Res 01-11F:ESfJLUTIC>N NO.01-11 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CQMMISSIC}N CAF THE CITY CtF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, CALLING FOR A SPECIAL ELECTION C>N A CHARTER CHANGE TC~ BE HELD CtN MARCH 8, 2011, TC- PROVIDE FC>R A REFERENDUM C-N THE CHARTER CHANGE PRESENTED IN ORDINANCE NO. 40-10; PROVIDING FOR THE TIME, MANNER AND MEANS OF HOLDING SAID ELECTION, PROVIDING A SAVING CLAUSE A]vD AN EFFECTNE DATE. WHEII;EAS, Ordinance No. 40-10 amends the City Charter by extending the terms of the Mayor and Commissioners from two years to three years and reducing the maximum number of consecutive terms the Mayor and Commission Members may serve from three consecutive terms to two cansecutive terms; and WHEREAS, the City of Delray Beach desires to call for a special election an the matter; and WHEREAS, the City Commission directs the City Clerk to take all steps necessary to hold a special election and to provide all notices required in accordance with Article V, "Elections" of the Charter of the City of Delray Beach and General Law; and WHEREAS, the City Comnssion of the City of Delray Beach directs that the special election an the Charter change proposed in Ordinance No. 40-10 be held on March S, 2011. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the recitals set forth above are incorporated as if fully set forth herein. Section 2. That the City Commission authorizes the holding of a special election on the Charter change to extend the terms for the Mayor and other Corrunissianers from two years to three years and to reduce the maximum number of consecutive terms the Mayor and other Commissioners may serve from three consecutive terms to two consecutive terms. There shall be placed on the March $, 2011 election ballot the following question: QUESTION CHARTER AMENDMENT -LENGTH OF TERMS AND TERM LIMITS CURRENTLY, THE COMMISSION MEMBERS (INCLUDING THE MAYOR) SERVE TWO-YEAR TERMS, LIMITED TO THREE CONSECUTIVE TERMS {SIX YEARS). THE CHARTER AMENDMENT PROPOSES THI1;.EE-~T:AR TERMS, LIMITED TO TWO CONSECUTNE TERMS {SIX. YEARS). IF PASSED THIS AMENDMENT SHALL -- APPLY TO THE COMMISSIONERS AND MAYOR ELECTED IN MARCH 2012 AND THEREAFTER. SHALL THE CHARTER AMENDMENT BE ADOPTED? YES {far appraval) 2011. NO (against appraval} Section 3. That the City Commission hereby sets the date of the election to be held an March $, Section 4. That the City Commission hereby authorizes the City Clerk to provide all notices and to take all steps necessary to hold the referendum as hereby provided. Section 5. That this resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 4th day of January, 2011. MAYOR ATTEST: City Clerk RES. NC}. 01-11 Coversheet lY1EMO~;ANDi1M TO: Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: R, Brian Shutt, City Attorney DATE: December 22, 2010 SUBJECT: AGENDA ITEM S C -REGULAR. COMMISSION MEETING OF JANUARY 4 2011 RESOLUTION NO, 01-I1 Page 1 of 1 ITEM BEFORE COMMISSION Approval of Resolution 01-11 regarding the proposed charter amendment related to Cammission terms. BACKGROUND The Cammission, at its November 16, 2010 meeting, adopted Ordinance 40-10 proposing a charter amendment increasing the length of a term of a CammissionerlMayor from 2 years to 3 years and reducing the number of consecutive terms from 3 to 2 {where the maximum number of years one is able to serve is not increased and is still 6}. In order to place this charter amendment on the ballot for the March 2011 election the Cammission must approve this resolution calling far the special election. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of Resolution 01-11. http:llitwebapplAgendaIntranetlBluesheet,aspx?ItemID=X078&MeetinglD-280 1 /5/2011 RESOLI;~TION NO.OI-11 A RESOLUTION OF THE CI'T'Y CY~NMSSION OF THE QTY OF DELRAY BEAQ3, FLORIDA, CALLING FOR A SPEQAL ELECTION ON A C~:[ARTER C;EIANGE TO BE HELD ON MARCH 8, 2011, TO PROVIDE FOR A REFERENDUM ON T'HE CHARTER CHANGE PRESENTED IN ORDINANCE NO, 40-10; PROVIDING FOR THE TIR+IE, MAl~1N~R AND MEANS OF HOLDING SAID ELECTION, PROVIDING A SAVING C;LAL!SE AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. V'~]~REAS, Ortfue No. 40-10 amends the City Charter by ext~~~ing' the terms of the Mayor and C.an~rniss~oners from two years to tl~rne years and r~:ducing the maxirnucn number of consecutive temps the Iviayor and Commission Members may serve from three consecutive temps to two consecutive temps; and V'~~REAS, the City of Delray Beach desires to call for a special election on the matter; and 4'dHEREAS, the City Cornntis~s~on directs the City Clerk to take all s~~e, necessary to hold a special. election and to provide all notices n~u+ed in accorclardce with Article V, "Elections" of the Garter of the City of Delray Be:~h and General Law and t~-II~REAS, the City Commission of the City of Delray Beach directs that the sl~~ial election on the C1~arter clhange proposed in Ordinarue No. 40-10 be held on March 8, 2011. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE C[TY C'OMvIISSION OF T"I~ CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Lion 1, That the recitals set forth above are ir~orporated as if filly set forth hereon Secfion 2. That the City Conm~ion autlwrizes tl~ holding of a sl~~ial election on the Charter clhange to extend the terms for the Mayor and other C:ommissionecs from two yeazs to three years and to ncluce the n~cis:cuzm number of consecutive terms the Mayor and other Comn~issioneis may serve from three consecutive terms to two consc~:utive tenn5. There shall be placed on the I1~Iar+ch 8, 2011 election ballot the following question QUESTION CHARTER A-1~~IENDMENT -- LENGTH OF TER1viS AND TERM LIMITS CC:fItRENTLY, THE COA~vffSSION MEMBERS (INCLUDING THE MAYOR) SERVE TWO-YEAR TEI~;MS, LIMITED TO TI-iREE CONSEC'UZ'iVE TERM (SIX YEARS). THE GARTER AMENDMENT PROPOSES THREE-YEAR TERMS, LINItTED TO TWO CONSECUTIVE TERMS (SIX YEARS). IF PASSED THIS AMENDMENT SHALL APPLY TO T~ CYJMNIISSIONERS AND MAYOR ELECTED IN MARCH 2012 AND THEREAFTER. SHALL T'I~ CHARTER AMENDII~NT BE ADOPTED? YES {for apprc~vai) NQ (ay~~uctst approval) Section 33. That the City Cor~n~r~ission ~y sets the date of the election to 17e held on March 8, 2411. Section 4. That the City Commission hereby authorizes the City Clerk to provide all notices and to take all steps necessary to hold the refer~enclum as hereby provided. Section 5. That tlvs resoluhion ~~all become effective irr~rr~ediately upon passage, PASSE D AND ADUPTE D this day of . 20 , ATTEST: MAY{~R CityQerk ICES. NO.O1-i i