03-16-49SpMtg M~CH 16TH, !9~9
A Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Delray Beach was
held Ln the Council Ch.'*~mbers at /.~:30 P. ~.;~. with Mayor J. L. Sa~nders in the
Chair, and City M~ager Charles E. Black, City Attorney John Moore, and the
following Councilmen present: Neil E. MacMillan and ¥~alter A. Roth~. a quorum
being present.
Mr. E. L. Evensen, Secli*etary of the. Chamber of Commerce, appeared before
the Council, to ask for approval of the erect' on of a sign approxJ3m~tely 5' x
10' at their Information Booth on the North Federal Wighway. He stated that
a Highway Banner which had been in front of the booth had blown down, and he
felt that a substantial sign that co~ld be seen from a distance of from 100'
to 200' in both directions, was esser~tial. He submitted data showing that
the number of inquiries received at the Booth had been much greater during the
p~riod the banner was there.
It was the consensus of opinion of the Com~cil that an advertisin? sign
was r~eeded to attract pe. opl~ passing through the City, and a motion was made
by Co,~s~cil~!an Mac~,~illan, that a s~ecial permit be granted for the erection of
a sign as o~tlned by }~r. Evensen, pro~.ding he cmuld obtain the a~!~roval of
th~ Garden Club, as they were conduction a campaign against billboards and
signs being allowed ]~ the City, at th~ present time.. The motio:*~ was seconded
by Co,~acil.a~n Roth and upon call of roll carried unanimo:~sly.
Ur. ~oy Harvel then addressed the Cou_r~c~! with reference to an application
he had ~ade for permit to tear down the present bui!di~g located oa ~*~art of
Lot 1, Block 77, on the S. E. Corner of Atlantic Avenue and S. E. 1st Avenue,
and er~ct a new store bu~l~ia~. In view of the Ordinance becoming effective
Narch 22nd, requiring a 10' set-back on the side street, he asked that building ·
per,nit be granted i~ediately, with a 5' set-back, which would comply with the
present require~nts, but that he be allowed to start work in ninety days. ~e
explained that he felt it would be dangerous to ~,~r.~ck the build~ng while traffic
was heavy at the Post Office, and by waiting ninety ~ays the tourist season
wo~ald be ove~r, and the schools would be closed. On account of the narowness of
the lot he v~uld not be able to comply with reouirem~nts after the new OrdL~ance
becomes effective.
Mr. F. J. Schrader, Buildi~g Inspector, informed the Council that plans
filed with his office conformed in all respect with ~r~ser~t requirements, but
he did not approve of exter~d~ng the date to co~v~e.~me work for ninety days. He
felt that the Cou_~ci! an¢~ his office might be cri~icized, in view of the pending
change in set-back requirements.
After further disc~ssion, a motion was made by Councilman Mac~i!ian,
seconded by Councilman Roth, that a combined wrecking and building ~ermit be
gra:'~ted, with the. proviso that work must be started on demolsihing the old build-
in~ not later th~n thirty days from date. of the permit, and that construct'_on of
th~ ne.w building must follow Lmmediately. Upon call o~ roll th~ motion carried
una nimo us ly.
Mr. Lacy Love, Plumbing Contractor, appeared before, t~e Com~,cil, complain~.ng
of viola't~ons of the Plumbing Ordinance, and as~.d that a pendir~g examination
for ~/aster Ylu~abers be postponed ~td~l tko? Ordinance co,told be amended or rewritte~.
He stated that local o!mz~bers had been using materials which were not allowed in
t~he.~ Plumbing Code, and violati,~g the Code in ot~ar ways, and that p!~bers from
outside were tryi~ to obtaf_n licenses bo operate in the C~ty, and carry on these
sa~e violations. He asked the Cou~]ci! to a~point a Co~aittee to draft a new
?lmmbirg Ordinance practicable to present day use, which could be e.~orced.
~ARCH t6TH, i91~9
City Massager Black agreed that the Plmr?oing Code should be mode~mized and
revised in line with new developments, but he did not feel that the scheduled
examJ__~lation shoo_Id be psotpon~d.
After c~mideration, th~ request wss referred to the Pl,.~mblr,~ Board for
study and recomv, endation to the Com-~cil, as to changes needed i~ ~e present
Ord ina ace.
The Council then adj.>urned. ~~ ~.~, ~ __~~..
City Cle'rk