06-14-49 JUNE 14Ttl, 1950 Regular meeting of the City Council of the City of J}elray Beach was held in the Counc!l Chambers at 7:30 p. m. with }iayor J L. Saunders in the hair, and City }lana~er Charles E. Black, City Attor,,~ey John Moore, and the follo~¢ing Councilmen present: L. I1. Brannon and Neil E. }tac~'iillan, a quorum being present. A letter from the BeautiFication Committee of the i)elray Beach Garden Club, pertaining to the plantinE of palm trees along the business district on Atlantic Avenue, was read as follows: "June 14, 1949 Honorable 51ayor and }lembers of the Council: The Delray Beach Garden Club has often been urged to sponsor the planting of palms or trees along atlantic Avenue. In response to these requests, we have recently co~sulted }ir. }like Blank who felt that the Cocos Plumosa would be the ideal palm to use for this purpose. It is what is known as a clean palm and will not drop fronds or nuts to create a nuisance or hazard. The trunk is small and will occupy very little space on the sidewalk and therefore will not interfere with pedestrians. The smallest tree wiI1 have a six foot clearance. l{e }~ope the council will approve of this project and will ffive us their co-operati~ To plant these palms, it would be necessary to cut holes in the edges of the sidewalk and it would be of great help to us if the city would do this. At the present time the Garden Club is only able to furnish part of the trees, but hopes to interest other civic organizations and individuals to assist in this project. Man~ of our citizens feel that such a row of palms ~,ould add distinctXon to the Delray Beach shopping distri_ct and would create a favorable impression on our winter visitors. We respectfully submit this project for your consideration and approval. Yours truly, (Signed) Hildred Sanderson Beautification Com~it tee Delray Beach Garden Climb" Mrs. Mildred Sanderson, representing the Garden Club, explained that they planned on plant~.ng the trees in the fall after the hurricane season, and that their Club would give six or eight trees if the City would agree to plant them. }Ir. Mike Blank stated that it would require a hole about 3' in diameter, which could possibly be closed to 1S~, but that the sidewalk might be broken in some places. ~ motion was made by Co,mcilman PIacb!illan that the request of the Garden Club be granted, subject to supervision of the City Manager, and that the ~ouncil offer such cooperation as it can within its budget. The motion was seconded by Councilman Brannon, 170 JUN~ 14T~, 1949 after being amended to include that portion of Atlantic avenue from the Federal tti~hway' west'to Swinton Avenue, and upon call of roll the motion carried unanimously. City Manager Black presented a request filed by the Imperial Oil Company for permit to erect a 6000 gallon gasoline storage tank on Lots 22 and. 23, Block 111, just south of 2nd Street on the South Federal }Ii.ghway. The tank would be 1S' high and 10~' in diamater, would be located in accordance with set-back require- ments,.and would be beautified to provide an attractive appear- ance. Upon motion of Councilman Brannon, seconded by councilman MacMillan, unanimously carried, permit was approved, subject to. compliance with specifications of the City Manager. On motion of Councilman MacMillan, seconded by Councilman Brannon, the ~lice Benevolent Association Auxiliary was given permission to hold a rummage sale Saturday afternoon on a vacant lot on Atlantic Avenue. The following letter from the Arcade ~lectric Company was then presented and read: "June 13, 1949 Mr. C. ~. Black, City Manager, ~_~. Delray Beach, Florida Dear Sir: I would like permission from the City of Delray Beach to drill two wells on the east Side of the Red Cross Drug Store (at corner of Atlantic Avenue and Fourth Avenue), underneath the sidewalk, for the purpose of installing air-conditioning in the Red Cross Drug Store. I agree to replace the sidewalk, and be responsible for any damage to the City.'s property while this work is bein~ done. Very truly ARCADE ELECTRIC COMPANY By: (Signed) E. J. Barrow EJB:H Manager" The City Manager advised that this had been done in other Cities, and after the work was done nome would know the wells were there. He considered it a reasonable request. A motion was made by Councilman MacMillan, seconded by Councilman Brannon, that permission be granted as outlined, but that a bond be required to insure the City against any possible damage. 171 gUNE 14Tit· 1949 A request for special permit, or change of zoning classificat- ion, t,~ allow the construction of a Knk.~hts of Pythias Lodge Hall, with a store room on the ground, floor, on N. ~,(. 5th Avenue between 3rd and 4th Streets, was filed, to~ether with petition signed by surroundkng property owners. Upon motion of Councilman Brannon, seconded by Councilman MacNillan, unanimously carried, the foregoing recplest was referred S ' to the Zoning Board for re¢omr, endati, on as to ~ranting of a .herbal Permit, or a change of zoning at this location. A letter from Mr. C. Y. Byrd.· with reference to the repaying of N. E. 1st Street· was read and ordered filed with the data con- cerning the opening of the N. E. 1st Street railroad crossine, upon motion of Councilman MacMillan, seconded by Councilman Brannon, and unanimously carried. Recommendations of the Zoning. ~oard were then read as follows: "May 31· 1949 tlon. Mayor and Members of the City Council relray Beach F1 or ida Gentlemen: At a recent meeting of the Zoning Board several matters were considered· concerning which we would like to make the following recommendations: a request was filed by Mrs. Mar,garet T. ~alsmith for a permit to erect a modern Beauty Shop on the ~outhwest corner of N. E. Sth Street and 7th Avenue. ~{s more than probabley the area in which this property lies will have to be rezoned in the very near ?uture to permit the erection of buildings to be used for business purposes, we recent:end that Nfs. Walsmith's request be granted. Our present Zoning Ordinance provides no minimum requirements for buildings in "C" and No. 2 zones. Feeline that the City shou,~d have some control over the 'type of b,,~ildings erected throughout the City, we therefore recommend that a minimum of 400 squ:~re feet be required in both of these zones. In attempting to legally provide for street continuations, several procedures were discussed· resulting in the following re- commendation - Before permit for improvement on any property within the City limits is issued, the owner will be required to provide for a right- of-way· sl~ould affected property be in line with the continuation of any existing street. The new tli~h School b~ilding will be completed and in opera- tion by fall· and 2nd Avenue being the main approach, will naturally be used more extensively than it has been in the past. The jog existing at 8th Street makes this thoroughfare a hazard and could JUNE 14Ttt, 1949 and should be eliminated. It is therefore recommended that sufficient property on either side of 2nd Avenue be purchased to allow for the elimination of thi_s off-set Very truly yours, DELthtY BEACH ZONING BOA}iD S' BY; (lg~ed) King S. Cone Chariman" A motion was made by Councilman Brannon, that the recommen~ dations of the Zoning Board be adopted by the City Council~ The motion was seconded by Councilman MacMi. llan, with the exception oC the recommendation that N. E. 2nd ~venue be straightened, as a safety measure, as he felt this bend in the road would tend to slow down traffic. Each recommendation was then voted on separately, and upon moti. on o£ Councilman Brannon, seconded by Councilman MacMillan, all recommendation s were unanimously approved, with the exce~t- ion of the straightening of N. E. 2nd ~venue, which will be further considered. Proof of publication of a Notice calling a hearing for objections to the confirmation of assessment roll on N. W. 6th Avenue Paving Improvement was presented and. spread upon the minutes as follows: (Copy of Assess~ment itoll as appeared in publication in May 24th meeting - Page 157, 158 & 159) '"AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Delray Beach News Published Weekly Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida STATE OF FLOi~IDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH Before the undersigned authority personally appeared William K. Horrison who on oath says that he is publisher of the Delray Beach News, a weekly newspaper published ~t De,ray Beach in Palm Beach County Florida: that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Notice of Assessmen% Roll in the matter of City of Delray Beach was published in said news- paper in the issues of May 2~, June 3, 1949. Affiant further says that the said Delray Beach News is a newspaper published at Delray Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continously published in said Palm Beach County, Florida, each Friday and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Delray Beach, in said Palm Beach Coqnty, Florida for a period of one year next preceding the first p~blication of ~]e attached copy of advertisement: and affiant 173 JUNE 14TH, 1949 further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, Fir,: or corporation any-Y[iscount, rebate, comr~ission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. (Signed) William K. Morrison Sworn to and subscribed before me this 3 day of June, A. D. 1949, (SEAL) (Si.~ned) Kathryne P. Morrison Notary Pabl'ic,' 'S'~'~te of r'lorida at Large. My commission exrires July 27, 1952. Bonded by American Surety Co. of N. Y." Objections were asked for in accordance with the above notice, but none were received, whereupon the following Ordinance was brought up for first reading. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 0F DELilAY BEACH, FLORIDA, LEVYING THE ASSESSMENTS AS SHOI~'N BY TH2: ASSESSNENT ROLL SUBNITTED BY THE CITY ENGINEER OF SAID CITY, CONCER~'~ING THE PAVING IMPROVEMENT 'ON N. ~. 6T ii AVENUE, FROM WEST ATL~.NTIC AVENUE TO N. Y. 3itu On motion of Councilman Brannon, seconded by Councilman MacMillan, unanimously carried, the foregoing Ordinance was placed on first reading. A Resolution of the i)elr;:ty Beach Board of Realtors, pertai~ning to the use of signs by their members, was presented and read as follows: "June 10, ]949 The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Delray Beach Florida Gentlemeni The DE~i~k'¥ BEACtI BOARD OF REALTORS, at its regular meeting held on June 10, 1949, in the City of Delray Beach, Florida, did by majority vote of the member real estate brokers with offices in the City of Delray Beach and who were present, pass the fol~ lowing resolution: YH~HEAS, we are firmly convinced that the numerous "FOR SALE" and "FO~{ ~ENT" signs erected on property in Pelt ay Beach mar the natural beauty of our city and impair the value of its principal commodity, real estate, and theft the best interest of Delray Beach and its citizens would be served by the re,~ulation of the use of such signs, and JUNE 14TH, 1949 14tIEi{EAS, our organization has endeavored to regulate the mrnber and use of such signs without success, ar~i ~.,/HEREAS, we believe the only practical way to regulate the number and promiscuous use of such signs is by City ordinance whi. ch can and will be enforced, TliEI{EFOI{E, BE IT ~]SOLVhA), that we petit:i, on the Mayor and Council of the City of Delray Beach, Florida, as follows: 1. That the Mayor and. Council pass an ordinance regulating the use ~nd number of signs advertising real property fo~- sale and for rent through the office of real estate brokers. 2. That this ordinance become effective ninety days after passage thereof so that it shall operate with a minim,~n of herd- ship on those who have gone to the expense of buying and erect- ing signs. 3. That tl:is ordinance shall include the following regulat- ions governing the use and erection of signs by those engaged in the busi. ness of selling and leasing real estate for others. a. No real estate broker or real estate salesman* or their agent or representative shall place, erect, or cause to be placed or erected on any lot, parcel of land, building or structure within the corporate limits of the City of l)elray Beach any sign or similar adverti, sement offering real estate 'for sale, exbhange, or lease except as specifically authorized herein. b. This ordinance shall not apply to signs at or upon the office or place of business o~ a real estate broker as c~rrently registered with the Florida Real Estate Commission as required by law. c. Inasmuch as the welfare and growth of this city is better served by the sucessful develoDment of subdivisions and. new areas, and as the ~uture development of this city should be encouraged, said ordinance shall authorize the placing of real estate brokers signs on subdivisions and developments provid6d: (1) A plat of the subdivisi_on or development is first placed on file in the office of the Clerk o£ the City o£ Delray Beach. (2) Only. the exclusive agent of the developer and/or owner of the property shall be authorized to place his sign on the property ::,'l'he terms real es'tate broker and' real estate salesman as used herein shall be defined as -in the ileal Estate License Law of the ~tate of Florida. JUNE 14TIt, 1949 (3) Such subd}~vision or developer shall consist of not less than five acres of land, including streets and. alleyways within the plated bound- aries of such development or gubdivision. (4) This authroization shall a'~ply only to signs advertising the entire subdivision or develop- ment and not to signs advert.Js~ng ind-ividual lots with!n subdivisions and developments. d. The exclusive agent of the owner of apartment houses of two or more units shall be permitted to place his sign on the premises advertising such property for rent, provided that a signed copy of the exclusive agency be first filed, in the orifice of the Clerk of the City of Delray Beach. e. The exclusive agent of the owner or lessee of business property, both unimproved and improved, located within the bo:mda~ies of the business zones of tLis city shall be permitted to place h;s si~n on the premises advertis'ng the premises, or any portion thereof, for rent provided, that a signed co~y of the exclusive agency be ~-i. rst filed in the office of the Clerk o£ the City of ~)elray Beach. 4. That a punitive clause be included in the ordinance providing for fine and./ or imprisormient f'or violation thereof. 5. That the ordinance shall place definite joint responsibility upon the Buildin~ Inspector and Chie£ of Police for the enCorcement thereof. 6. That we hold dear the principle of liberal property rights for thc owners of real estate and do not favor too stringent re- gulation of the reasonable use of signs b~ such legal owners. I~e therefore reconnnend that no such regulation be included in this. ordinance, but rather be the subject of caref,~ll study after ~ublic hearing before the property owning public which would be affected. 7. That no regulation governin~ the size, type, ant} set-back of real estate broker's signs be included in this ordinance as such regulation should apply equally to the signs of both real estate brokers and nroperty owners. Respectfully, THE OELI-L~Y BEACH ~]OARI) OF ~-{EALTO ils (Signed) I4_. R..~iontgomery President JUNE 14TH, 1949 The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Delray Beach Florida Gentlemen: Ye, the undersigned real estate brokers and associates with offices in t;;.~.~ C~ty of Delray Beach personally endorse the attached resolution of the DELRAY BEACH B0ihqD OF REALT0[{S pertaining to the use of signs of real estate brokers and urge the passage of tm recommended ordinance. (Signed By 27 real estate brokers and associates with offices in the City of Delray Beach)" Mr. Kenneth Montgomery, President of the ttealty Board, ex- plained that they were trying to limit the promiscuous use of signs by real estate Brokers, but not the use of signs by indiv- idual property owners. When questioned as to the use of swingin~ signs over the sidewalks in front of business places, he stated that the ~{ealty Board felt that was a Froblem of the City Co'.~ncil. A motion was then made by Councilman Bra~.non, seconded by Councilman Mac~iillan, that an ordinance be drawn for adoption, embracing the principals in the llesolution passed by the Realty Board. Upon call of roll the motion carried unanimously. Councilman MacMillan commended the members of the [tealty Board on tLeir regulat:~on of signs among their own members. Councilman Brannon then moved, that an ordinance be drawn to limit the erection of signs generally in Delray Beach, so that no sign can be erected more than 6" from the face of the building, including the thickness of the sign, and that all signs shall be flat with the face of the building instead of extending over the sidewalk; that this ordinance contain a clause to apply to all new signs immediately, and all exLstinE signs within a period of 1S months from its adoption. There was considerable discuss-ion for and against the pass- age of such an Ordinance, and upon motion of Councilman Brannon, seconded by Councilman MacMillan, a public hearing was scheduled to be.held at 7:30 p. m. on Tuesday, June 28th, for consideration of an ordinance to be prepared as outlined, the public meeting to be held in the Council Chambers in the Ci%y Hall. Permit was granted R. L. Britt to erect a flat wood sign on a buildi, ng just north of Bob's Restaurant building on Railroad Avenue, subject to compliance with all re:~ulat:~ons, on motion of Councilman MacMillan, seconde~d by Councilman 'Brannon, and unanimously carried. Bills totaling ~ 12,923.84 were approved for payment, subject to approval df the Finance Committee, in a motion by Councilman Brannon, seconded by Councilman MacMillan, and unanimously carried. The City Attorney then presented an Ordinance to amend the Plumbing Code, which was read in full as f:,llows. JUNE 14T}l~ 1949 ~LN ORDINANCE 0F TIlL CITY COUNCIL 0F 'rile CITY 0F 0EL?[~iY BEACtt, FL~;~DA: ~LNI)ING SECTION 1 0F CIi~TEi{ Xll OF TI~I~; CITY CODE PEIITAINING T0 TIlE PLUNB!.NG C0}iNISSION~ AND PII0VIDING T}tE QU~IFICATIONS 0F TI10SE ~,~IiO SE}WE ~N SAID C0}2;ISSION; ~.i~NDING SUB-SL.:CTION a AND b 0F SECT[ON 3 0F CH;~TE[{ Xll 0F TIIL CITY C(}i}E PPiR- TA~N'rNG T0 TIlL EiG~'ilNATIONS AND FEE F01I PL~IB- ING CERTIFICATES~ PRESC;IIBING FOP~ 0R/G. ~LN'I) ~rRITTb;N EXANIN~Tr0NS FO}t At:PLICANTS THE~F0tt, AND F~ttTI[ER PRESCI[I;BING F0?[ TIlE RE C0~IN?;NDATIONS 0F 'rtlE PL~iBIN& C0blNISS!'0N TO BE SUB}.IYTTED T0 THE CITY COUNCIL FOR FINAL DECISION AS TO THE GRANTING OF A CERTIFICATE TO A HASTER PL[~BER 0~ TO A JO~iNL~btN PLUNBLi{. Nr. George Pinckney~ Plumbing Inspector, objected to the pro- vision for only one ~aster Plumber on the Examining Board. He con- tended 'that at least two Naster Plumbers were needed, and possibly one Journeymen Plumber besides. After discussion, Section 1 of the proposed. Ordinance was amended to set up an Examining Board to be composed of - One Naster Plumber One Journeyman Plumber Two qualified electors The Plumbing Inspector A motion was then mde by Councilman Brannon, seconded by Councilman NacSlillan, that the foregoing Ordinance be placed on First reading, and upon call of roll the motion carried unanimously. The Council then adjourned. ATTEST: