11-30-10 Agenda Results Special Meeting~~~.~~v ~~r,c CITY COMMISSION ~°"'~"~ CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA SPECIAL MEETING -TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2010 t, 7:00 P.M. CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS .; ,,,-, *11G}_?NI711 R1__?SLI.'I'S*** The City= will furnish appropriate auxiliarj= aids and services where necessarj= to afford an individual with a disability= an equal opportunity= to participate in and enjoy= the benefits of a service, program, or activity= conducted by= the Citj=. Contact Doug Smith at 243-7010, 24 hours prior to the program or activitj= in order for the Citj= to reasonably= accommodate ~=our request. Adaptive listening devices are available for meetings in the Commission Chambers. Coinmissionc:r Garr I=lopoulos vas absent. SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA Pursuant to Section 3.12 of the Charter of the Citj= of Delray= Beach, May=or Nelson S. McDuffie has instructed me to announce a Special Meeting of the City= Commission to be held for the following purposes: 1. ORDINANCE NO. 43-10 (,FIRST READING/FIRST PUBLIC HEARINGS Citj= initiated rezoning from Countj= CG (General Commercial) to City= PC (Planned Commercial) for the Marketplace of Delray=, located at the northwest corner of West Atlantic Avenue and Military= Trail. If passed, a second public hearing will be held on December 14, 2010. (PUBLIC HEARING) (Approved, 4-0) 2. ORDINANCE NO. 18-10: Consider approval of achy=-initiated annexation (via the provisions of the executed Agreement for Water Service and Consent to Annexation) for the Marketplace of Delray=, located at the northwest corner of West Atlantic Avenue and Military= Trail. If passed, a public hearing will be held on December 14, 2010. (FIRST READING) (Approved, 4-0) 3. ORDINANCE NO. 20-10: Consider approval of a privately= initiated rezoning from RM (Medium Density= Residential) to GC (General Commercial) for Lintco Development, located at the northwest corner of Linton Boulevard and S.W. 4`h Avenue. If passed, a public hearing will be held on December 14, 2010. (FIRST READING) (Approved, 4-0) 4. Commission Comments Please be advised that if a person decides to appeal any= decision made by= the City= Commission with respect to any= matter considered at this meeting, such person will need to ensure that a verbatim record includes the testimony= and evidence upon which the appeal is based. The Citj= neither provides nor prepares such record.