05-03-49SpMtg MAX 3RD, 1949 A Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Delray Beach was held in the Council Chambers at 7:30 P. M., with Mayor J. L. Saunders in the Chair, and City Manager Charles E. Black and the following Councilmen present: John N. Kabler, Neil E. MacMillan, and Walter A. Roth, a quorum being present. Proof of the publication of Notice of Invitation to Bid on fttrnishing corrugated metal drain pipe, was presented and spread upon the minutes as follows: "INVITATION TO BID Sealed bids will be received until 4:.BO P. M. EST, May 3, 1949, by the City of Delray Beach, Florida, at the office of the City Engineer on the following: 1. 100 lineal feet of 12' corrugated metal drain pipe 2. 680 lineal feet of 29" x 18" corrugated metal drain pipe. 3. 500 lineal feet of 18" corrugated metal drain pipe 4. 50 lineal feet of 22" x 13" corrugated metal dr~_~n pipe. 5. 36 joint bands 29" x 18" for item 2. 6. 2 joint bands 22" x 13" for item No. 4. 7. 26 joint bands 18" for~ item No. 3. 8. 6 joint bands 12" for item No. 1. All above items to be of galvanized metal and asphalt coated. Bidders to clearly specify metal, gauge and coatings. Bidders must list price of each item above and total for eight items, if awarded to same bidder. All prices are to be FOR job site in Delray Beach, Florida. Bids must be accompanied by bid bond or draft in the amount of 5 per cent of total bid. The City of Delray Beach reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive formalities. CITY OF DELRAY BEACH CHARLES E. BLACK~ April 22, 29" City Manager AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Delray Beach News Published Weekly Delray Beach, P~_lm Beach County, Florida 'STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PAI~ BEACH Before the undersigned authority personally appeared W.i~liam K, Morriso~ who on oath says that he is pu. blishe~r of the Delray Beach News, a weekly news- paper published at Delray Beach in Palm Beach County, Florida: that the attached copy of advertisement, being an Invitation to Bid in the matter of City of~Delray Beach -pip. e and joint b.~nd.s was publishe~ in said newspaper in the issues of April 22, 29~ 1949. Affiant further says that the said Delray Beach News is a newspaper pub- MAY 3RD, 1949 lished at Delray Beach, in said P,~lm Beach County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continously published in said P~m Beach County, Florida, each Friday and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Delray Beach, in said P, lm Beach County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of ad- vertisement: and affiant f~rther says that h_~e has neither paid nor' promised any person, firm or corporation any discount¥ rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing the advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. ~Sizned) William K.., Morrison' Sworn to and subscribed before me this 30 day of April, A. D. 1949. CSi~ned) Kathryne P, Morrison Notary Public,' State of Florid~ at Large. My commission e.xpires July 27, 1952. Bonded by American Surety (SEAL) Co. of N. Y. Two bids were received in response to the foregoing notice, as foilows: 1. Armco Drainage & Metal Products, Inc. of Jacksonville, Fla. Total Bid Galvanized & Bitimus Coated ~ 3,536.2/+ Asbestos bonded & Bitimus Coated 4,193.30 2. Tri-State Culvert Manufacturing Co. Republic Steel Corporation' s highest quality culvert material, Toncan Copper MoLybdenum Iron, galvanized and asphalt coated 4,048.88 Bethlehem Steel Company's highes't grade culvert material, Beth-Cu-Loy, galvanized and asphalt coated 3,536.24 Republic Steel Corporation's U-Loy Cooper Bearin Steel, galvanized and asphalt doated 3,257. O0 City Manager Black recommended that contract be awarded to Tri-State Culvert and Mfg. Co. for their highest grade pipe, in order that the work would last as long as possible. A motion was made by Councilman Roth, seconded by Councilman MacMillan, that contract be awarded to the Tri-State Culvert and Mfg. Co. for ~heir highest grade pipe offered, in a total amount of $ 4,048.88, as recommended by the City Manager. Upon call of roll the motion carried unanimously. ProOf of publication of no+ice asking for bids on the purchas of one Milwaukee Hydro-Crane, was presented and spread upon the minutes as follows: MAY 3RD, 1949 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Delray Beach News Published Weekly Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Wil. liam K, ~rrison who on oath says that h_~e is publisher of the Delray Beach News, a weekly news- paper published at Delray Beach in Palm Beach County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Notice of Sal~. in the matter of City of Delrtv Beach - Truck Mounted Crane was published in said newspaper in the issues of April 22, 29, 1949. Affiant further says that the said Delray Beach News is a newspaper pub- lished at Delray Beach, in Palm Beach County, Florida, and that the said news- paper has heretofore been continuously published in said P~lm Beach County, Florida, each Friday and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Delray Beach, in said Ps_lin Beach County, Florida, for a period of one year ne~t preceding the first publication of the attached copy of adver- tisement; and affiant f~rther says that h.~e hA~ neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. (Si~ned! William K, Morri~o~ Sworn to and subscribed before me this 30 day of April, A. D., 1949. (Signed) Kathr.Tne P, Morrison Notary Pablic, State of Florida at Large. My Commission expires July 27, 1952. Bonded by American Surety Co. of N. ¥. FOR SALE: TRUCK MOUNTED CRANE Milwaukee Hydro-Crane, Model H-2, Serial Number No. 1276: mounted on Inter- national K-5 truck. This crane and truck are in excellent operating condition. Crane is equiped with 1/4 yard clamshell earth bucket and 1-yard clamshell truck bucket. May be inspected at the City Hall, Delray Beach, Florida. Sealed Bids will be received by the City of D~elray Beach until 4:30 P. M. EST. May 3, 1949 at the office of the City Engineer. Bids must be accompanied by bid bond or certified check in the amount of 5 per cent of the bid. The City Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive formalities. CITY OF DELRAY BEACH (Signed) CHARLES E. BLACK City Manager Published: April 22, 29, 1949" MAY 3RD, 1949 One bid was submitted in response to the above notice, by Mr. R. V. Priest, in the amount of $ 2,600.00, accompanied by a Cashier's Check in '~ ~ the amount of $ 130.00. The City Manager recommended that this bid be rejected as being too low, feeling that this eq~ipment was worth appro ~im~ately $ 6,000.00. A~ motion was then made by Counciln~n MacMillan, seconded by Councilman K~bler, that the bid of Mr.. Priest be rejected as recommended by the City Manager. Upon call of roll the motion carried unanimously. The .City Manager was instructed to check into the possibility of selling the Hydro-Crane to a neighboring City or an individual, after having advertised for bids as above and not having received a reasonable offer. ~ In a motion by Councilman Kabler, seconded by Councilman MacMillan unanimously carried, the City Manager was authorized to drop the inst~ll~at~. ion of a street light at the corner of S. E. 3rd Street and 1st Avenue, which was approved at a previous meeting, as it would require the setting of an extra pole, and running an extra line at City Expense, and Mr. Black felt extra lights were needed in other locations where these extra installation charges would not have to be paid. Councilman Roth, on behalf of the Jr. Chamber of Commerce, asked for the use of City equipment to load and haul about eight loads of m~rl to the Athletic Field, before the first game which will be played May 14th. He stated that the Jr. Chamber of Commerce would pay for the labor required · ~-~ Upon motion of Councilman MacMillan, seconded by Councilm~n Kabler, .~ unanimously carried, the Council agreed to fttrnish City equipment as re- quested to ~haul marl needed at the Atheletic Field. City Manager Black submitted a sketch of a rake which could be attached to the Ford Tractor and used in raking the beach. He explained that only one m~_n is kept on the beach, and he isn't able to keep the beach clean. He re- commended that the City purchase such a rake at a cost of about $ 150.00, to be used for this purpose.~ Councilman MacMillan suggested t~at the City Manager investiEate the rake sketched, and try and have a dem'6stration of it on the beach.. Mr. Geerge Pinckney, Plumbing Inspector, and four PlUmbing Contractors, appeared before the CounCil, to explain the difficulties they are having in trying to work under the present Plumbing Code, and to try to arrive at some solution to their problems. Mr. Pinckney explained to the Council that during the war he had allowed certain substitutions to be made in materials which were unobtainable, and not provided for in the ~lUmbing Code. Since the end of the war he now felt that the ~ode should be amended and brought up to date, and then be complied with by all contractors alike. Mr. Eugene Elliott, a plumbing contractor, then addressed the Council commending Mr. Pinckney for his fairness in dealing with the Gontractors, and stating that changes had been made in materials and methods of doing MAY 3RD, 1949 plumbing work during the war and since the war, all of which changes he felt were improvements. The U. S. Bureau of Standards have set up lower standards than are being used in this City now. ~ He agreedt~ that our code should be re- written, but suggested that, in view of a National Code being prepared by the Association of Master Plumbers for universal use, the local pldmbers go along with the Plumbing Inspector for the present time, and leave the use of mater- ials, installations, etc. to ~his judgement. He personally greatly respected Mr. Pinckney's knowledge of plumbing he stated, and asked that he be given a vote of confidence. Mr. Fred Beever also felt that the National Code being prepared should be followed when available, but in the meantime he asked that a definite understanding of what will be allowed in the meantime be reached, so that all plumbers Mill know what to figure on, and misunderstandings be eliminated. After further discussion by the Council and the Plumbers, it was agreed that the plumbing contractors would meet and work out the changes they felt were necessary, as an amendment to the present Code, so that they will s1] be familiar with exactly what regulations they will be expected to compl~ with; and bring these recommendation back to the Council for approval. The plubing contractors present, and the Plumbing Inspector, then retired from the meeting, to have their first conference immediately in the Building Inspectors Office. City Manager Black asked that any irregularities, such as an unlicensed plumber doing work in the City, or work being done without having obtained a permit, be reported to Mr. Pinckney at once, so that he can check these vio- lations and have them stopped. The Council then proceeded to study the financial statement for ~he six months ended April 1st, in order to ascertain how much extra revenue can be expected during the next six months, not in the budget for this fiscal year; and also determine how much extra expense the City must figure on, which was not anticipated. With reference to a transfer of $ 20,000.00 from the Water Department to the General Fund account, set up in the budget, City Manager Black ex- plained that this transfer would depend on whether or mot the Council felt the extension of water lines should be continued and if so, this balance would not be available for the General F~nd. He also explained that water ~lines would soon be needed in the Reid Village, as most of the lots had been sold and building construction might start at any time, which would require water. He stated that he had 1200' of 8" pipe on hand which could be used to start this project, which could later~ be connected with the water main farther south. As the assumption that Mr. Reid had agreed to install his own water mains and pipe lines was apparently without foundation, Mr. Black felt that the City wodld be requested to Furnish water to property owners as soon as they were ready to build, which ~uld be in the near Future. He therefore recommended that preliminary work be started soon, u~ng the pipe on hand as far as it would go. Councilman MacMillan did not approve of going ahead with the laying of water mains in T~e Village until requests for water had been received, contending 46 MAY 3RD, 1949 that there are other vacant areas which will need water as well, and it had not been the policy of the City to improve private property by installing water lines until the water is needed. The City Manager and Councilman Kabler agreed to contact the owners of The Village and find out how soon building construction is planned to start there, and what type of construction is planned. A motion was then made by Councilman Kabler, seconded by Councilman Roth, that the following telegram be sent to Governor Warren, subject to checking by the Mayor as to whether the Council Resolution referred to had been sent to Tallahassee: "Please advise your action regarding unanimous Council Resolution of Delray Beach to decontrol rent for this City.~ (Signed) J. L. Saunders, Mayor." Upon call of roll the motion carried unanimously. The meeting then adjourned. ~~~ - City' Cle~'k ATTEST: