03-31-50SpMtg ~arch 31 st, 19~0 A special meeting of ~ne~l~y Council of the City of Delray Beach was held in the Council 'Chambers at $:30 p. m. wit h ~ayor JOhn N. Kabler in the chair, and City Attorney John Moore, City ~anager Chas. E. Black, and the following Councilmen present: W. A. Jacobs End J. L. Saunders, a quor~ being present: ~r. Jack Fitzwater, District ~l~nager for the Florida Coastal T~eaters, Inc., addressed the Council, outlining plans for the construction of a 700 -800 seat theater, which wouldbe a modern, air-conditio~ec] building, the same ~s they have recently built in Jacksonville and West Palm Beach. He explained that they had an option to p~chasethe South ~ of Lot 3 and all the Lots 4, ~, 6 and 7, Rlock 124 onN. E. 7th Avenue, Just north of the Kentucky House. As this property is Zoned for apartment house construction, ~r. Fitzwater filed t~e following application, accompanied by a fee of $ l~.00, to change the zo~ng to a business District. He also stated that a parking space for 12~ cars would be provided. (Here appears cop~~ for application for rezoning) March 29, !9~0 To the Honorable ~yor and ~,~embers of the City Co~mission Dclray Beach, Fla. Gentleme~: ~qorids Coastal Theaters, inc. have secured an option on the following parcel of property for the purpose of erecting ~ modern thester with ample parking facilities: South half of Lot 3 and all of Lots ~, 5, 6 & 7, Block 12~, City of Delray Besch, l~].s. It is cu~~' u.~d~,,-~ .... ~,,d'ng that this property i~ now zoned for hotels aud apartments and we most urgently reGmest tb~t immediate consid- eration be given for a caange in zoning to bus i nc s s. Trusting you will give this matter your usual prompt attention, an~ with all good wishes, beg to remain Yours ver~~ t~u!y, Florida Coastal Theaters, Inc. JF/f Jack F!~tzwater, District Ms~nager Gity Attorney ~oore advised that tl~e request could be refers, ed to the Zoning Board, and a public hearing called for objections to be filed, Or a Special Permit could be requested to deviate from zoning requirem~;nts. The Council, however, favored the calling of a public hearing, and upon motion of Cot~c-~.!man Saunder$,, seconded by Councilman Jacobs, u~animously carried, the result was referred to the Zoning Board for immediate act'_on. With reference to an existing Ordinance prohibiting the construction of a Theater Building within 300' of a Church, City ~anager Black stated that a radius of 300' from the northwest corner of t),is propert~ ~ouid come through the center of the Church building. ?rom facts obtained that this Ordlnanc~, had been adopted to prevent t~e building of a combine~ ~eater and Dance Hall near a Church in the Colored section, and 'that ordinarily the operation of a T]~eater would not cor~,- £11ct with a Church, the Counc~l felt it wo~ld be advisable to repeal this Ordinance. Action. was deferred, however, until the ne×t meeti~ng of the Council, when ~t leastfour Councilmen would be present. The meeting t)~en adjourned. Ruth R. Smith City "Gle rk APPROVED: Nayor