Res 09-11RESOLUTION NCI. 09-11 A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE CONTINUANCE OF THE PRESCRIPTION DRUG MONITORING PROGRAM IMPLEMENTED IN SECTION 893.055, FLORIDA STATUTES; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. and WHEREAS, Florida has a serious problem with the illegal diversion of prescription drugs; WHEREAS, approximately 7 people a day die in Florida from improper use of prescription drugs; and WHEREAS, Section F.S. 893.055 establishes a prescription drug monitoring program; and WHEREAS, the development of the prescription drug monitoring program database has been funded through grants and private hands; and WHEREAS, the continuing operation of the prescription drug monitoring program is estimated to cast $500,000 which is less than one one-thousandth of the state's overall budget; and WHEREAS, Florida is the largest population state wid7out some type of prescription drug monitoring program; and WHEREAS, nationally Florida is perceived in a negative light for its proliferation of pill mills and out-of--state users flocking to Florida for the drugs; and WHEREAS, prescription drug monitoring programs in other states have proven successful; and WHEREAS, the Government Accounting Office issued a report as early as 1992 notuZg that prescription drug monitoring programs are beneficial; and WHEREAS, d7e diversion of prescription drugs is a statewide problem calling for a statewide solution; and WHEREAS, the Florida Medical Association supported the adoption of Senate Bi11462 in 2009 that established the prescription drug monitoring program; and WHEREAS, cities and counties are limited in their ability to prevent patients from traveling between jurisdictions to doctor shop and obtain multiple prescriptions; and WHEREAS, the prescription drug monitoring program would provide a tool for doctors and pharmacists to use to determine if a patient is doctor shopping or has purchased an excessive amount of prescribed drugs. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the City of Delray Beach does not support the Governor's $udget Recommendation Conforming Bill, Office of Dnag Control/Statewide Office for Suicide Prevention that repeals section 893.055 Florida Statutes. Section 2. That the Ciry of Delray Beach supports the continued implementation of the prescription drug monitoring program and the associated database. Section 3. This Resolution shall t<nke effect immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED in regular session on the 18S day of March, 2011. ~. u MAYO>~ ~` i ATTEST: ~, ~ ~~ °~ °~ ,~ ..,~ CITY CLERI{ 2 Res No. 09-11 Coversheet -,~, MEMOR.AND M U .., „~~ ~. TO: Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: David T. Harden, City Manager DATE: February 23, 2011 SLIBTECT: AGEND i EM B, - REG C MMISSION MEETING OF MA CH 1 REStJLUTtC7N N4. Q9-11 Page 1 of 1 ITEM BEFORE COMMISSION This is before the Commission for approval of Resolution No. 09-11 to support the continuance of the prescription dr~xg monitoring program authorized in Section $93.055 of the Florida Statutes. BACKGROUND Florida Statutes Section $93.55 outlines the state prescription drug monitoring program (which has not yet been implemented). Governor Scott has proposed repealing the program. The attached resolution opposes the repeal and supports the continued implementation of the prescription drug monitoring program and associated database. 1~FCOMMENDATION Recommend approval of Resolution No. 09-11. http://itwebapp/Agendalntranet/Bluesheet.aspx?ItemID=4231 &MeetngID=2$6 3/3/2011 RESOLUTION N0.09-11 A RESOLUTION SPORTING T'HE CONTINUANCE OF TI JE PRESCRIPTION DRUG MONITORING PROGRAM IMPLEMENTED IN SECTION 893.055, FLORIDA STATUTES; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. and WHEREAS, Florida has a serious problem with the illegal diversion of prescription drugs; and WHEREAS, ay?praximately 7 people a day die in Florida from improper use of proscription dnigs; WHEREAS, Section F.S. 893.055 establishes a proscription drug monitoring program; and WHEREAS, the development of the prescription drug monitoring program database has been hauled through grants and private f~xru~s; and WHEREAS, the continuing oper~rtion of the prescription drug monitoring program is estimated to cost $500,000 which is less than one one-thousandth of the state's overall budget; and WHEREAS, Florida is the largest population state without some type of prescription dn.ig monitoring pragc~am; and WHEREAS, nationally Florida is perceived in a negative light for its proliferation of pill mills and out-of-state users flocking to Florida far the dn.~,s; and WHEREAS, pr~.~scrption drug rnitoring progc~ams in other states have proven succ~7sftrl; and WHEREAS, the Gavemmexlt Accounting Office issued a report as early as 1992 noting that prescription dnig monitoring programs are beneficial; and WHEREAS, the diversion of prescription drugs is a statewide problem calling for a statewide solution; and WHEREAS, the Florida Medical Association supported the adoption of Senate Bill 462 in 2009 that establi;>hed the prescription dn~g monitoru-ig program; and WHEREAS, cities and counties are limited in their ability to prevent patients from traveling betw~z j urisclictions to doctor shop and obtain rrnaltiple prescriptions; and WHEREAS, the pr~~criptian drug xrorritaring program ~wuld provide a tool far doctors and pharirti~cists to use to detern~rine if a patient is dactax snapping ar has purchased an excessive amount of NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section I, That the Gty of Delray Beach does not s~uppart the GoverYwx's Budget Reca~datian Conforrxuing Bill, Office of Drug Control/Statewide Office far Suicide Prevention that rE~peals se+ctian 893.055 Florida Statutes. Section 2. That the City of Delray Beach supports the continued implementation of the prescription drug monitoring pram and the associated database. S~;cton 3, This Resolution sihall take effect irnzrseciiatelyugon adoption PASSED AND ADOPTED in rk}gu]ar sedan on the day of , 2011. MAYOR ATTEST: QTY C .trltu ~..ti v, [.v i t House of Representative Representative Lori $ermasY -District 86 District Office 203 Nordzeast 1" Avenue Delray $each, Florida 33444-3714 Dear Representative $errnan: Please find attached Resolution No. 09-11 to support continuance of the prescription drug monitoring program authorized by Section $93.055 of tl~e Florida Stat~ites. The City Commission passed and adopted Resolution Na. 09-11 at the Regular Conunissian Meeting of March 1, 2011. If we can be of any assistance to you, please call the office 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday at (5G1) 243-7051. Sincerely, Chevelle D. Nubia, CMC' City Clerk CDN/kw Attachment ~` I fF I~ ~ ~. ~ m A; ~I ,i,~<~ (fit ~'~ ~ ~C~ , .. ~~ Dear Mr. Chase: please find attached Resolution No. 09-11 to support continuance of the prescription drug monitoring program authorized by Section $93.055 of the Florida Statutes. Tlie City Cotntnission passed and adopted Resolution No. 09-11 at the Regular Conrs7ussion Meeting of March 1, 2011. If we can be of any assistance to you, please call the office $:00 a.rn. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday at (561) 243-7051. Sincerely, ~~ ~ 4 Chevelle D. Nubin, CMC Ciry Clerk CDI~1/kw Attachment ~~ ~ "~° °~` In : ~ ~ ~ . v~. ua ~,iia5c, ~.xc~uuvc Uuc4u.~i Palm Beach County Legislative Delegation 301 1`1ord~ Olive Avenue Stute #1101 West Palm. Beach, Florida 33401 March 8, 2011 ~~ The Florida Senate Senator .Ellyn Bogdanoff -District 25 District Office 1845 Cordova Road State #202 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33316 Dear Senator Bogdanoff: Please find attached Resolution No. 09-11 to support continuance of the prescription drug tnorutoring program authorized by Section 893.055 of the Florida Statutes. The City Cosrzrra.ission passed and adopted Resolution No. 09-11 at the Regular Commission Meetuzg of March 1, 2011. 1f we can be of any assistance to you, please call the office 8:00 a. m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday at (561) 243-7051. Sincerely, Chevelle D. Nubin, CMC Ciry Clerlr CDN/kw Attachment Tlie Florida Senate Senator Christopher L. "Chris" Smith -District 29 District Office 1101 N.1/. 40`'' Court Suite #1 Oal~land Parlc, l~lorida 33334 Dear Senator Smith: Please find attached Resolution No. 09-11 to support continuance of dze prescription drug monitoruZg program authorized by Section 893.055 of the Florida Statutes. The City Commission passed and adopted Resolution No. 09-11 at the Regular Comnussion Meeting of March 1, 2011. If we can be of any assistance to you, please caIl the office 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday at (561) 243-7051. Sincerely, r~ ~.m. ~ "^ ,~ . ~ ~~° ~ .~ Chevelle D. Nubin, City Clerk CDN/kw Attachment ~,. ~~ ~8 Lynn Tipton, Director of Membership Development Florida League of Cities, Inc. Post Office Box 1757 Tallahassee, Florida 32302-1757 Dear Ms. Tipton: Please find attached Resolution No. 09-11 to support continuance of the prescription drug monitoring program authorized by Section $93.055 of the Florida Statutes. The City Comnussion passed and adopted Resolution No. 09-11 at the Regular Commission Meetuzg of March 1, 2011. If we can be of any assistance to you, please call the office 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday at (561) 243-7051. Sincerely, ._~,~.-..~ ~. _ w~"" x ,.,m ~w ~*~ . Chevelle D. Nubin, CMC City Clerk CDN/lcw Attachment o~~ ~ ~.. , ,. ~ t .. , ~ ~ . , a. .. m ~~, 7 ~~~ ~. ~,)l~~~C)i~~1 ('4 ~4 Jamie Titcomb, Executive Director Palm Beach County League of Cities, Inc. Post Office Box 1989 Governmental Center West Palm Beach, Flarida 33402 Dear Mr. Titcomb: Please find attached Resolution No. 09-11 to support continuance of the prescription drug monitoring program authorized by Section 893.055 of the Florida Statutes. The Cit51 Comnussion passed and adopted Resalution No. 09-12 at d1e Regular Carnrr7.ission Meeting of March 1, 2011. If we can be of any assistance to you, please call the office 8:00 a.m. - 5;00 p.m., Monday through Friday at (561) 243-7051. Sincerely, Chevelle D. Nubuz, CMC Ciry Clerk CDN/kw Attachment ,r°°~ ~t°t . _ ~ _ ~ ~ ~~~~~ ... ; ,~. ~.. ~~~ I ~ .i.. ~~: ~ ~m ~.~ . . March 8, 2011 The Honarabie Rick Scott Governor of Florida The Capital 400 S. Manroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0001 Dear Governor Scott: Please find attached Resolution No. 09-11 to support continuance of the prescription drug monitoring program authorized by Section 893.055 of the Florida Statutes. `I'lxe City Catntnission passed and adopted Resolution No. 09-11 at the Regular Commission Meeting of March 1, 2011. If we can be of any assistance to you, please call the office 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., iVlanday through Friday at (561) 243-7051. Sitxcerely, Chevelle D. Nubin, CIVIC City Clerk CDN/lcw Attachment ~~'° .. , "in ~e~ .m. w~