09-22-49SpMtg SEPTENBEil ~C'Nn 1949 A Specie..1 }leetin~] of the City Co,incil of the City of Delray Beach was held in the City }[anager's Office at, 4:30 p. ~. with Novor J. L. S~cmders in the Chair, and City Nann~er Charles E. Black, and the Following Councilmen present: John N. Kablor and ]ialter A. {loth, a quor~m being present. Proof of publication of Notice of Invitation to Bid on furnishing and installing a sprinkler system for the nine h,,le ad,lition to the Oelray Beach Golf Course, was spread upon the minutes as follows: "No. 1351 September 13, 1949 IN~ITATION TO BID rhe City of Delray Beach will receive sealed bids ,mti.1 4:20 ~'. N. E. S. T. Tuesday September 20, 1949 on the furnishin~ and installation of pipin~ and sprinkler valves and installing pumps For the nine-hole addition to the Delray Beach ~olf Club. Copies of plans nnd specifications mav Be sectored at. the office oF the City Engineer, City Hall, i)elray Beach, Florida, by posting a ~2.00 per set. ~11 bids must be accompsnied by bid bond or certified check in the amount oF 5)"; of the bid. PerFormance bond ~ill be required. Completion time must be specified in bid. The City Council of ~elray Beach reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to ~aive f'ormalities. CITY OF DELiI,~Y BEACH CIL~ES i{. 3L,~CK Cit~ Nanager Pub: The l~alm Beach ~imes September 15, 1949" TitL 1'~}~ BEACI[ T INi~S Published Every ~feekday ~est Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida PROOF 0F PUBLICATION STATE oF FL0~IDA COUNTY 0F P,~H BEACII 2efore the undersigned autt~orlty personally appeared Thomas E. Penick, ~ho on oath says tlmt he is associate Editor of The Palm Beach Times, a daily newspaper publi'shed at ~fest Palm Beach in Palm Beach Co mty, Florida; 'that the attached copy of advertisement, bei~ a xnvitation to Bid in the matter of Plumbin~ for Delta[ Beach Golf Club ~as publ"ished in said newspaper in the ~ssue of September 15th, 1949. SLPTtzMB]~.'~I 22ND, 1949 Affiant further says that the said Palm Beach Times is a news- paper published at I/est Palm Beach, in said Pain'.' Beach County, Florida, and that tile said newspaper has heretofore been continum~sly published in said Palm Beach Coanty, Florida, each weekday and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post o~ffice in ~{est t'a]m Beach, in said Palm Beach County, Florida, for a period of one year next ceeding the First publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant f~rther says tltat he has neither paid nor npomised any person, firm or corporation any disco, mt, rebate, commission or for the purpose of secm-ing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. (_Sig. ned) Thomas E. t'enick Sworn to and subscribed fefore ~e t~:is 15 d;~y of September A. l).~ 19,i9. (Signed) Sarah E. Kirk SL~" Notary Uublic State of Florida at Large. My co~mis~ion expires ~u.~ust Il, 1950. Bonded by ~erican Surety, ,~o.' of X. ~r~.,, iiids were received from the followin.~ firms in response tn the fore-:oin,~ notice: 1. Itoward. Lee Cromer, accompanied by Bid Bond For 5~ of arno,mt bid. o Cleary Brothers Construction Co. No Bid Bond incl,~ded 3. Mil{e Blank Nurseries. No Bid Bond included 4. ~i~tpphy Construct[on Co. ~,o. Bid Bond. incl~ded. Upon motion off Co:mcilman kabler, seconded by Co.mcil~mn ;;otis, b.[ds ~ere referred to the City Manager for tab,~l~tion and report to the Council, t}~e City ~ttorney to be req:~ested to render h~s opinion as to the complic;~nce with re~ir~,~.nt of f~rnishing a .~,:= Bid Bond. Upon call off Poll ti~e motion carried unanimously. }lt. Cromer cons{tiered it ~as negligence on the part of t}:e other bidders in not f~rnishing a Bid Bond, as req,~ired in the Notice, ;~nd stated ....... · }~Js bid was the only le~itJmat, e 'bJ.,'~ fete:ired. The foliowin~; letter Frown the C,],airr;a,q of the Electr:ica. 1 Board "Septen:ber 21, 1049 To: 'f~ e City Co,tncJ! Delr;~y .Be~cb, Florida Gentlemen: ill aftc,)r'~}, ncc with t~o i_,l~octpical Code, a (;ombiHed written a,~,! oral ex;~;dnation was g:ive:~ OH 3epter~bep 17, 19,19, to Mp. ?]~-[llip -,r Chltntbers of Delr~v Beach. Nr. Cltanbers s~ccess£ully p~ ssed Ct;is ex;~mJ, nat on and therefore the LlectricL1 Board recommends tt~at ~e ba is?~ed ali. cense iC he :[esl?ectf, tl!y yo (5!g,,ed) Charles ':. Yrie~te C!~nrles ~i. C!:aiu':~::~n - ~lectricul Bo~rd in the McGinley-Gosman ,Subdivision, was read as follows: "September 22, 1949 Ilonorable Mayor and Members of the City Uo.zneil De'fray Beacl;, Florida Gentlemen: At tl~e request of tlte propert>~ owners of the McGinley-Gosman Sub-division I am enclosin.% yo~; here-with and signed petition for streets there-in. This pertains to that property lying immediatly south of N. E. n ' e Sth Street and Farticularly between the ~ed~ra] Highway and N. E. 8th AVenue. 1 believe this petition comes to you with ~lmost every property owner's signat,~re in this section. Sincerely, (Si,~ned) V. H. Sweet l/IlS:PON !f. Ii. owe..~ PETITION ~E~ the undersigned pPope~ty holde~s~ in the MeGinley-Gosman Sub-division, hereby petition the Ilonorable Boa~d of Commissioners of the City or Delsey Beaeh~ to put ha~d su~faeefl streets in said Sub-division according to the Plat of MeGinley-6osman Sub-division Section 9~ fownship .t6 South, ilan.~e 43 EasY. ;~igned as Follows: Edward U. Roddy Corp. Lots 1:~, 14,. 15, 16, 17, 20 By: Ldward U. .,toddy 30, 31, 32, 33, 47, 48, 49~ ~0 6.3· 64 Edward NcNulty, Jr. Lot 12 (lie, }Ir. & }Irs C. Y. B~,:d, the ore, ers of Lots 11, lS, 19, · , 20 a nd Lots 23~ 24, 25 2c~ :~nd 27 :~cGxnley- Gosman S/~ join in the petition req,testing the Cxty to rave on a special assessment basis N. E. 7th ave. from N. E. 5th St north to N. E. 8th St.- ~'e beleive s,mh a street pavin~ Crojeet is needed The paving of all the streets in HcGinley-Gosman S.D wo~ld bo nice· but would serve no great p~blia need or benefit at present) C. Y. Byrd Elisi N. Byrd }largaret T. :falsmith Lots 56 - 57 Theo. }I. O'Neal Lots 41 and 42 Florence I1 Cmtmp Lots 43 to ,i5 - 34 and 35 A. Go i[anson Lots 9, 10, 2~, 36 and 46 l',illian C. Ilamilton Lot 40 Anna Pr, md sion ~dm. P£,tndston Joseph P. Ilurley, Bishop of St. Augustine By: ilev. John J. Kella~han Lots 37 and 38 Paul E. Gringle Lot 39 and 54 - 55 ~"leanor N. Gringle Lot 39 and 54 - 55 John D. Hoore Lots 54 and 55 Jarold A and Frances G. 3tretch Lot.q 58, 59, 60 and 61" Upon motion of' Co,mcilman Kabler, seconded by Co,mcilman i{oth· ~nanimously carried, the foregoing letter and petition were ordered filed. Councilman Kabler explained that as there are several streets in this subdivision· such a project wo.:ld consume the City's entire l{evolving Improvement Fund. SL:PTE}IBEi{ 22ND, 1949 }ir. It. G. ~harton, a, ho operates a Credit Bureau in this City, ~ asked the Co,mcil to consider the red,~ction of license fee of ~25.00 set up in the License Ordinance for th:is business, lie claimed that his business was not operating at a profit at this time, and that ~" incomes From certain other businesses were m~lch ~reater and were being charged only ~ 10.00 or ~ 15.00. lie stated that he had started the Credit Burea~ at the request o~ several merchants, and felt it would be an asset to the Town, although For the ~irst five years it will not be self-supporting. It was th.e consensus of opinion of the Council that a precident oC lowering license fees should not be established, but they agreed to go over the entire License Ordinance at an early date, .and make adjustments where considered out oC line. The CitY }ianager advised the Council of an agre(ment made on }larch 22nd to pave the street right-of-way up to the new curb lines on the north and west si. des of building being constr~cted on the southeast corner of East Atlantic ,~venue and 5th Avenue~ although a pOlic~,v had since been established that the property owner must a~sume t~is repaying where the Street has been widened by a new set-back. The Council instructed the City }ianager to carry out their agreement in this case, but .to follo~ tl~e new policy hereafter. The meeting then adjourned. ".~ City ~lerk Af>i'ii0VLD: V~yro '