11-22-49 NOVE~BER 22ND , 19~+9.
Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Delray
Beach was held in the Council Chambers at 7:30 P.M. with Vice-Mayor
Neil E. MacMillan in the Chair, and City Attorney John Moore, City
Manager Charles E. Black, and the following Councilmen present:
L.H.Brannon and Walter A. Roth, a quorum being present.
Mrs. William Grimmig, operator of Marie's Pastry Shop, appeared
before the Council, with reference to the license fee of ~50.00 set
up in the License Ordinance for the operation of a Delicatessen Shop,
and ~15.00 additional for a Bakery. She claimed that this fee was
excessive and out of line with other licenses, and that one fee should
cover both businesses when operated together.
The complaint was referred to the City Manager for consideration
by a co~mmittee to be appointed by the Mayor for study of a revision
of the License Ordinance before the next fiscal year.
Mr. James E. Rifi, owner of the Delray Beach Pladium, located on
lots 15,16 and 17, Block 98, filed a complaint on the assessed v alua-
tion of $37,565.00 placed on the 1949 Tax Roll covering this property.
He stated that he had discussed this with ~. S.E.Burd, a member of the
Tax Advisory Committee~ who informed him that the building had been
assessed as being completed, when actually only approximately 50 feet
was completed.
Mr. Burd confirmed this statement, explaining that he had been
unable to get in the building when figuring the assessment, but had
assumed it was completed, but that the unfinished portion of the build-
ing should have been assessed as a warehouse, the same as other build-
ings in this block, which would reduce the assessment to about ~24~120.00
After consideration of 5@. Rifi's request for a reduction in the
valuation of this building, and the effect it would have on the current
budget, a motion was made by Councilman Brannon that the City Attorney
be instructed to check on the legality of changing an assessment after
the budget for the year has been set. The motion was seconded by Coun-
cilman Roth, and upon call of roll carried unanimously.
A letter from Joseph 0. Savoie, with reference to the opening of
a road to two houses which he has built just north of Germantown Road,
in Delray Manor Subdivision, was read as follows:
November 16, 1949.
Box 7~C
Germantown Road, City.
Dear Sir:
I am writing this letter to notify you in regards of the
entry to my two houses. I have 6 lots there numbers are of lots
63-64-65-66-67-68. I was at City Hall to see the City Officials
last year and asked them if City would haul enough gravel so there
would be a sufficient entry to the two homes. I would have to have
an entry.~ I cOuldn't rent my two houses on account of entry not
being there. This year is the same. Therefor I'm notifying City
officials to come and investigate.
Yours truly,
(Signed) Joseph 0'Savoie.
November 22nd, 19~9, cont.
City Manager Bl~ck explained that there was no street there,
which would mean grading and rocking, and he estimated the cost
would be at least $ 600.00.
Upon motion of Councilman Brannon~ seconded by Councilman
Roth, unanimously carried, the City Manager was instructed to prepare
an estimate of the cost of opening a street, on an assessment basis
to furnish an entry to this property.
City Manager Black advised the Council that he had inspected
the building which the colored Recreation Association was consider-
ing purchasing for a Community Center building, and found it to be
useable, and that he was getting estimates on the cost of the found-
ation, and planned to start work the following morning. He felt it
could be completed for not over the ~2,500.00 agreed upon, and possibly
within the next two weeks.
Mrs. Mabel Brown thanked the Council for its consideration at a
previous meeting of the nuisance from the operation of an automobile
paint shop by E.B.Nichols, on the corner of the S.Federal Highway and
First Street, stating that the condition had improved immediately.
An owner of property in the colored section, addressed the Council,
stating that he had been refused a permit to build an addition to an
existing building on his property, and he asked the Council to reconsider
~the granting of a permit for this work.
Mr. F.J~Schrader, Building Inspector, explained thmt this was
a No.1 Residential District, which allows only single family const-
ruction, that there were already two buildings on the property, but
he could not be given a permit in further violation of the zoning
regulations. He also stated that if allowed, all set-backs could be
complied with, and the buildings would have to be approved by the State
Hotel Commission.
Mr. Schrader urged the Council to take some action to change the
zoning in this section to allow more than one building on one lot, and
buildings of less floor space, or to eliminate District No.1 in the
colored section. He offered to work with the Zoning Board in studying
such a change.
A motion was then made by Councilman Brannon that the Zoning Board
be requested to consider a reclassification of zoning in this section
of the City, and that Mr. Schrader be asked to work with the Board. The
motion was seconded by CouncilmanRoth, and upon call of roll carried
Another colored resident asked that Block 3~ be considered by the
Zoning Board also, as he could not afford to build a house of the re-
quired size, for rental purposes.
City Manager Black advised the Council of an application for
license he had received for a Water Taxi Service. He stated that the
applicant would rent dock space at the City Docks and would operate
from one to four sightseeing and transportation boats between Delray
Beach and Palm Beach. He asked the approval of the Council on this
type of business, and the amount of license to be charged.
11/22/49, cont.
Councilman Brannon recommended that he be given a license for
$1.00 for a year~ to see if the business will be successful~ and that
a classification be included in the License Ordinance next year fixing
a license fee.
After further consideration~ a motion was made by Councilman
Brannon~ seconded by Councilman Roth~ that this business be approved~
and a license granted at a fee of $30.00~ as provided in the License
Ordinance for all businesses not otherwise classified. Upon call of
roll the motion carried unanimously.
Copy of a letter from Mr. George S. Brockway to the U.S.District
Engineer in Jacksonville~ with reference to application for permit to
construct a wharf and install mooring pilings in the Inland Waterway~
filed by J.W.Galloway and Zook Palm Nurseries~ was read as follows:
November 16~ 1949
The District Engineer
UoS.Engineer Office
Jacksonville~ Florida
Via Miami Beach Office
Dear Sir:
It is requested that a permit be granted to James W.Galloway
and Zook Palm Nurseries, Inc.~ jointly~ to build a marginal wharf
and install mooring piling in the Intracoastal Waterway at their
properties at Delray Beach~ Florida.
The project is located on the east side of the waterway just
south of the right of way of Atlantic Avenue~ and within the cor-
porate limits of Delray Beach.
Mr. Galloway owns the land east of the right of way of the
Intracoastal Waterway; and Zook Palm NurSeries, Inc.~ owns the fee
to the Waterway right of way~ with the U.S.Government having an
easement over its lands for canal purposes.
The accompanying plan shows the proposed construction and the
dredging areas.
Your favorable consideration of this application is requested.
Very truly yours~
George S. Brockway
City Manager Black asked the wishes of the Council~ as to filing
an objection with the Corps of Engineers, or approving of the permit,
or letting it take its course, stating that he felt that any good dock-
age would be a valuable asset to the City.
Upon motion of Councilman Brannon~ seconded by Councilman Roth~
and unanimously carried~ the City Manager was instructed to endorse the
application to the U.S.Engineer.
11/22/~9, cont.
A letter from Byrd & Whitley~ Attorneys, representing Alfred B.
Gawler, protesting an assessment for storm drains on S.E.lst Street,
was read as follows:
November 17, 1959
Mrs.Ruth R. Smith,
City Clerk,
Delray Beach, Florida.
Dear Mrs. Smith:
Our client, Alfred B. Gawler, has discussed with us the
assessments which have been levied against his property in Block 101~
said assessments being as follows:
$81.22 levied against S. 35.97 ft. of Lot 19,Block lO1; and
$449.25 levied against Lot 20, Block lO1.
Mr. Gawler informs me that the storm sewers as installed
are of absolutely no benefit to his property in that the sewers fail
to drain water from the street to the south of his apartment houses
and unless there is a correction made in this situation~ he does not
intend to pay the assessments, and has instructed us to take the
necessary legal action to contest the assessments on the grounds that
his property is not benefited by said storm sewers.
I would appreciate if you would file this letter with the
City Council and advise the Council that in order for a storm sewer
assessment to be valid against abutting property there must be some
benefit derived from the improvements covered by said assessments,
and in this case there is no benefit in that the water standing in
the street and sbout ~. Gawler's property is the same as it was before
the storm sewer was installed, thereby proving that ~. Gawler's prop-
erty is receiving no benefit.
Trusting that you will give this matter your immediate att-
ention and advise both the City Council and City Manager Black the
contents of this letter.
Very truly yours,
By C.Y.Byrd.
City Manager Black explained that the grade of the street drops
toward the alley and then rises, forming a low pocket which can not
be entirely drained. This would be corrected with the proposed paving
of this Street. He stated that Mr. Gawler's property was definitely
benefited by the improvement.
The letter was ordered filed until action can be taken on the
proposed over-all paving improvement program.
11/22/~9, cont.
Mrs. Mabel Brown~ owner of Lots l, 2~ and 3~ Block ll0~ also
complained of the assessment against her property for this drainage
improvement~ claiming that her property was damaged rather than
benefited~ that she is assessed for the storm drains~ that her side-
walk was damaged by the City during the installation of the drains~
and that she will also be assessed for the paving of the Street.
City Manager Black then presented an estimate of the cost of
paving S.E.lst Street from curb to curb~ from the Federal Highway
west to 3rd Avenue a distance of approximately 1000' as follows:
Estimated cost of paving - $ 6,500.00
Curb without sidewalk - 2~100 O0 additional
Combined curb and sidewalk 4,800~00 "
Total estimated cost of
paving~ curb and sidewalk ~11~300.00
In some sections there is an existing sidewalk which is useable,
Mr. Black stated~ which would reduce the cost of the project somewhat.
Councilman MacMillan felt that the majority of property ov~ers
affected should request this improvement~ as it would be assessed
against their property, claiming that if the improvement is really
needed there would be no trouble in getting a majority to request it.
CoUncilman Brannon~ however~ urged the Council to consider this
paving project~ and also the paving of S.E.4th Avenue from curb to
curb~ from 1st Street south to 2nd Street~ feeling that the City
needed this improvement immediately. He contended that such improve-
ments would increase the value of the abutting property~ and must be
done as an over-all project in order to benefit from the drainage
improvement already made.
Councilman Roth expressed the opinion that the paving of 1st
Street from 3rd to ~th Avenues would benefit the shopping public~
also S.E.~th Avenue~ south of 1st Street to the Telephone Building~
but he did not feel that property from the Federal Highway to ~th
Avenue would be benefited.
It was the consensus of opinion of the Council that this project
should be abandoned at this time.
Councilman Brannon then moved that the City Manager be instructed
to prepare an estimate of the cost of resurfacing and opening N.E.7th
Avenue from Atlantic Avenue to 8th Street.
With reference to this motion~ City Manager Black stated that Mr.
A.Hofman would like to go ahead on his portion of the righ~-of-way,
with the paving of N.E.Sth Avenue and 6th Street~ opening ~th Avenue
to 8th Street, and 6th Street from the Federal Highway to 9th Avenue.
Councilman Brannon then changed his foregoing motion to provide
for the resurfacing of N.E.7th Avenue~to 5th Street~ then east on
~th Street to 8th Avenue~ and north on 8th Avenue to 8th Street. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Roth~ and upon call of roll carried
A motion was then made by Councilman Brannon that the City Manager
be instructed to prepare an estimate of the cost of resurfacing N.E.7th
Avenue~ from Atlantic Avenue to 5th Street~ and opening 7th Avenue from
~th Street through to N.E.8th Street. This motion was seconded by Coun-
cilman Roth~ and upon call of roll carried unanimously.
An anouncement was made by Councilman Brannon that U.S.Senator
11/22/49, cont.
Claude Peppery together with a member of the State Road Department,
would be in this City in the near future in connection with a project
for improving U.SoHighway No. i from Lantana to three miles south of
the City~ to the full width of the right-of-way, complete with
storm drains.
A motion was made by Councit~man Brannon that an estimate be
prepared of the cost of grading and surfacing S.W.~th Avenue from
W. Etlantic Avenue to S.W. 2nd Street. The motion was 2nd by Council-
man MacMillan~ and upon call of roll carried unanimously.
City Manager Black advised the Council that this project had
been on the agenda for improvement for over a year~ and he estimated
the cost would be approximately $6~000.00. N.W.First Street, from
~th Avenue west to the Seaboard Railroad~ was also on the agenda for
improvement as soon as possible.
The City Manager also advised that street lights had been in-
stalled in the colored section where no new equipment was necessary~
and estimate~ had been requested for four or five additional lights
on West Atlantic Ave.
Mr. Black stated that the cost of a rock sidewalk from 5th Avenue
west to about 12th Avenue, would be approximately ~600.00~ and that
Mr. C.Y.Byrd~ County Commissioner~ had promised to assist by furnishing
rock for that purpose.
Councilman MacMillan urged the installation of lights on ~est
Atlantic Avenue at once~ as recommended by the Jr. Chamber of Commerce.
A motion was then made by Councilman Brannon~ seconded by Council- --~
man Roth, that necessary steps to put a crushed rock sidewalk along
the north side of West Atlantic Avenue, from 5th Avenue to 12th Avenue~
and that such lights as planned for that area be installed immediately.
Upon call of roll the motion carried unanimously.
A letter from Mr. John M. Stack~ with reference to the zoning of
Lots 1:~,45,and 46, Block 12~, was presented and read as follows:
28 S.E.8th Ave. ~
Palm Square
Delray Beach~9~or ida
November 7,
City Council and
Zoning Board
City of Delray Beach, Florida.
I am the owner of Lots 43 and 42, in Block 125 Delray Beach
(formerly Linton) ~ Florida.
I have been informed that the City has changed the zoning
ordinance providing that Lots ~0+,4~ and 46 are zoned for business
purposes. These lots were formerly zoned as residential lots only. ~
I purchased my property in 1933, relying upon the zoning
ordinance~ which made my lots and other lots in the same neighborhood~
resident lots ~only. After purchasing this property~ I constructed a
11/22/49, cont.
residence upon the same. The amending of the zoning ordinance to
provide that the lots next to mine may be used for business pur-
poses would be very detrimental to my property, and I desire that
the City prohibit the use of Lots ¥+,45 and 46 for any business
purposes and re-amend the ordinance to place these lots back in
a residence zpning.
I did not approve of the changing of the ordinance whereby
lots ~:~:,~5 and 45 were changed to business and if I had been
physical able at the time this came up, I would have appeared to
protest the change.
I would like to have this letter considered as a petition
to the proper authorities asking that Lots b~+,~5 and 46 be re-
zoned as residence lots only.
Yours very truly,
(signed) John M. Stack
A petition signed by ten property owners in this vicinity was
also filed, as follows:
P E T I T I 0 N
We, the undersigned citizens and tax payers of Delray
Beach Florida, residing on S.E.8th Ave.(Palm Square)
hereby petition your board not to issue permits for any
business purpose on any property located on S.Eo 3th Ave.
(Palm Square) South of 150 feet from Atlantic Ave.
Lilly L. Hunter
Annie H. Gibbs
J. M. Stack
B. T. Hume
Wyndham R. Riker
~M. and Mrs. S.O.LeSueur
~s. T.W.Fields
L.R.Bellows &Mrs. L.R.Bellows
Delray Beach, Florida November 7, 19~9.
A motion was~mde by Councilman Roth that the letter and petition
be tabled until a hearing could be held to consider this request.
Although the Council was advised by the City Manager that this
was a case of property owners requesting a change of zoning of prop-
erty belonging to others, a motion was made by Councilman Brannon,
seconded by Councilman Roth, that it be referred to the Zoning Board
with a request for a hearing to be held, after the Board reconvenes
on December 1st. Upon call of roll the motion carried unanimously.
11/22/~9, cont.
City Manager Black stated that the Garden Club proposed to
improve the' vacant property between the Jackson Store and the Pure
0il Station on East Atlantic Avenue by planting gladiolas, and
they would also plant palm trees along the sidewalk in this block.
He also advised that the Gladiola Fair Association intended to
plant about lO,000 gladiolas on the Fairgrounds, to be in bloom
during the Fair and Festival in February.
The following letter, together with Resolution adopted by the
Property Owners Protective Association, were read as follows:
November 17, 19~9.
Dear Mr. Black:
At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the
Property Owners Protective Association this enclosed resolution
was passed. Will you please present it to the Council at their
next meeting.
Yours truly,
(Signed) Dorothy Day Mitchell
WHEREAS, the Delray Beach Property Owners Protective Association of
Delray Beach is vitally interested in this community and adjacent
territory, and
WHEREAS, the City Council of Delray Beach has accepted as their
project the improvement of Federal Highway No. l, South from the
Town of Boynton Beach through the City of Delray Beach, and
~'fHEREAS, the Delray Beach Property Owners Protective Association
is in accord with the City Council that said U.S.Highway No. 1
is in a deplorable condition and brings great discredit to the
State of Florida~ now therefore
1. That the Delray Beach Property 0wne~s Protective Association
pledges their cooperation to the City Council in their effort
to have the State Road Department of the State of Florida rebuild
said U.S.Highway No. I through the area above mentioned.
11/22/~9 cont.
2. That the Delray Beach Property 0~,mers Protective Association
requests the State Road Department to take such action as may be
necessary to eliminate this discredit to Florida.
3. That through the City of Delray Beach said U.S.Highway No. 1
be repaved for sufficient width to afford four lanes of traffics
that storm sewers~ curbs and gutters be built: and side%.ralks be
rebuilt in connection with the improvement.
4. That a copy of this Resolution be immediately forwarded to
the following: City of Delray Beach~ 21orida.
This Resolution duly presented and passed at regular meeting
of the Board of Directors of the Delray Beach Property 0vmers
Protective Association on the l~tn day of November: 1949 at Delray
Beach~ Florida.
(Signed) M,~De~'l~tt
(Attest): Dorothy Day Mitqhell
A motion was made by Councilm~ Brannon~ seconded by Councilman
Roth~ that this Resolution be accepted with tha~zs~ and upon call of
roll carried unanimously.
Councilman Mac~[illan then moved that the City Manager contact
the President of the Property 0%~ers Protective Association and
obtain permission to make copies of this Resolution~ and that copies
be sent to the same officials and organizations as the original
Resolution of the City Council were sent to. Upon call of roll the
motion carried unanimously.
Upon motion of Councilman BraD~on~ seconded by Councilman Roth~
unanimously carried~ an application for Veteran~,s license to peddle
general merchandise in the City~ filed bM Mr. George S. Mandell~ Ft.
Lauderdale~ was refused~ as Mr. Mandell is not a resident of Palm
Beach County.
Proof of publication of two Proclamations of the ~,fayor calling
a Primary Election to nominate candidates for the position of City
Councilmen~ and calling a Special Election to vote for or against
the City Charter~ were spread upon the minutes as follows:
11/22/49 cont.
t'~IEREAS~ the Charter of the City of Delray
Beach, Florida~ provides for a Primary Election
to be held for the purpose of nominating candidates
for the position of City Councilmen, and
~ff-~REAS~ pursuant to the provisions of the
said Charter, the Primary Election for the year
1949 shall be held on Tuesday, November 22nd, A.D.
1949, between the hours of sunrise and sunset,
N0~'I~ Tt~REFOP~E~ Ir J.L.SAUI~ERS~ as Mayor of
the City of Delray Beach, Florida, do hereby call
for such election to be held on Tuesday, November
22nd, A.D.1949, between the hours of Sunrise and
sunset, at the Community Center Building, 15 S.E.
Fourth Avenue, in the City of Delray Beach, Florida.
All qualified electors of the City of Delray
Be~ch, Florida, shall be qualified to vote in said
Dated at Delray Beach, Florida, on this the
~th day of November, A.D.19~9.
J. L. Saunders~
Mayor,City of Delray Beach,
Publish November 10th and 17th, 1949.
bT[EREAS~ the proposed Charter for t~e City of
Delray Beach~ Florida~ provides for a Special Election
to be held not later than December, 19~9, to vote for
or against the adoption of said Charter, ~d
t~,~REAS~ the qualified electors of the City of
Delray Beach~ Florida~ are entitled to vote either for
or against said proposed Charter~ which Charter is an
Act entitled: "AN ACT T0 ~0LISH T~ P~SENT ~¥~NICIPAL
NOW~ Tt-~F0~ I~ J.L.Sa~ders~ as Mayor of the
City of Delray Beach~ Florida, do hereby call for such
Special Election to be held on Tuesday~ November 22nd~
A.D. ,19~9, between the hours of s~rise and s~set,
at the Comm~ity Center Building, !~ S.E.Fo~th Avenue~
in the City of Delray Beach~ Florida.
11/22/49 cont.
Ail qualified electors of the City of Delray
Beach~ ~?lorida~ shall be qualified to vote in said
Dated at Delray Beach~ Florida~ on this the
8th day of November~ A.D. ~19~9.
J. L. S~U/~ERS~
Mayor~ City. of Delray Beach~
Publish November 10th and l?th~ 19~9.
An affidavit of the Clerk and Inspectors of the Primary
Election and Special Election held this day~ was read as follows:
NOV~E~,~3ER 22~.~) ~ !9~9.. .
C0%~i~Y OF P2LM
Before me, an officer capable of administering oaths~
personally appeared Ben F. S~dy~ Clerk~ and lliss Miriam
Brovm~ Mrs. Mamie Deaderick~ Pa~ E. Gringle~ Mrs. J.I.H~st,
~d L.F.Ranson~ Inspectors~ ?zho after being d~y sworn depose
and say~ each for himself~ that they will perform the duties
of Clerk and Inspectors at the Primary Election to be held in
and for the Cmt~ of Delray Beac~ Palm Beach Co~ty~ Florida~
on the 22nd day of November~ 19~9~ and that said duties will
be performed according to law~ and that they will endeavor to
prevent fr~ud~ deceit or abuse in conducting the same.
IN ?~ITNESS ~'~0F~ they have here~to prescribed their
respective names:
C~ (Signed) ~en .~. S~dy
INSPECTORS (Signed) l~'~ilena E. H~st
(Signed) paul E, Gr!ngle
(Signed) ~,F ...i~anson
(Signed) Miriam N. Bro%~
Sworn to and subscribed before me this the 22nd day of
November~ A.D. ~ 19~9.
SEAL (Signed) Ruth R. Smith
City Clerk
1!/22/~9 cont.
The certificate of the Clerk and Inspectors as to the votes
cast and the results of the Elections~ was then read as follows:
Mayor and City Co. oil
Delray Beach~
We~ the Clerk and Inspectors of today's Priory Election
certify to the following resets:
~iCHIN~ N0. ~6359 }~CHIN~ N0, 563~ TOT~
Ab sent ee
King S. Cone 93., 2 ..... 93 188
Robert Fleming
James W. Galloway 136 2 1~8 286
R. J. Holland
W. A. Jacobs 21~ 2 19~ 410
Jo~ N. Kabler ,270 3 26~ 538
Raymond C. McFadden 14~ ..... 2 13~ 282
James R. Nieder !7~ 3 l~ .... 332
Samuel 0gren 93 3 ,,. 8~ 180
TOT2~ VOTES CAST 102~ 8 Absentee
For Charter Change 2~1 CLERK: ..... B,,F.Sundy .
Against Charter Change 6~ I}~SPECTORS: Paul E, G, ringle
Miriam N.,.Brown
L.,P .Ranson
~Tilena E~ Hurst
Mamie H, Deaderick
1!/22/~9 cont.
A motion ~as made by Co~uncilman Brannon that t ~e six men
receiving the highest nu~ber of votes be certified for the General
Election to be held on December 6th~ and their names be placed on
the ballot as candidates~ also that the same Election Board be
appointed~ and voting machines be used for the General Election.
He included in this motion that the result of the election on the
Charter also be officially approved by the City Cou~cil. The
motion ~as seconded by Co~u~cilman Roth~ and upon call of roll
carried unanimously.
Coo_ncilman Brannon suggested that the ballotting on the Civil
Service and Pension Act be placed in a different location on the m
machines if possible~ ~here they ~ill not be overlooked.
Upon motion of Cou~cilman Brannon~ seconded by Co~n~cilman
Roth~ unanimously carried~ plans for construction of a Service
Station on the N. Federal Highway~ Lot 39~ McGin!ey and Gosman
Subdivision~ were approved~ as all requirements would be complied
Upon motion of Councilman Brannon~ seconded by Councilman
Roth~ unanimously carried~ permit was approved for the repairing
and remodeling of the Tenbrook Building~ located on Lot 2~ Block 77~
on East Atlantic Avenue~ according to plans filed ~,~ith the
Building Inspector.
Proof of publication of an Invitation to bid on furnishing
materials and constructing a railroad crossing and approaches
across the Florida East Coast Railway tracks at N.E.lst Street~
was presented and spread upon the minutes as follows:
The City of Delray Beach will receive sealed
bids until l~:30 ?.l,f. rEST. November 22~ 19l~-9~ at the
office of the City Engineer to furnish all materials
and construct railroad crossing and approaches across
the Florida East Coast Rail~,~ay at ~"'orth East First St,
Plans a~d elevations for this project are on file
in the office of the City Engineer.
Construction of the crossing must be co-ordinated
with authorities of ~e Florida East Coast Railv~ay by
the contractor.
The City of Delray Beach reserves the right to
question the ability of any contractor to perform this
~,zork satisfactorily~ to reject any or all bids~ and to
waive formalities.
City Manager.
November 1~ 22~ 1949.
11/22/~9 cont.
Two bids ~-~ere received in response to the foregoing notice~ as
t'i. J. Snow
Post Office Box 72~
Delray Beach~ Florida.
November 22, 1949.
FROM: t'f. J. SNOW
Please be advised I will pave to City specifications cross-
ings and approaches to crossing on N.E.lst Street and F.E.C.Ry.
for the sum of nine htmdred seventy-five dollars (,~97~.00).
Respectfully submitted,
(Signed) W.J. Snow. )
Jack E. Carver
P.O.Box 1766
Delray Beach~ Florida
November 22, 1949.
The Honorable Mayor and City Council~
City of Delray Beach~ Florida.
Please accept this as my bid for the construction of
railroad crossing and approaches at FEC Railway and North East
First Street.
~ork is to be done as outlined by the City Manager
and construction is to begin immediately.
My price for this job is ~9~2.00.
Very Truly yours~
(Signed) Jack E. Carver.
A motion was made by Councilman Brmanon that the low bid~ sub-
mitted by Jack E. Carver in the amount of ~9~2.00~ be accepted.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Roth~ and upon call of roll
carried unanimously.
Proof of publication of Invitation to bid on furnishing one
Dearborn Trash Loader for use on 19~9 Model Ford Tractor~ was
presented and spread upon the minutes as follows:
The City of Delray Beach will receive sealed bids until
~:30 P.~., E.S.T. ~ November 22~ 19~9, on one each front
end heavy duty Dearborn Loader for use on standard 1949
model Ford Tractor.
Loader to be complete with earth and tradh handling scoops.
11/22/~9 cont.
The City of Delray Beach reserves the right to inspect
equipment upon delivery~ to reject any or all bids~ and
to ~.~aive formalities.
City Manager.
November 1~ 1949.
One bid was received in response to the foregoing notice~
from the Farmers' Implement and Supply Co. of Boynton Beach~
the only dealer in this area who handles this equipment~ in the
amount of ~9 ~. 00.
Upon motion of Councilman Brannon~ seconded by Co~uncilman
Roth, unanimously carried this bid was accepted·
Proof of publication of Invitation to Bid on the construction
of a building for shop and storage of supplies at the City ~ater
Plant~ was presented and spread upon the minutes as follows:
The City of Delray Beach will receive sealed bids until
4:30 P.~.[.~ E.S.T.~ Tuesday November 22~ 19~9~ for the
construction of a building for shop and storage of sup-
plies a~ the City ¥;ater Plant.
Plans and specifications may be secured from the office
Of the City Engineer upon payment of $2.00 or may be
inspected at the engineer's office.
The City of Delray Beach reserves the right to question
the capabilities of any contractor to perform the work
necessary~ to reject any or all bids~ and to waive for-
November 1[~ 22~ 19%9. City Manager.
Seven proposals were received in response to the above
notice~ as follows:
· '~' ~ 43?.00
1 Thieme Construction Co. - ,~
2. Chapmae~ Brothers - q~ ~ 9~0.00
3. Triest Construction Co. - ',~ 930.00
~. Thayer and Ennis, Inc. - ~ 67 051+. [0
%. ?~. M. ~'~at er s - ~ 860.00
6. James I. Sint~s - ~ $ 0[1.00
?. Arthur E Lanz ~ ~ 740.00
(Copy of low bid follows:)
Arthur E. Lanz
Building Contractor
Delray Beach~ Florida.
November 22~ 19~9.
11/22~+9 cont.
Mr. C. E. Black
City Manager,
City of Delray Beach~ Florida.
Dear Sir:
Bid on Shop and Storage Building
City Water Department.-
Furnish all material, labor~ tools and equipment to
erect said building according to plans prepared by the City,
dated November 11~ 19~9~ for the sum of Five Thousand Seven
Hundred and Forty Dollars (~5~7~0.00).
This includes septic tan]~ and fifty feet of drain field
not sho~a~ on plans.
Ail materials used shall be purchased locally~ and all
sub-contractors and labor shall be local.
By ~ A~thur E. Lanz.
A motion was made by Councilman Brannon that the low
bid, submitted by Arthur Lanz, in the amount of Q~5,7~0.00, be
accepted, subject to the furnishing of a performance bond. The
motion was seconded by Councilman MacMillan, and upon call of
roll carried, Councilmen Brannon and Saunders voting in favor
of the motion, and Councilman Roth opposing.
~Lr. Black explained that funds for this building were
set up in the budget for the current year, and that it .had been
badly needed for many years.
The following Ordinance was then brought up for second
and final reading~ and same was read in full:
T~[EP~ 0F.
That in order to provide more uniform specifications
and specifications of a higher standard for concrete block and
other masonry construction in the City of Delray Beach~ Florida~
it is therefore.,
Section 1: That no concrete block or other masonry
construction shall be used in the erection or construction of
any building within the City of Delray Beach unless said concrete
block or other masonry construction shall conform to the following
11/22/49 cont.
Section 2. (a) l~,~I~I~'fO]I ~ijUIRi]I,~]i[TS:
C~ompressive strengths, The average compres-
sive strength of concrete block units laid up in the wall shall be
600 lb. per square inch of gross area.
Absorption: Concrete block exposed to
weather shall have a maxim~l absorption of lg lbs. of water per
cubic foot of concrete.
Compression: In concrete block %~alls and
piers subject to axial loads~ the average %uait compressive stress
shall not exceed 100 lbs. per sq. in. for lime-cement mortar~
1~0 lbs. per sq. in. for cement mortar.
Shear: ~he %u%it shear in concrete block
masonry shall not exceed one-tenth (I/lOth) the allowable unit
compressive stress.
Bearing: The unit bearing stress in con-
crete block masonry supporting beams~ colun~s~ and other concentra-
tions~ and the maximum~ stress in masonry walls and piers including
stress due to calculated bending ~and eccentric loading: shall not
exceed by more than twenty-five (2~) percent~ the allowable aver-
age stress given in this Section.
Concentrations: In concrete block walls~ reinforced
concrete supporting members shall be provided under all load con-
centrations~ ~,~hich when calculated over a length of wall not more
than the actual bearing or more than twice the wall thic!maess and
combined with other loads ~ould otherwise exceed the allowable
compressive stresses of this Section.
Thic!cness: Concrete block walls shall have a least
thickness as specified elsewhere in the Section. The minimum
thickness for masonry bearing walls shall be eight ($) inches and
for masonry piers shall be not less than one-tenth (i/lOth) of
the unsupported height.
Section 3. ~SONRY ARC!~S:
Load bearing masonry arches in wall or
floor construction shall not be permitted except with the special
permission of the Building Inspector and then shall be subject to
such requirements as he may prescribe.
Section ~. ~I!~0RCED i.~ISONRY:
Such types of reinforced lintel and pier
block construction as have been accepted by the City~ upon recom-
mendation of a registered Florida construction engineer: may be
permitted in lieu of the poured horizontal and vertical reinforce-
ment specified in this Seetion~ but its use shall be linited to
one-story residential construction~ conforming~with the general
spacing requirements noted below~ and subject to such further re-
strictions as the building Inspector may require.
Second-hand brick~ stone~ block and other
masonry units shall not be used in masonry unless they conform to
the requirements of this Code~ are sound and c!ean~ and approved
for use by the Building Inspector.
11/22/49 cont.
Section 6. ~[TERiOR ~LLS~ LOf~ING-BE~YRING ~,~ FIRE
?.IAL I.~S:
General: Masonry walls constructed of sol-
id or hollow units or of poured concrete and used for all exterior
and load-bearing or fire-separation purposes~ shall comply with
the requirements of this section~ shall have a mini~n thicl~ness of
eight (8) inches and shall be reinforced with a reinforced concrete
framework in the wall so that there shall be not more than eighteen
(18) times the wall thic~mess between any two horizontal members
nor more t~an twenty-two (22) times the wall thic~auess between any
two vertical members. No roof or other members shall be so placed
as to develop any direct thrust against walls.
Restrictions: Load-bearing masonry walls
shall not exceed a total height above grade of forty (40) f~et~
exclusive of parapet walls and such walls which are forty (40)
feet or less in height shall be considered as load-bearing unless
specifically designed and constructed as part of a skeleton frame.
Horizontal Hembers: Horizontal reinforced
concrete members~ as part of the framework required in this Sec-
tion~ shall be located at each floor and roof level and at such
intermediate levels as may be required to comply with the maximum
spacing of eighteen (18) times the wall thickness. Such members
shall be continuous in all exterior loadbearing and fire-walls and
shall comply with the requirements bel~ as to minimum dimensions~
areas ~d reinforcing. The reinforcing shall be divided to four
(4) bars and shall be located in the corners two (2) inches from
each face. Reinforcing bars shall be securely held in place by
approved suspension wires. Splices shall not be less than forty
(40) diameters. Changes in the level of horizontal members~ ~,~ith-
in the allowed limits~ shall be made at vertical members and no
inclined member shall be considered as replacing a horizontal one.
Vertical Members: In one-story concrete
block residential construction~ where the total wall height does not
exceed 10 feet between the top of the footing and the bottom of
the tie beam~ the distance bet~een vertical reinforced concrete
members may be increased to thirty (30) times the wall thicPmess~
except at ~oints of concentrated loads as provided above~ and ex-
cept that ¥" x 12" poured jambs shall be required for all open-
ings wider than 6~ feet~ and for all corner openings. Building
walls which have a height exceeding ten (10) feet shall have vert-
ical reinforced concrete members at such points as may be necess-
ary to comply With the m~imum spacing of twenty-two (22) times
the wall thickness. In all cases where corner openings are used
without corner support~ vertical members shall be provided adjacent
to each such opening jamb. Such members shall be continuous from
the foundation through the full height of ~e wall exclusive of
any parapet ~,~all and they shall conform in dimensions~ area~ and
reinforcing to the requirements below~ The reinforcing shall be
divided to not less than four (4) bars for wall columms~ all of
the bars in one (1) colmnn to be uniform in size and to be lo-
cated at the corners two (2) inches from each face. Reinforcing
bars shall be held in place by not less than one-fourth (1/4) inch
hoops spaced not over two (2) feet. Splices shall be not less than
11Z22/~9 cont,
twenty-four (2~) diameters and all such members shall be dowelled
to the foundations with a number and area of dowels at least
equal to the reinforcing required for the col~nn, ¥~en necessary~
such vertical members may be offset at horizontal members to avoid
openings~ but the minimum spacing shall not be e~ceeded nor shall
any such offset member be located over an opening~ in a load-
bearing ~all below,
Exceptions: Bonded corner block construction~
or approved corner pipe columns continuous from footing to tie
beamy will be acce~ted as required vertical reinforcing,
Section ¥, Size~ 0f ~.~el~be~s~ Horizontal ~d vertical
members of the framework shall ~t least comply ~ith the require-
ments of the following table:
Total ?fall Horizontal ~embers Vertical i.lembers
Height Hinimum Hinimum Minimum Mimimum Mim, Min,
Dimen- Cross Rein- Dimen- Cross Rein-
Exclusive sion Area forcing sion Area forcing
of Parapet (inches) (Sq,In,) (Sq,in,) (inches) (Sq,in.)(Sq.in,)
~{inimum 8 96 0.98 8 96 1.0
Up to 20' 8 96 0.98 8 96 1.0
Over 20' 8 128 1.2 8 l~a+ 1.2
Horizontal members shall be considered adequate to support
normal loads over wall openings not exceeding 6~ feet~ and corner
openings not exceeding 4 feet~ provided that the top steel reinforcing
area in cantilevered corner members shall be a minimum of 0,~9 sq,in,
~ere openings greater than above mentioned are to be used~ the hori-
zontal member shall be investigated as a beam,
Yfhere~ for architectural reasons or other~ise~ it is
desirable to reduce the area of any member of the framework below
the requirements~ the Building Inspector may grant such reduction~
provided that the area of concrete omitted shall be replaced by rein-
forcing or structural steel in the ratio l:(n-1),
Piers: ~fnen openings in walls are so arranged as to
leave sections of wall ~hich are less~han two (2) times the ~zall
thic!m~ess~ such sections shall be of reinforced concrete constructed
as required for vertical members,
Chases: The minimum a!lov~able depth for pipe chases
in concrete block walls shall be one inch (1"),
Wall Additions: ~ere new ~alls are co~muected to
existing walls~ such connections shall be by means of a vertical
reinforced concrete member. Proper provisions shall be made for
possible settlement and for lateral stability o'f the v~al!.
11/22/49 cont.
Section 9. P~L '.ZLLLS:
Exterior concrete block panel walls in build
ings of skeleton frame construction shall not exceed eighteen (18)
times the wall thiclm~ess in height nor thirty (30) times the wall
thiclmues~ in length~ and shall be bonded to the frame members by
one inch (l") deep by three inch (3") mortar keys provided in
these members or by two one-quarter inch (1/~") dowels every third
c ourse.
Section 10. P~w~PET 'JALLS.
Masonry parapet walls shall be not less than
eight (~) inches thick and if over 36" above the tie beam~ shall be
reinforced with vertical reinforced concrete members as required
for building walls which are less than twenty (20) feet high as
specified in this Section and shall be coped with a reinforced con-
crete member not less than thirty-two (32) square inches in cross-
sectional area~ which coping shall be reinforced with not less than
~. one-half (1/2) inch round bars placed at the mid-height and
two (2) inches from each side. The reinforcing of the vertical members
shall be well anchored in the coping.
Section 11. GABLE W,~LLS.
Gable wall~ which have an area in excess of
fifty square feet shall have inclined members at %ue top of 64 sq. in.
minimum area~ with two 1/2" bars.
Section 12. Severability~, Each of the provisions of this
ordinance are severable~ and if any provision shall be declared to
be invalid~ the remaining provisions shall not be affected but shall
remain in full force and effect.
Section 13. RePealing provisions: All ordinances or parts
of ordinances in conflict ~,;ith this ordinance are hereby repealed.
Section 1%. Penalty. Any person violating any of the
provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdeameanor
and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not exceeding Five Hund-
red (~00.00) Dollars or by imprisonment in the City Jail not exceed-
ing thirty (30) days~ or by both such fine and imprisornnent.
PASSED in regular session on the second and final reading
on this the 22nd day of November: A.D.1949.
(SiNned ~_J. L. S aunde r s
President~ City Council
ATTEST: (S. iMne. d), ,,J.L. Saunders
Ruth R. Smith ........... Mayor
City Clerk
1st Reading~- October ll~ 19%-9.
2nd Reading - November 22~ 19~9.
Passed and approved - November 22, 19~9.
Upon motion of Councilman Br~nnon~ seconded by_Councilman Roth,
unanimously carried~ the foregoing Ordinance ~o. G-ug~ was passed
and adopted as read ....
11/22/49 cony.
An Ordinance to provide for a gratis license for residents of
the City who are sixty-five years of age or more~ was brought up
for second and final reading~ and same ~as read in full as follows:
ORDINA~'~CE N0. G-90
AI.! Ot~II.[~ki?CE OF TIthE CI~{ CObq~CIL OF Tit~ CIk~ OF
~ .... ~ PERT~Ii~?ING T0 BUSIi~!ESS~ I ~Oi~S~iOI~AL
...... P~ BV PROFiDIi~;~O TiiAT i~S-
IDEllTS O? ~ !TY ~7~0 7~ oI~t~-FI~ .... ~o 0F
A6E 0R 0'C:]R Si~llLL DE ~?~.PIED FROI, Z SUCH Z~IC~,~o::,S UP01~T
THE ..i~'T'ROVAL 07 ~Z~:~] C I2~ C 0Ui~ZG IL.
BE IT 0P~AI}~D by ~he C'+
z~Z Codicil o~ ~l~e City o~ Del~ay
Beach~ Florida~ as follows:
Section 1: That Section 26~ of Ordinance G-ii be~ and
the same is hereby amended to read as follows:
"That all co~"irmed cripples or invalids~ physically
incapable of manual !abor~ and all United States Uar Veterans
and widows who are dependent upon 'their o~u~ exertions~ shall be
allowed to peddle ~,~it?~out paying a license~ using their o~.~ capi-
tal only~ not in e~{cess of FI~E i~D DOLL~iRS~ and in tl~e Co~ty
in ~hich they are permanent residents~ Pi{OV~ED~ such exemption
shall be allowed o~y upon a certificate of the City Physician
as to the disability therein named~ ~~-?~?~'~~~ I~0VIDIi~G that
an actual bona fide resident of the City of Delray Beach ~ho is
szxty-zzve (6~) years of~ age or over shall be e~{empted from
payment of a~ business~ professional or occupational license of
the City of Delray Beach~ ?lorida~ upon approval of the City
Co~cil. This shall not be construed or meant to include transient
persons~ begging ~d/or soliciting".
Section 2: Ail Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in
co~lict herewith are hereby repealed.
Passed in regular session on the second and final
reading on this the 22n~ day of i'lovember~ ~:i.D. 1969.
(SiKned,,> J,L. S,a~ders
AT.ST: President~ City Co~cil.
Ruth R. Smith
City Clerk (SiKned) J.L.Sa~ders
1st Reading - November 8~ 19~9.
2nd Reading - November 22~ 1949
Passed and adopted - l'lovember 22nd~ 1969.
~ motion was made by Cot~cilman Bra~on that the ~ ~oregomn~' ~
Ordinance Nc.G-90 be passed and adopted as read~ and upon call of
roll carried ~animously.
A letter from I.,[argaret and 2~drew Ryals~ asking that they be
placed on the list of charity water acco~ts~ was read as follows:
11/22/49 cont.
General Delivery
Delray Beach~ ?lorida.
City Council~
~ear Sir:
~ father Andrew Ryals has been in the hospital and is
not able to work.
I am going to school and c~r~not support him and myself.
I get a little ends and odds jobs and my friends are helping to
support us. I'll appreciate your cancelling our ~ater Bill.
Sincerely yours~
~,~rgarett & ~kndrewRyals.
Upon motion of Councilman Bral~non~ seconded by Councilman Roth~
u~animously carried~ the request was referred to the City ~anager for
such action as necessary under our existing Ordinance.
The meeting then adjourned.
Ruth R~ Smith
' C~ty Cle~rk.