08-29-50SpMtg Augtkst 29th, 1950 A Special Neeting of the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, was held in the Council Chambers at 7;30 p. m. with Nayor John N. Kabler in the Chair, and City Attorney John Noore, City Nanager Chas. E. Black, and the following Councilmen present. R. J. Holland, W. A. Roth and W. A. Jacobs and J. L. Saunders, a quorum being present. City Nanager Black explained that 0. D. Priest Jr., who is building a colored Theater in Block 12, on West Atlantic Avenue, had requested the City to lay a drain pipe through an open ditch which the City had dug along the south line of his property for drainage purposes some time ago. He es- timated the cost would be approximately $ 240.00, 60' of pipe required. After discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Roth, seconded by Councilman Saunders, that the City Nanager be authorized to furnish and lay the pipe, as requested, if Nr. Priest would furnish the fill and cover the pipe installation. Upon call of roll the motion carried unanimously. A plat of a Subdivision to be known as "Breezy Ridge Estates" in Section 18, on West Atlantic Avenue, filed by John H. Breze, Jr., was presented for approval of the Council. Mr. Breze asked that the property be zoned for Residential dwellings only, if possible with Residence A restrictions, but with permission to build smaller dwellings. ~Ir. Breze was informed that a new zone would have to be createdto accomplish this, which would first have to be consid- ered by the Zoning Board. It was suggested that his deed restric- tions be made to civet this. As annexation proceedings have not yet been completed bringing the land into the City limits, Mr. Breze asked the Councilto approve the plat subject to final annexation, so that he might file the plat with the County Ebgineer. A motion was made by Councilman Saunders, seconded by Councilman Roth, and unanimously carried, that the plat be approved after noting on the plat that it is approved subject to annexation of this territorywithin the City Limits. The following Ordinance was then brought up for second and final reading, and same was read in full : ORDINANCE NO. G-lO3 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELEA¥ BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE G-11, AS AMENDED, OF CHAPTER III OF THE CITY CODE OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, PERTAINING TO BUSINESS, PROF~ESSION- AL OR OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES IN SAID CITY , AND FURTHER PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE. BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, as follows: That Ordinance G-Il, as amended, Chapter III of the City Code of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, shall be amended to read as follows: SECTION l: Section 19 shall be amended to read: "Animal ~Exihibition (only upon the approval of the City Council) * ~ ~ $ 150.00 SECTION 2: Section 37 shall-~be amended to read as follows: Bakery Wholesale and retail each store - 20.00 Wholesale (0ut of Town) 20.00 SECTION 3: Section 66 s~all be amended to read: ~'bt'tling Works, with or without Delivery- - - 50.00 Delivery Trucks ( except trucks operated by licensed bottling works in the City of Delray Beach, Florida) 20.00 SECTION 4: Section 85 shall be amended to read: '~oncret e Products 65.00 SECTION 5: Section 88 shall be amended to read: Credit Bureaus- 15.00 SECTION 6: Section 92 shall be amended to read: ~airies-- Delivery and producing own products, including Goat Milk 20.00 Section 93 shall be amended to read: SECTION 7: Milk Distributors, Jobbers, or Cream- eries delivering milk not produced by them per truck 20.00 SECTION 8: Section 95 shall be amended to read: Deli cat es sen 20.00 SECTION $~ Section 107 shall be amended to read: Express Companies- Each Company (Intrastate business only) 100.00 SECTION 10: Section ll0 shall be amended to read: Fire and wreck Sales- when not con- ducted by bona fide business concerns previously established and doing businewsin the City of Delray Beach, Florida, of undamaged goods of such firm having damage by fire or wreck- - - 100.00 SECTION ll: Section ll9 shall be amended to read: Gas Companies Distributing and Selling gas through pipe lines 200.00 Selling bottled gas 50.00 Gas Tank Wagon Delivery only- 50.00 SECTION 12: Section 134 shall be amended to read: 8/s9/5o _..:p_;,/ Ice Nanufacturlng or Storage , including cold Storage plants connected therewith, having the right to sell at wholesale or ~etatl -$ lO0.O0 SECTIONl~: Section 1~5 of Chapter !II of the City Code is hereby repealed. ~SECTION 14: Section 136 of Chapter III of the City Code is~hereby repealed. SECTION18: Section 137 of Chapter III of the City Code is hereby repealed. SECTION 18: Section 151 shall be amended to read: Laundries lO0.00 Local Agency , Permanent Office- - - 25.00 Agents for out of town Laundries- - - 25.00 SECTION 17: Section 158 of Chapter III of the City Code is hereby repealed. SECTION 18: Section 214 shall be amended toread: Restaurants- Cafes and Public eating places (whether food is served in con~ nection with or separate from other business, except dinin8 rooms in connection with Hotels) Capacity i to 25 persons 25.00 " 26 "75 " - - - 40.00 "Over 75 " -75.00 SECTION 19: Section 236 shall be amended to read: Telephone Systems and Companies (Intrastate Business only) 200.00 SECTION 20: Section 237 shall be amended to read: Telegrap~ Companies, each, with teletype machines (Intrastate Business only) 75.00 SECTION 21: Section 251 shall be amended to read: Undertakers or Embalmers and Funeral DireCtors- lO0.O0 SECTION 22: Section 252 shall be amended to read: Upholsterer- 25.00 SECTION 23: This Ordinance shall repeal any Ordinance or Ordinances, or part or parts therof in conflict herewith. PASSED in Regular Session on second and final reading on this the 29th day of Auguat, A. D. 1950. (Signed) John N. Kabler Mayor s/ 9/so ATTEST: Ruth R. Smith City C'l'e'rk First reading August 8th, 1950 SecOnd " August Bgth, 1950. Passed and adopted -" ~th, 1950. Councilmen Roth and Jacobs brought up the question of Licensing the rental of office space, the same as apart- ments, but the Council felt t)at license fees were paid by the tenants in such offices~ and no action was taken. Upon motion of Councilman Saunders, seconded by coUncil- man Holland and unanimously carried, the foregoing Ordinance No. G-10~ was passed and adopted as read. An Ordinance to amend the Occupational License Ordinance pertaining to the penalty charge for delinquent payment, was then brought upfor second and final reading, and read in full as follows: ORDINANCE G-104 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIM CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, ANENDING SECTION ~ OF ORDINANCE G-86 BY PROVIDING A PENALTY OF TEN PER CENT OF THE COST OF SAID OCCUPATIONAL LICENSEIF THE SA~E IS NOT PRO* CURED WITH FORTY-FIVE DAYSFRON THE TINE SAID LICENSE BECONES DUE. BE IT ORDAINED by the City CoUncil of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, as follows: SECTION l: That Section ~ of Ordinance G-~6 be and the same is he'reby'''amended to read as follows: "Section ~70: Any person or persons and the members of any firm or corporation violating Section I of this Ordinance shall upon o~iction be punished by a fine not exceeding TWOHUNDRED DOLLARS, or by imprisonment for a period not exceeding ninety days, or by both fine and imprisonment for each offense, and further providing that, unless the said License shall have been procured from the City Tax Collector of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, within forty-five days from the day the same becomes due, there shall be an additional penalty of ten per cent of the amount of said Occupational licens e. PASSED in regular session on second anf final reading on this the ~L~ad ~ay of August, A. D. 19§0. (Signed) John N. Kabler Nayor 8/29/50 ATTEST: RUTH R. SMITH C'i t~ 'Cl'e rk SEAL First reading- August 8, 1950 Second reading- August 29,1950 Passed and adopted -- August 29th, 1950. Upon motion of Councilman Roth, seconded by Councilman Saunders, and unanimously carried, the foregoing Ordinance No. G-104 was passed and adopted as read. A letter from ~rs. Max Woehle. Ass't Director of the Cicil Defense Program, was read as follows: August ~8th, 1950 City Council City of Delray Beach, City Hall, Delray Beach, Florida. Gentlemen: In view of the present events taking place in the world abroad(especially in Korea) and in our own country, the Office of Civil Defense feels that there is a clear and present danger to the security of the United States, the State of Florida, the City of Delray Beach, and the people in the City of Delray Beach in permitting to be at large within the limits of the City of Delray Beach or its police Jurisdiction any officer or member of the Communist party. Believing that it is better to be "fore-armed" as well as "fore-warned", the Office of Civil Defense is of the opionin that an Ordinance to handle this matter would be of great value in the future registration of such persons, should the occa- sion arise. I am therefore submitting an Ordinance (similar in wording and form to Ordinances now beig passed by many munici- palities in the State of Florida) for your consideration. This Ordinance covers the registration of Officers and mem- bers of the Communist Party, and also all literature or in- formation di.~trlbuted by them. Yours very truly, (Signed) Mrs. Max Woehle Ass't Director Civil Defense, Delray Beach, Florida. An Ordinance to requirs the registration of all Communists in line with Ordlnances passed by other Cities, was then read by the City Attorney, as follows~: s/ 9/5o i AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACh{, FLORIDA, PALM BEACH COUNTY, MAKING IT U~LAV,q~UL FOR ANY PERSON WHO IS A 5~BER OF THE C0~MUNIST PARTY, OR ANY OTHER PERSON, GROUP, OR ORGANIZATION AS HEREIn;AFTER DEFINED I~l SECTION 4 OF THIS 0RDINANCE~ TO REMAIN WITH IN THE CORPORATE LIN'ITS 0F THE UITY OF DELRAY BEACH LONGER THAN 48 HOURS WITHOUT REGISTERING WITH THE POLICE DEPART~!ENT; TO REQUIRE ALL SUCH PERSONS, GROUPS AND ORGANIZATIONS CIRCULATING OR DISTRIBUTING PRINTED OR WRITTEN MATTER TO FULLY ADVERTISE SUCH 5~TTERIN A NEWSPAP['R TEN DAYS PRIOR TO SUCH DISTRIBUTION; TO REQUIRE ALL SUCH PERSONS, GROUPS AND ORGANIZATIONS HOLDING MEETINGS TO NOTIFY THE CHIEF OF POLICE OF SAME AT LEAST TEN DAYS PR~0R TO SUCH MEETING; ~tkKING IT UNLAVfFUL FOR ANY PERSON, GROUP OR ORGANIZATION TO ADVANCE A~fD PR0~:0TE IDEAS OF FORCE, VIOLENCE, TREACHERY, DECEIT, ESPIONAGE, SABOTAGE, TERROEISM, CREATION OF FEAR, DESTRUCTION OR MORALE AND BY ANY OTHER ACTS OR DOING WHATSOEVER; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS 0RDI- NANCE; PROVIDING FOR THE SEPERABILITY OF THE PROVISIONS HEREOF o Councilman Jacobs felt that this would not solve the problems, and that Communists should not be made to register any more than any other group of people. He felt that the National Government should be allowed to handle the situation. Mayor Kabler explained that this was only requiring regis- tration and would give our Police Officers more authority than they now have, and it was also intended tb~aid the National Govermment in bringing these people out in the open. A motion was then made by Councilman Roth that the foregoing Ordinance be placed on first eeading. The mo~ion was seconded by Councilman Holland, and upon call of roll carried, Councilman Holland Kabler, Roth and Saunders in favor of the motion, and Councilman Jacobs passing. The proposed 1950-1951 budget was then brought up for final consideration, and explained by the City Manager, who stated that the budget was beinh advertised in the local newspapers as required by the City Charter, and a public hearing would be held on September Vth, Mr. Black suggested that the Council allocate the possible surplus of $ 25,000.00 at the end of the ~is~al year to a Revenue or Capital Improvement Fund. After discussion the Council agreed, on motion of Council- man Roth, seconded by. 0ouncilman Holland, and unanimously carried, to allocate $ 15~000.00 to the revolving Improve- ment Fund, and set aside $ 5,000.00 for Jail Improvements, and $ 5,000.00 for a Fire Station Fund. Mr. John Thieme, representing a Chamber of Commerce Com- mittee addressed the Council on behalf of the Palm Beach County Traffic Association. Mr. James J. Eitterbusch and Mt. Charles Lunsford, also members of this Committee were persent. 8/29/50 Er. Thieme explained that freight rates in this City are entirely out of line with rates charged in Broward and Dade Counties. He outlined a plan to form a Palm Beach Traffic Association which would employ a Traffic Expert, qualified to appear before the Railroad Con,mission, if Necessary, and obtain reductions in discriminating freight rates. He believed that every citizen of the Town would eventually profit by a reduction in many commodities; and that the cost of building a home in this City would be lowered by as much as 6~ if fair freight rates could be obtained. The Association will function on a membership basis after this year, but all Cities and Towns who will benefit are being asked now to contribute to its organization. City Attorney Eoore advised that such an appropriation could not be consZdered advertising or publicity, but it would be justified on a general welfare basis and could be charged to a Contingency Fund. A motion was made by Councilman Holland that an appropri- ation of $ 750.00 be made toward the organization of this Association, in the interest of the City as a whole, to be taken from next year's contingency fund. The motion was seconded by Councilman Roth, and upon call of roll carried unanimously. Nr. George Talbot and Nr. Edw. Schellenberg, representing the Advertising Committee of the Chamber of Commerce, then ap- peared before the Council. They thanked the Council for setting up an item in the budget for $ 8,000.00 for advertising , which they understood was to be used as follows; $ 3,000.00 for brochures 1,000.00 for directional signs at the north and south of the City Limits. 4,000.00 to be spent at the discretion of the Council. Er. Talbot felt that the Chamber of Commerce Committee could spend the money appropriated by the City wisely~ without having to bring each expenditure before the City Council for approval. He exp~!ned that their budget had been cut to spend all of the $ 4,000.00 on paid advertising in newspapers and mag- azines, and that advertising space must be accepted immediately. They had planned to reduce the quantity of brochures to provide for a Publicity Director. ~ayor Kabler believed that the Council intended to spend $ ~800.00 for a Publicity Director, and the balance could be turned over to the Chamber of Commerce for use at their dis- cretion. After consideration, the following motion was made by Councilman Saunders, That the advertising fund of $ 8,000.00 be used at the discretion of the Chamber of Commerce as follows: $ Z,O00.00 for brochures, $ 1,000.O0 for signs, and $~B5,00 permonth salary for six months for Niss Louise Smith, as Pub- licity Director. The motion was seconded by Councilman Jacobs, and upon call of r~ll carried unanimously. Niss Dorothea Galvin asked the Council if there were any plans made for fire protection on the Beach when the Atlantic Avenue bridge is closed? She was assured that fire tection would be provided during the time the bridge was clos ed. The meeting then adjourned. (Signed) Ruth R. Smith Cit'~' Clerk. APP ROVED: ~'ayor