10-25-49 October 25TH, 1949.
Regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Delray
Beach was held in the Council Chambers at 7:30 P. M. with Mayor
J. L. Saunders in the Chair, and City Attorney John Moore, City
Manager Charles E. Black, and the following Councilmen present:
L. H. Brannon, John N. Kabler, Neil E. MacMillan, and Walter A.
Roth, a quorum being present.
~. R. C. Mcfadden, of the Golf Committee, ~nd I~h~. C. J.
Manson, member of the Chamber of Commerce Golf Committee, appeared
before the Council with reference to continuing the Chamber of
Commerce drive for Golf Club members at the reduced rate after
November 1st, when membership fees become due for the co~ing year.
They stated that it was intended to end the drive on October 1st,
but after conferring with the Chamber of Commerce Committee it
seemed advisable to extend it until January 1st, as they felt some
memberships might be sold to out-of-Town golfers who do not come
down until after November 1st. They asked permission of the
Council to continue their drive until January 1st, if it felt it
would be advisable.
Mayor Saunders pointed out the fact that the revenue from
the Golf Course would be cut down for another year by selling two
year memberships, and questioned the advisibility of continuing the
drive, as the goal of $ 9,500.00 had been reached.
Councilman Kabler suggested that the drive be continued, but
that memberships at ~ 100.00 for one year only, be solicited.
City Manager Black stated that ~. Blank, Chairman of the Golf
Committee was interested in the operation of the Course next year,
as he knew the operating expenses would be heavy.
Councilman Brannon recommended that lots adjoining the Golf
Course be platted and sold, as he felt they would be worth at least
~ 1,000.00 each, which would help finance the Golf Course operation,
and possible assist in the financing of a new Club House which is
The location of a new Club House was discussed, with the
possibility of an entrance from another road to avoid going through
the colored section, and Councilman Brannon moved that immediate
steps be taken to inquire into the feasibility of developing and
selling the lots adjoining the Golf Course, as well as the location
of a new Club House. The motion was seconded by Councilman MacMillan,
and upon call ~f roll carried unanimously.
A motion was then made by Councilman Kabler and seconded by
Cotmcil~ Roth, to request the Chamber of Cormnerce Golf Committee to
continue its membership drive at regular rates, ~ud exp~ess the
appreciation of the Council for the successful efforts of this
Committee in making the addition to the Golf Course possible by
raisin~ funds amounting to over ~ 9,000.00. Upon call of roll the
motion carried unanimously.
City Manager Black then brought up the question of paying the
Mike Blank Nurseries for landscaping work on the Golf Course Ex-
tension which has been finished. He stated that hisuunderstanding
had been that all bills for general construction were to be paid
from the General Fund, but some Councilmen were of the opinion that
only the sprinkler system would be financed from the General Fund.
Councilman Kabler suggested that a committee be appointed to
work out a financial arrangement with ~r. Blank to pay him for
work as completed, and he moved that the Finance Committee be
appointed to determine how much is now unpaid, and how much will be
necessary to complete the extension to the Golf Course, and also
make some arrangement for completion of payment. Upon call of roll
the motion carried unanimously.
An application for temporary permit, filed by the Cottage
Restaurant, located at 35 So. Federal Highway, to construct a screened
porch on the south side of the building, to increase serving space,
was presented by the Building Inspector, who recommended its approval.
Upon raotion of Councilman Kabler, seconded by Councilman Brannon,
and unanimously carried, temporary permit was approved as outlined
An application of Mrs. Brett Russell for set-back deviation was
presented. M~. Schrader stated the ordinance requires 10' set-back
from the rearand side and that in this locality praStically every
building is non-conforming. (Gleason Street).
Motion by Mr. Brannon that all others that are deviations from
the zoning ordinance be referred to the Zoning Board for recommendation.
Seconded by Mr. MacMillan'~and unanimously carried.
A request from Clifford Baker for a sign in Reid's Vil~s. ge, east
office, was granted upon motion of Mr. Brannon, seconded by Mr. Kabler
and unanimously carried.
A request for sign from Surf Sundries, South Ocean Blvd. was granted
for regular size, upon motion of Mr. ~rannon, seconded by Mr. Roth
and unanimously carried.
Another sign for Surf Sundries was granted conditioned upon their
meeting requirements as to size and location, as determined by the
Building Inspector. Motion made by Mr. Brannon, seconded by Mr.
MacMillan and unanimously carried.
A motion was made by Mr. Brannon, seconded by Mr. Eabler and unani-
mously carried, that the City Attorney prepare an emergency ordinance
for permits on Atlantic Avenue and Federal Highway.
No action was taken on the city's furnishing labor for fencing
the ball field.
A request for a street light at corner of SE 5th Avenue and 5th
Street in front of the Woman's Club was granted upon motion of
Mr. MacMillan, seconded by Mr. Roth and unanimously carried.
A motion was made by Mr. Roth, seconded by Mr. MacMillan and
unanimously carried, that a letter from the Mayor of Riviera Beach
asking that the council attend the opening of the bridge November
llth be acknowledged, and to congratulate them on their tmprovemeht.
OCTOBER 25, 1949
Mr. Saunders again brought up the item of fences for the
ball field and moved that the city spend up to ~25.00. The motion
was seconded by Mr. Brannon and unanimously carried.
The council discussed an area of approximately five acres which
is available and could be used for high class colored property.
A motion was made by Mr. MacMillan thatthe City Manager survey the
land available in the colored section and report back to the council.
Seconded by Mr. Kabler and unanimously carried.
A letter from the Masonic Lodge was read and filed.
Mr. MacMillan stated he had met with the County Commissioners who
pledged their cooperation with regard to the Federal Highway improve-
ments. They indicated the State Road Department would require an
80 foot right of way which is impossible to obtain. They would pro-
bably resurface the present right of way and i~prove the highway.
Mr. MacMillan felt the city should have the road resurfaced if possi-
ble and try to obtain rights-of-way as the town develope,
A motion was made by Mr. Brannon that the City Attorney prepare
an ordinance prohibiting parking on the Federal Highway through the
city. Seconded by Mr~ Roth and unanimously carried.
The council discussed the problem of traffic near the post office
and at the Love Drug Store. A motion was made by Mr. Brannon to
instruct the Chief of Police and City Manager to look into the
area and work out some suitable protection for the school children.
Seconded by Mr. Roth and unanimously carried. They were also in-
structed to survey the area at the post office regarding traffic
congestion and to make recommendations.
Upon motion of Mr. Brannon, an emergency ordinance was ordered
prep?red pertaining to heighths of hedges. The motion was seconded
byMr.Kabler and unanimously carried.
The resignation of S.H. Jones was read and upon m~tion of Mr.
MacMillan the clerk was instructed to write a letter thanking him
for his services. Seconded by Mr. Brannon and unanimously carried.
Upon motion of Mr. MacMillan, seconded by Mr. Brannon and unani-
mously carried, the appointment of Miriam Brown to fill Mr. SoneS'
place on the youth committee was accepted.
A motion was made by Mr. MacMillan to check with Florida League
of Municipalities regarding license fees, seconded by Mr. Brannon
and unanimously carried.
The City Manager was instructed to secure various ordinances
from other towns and from the Florida League of Municipalities
to enable the city to take action on requests, upon motion of Mr.
MacMillan, seconded by Mr. Brannon and unanimously carried.
OCTOBER 25, 1949
A drainage assessment to Bill George for 4ors 1, 2 and 3, Block
93, and 1 and 2, Block 101 was discussed. Mr. George stated
the property has already been assessed once for drainage and that
he believed it was in order for the property to be removed from
the assessment roll.
Mr. Brannon asked if that would not be donsidered an added im-
provement to the property. Mr. George stated "not for that price,
since we have already had an assessment on that property I don't
believe you should.do it again."
Mr. Brannon stated it is ~ thin the area and that the law states
the property must be assessed for such an improvement.
Mr. Black felt that if Mr. George paid on the front for Atlantic
Avenue, the assessment was for frontage on the side street.
After further discussion, the City Manager was instructed to
look into the cost of a connection line to Atlantic Avenue and that
the present assessment roll ~e advertised be approved and the ordinance
adopted. Motion was made by Mr. Brannon. The motion was seconded
by Mr. Kabler and unanimously carried.
The following ox~ttnance was then read:
A motion was made by Mr. ~rannon that the ordinance be passed on
first reading and that the city investigate it in the meantime,
looking into rulings on such cases. Seconded by Mr. Kabler and
unanimous ly c art i ed.
A plat of Mr. Hoffman was accepted along with his offer of 40 feet
and opening the street as soon as possible, upon motion of Mr. Brannon,
seconded by Mr. MacMillan and unanimously carried.
Amotion was made by Mr. Brannon to adopt the resolution requesting
the county commissioners to open the road from the new school to
Delray Beach as well as to Boynton. Seconded by Mr. Roth and unani-
mous ly carried.
The title to the Seacrest Hotel property was discussed and upon
motion of Mr. Kabler, seconded by Mr. MacMillan and unanimously
carried, the city Manager was instructed to set stakes and draw a
sketch to be given to the City Attorney for opinion as to title.
Mr. Ewing, N.E. 8th Street was to be asked to remove a hedge
on his property, upon motion of Mr. Brannon, seconded by Mr. Kabler
end unanimously carried.
· The City Attorney was instructed to prepare an ordinance on the
OCTOBER 25, 1949
sale of beer, upon motion of Mr. Brannon, seconded by Mr. Roth
and unanimously carried.
A license for beer and ~ine from Ward Williamson, N.E. 8th
St.was approved upon motion of Mr. ~rannon, seconded by Mr. ~abler
and unanimously carried.
The Council discussed a 99 year lease ~f the Lake View Hospital
Association. A motion was made by Mr. Brannon ~hat the lease
be executed and the fee be ~1.00 instead of ~99.00, since it says
for hospital and other limited purposes. Seconded by Mr. MacMillan
and unanimously carried.
The meeting then adjourned.
May~ r ......
Cl'&,k "'
(Taken from notes of former City Clerk)