved that it be referred
back to the Zoning Board for consideration and recommendation of
square footage on buildings to be erected in a Residence "C" District.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Holland, and upon call of roll
carried unanimously.
A letter from the Amlin Insurance Agency, outlining the cost of
increase of Bodily Injury Liability insurance coverage, for City
owned vehicles, was read as follows:
"January 30, 1950
Mr. Charles E. Black, City Manager
City of Delray Beach
Delray Beach, Florida
Dear Mr. Black:
In line with your request I am submitting the following in-
formation as to the increased cost of carrying higher limits under
the fleet automobile insurance for the City.
For Bodily Injury Ltabilit~y the basic rate is $ 5.000/$10,000.
Under your present policy, No. 526180, with limits of $ lO,000y
$20,000., this increased the base rate by k5 per cent. In other
words, as of the inception date of the policy, the premium for the
vehicles covered at that time under the basic limit would have
amounted to $ 490.75 so that the 15 per cent increase for higher
limits created additional premium of $ 73.58.
For Bodily Injury limits of $ 25,000/$ 50,000. the percentage
increase of the base limit is 27 per cent, and for. sake of comparison
under the policy, the premium as of inception date would be $ 132.50
or $ 58.92 more than was charged for the $ 10,000/$ 20,000. limits.
With reference to increasing the $ 5,000. Property Damage limit,
the basic is increased by l0 per cent for $ lO,O00. Property~ Damage
limits. The present policy on this basis under the Property Damage
portion covering all veh~icles as of effective date of policy would
have been increased $ 53.41. I am not. sure if the $ lO,O00. Property
Damage limit could apply to only one unit, but if it could the in-
crease in premium for the ~!ichigan Truck Mounted Crane (this being
the unit for which higher limit would possibly be desired) on an
a~ nual basis would amount to approximately $ 5.00. I would have
to check with the Company whether it would be permissable to carry
a higher limit on Just one unit, and I am requesting this informa-
tion from them today.
Trusting this gives you the information desired, I am
Very truly yours,
CSA:hs (Signed) Carl S. Amlin
P.S. The $ 132.50 quoted in the above third paragraph, is
in addition to the basic premium of $ 490.75."
At the suggestion of Councilman Saunders, action was def®~red
until a later meeting, and the City Manager was asked to obtain the
cost of increased coverage to $ 50,000.00 - $ 100,000.O0.
M~ or Kabler outlined a plan to set up a Councilmen's Desk
and Press Desk in the Gity Hall, where a copy of the next meeting's
agenda, and reports from the Zoning Board, requests from organiza-
tions, petitions, etc., can be kept for the information of the
Councilmen and newspapers before the meeting is held. This would
be done in an effort to make meetings more clear and concise, and
allow time for investigation of matters before they are brought up
at a public meeting. The members of the Council expressed their
approval of such a plan.
City Manager Vlack brought up a problem which had arisen,
whereby the City Had sold a tract of land to Bill Priest as acreage,
and laser Mr. Priest had sold one corner lot to a colored woman.
When the lot was located by the Building Inspector it was found that
it was on a street right-of-way, when and if the Street is extended
The Council discussed the possibility of prohibiting the sale
of a lot which is on a right-or-way for a future Street.
It was explained by the City Attorney that the City does not
have the riEht to prohibit a person from selling any portion of
land he owns, and that the only way the City can get a right-of-
way in such a case is to condemn the land needed.
The appointment of a Board or Committee was.considered, to
work with the Building Inspector, and make a survey of the City,
suggesting where streets will have to be opened. The City would
then be able to proceed in getting free grants for these future
streets, as far as possible. ~ayor Kabler asked the members of the
Council to make suggestions for fo~ming such a Board at the next
meeting, and in the meantime a policy was adopted to deny permits
for construction in similar locations.
Upon advice of the City Manager that there are funds, over the
next interest payment, in the Debt Service Fund, with which to retire
bonds, a motion was made by Councilman Roth, seconded by Councilman
Saunders, that the City Manager be authorized to advertise for bids
for the purchase of Refunding Bonds by the City, up to $ ~0,000.00.
Upon call of roll the motion carried unanimously.
City Manager Black filed a report of the expenditures of the
Colored Youth Recreation Association to date, as follows:
Mr. Black explained that about $ 500.00 was needed to complete
the inside of the building to make it useable; and roughly $ 300.00
was needed to finish the outside, using asbestos shingles, which
figure did not include the labor in putting the shingles on. He felt
it might be possible to obtain volunteer labor among the colored
citizens for this work.
Mayor Kabler recom~nended that the building be completed so
that the Youth 'Center can be operated, even though it had cost more
than the amount set up in the budget for this organization. He felt
that as the land and the building are City property, the Council
would be Justified in completing the project, especially as funds
intended for operation expenses had been used for construction work
which becomes City owned improvements. The Recreation Association
had agreed, and would be required, to finance the operation of the
Center after completion.
After further discussion, a motion was made by Councilman
Holland that $ 500.00 be.appropriated to complete the inside of
the building, together w~th $ 300.00 for the purchase of asbestos
shingles for the outside of the building, it being understood that
the shingles would be put on with volunteer labor at no extra expense
to the City. The motion was seconded by Councilman Jacobs, and upon
call of roll carried, Councilmen Holland, Jacobs and Kabler voting
in favor cf the motion, and Councilmen Roth and Saunders opposing.
With reference to the issuance of Golf Course Revenue Certifi-
cates, City Attorney Moore advised the Council that the Directors
of the First National Bank of Delray Beach had agreed to buy the
Certificates at par with 3~ interest, callable in three years at
par, with the provlsion~'that a National Bond Attorney will pass on
the Certificates. He asked authorization of the Council to contact
a National Bond Attorney from either ~Chicago or New York for this
A motion was then made by Councilman Roth, seconded by Council-
man Holland, that the City Attorney be authorized to contact a Bond
Attorney to obtain a legal opinion on the proposed issue of Golf
Course Revenue Certificates, and upon call of roll the motion
carried unanimously.
A letter from Mr. L. C. Hand, tendering his resignation from
the Youth Recreation Committee, to which he was recently appointed,
was read as follows:
"February 6, 1950
Mayor and City Council
It has become necessary for me to reconsider my acceptance of
an appointment to the Recreation Committee. I~ is absolutely im-
possible for me to accept the duties the position requires.
With appr~ciation for the confidence you have shown in me by
the appointment, I am
Respectfully yours,
(Signed) Lauren C. Hand"
Mayor Kabler recommended that Mr. A1 Avery be appointed to
replace Mr. Hand on this Committee; and also recommended the re-
appointment of the Tennis Committee, and the appointment of a new
Plumbing Board, as follows:
W. H. Sweet
Clarence Etheridge
PLU~B.IiNG .B.OA.RD - George Pinckney
Eugene Elliott
Fred S. Beever
King S. Cone
James I. Sinks
Upon motion of Councilman Roth, seconded by Councilman
Saunders, and unanimously carried, the above reco~endations of
the Nayor were approved.
A motion was made by Councilman Holland, seconded by Council-
man Saunders, that the following policies, established by the Council
to be set up in a Policy Book to be kept on the Council table at all
times, were approved:
Any' acti°n taken~by the iCity will be taken only after
a formal complaint has been taken out by the complain-
ing person.
That the ~ As~sso~ Will be allowed to correct any
errors of assessments resulting from mathmatical com-
putation, and there shall be no change in the Assess-
ment Roll after it has been certified unless it
clearly appears to the Tax Collector that there is an
error due to a mathmatical computation.
If t~ere ha~ been an extreme material change of an
improvement on any property~ the Council may, at its
discretion, lower the assessment.
T--~the Tax Assessor may assess real property for
three years immediately prior to his finding any such
vacant or improved property.
5. TAXE~
~-~-on or about December 31st of each year the Build-
ing Inspector shall inspect all construction in progress
in the 'City of Delray Beach, and make a permanent
record as to the extent of completion, and should any
dispute arise resulting as to the degree of cc~pletion,
such dispute shall be settled at the discretion of the
City Council.
That' ~nl~" in ~xtreme and unusual cases of hardship
will Homestead Exemption be granted after the 1st
day of April, and such exemption shall be made by
the City Council.
That all sums due for taxes pursuant to the ~City
Charter shall be strictly adhered to.
That lO~ of the tn~ter'est and principal shall be
accepted on all Tax Sale Certificates issued aga~ nst
land which is no longer, but was formerly, within
the 'City limits of this City.
That bef~' the CitY clears or has cleared the property
of any owner because such property is inJuriuls to the
health or welfare of the residents of this ~ity, such
owner shall be given due notice by Registered Mail,
return receipt requested, that such action is going to'
be instituted by the City, and the cost thereof assess-
ed against the property.
Tha~ th~' Council shall maintain a current list of lots
concerning which Objections have been filed, and the
Council shall set up a priority from time to time, con-
cerning the lots to be cleared. The Council shall also
allocate certain sums from the Revolving Improvement
Fund for the necessary clearing of the lots. That
neither City employees, nor City equipment, shall be
used for the clearing or cleaning If lots, but that
such clearing or cleaning shal 1 be awarded to the low-
est bidder on a competitive basis, but no such lot
shall be cleaned unless two bids have been received
for such cleaning. In the event, however, that only
one bid, or no competitive bids are received by the
City, then City employees and City equipment may be
used. Specifications for the clewing of lots shall
be set up by the ~ity ~anager.
That written notice of any Special Council Meeting
shall be delivered to each Councilman a reasonable
length of time before such meeting is held. That
such notice shall state the subject or subjects to be
considered by the Council at the Special ~eeting, and
no other subjects shall be considered. The office of
the City Clerk shall make diligent effort to notify
the press.
The agenda. for the R~{ Regular Council Meeting shall
be closed on Friday afternoon at the close of business,
and a copy mailed to each Councilman, and the City
Attorney, the foliowf ng Saturday morning. Public re-
quests which are not on the agenda shall be placed as
the last order of business at the Regular Uouncil
Lo'al-PurChaSes amo~ntin~ to less than $ 500.00
shall be made at the discretion of the City Manager,
who shall endeavor to make an equal distribution
among the merchants of this City of such purchases,
provided, however, that he shall exert every effort
to see that the City's interests are protected, both
in quality and price.
Pr0p&~t~ ~'hn~Xed" Sy the City must be contiguous to
the City limits, and such annexation must be reasonably
profitable to tge City.
No peddl~rs~ ti~nses shall be issued to any one
gratuitously who does not reside within th~ City
limits of Delray Beach.
When anyone's endeavor assumes a commercial quality,
the Zoning laws and other Ordinances of this City
shall be strictly enforced.
(The foregoing policies were dictated by the City Attprney~
City Manager Black asked the Council to set up a permanent
policy for the collection of delinquent occupational license fees.
It was explained by the City Attorney that the present Occupa-
tional License Ordinance provides a penalty for the non-payment of
license fees, after due notice has been given, and he recommended
that this Ordinance be enforced through the Municipal ~ourt.
AfteP discussion, a~motion was made by Councilman Saunders,
that letters be written immediately to all persons now operating
without a license, advising them that if license fee is not paid by
March 1st a warrant will be issued by the ~Gity and they will be
brought into Court, as provided in the License Ordinance.
In the future, forty-five days will be allowed after October
1st for the renewal of licenses, after which date a 10% penalty
will apply, and after January 1st of each year warrants will be
issued, and penalties imposed by the Municipal Court. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Roth, and upon call of roll carried
Upon motion of 'Councilman Holland, seconded by Councilman
Roth, and unanimously carried upon roll call, a policy to estab-
lish non-parking areas in front of buildings of ten units, or
more, was approved.
Upon request of Councilman Jacobs, the City I~!anager was in-
structed to diligently investigate the possibility of improving
the accoustics in the Council Chambers, and report to the Council
at the next meeting.
The following Resolutions were then introduced, and same
were read in full:
WHEREAS, the City Council deems it to the best interest of
the City of Delray Beach to cause that portion of N. E. First
Street, from N. E. 2nd Avenue to N. E. 1st Avenue, to be repaved
to a total width of %5 feet, and from N. E. 2nd Avenue to the
Florida East Coast railroad to be improved to a width of 24 feet,
and to assess the cost of such paving against the lands abutti~E
NOW, T~EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the
City of Delray Beach, Florida, as follows:
SECTION 1. That the City Engineer be and he is hereby re-
quired to immediately prepare plans, specifica-
tions and estimates of the cost for such paving for the following
proposed improvements, to-wit:
Repaving of that portion of N. E. 1st street
from N. E. 2nd Ave. to N. E. 1st Ave. with
curbs on the north side and on the east one-
half of the south side; and the improving
of N. E. 1st Street from N. E. 2nd Ave. east
to the Florida East Coast railroad.
SECTION 2. That said plans and specifications and estimates
of cost for such proposed improvements when com-
piled by the City Engineer, shall be filed with the City Clerk
and a copy of said plans, specifications, and estimates of cost
shall also be filed in the office of the City Engineer for public
ADOPTED by the City Council of the ~ity of Delray Beach,
Florida, this the 14th day of February, A. D., 19~0.
(Signed) John N, Kabler
(Signed). Ruth R. Smith
City Clerk ......
~qqEREAS, the City Council deems it to the best interest of
the City of Delray Beach to cause that portion of N. E. 8th Ave.
from N. Eo ~th Street to N. E. 8th Street, to be cleared, graded
and paved to a width of 24 feet, and to assess the cost of such
improvement against the lands abutting thereon,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the
City of Delray Beach, Florida, as follows:
SE~TION 1. That the City Engineer be and he is hereby re-
quired to immediately prepare plans, specifica-
tions, and estimates of the cost for such paving for the following
proposed improvement, to-wit:
Clearing, grading, and paving of N. E. 8th
Avenue, from N. E. 5th Street to N. E. 8th
SECTION 2. That said plans and specifications~ and estimates
of cost for such proposed improvements, when com-
piled by the City Engineer, shall be filed with the City Clerk and
a copy of said plans, specifications, and estimates of cost shall
also be filed in the office of the City Engineer for public in-
Adopted by the City Council of the City of Delray Beach,
Florida, on this the 14th day of February, A. D., l?~0.
.(Stgn.ed~, ,, .John, ~. Kabler
May or
(,Signed) Ruth R. Smith
' "~ity Clerk
Upon motion of Councilman Saunders, seconded by Councilman
Roth, and unanimously carried, the foregoing Resolutions Nos.
?46 and ?4? were passed and adopted as read.
Mr. John Banting appeared before the 'Council, requesting a
permit to build a small Indian Eheeta on his property on Lots 18
and 19, Block ll3, on the North Federal Highway, where a family of.
seminole Indians could make Indian clothing, during the day only.
The building ~uld consist of four posts covered with palm fronds,
and the Indians would sit on a table and make their clothing,
which he felt would be an attraction for tourists, as well as
supply the Indian clothing which he sells.
Upon motion of Councilman Roth, seconded by Councilman Holland,
and carried, a temporary permit for the balance of this season was
granted as requested, with the understanding that if the business
becomes objectionable to neighbors, on Justifiable complaints, it
will be discontinued. Councilmen Holland, Kabler, Roth and Saunders
voted in favor of the motion, and Councilman Jacobs passed.
With reference to the policy of hearing requests from the
audience after the business on the aganda has been completed by
the Council, this policy was changed, in accordance with the wishes
of a ma~Jority of the Council, to provide that al I public requests
will be heard at 8 o'clock, or immediately after the approval of
The meeting then adjourned.