05-10-49 MAY 10TH, 1949
Regular Meeting of the Ci~ty Council of the City of Delray Beach was held in
the Council Chambers at 7:30 P. M. with Mayor J. L. Saunders in the Chair, and
City Attorney John Moore, CiZy Manager Charles E. Black and the following Council--
men present: John N. Kabler, Neil E. Mac~illan, and Walter A. Roth, a quorum being
A letter from the Delray Beach Boating Club was presented by the Mayor, which
was read as follows:
"May 10, 1949
The Honorable Council
City of Delray Beach
Delray Beach, Florida
For many months the Delray Beach Boating Club h~s planned to make a number
of improvements at the boat launching area located at the south end of the public
beach, but the financial status of the club has limited us in carrying out these
Since this area is for public use and is not for Boat Club members only it
was decided at our last meeting to ask the City Council for help in making these
The improvements recommended by the Boat Club would be as follows: That the
present sidewalk and curb be extended to the end of the public beach (about 30
feet) and widened at the runway approch with a gradual decline at the ocean side;
That a drain be installed at the curbing: ~hat a water line be put in on the east
side of sidewalk: That the electric winch, which is already, available for this
purpose, be installed; and that fifty feet of the roadway alongside the sidewalk
be made a no parking area.
At present the boats being pulled from the beach are done so by means of an
automobile and a rope. This means of removing boats from the beach is very in-
adequate and is indeed a safety hazard.
If the City will make these improvements the Boat Club will furnish the pipe
for the water line, build two benches to be placed on the widened pavement, and
plant grass and trees in .the area mentioned. The Boat Club will cooperate in any
other way in helping to make this area attractive to the public and useful to the
boat owners of Delray Beach.
Very truly yours,
(Signed, Albert L. Miller, Jr.)
Alber L. Miller Jr.
President, Delray Beach Boat Club"
City Manager Black estimated the cost of the improvements requested by the
Boat Club would be around $ 300.00, in time and materials, although the cash out-
lay would not be too much. He explained that the extension of the sidewalk and
MAY 10TH, 1949
curb was needed to prevent rains from washing out their ramp. The winch was
purchased by the City about a year and a half ago, to be used for this purpose.
It could be set on a concrete foundation, so that it could be unbolted and re-
moved in case of a storm. If the winch were not installed, about 200' should
be marked off on Ocean Boulevard as a "No Parking" area, ~ir. Black explainsd,
as boats would have to be pulled from the water up to the Boulevard by ropes.
The Council felt that these improvements would be of benefit to the public,
and provide another attraction for winter visitors, and on motion of Council-
m~ MacMillan, seconded by Councilman Kabler, unanimously carried, the City
Manager was authorized to proceed with the project as outlined.
Mayor Saunders advised the Council that the High School B~nd was leaving
for Jacksonville on Wednesday morn~.ng, to compete for a State Champonship,
and as they had raised within $ 50.00 to $ 75.00 of the funds needed for the
trip, they asked the Council to make up this deficit. He felt that they were
deserving of this little assistance, in view of the fact that they had raised
almost the entire amount they needed.
The Council was reminded that $ 900.00 had already been appropriated for
support of the band during the current fiscal year.
A letter from the Delray Beach Community Band, in the colored section, was
then read as follows:
"MaY 4, 1949
City Council
Delray Beach, Florida
Dear M~mbers of the City Council:
Now that "The Delray Beach Colored Community B~ud" has its payments on band
instruments under control, we are beginning our uniform drive which will last
through May 31.
Since this small organization is self supporting we ~have to solicit help from
those who wish to m~ke personal contributions and from stronger organizations.
We shall appreciate any contribution the City Council might make towards our
drive. Our goal is $ 1,000.
Very gratefully yours,
Delray Beach Community Band
Ozie F. Youngblood Mg'r.
(Si~ned) .O~i~ .F- Youn~blood"
Councilman ~.iacMillan suggested ~hat the Community Band apply to the colored
Recreation Association for su?port for their Band, as this Association was pro-
vided for by the City Council in the current year's bUdget.
Mr. MacMillan also felt that the Chamber of Commerce should contribute to
theHigh School Band out of the Fund appropriated by the City for advertising
purposes, but he was informed by Mr. E. L. Evenson, Secretary of the Chamber
of Com~nerce, that they had already made a donation to the Band for this trip.
A motion was then made by Councilman Roth, seconded by Councilman Kabler,
that both of the foregoing requests be denied, as funds are not available for
unbudgeted items at this time. Upon call of roll the motion carried unanimously.
MAY 10TH, 1949
City ~L~nager Black advised the Council that distributors of punch boards had
requested that they be allowed a percentage of 5% for affixing stamps on their
punch boards. He understood ~that this was being done in West Palm Beach, but
suggested no action be t~en Until he had checked Further as ~othe percentage
being allowed.
The City Manager stated that notice had been received of an application
filed by Zook P~lm Nurseries, Inc. with the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, for
a permit to construct a wharf approximately 12' x 110, along the east shore of
the Intracoastal Canal, about 18' south of Atlantic Avenue. He stated that pro-
tests would be rSceived until May 16th, 19~9~ although an extension of time for
filing protests wo~ld be allowed if requested.
After consideration by the Council, a motion was made by Councilman ~,~c-
Millan, seconded by Councihan Kabler, that the City Manager be instructed to
ask for an extension of sixty days for filing a protests if necessary, and that
in the meantime the matter be referred to the Zoning Board for consideration.
Upon call of roll the motion carried unanimously.
Upon motion of Councihan Mac~l~, seconded by CounciLman Kabler, unanimously
carried, bills totaling ?$ 1%.,~51.66 were approved for payment, subject to the
approval of the Finance Committee.
With reference to the construction of the new Atlm~tic Avenue bridge,~ the
Council agreed to invite Mr. C. Y. Byrd, County Commissioner, and Mr. J. W. Boyd,
County Engineer, ~ attend the next regular meeting of the Council, to be held on
May 24th, to answer questions pertaining to the bridge; as to the time of starting
const~ction, the estimated length of time required to complete it, the temporary
method of crossing the canal during construction, etc.
Mayor Saunders asked that anyone wishing to ask questions of these County
Officials, bontact their Councilmen prior to the meeting, so ~hat the questions
may be asked by the Council and not the general public.
The following Ordinance was then presented for first reading, and same was
read in full:
Councilman Kabler suggested the insertion of a Section in the Ordinance
to provide for the setting up of an authentic record Book, containing house
numb~rs as worked out by the Building Inspector, to become a permanent file in
the Building Inspector'~ Office.
Upon motion of Councilman MacMillau, seconded by Councilman Hoth, unanimously
carried, the foregoing Ordinance was placed on first reading, as. amended.
The Council then adjourned.
ATTEST: ' City Clerk