06-15-04 Agenda Special/WSDEI. RAY BEACH
The City will furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual
with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program,
or activity conducted by the City. Contact Doug Randolph at 243-7127, 24 hours prior to the
program or activity in order for the City to reasonably accommodate your request. Adaptive
listening devices are available for meetings in the Commission Chambers.
Pursuant to Section 3.12 of the Charter of the City of Delray Beach, Mayor Jeff Perlman has
instructed me to annotmce a Special Meeting of the City Commission to be held for the following
Consider approval of an Interlocal Agreement between the City and Palm Beach County
regarding Country Club Acres First Addition, located just south of Adantic Avenue on the
east side of Military Trail, for water/sewer and paving/drainage improvements in the
estimated amount of $1,310,000.00. The City's estimated cost will be $850,000.00; and the
County will fund the cost of the paving and drainage in the estimated amount of
$460,000.00. Funding is available from 334-3162-541-65.86 (General Construction
Fund/Road and Street Facilities/Country Club Acres).
1. 2002/2003 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report - Ernst & Young
2. Artist Selection for the South County Courthouse Art Project
3. Discuss policies for Presenting a Key to the City
4. Commission Comments
Please be advised that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with
respect to any matter considered at this meeting, such person will need to ensure that a verbatim
record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is based. The City neither
provides nor prepares such record.
TELEPHONE 561/243-7090 · FACSIMILE 561/278-4755
Wdter's Direct Line: 561/243-7091
DATE: June 10, 2004
City Commission
David Harden, Cit~anager
Brian Shutt, Assistant City Attorney
SUBJECT: Interlocal with Palm Beach County/Country Club Acres 1st Addition
The attached interlocal agreement between Palm Beach County and the City
concerns Country Club Acres First Addition, located just South of Atlantic Avenue
on the East side of Military Trail. The agreement provides that the City shall have
engineering plans prepared and bid the project as well as pay for the cost of
constructing water and sewer improvements in this area, which is estimated to
cost $850,000.00. The County shall fund the cost of the paving and drainage
improvements over the roads in this area, which is estimated to cost $460,000.00.
The public roads shall be transferred to the City in this annexation and thereafter
the City shall have all maintenance responsibility for the roads.
However, as a condition precedent to the City's and County's obligations under
this Agreement, Country Club Acres First Addition must first be annexed into the
City by December 31, 2005. If the annexation does not occur by this date the
parties shall have no obligations under this Inteflocal Agreement.
Our office requests that this item be placed on the June 15, 2004 City Commission
agenda as a special item. Please call if you have any questions.
Chevelle Nubin, Acting City Clerk
Randal Krejcarek, City Engineer
THIS AGREEMENT, made and antered into this day of ,2004,
(herehlafter "CITY").
WHEREAS, both COUNTY and CITY support annexations into man/c/palitias in order to
wund out municipal boendatiez and to provide more efficient services; and
WHEREAS, COUNTY recognizes that incentives such as shm'ing in the cost of providing
services such as san/t~y sewers, potable water, paving and dra/nage encourage hndowners to annex
into municipalities; and
WHEREAS, COUNTY and C1TY have determined that the annexation of the Court/fy Club
Acres First Addition subdivision into the CITY is a rational and Icg/cai annexatinn; and
WHEREAS, Section 163.01, Florida Statutos, known ~z the Flor/da Interlocal Coopera~on
Act, anthor/zes local govermnents to make the moat effic/ent use ofthe/r powers by enabling them to
cooperate with other localities on a basis of mutual advantage thereby providing services and
facilities that will harmonize geographic, economic, population, and other factors influanc/ng the
needs ~l development of local communities; and
WHEREAS, owners of property within the Country Club Aer~ Fixat Addition Subdivision
have expres~sed a desire to have sanitary sewers, potable water, paving and dralnaE¢/natalled by thc
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenams, promises, and
representations contained helix, the parties agree as follows:
Section 1. The above recitations arc true and correct and are incorporatod herein.
Section 2. Condition Precedent: A,~ a condition precedent, to comply/n§ with the terms of
this Agreement, the annexation of CounWy Club Acr~ First Addition must be approved by the
C1TY pursuant to the Statutory requirements, and Ordinanco adoption proceedin~ of the Cfl'~' by
December 31, 2005, which annexation shah include Jefferson, Whatley and Lincoln Roads. The
CITY hereby acknowledges and agrees that said wads will be transfen~d from the COUNTY to the
CITY upon anncxation and the COUNTY and thc CITY, as thc affcctcd governmental enfitiea,
mutually agree to the transfer. The COUNTY and the CITY further agree that this transfer of the
roads meets the rcquiremcnts of Florida Statute 335.0415. If the annexation doe~ not occur by the
date stated, the parties shall havc no other obligations under this Agrccmcnt.
Section 3. Whcn as a condition precedent, thc annexation is accomplished in accordance
with Section 2 above, the partie~ agree as follows:
A. Thc COUNTY and (_:rr ¥ agrce to share the cost o fconsh~cting sanitary sewers, potablc
watcr, pavin~ and drainage within ibc Country Club Acres First Addilion Subdivision 01creinafler
"IMPROVEMENTS.") The CITY will provide initial funding for the IMPROVBMBNTS and
COUNTY will ~'imbursc thc CITY an amount not to exceed Four Hundred Sixty Thousand Dolla~
($460,000.00) fo~ thc COUNTY'S share of thc impwvcments as outlincd below.
B. Thc CITY will be responsible for funding, engineering, bidding, awarding a contract, and
construction of the sanitary scwcrs and potable water hcrcinafler CITY IMPROVElvlBNTS, and will
also bc rcsponsible for initial funding, en~,inea'ing, bidd/ng, awarding a contract, and constructing
paving and drainage improvements on Jefferson, Whatley and L/ncoln Roads (hereinafter
C. The COUNTY will, after initial funding by the CITY, reimburse the crrY the cost of
construciing thc COUNTY IMPROVEMBNTS.
D. Thc benefiting land owners will not bc assessed for any part of the cost of the
Section 4. Responsibilities and Duties:
A. (Jfl'¥ agrees to:
l) Fund cost of consUucfi~ thc CITY IMI~ROVEMBNTS estimated W be Bight Hundred
Fifty Thousand Dollars ($850,000.00).
2) Have enginccring plans prepared and rcceivo construction bids for constructing thc CITY
IMPROVBMBNTS and COUNTY IMPROVBMBNTS (hcrcinafler collectively referred to ss
IMPROVEMENTS), administer thc conlract and inspect the IMPROVEIVIBNTS.
3) Notify the COUNTY of the CITY'S intention to award a consmiclion contract and of thc
total construction costs of the paving and d,.al.a%oeimprovements based on ~h¢ lowest ~ponsivebid.
4) CITY shall requi~e ~¢ conUactor that consWacts the COUNTY IMPROVEMENTS to
comply with the following: (i) to provide to the COUNTY a Certificate of Insurance reflecting the
COUNTY as an additional insured for the contractor's comprehensive general liability insurance and
supplemental umbrella insurance for same, (ii) Io provide to the COUNTY and CITY proof of the
provision of Section 255.05, Florida Statutes, Payment and Performanc~ Bonds in favor of tho CITY
and the COUNTY in an amount ~cl~ to 100% of the awarded bid amount for cons~'uction of the
COUNTY IMPROVEMENTS boing consffucted by that contractor, (iii) in the event a claim or
lawsuit is brought against thc CITY, thc COUNTY or their respective officers, employees, servants
or agents, as a result of an alleged act or omission by the conffactor, then in that event the contractor
shall be obligated to indemnify and hold hamfless the CITY and the COUNTY and their re~ectivc
officers, employoes, servants or agents fi'om and against said claims, losses, demands, damage~,
liabilities or causes of action of whatsoever kind or nature that the CITY, the COUNTY or their
respective officer~ employees, servants or agents may or could sustain.
B. COUNTY agrccs to:
1) Fund the cost of consiruefing thc COUNTY IMPROVEMENTS eslimated to be Four
Hundred Sixty Thousand Dollars ($460,000.00).
2 ) Reimbursc the ~lrl'¥ for the actual cost o f COUNTY IMPROVEMENTS upon compliance
with thc requirements set forih in Section :5 below.
Section l;. Paymelst~lavoiclag sad Reimbursealeat: Thc CITY shall be reimbursed by the
COUNTY towards the IMPROVEMENTS under this Agreement only after the CITY has expended
its own funds and thc portion of the IMPROVEMBNTS for which it is socking rcimbursement for
has been completed, inspected and cexiificd by the CITY'S Engineer. Thc County Engineer shall
have the right, but not the obligation, to inspect and approve the IMPROVEMENTS. Thc CITY
shall submit proof of payment to the COUNTY'S conh'act monitor or his designee in a form deemed
salisfacto~y by the COUNTY. CITY overhead shall not bc included in costs to bc ~imbt~ed by the
COUNTY. In no event shall (he COUNTY have any obligation to any other entity or pcrson and the
COUNTY'S obligation to thc CITY shall not exceed Four Hundrcd Sixty Thousand Dollars
A Coniract Paymcnt Request Form and a Conh'actual Services Purchases Schedule Form
attached hereto and incorporated herein, as Exhibit "A", which arc rcquired for each and cvc~'y
reimbursement r~quested by the C1TY. Said infomaation shall list ~ invoice payable by the ~3fl'Y
and shall include the vendor invoice number, invoice date; and the amount payable bythe
The C1TY shall attach a copy of each vendor invoice therefore to the applicable item listed un the
Contractual Services Purchases Schedule Form. Further, the Progl~m Adminintrator and thc
Program Financial Officer for the CITY shall certify the total funds payable by the CITY un thc
project and ~hall ~ ~ify that each vendor invoice listed on the Contractual Services Purchases
Schedule Form was paid by the CITY as indicated.
Invoices received fi'om the CITY will be reviewed and approved by the COUNTY indicating
that the expenditures have been made in conformity with the requi~ments of this Agreement.
Thereafter, they will be sent to the COUNTY'S Finance Department for final approval and payment.
Unless the term of this Agreement is extended, thc CITY shall submit all invoices for
payment by December 31, 2007. The COUN2~ shall have no obligations for any costs incurred
after the above referenced date.
Either party may, after receipt of bids, review and evaluate its respactivc costs and in the
event thc cost exceeds the amount set forth in Sect/on 4 (A) and (B) either partymay terminate this
agreement upon thirty (30) days written notice of intent to terminate for lack of funds. However,
after notice of intent to te~mina/c for lack of funds, either party may elect to fund in whole or in part
its additional obligation or the obligation of the other party. Notice of intent to assume any part of
the funding obligations of thc other party will be provided in writing within fifteen (15) days of
receipt of notice ofintant to terminate.
Section 6. Change Order and Field Directive Procedure: Thc change order and the CITY
engineer field order policy to be used during the CITY'S construction of thc COUNTY
IMPROVEMENTS shall be as follows, namely:
(A) If, during construct/on of the COUNTY IMPRESS, it is determined by the
C1TY that change orders that fall within the Board of County Commissioners appwved agreement
are required, the COUNTY will promptly present thc CITY'S request for authorization to thc
OUNTY S Contract Rcwew Committee (CRC) m accordance with the then applicable COUNTY
PPM CW-F-$0. If approved by the CRC, the additional payment amount for this approved work
shall be paid parsmmt to this Agreement. If thc change orders and/or additional costs exceed the
maximum mnount authorized under paragraph (3) o f this Agreement, then this Agreement must be
sent back to thc Board of County Commissioners for consideration of an amendment authorizing
such additional fimding.
(B) The COUNTY and the CITY acknowledge ~hat during construction of the COUNTY
IMPROVE~NTS, field orders regarding interpretations of and modifications from the COUNTY
approved plans, specific~ions and drawings maybe necessm'y. In the event of an emerg~'ncy that
endanger~ the health, safety end welfare of the public, or the COUNTY determines that waiting for
CRC approval may excessively delay thc implementation or consh'uction of the COUNTY
IMPROVEMENTS, a verbal approval fi~om the County Engineer or his designee will be sufficient,
Section 7. Access and Audits: The CITY shall maintain adequate records ~ justify all
charges, expenses, and costs incurred in performing thc Project for at least three (3) years after its
completion~ Tbe COUNTY shallhave accees to allbeoks, records, anddocomants as required hl this
section for the ptul~se of inspection or and/t, during normal bus/ness hours.
Section 8. Repayment: The CITY shaH rapay the COUNTY for all unauthorized, illegal or
unlawful expenditures o frevenues, including those discovered after the expiration or teml/nation of
this Agreement.
Funds which are to be repaid to the COUNTY are to be repaid by d~livering to the COUNTY
a certified check for the total mount due and payable to the COUNTY, within ten (10) days of the
COUNTY'S demand.
Nothing contained herein shall act as a limitation of the COUNTY'S right to be ~paid, as a
waiver of any rights of the COUNTY'S, or exclude the COUNTY from pursuing any other remedy
which may be available to it under law or equity.
Section 9. Indepeudent Contractor: The CITY reco~oni~ that it is an independent
contractor and not an agent or servant of COUNTY. No person employed by any pan'y to this
Agroemant, shall in counection with the performance of this Agreement or any services of functions
contemplated hereunder, at any time, be considered the employee of the other party, nor shall an
employee claim any right in or entitlement to any pension, workeds compensation benefit,
unemployment compensation, civil service, or other employee rights or privileges granted by
operation of law of otherwise, except through and against the entity by whom they are employed.
Section 10. Liability: The parties to this Agreement shall not be deemed to assume any
liability for the neghgem or wrongful acts, or omisaions o f the other party. Nothing contained he. in
shall be cons~xued as a waiver, by either party, of thc liability limits eatablished hi 768.28, Florida
Statutes. Furthennoro, the CITY stipulates that the extent of the COUNTY'S responsibility shall be
limited solely to funding.
Liability for injury to personnel, and the luss or ~lama~e o f equipment shall be berne by the
party employing such personnel and owning such equipment.
Section 11. Indenmiflcattou: Ia the event a claim or lawsuit is brought a~alnn~ the
COUNTY, its officers, employees, servants or agents, the CITY to the extent permitted by law
agrees to save, defend, reimburse, indemnify and hold hamfle~ the COUNTY, its officers,
employees, servants and agents from any and all ¢laimn, deroallds, damage~ liabilities, causes or
actions, legal or ~lministraliv¢ proceedings, judgments, inter,t, at~ome~fs fcez, costs and cxponses
of whatsoever kind of nature, whether arising in any manner directly or indirectly caused.
Thc I_:I'I'Y~S afore~id indemnity and hold harmless obligalions, or porlions or applications
thercof, shall apply to thc fullest oxtent permitted by law but in no event shall they apply to liability
caused by tho nogligence of the COUNTY, or its agents, servants employees or officers.
Section 12. No~lce of Complaints or Suits: Each party wili promptly nntify the other of any
citizen complaiat, claim, suit, or cause of action threatened or ennnnenc~d against it which arises out
of or relates, in any manner, to the performance of this Agreement.
Section 13. Aanual Appropriation: Each patOfs performance and obligation under this
Agreement ia contingent upon an annunl budgetary appropriation by its respective governing body
for the purposes hereunder.
Section 14. Breach and Opportunity to Cure: The parties expresaly covenant and agree
that in the event either party is in default of its obligations undo' this Agreement, the party not in
default shall provide to the defaulting party thirty (30) day~ vaitten notice before exemising any of its
Scclion 15. Euforeemeut Cests: Any costs or expenses (including reasonable attomey~s
fees) assuciat~d with the enforcement of the to'ma and conditions of this Agreement shall be home
by the respective parties; provided, however, that this clause permln~ only to thc parties to this
Section 16. Notire: All notices required to be given under this Agreement shall be in
writing, and deemed sufficient to each paW when sent by United States Mail, po~ge prepaid, to the
Az to the COUNTY:
George T. Webh, P.E., County Engineer
Engineering and Public Works Department
Post Office Box 21229
West Palm Beach, Florida 33416-1229
Attention: Mr. Allen W. Wabb
Streot Improvement Coordinator
Engineering Services Division
Aa to the CITY:
The City of Delray Beach
City Hall: 100 N.W. First Avenue
Dell'ay Bench, Florida 33444
Section 17. Modifieation and Amendment: Except as expressly permit~d herein to the
eontrary, no modification, amendment or alteration in the terms or conditions contained herein ~hall
be effective unless contained in a written document executed with thc ~anc formality and equality of
Section 18. Remedies: This Agreement shall be construed by and governed by tho laws of
the State of Florida. Any and all legal action necessar] to enforee this Agreement shall be held in
Palm Beach County. No remedy herein confi:ared upon any party is intendod to be exclusive of any
other remedy, and each and every such remedy given hereunder or now or hereafter existing at law or
in equity or by statute or otherwise. No single or partial exercise by any party of any right, power, or
remedy hereunder shall preclude any other or further exorcise thereof.
Section 19. Joint Preparation: Thepi~paret/on of this Agreement has been ajoint effort of
the parties, and the resulting document shall not, solely as a matter of judicial constraint, be
construed more severely against one of the parties than the other.
Section 20. Equul Opportunity: The COUNTY and the CITY agree that no peezon ~hal! on
the ground~ of race, color, sex, national origin, disability, religion, ancest~, marital ststu$, or ~
orientation be excluded from the benefits of~ or be aubj ected to ~my form of discrimination under any
activity carried out by the performance of this Agreement. Thc CITY will ensure that all contacts let
for the Project pursuant to the terms of this Agreement will contain a similar non-discrimination and
equal oppottxmity clause.
Section21. Exeeuflon: ThisAgreeme~t maybecxecutedintwoormorecountapafls, each
of which shall be deemed an ori~nsl, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same
Section 22. Filing: A copy of this Agreement shall be filed with the Clerk of the Circuit
Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida.
Section 23. Termination: This Agreement may be terminated by either party to this
Agreement upon thirw (30) days written notice m the other pa.,fy pr/or to the Award o f the ConWact
for the con,~ruction or if the annexation, as a condition prec~lent to complying with the terms of this
Agreement isnot accomplishedbyDecember 31,2005. ffth¢ annexationdoesnotoccurbythedato
stated, the partiez shall have no other obligations under this Agreemeut.
Section 24. Effe~ive Date: This Agreement shall take effect wpon execution, and all work
shall be completed by December 31, 2007, unle~ the time for completion is extended by the parties'
contract monitors in accordance with Section 4 of this Agreement.
Section 25. CompHanee with Codes ~md Lnw~: Each pafly agrees to abide by all laws,
orders, rules and regulations which relate to or affect the procurement, award of con~racts,
installation and maintenance of the Sanitary Sewer System.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, lh¢ undersigned parties have executed this Interlocal ~
on the day and ye~ar first written above.
Dorothy H. Wilken, Cl~rk
Deputy Clerk
~ T. Marcus, Chair
By: BT.
Assistant County Attorney
City Clerk
City Attomoy
Facilities Development &
Operations Depaxtment
3323 Belvedere Road
Building 503
West Palm Beach, FL 33406-1548
Telephone: (561) 233~0200
Facsimile: (561) 233-0206
www. pbcgov.comlfdo
Palm Beach County
Board of County
Karen · Marcus, Chair
Tony Masilotti, Vice Chairman
Jeff Roons
Warren H. Newell
Mary McCar~y
Addie L. Greene
County Administrator
Robert Weisman
May 21, 2004
David Hardin, City Manager
City of Delray Beach
100 NW First Avenue
Delray Beach, FI. 33444
Re: ~outh County Courthouse - Commission of Artwork
Recommended Artist: A/yes & Reid
The County's Public Art Committee concluded its selection of an art project
on the north side of the existing South Count,/Courthouse, facing Atlantic
Avenue. Glenn Weiss represented the City on the Selection Panel. There
were five semi-finalists, all with very different and interesting ideas and
The Committee selected the team of Alves and Reid, who proposed a multi-
faceted public artwork which includes a mural on the north elevation of the
courthouse and mosaic enhanced public furniture throughout the open
space. The artist considered and was sensitive to the history of the site and
the area in both the historic and current time periods. The pallette also
represents their interpretation of the Delray Beach "colors."
I have attached 1) a copy of the selected Artist's submittal, 2) a copy of the
proposed mural which also reflects the content comments of the Public Art
Committee and 3) photographs of the concept presented by the artists at
the Selection Committee; for the City's consideration.
Prior to the Committee making a recommendation to the Board of County
Commissioners of a contract award, the Chair of the Committee,
Commissioner Mary McCarty, would like an opportunity to present same to
the City Council and receive any comments they may have. Please give me
a call so that we can discuss a date/time for such a meeting and what
additional back-up is available for that meeting.
A irector
Facilities Devdopment & Operations
c: Nary NcC_arty, Chair, Public Art Committee
Elayna Singer, Public Art Administrator
South County Courthouse
Art And Amenities Project
Preliminary Design Presentation
Wednesday, January 14, 2004
Artist Team: Carlos Alves and Andrew Reid
Lead Artist: Carlos Alves
Firstly, we would like to take this opportunity to thank the Palm Beach County
Committee for Public Art for the opportunity to present our ideas for the South
County Courthouse Art and Amenities Project. Special thanks to F. Joan
Goldberg for guiding the process.
Thank you also for your comments regarding our preliminary proposal - we have
endeavored to address them in both the maquette and here in written form. In
approaching the task of creating an integrated design for the Courthouse exterior
and North Lawn, we carefully considered the Committee's recommendations
regarding the site as well as the architectural integrity of the building's design and
its important purpose.
First and foremost, we'd like to stress our understanding of the need to work
closely with the architectural team and the landscape architects in finalizing both
proposed imagery and placement of elements within the North Lawn. Past
projects undertaken by the team, both individually and together are testament to
this. All ideas presented today have been designed with the understanding that
they. fi.t harmoniously within the overa I conceptual scheme these entities have
enwsfoned. If selected as finalists, we would further refine these concepts and
images upon input from the architects, Committee and any other entities the
Committee deems appropriate.
Secondly, as per the Committee's recommendations, we have researched colors
that are appropriate; with the palette provided by the Delray Beach Chamber of
Commerce we have been able to incorporate a color scheme that can be readily
identified with the City of Delray Beach both historically and today.
Conceptual Approach: Delray Progress
After a series of site visits and research into the history of the City of Delray
Beach, as well as careful consideration of the stated project goals for the South
County Courthouse Art and Amenities Project, we believe that we have created a
cohesive design that will serve to revitalize the Courthouse's North Lawn, by
transforming the former courthouse entrance into a backdrop for a beautiful
parklike setting that celebrates the City of Delray Beach and its rich history.
Creating a space that is both decorative and functional, we envision an oasis of
art that is uniquely appropriate to Delrey Beach - with imagery and icons that
evoke histodc highlights and link the building to histodc downtown. Here,
employees, visitors and residents can stroll between the Courthouse and, soon,
the new library, enjoying public art that conveys the story of the community -
from early days to its present model as an All America city.
We've entitled our design, Delrey Progress, the name of an early newspaper; a
title that we think captures the spirit and history of the City of Delray Beach since
its incarnation as Linton in the late 19th century. From this jungle of scrub pine,
saw palmetto, oak saw grass and stunted sea grapes, grew a thdving and
progressive city by the sea that aggressively targeted residents and toudsts alike
with promises of year round sunshine and opportunities for prosperity. Well-
documented stodes of perseverance and forward-thinking townsfolk signal
Delray's future success; from the odginal homesteaders paving the way for future
settlers and tourists to the women and minorities that were able to express their
voices, Delrey has historically served as a welcoming community for those
seeking to improve their quality of life. We propose a setting that pays homage
to Delray's progressive tradition and serves as an extension of the town's
picturesque downtown.
Flanking Walls
To convey this spirit, artwork dch with symbols that define Delrey both historically
and in the present will provide a beautiful backdrop- both on the courthouse's
exterior walls and on the North Lawn. As the accompanying maquette illustrates,
on the walls, vignettes painted in concrete stains, create a sense of place
through environmental and cultural references. Flowing right to left on two walls
that flank the former courthouse entrance, a stylized time line traces the evolution
of this ethnically diverse and vibrant city. Painted in concrete stains with colors
selected from the Delrey Beach color palette, scenes depict the city's past and
present. The town's progress is portrayed as from a wilderness of scrub pine and
sea grapes; new homesteaders carve a community from the jungle. Other
images are selected to portray important moments or movements in the city's
development such as the arrival of the FE.C. railroad, African American and
Flanking Wails, cont'd
Japanese farmers harvesting tomatoes, beans and pineapples in the year round
growing seasons, women's rights and educational progress among others. As
we move further into modern times, we see a beach scene, as painted by one of
the artists-in-residence in the downtown arts district, schoolchildren, tourists and
businessmen, all of the different people and elements that make Delray Beach
such an attractive place to live and visit.
North Lawn
On the property's North Lawn, we'll transform the existing concrete benches into
a beautiful meandering tour of the environmental and social history of Delray
Beach. As visitors approach the North Lawn, they will encounter the Pineapple
Bench, an original piece that makes reference to the city symbol and provides
welcome. We'll tile the existing benches, and perhaps others relocated from the
other side of the building, applying handmade emblems and symbols that relate
to the murals above. W~th handmade tiles we'll embellish benches with city
Iogos, snap beans and tomatoes, scenes of early settlers, the railroad station, the
famed Barefoot Mailman, wodd's largest mailbox, fish and other beach and
ocean imagery, historic dates and names, such as 1911-First Black Vote,
creating a decorative and educational dialogue. The benches will be designed for
comfortable seating but will not be suitable for reclining.
VVorking together, our goal is to create an environment that speaks to the
community; offering people a comfortable and beautiful art park that fosters pride
in their city, its important civic institutions such as the Courthouse, and its history.
Once again, we consider the imagery presented today to be preliminary and
would rely on input to enhance the concepts before finalizing any designs.
AII-Ameflca City
David T. Harden, City Manager
FROM: Delores Rangel, Administrative Assistant
August 20, 2003
SUBJECT: Policies for Key to the City by other Cities
I have researched other cities to ascertain whether they have a policy for giving a Key to
the City and who would be eligible to receive one. The following is what I found out:
City of Boca Raton: They do not have a written policy in place at this time
although they are working on one. It is at the Mayor's discretion who receives
a key. Normally they are given to long standing employees, outgoing
commission or a dignitary. They give out about 12 keys a year. Because of the
high cost of putting the key on a plaque they do more Certificates of
City of Boynton Beach: They do not have a written policy in place. The Mayor
is the only one who approves and gives the Key to the City. If any of the
commissioners want a key they go to the Mayor for approval. They give about
1 or 2 keys a year and only to dignitaries. They do more plaques and
City of Deerfield Beach: They do not have a written policy in place but there is
an unwritten standard procedure for giving a key. Staff will put in an agenda
request and it goes to the Commission for approval. They give between 3-6
keys per year and 3 or 4 of those keys are given to the Mango Festival every
year for the entertainers and promoters. They give out more certificates of
Town of Highland Beach: They do not have a written policy in place. Their
population is about 3500. They have never given a Key to the City to anyone.
Ifa dignitary comes to town they may do a proclamation.
County Commission: They do not give out Keys. They do "Certificates of
Appreciation" with all the County Commissioners signing the certificate and
Proclamations. Attached is a copy of their Policy and Procedures along with a
sample copy of their Certificate of Appreciation.
Town of Jupiter: They do not have a written policy in place. Said that they
really have no need to give out keys to the city. They have small lapel pins
with a key on it but it's only given at the Mayor's discretion and only between
1-3 are given per year.
City of West Palm Beach: They do not have a written policy in place. The
Mayor is full time so it is only at his discretion, although the Commission will
at times request a key. Between 4-10 keys are given out a year, mostly to
citizens, long standing employees and organizations. They also do certificates
of appreciation.
City of Lake Worth: They do not have a written policy in place. Because of
the cost they do not very often give keys, only to dignitaries (1-2 keys per year).
They give out more Certificates of Appreciation.
Town of Palm Beach: They do not have a written policy. Since their
population is small (10,000) when an employee retires depending on the years
of service he will either receive a key to the city on a plaque, a ring or a watch.
They do have an Employee of the Year recognition which consists of putting a
plaque on their wall with the employee's picture and name. They do not do
anything for dignitaries.
From October 1, 2002 to May 2, 2003 we have given out 10 keys to the City. Please
let me know if you need additional information.
U :'uR~ng¢l'aMiscellan¢ous'~Key to City Poli~y doc
October 1, 1~2
cw.o-o~ (wgv~sr,~ DRAFt)
May 1~ 2003
To provide County Commissioner~ proclamations and certificates to present to orga,~i~fions,
citizens, or employes for outstanding sc~vice to the Palm Beach County community.
Thc Public Affair~ IX-partment l~Ovides p~pa~d Proclamations and Cer~cates of Appreciation
to Commlssinncrs for presentations to citizens, organizatioa~ or ~'mployees. Proclamations ar= ~ed
to reco?i~e noteworthy events that occur on specific dates, weeks or months. Ccrtificatc~ of
Appreciation ar~ nscd to reco_m~izc individuals or orgsni?ations for outstanding scrvic~ or
achievements in thc community.
Department of PubUc Affsi~ staffxvxtuires a mlnim,rm of five (5) workin& days to prepare
and return a proclamation or certificate to the requesting C. ornm issioner. A Illil~illou~l often
(1 O) working days is required for a request for ten (1 O) or more proclamatinns or cel'diicates.
The request must include the pres~tion date, properly speUed name(s) of receiver(s), name
of sponsoring Commissioner (if certificate is to be presented at Board of County
Conunissioners' meeting) and thc exact wording for the proclamation or certificate.
Proclamations or Certificates prepared for Commissioncra am returned to the r~qucsting
.Commissioner's office along with the orJ~nnl requests. Thcrcquest~ng Comm lssion~s staff
zs responsible for obtaining signatures of all Commissioners. If thc procl~m~tion or
certificate is to be presented at a Board of County Commissioners meeting, the
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Commig~ioacl~s 8taft i-~ responsible for pla~ing prcscn~a~on on the agcada through the
agenda coordinator in Admlnistl~Iion.
Depaxtment directors who wish to have a proclamation or certificate presented at a Board of
County Commissioners meeting must ask an appropriate Comm{~ioner to sponsor the
proclamation or certificate presentation and ~he spomsoring commission office will request
Public Affairs to prepare thc proclamation or certificate.
The spoosoxing Conm~ssioner will present the proclamation or certificate ax the first scheduled
board mccting of ~c month.
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