09-12-49SpMtg268 SEPTEMBER 12Tll, 1949 A Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Delray Beach was held in the Council Chambers at 6:30 P. M. with Mayor J. L. Saunders in the Chair, and City Attorney John Moore, City Manager Charles E. Black, and the followin.g Councilmen present: John N. Kabler, Nell E. MacMillan, and W~lter ,~. R~th, a q,~or~ being present. May.o~r Saunders announced theft the meeting had been called for the purpose of adoptin~ the 1949-1950 budget, and setting the millage, as provided by the City Charter; and that Councilman Brannon ]md been called and had been reported o~t o~ town. Two letters si~ned by Mrs. Dorothy Day Mitchell, with reffecence to tire budget item of ~ 10~00,).00 set up fop advertising, were ~ead as Collows: "September 10~ 1940 Mayor Maunders Members of' the Ciiy Council, Oe;.r 5irs- 1 ~mderstand that t]~e Final desicion on the ~;15.000.00 donat:ion to the Chamber oF Com~.erce will be l;::'de on Monday. It seems to me t~at there are many local needs that sho,lld be taken c;~re of first. U~Jle I realize tttat t~e Chamber oF Comr~erce is doinz .good work i feel tl~c. re is more likelihood oC gettin~ to'~r:i st and keepin~ them if the City is well ].:'opt a;~d tt~e ~each is attractive. I hope that ~]~(~ City will reF.~se s. lch a large donatJ~H to used for advertising. Yours t.r.~ly, 2-ie,:bers of thc Cil:y Co'~ncil 5 e~tl emen: I wo~ld like to s~?/ i!~at ] think tho C~,~:~.heI' o~ Corm~erce is ~in~ a~o~t ~et[in~[ tourist business with the wrong r~nd Eirst - no doubt would bring to~rist but I wonder iE riley wo,~ld be t~e kind of ~c'ople we w:~nt. To qet j~st anyone has never been desirnb]e necessary in Delray. ~(e waist to keep o,~r tourist a~d h~ve become residents. In order to keep t~em we need a good beach - ~good pool - ~n 18 hole gol~ co~rse~ well kept, a club people c~:~n visit together a~ter their ~ame~ a more attractive Shu~le Board CouPt ~nd ~ood tennis courts~ which, latter we have. SLPT1211~;i 12Tl[, 19.49 If' tl~e Chamber of Coml,'~erce ,,~o.lld imld all tlteir effforts toward see:ing that these ~ecre~iional ~acilSties are nade desirable and attractive ~e'~ keep our tourists. our roads ne~d im!~rovJ, ng also and it ~to~ld s~er'~ to me tlmt an extra millage tt~at the Council can add to the budget should be spent on roads und local improven:ents and recreational advantages. Yot~rs vory tP~ly~ (Si~ne~) Dorothy lIay }litoholl I)oroth? })i~y ~!itct~ell cc: ~elray [~each Ne~s Uelray Beach Journal", A letter from tle 1)elray Beach Board of i[oaltors ~,as also read, as follows: "Sept{~n~ber lg, 1949 TI~o )layor and ?.embers of the City Council lielray Beach., Florida Gentlemen: At a meeti, n.2 oF the Delray Beach Board of ;[ealt. ors hehl on ~e[te[~ber 9, the follo~dn~ motion ~,as made and passed: That we as a group go on record reco~rending that we coneontrate spending money .m s~ch things as our ~olF course, beach beautifying and li.ghting the approches to o~r city on the IIi~bway, in preference to advertising.. lie Feel that our physical short-comings are in such need as to warrant preference iF we have money to spend. Yours very tr,~ly, (Signed) ~g. ii. Sweet ~. ti. Sweet Vice President The ppoposed budget, as preparod by the City ~lanaffer, and approved by the City Council on September 8th, ~,as presented for official approval oF the City Co~ncil. Com~cilman Kabler stated that the budget provided for ~ 10,000.00 for advertisin~ purposes, and about sj 25,000.00 ~or maintenance off the Golff Course, am moved that the budget be adopted as Cresented. The motion was seconded by Councilman Roth. ~ir. t~. Bruce Puckett, a me~ber of the [lealty Board, addressed Council, statin~ that at the meeting oF tim Board oF llealtors, tho above motion was passed by a vote oF 13 - 1, Ile stated that raisin~ taxes is quite improtant, and that the money raised in this way should 270 S~PTR~IBL~I 12TIl, 1949 be spent for beaches and the golf co~rse, and for balancing the budge%. I{e felt that a great amount o£ money could be snent in advertising in magazines and newspapers, but if people co~e here they won't pay the rents which are char.ged; that the Realty Board feels Delray Beach is well known and there is no need for advertising. , ~lr. C. li, Garner then addressed the Council, stating that the ~i~anis Club had voted 90~ against an item of ~ 15,000.00 in the budget ~or advertising purposes, and recommended that the amo,~nt be reduced to ~ 5,000.00. As a compromise, he believed, the Co~.~ncil had reduced the figure to $ 10,000.00. Upon call of roll on the foregoing motion the vote was tied~ Councilman Kabler and ~loth voting "Yes" and Councilmen HacHillan and Saunders voting "No". Councilman HacHillan explained that he would not be in favor of more than $ 5,000.00 For an advertising fund. He again stated that taxes and assessments have been raised each year for the ~.st several yea~s, and the water rates were also increased this year~ which is an added expense to the taxpayer. He believed that the representative people of the City were not in favor of this expenditure, that the City could not afford it, and he was definitely opposed to more than ~ 5,000.00 being set up for this purpose. Hr HacHillan moved that the advertising ~igure in the budget be set at ~ 5,000.00 and the budget be adj,~sted accordingly, the millage to be reduced by that Eavor oE 1-~e~n~ ~he snm~l B~s~ness man ~o mak~ a ~v~n~, b~ ~ro- ~ongSng ~h~ season and he~p~ng h~m 6o s~a~ ~n bus~n~ss dur~n~ ~h~ summer months, tie believed that the hotels and restaurants would remain open the year round if people ~ere here to patronize them. lie Further stated that ~he~'e had been no complaints ~hen real estate values in~reased 300~ during the past three or Four years and taxes were not raised. Hiss Dorothea Galvin, from the audience, contended that 75~ of the taxpayers of the Town are not business people, and aren't interest- ed in advertisin~ the ~o~n; that the business people should Furnish the Funds For an advertising campaign if they are the ones who would benefit by it. Councilman Roth replied that these people would not be here if the business men were not here, and in his opinion they should all work to~ether. Councilman Kabler then stated that the businessmen are asked' to contribute to everything, and that indirectly they ar pa-inff their share of the taxes. Some people, he said, believe that this City can become a little more than a tourist To~. Hr. Edward A. Sehellenberg, Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce Advertisin~ Co~ittee advised the Council and audience that under . the present Charter t~° mills c~,n be set up For advertising ~urpose{, and that ~ 10,000.00 would not amo~.~nt to even one mill. 1949 Through the efforts of the Chamber of CoJ~,~,'~erce, construction on the golf co~rse extension has been ca~Ti, ed on, so that it ;iii1 be ready ~o~ use by January 1st. They have raised money ~'or the restoration o~ the Beach, and still have ;:n active Committee working on Beach im- provements. In liis opinion a person wo~ld ral. he~ live ~z~ : '7o~n, whero ~l~e:ir In-op~?ty will enha. nce in value rather tlmn depreciate. They now mai<lng an attemi>t to balance the economy of the Citl~ to provide year round bus,ness. T~e millage ~,ould not have to be raised to take care off this advert:~sing item~ }Ir. Schellenber~ stated, :~s it be no increase over tho a~r :unt appropriated last year. Nr. J. N. Cromer then addressed tl~e Co.~mcil, opposing an item of ~ 10,000.00 or ~ 15,~00.00 in the })~dget for advertising, a~thou%h he did not op],ose an increase in millage ~or public improvements, s,~ch as street im~n, over, ents, sidewalk repairs, street lights, etc. ]le also suggested that the Yacht Basin be extended to ~rovide p~ore dock space, which wo~ld bring a desirable class oC people to the City. IIe urged the Co.mcil to contact the State i{oad Department :~nd tl~e Bo:rd of Co~mty Commissioners and demand IIighway improve~ents, espicially an U. S. l[i~hw~y No. 1, whi_ch has been widened to a six lane hizhway north ;~nd so~th of the City of Del,,ay Beach, and is still a narro~t unimproved street through the City. Tourist pass th. rough the City wi thout stopping on account of the lack oF an attractive thoroughfare. Nr. Cromer stated that if Curt(Is raised by increased taxes were spent fo~~ tl~ese ese,.ntial improvements n9 one would complain abo,~t the increase in millage. Nr k~. A. J;~cobs advised the Co~ncil not to authorize ~ lo,OOO. 0 for an advertisin~ C'~nd, after considering the disp~te among citizens on the issue, stating it would "tear the Town to pieces. reducing Nayop Saunders favored/the advertisin.~ figure to ~ 7500.00, the program to be subject to the approval oC the City Co~mcil, ;:nd reaved that this figure be set up in the budget, and ~ 2500.00 be set up in the i{evolving lmprove;~ent Fund to be qsed for sidewalks and City im- provements. T]~e motion was seconded by Co:~ncilrmn ~(oth, and upon call of roll carried, Co',~ncilr~en ~abler, i{oth and Saunders voting in Favor (~ the motion, and Councilman Nac}iillan opposing, who explained his vote by suving that he cnnsidered it only a compromise, and i~ allowed a little more time he thought., the taxpayers could ~et~ the _advertising item do~ to :~ 5,000.00. "i{i~SOLUTION NO. 739 A i{ESOLUTiON OF TIlL C1TY COUNCIL OF 'EiL CITY OF DELi{AY BLACI{ PALN BL,~CII CoUNTY~ FL~iID~ ~d)Ot~TiNG I?S ,~NNUA~ '.3UDGET OF ESTiN,~TEi) }~:~ENSES Fo,~ T1H-~ F1SC,~L YE,~{ 1949-1950, AND LEVYING · ~ T~-~X ON ALL I'~{OPE.~iTIES ~{ITIIIN Tile CiTY OF DEIJlAY BEACII FOR }IAINTEN,{NCE AND OPERATION, AND LEVYING A TAX FOil A PA~IENT OF Pi{INCiP,~ ~Ni) 1NTEilEST ON BONDED INDEBTEDNESS AGAINST THE PiiOPE{{TY LOC.~TED IN TIlE FOilN~{ CITY OF ])~,f{,~Y, AND ~U2~OCATING ,dqO ~I'~iOI':{I,~l']NG SAID COLLLCTIONS 272 SEPTi~;I'iBEi{ 12TtI, 1949 WHEttI£AS, the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, has prepared its budget of estimated expenses for the fiscal year 1949-1950, and has also determined the amount of millage necessary to be levied on all of the property in said City For the maintenance and operation of said City and for the payment of bonds and the interest thereon fOr the payment of which, under the provisions of the City Charter, a tax should be levied against that portion of said City w}~ich constituted the Forr,,er City of belray. NO]c, TIIEith, FoltL, BE iT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Delray Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, that the following budget of estimated expenses Fro. %he Fiscal year of the City com- mencing October 1, 1949 and ending September 30, 1950, is hereby agreed upon and adopted, and the amount of money For all of the respective purposes set forth below is needed For the operation and~ or maintenance of said City durin¢ the said Fiscal year, and there is hereby appropriated to such respective purposes the amount of money set opposite such respective p~rposes: 1949-1950 ANT IC IP~tTED PUiLPOSE EXPENDITUt~S Administration ~ 38,985.00 Department of Public Safety 45,920.00 .... Department of I'ublic llorks 95,496.00 Public and Recreational Facilities- 66,490.30 Donations .... 13,100.00 Legal and Prison 4,600.00 Hi scel laneous 56 t 934. :~0 TOT,LL -~321,525.30 BL IT FURTIIEI[ RESOLVED that the estimated amount of revenue to be used For maintenance which will be derived by said City during said fiscal year from soqrces, other than current tax levy, is as follows: Interest and fees $ 1,000.00 Utility Taxes 30,000.00 Franchise Taxes 11,000.00 Occupational Licenses 30,000.00 Fines and Forfeitures 5,000.00 Permit s 4,0@~. 00 Pool Receipts 1,000.00 Tennis i[eceipts 1,5~0.00 Golf Receipts ................. 17,000.00 Dock Fees 1,500.00 Parking Heter Collections 6,000.00 Punchboard Stamps 1,500.00 Sale of ~',q.uipment 500.00 Sale of cemetery lots 100.00 i~ents received 800.00 273 SiX~TLNBEll 12TE, 1949 Cigarette tax -iilg,000.O0 De linque n t· taxes ·'J ,0©0 . O0 i. liscellaneo,ts receipts 5~0.00 Use of 1' i¢ Ltl,tii)ment by ':ater Department- - 4~000.00 ~1~~ . · , ,4~0 O0 and t}~e amc.mt o~ money to be raised by taxation for ma ntenance and operation is 1~4~125.30 ~ ~., l,d~ ~;~21. 525 . ,,0 BE IT FUiiTIildl ;{i:i.30LVL.~ tlmt t!~ere shall be and is horeby a:~propriated For the payment of several items of expendit,~re ~ ' , ...... gate or .~321, tot~_.l~n~ tlie ao..r~ s,un 525.30, the reven,~es deri. ved Ppor~ l.l:e tax oP 15 ~ills wl~Jel, is hereby levied on all taxable 121"0"o 'tV ' *' ' O;,erating p~trposcs wii'.}zJrl t.~n (?itv ,~C i~elray Bo, c,t: heine: 2l.z, ..... , ...... For opepatSon and//})p maintenance expense<' General Government, and also in ad4iti,'m, a].lrevomles derived lLy s;~id Cfi ty t~,tring said Fiscal year frnn~ ali other' sm~rcos other than the tax levy f'or ctirl'ollt bond service and that part or col- lection oF delinquent tax~s levied for bond service. It .... is fo,md that LI~c a.:o, tnt, of money necessary to 'oo. Pop bond {iebt service for bonds and interest wl~iet~ ec;,astit, ttes an indebtedness of that portion of the City oF !~elpay Boaeb~ which was formerly the City of Delray~ and that *.l~epe is hereby al'prop- plated for the 'pay.:ent tl~ereof~ ail revenues derived fpm. tl~e tax levy of 6 i. ills hereby levied fo~' that purpose Pop the fiscal year 1949-1950. ~l:on Ute taxable property in that portion of the City of belray Ileaoh which was formerly the City of 1)elpay~ tl~e assessed w':luation heinz ;j 11~.~. .... Tills 12T!, ,.tY u],' Si]'TI: · ' 1949. (~;i~nefl) J. L. ::;aunders Presidont, City bouneil (Si~ned) iL.~th iL. Smith (3i~ned) a. L..)a,nders City ~lepk" Mayor SiLtL" 274 AD:I].N IST:{ATION Na}-ro and Council: Salaries -:~ 5,00 ~ 5.00 City Manager and En$ineer: Salaries (~+.~o · ,~?~00 to Uater Department) ~8,550 ~O Yelephone ~nd Telegraph ~]S0.00 Transportation 400.00 0Cf ice Supplies 300.00 Equipment i(epair 200. O0 " 930 00 Miscellaneous 300.00 ;.9, . pity Clerk ~nd Treasurer: Salaries ({512~:0 to Yater Department) ~5,550.00 Telephone and Telegraph 100.00 Llection Cost 300.00 Legal Advertising 600.00 Office Supplies 600.00 Auditing 1,200.00 Miscellaneous- 100.00 ~8~450.00 --~ Tax Assessor and Collector: Salaries $4~350.00 Legal Advertising 100.00 0£fice Supplies 1~400.00 Miscellaneous 100.00 $5~950.00 Inspection Department: Salaries $8~100.00 Telephone and Telegraph 100.00 Transportation 250.00 Office Supplies 400.00 Miscellaneous - - 100.00 ~8,950.00 Insurance - Ail Departments $4,000.00 Electric Service - City tiall $1,100.00 Postage ~ 600.00 ~5.,700.00 SUB-TOTAL $38,985.00 275 SEPTL?U3LP, 12TI1, 1949 DLiL~i[ThL~NT OF PUBLIC Police Department: Salaries ~26, ,~0. O0 Telephone c:.nd Telegraph- 340.00 Uni£orms 700. O0 Transportation 2,400. O0 OFFice Supplies 200.00 Opera ting Supplies 700.00 ~pecial t'rotec[ion Salaries lO0.O0 Niscell;,~neous- 200.00 :~20,260.00 Fire Depr, rtmen t: ~alaries ~16, G~O.O0 Vol~mteer Pay 2,400.00 Telephone and i'elegraph 200.00 Truck Cperation and ~!aintenance 1,40Q.O0 O't'fice Jup~;lies 100.00 ,~..~.nt. ~,~ :ce a~ul '.ieplaccv:~,''* 500 O0 FJ~'c College lnO.O0 ,-- I :q, on'o. nn .5U3 Yu'?.~L ....... i~JlS,9~n.~n Cit.~ Docks: ])oc]<ll;~teP' ~ Li~i].;;lrv- .............................. " 792 O0 ~clel ~,~e ~:~t~ 't'ele ,raph 5n. CO E](:,ct, ric Jervie~,- °"n NO tfFic, e ::;~H)plies ~:n~ l"orms 60.00 NiCec, llaneo~s 50.00 ~ter~airq to {tocks ~,nd b'.tlkhea. Os ~On. O0 t~ o 242 O0 >h4file'~o~.rd Co'trts: Electricity- ~) lC, O. O0 New Cn~u-t;.s and ~wn:[n~s o 400.00 ~; o 500 O0 Ten,ds Courts: :;alaries (~ ~00.00 L:,bop 1,920. O0 Uperat. ing Supplies and z~epairs- I, ...... Spectlttqr *' ,~ 27(; .~r,}'I},l~tl~,E~l l%,Th, 1949 Swinu~ing Pool: Salaries $ 1,350.00 L~bor- 2,000. O0 Telephnne and Telegraph 110.00 Electric Service 1,000, O0 Operating Sapplies 700.00 Miscellaneous 100.00 Reconditioning and M~,inten~nce 3~000.00 $ 8,290.00 Golf Course:- Salaries $ 2,400.00 Labor 10,000. O0 Telephone and Telegraph 120.00 Equipment Maintenance and Operation 1,300.00 Electricity 1,5~0. O0 Operating Supplies 8,456.30 Club Ilouse Maintenance 300.00 .~24,076.30 Library: $10,000.00 $10,000.00 Youth Recreation:- ~.~hite ............. 5,000.00 $ 5,000.0~ Yo,tth Recreation: -Colored 2,500.00 ~ 2,500.00 Beach Improvement and Operation 7,362.00....$ 7.~362.00 SUB-TOTAL ...... ~66,490.30 DEP~U{T}d~NT OF PUBLIC S UPLIW1S ] ON: Salaries ~ 2,400.00 Transporation 500.00 ,~ 2,900.00 S.~N IT~HY DEPAi{TMENT Garbage and Trash Collection: '' S~i~ries ~ 700.00 Labor 26~000.00 Truck Maintenance and Operation 4,000.00 Operating Supplies- 600.00 ~31,300.00 Disposal b~p,: Salaries ~ 550.00 L~bor Equipment Maintenance and Operation 800.00 Operating Supplies 400.00 ~ 4,376.00 12TI!-----, 1949 Sani.tary Sewer System: Salaries- '~ 200.00 Labor- - $00. O0 Equipment Operation and Maintenance 150.00 Operating Supplies- 400.00 $ 1,550.00 STi~EET DEP~i{T~ii~ T Street Maintenance and Reconditioning: Salaries- -~ 1,000.00 Lz~ bor- 7, o00.00 Equipment Operation and t.i~intenance 2,400.00 Operating Supplies- 6,000.00 Miscellaneous 500.00 $16,900.00 Storm Drains: Salaries ~ 300.00 Labor 1,200.00 Equipment Operation and Maintenance 200.00 0perating Supplies- 500.00 ~ 2,200.00 Sidewalk ~laintenance: Salaries- ~300.00 Labor 700.00 Operating Supplies- . 2~000.00 $ 3,000.00 - Street Signs and Marking. s: Salaries- -~ 400.00 LaboP- 400.00 Operating Supplies- 500.00 .~ 1,300.00 Street and TraFFic Li2.4hts: Electricity- $ S, 000.00 Labor- 300.00 Operating Supplies 250.00 New Traffic Lights 500.00 ~ 9,050.00 Street Cleaning: Labor- ~ 2,200.00 Equipment }iaintenance 200.00 0pernting Supplies 300.00 ~ 2,700.~0 Labor- ~ 4,000.00 Equipment Main~enance 250. O0 Operating Supplies 450.00 i~ 4,700.00 ~iUN1C]fLd~ BUIL~].NGS - City Ilall - U S O Janitor Service j 2,000.00 Operating Supplies 500.00 Electricity- U S ~ ............ 200.00 Repairs 1,500.00 .? 4,200. 278 ~::PTL~,I:~;~ 12TI1, 1949 Salaries- ~j l, 500.90 Partial Salaries for Fire Department- - - 7~920.00 0il ~t~d Grease- 1,000.00 Hand Tools 500. O0 Opernting SUl~,)lies- 400.00 ~11~320.00 SUB- T0 T,.LL 995,496.00 Prisoner's Neals- ~ 1,800.00 Judge's Salary 900.00 Attorney's Salary 900.00 Jail Haintenance- 300.00 Attorney's Fees 500.00 Hiscellaneous 200.00 ~ 4,600.00 N,~T i O NS Fire Department- $ 300.00 Animal Rescue League 300.00 Band Support 600.00 Church and Charity ~/ater- 1,000.00 J~. Tennis Tournament 300.00 Jr. Chamber of Commerce 3,100.00 Advertising- 7,500.00 ~13,100.00 IS CELL:hNEOUS: Parking Heter Payments ........... ~ 3,000.00 Tax Discount 4,000.00 Equipment - All Departments 17,000.00 Cont:i ngency Fund 8,160.00 Beach Trust Fund- 6,137.00 Sinking Fund 10,000.00 To Revolving Improvement Fund 8~637.00 ~56,934.00 S mLAitY S CItL',)ULE }iONTIILY EMPLOYEES 1949 - 1950 ADN 1N I S Ti {AT I0N 1948 - 19.'1:9 1949 - 1950 Mayor and Council ~ 5.00 .~ 5.00 City Mana get-Engineer 500.00 500.00 City Clerk-Treasurer 290.00 300.00 Tax Assessor-Collector 275.00 275.00 iBuilding Inspector 300.00 300.00 Building Insp. Secretary 82.50 87.50 Electrical luspector-~sst kngr' 2'75.00 Cashier 175.00 5ianager' s Secretary I~0-U 175.00 Deputy Clerk 165.00 175.00 DLP~kdT~ILNT OF FUgLIC SAFLTY Fire Department: Chie~ .~ 275.00 j275.00 · tsst Chie£ 12.00 12.00 Fireman 5 (a) 220.00 5 (a) 220.00 Police Department: Chief ~ 275.00 :~275.00 Asst Chie£ 230.00 230.00 Patrolman 5(a) 220.00 5(a) 220.00 Desk Clerk 3(a) 180.00 3(~,) 180.00 Radio Mechanic 40.00 40.00 DEPAi~TNENT OF PUBLIC UUtlKS: Superintendent .~ 275.00 ~) 275.00 Equipment Operator and Mechanic 2(a) 200.00 2(a) 220.00 i{E C i [~AT 1 ON Senior Life Guard :~ 190.00 !~190.00 LiFe Guard 175.00 175.00 Golf Pro-Greenskeeper 200.00 200.00 Tennis Clerk 100.00 100.00 Pool Manager 115.00 115.00 J,{. CIn~MBL~{ OF CO,fi!El{CE Secretary $ 82.50 ~ 82.50 The meetin~ then adjourned until the next regular meeting to be held at 7:30 P. ~I. on Tuesday, September 13th.