06-07-49SpMtg JUNE 7Th, 1949
A Special Meeting o£ the City Council of the City of Delray
Beach was held in the Council Chambers at 7:30 F. M. with Mayor
J. L. Saunders in the Chair, and City Manager Charles E. Black,
City Attorney John Moore, and the following Councilmen present:
John N. Ka'bler, Nell E. MacMillan, L. H. Brannon and Waiter A. i(oth,
a quorum being present.
That portion of the minutes of the meeting held June 1st, per-
ta;_ning to the preparation of an amendment to the Electrical 0rd-
inance, to set up regulations for examinations, was read, and the
following Ordinance was presented by the City Attorney:
Councilman ~oth expressed the opinion that an examination
consisting of twenty-five questions would not qualify a man. He
also felt that the giving of the exami, nations should be left to
the Examining Board, who should pass on the qualifications of aopli-
cants and then make their recomr~endations to the Council for final
approval. He filed the following recomr:'endat[ons for amending the
present Electrical Ordinance:
SECTION 14: Board of Electrical Examiners. -- Amend member-
ship of Board by the follow nE: Said Board shall consist of 2
~"lectrical Contractors, the electrical inspector, the City Manager
and a representative of the Florida Power & Light Company.
SECTION 17: Examinations.-- Applicants for examination
shall file 3 letters of reference, stating at least 5 years ex-
perience in electrical work or exhibit a duly certified engineering
degree of an accredited engineering school prior to taking any
electrical examination; must be a person of good moral character,
and must pass a written examination .given during the daytime by the
Board. The Board shall compile and keep as a permanent record,
suitable questions and. answers, whi. ch shall be obtained from satis-
factory and reputable sources, from which each examination shall be
taken. Said questions and answers shall be numbered in such permanent
record , and similar numbered slips dropped into a box, from which
JUNE 7T}{· 1949
each examination shall be made by drawing said n,~mbered slips
from said box prior thereto. After each examination is thus made
up, said numbered slips shall be placed in another box for safe
keeping, and the next examinat].on thereafter shall not include
any of those questions last .given.
Applicants failing to pass any electrical examination shall
wait at least ~)0 days before being permitted to take a subsequent
examination. Each applicant shall deposit ~5.00 with the elect;'
rical inspector as a fee for taking each examination· and. said
fee shall not at,ply on any other fee to be paid to the City.
Examinations shall be held as often as necessary and exped-
ient, by the Board, at which time all applicants shall be noti-
fied and permitted to take such examination if so desired."
}ir John Thieme, representing the Delray Beach Contractors
Association· advised-i%he Council that t~is organization was very
much interested in these matters, and they were studying Ordin-
ances from surrounding Cities·as well as their examination quest-
ions. They hoped to be able to appoint a Board which would cover
the entire field of building tirades, each member of the Board to
be an expert in his particular line of work. Ile suggested that
more time be allowed for study of this problem.
5ir. ~a.gan, represent:lng the Palm Beach County Contractors
A~sociati. on addressed the Co~mcil, suggesting that the grad;rig of
examination papers be left wi_th the Examining Board· to avoid any
claim of partiality. He also strongly urged that an ~lectrical
Board be maintained· and not incorporated in one joint Building
Trades Board, stating that the Electrical Contractors feel a re-
sponsibility to a community, in having an electric code based
upon life and fire hazards.
~r. i{ichard T. Hanna, a local Architect· then stated that he
considered it essential that Contractors in all building trades,
be thoroug~ly qualified in their particular line of work.
~r. H. Zent, representing the County Electrical Contractors
Association, then addressed the Council, offering to answer any
questions or make suggestions which he thought would be helpful.
He explained that the City of West Palm Beach, after studying
Ordinances from many Cities· felt that the amendment to the
present Ordinance offered by Councilman i{oth· was the practise
most universally followed, namely making the Electrical Board
responsible for the preparation and grading of examinations, with
no member of the Council on the Board.. The Council can then act
as a Board of Appeal in case of a complaint. Questions. should
be taken only from the National Code or the local Ord~_nance, he
~r. R. J. HcLaughin, Electric;il Contractor-· complained of
the provision in the proposed Ordinance for an oral examination,
stating that in case of a complaint there would be no record or
~eans of rebuting it. He £urther stated that it was agreed that
the Board should be corrected to conform to the Ordinance, which
had been done· and it was now in a position to stra[.ghten out this
problem and hold an examinati, on immediately £f necesary.
JUNE 7Tl'l, 1949
Fir. Eugene klliott then addressed the Council, on behalf of
Fir. Lonnie Cook, who failed an 'electrical exam:inati_on, claiming
that he had been waiting for six months to take another exam[nati, on,
and unless one was scheduled to be held at once they would take the
matter to Court. Ite also complained of the lack of re.ffulations on
the installation of bottled gas equipment and pipin_~, which is equally
as hazardous as electrical or plumbin~ work.
~ir. F. J. Schrader, ~lectrical Inspector, explained that he hsd
given two examinations, the questions for the first were taken From
the Nati,.}nal Code, and for the second the questions were taken from
a ~est Palm Beach examination. After examining the applicants'
papers he took them to West Palm Beach, and was told by the Inspector
there that he did not consider the questions hard, and. he Felt that
anyone who did not pass the examination would not be qualified to
serve as a journeyman electrician in West Palm Beach. The second
examination was graded entirely by the Electrical Board in '~'est Palm
Beach, an([ the results were unfavorable. He then took the examination
himself, at the req~est of the Council, and received a very ~ood ffrade.
Councilman MacMillan affain contended that the Final dec/sion as
to an applicant's qualifications should be left up to the Council. I~e
Felt that a person might not be able to pass a written examinat'ion
but by an oral and practical examination, and. consideration of his
past experience, and verification of his references, the Council might
be able to qualify him for a license. It was also pointed out that
only a ~.iaster Electrician's examination is ~iven in this City.
Councilman Kabler then recommended that a set of rules be set
up which can not be questioned by either side at any ti~e. i:e felt
that to give an examination wit',out any rules i~ undemocratic. He ,
asked if' anyone could object to the proposed Or~fnance which provided
C ' after consideration of an applic:nt's
for approval by the ouncxl,
qualifications as recommended by the Board. He Felt this would also
assare the Council of the thoroughness and efficiency of the Board.
It was contended by Hr. }lcLaughlin that the present Ordinance
provided for the Council to act as a Court of A~npeals, if necessary,
and he not only objected to the Final approval of a~plicants by th~
Co,lncil asset up in the proposed Ordinance, but also to the number
of questions provided For, and the oral examination required.
Councilman }(oth then stated that with his recommended amendments
to the present Ordinance, the Board would be able to draw up a fa'i_r
examination to qu~ify a man as Contractor. He felt that the present
Board had operated satisfactorily, and could continue to do so. In
his opinion }Ir. Lonnie Cook had a right to appeal to the Council for
a hear'in,g and review of his examinati, on.
A motion was then made by Councilman Brannon, seconded by Council-
man ~ac~illan, that Section 14 of the Electrical Ordinance be amendedI
to provide for two qualified electors, approved by the Council in the;
usual manner, as members of the Board, to replace the two Councilmen.
Upon call of roll the motion carried, all members of the Council
voting in favor of the motion except Councilman i{oth ~ho voted "No".
JUNE 7TH, 1949
A motion was then made by Councilman Brannon that Section 3
of the proposed Ordinance be amended to provide for a written
test which can be completed within a reasonable time, rather than
to be composed of twenty-five questions, the questions to be eom-
piled and graded by the Board of Electrical ~xaminers. The mot[on
was seconded by Councilman MacMillan, and upon call of roll carried,
Councilman Roth not voting.
Upon motion of Councilman MacMillan, seconded by Councilman
Kabler, the proposed Ordinance was further amended to provide for
an~examin, tion fee of ~ 5.00, wh;ch shall be no part of any other
fee, and also requiring an applicant who fails an examination to,it
ninety days before taking another examination. The motion carried,
Councilman Roth voting against it.
Yritten examinations were scheduled to be given on the third
Saturday of the month, applicants to be required to file their
letters of recommendation and qualifications with the Electrical
Inspector at least fifteen days prior to that date, on motion of
Councilman MacMillan, seconded by Councilman Roth, and unanimously
A motion was made by Councilman Brannon, seconded by Council-
man Kabler that the words "oral" and "written" examinations be in-
serted in Section 1 and Section 3 of the proposed Ordinance, and
also to provide that any application on file at the passage of
this Ordinance shall be deemed to be valid. Upon call of roi1 the
motion carried unanimously.
}layor Saunders recommended that C. ~. Trieste and Richard T.
[Ianna be appointed to serve as members of the Electrical Board, in
place of two Councilman, and upon motion of Councilman HacHillan,
seconded by Councilman Brannon, unanimously carried, these appoint-
ments were approved.
Br. R. C. keen, the Electrical Contractor on the Board, asked
to be relieved from serving in the future, having served for many
blt. R. J. McLaughlin, and then Mr. C. Y. Hill, were asked by
the Mayor to represent the Electrical Contractor. s on the Board,
both of whom declined, whereupon a motion was made by Councilman
· Brannon, seconded by Councilman blac}lillan, that Section 14 of the
Electrical Ordinance be further amended, to provide for one Electrical
Engineer, the Electrical Inspector, a representative o~ the Florida
Pow(~r & Light Company and two qualified electors on the Board of
Electrical Examiners. Upon call of roll the motion carried,-~Council
man i(Oth voting "No".
A motion was then made by Councilman Brannon, seconded by
Councilman Macmillan, that the foregoing Ordinance to amend Chapter
VI of the City Code be passed a~d adopted as amended, as an emer-
gency measure, to become effective June lOth, 1949. Upon call of
roll the motion ca~ried, Councilman l{oth voti, ng "No".
JUNE 7TIi, 1949
Mayor Saunders then recommended the appointments of Mr. Matt
Gracey as a member of the Electrical ~oard, Nr. C. ~.?. Triest to
serve as the Electrical. Engineer, and on motion of Councilman Nac-
Millan, seconded by Councilman Brannon, unanimously carried, this
appointment was approved.
In a motion by Councilman Brannon, seconded by Councilman
Mac}1illan, unanimously carried, the following Recreation Committee
was approved:
Mrs. John I. Thieme
Mrs. K. M. Davis
~rs. W. J. ~now
Miss Miriam Brown
Mr. Frank Seely, Jr.~ Temporary Chairman
On mo~ion of Councilman Brannon, seconded by Councilman
a tentative pla~ of 1st and ~nd Addition ~ High Acres Subdivision,
lying between North Swinton Avenue and ~. W. Fourth ~venue, north
and wes~ of High Acres, wa~ a~proved b~ ~he Council, subjec~ to ded-
ication of s~reets on finml pla~.
City ~lanafer Black presented a request by Patterson's Pharmscy
~o erect a neon sign a~ ~h~ir new location on the southwest corner
of Eas~ ~t!antic Avenue and Fouwth Avenue, the sign ~o be
agains~ ~he building. In a motion ~by Councilman ~o~h, seconded by
Councilman MacMillan, and unanimously carried, this request was
On moth. on of Councilman Kabler, seconded by Councilman Mac-
Millan, a bill for typ~nM the Civil Servi~e and Pension Bills, in
the amo*~m~ of ~ MO.O0, was aDproved for payment.
On motion of Councilman ~toth, seconded by Councilman Kabler, a
bill in the amount of ~ BO0.O0 for legal services rendered by C~y
A~torney~ohn Moore in preparin~ the new C~ty Char~er was approved
for final ?aymen~.
Mr. Kenneth Jacobson, represen~in~ ~he Buildin~ Code Committee,
addressed the Council, s~atin~ ~hat Mr. Paul Myers, PlumbinM Con-
~ractor, had resigned from this Com~i~tee, and suggested ~he appoint-
merit of Mr. Fred Beever to replace h~m.
A motion was made by Councilman MacMillan~ seconded, by
man Brannon~ that Mr. B~ever be appointed ~o represen~ ~he Plumbing
Contractors on this Committee, amd upon call of roll the motion
carried unanimously.
Cit~ Manmger Black advised the Council ~ha~ a check had been
received from Mr. Fred Neafie in ~he amount of $ 1~00.00 in paymem~
of license fee ~o operate his beach equipment concession for the
coming season.
Councilman Brannon moved ~hat the check be declined with re~re~
s~atin~ tha~ he considered the concession worth more, and recommedned
that ~he license fee be raised for the coming year. The mo~ion was
seconded by Councilman Ho~h, and upon call of roll carried unanimously.
Attention of the Council was called to the condition of the
Cemetery by Councilman MacMillan, who urged that it be improved and
JUNE 7TH, 1950
be made into a Park, as nearly as possible.
An additional watering system would be needed, and top soil
and possibly fertilizer, Hr. Black advised the Council, in order
to improve the appearance of the Cemetery, which would be an ex-
pensive project.
a motion was then made by Councilman Brannon that the ~1500.00
license fee rejected, by the Council be accepted, and set aside
for beautification of the Cemetery, provJ, ding Hr. NeaFie will.agree
to an increse in this fee to ~ 2000.00 and pay an additional ~500.00
The motion was seconded by Councilman Hac~illan and unanimously
Councilman Kabler stated that he was not in favor of accept-
ing money on next year's revenue, but if it would be spent to im-
prove the Cemetery he approved o~ it in this case, the colored
cemetery to be improved as well.
No action was taken on the request of Eugene ~ll~i0tt that
some regulation be set up by the City to cover the installation
and inspection of bottled gas equipment, although Councilman
Brannon suggested that dealers be required to post a ~ 1,000.00 bond
to protect the public.
The Cou~il then adjourned.
'City Clerk