01-03-49 J&~,~,UA?~Y 3RD, 19h9 Regular meeting of th¢~.~ City Co~_u~cil of the City of De!ray Beach was held at 7:30 P. Y. in the Co~zncil Chambers, with Ya?:.,or L. U. ~ra~xon i~, the Chair, and City Manager Charles E. Blac~c, Czoy Attorney John ~oore, and the fot!~ing Co~c[lmen oresent: M. }?. Del'.~itt, John N. }(ab]_er and tlei! E. ~,[acYll!an, a quorma being present. ~xe adoption of a Resolution requesting the State Road Department to complete the earing of Sixth Avenue (Federal Highway) from curb to curb, from the north to the set,th City l~its, in~uding sidewalks and sto~ sewer drainage, was reco~s~nded by ~%ayor Brazen, as follows: RF~OLUTIO',~ NO. 716 A R~OLUTION OF ~E CI'~ ~CIL, CITY OF DEL~Y BEACH, FLORIDA. WHEr~.~, the State Road Department of the State of Florida, thro,~h the splendid efforts of l(r. Fultz, has caused splend~,d improvements to be made throuffh~ o~t Pa~ Beach Comnty in the resurfac[n~ and im~rov[~ of U. S. ;~-;.ghway ~o. 1 as the sam passes thresh the To~m of R~viere, ~est Palm Beach, L~ke Worth, Lantana, Hypol~e~ 2oynton and Boca Raton. AIL of this imorovement the Department is to be co,ended for, and W~EAS~ thor now exists ia t~ Cindy ~ De!ray Beach a rather broken, badl5~ drained and narrow aaveme~t over which all traffic of U. S. ~.~o. 1 now moves, and t~s portion of the said H~ghway should he improved and widened to its full exten~, taki~g in~ consideration the fifty foot right-of-way along w~ch t~ said Hi~h- wa~.~ traverses~ as +~ere is ~o alternate .* _ ro~e for dividing the traffic ~ thc of De~ay Beach, and until thc construction of the proposed ~hwav~ _.. ~.. '~o. O,.. the citizens of the City of Deltv~y Beach and the traveling ~ublic in ~enera! ~ust ~ove along U. S. ~i?hway ~Io. i on ~ts ~ressnt location; ~'~0"~, ~E~EFO~E, be it resolved bye. the Cit~'~ Co.~tr~ci! of the. C~+y_~. of Oe!rav~, teach, Florida: t. Teat the City does hereby re~'uest the State Road Depart~>nt of the State of Florida ~ let a contract for the complete reb,lildine of that sortion of U. S. ~d_:~:hway No. 1 from t[-~ N~rth to So,tn Cit? ~ ~ ~ _ z~m_~t=, thro~qh the ~ity of DelraF Beach Fioricla, to a ~_doh of forty-fo~r feet of oavement, Oroper ct~rb, gut .... r, sidewalks. _ a~d storm sewers, ~lsing~. ~ha~ oresent ~ftv~ foot tiFht-of way, alone which the oresent U. S. Uighway is now laid out a~d constructed. 2. ~s% this work be done as soon as possib]_e, as U. S. ~{i~hway t,~o. ]., ss now laid out and constr~cted thro~tgh the City of De,ay Beach is narrow and in bad condition, 0oo?!M drain~:d~ ancl constitutes a bottle-neck through which a great velum of local and tourist traffic must travel. 3. That the City now has on its books and records, and will contin~.te to have a b~ldin~ and zoning ordinance, ~'~ich ord].nances require a ~went~,r foot set-back for all new construction alo~ U. S. Wighway Mo. 1 on both sides, in order to orovide for off street and ~{ighway parking.