JUNi~: 23R])~ 1949
A Special Neeting of the City Council of the City of De]ray Beach
w~s held in the Co, mcil Chambers at 4:30 p. m. with Mayor J. L.
;~aunders in the Chai~, and City Manager ~harles E. Black an(] the
following Councilmen present: John N. Kabler and Nell E. MacMillan,
a quorum being present.
~x letter from Herbert.~.& Edith }~. Heath, with reference to the
granting of a pe:'mit to the Imperial Oil Co. for the erection of a
6000 .gallon gasoline storage tank on lots 22 and. 23, ~lock Il, on the
South Federal llighway at 2nd Street, was read by the Mayor, as follows:
"June 1S, 1949
The City Council of
Delray Beach, Fla.
Dear Sirs:-
We read a notice in iL, is weeks Delray Beach News that permission
has been ~ranted to Ben booley to erect a 6,000 gallon tank (~as
storage) at the corner of S. k. 2nd St. and Federal Highway.
if ti::is tank is to be erected above ground, we feel that it
would, be an eyesore and dan~er all ~.roperty in the neighborhood. ·
We would not object if it were placed underground.
It seems to us sometbin~ should be done to m~:l.'e the city more
at!,ractiw~, to the tourist coming into t},e city and also tourist who
would, h~ve to sit and look at the tank while they live here as we h:-)ve
Five apartments at S. E. 2nd St. and 5th Avenue.
We hope you will give the matter consider~,tion and see that the
tank is put underground.
Th:s for the good of the City ;~s well as the neighborhood.
Than]~ing you we are
Very tr~ly yo~rs,
(Si~ned) Herbert 14. }{eatl, &
~',dith I~I. Ifeath"
.,~nother communication signed by John and Caroline Van aallegooien
with reference to the granting of this permit~ was read as fo]~ows,
and ordered filed:
JUNE 23~1), 1949
"June 18, 1949
Delra¥ Beach, Florida
According to an a~,'ticle appearing in a ~4est Palm fleach newspaner, it
appears that the Imperial Florida Oil Company allied For a permit to
erect an EXPOSED v~rtical gas storage tank. This article a,]so appeared
in the local newspapers, but ~iiled to state that it was an EXPOSED
· ~lso appearin,g in the local papers there was an editorial regarding
the removal of unsiglttly signs located through~ut the City. This
editorial states in part "The realtors are volunteerSng to remove
most of their advert~si~ signs from lots and buildings around, the
city." !ftlAT ~:t~tJLl) B~ ~it)~tt~; UNSIGllTLY - TIlE SIGNS EItECT~/D BY
The property far which this ne,.mit is applied for is znned
"SPeCIAl; BUSINESS" which provides: "l~itl~in any scecial b,~s~ness district
NO buihting or premises shall be used in whole or in part for any
~dustrial or mt~nufaCtuping puposes, or ~np any other ti'mn the
(~[) Any use ~ermitted in !lesidence A, ilesidence B, ~tesidence
~part, ent iiouse and Local B,miness Oistricts, etc."
tie,erring to "NANUFACTflIIlNG AN1) INI)USTilI~kL [~lSIh CT USES" it specif-
ically states on page 64, s,~b-parazraph 14; thai the following ape
(14.) l~olesale stoeaze of zasoline, ~as and other explosive
liquids, gases or powders.
(15) ;~NY OTIIER TiiADE, industry or ,~se o~ SI}!ILAR NATURE which
is, or is likely to become objectionable by reason of the emission
of danKepous~ unwholesome, ~ul, nasuseous or offensive .~ases, odors
or fumes, or dan~er of
It would appear that this exposed tank would become very objectionable
to surroundinz property owners, since there would be a danger of ex-
plosion. The insurance rates on surrounding property will, no doubt,
be increased co~derably by having the tank exposed, which in itself
would prove it to be a dangerous undertaking.
In view of the above, we believe the permit ~or this E~ ~ ED tank
should not be issued and hereby register our objection thereto.
Respectfully submitted,
(Signed) John Van Balle~ooien
(~i~ned) Ca. roline Van Balle,..oo~
JUNE 231{I), 1949
After discussion by th~ Council, a mo.+.ion was made'by Council-
~mn ~lac}lillan, seconded.' by Councilman kabler, that previous action
of tkie Council grantin~ permit for erection of the tank, be re-
voked, amd that tlte Imperial Oil Co. be granted a permit to put
t}~.e tank underground. Upon call of roll the motion carried unan-
Upon motion of Councilman Kabler, seconded by Councilman
}lac~lillan, unanimously carried, request of John Bantina for a
temporary permit to extend his buildin~ located on Lot 19, Oloek
~13, on the North Federal Hiehway, by adding an awnin~
addition on the front o£ the building, was a~proved, subject to
compliance with set-back regulations.
City }lana~er Black prese,ted a request from i~arlington
Davenport, owner of Lot 8, Seestedt-Stevens Subdivision, for per~dt
to build a garage or car-port on the west side of his ~roperty,
which would be 11' wide, and leave only a.7' sid. e set-batik. Fir.
Olack explained that the deed restriction in this subdivision called
for a 10' side set-back, alti~ough our Zoning Or'dinance requires only
a 7½' set-back, blt Davenport felt it was a necessity to have a
garage or car-port to rent his oroperty during the season, and this
was the only place it could be b~lilt.
after consideration 'by the Council, a motion was made by Courweil-
man }lac}iillan, that permit be granted as requested, leaving a 7' side
set-back on the side of time garage or car-port only. The motion was
seconded by Councilman KJbler, and upon call of roll carried unanim- ~--~
The following letter from the Chamber of Co~:merce was tken
presented by tlte City ?fanager, and same was read in
"June 2g, 1949
City Council of Delray Beach
Delray Beach, Florida
The Golf Course Development Committee of the Chamber of
Commerce is completing its plans to start a fun([ raising campaign
to complete the work involved in establishing an 18-hole municipal
.golf course.
It is expected that the campaign will get underway very
shortly and in the meantime it is the request o£ tile committee
that the following provisions be approved by the City Council:
1) That the nar,~e of the zolf course be changed from The
~elraY Beach Golf Club to The Oelray Beach Country
Club in order to offer the inducement of charter
memberships. This is an added sales point and probably
will interest more neople in joining on the basis of a
~ 100 family membership fop two years.
2) Permittion to issue charter membership cards for two
years, to be signed by the }layor.
JUNE 23i{1~, 1949
fi) Permission to have all membership Funds come direct to
the chairman of the Chamber committee, }tr. C. J. Manson,
in order that he may enter all receipts. Ile will make
~ final accountinz of a].l f;mds which will then be turned
over to the city to be a. llocated to the city-apoointed
golf course comr~ittee.
It is hoped that 200 Fan,ily memberships will be sold between no~'
and the end of the city's Fiscal year for a total amount of ~20,000.
'r! e accent will be on family memberships, altho,~h individual me~ber-
ships will be a~cepted on the basis of ~75 each.
May we reqt~est your early an ~roval of these recomn;end¢~tions in
order that the campaign may ~et underway at once:
Re spec t f,. ~11 y,
Delray Beach Chamber of Commerce
(Signed) E. L. Evensen
ELh mnb E.L. Evensen, Secretary-Manager"
Mr. Black explained that this letter was written after joint
meetings of the Golf Committee, and the OolF Course Development
Committee of the Chamber of Commerce had been held, and after con-
sideration had been given to the possibility of redfaced revenue From
_~reen fees for fl~e next two years by this ~roposed increa, se in charter
memberships, tie stated that ho Felt the Fees suggested were too low,
in view of the Fact that an 18 hole course will be available, although
yearly memberships may be increased after the extra nine holes are
completed, and green fees can be raised. Mr. Mike Blank Felt tha~t if
another ~ 5,000.00 could, be raised he could have the 1S hole course in
operation by Oecember 1st, Mr. Black explained, with the exceptJ, on of
the watering system, and considerin,~ these F,-,cts the two Golf Committees
were willin~ to ~o ahead with the plan as outlined in the above letter
Mr. Black further stated that if the Clamber of Commerce does
raise ~ 20~000.00~ as they hope to under this plan~ it will not Fully
complete the Golf Course extension, 3nd the Golf Committee still hopes
that Revenue Certificates can be sold to complete t}~e Course entirely.
The Council decided to take the matter under advisement until
the next meeting of the Council on June 2Sth, to com~ider the ~m. le of
life memberships at P 1~000.00 each, and the chan~ir~' of the family
membership Fee From p 100.00 to ~ 125.00 For two yea~ s, also to re-
C '
quest a letter from the. Golf ommlttee endorsing this f, md raisin.~
A motion was made ~y Councilman ~tbler, seconded by Councilman
'MacMillan, that Mr. C. J. Manson, Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce
Committee, be authorized to nroceed with necessary printin~ F'inal
decesion to be made on the Chamber of Conm~erce recomn?endai, ions on June
2Sth. Upon c~ll of roll themotJ, on carried unanimously.
Upon motion of Councilman MacMillan, seconded by Co,~nc]lman
Kabler, unanimously carried,the Junior Chamber of ~ommerce was ~ranted
permission l~ conduct a fire works display at the Ball Field on the
ni.~ht of July 4th, under the supervision of the Fire Cbimf.
JUNE 23rd, 1949
In a motion by Councilman HacHillan, seconded by Councilman
Kabler, and unanimously carried, Hiss LaGrande Lomax was appointed
to act as Depaty City Clerk and Treasurer, with authority to sign
City vouchers during the absence of the City Clerk, Hrs. Ruth R,
Smith, while on vacation until July llth,
City Hanager Black asked the approval of the Council on the
purchase of a postage meter machine, which will seal and stamp all
outgoing mail and save the handling of stamps in the City Hall. The
cost of the machine is $ 225.00 which can be paid after October 1st,
plus a monthly rental of from $ 6.60 to $ 11.00 per month, depending
upon the amount of postage used.
Hr. Black was authorized to have the machine installed for a
trial period.
The Council then adjourned.
' Cl~y Clerk