12-12-50 DECEMBER 12, 1950
Regular meeting, all present.
Minutes of meetings of November 28 and December 5 approved.
C.Y. Byrd - Letter written to City Manager Edmond November 11,
1947, re: Weir property in Ocean Park. City Manager stated on
November 4, 1947 that the Council had agreed to accept the
Resolution on M~s. Weir's terms. Question of improving in
accordance with that deed has come up. Letter was misplaced and
Has Just been discovered. Situation would not be as it is unless
this letter had been agreed upon. Agreed to that r/w deed on
certain conditions. Believe the cit~ is obligation to ~o on the
conditions of this letter whic~ the Uity Manager agreed upon. My
client ~ould like to have the permit or ~ave.the conditions of the
resolution rescinded and put it back on status quo. I donlt
believe you should have the dded and not carry out the conditions
of the agreement. Don't think it will be harmful to the city plan.
Mr. Jacobs- Mr. Edmond remembers nothing about it. No letter on
file in the city and no reference to it in the minutes.
Mr. Kabler - No conditions in the motion accepting~it other than
the motion to accept the resolution.
Mr. Byrd - My file speaks for itself. Letter that was sent to the
city with notation when it ~as handed to Mr. Edmond and the date
and time. During the time l~r. Edmond was City Manager I never got
a reply to a letter I wrote to him. It is a matter of record in
my files. When you review other special permits granted in town
there is nothing more unusual in this one. City Pool is setting
on a line at the comer.
Mr. Byrd - Resolution was adopted by the City Council December 5,
1947 on the conditions of this agreement.
Mr. Saunders - Don't believe i~ this agreement had not been made
that Mrs. Weir would have deeded property to th~ city.~ In my own
I believe that that condition was one of the reasons Mrs. Weir
signed the resolution.
Mr. Kabler - If you firmly believe that those are the terms on
which the contract was accepted, you have no alternative except
to return the contract or change the zoning.
Mr. Jacobs - she should pay for the sidewalk.
Mr. Byrd - Let Mrs. Weir come up and give you first hand informa-
tion. I only have my records to rely on. City property on the
corner, then Varno's then Weirs which are short properties. Only
two tracts which are severely hurt.
Mr. Kabler - After the 194.~ hurricane we had to decide where
the boulevard was. We settled on the Brockway line. Most property
owners hale signed these resolutions deeding property east of the
boulevard to the city. Pool is slightly back of the Brockway line.
A special meeting was to be ~eld ~®cember 14, 1950 at 4.'30
with Mrs. ~eir present.
Mr. Byrd - Asked passage of a resolution to the County Board of
Commissioners on what you want frc~ the State Road Department
in next year's budget. Have requested improvement of East Atlantic
Ave. to the boulevard from U.S. 1 to Ocean Blvd. No. 9 from
to Lantana should be requested from the StateRoad Department, and
also from the Board of Uounty Co~m~issioners and al so the request
of completion of Lake Ida Park.
A petition was presented regarding extension of sanitary sewers
t~hrough Block 96.
After ~iscussion a motion was made by Mr. Jacobs to deny the
p$ition. Secor~ed by Mr. Holland and carried unanimously.
A letter from the Jr. Chamber of Commerce was read. The City
Manager was ir~ tructed toanswer this letter to the effect that
there will be no charge for use of the field, with a copy to
Mr. Parker. Motion made by Mr. Saunders, seconded by Mr. Holland
and unanimously ca~ried.
Motion was made by Hr. Jacobs, seconded by Mr. Roth that the
City Hall close Saturday .December 23, 1950. Unanimously carried.
Motion was made by Mr. Roth, seconded by Mr. Jacobs, to
appoint a committee to make ~ecommendations to the city Council
on the study of recent plats of land, new subdivisions, etc.
Also business.~p~operty off Atlantic Avenue. Committee to consist
of Mr. Gracey, Adams, Baker, Carpenter, and J.M. Cromer. Motion
carried unanimously.
Applicaticn to transfer beer license from Annie Conyer 14th Avenue
and WestAtlantic Ave., moved frcm NW 5th Avenue, was granted upon
motion of Councilman Roth, seconded by Mr. Nolland and unanimously
The following ordinance was then read:
BEACH, F~0RIDA, as follows:
DECEMBER 12, 19~0
Section 1: That Section 17 of Ordinance G-103 be, and the
same is hereby repealed.
Section 2: That Section 151 of Ordinance G-il of Chapter III of
the City Code of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, be, and the same
is hereby amended to read as follows:
"I. aundries employing over two persons and less than
fi ye per sons $15.00"
"Laundries employing over five persons and less
than ten persons 30.00
"I~aundries employing over ten persons and less
than twenty persons 75.00"
"Laundries employing over twenty persons 100.00"
"Local AgenCy, Permanent Office 25.00"
"~gents for out-of-town laundries 25.00"
PASSED IN Regular session on second and final reading on this
the 12th day of December A.D., 1950.
/s/ John N Kabler
/s/ Ruth R SmL$1~
City Clerk
The ordinance was adopted on second and final ~eading, upon
motion of Councilman Saunders, seconded by Mr. Jacobs and carried
unanimou sly.
Motion was made instructing the City Attorney to amend License
Ordinance to raise fee for railroad companies to $75.00, effective
October 1, 1951, by Councilman Saunders, seconded by Mr. Roth and
unanimously carried.
M~. Holland moved that four or five street lights be installed
as needed, as suggested by Mr. Jacobs, on SE 5th Avenue. Motion
was seconded by N~. Jacobs and upon call of roll, Mr. Kabler,
Roth and Saunders voted opposed.
One stree~ light to be installed in cente~ of block between
3rd and 4th streets on N. Swinton Avenue, upon motion of Mr. Saunders,
seconded by Mr. Roth. Upon call of roll Mr. Kabler voted opposed.
Mr. Holland moved that a first street light be installed on
NW llth Street and as need arises, tie on without additional cost.
Motion seconded by Mr. Saunders and unanimously carried.
Motion made by Mr. Saunders, seconded by Mm. Roth and unanimo'.~sly
carried, to change lights we have m~w put in same type fixtures as
on the Federal Highway.
A request for a light on BE 4th Avenue in center of the block
DECEMBER 12, 19~0
was approved upon motion 9f Hr. Jacobs, seconded by Mr. Roth
and unanlmously carried.
Appointment of Miss Dorothea Galvin to the zoning board, to
fill the vacancy of Bru~e Puckett, was made, upon motion of
Mr. Saunders, seconded by Mr. Jacobs and unanimously carried.
Bills totaling $4?,656.39 were approved subject to the
approval of the Finance Committee, upon motion of Mr. Roth,
seconded by Mr. Holland and unanimously camried.
A motion was made to appoint a lighting Committee consisting
Of Mr. Jacobs and Mr. Kabler, to make a routine check to find
out what blocks have no lights on either end; and find dark
~spots in area between blocks; also City Manager to furnish light
expense now and increase needed in budget to take care of addition-
al lights needed. Motion made by Mr. HolLand, seconded by Mr.
Saunders and unanimously carried.
Notice of Bond Sale approved as submitted by City Attorney,
motion made by Mr. Holland, seconded by Mr. Jacobs and unanimously
c arri e d.
The meeting then ad$ourned.
City .........
Taken from notes of former Clt~y Clerk