10-18-49SpMtg OC'rOBLI{ 18TH, 1949.
A Special Meeting of the City Council of the City nf Delrav Beach
was held in the Council Chmmbers at 7:30 p. m. with Vice Mayor
MacMillan in the Chair, and City }lanager Chas. E. Black, and the
following Councilmen present: L. H. Brannon, Walter A. l{oth and John
N. K,~bler.
Mr. Frank Gracey anpeared before the Council, to protest the
removal of australien pine trees alonz N. W. ath Street. lie expalained
that his brother, the developer of Lake View Heights Subdivision, had
planted the trees 25 years ago, as an entrance to that subdivision,
and he felt it was a sacrilege to cut the trees down withoqt _~Jving t~he
property owners thaere a chance to be heard, ite asked the City to
replace the trees already removed.
City }lanager Black stated that the owner of the property on the
north side of 6th St., on the corner of Swinton Ave., had requested
the removal of the trees, in order to build on his nropertv, and other
property owners had also made this same request.
After further consideration, action was deferred until each Council-
man had inspected the situation during the next week.
Mr. L. W. Cook~ who had recently taken an Electrical Contractor's
examination, which he had failed, appeared before the Council.
complained theft he understood that past experience would be considered
in grading all examinations, wttich had not been done in }~Js case.
Mr. C. ~. Trieste, Chairman of the ~51ectrical Examining Board ~dvised
that the letters of recomr, endation furnished by Mr. Cook had not been
considered in grading his examination, lie recommended tl~at the Ordinance
be studied to determine if letters of recom~ endation and hast experience
should be considered.
Section 2, 4 and t of the Electrical 0rdinance~ pertainin_~ tq t.be
grading o£ examination papers, were then read, which indicated that past
experience and letters furnished were to qualify an apnlicant to take an
Councilman Kabler felt that the oral examination ,given wn,.~ld de-
termine an applicant's background and experience, and how capa'de he is
to do work of that type.
It was explained that the oral examin~tion given Mr~. C~n~ had been
vet~ c,,vering, the Board realizing that a n~an might be a ~goo(! electrician
and not able to express himself on ~a~er. Ilowever iC he possessed t~'e
knowledge, it could be brought by leading questions asked bin.
Councilman Brannon believed that the Board sho~tld report to the
Council on a man's qualiCic~tions as ~n ?~l~ctrician, based on }-,is oral
and written examinations, which Mr. Trieste advised had been done in
tl~is case. The Board also felt that tl~e exa~,ination given was fair~ as
other applicants had passed it, and if they deviated Cron standards set ,~n
in certain cases, there wo.lld be no standard.
}Ir. Cook then asked to his his ~apers reexamined, and to be inf,~rmed
of the grades }~e made. Mr. Triese gave ~is his grades, as 63 on the
written examination and 8.1 on the oral test.
A motion was made by Councilman Brannon, seconded by Co;mcilman
Kabler, that Mr. Cook's appeal be favorab}y passed on the state, eat
the Board as to the final results of the exmmination, and also consider-
ing his qualifactions filed ~Y~h his ap. plication.
ocr~ BEll 18Tll, 1949
There was a question of whether an anplicant sh~tld pass both bis
written and oral examinations, in order to average Ills Grades, as the
Board considered the oral test was worth not more tlmn ~0'./o of the
written examination.
After further consideration, roll call was taken on the foregoing
motion, wit the following vote: Councilman Bronnon - Yes, Council-
man kabler- Yes, Councilman Roth - No, Councilman Mac~.li].lan - No.
The motion did not carry.
Mr. Cook then stated that he understood he ~as disqualified by the
Council as an Electrical Contractor, but that he did not think the whole
thing was fair, as the Council }.,ad not looked at his letters of recommen-
dation, tie asked that his file and letters be ret~wned to him.
A motion was made by Councilman Kabler that copies of }Ir. Cook'~
letters of reference be made and the original letters returned to him.
The motion was seconded by Councilman by Councilman Brannon, and unon
call of roll carried unanimously.
}Ir. J. }.I Cromer addressed the Council with reference to improving
the Federal Ilighway. lie stated that the State iload Department had
previously requested an 80' il/l{ tlwough the City, wh ch it is impossible
t~ get without condemning sever,al buildings along the ~ighway. lie urged
the Council to ask the i{oad Department to improved 38' on Federal Iiighway
going north and 38' on 5th Avenue goin~ south, but to have a concrete
plan to submit to the State Road Department within the next ~0 days, or
it would not be considered in their budget for 1950.
The Council agreed to meet with the Board of County Commissioners
in the near i'uture to discuss a plan with them, before meeting with
representatives of the State ~load Department.
City ~anager Black advised the Council that in line with the
expansion of the Golf Course, new improvements were needed in the
Club House, and that }ir. }lcFadden, Chairman of the Golf Comr.ittee had
obtained estimates of the cost off needed repairs, such as wiring, na
painting, repairing the floor, new mats, replacing awnings, etc.,
~¢hich would a,~ount to ~ 1500.00 - 2000.00.
After consideration, a motion was made by Councilman Bram~on~
seconded by Councilman '~oth, that the Golf Committee be m~thorized to
spend up to ~ 1,500.!~,0 to complete tile Club Ho~se repairs an~ redecor-
ating. Upon call o~ roll tile motion carried unanimously.
Hrs. J. R. Nieder, a member of the Golf Comr~ittee, again asked
the Coancil's approval on giving Life memberships to four professionals
who have their homes in th~i.s vicinity, Tom~y Armour, Bobby Cruikshank,
Tony Pentax, and Dick ~ilson. She stated that all Golf Professionals
are permitted to play at other courses and this would be a gesture of
good will and courtesy.
Councilman Kabler, Favored g~anting yearly memberships tn these
Professionals, to prohibit the accumulation of a great n,~mber of life
member ship s.
C '
,k motion was made by Councilman Brannon, seconded by ouncxlman ?
'~oth, that life memberships be granted as explained by }lrs. Neider.
Upon call of ~ll the motion carried, Councilman Brannon, }iac}lillan
C '
and 'toth voting in £avor of the motion, and ouncxlman Kabler voting
~gainst it.
OCTO~R 18TH, 1949.
The~applic~Dign f Gas o~ V i ette for tra s er of L qu
License from ~e±-y s ~ar an~ joc~ Lounge, loca~e~ at Eas~ or
Atlantic Avenue and Marine Way, was presented by the City Manager.
He stated that the City Attorney had advised that no publication
is required for a transfer of license, and no method of handling
is set up by Ordinance for such transfer.
Councilman Brsnnon recommended that the Liquor Ordinance be
revised to provide that each application be passed upon by the
Council, and moved that each application be required to come before
the Council at a regular meeting for approval, whether a new estab-
lishment, or transfer and sale of ~ existing business. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Kabler, and upon call of roll carried
unanimous i y.
A motion was then made by Councilman Brannon, seconded by
Councilman Roth, that the application of Gaston Valiquette for trans-
fer of liquor license from Kelly's Bar and Cocktail Lounge, be
approved. Upon call of roll the motion carried unanimously.
City Manager Black advised the Council of the need for rebuild-
ing, or resurgacing the Tennis Courts, at an approximate cost of
$ 4~0.00. In addition to this work, the fence was in need of re-
pairing, replacing the concrete posts ~th iron posts. The lowest
estimate he had received for this work was ~ 1,~00.00.
After consideration, a motion was made by Councilman Brar~on,
seconded by Councilman Roth, that this work be authorized, at a
total approximate cost of ~ 2,000.00. Upon call of roll the motion
carri ed unanimously.
A request for a low fence around the Football Field, about 1~'
from the field, to keep spectators off of the field, was referred to
the City Manager for investigation.
The meeting then adjourned.