01-03-49OrgMtg The O~'.'ganization meeting'.,_ _ of t~ City~ Co~mcil of th~ .... Cit of D~lr~?~.,. Beach,.
was ~?;etd in the Co m, cil Ch~bers at 7 '~
' . :_~ P. ~'~. w~tb Co':mci.!men L. ~. Brannon,
~ "~ ~'- ,' ,,~a~te?
John N. ~fabier and Nell ~. ~._ac~.:zila_~, and the newlIf elected Counci~en" ' -
A. Roth and Jack L. Sanders present.
The oath of office was ad,ministered to the newl~ ~
_ ~ e ....ctea Co~.ailman by
City Clerk.
A motior~ was then made by Councilman I~ac~,~i!lan, nominating Jack L. Saunders
as,.,~,~a~,~r, ,.,~ of the City. ~z". I?Iacl'iillan stated that hz. Saunders has bee~ a resident
of Delray Beach for sractica!ly all of his life, that he had taken an active ~rt
in civic orgaqLzations, as v~ell as in the ;,:ethoQ~..st Charch. In a5c]itima
Saunders had rec~ived the highest r, mmber of votes Ln the rer:ent elect, ton, and he
felt he wo~Id be qualified as ],~ayor, if elected.
The motion was seconded by Co~mcilman ~ab!er, and upon call of roll carried,
~ac.~z].Lan and ..
Com~ci~an Brannon~ Kabler, ~.~ ~' ~ ~th voting in favor of the motion,
Councilman Samnders not veting.
~,~r. Saunders ass~ed the ~:~a:.:or's Chair, and in acce~ting the office ex?essed
his a[,preciatioa for the support ~iven him by citizens of the City, and for the
honor of being elected l,.(a~zor, arid asked the cooperation of the Council in order
that bigger t~ngs might be accom~lished for Delray Beach d,_zrin~ th~ co.~ing year.
In a motion b.~- Comnci~an Brannon, seconded by Co,mca!man Kab!er, Councilman
~ei! E. ~'~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~'o~.
~c~.'z_ lan was ah:cteQ ~ serve as
Co~i~c-[!~n Brarmon then infozraed t~ new Council that, he would be a dele:Tate
to tho Inauguration ceremonies for Oo~ernor F~ler ?~arren in Ta!lahassee on
January /_~th, and asked permis~-:ion f~ t~ Chief of =old. ce %o attend t, kD
with him.
Upon motion of Co~ci~nan iLoth~ seconded by Councilman Kabler, ,3nanimously
a ' ~ t~ above suggestion that ~n ' ~
~arrmem, .~llc Chief R. C. Croft attend the
of tl~ ~ew Gevernor~ was a~'.proved.
T~e Co ~r~cJ_! then adjo...~Lne~ to the ne ~.t regular _~~~ P.
oa Tuesday, January llth~ 1949.
(Si~d) R~th R. Smith - '
City Clerk
January llth, 1949
Regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Delray Beach was held
in the Council Chambers at 3:30 p. m. with Mayor J. L. Saunders in the Chair,
and City Attorney John Moore, City Manager Charles E. Black, and the following
Councilmen present: L. H. Brannon, John N. Kabler, Neil E. MacMillan and
Walter A. Roth, a quorum being present.
Mr. Harold Izzes of the Guardian Title and Abstract Co. of West Palm Beach
appeared before the Council with reference to Street Improvement liens assessed
against Lots 4 to 7, inclusive, Block 12, Dell Park in June of 1940, which he
claimed were erroneously assessed as title to the property was in the State of
Florida, under the Murphy Act of 1939. He claimed that when the title to prop-
erty rests in t~e State it ~an not be levied upon by any other taxing agency
under Florida Statutes.
City Attorney Moore stated that before a Municipality can impose an im-
provement lien on lands owned by the State certain prerequisites must be com-
plied with which were not complied with in this case, therefore in his opinion
these liens were not valid, and he recommended that they be cancelled.
A motion was made by Councilman Brannon, seconded by Councilman Roth that
1940 Street Improvement Liens assessed against Lots 4 to 7 inclusive, Block 12,
be cancelled, and the owners notified of this action. Upon call of r011 the
motion carried, Councilman MacMillan not voting.
The Clerk was instructed to furnish the City Attorney information regarding
the balance of these liens, for his advice.
Mr. Albert G. Khouri, Manager of Albert's Linen Shop at 812 East Atlantic
Avenue, addressed the Council requesting the passage of an Ordinance to restrict
the operation of Auction sales ir~ the City, claiming they were unfair competit-
ion to merchants operating in a regular manner. Mr. Khouri stated that an
auction sale should be allowed only for the closing of an estate, er for dis-
posing of merchandise, and not as a legitimate business, and urged the Council
to take immediate action to prevent the granting of another license for an
Auction Sale, similar to the one operating in The Village on East Atlantic Avenue.
City Attorney Moore advised Mr. Khouri that he was studying Ordinances from
other Cities, and an Ordinance would probably be passed by the Council to control
this type of business, in the near future.
Mayor Saunders then read his recommendations for appointments of Department
Heads and Committees for the coming year. No changes in personnel were rec-
ommended with the exception of the office of Building Inspector, and Mr. F. J.
Schrader was recommended by Ma~or Saunders for this position to replace Mr. T. H.
A motion was made by Councilman Kabler, seconded by Councilman Both, that
the recommendations of Mayor Saunders be confirmed, and the appointment of F. J.
Schrader as Building Inspector be approved. Upon call of roll the motion carried
Appointments of Department Heads
City Manager Charles E. Black
City Clerk & Treasurer 'Ruth R. Smith
Tax Assessor & Collector Alice A. Deaderick
Police Chief R.C. Croft
Fire Chief John R. Gregory