03-14-49SpMtg?8 ~.~RCH 14TH, 1949 A Special Meeting of the City Council of the Cit~,~ of Delray Beach was he!a~: in the City ~,a~a,%er's Office at 4:30 P. M. to open bids raceived for the gred~lg ~d pav~g of N. W. 6th Avenue from West Arian,tic Avenue to 3rd Street, with ~a~,/or J. L. Sanders in ~he C?,air, and City ~' ~ ! C ~a_.a ~er ,~ha.]....~ E. Black~ . At:. ~z'ney Johz'~ ],,bore, and the follwoing Co~_lmen oresen~:: John Y, Eab!er Waiter A. Roth, a nuormm being The Clerk prese~ted proof of the publication of Invi*,atioa to Bid oa the above street improvement, as follbws: AFFID.~,VIT OF P~LICATION Delray 9each k~ews Published Weekly Delray Beach, Palm Beach Cotmty: Florida ST_A~ OF FLOR~A COU?TY OF PA~f BEACH Before the ~r~der~gned a uhhority persona~y appeared William K. who om oath says that h~ is pao!msher of the De~ay Beach News, a weekly mews- papep pmb!ished at Delray Beach La Palm ~ach County, Florida; a~ the attached copy of advertise~at, being an Invitation To Bid in the ~tter of City of Delray Beach was p~blished in saJ. d newspaper in the issues of March 4~ 1~ 1949. Affiant further says that t~ said Delray Beach News is a newspaper publis- hed at OeO'ay $each~ in ~ '' oaza P~im Beach County, Florida, and that the .~aid news- paper has heretofore beez~ co~tinuoasly published in said Pa~ Beach Co~ty, Florida each Friday and has been entered as secorJ class mail matter at the post of Cite in Delray Beach, ia said Pa~ Beach County, Florida, for a period of one year next ,o'~ced~ ng__ the first pablica+Jon oC t~ attached o)py of aave~' 'tzse~' . nt; and affiant f~'~:hez-' s~ys that h~ has neither paid nor promised any person, f~m or corporation any discount, rebate, co~mnission or ref~td for t~ purpose of securi~ this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. (Signed) v./i!l~m K. $w'o~a to and snbscribed before me this lath day of March~ A. P. 1949 Notary r,~blic, State of Florida at Large ~y co~ission ~xoires July 27, 1952. Bonded by American SEAL" Surety Co. of N. Y. INVITATION ~ B~ Sealed bids will be rec .zvem by the City of De!ray Beach unt~ 4:30 P. ~ Eastern S~ d ' ' ~' _ , tab, dar Ti~ on Monday March 14 for t.ae fozlo~ zng street grading paving. Norht West S~mtb Avenue, fromm Atlaatic Aveame t~ North TM'~,es~ Th[rd Street Descriptio~ of +~e work and s~cifications may be obtained from the City Eaginee r. MARCH 14TH, 1949 Bids must be accompanied by bi~ bond or certified check in the amount of 54 of the bid. 100~ P~rfor~a~ce Bond will b~ required with contract; Bond to cover ~ayment for all meterial arid labor. (Signed)Charles ~. Black CZty ~{anage r March 4. and 11, !949" Two bids were received in response to the foregoing Notice, as follows: 1. "13~ .~,~arch 1949 To: The Honorable Mayor and City Council, City of De!ray Beach, Florida. C~.ntle men: I am pleased to subnt'xt to you the following bid for constr,~ctlon of North West Sixth Avenue from West At!a~tic Avenue to North West Tb~ rd Street, a distance of approximately nineteen-h,~-~d~d-and-eight feet. (1,980'). The street is to be oaved according to specifications on file in the City ~ganager's office. ~ price for this work is ~ 1.19 ~er s.suare yard, or a total stun of approximately ~ 6,O57.10. Cashier's Check for the amoant of ~ 325.00 is enclosed as my bi8 bond. Yot~r consideration is a~preciated. Very truly yours, 326 South West 3rd Avenue (Siga~d)Jack E. Carver Delray Beach, Florida. Jack E. Carver" "i~ ~arch 19~9. To: ~ne Honorable Mayor and City Council, City- of Delray Beach, Florida. C~atlemen: I propose to f~rr~ish and install forty feet (&O') of twenty-four inch (24") galvanized culvert coated with asphalt~ said culvert to be installed at the i.~,tersection of Norht ¥?est $~xth Avenue and Atlantic Avenue if I am a~arded the paving contract f~or that Street. The price f~r the above material and installation is .~ 200.00. Very truly yours, 326 South ~est 3rd Ave. (Si.gned) Jack E. Carver Delray Beach, Florida Jack E. Carver" 8O L~RCH II_,~TH, 19/-,~9. 2. To: City of Delray Beach Attached check for three hundred sixty-eight dollars ~nd fity-one cents (~368.51) coverir~ 54 of maximum bid for grading and paving North ~est Sixth Avenue, from Atlantic Avenue to North '~!est Third Street. To grade and oave to specification, as set forth in your invitation to bid of Feb?uary 2~th; 4,852 Square Yards using loe~al rock as base and minimum of two inches state specification rock for top~ir~g - $ 1.37 Per Scuare Yard or $ 6,6/,7.24. To use State specification rock through out - ~ 1.~7 Per Souare Yard or ~ 7,132. ~. To place A~O lineal feet of 2~_./' galvanized asphalt coated drain pipe on ~_ntersection at Atlantic Avenue - $ 237.83. Respectfully submitted, (Signed) W. J. Snow W. J. Snow" The City Manager recommended the acceptance of the low bid submitted by Jack E. Car~r, in the amount of $ 6,257.10, and u~on motion of CounciLman Kabler, seconded ~y Comncilman Roth, ~nanimously carried, this reco~ndation was was a~p.roved. City Manager Black informed the Co~mcil that ~r. D. D. Carey was going ahead with t~ construction of his Laundry and Dry Cleaning Plant at the corner of N. E. 2nd Street and 3rd Avenue, and in view of an Ordinance recently oassed restricting the location of such plants +m certain districts, he had asked for a letter from t~ City stating that he would be given a l~cense to operate his business in this location. It was the consensus of opinion of the Council that l{r. Carey should ~ granted his license, as his building permit was issued several months ago and specificied a building, for this business, and in emotion by Councilman Kabler, seconded by Council~=~. Roth, unanimously carried, the City }~{anager was authorized to write a letter to this effect, as reouested. The extension of water pipe lines south of Seagate, for a distsnce of 13,000 feet, -was discussed and referred to the City Attorney for checking of agreements, if any, made with ~r. and ~rs. H. A. Helm, who claim they own the pioe line, and also with ~{r. Allabough, who extended that line aoproximatel? i 1/2 miles south along Ocean Boulevard. l~Vith reference to a pending s,~i.t pertaining to title to a tract of land ~nown as that part of the W 3/~ of the N. E. 1/& of the N. E. 1/!~.~ of Section 18, lying west of the Seaboard Railway right-of-way, City Attor~ey Moo~ advised the Council that ti~e former owner of the land, ~{r. A. A. Rousseau, had intervened in the suit, c!aLming he had tried to pay de!in~uent taxes on the land before the City fore- closure in 1947, and had not been allowed to do so, having been told that no ~rop- erty outside of the City limits wo~zld be included in the forec!os,~re suit. [~e now offered to pay these taxes, if thc City would clear his title to the land. ?',.?~RCF, 14TH, 19/,,9 Attorney Moore recoa~nended that the City drop the s.ait upon 0ay~nt of the taxes, together with Coua't costs, by ,.,Jr. Rousseau. Mr. Moore also explained they the City had agreed with the Lake Worth Drainage District in 1941~ to cancel a!l liens against property out of the City li~ts if the Lake Worth Drainage District weald cancel ~' ' onelr liens aEainst property within the City. In this case this had not been dorr~, but he felt that if these records were checked there wauld be no do~bt that the Court wried decide against t~ City. A motion was made by Councilman Kabler, seconded by Councilman Roth, that the City Attorney be authorized +~ settle the sttit as he saw fit, upon paymon6 of del- inquent taxes and costs, as reco.~,nmed by him. Uoon call of roll t~ motion carried unanimously. City Attorney Moo~ repor~eo to the Council t~t he had contac~em ovmers of property in the east half of Block 98 in re~ard to a proposed alley through 6h~ s Block, and that some were willing to deed 2' needed for the alle? if they would not be assessed for the cost of t~ alley, and others were opposed to tb~ alley under any circ~stances. Ha stated that owners of the store buildin:zs on the west side of tb~ Block could put an alley tbro.~h entirely on the~:r own property if they needed it, and recommended th~.t t~ project be tabled, which was agreeable to the Council. ~r Frank ~.~ve''~ .... ,~ ~s, ~-ner of 17 lots in Sundy-Tembrook Smbdivision~ and lots in Block 20 (Grove Park), on which there are c elznoueat ~ amounting to more than +~e va!ne of the property, aCa~ offered to deed these lots to th~.. City and a~ply whatever allowance is mate to him on delinquent taxes on other properties he owns. This w:-u!d save the ex-oense of foreclosure. ?~o lot, bordar o~-'~ ~:.h": colored secfion, anJ w~,~ld form a 5uffe:. a~ma at that location. City Attorney }~oOre ,est.i~ate(] the (' ~ coot of forec!os~e at approximately per lot, and raco~r~ed'that ~,fi'. L~rS be.-Tive:n credit'for $'8.00 each for'6ha 21 lots, to be a~p;_zea on,~e~nquent taxes dr ldehs against other pro~.rty:wh~Ch He did not consi(]er the lots ~'mrth mo.ce than tt~s to ~he City to be used as After consideration, a motion ,was ms~e b.y Council:an Roth, seconded by Counci- _¢~n Kabler, that a creo~,t- -'~ of 4~ 168.00 be ar:olie6 on ae~.z, nquent~ ~', Luxes on other pro[~rty owned by Mr. Myers, and that deeds to the City covering Lots ,:~ through 35, 38 through 42, and 45 thro~Eh 49, Sundy-Tembrook ~ " . _ ~uba~vision, and Lets 29 thro,~h 32, Block 4~> (Grove Park), be pl"eoared b,y .the City Attorney far ~,~r. ~yers signatm'e. Upon ca~ of roll the motion carried uaat~mously. The ler~( was irmtracted to strike Lots 26 and 27, Block 40, from tim list of City ownedproperty being offered f c~' sale, in order to extend this buffer zone wherever possible. City Manager B~ck then smggested th:~t this land be leased by the City to a N~'seryman, for possibly $ 50.00 a year, for a period of five years, ~itb an option for renewal as lo~ as used for Nurse~- purposes. ~ Council referred this matter to the Zonin~ Board for c ms{te~stion of a devlation from zoning restrictions necessary Lo allow the establishment of a Nu~:~er,% at this location. The Councii ~enadj~rned.~~ C~ty czerk IT~ST: