01-05-48 ~A~I~ARY 5TH, 1948. Regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Delray Beach ~as held in the Council Chambers at 7:30 P.M. with Mayor M. M. DeWitt in the Chair, and City Attorney J. W. Now!in and the fo!lo~in__g Councilmen present: B. C. Butler, F. B. McNeece, and C. J. White, a quorum being present. The m~nutes of the Council meetings held December 23rd and 26th were presented and approved as written. A letter from Mr. J. W. Nowlin, resigning his position as City Attorney, to be- come effective immediately, was read as follows: "January 5, 1948. The Honorable City Council Delray Beach, Florida Gentlemen: In ~y of 1938 Mr. John H. Adams and I were appointed as City Attorneys. ~fter Mr. Adams' death in 1944 I continued to serve in this capacity up to the present time. During m~ years of work ~ith the City it has been my pleasure to serve under m~y Councils. My work ~ith you Councilmen during the past t~o years has been es- pecially pleasant. A new City Council will soon be organized. I have talked with the three newly elected Councilmen who will assume office tonight and they h~ve informed me that they do not desire my services as City Attorney. Since these three men will constitute a majority of the Council, they will have the controlling vote in the selection of an Attorney to fill such office. I do not ~ant to be the cause of dissention in the new Council. I hope that the ne~ City Attorney can be selected by unanimous vote. For that reason I wish to tender my resignation as City Attorney to take effect immediately. Again let me e×- press to you members of the Council the pleasure I have had in working with you dur- ing your term of office. To you two members of the Council who will continue in office, may I say that at any time I can be of service to you in any civic capacity it will be a pleasure to work with you. May I also take this opportunity to thank the citizens of Delray Beach for their kindness and consideration dur~n§ the past ten years. They have been most helpful in solving the many problems which come before a City Attorney and so coop- erative in every ~y that I trust that the time will soon come ~hen I can again serve our community in the same capacit~y that it has been my privilege to serve it during these past years. Sincerely yours, (Signed) J. W. Nowlin J. W. NOWLIN" Upon motion of Councilman Butler, seconded by Councilman McNeece, and unani- mously carried, the resignation of Mr. Nowlin as City Attorney was accepted with regrets. J~NUARY 5TH, 1948 Mayor DeWitt then expressed his thanks and appreciation to the members of the Council and to the City Attorney for their assistance and cooperation for the past two years, during his term of office as Mayor; and also to the Department Heads~ the Zoning and Planning Boards, and to the members of the various Committees and Inspec- tors, for their help to the Council, stating that it had been a pleasure to work with them, and that he had always received the greatest cooperation. There being no more business to come before this Council, the meeting adjourned sine die. City Clerk APPROVED: The Organization Meeting of the City Council of the City of Delray Beach was held in the Council Chambers at 8:00 P. M. with the following Councilmen present: M. M. DeWitt and C. J. White, and the newly elected Councilmen L. H. Brannon, John N. Eabler, Jr. and ~eil E. MacMillan. The oath of office was administered to the three new Councilmen by the City ~lerk, after which n~Bations were made for the office of Mayor for the coming year. Mr. L. H. Brannon was nominated by Councilman DeWitt, as being an outstanding citizen of the City, an Attorney, a member of the Methodist Church, President of the Parent Teacher's Association, and a member of the Lions Club. The nomination was seconded by Councilman White. Councilman MacMillan then nominated Councilman Kabler for the office of Mayor, stating that Mr. Kabler had received the highest number of votes in the recent elec- tion, and he would like to follow the precedent of other Cities in allowing the top man to be Mayor, as he felt it eliminated politics among the Councilmen. The motion was seconded by Councilman Brannon. A motion was then made that nominations be closed, and a vote taken on the two candidates, which-resulted as follows: L. H. Brannon - 3 Votes John N. Kabler,Jr. - 2 Votes Mr. Brannon was declared elected Mayor of the City for the year 1948, and as- sumed the Mayor' s Chair. Mayor Brannon then addressed the Council and the audience, stating that in ac- cepting the nomination and election to the office of Mayor he did so with the full realization of the obligations placed upon him, and that he would do everything within his poMer during the coming year for the up-building of Delray Beach, and the furtherance of happy relations between the members of the Council, the City employ- ees, and the public at large, that it would always be his ambition to become as able and efficient in this office as the man whom he was succeeding had been. He thanked the members of the' Council for their vote of confidence shown in selecting him May- or for the coming year. The first order of business being the appointment of Department Heads for the present year, Mayor Brannon recommended the continuance in office as Municipal Judge W. E. Wilcox, stating that he considered Judge ~lilcox a man of the highest type~ who was known to all citizens in the City, nd in whom he had the utmost confidence. A motion was made by Councilman DeWitt, seconded by Councilman MacMillan, that the recommendation of Mayor Brannon that Judge W. E. Wilcox be reappointed Munici- pal Judge for the ensuing two years, be approved, sad upon call. of roll the motion carried unanimously. An application filed by Attorney John Moore, for the position of City Attor- ney was read, whereupon a motion was made by Councilman Kabler, seconded by Coun- cilman white, that Mr. John Moore be appointed to serve as City Attorney for the coming year, and upon call of roll the motion carried unanimously. Councilman MacMillan stated that in voting for Mr. Moore he did not intend to cast any disparagement on Mr. Nowlin, retiring City Attorney, as he considered him to be a man of the greatest integrity, but he did so believing theft the position of City Attorney should be rotated among the Attorneys in the City. Mayor Brannon then recommended that Mr. R. C. Croft be reappointed as Chief ~f Police for the coming year, and upon motion of Councilman White, seconded by Council- man DeWitt, unanimously carried, the appointment was confirmed. The recommendation of Mayor Brannon that Mrs. Ruth R. Smith be reappointed as City Clerk and Treasurer for the coming year was confirmed in a motion made Council- man MacMillan, seconded by Councilman White, and upon ~call of roll unanimously carried. Councilman Kabler then moved that all other Heads of Departments, and employees Of the City, be reemployed for the current year, with the exception of the Auditor. The motion was seconded by Councilman White, and upon call of roll carried unanimously. The following applications for positions were then read: Application for Superintendent of Public Works filed by Wilson Harvel Application for Superintendent of Streets filed by Waco Webb. No action was taken on the foregoing applications, the Council feeling that the City Manager should be given an opportunity to become acquainted with the work dir- ectly under him before making a change in this Department. Applications for the position of City Manager, filed by the following persons~ were presented for the consideration of the Council: Mr. Charles E. Black of West Palm Beach, Florida Mr. Clifford William Gehrun of Canton, Ohio Mr. Clyde ~. Swank of Fort Pierce, Florida As the applicants had been personally interviewed by all of the Councilmen, a motion was made by Councilm~n Kabler, seconded by Councilman MacMillan, that Mr. Charles E. Black be employed as City Manager for the coming year. Upon recommendation of Councilman DeWitt, the foregoings, motion was amended to read that Mr. Black be employed as City Manager by the City of Delray Beach for the current year by a unanimous vote of the Coca,il, at a salary of $450.00 per month. The motion was seconded by Councilman MacMillan as amended. Two applicants for the position of Building Inspector, filed by Mr. Edwin S. Butler and Mr. T. H. Popp, were tabled until the City Manager could have an oppor- tunity to interview the applicants. Upon motion of Councitm~n Kabler, seconded by Councilman White, the time for holding Council meetings was continued on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month at 7:30 P.M. The request of the Veterans of Foreign Wars for permission to use the U. S. O. JANUARY 5TH, 1948. Building on Wednesday night, January 7th, for a Bingo Game for the benefit of their Building Fund was granted in a motion by Councilman DeWitt, seconded by Counc~lm~n White, and unanimously carried. The request of Mr. M. U. Mounts, County Agent for Agricultural Extension Ser- vice of the College of Agriculture of the University of Florida, for permission to use the U. S. 0. Building on the night of January 14th for a meeting of farmers in this area, ~as granted in a motion by Councilman White, seconded by Councilman De ~itt, and upon call of roll unanimously carried. A motion w~s made by Counci!m~ Kabler, that the order of business for future Council meetings be changed so that the audience would be given a change to present their business to the Council directly after the approval of the minutes, or before routine business of the Council would be taken up, to encourage the public to attend Council meetings. The motion ~s seconded by Councilman MacMillan, and upon call of roll carried unanimously. It was the consensus of opinion of the Council that Dlans should be started for a reregistration of voters in the City, which, under the provisions of the Charter may be required every five years, or in July of 194~. A motion was then made by Councilman Brannon, seconded by Councilman Kabler, that copies be made of the proposed new City Charter, and furnished to all Civic Organizations as soon as possible, as the Charter will be voted on at a Special Referendum Electiou to be held on February 10th, 194~. Upon call of roll the motion carried unanimously.' A motion was then made by Councilman Kabler, seconded by Councilman MacMillan, that each Department Head be instructed to prepare an inventory of all equipment, including any surplus equipment they might have, for the informati°n of the City Manager. Upon call of roll the motion carried unanimously. The following list of Majo~ and Minor projects which confront the City at the present time, was submitted by ouncilman Kabler, and discussed with the Comncil: MAJOR PRO~ECTS 1. Water Plan (in progress) 2. Sewage System )present policy - plan to work on) 3. City Planning (how to proceed) 4. Surface-Drainage (lay inexpensive plans) 5. Ocean Boulevard (in progress) 6. City Beautification 7. Tax Equalization of Improvements 8. City Dump PRIORITY AND LIST OF MINOR CURRENT PROJECTS 1. Street Repairs (assign two trucks and efficient crews; system of upkeep) ~ANUARY 5TH, 1948 2. East Walk of Ocean Boulevard and Life Guard Stands, Showers 3. Parking lot on Beach 4. Finish Gleason Street 5. Rain shelters on the Golf Course 6. City storm drains (system of upkeep) 7. List requested Water Extensions ° 8. List requested Street' Light extensions COLORED PROJECTS 1. Surface Drainage Plan (Major project) · 2. Sidewalks for school children (by assessment) 3. Enforcement of sanitary conditions 4. Pavement S. W. 4th St. for two Blocks (by assessment) 5. Pavement N. W. 6th St. for two Blocks (by assessment) 6. List requested water extensions CounciLman White recommended that a second volley ball Court be set up on the Beach, as there was a demand for this kind of amusement. The Clerk was instructed to request Mr. Frederic Dunn-Rankin, City Auditor, or an Auditor from his organization, to come to Delray Beach for a conference with the City Manager, to go over the financial status of the City at this time. ~_~ Mayor Brannon advised the Council that the terms of office of two members of the Zoning Board had expired on January 1st, and recommended that Mr. Kenneth Jacobsen and Mr. Paul Gringle be appointed to fill these vacancies, to serve for three year terms, asking the approval of the Council of these recommendations. Councilman MacMillan felt tho~t members of this Board should have been residents of the City for a longer period of time than Mr. Gringle had been,, and suggested that Mr. Kenneth Montgomery be appointed to serve on this Board. Mr. Montgomery, however, refused to accept the appointment, and after discussion by the Council, a motion was made by Councilman MacMillan, seconded by Councilman Eabler, that Mr. Frank P. Gracey and Mr. Kenneth Jacobson be appointed to serve on the Zoning Board for a term of three years, and upon call of roll the motion carried unanimously. Several persons in the audience addressed the Council, requesting immediate ac- tion to have the light installed on the Shuffleboard Courts, which were broken or. damaged by the hurricane in September. They were assured by the Council that the~ lights would be installed within a few days, theft the posts were being made, and every- thing possible was being done to speed up the replacement of the lights. At the request of Miss Dorothea Galvin, the letter of application filed by Mr. Charles E. Black, together with referenced furnished, was read in full as follows: "224 NE12th Street Delray Beach, Florida December 31, 1947 City Council Delray Beach, Florida JANUARY 5TH, 1948 Gentlemen: It is requested that the undersigned be considered for the position of City Manager of the City of Delray Beach. For your information, the following brief personal history is presented: Born Carthage, Mo. September 30, 1907. Graduated from Aransa Pass, Texas High School 1926. Worked two years as clerk and assistant manager in general merchandise store. Graduated with BS de~ree in Mechanical Engineering from New Mexico A & M in 1933; was elected to Honorary mngineering Fraternity, and Editor of college weekly paper. Em- ployed ~y Texas Electric ~Service Co., Fort Worth, Texas, 1933 to 1941. Called to active arm~ duty~as 1st Lt. August 10, 1941. Transferred overseas (West and Central Africa) September 21, 1942 as Captain. Returned to United States June 26, 1945 as Major~ Separated from service November 14, 1947 as Lt. Colonel, USAF*Reserve and AUS. While with the Tex~s Electric Service Co. I worked every position in a 54,000 KW plant from feed pumps operator to plant operating engineer; also on high voltage electrical transmission, maintenance of all equipment and compiling and preparing reports. During my six years and four months on active army duty, I served approximately four and one half years as Utilities Officer or Post Engineer. This work included admin- istration and supervision of buildings up to $50,000. per unit, all maintenance and repair of buildings, construction and maintenance of roads, walks, railroads~ and drainage. Maintenance, repair, and extensions to all utilities including electric, gas, water, sewage collection and disposal, and garbage collection and disposal. Supervision of Fire Department and inspection of all facilities for fire prevention. I have done office Work and bookkeeping and supervised organizations comparable to all the city functions of Delray Beach. Above all, I take pride in maintaining a cooperative attitude among the personnel under my supervision. As previously stated, the minimum salary acceptable for this position is $450.00 per month. Your consideration will be appreciated and I would welcome an opportunity to talk with all of any members of the Council. Request that all letters and documents submitted herewith be returned after con- sideration of this application. Very truly yours, (Signed) Charles E. Black CHARLES E. BLACK Incls" JANUARY 5TH, 1948. "December 31, 1947 TO WH~ IT ~Y cONcERN: I have known Maj. Chas. Black since December 1945, first in his official capa- city at that time as Post Engineer for Morrison Field and later through association with him on several matters. From this association and observation I acquired re- spect for Maj. Black's abilities and his character as a man. Consequently, it is a pleasure to recommend him for his ability in management, conStruction, handling of personnel and equipment and understanding public utility and civic problems. Also for his character and personality which includes sincer~ earnestness of purpose and the knack of getting along with people. Yours truly, (Signed) J. M. Boyd J. M. BOYD County Engineer JMB: GP" "FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT CCNPANY West Palm Beach, Fla. December 31, 1947 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : This will introduce Mr. Charles E. Black, who has recently been placed on in- active duty with the U. S. Army Reserve where he ha8 been a Lieutenant-Colonel in the U. S. Army Air Corps and was Post Engineer at Morrison Field Army Air Base from February 1946 to April 1947 and has been Post Engineer at other Army Air Bases in the United States. I have known Colonel~Black for some two years and been associated with him through his position at Morrison Field in a business way during that period as well as socially. In my business contacts with Colonel Black, I have found him to be an engineer of excellent qualifications and ability. It would seem to me, that with Colonel Black's experience as an engineer prior to his Army services and' his exper- ience with the A£-iqy as Post Engineer, it would certainly qualify him for the posi- tion of a City Manager in almost any town or city. His work with the U. $. Engineers required that he administrate all utilities~ buildings and facilities necessary to the operation of an Army Air Base and in this work he has demonstrated his abilities beyond question. In addition to his excellent qualifications as an engineer, I have found him to be a man of excellent personal habits and having the qhalities of a very fine man. JANUARY 5TH, 1948 Y wish to recommend Colonel Black very highly for whatever position he may be seeking, requiring the capabilities outlined above. Sincerely, (Signed) R. D. Hill R. D. HILL" "CITY OF LAKE WORTH Lake Worth, Florida 7 April 1947 Colonel G. S. Cassady, Commanding Officer ll03d k~F Base Unit, NAW-ATC Morrison Field, Florida Dear Colonel: Last Wednesday our own tractor arrived from the factory and was put to work at our sanita~-y landfill garbage disposal site. It is a Caterpillar D-4, Trax- cavator equipped. During the 10 months of operation to date, equipment borrowed from you and from Boca Raton Field enabled us to carry on this most important public health service. Without your cooperation this city would have suffered a crisis of no mean dimension. Your post engineer, Maj Charles E Black, deserves the highest praise for his keen interest in our project. His cooperative attitude t~uout our association is a credit to the z~il~tary service. I want to add my personal thanks to the gratitude of our citizens who recog- nize the extent of your contribution to our improved refuse disposal system. Sincerely yours~ (Signed) Tom G. Smith Tom Ga Smith Mayor" "HEADQUARTERS, MOBJqISON FIELD WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA (ll03D AAF BASE U~T,ATLD-;~TC) lO April 1947 201.22 SUBJECT: Letter of Appreciation. JANUARY 5TH, 1948. TO: Major Charles E. Black Air Installations Officer ll03d AAF Base Unit Morrtson Field, Florida The Commanding Officer notes with interest the letter of appreciation from Mr. Tom G. Smith, Mayor of the City of Lake Worth, You are to be comended for the kind of cooperation which elicits such a response from tBe M~yor. (Signed) George S. Cassady GEORGE S. CASSADY Colonel, Air Corps Commanding i Incl. Ltr 7 Apr 47" "ll03D AAF BASE UNIT CARIBBEAN WING, ATC Morrison Field West Palm Beach, Florida l0 April 1946 201-BLACK, Charles E. (o) SUBJECT: Commendation TO: Major Charles E. Black, 0306 787 Morrison Field ~est Palm Beach, Florida 1. Your performance of duty and conduct as an officer, while serving as a member of this Command, has been exemplary in every way. 2. In your capacity as Post Engineer, you ~ve consistently discharged your responsibilities with the highest degree of intelligence, resourcefulness and in- tegrity. Your thorough technical knowledge and keen understanding of your duties enabled you to accomplish all improvements, modifications, and repairs to build- ings and grounds with the utmost dispatch, yet with strictest regard for economy measures as outlined by higher headquarters. 3. It gives me great pleasure to take this opportunity of expressing m~ very real appreciation for your service while a member of my C~m~and. Wm. L. PLUMMER Colonel, Air Corps Co~nding" JANUARY 5TH, 1948. "Atlantic Division 15 July 1945 BLACK, Charles E., Major 0306 787 SUBJ~CT: Commendation TO: Major Charles E. Black, 0 306 787 Post Engineer Morr~son Field, Florida 1. You were recently assigned to represent this base in a matter of coor- dinating and planninE activities of mutual interest between this base and the City of Lake Worth,~'lorida. The manner in which you accomplished this assign- ment is reflected in the following excerpt from a letter from the City of Lake Worth: "Y our representative in this matter, Major Charles E. Black, the Post Engi- neer, deserves the highest praise. His attitude at every meeting was one of ~rm- est courtesy and cheerful help, and reflects great credit on the m~_litar~ organi- zation you are commanding at Morrison Field."~ 2. I take this occasion to commend you for the superior performance of this assignment. 3. A copy of this commendation will become a part of your perm~_~ent 201 File. JOSEPH C. MACKEY Lt. Col Air Corps Commanding" Mayor Brannon then stated that he felt that in caring for the needs of the tourist, the streets, etc., recreational entertainment facilities for the child- ren of the City were being completely overlooked, recommending that a concrete skating rink be constructed in the City Park, which he felt could be built at a nominal cost. He stated that the children need properly supervised recreation and consideration when they are out of school. Mr. Brannon was advised that the skating rink at the U. S. O. building could be made available for the use of the children, and supervision would be provided by the Committee which would have ch~rge of the building and its operation. There is also a skating rink at the ~^~thletic Field which the children are able to use. Mayor Brannon then assured the audience that the City Council was a servant of the public, and liked to know their needs and wants, and that he hoped the public would attend the meetings of the Council. Council then adjourned to the next regular meeting to be held at 7:30 P. M. on Tuesday, January 13th, 1948. APPROVED: City clerk